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Several protein synthesis inhibitors were as effective as the inducers hydrocortisone or cyclic AMP in elevating rat liver tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA levels when assayed in the wheat germ cell-free translational system. Cycloheximide, emetine, or puromycin increased this mRNA activity 6- to 7-fold within 4 h after in vivo administration. No increase in total hepatic mRNA levels or tryptophan oxygenase mRNA was found after treatment with these protein synthesis inhibitors. Furthermesults suggest that a short lived protein may specifically regulate the level of functional hepatic tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA or that ongoing translation of this mRNA is required for its degradation.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that autophagy in plants is important for nutrient recycling and plays a critical role in the ability of plants to adapt to environmental extremes such as nutrient deprivation. Recent reverse genetic studies, however, hint at other roles for autophagy, showing that autophagy defects in higher plants result in early senescence and excessive immunity-related programmed cell death (PCD), irrespective of nutrient conditions. Until now, the mechanisms by which cells die in the absence of autophagy were unclear. In our study, using biochemical, pharmacological and genetic approaches, we reveal that excessive salicylic acid (SA) signaling is a major factor in autophagy-defective plant-dependent cell death and that the SA signal can induce autophagy. These findings suggest a novel physiological function for plant autophagy that operates via a negative feedback loop to modulate proper SA signaling.  相似文献   

Disease resistance in Arabidopsis is regulated by multiple signal transduction pathways in which salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene (ET) function as key signaling molecules. Epistasis analyses were performed between mutants that disrupt these pathways (npr1, eds5, ein2, and jar1) and mutants that constitutively activate these pathways (cpr1, cpr5, and cpr6), allowing exploration of the relationship between the SA- and JA/ET-mediated resistance responses. Two important findings were made. First, the constitutive disease resistance exhibited by cpr1, cpr5, and cpr6 is completely suppressed by the SA-deficient eds5 mutant but is only partially affected by the SA-insensitive npr1 mutant. Moreover, eds5 suppresses the SA-accumulating phenotype of the cpr mutants, whereas npr1 enhances it. These data indicate the existence of an SA-mediated, NPR1-independent resistance response. Second, the ET-insensitive mutation ein2 and the JA-insensitive mutation jar1 suppress the NPR1-independent resistance response exhibited by cpr5 and cpr6. Furthermore, ein2 potentiates SA accumulation in cpr5 and cpr5 npr1 while dampening SA accumulation in cpr6 and cpr6 npr1. These latter results indicate that cpr5 and cpr6 regulate resistance through distinct pathways and that SA-mediated, NPR1-independent resistance works in combination with components of the JA/ET-mediated response pathways.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to determine whether cell death plays a role in the antiproliferative action exerted by polyamine synthesis inhibitors. To estimate the rate of tumor cell death, we measured the loss of 125I from mice harboring Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in which DNA was labeled with 5-125I-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine. DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine (0.85 mumoles/g body weight/6 h), and enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, and methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) (45 nmoles/g body weight/6 h), an inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, were both found to increase the rate of 125I excretion. Our data suggest that these polyamine synthesis inhibitors provoke an increase in the rate of tumor cell death beyond that normally occurring during growth, methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) being considerably more potent than DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine. These in vivo data were corroborated by a study where the host-mediated responses did not have to be considered. Thus, Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were adapted for suspension growth in culture and treated with methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) or DL-alpha-difluoromethylornithine. The growth kinetics and the colony forming efficiency of the drug-treated cells clearly show that polyamine synthesis inhibitors not only slow the growth rate but also cause an increase in tumor cell death.  相似文献   

Suspension cultures of Habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) were exposed to salicylic acid or methyl jasmonate to change secondary metabolism. Both treatments led to the accumulation of capsaicinoids and their late biosynthetic intermediate, vanillin. Both elicitors had a positive effect on the activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase and coumarate O-methyltransferase, but none of them represented the main limiting step for capsaicinoid accumulation since vanillin contents were two orders of magnitude higher than those of capsaicinoids.  相似文献   

