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A simple and reproducible method for isolating oxyntic glands from the rat gastric mucosa was developed. The mucosa was incubated with pronase and EGTA, and then treated mechanically to release glands that were separated from single cells by sedimentation. Parietal cells were identified by immunostaining using a monoclonal antibody against H,K-ATPase. The glandular cells appeared morphologically intact. By careful control of the conditions of gland isolation, long glandular structures comprising hundreds of cells surrounding the lumen were obtained. Intraperitoneal injection of Br-deoxyuridine in the rat 1.5 h before the isolation procedure resulted in glands with a labeling of cells in their neck region. The glands were viable, as demonstrated by their ability to respond to various hormones. Histamine dose-dependently stimulated the acid formation which was measured as the accumulation of [14C]aminopyrine. At 100 microM histamine the accumulation was increased 5-10-fold. At 100 nM, pentagastrin potentiated the histamine stimulated accumulation by approximately 40% but pentagastrin alone did not stimulate. The oxyntic glands obtained by the present procedure appear useful for studies on cell physiology, including regulation of acid secretion, cellular interactions, and possibly also differentiation and proliferation mechanisms since long glandular fragments that contained the proliferative zone could be isolated.  相似文献   

A gastrin receptor, identified in crude membrane preparations of rat oxyntic gland mucosa, has an equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of approx. 4 . 10(-10)M and a binding capacity of 4 fmol/mg protein. The binding capacity was significantly lower after 2 days of fasting, parallel with a significant drop in serum gastrin levels; there was no change in Kd. In order to verify Scatchard analysis and to determine if there was a coincident alteration in the association (k+1) and dissociation (k-1) rates in the fasted rat, a kinetics study was performed. Under our conditions, there appeared to be a single set of binding sites and the binding reaction obeyed first-order dissociation, and second-order association rate kinetics. Second-order association rate kinetics were validated by demonstrating the independence of the rate constants when there were alterations in the concentrations of reactants. The average k+1 was determined to be 2 . 10(6) M-1 . s-1. The average k-1 was determined to be 1 . 10(-3) s-1. There was no significant change in the k+1 and k-1 in fed and fasted rats. Fasting decreased the number of gastrin receptors without altering the affinity of the receptor for the hormone.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), including the possible participation of nitric oxide (NO), on mucin biosynthesis in the surface epithelium and remaining deep mucosa as well as the entire mucosa and compared the distribution of CGRP and NO synthase (NOS) using a combination of double immunofluorescence labeling and multiple dye filter. Pieces of tissue obtained from the corpus and antrum were incubated in a medium containing [(3)H]glucosamine and CGRP, with or without the NOS inhibitor. CGRP dose-dependently enhanced [(3)H]glucosamine incorporation into the corpus mucin but had no effect on antral mucin biosynthesis. The CGRP receptor antagonist, CGRP-(8-37), prevented the increase in (3)H-labeled corpus mucin. This stimulation of corpus mucin synthesis disappeared after removal of the surface mucus cell layer. CGRP activated the mucin biosynthesis in the surface mucus cells. In the full-thickness corpus mucosa, CGRP-induced activation was completely blocked by the NOS inhibitor. CGRP-immunoreactive fibers were intertwined within the surface mucus cell layer with type I NOS immunoreactivity. These results show that CGRP-stimulated mucin biosynthesis mediated by NO is limited to surface mucus cells of the rat gastric oxyntic mucosa.  相似文献   

