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This article deals with the identification of gene regulatory networks from experimental data using a statistical machine learning approach. A stochastic model of gene interactions capable of handling missing variables is proposed. It can be described as a dynamic Bayesian network particularly well suited to tackle the stochastic nature of gene regulation and gene expression measurement. Parameters of the model are learned through a penalized likelihood maximization implemented through an extended version of EM algorithm. Our approach is tested against experimental data relative to the S.O.S. DNA Repair network of the Escherichia coli bacterium. It appears to be able to extract the main regulations between the genes involved in this network. An added missing variable is found to model the main protein of the network. Good prediction abilities on unlearned data are observed. These first results are very promising: they show the power of the learning algorithm and the ability of the model to capture gene interactions.  相似文献   

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are widely used in computational neuroscience and machine learning applications. In an RNN, each neuron computes its output as a nonlinear function of its integrated input. While the importance of RNNs, especially as models of brain processing, is undisputed, it is also widely acknowledged that the computations in standard RNN models may be an over-simplification of what real neuronal networks compute. Here, we suggest that the RNN approach may be made computationally more powerful by its fusion with Bayesian inference techniques for nonlinear dynamical systems. In this scheme, we use an RNN as a generative model of dynamic input caused by the environment, e.g. of speech or kinematics. Given this generative RNN model, we derive Bayesian update equations that can decode its output. Critically, these updates define a 'recognizing RNN' (rRNN), in which neurons compute and exchange prediction and prediction error messages. The rRNN has several desirable features that a conventional RNN does not have, e.g. fast decoding of dynamic stimuli and robustness to initial conditions and noise. Furthermore, it implements a predictive coding scheme for dynamic inputs. We suggest that the Bayesian inversion of RNNs may be useful both as a model of brain function and as a machine learning tool. We illustrate the use of the rRNN by an application to the online decoding (i.e. recognition) of human kinematics.  相似文献   



Mocapy++ is a toolkit for parameter learning and inference in dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs). It supports a wide range of DBN architectures and probability distributions, including distributions from directional statistics (the statistics of angles, directions and orientations).  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Network inference algorithms are powerful computational tools for identifying putative causal interactions among variables from observational data. Bayesian network inference algorithms hold particular promise in that they can capture linear, non-linear, combinatorial, stochastic and other types of relationships among variables across multiple levels of biological organization. However, challenges remain when applying these algorithms to limited quantities of experimental data collected from biological systems. Here, we use a simulation approach to make advances in our dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) inference algorithm, especially in the context of limited quantities of biological data. RESULTS: We test a range of scoring metrics and search heuristics to find an effective algorithm configuration for evaluating our methodological advances. We also identify sampling intervals and levels of data discretization that allow the best recovery of the simulated networks. We develop a novel influence score for DBNs that attempts to estimate both the sign (activation or repression) and relative magnitude of interactions among variables. When faced with limited quantities of observational data, combining our influence score with moderate data interpolation reduces a significant portion of false positive interactions in the recovered networks. Together, our advances allow DBN inference algorithms to be more effective in recovering biological networks from experimentally collected data. AVAILABILITY: Source code and simulated data are available upon request. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.jarvislab.net/Bioinformatics/BNAdvances/  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for small-sample capture-recapture data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider data on the survival of a population of Cephalorhynchus hectori, Hector's dolphins, in a marine area of New Zealand. To estimate survival probabilities of animal populations, a multiple capture-recapture sampling scheme can be used. In this paper, we propose a practical methodology to derive approximations to posterior distributions based on Laplace methods. We show how to calculate Bayes estimates and credible intervals in this setting.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in 2001, MrBayes has grown in popularity as a software package for Bayesian phylogenetic inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. With this note, we announce the release of version 3.2, a major upgrade to the latest official release presented in 2003. The new version provides convergence diagnostics and allows multiple analyses to be run in parallel with convergence progress monitored on the fly. The introduction of new proposals and automatic optimization of tuning parameters has improved convergence for many problems. The new version also sports significantly faster likelihood calculations through streaming single-instruction-multiple-data extensions (SSE) and support of the BEAGLE library, allowing likelihood calculations to be delegated to graphics processing units (GPUs) on compatible hardware. Speedup factors range from around 2 with SSE code to more than 50 with BEAGLE for codon problems. Checkpointing across all models allows long runs to be completed even when an analysis is prematurely terminated. New models include relaxed clocks, dating, model averaging across time-reversible substitution models, and support for hard, negative, and partial (backbone) tree constraints. Inference of species trees from gene trees is supported by full incorporation of the Bayesian estimation of species trees (BEST) algorithms. Marginal model likelihoods for Bayes factor tests can be estimated accurately across the entire model space using the stepping stone method. The new version provides more output options than previously, including samples of ancestral states, site rates, site d(N)/d(S) rations, branch rates, and node dates. A wide range of statistics on tree parameters can also be output for visualization in FigTree and compatible software.  相似文献   