The ability of salicylic acid and NaCl to induce programmed cell death by disturbing ionic homeostasis was investigated using tomato suspension culture cells. NaCl (300?mM) and salicylic acid (1?mM) inhibited cell growth and caused cell death within 1?wk of exposure. Treatment with NaCl increased the production of reactive oxygen species and the permeability of plasma membrane, but it also led to a reduction in the pH of the culture medium and resulted in a disturbance in ionic homeostasis of the cells. Salicylic acid-induced cell death in tomato suspension culture was also accompanied by production of reactive oxygen species and increases in both electrolyte leakage and pH of the culture media. However, reactive oxygen species production was not significantly different in cultures treated with a lethal salicylic acid concentration and 100?mM NaCl, in which most of the cells survived. A decrease in the K+/Na+ ratio was observed only in those cell cultures in which the salicylic acid treatment induced the death of cells. These results suggest that the decrease of the intracellular K+ concentration and K+/Na+ ratio is a common phenomenon in triggering programmed cell death by lethal concentrations of salicylic acid and NaCl.  相似文献   

Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a potent innate immunity system in plants that is induced through the salicylic acid-mediated pathway. N-cyanomethyl-2-chloroisonicotinamide (NCI) is able to induce a broad range of disease resistance in tobacco and rice and induces SAR marker gene expression without SA accumulation in tobacco. To clarify the detailed mode of action of NCI, we analyzed its ability to induce defense gene expression and resistance in Arabidopsis mutants that are defective in various defense signaling pathways. Wild-type Arabidopsis treated with NCI exhibited increased expression of several pathogenesis-related genes and enhanced resistance to the bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. NCI induced disease resistance and PR gene expression in NahG transgenic plants, but not in the npr1 mutant. NCI could induce PR gene expression in the etr1-1, ein2-1 and jar1-1 mutants. Thus, NCI activates SAR, independently from ethylene and jasmonic acid, by stimulating the site between SA and NPR1.  相似文献   

比较了茉莉酸甲酯与真菌诱导物、水杨酸组合对红豆杉细胞几个抗病相关指标(POD、CAT活力、H2O2含量)及紫杉醇含量的影响,3种信号分子的组合对POD、CAT、H2O2及紫杉醇含量的影响是不一致的,MJ单独添加,MJ与SA联合作用以及MJ与F5联合作用都可使POD活力增加,且12h后H2O2含量均升高,约在48h达到高峰,为对照的2倍左右,但72h后,MJ单独添加和MJ与SA联合作用组中H2O2含量变化不大,F5与MJ联合作用则使H2O2含量持续比对照高。MJ单独添加使CAT酶活在144h后才较对照低,F5、SA的加入都可使CAT酶活下降,SA的作用更显著。说明三者的诱导途径并不完全一样,以SA和MJ联合添加对紫杉醇合成的促进作用最大,含量达到细胞干重的0.04%。  相似文献   

Adenoviruses have proved to be excellent tools for gaining insight into the regulation, and deregulation, of the mammalian cell cycle. With the widespread clinical use of gene therapy fast approaching, there comes a need for a better understanding of how the cell death process is regulated. A greater understanding will allow the development of therapeutic approaches that both maximise transgene expression while minimising cytotoxicity to the target cell. Consequently, much adenovirus research has centered on understanding the mechanisms governing adenovirus induced cell death or apoptosis. This review discusses recent advances in the field of adenovirus cell death regulation and evaluates the roles of implicated gene products and their respective data. The data suggest the existence of multiple virus gene products involved in cell death regulation and point towards several distinct, yet related, cell death pathways. A discussion of the shortcomings of current adenoviral research, along with a proposed model based upon the data is also given.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cell death in suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidata induced by exogenous salicylic acid and/or H2O2 was investigated. H2O2 (0.012% v/v) alone changed the permeability of cell membrane while salicylic acid (0.375 mM) not only altered the permeability but also caused nuclei condensation and a small amount of nuclei fragments. The combined use of salicylic acid (0.375 mM) and H2O2 (0.012% v/v) changed the cell membrane permeability more significantly and nuclei fragments occurred in ca. 30% of the cells at 48 h. DNA ladders of 180 bp and oligopolymers, characteristics of the apoptotic cleavage of nuclei DNA, were observed by agar electrophoresis. These results show that exogenous salicylic acid and H2O2 could synergistically induce the apoptotic cell death of suspension cultures of Taxus cuspidata.  相似文献   

