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Pulmonary surfactant protein SP-C is a 35-residue polypeptide composed of a hydrophobic transmembrane alpha-helix and a polycationic, palmitoylated-cysteine containing N-terminal segment. This segment is likely the only structural motif the protein projects out of the bilayer in which SP-C is inserted and is therefore a candidate motif to participate in interactions with other bilayers or monolayers. In the present work, we have detected intrinsic ability of a peptide based on the sequence of the N-terminal segment of SP-C to interact and insert spontaneously into preformed zwitterionic or anionic phospholipid monolayers. The peptide expands the π-A compression isotherms of interfacial phospholipid/peptide films, and perturbs the lipid packing of phospholipid films during compression-driven liquid-expanded to liquid-condensed lateral transitions, as observed by epifluorescence microscopy. These results demonstrate that the sequence of the SP-C N-terminal region has intrinsic ability to interact with, insert into, and perturb the structure of zwitterionic and anionic phospholipid films, even in the absence of the palmitic chains attached to this segment in the native protein. This effect has been related with the ability of SP-C to facilitate reinsertion of surface active lipid molecules into the lung interface during respiratory compression-expansion cycling.  相似文献   

In the present work, the hydrophobic properties of proSP-B, the precursor of pulmonary surfactant protein SP-B, have been analyzed under different pH conditions, and the sequence segment at position 111-135 of the N-terminal domain of the precursor has been detected as potentially possessing pH-dependent hydrophobic properties. We have studied the structure and lipid-protein interactions of the synthetic peptides BpH, with sequence corresponding to the segment 111-135 of proSP-B, and BpH-W, bearing the conservative substitution F127W to use the tryptophan as an intrinsic fluorescent probe. Peptide BpH-W interacts with both zwitterionic and anionic phospholipid vesicles at neutral pH, as monitored by the blue-shifted maximum emission of its tryptophan reporter. Insertion of tryptophan into the membranes is further improved at pH 5.0, especially in negatively-charged membranes. Peptides BpH and BpH-W also showed pH-dependent properties to insert into phospholipid monolayers. We have also found that the single sequence variation F120K decreases substantially the interaction of this segment with phospholipid surfaces as well as its pH-dependent insertion into deeper regions of the membranes. We hypothesize that this region could be involved in pH-triggered conformational changes occurring in proSP-B along the exocytic pathway of surfactant in type II cells, leading to the exposure of the appropriate segments for processing and assembly of SP-B within surfactant lipids.  相似文献   

Deuterium (2H) NMR has been used to observe perturbation of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers by the pulmonary surfactant protein B (SP-B) at concentrations up to 17% (w/w). Previous 2H NMR studies of DPPC/dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) (7:3) bilayers containing up to 11% (w/w) SP-B and DPPC bilayers containing up to 11% (w/w) synthetic SP-B indicated a slight effect on bilayer chain order and a more substantial effect on motions that contribute to decay of quadrupole echoes obtained from bilayers of deuterated DPPC. This is consistent with the perturbation of headgroup-deuterated DPPC reported here for bilayers containing 6 and 9% (w/w) SP-B. For the higher concentrations of SP-B investigated in the present work, 2H NMR spectra of DPPC deuterated in both the headgroup and chain display a prominent narrow component consistent with fast, large amplitude reorientation of some labeled lipid. Similar spectral perturbations have been reported for bilayers in the presence of the antibiotic polypeptide nisin. The observation of large amplitude lipid reorientation at high SP-B concentration could indicate that SP-B can induce regions of high bilayer curvature and thus provides some insight into local interaction of SP-B with DPPC. Such local interactions may be relevant to the formation, in vitro and in vivo, of tubular myelin, a unique structure found in extracellular pulmonary surfactant, and to the delivery of surfactant material to films at the air–water interface.Abbreviations DPPC 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - DPPG 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol - DPPC-d62 1,2-perdeuterodipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - DPPC-d4 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-(, perdeutero)-choline  相似文献   

