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A series of 4 studies was conducted to examine the estrogen-like activity of a chemical delivery system (CDS) coupled to estradiol (E2). The CDS is based on a redox system, analogous to the NAD+ in equilibrium NADH coenzyme system and has previously been shown capable of sustained and site specific drug delivery to the central nervous system. The ability of CDS-E2 to suppress luteinizing hormone (LH) in gonadectomized rats was examined as an index of sustained estrogen action. A single dose of CDS-E2 resulted in significantly decreased LH serum levels in castrate rats through at least 24 days while an equimolar dose of E2 resulted in only transient LH decrease. Serum E2 levels were not different between the treatment groups, indicating that peripheral estrogen could not readily explain sustained hormone activity. A dose-response relationship was observed 12 days post-drug treatment in all monitored estrogen activities which showed CDS-E2 is more potent compared to equimolar E2. Further, LH suppression was significantly greater compared to ovariectomized rats treated with equimolar estradiol valerate, while anterior pituitary weights were not different between groups. Together with our previous data, these studies show that CDS-E2 exerts sustained estrogen-like activity which cannot be readily attributed to circulating E2 levels. These findings are consistent with a sustained, brain directed delivery of estrogen.  相似文献   

Adiponectin acts in the brain to decrease body weight   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Adiponectin (ADP) is an adipocyte hormone involved in glucose and lipid metabolism. We detected a rise in ADP in cerebrospinal fluid after intravenous (i.v.) injection, consistent with brain transport. In contrast to leptin, intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of ADP decreased body weight mainly by stimulating energy expenditure. Full-length ADP, mutant ADP with Cys39 replaced with serine, and globular ADP were effective, whereas the collagenous tail fragment was not. Lep(ob/ob) mice were especially sensitive to i.c.v. and systemic ADP, which resulted in increased thermogenesis, weight loss and reduction in serum glucose and lipid levels. ADP also potentiated the effect of leptin on thermogenesis and lipid levels. While both hormones increased expression of hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), ADP had no substantial effect on other neuropeptide targets of leptin. In addition, ADP induced distinct Fos immunoreactivity. Agouti (A(y)/a) mice did not respond to ADP or leptin, indicating the melanocortin pathway may be a common target. These results show that ADP has unique central effects on energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Estrogens control many aspects of pituitary gland biology, including regulation of lactotroph homeostasis and synthesis and secretion of prolactin. In rat models, these actions are strain specific and heritable, and multiple quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been mapped that impact the responsiveness of the lactotroph to estrogens. One such QTL, Ept7, was mapped to RNO7 in female progeny generated in an intercross between BN rats, in which the lactotroph population is insensitive to estrogens, and ACI rats, which develop lactotroph hyperplasia/adenoma and associated hyperprolactinemia in response to estrogen treatment. The primary objective of this study was to confirm the existence of Ept7 and to quantify the impact of this QTL on responsiveness of the pituitary gland of female and male rats to 17β-estradiol (E2) and diethylstilbestrol (DES), respectively. Secondary objectives were to determine if Ept7 influences the responsiveness of the male reproductive tract to DES and to identify other discernible phenotypes influenced by Ept7. To achieve these objectives, a congenic rat strain that harbors BN alleles across the Ept7 interval on the genetic background of the ACI strain was generated and characterized to define the effect of administered estrogens on the anterior pituitary gland and male reproductive tissues. Data presented herein indicate Ept7 exerts a marked effect on development of lactotroph hyperplasia in response to estrogen treatment, but does not affect atrophy of the male reproductive tissues in response to hormone treatment. Ept7 was also observed to exert gender specific effects on body weight in young adult rats.  相似文献   

In animals, rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia produces brain lesions similar to those seen in central pontine myelinolysis. This is the first study of the effects of rapid correction (9 h) of chronic hyponatremia (3 d) on brain electrolyte, water, and amino acid contents in young mice. Despite profound hyponatremia, decreases in brain electrolytes and amino acids permitted an apparent osmotic balance between blood and brain with a normal brain water content. Rapid elevation of the depressed plasma sodium concentration to normonatremic levels caused dehydration of the brain. Although brain Na+ and K+ levels were returned to normal, the relatively brief interval of treatment was insufficient to allow complete recovery of brain amino acid levels. Findings support an osmotic disequilibrium - plasma osmolality higher than brain - in the pathogenesis of the brain lesions following rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia and suggest caution in the rate of elevation of the depressed plasma Na+ levels.  相似文献   