Female rats were subjected to operations aimed at reducing the amount of oxyntic gland mucosa draining its acid secretion to the antrum. The rats were provided either with Heidenhain or Pavlov pouches reducing the oxyntic mucosa draining its secretion to the antrum by about 50% or subjected to various degrees (75, 90 and 100%) of fundectomy. Ten weeks following surgery, plasma levels of gastrin and somatostatin were assayed. At the same time, antral mucosal content of gastrin and somatostatin was determined as well as the mucosal density of these hormone-producing cells. There was a relationship between the amount of acid-secreting mucosa removed and the ensuring plasma concentration of gastrin. Thus, a stepwise increase in plasma gastrin was found with the highest levels obtained in rats subjected to 90 or 100% fundectomy. The somatostatin concentration in plasma was reduced only in rats subjected to fundectomy with the most sustained decrease in animals in which all oxyntic gland mucosa had been removed. There was also a relationship between the amount of acid-secreting mucosa removed and the gastrin content of the antral mucosa. An inverse relationship seemed to exist between antral gastrin and somatostatin concentrations. However, a significant decrease in somatostatin concentration of the antral mucosa was seen only in rats subjected to a fundectomy. The number of gastrin cells in the antral mucosa was increased in fundectomized rats only, with the largest density seen in rats deprived of all oxyntic mucosa. A corresponding decrease in the number of somatostatin cells was noticed. Our results would suggest an apparent functional relationship between antral gastrin and somatostatin cells, where the antral acid load (or pH) appears to be the major factor of physiological significance.  相似文献   

WE-14, a post-translational product of the neuroendocrine protein chromogranin A (CgA), is generated in distinct subpopulations of endocrine cells. The objective of this study was to investigate the generation of WE-14 in the endocrine cell types of the oxyntic mucosa of the stomach, after treatment with reserpine, an irreversible inhibitor of vesicular monoamine uptake 2 (VMAT2). Reserpine (10 mg/kg) was administered subcutaneously and tissue analysed 1, 3, 5 and 18 h following treatment. The oxyntic mucosa was analysed immunohistochemically employing a site-specific WE-14 antiserum, a region-specific CgA antiserum and an antiserum against histidine decarboxylase (HDC), a marker of the histamine-producing ECL cells in the oxyntic mucosa. The number of oxyntic endocrine cells exhibiting WE-14 immunostaining increased more than 100-fold 18 h after reserpine administration relative to vehicle treated controls. Double immunostaining with HDC revealed that most, but not all, of the WE-14 positive cells were ECL cells. These results suggest that reserpine has the ability to influence the post-translational processing of CgA to generate WE-14 in rat stomach ECL cells, presumably as a consequence of reduced VMAT2-driven accumulation of histamine.  相似文献   

Atrophy of the gastrointestinal mucosa that occurs in pair-fed control rats is not observed in 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)-treated rats (1). Our objective was to determine if the gastrointestinal trophic hormone, gastrin, is involved in the antiatrophy effect of TCDD on the gut mucosa. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats treated with 100 micrograms/kg of TCDD were slightly hypergastrinemic 7 days after dosing and markedly hypergastrinemic 14 days after treatment whereas pair-fed control rats were normogastrinemic. After 14 days of feed restriction, atrophy of the oxyntic gland and ileum mucosa occurred in pair-fed control rats but only atrophy of the ileum mucosa developed in TCDD-treated animals. The oxyntic gland mucosa of TCDD-treated rats was protected from mucosa atrophy as well as from mucosa erosions. The protection against feed restriction-induced atrophy was demonstrated by measurements of oxyntic gland mucosal height and DNA and protein content. Since hypergastrinemia stimulates growth of oxyntic gland mucosa, but not ileum mucosa, the antiatrophy effect of TCDD on mucosa of the oxyntic gland might in part be due to hypergastrinemia. In support of this interpretation, TCDD treatment exerted an antiatrophy effect on the oxyntic gland mucosa only when TCDD-treated animals were hypergastrinemic. For example, hypergastrinemia does not develop within the first 48 hr after TCDD administration, and TCDD treatment affords no protection against fasting-induced atrophy of the oxyntic gland mucosa during this time. On the other hand, the ability of TCDD treatment to protect against feed restriction-induced erosions of the oxyntic gland mucosa might be mediated by hypergastrinemia since these events occur at a later time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