This study focused on two hydrophobic fractions (HF-A and HF-B) isolated from porcine lung surfactant (LS) that had similar phospholipid composition, but HF-A consisted of the hydrophobic LS specific proteins (SP-B and SP-C), in contrast to HF-B. Monolayers spread in a Langmuir trough were formed at the air/water interface of both fractions and the rate of adsorption-desorption and the respreading potential of the LS constituents was studied during six consecutive compression/decompression cycles of the monolayers. By drawing a comparison between the behavior of HF-A and HF-B monolayers on the subphase of 150 mm NaCl, either with or without additional Ca2+, we estimated the role of hydrophobic LS proteins and Ca2+ ions for LS surface activity. The results demonstrated much higher ability of the HF-A sample, compared to HF-B, to maintain lower surface tension (γ) during monolayer compression and its better respreading capacity during decompression. For instance, at a surface concentration corresponding to 80 Å2 per phospholipid molecule, the HF-A monolayers showed a much lower γ max value (surface tension at 100% of the trough area), being ca. 31.0 mN/m, compared to the HF-B monolayers (γ max? 62.0 mN/m). The surface tension after compression to 20% of the initial area (γ min) reached ca. 7.0 and 19.0 mN/m in the HF-A and HF-B monolayers, respectively. Better respreading of the HF-A monolayers compared to the HF-B monolayers was due to the faster adsorption and spreading of LS phospholipids during decompression, facilitated by the hydrophobic proteins. As the phospholipid composition of both fractions was similar, we showed that the hydrophobic surfactant proteins were responsible also for the prevention of the irreversible loss of material from the surface during monolayer compression/decompression. The effects observed demonstrated also that the hydrophobic surfactant proteins were the stronger determinant, compared with Ca2+ ions, for the surface tension decrease and respreading of the monolayers during film compression/decompression. For instance, when the HF-A monolayers were spread on a subphase with an additional 5 mm Ca2+ ion content, no significant changes were detected in the γ min and γ max values between the first and sixth cycle, compared to the monolayers spread on a subphase of 150 mm NaCl only. However, in the absence of positively charged SP-B and SP-C (HF-B sample) in highly compressed monolayers, Ca2+ ions were able to cause the effects shown by SP-B and SP-C, although to a less extent. The role of the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions is discussed for the better respreading of LS components in the presence of LS proteins and Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

Infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) of lipid/protein monolayer films in situ at the air/water interface provides unique molecular structure and orientation information from the film constituents. The technique is thus well suited for studies of lipid/protein interaction in a physiologically relevant environment. Initially, the nature of the IRRAS experiment is described and the molecular structure information that may be obtained is recapitulated. Subsequently, several types of applications, including the determination of lipid chain conformation and tilt as well as elucidation of protein secondary structure are reviewed. The current article attempts to provide the reader with an understanding of the current capabilities of IRRAS instrumentation and the type of results that have been achieved to date from IRRAS studies of lipids, proteins, and lipid/protein films of progressively increasing complexity. Finally, possible extensions of the technology are briefly considered.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction of a major apolipoprotein of pulmonary surfactant with mixtures of lipids analogous to those found in natural surfactant. The apolipoprotein was extracted from canine surfactant and was purified to about 90% homogeneity. The apolipoprotein was mixed with liposomes of lipids in buffers containing 0.1 M sodium chloride and 3 mM calcium chloride at 22°C for 2 h or 37°C for 30 min. Two fractions were separated by centrifugation in sucrose density gradients at 15 000 rev./min. One was comprised of an aggregated, relatively high density recombinant lipoprotein which sedimented to a position toward the bottom of the centrifuge tube; the other remained at the top of the centrifuge tube and was mainly comprised of unbound lipid. The amount of lipid recovered as a sedimenting lipoprotein was dependent upon its composition. Those mixtures of lipids which contained dipalmitoyl phosphatidylglycerol formed sedimenting complexes which comprised 14% to 53% of the recovered lipid; those without phosphatidylglycerol formed such aggregates with less than 13% of the available lipid. Moreover, the lipid-to-protein stoichiometry of the recombinant was also dependent upon phosphatidylglycerol, and lipids containing this phospholipid displayed enhanced binding at a critical concentration of lipid which varied with temperature and composition. Calcium was required to form the sedimenting complex at 37°C. These results suggest that phosphatidylglycerol may be involved in the formation of a micelle-like complex, the stoichiometry of which is regulated over a narrow range of lipid concentration, and the structure of which involves calcium. The physiological advantage of forming this complex has not been determined. We found, however, that lipids containing phosphatidylglycerol absorbed more rapidly to an air/liquid interface than did those without. This rate of adsorption was further increased after interaction with the apolipoprotein.  相似文献   