Half of Sprague-Dawley rats develop and defend diet-induced obesity (DIO) or diet resistance (DR) when fed a high-energy (HE) diet. Here, adult male rats were made DIO or DR after 10 wk on HE diet. Then half of each group was food restricted for 8 wk on chow to maintain their body weights at 90% of their respective baselines. Rate and magnitude of weight loss were comparable, but maintenance energy intake and the degree of sympathetic activity (24-h urine norepinephrine) inhibition were 17 and 29% lower, respectively, in restricted DR than DIO rats. Restricted DIO rats reduced adipose depot weights, plasma leptin, and insulin levels by 35%. Restricted DR rats reduced none of these. When fed ad libitum, both DR and DIO rats returned to the body weights of their respective chow-fed phenotype controls within 2 wk. This was associated with increased adipose mass and leptin and insulin levels only in DIO rats. Thus DR rats appear to alter primarily their lean body mass, whereas DIO rats primarily alter their adipose mass during chronic caloric restriction and refeeding.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor content and dynamics in the uteri obtained from chronically estrogenized rats were analyzed. 12 day treatment with a subcutaneous implantation of a diethylstilbestrol pellet resulted in maximal stimulation of uteri with regard to wet tissue weight, DNA content, as well as progesterone receptor content without significant alteration of the estrogen receptor level. Estrogen receptor dynamics in just ovariectomized or ovariectomized and diethylstilbestrol-stimulated rats elicited by a single injection of estradiol were next examined using the exchange methods. The cytosol receptor content rapidly declined, with a small and temporary accumulation of the nuclear receptor in the uterus from rats continuously exposed to diethylstilbestrol during the preceding 12 days. A relatively rapid cytosol receptor replenishment was also observed in rats pretreated with diethylstilbestrol. This was accompanied by a rapid decrease in the nuclear receptor level to 70% of the preinjection value at 5 h after estradiol administration. These data are in contrast to findings on uteri of ovariectomized and nonestrogen-treated rats, in which a single injection of estradiol resulted in a prolonged nuclear receptor retention and a delayed cytosol receptor replenishment. Adrenalectomy did not result in a significant change of receptor dynamic patterns, suggesting that adrenal steroids do not play a role in the alteration of receptor dynamics elicited by continuous stimulation with diethylstilbestrol. These observations suggest that a continuous exposure of rat uteri to the estrogen causes an altered regulation of estrogen receptor dynamics by the homologous steroid compared to those in chronically estrogen-deprived rats.  相似文献   

In females, estrogens play pivotal roles in preventing excess body weight (BW) gain. On the other hand, the roles of androgens in female BW, appetite, and energy metabolism have not been fully examined. We hypothesized that androgens' effects on food intake (FI) and BW regulation change according to the estrogens' levels. To evaluate this hypothesis, the effects of chronic testosterone administration in ovariectomized (OVX) female rats with or without estradiol supplementation were examined in this study. Chronic testosterone administration decreased BW, FI, white adipose tissue (WAT) weight, and adipocyte size in OVX rats, whereas it increased BW, WAT weight, and adipocyte size in OVX with estradiol-administered rats. In addition, chronic testosterone administration increased hypothalamic CYP19a1 mRNA levels in OVX rats, whereas it did not alter CYP19a1 mRNA levels in OVX with estradiol-administered rats, indicating that conversion of testosterone to estrogens in the hypothalamus may be activated in testosterone-administered OVX rats. Furthermore, chronic testosterone administration decreased hypothalamic TNF-α mRNA levels in OVX rats, whereas it increased hypothalamic IL-1β mRNA levels in OVX with estradiol-administered rats. On the other hand, IL-1β and TNF-α mRNA levels in visceral and subcutaneous WAT and liver were not changed by chronic testosterone administration in both groups. These data indicate that the effects of chronic testosterone administration on BW, FI, WAT weight, and adipocyte size were changed by estradiol treatment in female rats. Testosterone has facilitative effects on BW gain, FI, and adiposity under the estradiol-supplemented condition, whereas it has inhibitory effects in the non-supplemented condition. Differences in the responses of hypothalamic factors, such as aromatase and inflammatory cytokines, to testosterone might underlie these opposite effects.  相似文献   