Rairdan GJ  Delaney TP 《Genetics》2002,161(2):803-811
Salicylic acid (SA) and the NIM1/NPR1 protein have both been demonstrated to be required for systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and implicated in expression of race-specific resistance. In this work, we analyzed the role that each of these molecules play in the resistance response triggered by members of two subclasses of resistance (R) genes, members of which recognize unrelated pathogens. We tested the ability of TIR and coiled-coil-class (also known as leucine-zipper-class) R genes to confer resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato or Peronospora parasitica in SA-depleted (NahG) and nim1/npr1 plants. We found that all of the P. syringae pv. tomato-specific R genes tested were dependent upon SA accumulation, while none showed strong dependence upon NIM1/NPR1 activity. A similar SA dependence was observed for the P. parasitica TIR and CC-class R genes RPP5 and RPP8, respectively. However, the P. parasitica-specific R genes differed in their requirement for NIM1/NPR1, with just RPP5 depending upon NIM1/NPR1 activity for effectiveness. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that at least in Arabidopsis, SA accumulation is necessary for the majority of R-gene-triggered resistance, while the role of NIM1/NPR in race-specific resistance is limited to resistance to P. parasitica mediated by TIR-class R genes.  相似文献   

Two isoperoxidases were detected in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) leaves. Treatment of the primary leaves with 10mM salicylic acid increased the total peroxidase activity contributed by the anionic isoform. To isolate both the anionic and cationic peroxidases the leaf crude extract was loaded on a Superose 12 HR 10/30 column followed by chromatography on Mono-Q HR 5/5. Both enzymes were stable in a pH range from 5 to 7. The optimum-temperatures for the cationic and anionic peroxidase isoforms were, respectively, 20-30 degrees C and 30 degrees C. The dependence of guaiacol oxidation rate varying its concentration at constant H(2)O(2) concentration showed, for both enzymes, Michaelis-Menten-type kinetic. Apparent K(m)(s) were 0.8 and 4.8 microM for the cationic and anionic isoperoxidases, respectively.  相似文献   

Jaborandi seedlings were subjected to different treatments in order to study the induction of pilocarpine in the leaves. In addition four extraction methods were assessed to extract the alkaloid from dried leaves. The highest yielding extraction and recovery was observed when dried leaves were first treated with base and then extracted with chloroform. Salt stress (NaCl), wounding, hypoxia, and N and K omission of the nutrient soln caused reductions in pilocarpine contents. Whereas complete nutrient soln and P omission maintained normal levels of the alkaloid. Salicylic acid and methyljasmonate induced a 4-fold increase of pilocarpine, but this increase was dependent on the concentration and time after exposure.  相似文献   

Several examples of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants utilize ricinosomes, organelles that appear prior to cell death and store inactive KDEL-tailed cysteine proteinases. Upon cell death, the contents of ricinosomes are released into the cell corpse where the proteinases are activated and proceed to degrade any remaining protein for use in adjacent cells or, in the case of nutritive seed tissues, by the growing seedling. Ricinosomes containing pro-SlCysEP have been observed in anther tissues prior to PCD and ricinosome-like structures have been observed in imbibed seeds within endosperm cells of tomato. The present study confirms that the structures in tomato endosperm cells contain pro-SlCysEP making them bona fide ricinosomes. The relative abundance of pro- versus mature SlCysEP is suggested to be a useful indicator of the degree of PCD that has occurred in tomato endosperm, and is supported by biochemical and structural data. This diagnostic tool is used to demonstrate that a sub-region of the micropylar endosperm surrounding the emerged radical is relatively long-lived and may serve to prevent loss of mobilized reserves from the lateral endosperm. We also demonstrate that GA-induced reserve mobilization, SlCysEP accumulation and processing, and PCD in tomato endosperm are antagonized by ABA.  相似文献   

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