Three compounds of the pulmonary surfactant – dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG), and the surfactant associated protein C (SP-C) – were spread at the air-water interface of a Langmuir trough as a model system to mimic the properties of natural surfactant. Fluorescence microscopical images of the film formed at the interface were obtained during compression using a fluorescence dye bound covalently either to phosphatidylcholine or to SP-C. The images were quantified using statistical methods in respect to relative areas and relative fluorescence intensities of the domains found. In the early stage of compression, film pressure rose slightly and was accompanied by a phase separation which could be recognized in the images by the formation of bright and dark domains. On further compression, after a steep increase of film pressure, a plateau region of constant film pressure started abruptly. During compression in the plateau region, fluorescence intensity of the bright domain formed in the early stage of compression increased. The increasing fluorescence intensity, the non-Gaussian intensity distribution of the bright domain, and the small mean molecular area of the film in the plateau region gave rise to the assumption that multilayer structures were formed in the late stage of compression. The formation of the multilayer structures was fully reversible in repeated compression-expansion cycles including the plateau region of the phase diagram. The ability of lipid/SP-C mixtures to form reversible multilayer structures during compression may be relevant to stability in lungs during expiration and inhalation. Received: 13 February 1997 / Accepted: 22 May 1997  相似文献   

 Factors that contribute to the control of reduction potential by protein matrix are examined within a spherical protein model. These include the nonpolar nature of protein matrices, solvent accessibility of the redox center, and net charges and dipoles of surrounding amino acids. Simple rules on their effects are established. In particular, surface charges have little effect on the reduction potential, and polar groups may either increase or decrease the reduction potential, depending on their orientations relative to the redox center. The effects of complex formation, proton titration, and ionic strength are also discussed. Received, accepted: 26 November 1996  相似文献   

SP-B8–25 is a synthetic peptide comprising the N-terminal helix of the essential lung surfactant protein SP-B. Rat lung oxygenation studies have shown that SP-B8–25 retains some of the function of full-length SP-B. We have used deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H-NMR) to examine the influence of SP-B8–25 on the mixing properties of saturated PC and unsaturated PG lipids in model mixed lipid bilayers containing dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) and palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidylglycerol (POPG), in a molar ratio of 7:3. In the absence of the peptide, 2H-NMR spectra of DPPC/POPG mixtures, with one or the other lipid component deuterated, indicate coexistence of large liquid crystal and gel domains over a range of about 10°C through the liquid crystal to gel transition of the bilayer. Addition of SP-B8–25 has little effect on the width of the transition but the spectra through the transition range cannot be resolved into distinct liquid crystal and gel spectral components suggesting that the peptide interferes with the tendency of the DPPC and POPG lipid components in this mixture to phase separate near the bilayer transition temperature. Quadrupole echo decay observations suggest that the peptide may also reduce differences in the correlation times for local reorientation of the two lipids. These observations suggest that SP-B8–25 promotes a more thorough mixing of saturated PC and unsaturated PG components and may be relevant to understanding the behaviour of lung surfactant material under conditions of lateral compression which might be expected to enhance the propensity for saturated and unsaturated surfactant lipid components to segregate.  相似文献   

Interfacial tension has been determined for phosphatidylcholine-cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine-phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylethanolamine-cholesterol membranes. Phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and cholesterol (Ch) were to be investigated, because of their presence in biological membranes. Interfacial tension values of pure components are 0.81×10−3 N/m, 1.67×10−3 N/m, and 2.36×10−3 N/m, respectively. The 1∶1 complexes were formed during formation of the PC-Ch, PC-PE, and PE-Ch lipid membranes. The following parameters describing the complexes were determined: A 3 −1 , the surface concentrations of the lipid membranes formed from these complexes; γ3, the interfacial tensions of such membranes and K, the stability constants of these complexes.  相似文献   

Mixed surfactants have potential applications in various fields. The understanding and prediction of their macro- and microscopic properties are of great importance in the designing of these materials. We used molecular dynamics (MD) and experiments to study the interfacial tension and the microscopic structures of the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)/C4mimBr mixed surfactant at the water/hexane interface. The interfacial tension, density profile, radial distribution function (RDF), orientation distribution of the tails and order parameters have been examined. It seems that the addition of C4mimBr decreased the interfacial tension; a higher C4mimBr concentration resulted in a thicker interface, a smaller droplet, and more disordered SDS tails. The competition between free volume and electrostatic shielding seems to be the primary mechanism behind these phenomena.  相似文献   

