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Comparison of Insect Emergence from Natural and Artificially Modified Sections of a Stream, the Fuhlenau, in Schleswig-Holstein There are no detailed reports in the literature concerning the relationships between the degree to which artificial conditions along a stream have replaced natural ones and the zoobenthos colonization. The ecological effects of mechanical disturbances from channelization, maintenance, or similar activities are given as causes of reductions in individual abundances and species diversity. The ecological effects are essentially more complex and should be determined separately for each of the individual taxa. The conclusions are based on emergences recorded in traps during a six month period from May to October.  相似文献   

N. pseudonarcissus und N. poeticus kommen in Nordwest- und Mitteleuropa sekundär in armen Triseteten und Arrhenathereten vor. N. pseudonarcissus hat weitere Vorkommen im Calthion, Molinion und Nardo-Galion; N. poeticus im Mesobromion. Primärstandorte von N. poeticus sind im Caricion ferrugineae, von N. pseudonarcissus im Calamagrostion arundinaceae zu finden Förderlich für die Entwicklung von N. pseudonarcissus ist ein ausgeglichenes Klima mit kühlen Sommern und milden Wintern Auf Grünlandstandorten wird N. pseudonarcissus durch einen phänologi-schen Vorsprung vor den anderen Wiesenarten gefördert; es ist dabei gleichgültig, ob dieser durch Wiesenbewässerung, durch “natural mulch” oder durch ein atlantisches Klima erreicht wird N. pseudonarcissus kommt in Wäldern im Acerion der Vogesen und in Niederwäldern der Ardennen vor. Auch hier ist die bodenklimatische Begünstigung in Abhängigkeit vom Waldtyp und der Exposition der ökologisch wichtigste Faktor  相似文献   

The phytoplanktonic primary production was estimated in the River Elbe (average flow 325 m3/s) by ODUM 's twin and single curve analysis of changes in the oxygen content (1- and 2- SGA). The results were affected by the severe and varying waste water load and the non-uniform conditions along the upstream river stretch. It is shown how the gross primary productivity was corrected by using the photosynthesis-light-relationship. At favourable measuring sites, single curve analysis gives similar values as ODUM 's twin curve method. But they scatter more when applied to establish the photsynthesis-light-relationship.  相似文献   

The covariance matrix of the least-squares-estimator for the coefficients of the mixed model of linear regression is deduced. This serves as a base to work out procedures experimental design for point and confidence estimations of the regression coefficients and the regression function. So it was shown, that the C-, A-, D- and G-optimal designs in the mixed model are the same as in model I. Further an assertion for sample size determination is proved especially for point estimation of the regression function.  相似文献   

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