It has been reported that prostacyclin (PGI2) is the predominant species of prostanoid in rat oxyntic mucosa. However since PGI2 is inactivated under physiological conditions it has not been possible to demonstrate specific PGI2 binding to the rat stomach. Therefore a stable PGI2 analogue, Iloprost, was chosen as ligand in this study. Binding of labelled Iloprost to the 20,000 xg homogenate fraction of rat oxyntic mucosa was specific, dissociable, saturable and dependent upon the temperature and time of incubation. Neither tritiated PGE2 nor 6 keto PGF1 alpha displayed any significant specific binding to rat stomach. A Scatchard plot of the equilibrium binding data for Iloprost was curvilinear and could be resolved into at least two binding sites. The average parameters determined from Scatchard analysis were: dissociation constants of 1.8 X 10(-11) M and 7.1 X 10(-8) M and corresponding binding site concentrations of 12.0 pmole/mg and 4800 pmoles/mg protein respectively. PGI2 was less potent than unlabelled Iloprost in displacing 3H-Iloprost from its binding site. The addition of PGE2 to the incubation medium resulted in an increase in 3H-Iloprost binding. It is concluded that rat oxyntic mucosa has specific binding sites for PGI2-like agents but not for either PGE2 or 6 keto PGF1 alpha.  相似文献   

A central goal in ecology is to predict what governs a species’ ability to establish in a new environment. One mechanism driving establishment success is individual species’ traits, but the role of trait combinations among interacting species across different trophic levels is less clear. Deliberate or accidental species additions to existing communities provide opportunities to study larger scale patterns of establishment success. Biological control introductions are especially valuable because they contain data on both the successfully established and unestablished species. Here, we used a recent dataset of importation biological control introductions to explore how life‐history traits of 132 parasitoid species and their herbivorous hosts interact to affect parasitoid establishment. We find that of five parasitoid and herbivore traits investigated, one parasitoid trait—host range—weakly predicts parasitoid establishment; parasitoids with higher levels of phylogenetic specialization have higher establishment success, though the effect is marginal. In addition, parasitoids are more likely to establish when their herbivore host has had a shorter residence time. Interestingly, we do not corroborate earlier findings that gregarious parasitoids and endoparasitoids are more likely to establish. Most importantly, we find that life‐history traits of the parasitoid species and their hosts can interact to influence establishment. Specifically, parasitoids with broader host ranges are more likely to establish when the herbivore they have been released to control is also more of a generalist. These results provide insight into how multiple species’ traits and their interactions, both within and across trophic levels, can influence establishment of species of higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

It has been reported that prostacyclin (PGI2) is the predominant species of prostanoid in rat oxyntic mucosa. However since PGI2 is inactivated under physiological conditions it has not been possible to demonstrate specific PGI2 binding to the rat stomach. Therefore a stable PGI2 analogue, Iloprost, was chosen as ligand in this study. Binding of labelled Iloprost to the 20,000 xg homogenate fraction of rat oxyntic mucosa was specific, dissociable, saturable and dependent upon the temperature and time of incubation. Neither tritiated PGE2 nor 6 keto PGF displayed any significant specific binding to rat stomach. A Scatchard plot of the equilibrium binding data for Iloprost was curvilinear and could be resolved into at least two binding sites. The average parameters determined from Scatchard analysis were: dissociation constants of 1.8 × 10−11 M and 7.1 × 10−8 M and corresponding binding site concentrations of 12.0 pmole/mg and 4800 pmoles/mg protein respectively. PGI2 was less potent than unlabelled Iloprost in displacing 3H-Iloprost from its binding site. The addition of PGE2 to the incubation medium resulted in an increase in 3H-Iloprost binding. It is concluded that rat oxyntic mucosa has specific binding sites for PGI2-like agents but not for either PGE2 or 6 keto PGF.  相似文献   