Oxyntomodulin (OXM) is a product of proglucagon processing in the intestine and the central nervous system. We reported that intracerebroventricular (ICV) and intranuclear administration of OXM caused an inhibition of food intake in rats (Dakin CL, Gunn I, Small CJ, Edwards CM, Hay DL, Smith DM, Ghatei MA, and Bloom SR. Endocrinology 142: 4244-4250, 2001). In this study, we investigated the effect of twice-daily ICV administration of OXM, 1 nmol, for 7 days. A pair-fed control was included. These animals were restricted to the food intake of the OXM group but injected twice daily with saline. OXM-treated animals gained significantly less weight than either control group (day 8: OXM, 12.2 +/- 1.9 g vs. pair fed, 21.0 +/- 2.1 g; P < 0.005). OXM treatment caused a reduction in epididymal white adipose tissue (OXM, 1.13 +/- 0.03 g vs. pair fed, 1.29 +/- 0.04 g; P < 0.05) and interscapular brown adipose tissue (OXM, 0.15 +/- 0.01 g vs. pair fed, 0.18 +/- 0.01 g; P < 0.05) and increased core temperature compared with saline control, suggestive of enhanced energy expenditure. The food restriction-induced suppression in plasma TSH, seen in the pair-fed group, was prevented by OXM, potentially via increased release of hypothalamic TRH. In summary, ICV OXM causes reduced body weight gain and body adiposity following chronic administration.  相似文献   

The application of nanotechnology in medicine, known as nanomedicine, has introduced a plethora of nanoparticles of variable chemistry and design considerations for cancer diagnosis and treatment. One of the most important field is the design and development of pharmaceutical drugs, based on targeted drug delivery system (TDDS). Being inspired by physio-chemical properties of nanoparticles, TDDS are designed to safely reach their targets and specifically release their cargo at the site of disease for enhanced therapeutic effects, thereby increasing the drug tissue bioavailability. Nanoparticles have the advantage of targeting cancer by simply being accumulated and entrapped in cancer cells. However, even after rapid growth of nanotechnology in nanomedicine, designing an effective targeted drug delivery system is still a challenging task. In this review, we reveal the recent advances in drug delivery approach with a particular focus on gold nanoparticles. We seek to expound on how these nanomaterials communicate in the complex environment to reach the target site, and how to design the effective TDDS for complex environments and simultaneously monitor the toxicity on the basis of designing such delivery complexes. Hence, this review will shed light on the research, opportunities and challenges for engineering nanomaterials with cancer biology and medicine to develop effective TDDS for treatment of cancer.  相似文献   