 Di-heme Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome c 4 has been characterized by electronic absorption and resonance Raman spectroscopies in the ferric and ferrous forms at pH 7.5 and at room temperature. The data indicate that the two hemes are inequivalent. It is proposed that the N-terminal contains a more relaxed heme as a consequence of the relative orientation of the methionine and histidine ligands with respect to the N-Fe-N directions of the heme plane. This causes a weakening of the Fe-S bond with concomitant partial dissociation of the methionine and the formation of an Fe-aquo bond. Heme group relaxation is further accompanied by less distortion of the heme group than that associated with cytochrome c, expansion of the "core" and a negative shift of the redox potential. Received: 17 December 1996 / Accepted: 6 March 1997  相似文献   

Addition of ionic and nonionic polymers can improve the function of therapeutic surfactants in vitro and in vivo, especially under conditions that tend to inhibit surfactant activity. Since surfactant proteins also act to reduce surfactant inhibition, we studied the relative effects of a synthetic peptide (that mimics some of the properties of a surfactant protein), polymers, and their combination on function of surfactant phospholipid activity in vitro. We evaluated surface activity after adding polymers—polyethylene glycol or hyaluronan—to a lipid mixture with or without the synthetic peptide, sinapultide (KL4). Using a pulsating bubble surfactometer, we measured peptide/polymer effects separately or combined at two peptide concentrations. Phospholipid mixtures, with or without KL4 or polymers, all demonstrated good surface activity. With serum present as an inhibiting agent, adding either concentration of KL4 reduced inhibition. Mixtures containing the higher concentration of KL4 required higher concentrations of serum for inhibition to occur. Adding either polymer to mixtures with KL4 further decreased susceptibility to inhibition (required higher serum concentrations). In the presence of serum, high molecular weight hyaluronan with KL4 at 0.4 mg/ml improved surface activity to a greater degree than 0.8 mg/ml KL4 without polymer. If the beneficial effects of adding polymer to KL4-lipid mixtures are also borne out in the treatment of experimental lung injury, these peptide-polymer surfactant combinations may eventually prove useful in the treatment of some forms of acute lung injury in humans.  相似文献   

 The pulp of ripe bananas (Musa acuminata) contains an abundant thaumatin-like protein (TLP). Characterization of the protein and molecular cloning of the corresponding gene from banana demonstrated that the native protein consists of a single polypeptide chain of 200 amino acid residues. Molecular modelling further revealed that the banana thaumatin-like protein (Ban-TLP) adopts an overall fold similar to that of thaumatin and thaumatin-like PR-5 proteins. Although the banana protein exhibits an electrostatically polarized surface, which is believed to be essential for the antifungal properties of TLPs, it is apparently devoid of antifungal activity towards pathogenic fungi. It exhibits a low but detectable in vitro endo-β-1,3-glucanase (EC 3.2.1.x) activity. As well as being present in fruits, Ban-TLP also occurs in root tips where its accumulation is enhanced by methyl jasmonate treatment of plants. Pulp of plantains (Musa acuminata) also contains a very similar TLP, which is even more abundant than its banana homologue. Our results demonstrate for the first time that fruit-specific (abundant) TLPs are not confined to dicots but occur also in fruits of monocot species. The possible role of the apparent widespread accumulation of fruit-specific TLPs is discussed. Received: 7 January 2000 / Accepted: 26 April 2000  相似文献   

Field experiments with foraging parasitoids are essential to validate the conclusions from laboratory studies and to interpret differences in searching and host selection behaviour of parasitoid species. Furthermore, field experiments can indicate whether the parameters measured in the laboratory are relevant to elucidation of the ecological processes under study, such as adaptation or species interactions. In previous extensive laboratory studies we studied plant- and host-searching behaviour, host acceptance, host suitability; host plant preference, and learning of two congeneric parasitoids of Pieris caterpillars: the generalist Cotesia glomerata, which has been reported to attack several Pieridae species, and C. rubecula, a specialist of the small cabbage white Pieris rapae. In the present field study our aim was to verify the importance of these previous laboratory findings for explaining the performance of these two species in the field. We investigated experimentally whether parasitism on three Pieris species varied with parasitoid species and with food plant of the caterpillars. We exposed different types of host plants, infested with different Pieris species, to parasitism by natural populations of Cotesia species, by setting the experimental plants out in Brussels sprouts cabbage fields. Furthermore we made direct observations of parasitoid foraging in the field. In general, the field results confirmed our predictions on the range of host plant and host species used in the field. The two Cotesia species appear to coexist through niche segregation, since C. glomerata was mainly recovered from P. brassicae and C. rubecula from P. rapae. Although C. glomerata is a generalist at the species level, it can be a specialist at the population level under certain ecological circumstances. Our study shows the importance of variation in host plant attraction and host species acceptance in restricting host plant and host diet in the field. Furthermore the results suggest that, at least in the Netherlands, specialisation of C. glomerata on P. brassicae may occur as a result of C. rubecula outcompeting C. glomerata in P. rapae larvae. Received: 8 July 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