Summary The properties of endocrine cells of rat antropyloric mucosa, which simultaneously store both gastrin and ACTH-like immunoreactivity have been examined. In freely fed animals all or nearly all antral gastrin cells contain also large quantities of ACTH-like immunoreactivity. Following three days of fasting the gastrin cell content of ACTH-like peptides is drastically reduced, but increases rapidly upon refeeding of the starved animals for 30 min. At the electron microscopical level, the vast majority of cells storing both gastrin and ACTH-like peptides are identified as G cells but, in addition, a few, previously unrecognized, endocrine cells have also been found to store both types of peptides. The latter new cell type has tentatively been labelled the Ga cell. In normal freely fed animals the G cell is characterized by the occurrence of both electron-dense and electron-lucent granules. Correlative immunocytochemical and ultrastructural studies indicate that gastrin and the ACTH-like peptides are both stored in the cytoplasmic granules. Our results indicate that the gastrin cells release their content of ACTH-like peptides in response to fasting and that this release is blocked by refeeding. The differential release of two hormone-like substances from the same endocrine cell type is of great interest for analysis of mechanisms of peptide hormone release.  相似文献   

The enzyme that acylates ghrelin was recently identified in mice as the fourth member of the membrane-bound O-acyltransferases superfamily (MBOAT4) and named ghrelin-O-acyltransferase (GOAT). Only one report showed GOAT mRNA expression in ghrelin-expressing cells of the mouse stomach. We investigated the distribution of GOAT protein in peripheral tissues and co-expression with endocrine markers in the gastric mucosa using a custom-made anti-GOAT antibody. Tissues were collected from male Sprague-Dawley rats and C57BL/6 mice. Western blot revealed two immunoreactive bands in rat and mouse gastric corpus mucosal proteins, a 50 kDa band corresponding to the GOAT protein and a 100 kDa band likely corresponding to a dimer. Western blot also detected GOAT in the plasma and levels were strongly increased after 24-h fasting in mice and slightly in rats. GOAT-immunoreactive cells were located in the gastric corpus mucosa and the anterior pituitary gland, whereas other peripheral tissues of rats and mice examined were negative. In mice, GOAT-immunoreactive cells were mainly distributed throughout the middle portion of the oxyntic glands, whereas in rats they were localized mainly in the lower portion of the glands. Double labeling showed that 95 ± 1% of GOAT-immunoreactive cells in mice co-labeled with ghrelin, whereas in rats only 56 ± 4% of GOAT-positive cells showed co-expression of ghrelin. The remainder of the GOAT-immunopositive cells in rats co-expressed histidine decarboxylase (44 ± 3%). No co-localization was observed with somatostatin in rats or mice. These data suggest species differences between rats and mice in gastric GOAT expression perhaps resulting in a different role of the MBOAT4 enzyme in the rat stomach. Detection of GOAT in the plasma raises the possibility that ghrelin octanoylation may occur in the circulation and the fasting-induced increase in GOAT may contribute to the increase of acylated ghrelin after fasting.  相似文献   

The regulation of histamine release from oxyntic mucosa is complex because of two potential sources of histamine: mast cells and enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells. A gastrin-responsive histamine pool was identified in the rat oxyntic mucosa two decades ago, but these ECL cells from the rat have not yet been isolated or characterized in vitro. In vivo studies in canine and human mucosa have been more difficult because of the high content of histamine in mast cells. Using enzyme-dispersed canine oxyntic mucosal cells, we have studied regulation of histamine release from a mast cell-depleted fraction prepared by sequential elutriation and density gradient. Histamine-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated, using peroxidase-anti-peroxidase immunohistochemistry. After short-term culture, histamine was released in response to gastrin, cholecystokinin, carbachol, and forskolin. Somatostatin potently and effectively inhibited the response to gastrin. The cultures used for these studies also contained somatostatin cells, and, furthermore, the response to gastrin was enhanced by incubation with monoclonal antibodies to somatostatin. The latter findings suggested that somatostatin was acting in these cultures by a paracrine route. This pattern contrasts with that obtained in previous studies of canine oxyntic mucosal mast cells.  相似文献   