The inability to maintain body weight within prescribed ranges occurs in a significant portion of the human spinal cord injury (SCI) population. Using a rodent model of long-term high thoracic (spinal level T3) spinal cord transection (TX), we aimed to identify derangements in body weight, body composition, plasma insulin, glucose tolerance, and metabolic function, as measured by uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) expression in interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT). Sixteen weeks after SCI, body weights of injured female rats stabilized and were significantly lower than surgical control animals. At the same time point, SCI rats had a significantly lower whole body fat:lean tissue mass ratio than controls, as measured indirectly by NMR. Despite lower body weight and fat mass, the cumulative consumption of standard laboratory chow (4.0 kcal/g) and mean energy intake (kcal.day(-1).100 g body wt(-1)) of chronic SCI rats was significantly more than controls. Glucose tolerance tests indicated a significant enhancement in glucose handling in 16-wk SCI rats, which were coupled with lower serum insulin levels. The post mortem weight of gonadal and retroperitoneal fat pads was significantly reduced after SCI and IBAT displayed significantly lower real-time PCR expression of UCP1 mRNA. The reduced fat mass and IBAT UCP1 mRNA expression are contraindicative of the cumulative caloric intake by the SCI rats. The prolonged postinjury loss of body weight, including fat mass, is not due to hypophagia but possibly to permanent changes in gastrointestinal transit and absorption, as well as whole body homeostatic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Exercise training has been used for treatment/prevention of many cardiovascular diseases, but the mechanisms need to be clarified. Thus, our aim was to compare oxidative stress parameters between rats submitted to a swimming training and sedentary rats (control). Twelve male rats were divided into two groups: control and exercise training. The exercise training had daily 1 h swimming sessions for 8 weeks and a load (5% of its body mass) was placed in rat's tail. Thereafter the animals were killed, aorta and heart were surgically removed and blood was collected. Body mass gain, thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS), carbonyl content, total reactive antioxidant potential (TRAP), total antioxidant reactivity (TAR), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and catalase (CAT) activity were evaluted. The trained rats showed a lower body mass gain and no modifications on heart. An increased SOD activity was observed on aorta after the training, but no changes were seen for CAT activity, which led to an increased SOD/CAT ratio. The arterial TBARS was also increased for trained rats. The decrease in TRAP in exercise training was the single modification on plasma. Our findings suggest that the increased SOD activity could play a role in vascular adaptations to exercise training. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Plant RNA virus-based guide RNA (gRNA) delivery has substantial advantages compared to that of the conventional constitutive promoter-driven expression due to the rapid and robust amplification of gRNAs during virus replication and movement. To date, virus-induced genome editing tools have not been developed for wheat and maize. In this study, we engineered a barley stripe mosaic virus (BSMV)-based gRNA delivery system for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/Cas9-mediated targeted mutagenesis in wheat and maize. BSMV-based delivery of single gRNAs for targeted mutagenesis was first validated in Nicotiana benthamiana. To extend this work, we transformed wheat and maize with the Cas9 nuclease gene and selected the wheat TaGASR7 and maize ZmTMS5 genes as targets to assess the feasibility and efficiency of BSMV-mediated mutagenesis. Positive targeted mutagenesis of the TaGASR7 and ZmTMS5 genes was achieved for wheat and maize with efficiencies of up to 78% and 48%. Our results provide a useful tool for fast and efficient delivery of gRNAs into economically important crops.  相似文献   

目的:探讨慢性低氧对大鼠体重和血糖的影响及埃他卡林的作用。方法:将埃他卡林治疗组和低氧组大鼠置于常压低氧舱中建立模型,然后测血糖,测量大鼠体重,计算体重增加率。结果:慢性低氧大鼠体重增长最低,同时血糖较正常组显著下降;埃他卡林治疗的低氧大鼠体重显著升高,血糖与正常组接近。结论:埃他卡林可以促进低氧大鼠体重增加,稳定血糖,改善低氧大鼠营养状况。  相似文献   

Electrically stimulated skeletal muscle represents a potentially unlimited source of energy for the actuation of motor prostheses. Devices to harvest and deliver contractile power have proven mechanically feasible, but long-term efficacy has not been demonstrated. This report describes recent refinements in muscle energy converter (MEC) design and details the development of an implantable afterload chamber (IAC) designed to facilitate implant testing. The IAC comprises a fluid-filled bladder housed within a titanium cylinder that connects directly to the MEC. A vascular access port allows percutaneous measurement and adjustment of air pressure within the housing and provides a means both to monitor MEC function and to control hydraulic loading conditions. Data from in vitro tests show that IAC pressure mirrors changes in MEC-piston displacement over a wide range of actuation speeds and stroke lengths. Stroke lengths and actuation forces calculated from IAC pressure readings were typically found to be within 5% of measured values. This testing scheme may yield important information in regard to the ability to harness energy from in situ muscle over prolonged periods.  相似文献   