SP-A, the major protein component of pulmonary surfactant, is absent in exogenous surfactants currently used in clinical practice. However, it is thought that therapeutic properties of natural surfactants improve after enrichment with SP-A. The objective of this study was to determine SP-A effects on physical properties and surface activity of a new synthetic lung surfactant based on a cationic and hydrophobic 21-residue peptide KLLLLKLLLLKLLLLKLLLLK, KL(4). We have analyzed the interaction of SP-A with liposomes consisting of DPPC/POPG/PA (28:9:5.6, w/w/w) with and without 0.57 mol % KL(4) peptide. We found that SP-A had a concentration-dependent effect on the surface activity of KL(4)-DPPC/POPG/PA membranes but not on that of an animal-derived LES. The surface activity of KL(4)-surfactant significantly improved after enrichment with 2.5-5 wt % SP-A. However, it worsened at SP-A concentrations > or =10 wt %. This was due to the fluidizing effect of supraphysiological SP-A concentrations on KL(4)-DPPC/POPG/PA membranes as determined by fluorescence anisotropy measurements, calorimetric studies, and confocal fluorescence microscopy of GUVs. High SP-A concentrations caused disappearance of the solid/fluid phase coexistence of KL(4)-surfactant, suggesting that phase coexistence might be important for the surface adsorption process.  相似文献   

The alveolar respiratory unit constitutes one of the main targets of inhaled nanoparticles; the effect of engineered nanomaterials (NMs) on human health is largely unknown. Surfactant protein D (SP-D) is synthesized by alveolar type II epithelial cells and released into respiratory secretions; its main function is in immune defence, notably against inhaled microbes. SP-D also plays an important role in modulating an appropriate inflammatory response in the lung, and reduced SP-D is associated with a number of inflammatory lung diseases. Adsorption of SP-D to inhaled NMs may facilitate their removal via macrophage phagocytosis. This study addresses the hypothesis that the chemistry, size and surface modification of engineered NMs will impact on their interaction with, and adsorption of, SP-D. To this purpose, we have examined the interactions between SP-D in human lung lavage and two NMs, carbon nanotubes and polystyrene nanoparticles, with different surface functionalization. We have demonstrated that particle size, functionalization and concentration affect the adsorption of SP-D from human lung lavage. Functionalization with negatively charged groups enhanced the amount of SP-D binding. While SP-D binding would be expected to enhance macrophage phagocytosis, these results suggest that the degree of binding is markedly affected by the physicochemistry of the NM and that deposition of high levels of some nanoparticles within the alveolar unit might deplete SP-D levels and affect alveolar immune defence mechanisms.  相似文献   

The near-isogenic Line TA523, containing a 40-cM introgression at the bottom of chromosome 1 from Lycopersicon hirsutum acc. LA1777, affects several agronomically important traits. A set of recombinant lines (subNILs) derived from the original NIL TA523 were developed in order to fine-map, by substitution mapping, the genetic factors included within the original introgression. In the current experiment, TA523 showed redder, rounded, less pigmented shoulder, lower-weighted fruits and higher brix, whereas higher yield and brix*yield was observed only in the hybrid TA253×TA209 suggesting heterosis for these traits. By substitution mapping we mapped independent genetic loci affecting brix, yield and fruit shape, whereas fruit weight, shoulder pigmentation and external color mapped to a position coincident with the brix locus. Analysis of the subNILs revealed that the gene action of most of the QTLs was additive or nearly additive. The exception was for the yield QTL which was dominant (d/a=0.7), eliminating the possibility that yield increase is due to true overdominance at a single gene locus. However, no negative yield effects were detected in other regions of the introgressed segment, as would be predicted by a dominance complementation model. Therefore, epistatic interactions among genetic factors along the introgressed segment are suggested as the cause of yield heterosis. Results from this study, combined with previous experiments involving different tomato wild species, demonstrate that the base of chromosome 1 of tomato contains multiple QTLs affecting various agronomic and fruit traits and that these effects can not be attributed to the pleiotropic effects of a single locus. Received: 21 April 1999 / Accepted: 17 June 1999  相似文献   

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