Since accelerated turnover of histamine in oxyntic mucosa may be an important factor in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcers, the effect of dexamethasone and other glucocorticoids on the activity of gastric histidine decarboxylase (HDC) was studied in the rat. The activity of HDC in rat oxyntic mucosa increased significantly after dexamethasone was injected s.c. to rats at doses larger than 0.4 mg/kg body weight. The maximum response of the HDC activity to dexamethasone (4 mg/kg) was observed 8 h after the treatment. The activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) increased at 4 h, while that of DOPA decarboxylase showed no significant change throughout the 16-h period following a single injection of dexamethasone. The mucosal levels of histamine, putrescine, and spermidine rose significantly after the steroid treatment, while the spermine levels remained nearly constant. There was no sex difference in these responses to dexamethasone. Betamethasone showed nearly the same effects as dexamethasone on the decarboxylase activities and the mucosal levels of diamines. Serum gastrin levels showed no significant change for the first 4 h and then rose significantly 8 and 16 h after dexamethasone treatment. Pentagastrin (0.5 mg/kg) increased the HDC activity, while it showed no significant effect on either the mucosal ODC activity or levels of polyamines and histamine. These data suggest that dexamethasone influences the metabolism of histamine and polyamines in rat oxyntic mucosa both directly and via stimulation of gastrin release.  相似文献   

Although the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) in an increasing gastric mucus metabolism has been reported, information on whether or not its activation is limited to the specific mucus-producing cells is lacking. In this paper, we report the effect of the exogenous NO-donor, isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN), and second-generation histamine H2 receptor antagonist roxatidine (2-acetoxy-N-(3-[m-(1-piperidinylmethyl)phenoxy]propyl)acetamide hydrochloride) which is demonstrated to accelerate the mucin metabolism mediated by endogenous NO, on the mucin biosynthesis in distinct sites and layers of the rat gastric mucosa using an organ culture technique. Radiolabeled mucin was obtained from the tissue of full-thickness and the deep corpus layer, and the antrum of the rat stomach incubated for 5 hr with [3H]glucosamine(GlcN) in vitro. With the addition of ISDN to the culture medium, 3H-labeled mucin in the full-thickness corpus mucosa increased to 124-145% of the control (p<0.05), but not in the antrum. This stimulation of the mucin synthesis disappeared by the removal treatment of the surface mucous cell layer which has immunoreactivity of neuronal NO synthase. Similarly, roxatidine stimulated the mucin biosynthesis in the full-thickness corpus mucosa, but not in the gland mucous cell layer. These results suggest that the stimulation of the mucin biosynthesis mediated by NO is restricted to the surface mucous cells of the rat gastric oxyntic mucosa.  相似文献   

The effect on gastrin and somatostatin release in sheep of stimulatory and inhibitory peptides and pharmacological agents was investigated using an in vitro preparation of ovine antral mucosa. Carbachol stimulated gastrin release in a dose-dependent manner but had no effect on somatostatin release. As atropine blocked the effect of carbachol, cholinergic agonists appear to stimulate gastrin secretion directly through muscarinic receptors on the G-cell and not by inhibition of somatostatin secretion. Both vasoactive-intestinal peptide (VIP) and gastric-inhibitory peptide (GIP) increased somatostatin release but did not inhibit basal gastrin secretion, although VIP was effective in reducing the gastrin response to Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP). Porcine and human GRP were stimulatory to gastrin secretion in high doses but bombesin was without effect. The relative insensitivity to GRP (not of ovine origin) previously reported from intact sheep may be caused either by a high basal release of somatostatin or by the ovine GRP receptor or peptide differing from those of other mammalian species.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer in humans arises in the setting of oxyntic atrophy (parietal cell loss) and attendant hyperplastic and metaplastic lineage changes within the gastric mucosa. Helicobacter infection in mice and humans leads to spasmolytic polypeptide-expressing metaplasia (SPEM). In a number of mouse models, SPEM arises after oxyntic atrophy. In mice treated with the parietal cell toxic protonophore DMP-777, SPEM appears to arise from the transdifferentiation of chief cells. These results support the concept that intrinsic mucosal influences regulate and modulate the appearance of gastric metaplasia even in the absence of significant inflammation, whereas chronic inflammation is required for the further neoplastic transition.  相似文献   

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