Photochemistry provides a unique mechanism that enables the active control of drug release in cancer-targeting drug delivery. This study investigates the light-mediated release of methotrexate, an anticancer drug, using a photocleavable linker strategy based on o-nitrobenzyl protection. We evaluated two types of the o-nitrobenzyl-linked methotrexate for the drug release study and further extended the study to a fifth-generation poly(amidoamine) dendrimer carrier covalently conjugated with methotrexate via the o-nitrobenzyl linker. We performed the drug release studies by using a combination of three standard analytical methods that include UV/vis spectrometry, (1)H NMR spectroscopy, and anal. HPLC. This article reports that methotrexate is released by the photochemical mechanism in an actively controlled manner. The rate of the drug release varies in response to multiple control parameters, including linker design, light wavelength, exposure time, and the pH of the medium where the drug release occurs.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450-mediated redox cycling between the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) and diethylstilbestrol-4',4"-quinone (DES Q) has previously been demonstrated. Cytochrome P-450 reductase catalyzes the reduction of DES Q presumably via a semiquinone formed by one-electron reduction. A reducing action of NAD(P)H quinone reductase (EC mediating two-electron reduction of DES Q has been investigated in the present work. Quinone reductase catalyzed the conversion in the presence of NADH or NADPH of DES Q to 53-65% Z-DES, a marker product of reduction. Dicumarol (15 microM), a known specific inhibitor of quinone reductase, inhibited this reduction almost completely. Using microsomes from Syrian hamster kidney, a target organ of estrogen-induced carcinogenesis, the reduction of DES Q was only partially inhibited by dicumarol. Apparent Km values of quinone reductase and cytochrome P-450 reductase were 17.25 and 11.9 microM, respectively. These data demonstrate that in hamster kidney, quinone reductase and cytochrome P-450 reductase compete for the reduction of DES Q. Microsomal 02-. radical generation was stimulated 10-fold over base levels by the addition of 100 microM DES Q. The formation of 02-. radicals was inhibited by addition of superoxide dismutase (0.2 mg/ml) or by 2'-AMP or NADP, known inhibitors of cytochrome P-450 reductase. In contrast, dicumarol enhanced microsome-mediated 02-. formation. It is concluded that cytochrome P-450 reductase in hamster kidney microsomes mediates one-electron reduction of estrogen quinones to free radicals (semiquinones), which may subsequently enter redox cycling with molecular oxygen to form 02-.. Moreover, quinone reductase reduces DES Q directly to E- and Z-DES, and thus may prevent the formation of toxic intermediates during redox cycling of estrogens. Measurements of quinone reductase activity in liver and kidney of hamsters treated with estrogen for various lengths of time revealed a temporary decrease in activity by 80% specifically in the kidney after 1 month of chronic treatment with estradiol. Thus, a temporary decrease in quinone reductase activity, which occurred specifically in estrogen-exposed hamster kidney, may enhance the formation of free radical intermediates generated during biotransformation of estrogens.  相似文献   

N E Rowland 《Life sciences》1986,39(26):2581-2586
The present experiments describe the effects of continuous SC infusion, via osmotic minipump, of dexfenfluramine on food intake and body weight of male and female rats. It was found that the food intake of male rats was reduced by infusions of both 3 and 6 mg/kg/day although tolerance developed within 2-4 days at the lower dose. Further, these rats showed tolerance to an acute anorectic test dose of dexfenfluramine. Body weight loss was sustained by both groups. In older (6-8 mo old) female rats, some of which had previously nursed three litters, the anorectic effects of dexfenfluramine (3 and 6 mg/kg/day) were sustained throughout the 6 day infusion, and weight loss was substantial. The effects did not differ between bred and virgin rats of comparable age. The lower dose of dexfenfluramine produced no depletion of brain serotonin (5HT), although 5HIAA was reduced. Both compounds were depleted by the higher dose. The 3 mg/kg/day dose, in select rat populations, may be a close model for the mode of dexfenfluramine administration to humans.  相似文献   

Recent research and clinical evidence suggest that thalidomide could potentially be used to treat inflammation associated with Crohn's disease. However, systemic side effects associated with large doses of this drug have limited its widespread use. Treatment, with thalidomide would prove more efficacious if the drug could be delivered directly to target areas in the gut, thereby reducing systemic circulation. Microcapsule encapsulation could enable direct delivery of the drug. To assess the latter, we designed and tested drug-targeting release characteristics of alginate-poly-l-lysine-alginate (APA) microcapsules in simulated gastrointestinal environments. The results show that APA capsules enabled delivery of thalidomide in the middle and distal portions of the small intestine. We also compared the APA membrane formulation with an earlier designed alginate chitosan (AC) membrane thalidomide formulation. The results show that both APA and AC capsules allow for successful delivery of thalidomide in the gut and could prove beneficial in the treatment of Crohn's disease. However, further research is required.  相似文献   

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