Polytomies and Bayesian phylogenetic inference   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Bayesian phylogenetic analyses are now very popular in systematics and molecular evolution because they allow the use of much more realistic models than currently possible with maximum likelihood methods. There are, however, a growing number of examples in which large Bayesian posterior clade probabilities are associated with very short branch lengths and low values for non-Bayesian measures of support such as nonparametric bootstrapping. For the four-taxon case when the true tree is the star phylogeny, Bayesian analyses become increasingly unpredictable in their preference for one of the three possible resolved tree topologies as data set size increases. This leads to the prediction that hard (or near-hard) polytomies in nature will cause unpredictable behavior in Bayesian analyses, with arbitrary resolutions of the polytomy receiving very high posterior probabilities in some cases. We present a simple solution to this problem involving a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that allows exploration of all of tree space, including unresolved tree topologies with one or more polytomies. The reversible-jump MCMC approach allows prior distributions to place some weight on less-resolved tree topologies, which eliminates misleadingly high posteriors associated with arbitrary resolutions of hard polytomies. Fortunately, assigning some prior probability to polytomous tree topologies does not appear to come with a significant cost in terms of the ability to assess the level of support for edges that do exist in the true tree. Methods are discussed for applying arbitrary prior distributions to tree topologies of varying resolution, and an empirical example showing evidence of polytomies is analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference in ecology   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
Bayesian inference is an important statistical tool that is increasingly being used by ecologists. In a Bayesian analysis, information available before a study is conducted is summarized in a quantitative model or hypothesis: the prior probability distribution. Bayes’ Theorem uses the prior probability distribution and the likelihood of the data to generate a posterior probability distribution. Posterior probability distributions are an epistemological alternative to P‐values and provide a direct measure of the degree of belief that can be placed on models, hypotheses, or parameter estimates. Moreover, Bayesian information‐theoretic methods provide robust measures of the probability of alternative models, and multiple models can be averaged into a single model that reflects uncertainty in model construction and selection. These methods are demonstrated through a simple worked example. Ecologists are using Bayesian inference in studies that range from predicting single‐species population dynamics to understanding ecosystem processes. Not all ecologists, however, appreciate the philosophical underpinnings of Bayesian inference. In particular, Bayesians and frequentists differ in their definition of probability and in their treatment of model parameters as random variables or estimates of true values. These assumptions must be addressed explicitly before deciding whether or not to use Bayesian methods to analyse ecological data.  相似文献   

Bayesian multimodel inference for geostatistical regression models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Johnson DS  Hoeting JA 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e25677
The problem of simultaneous covariate selection and parameter inference for spatial regression models is considered. Previous research has shown that failure to take spatial correlation into account can influence the outcome of standard model selection methods. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is investigated for the calculation of parameter estimates and posterior model probabilities for spatial regression models. The method can accommodate normal and non-normal response data and a large number of covariates. Thus the method is very flexible and can be used to fit spatial linear models, spatial linear mixed models, and spatial generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs). The Bayesian MCMC method also allows a priori unequal weighting of covariates, which is not possible with many model selection methods such as Akaike's information criterion (AIC). The proposed method is demonstrated on two data sets. The first is the whiptail lizard data set which has been previously analyzed by other researchers investigating model selection methods. Our results confirmed the previous analysis suggesting that sandy soil and ant abundance were strongly associated with lizard abundance. The second data set concerned pollution tolerant fish abundance in relation to several environmental factors. Results indicate that abundance is positively related to Strahler stream order and a habitat quality index. Abundance is negatively related to percent watershed disturbance.  相似文献   

In recent years, the study of species' occurrence has benefited from the increased availability of large-scale citizen-science data. While abundance data from standardized monitoring schemes are biased toward well-studied taxa and locations, opportunistic data are available for many taxonomic groups, from a large number of locations and across long timescales. Hence, these data provide opportunities to measure species' changes in occurrence, particularly through the use of occupancy models, which account for imperfect detection. These opportunistic datasets can be substantially large, numbering hundreds of thousands of sites, and hence present a challenge from a computational perspective, especially within a Bayesian framework. In this paper, we develop a unifying framework for Bayesian inference in occupancy models that account for both spatial and temporal autocorrelation. We make use of the Pólya-Gamma scheme, which allows for fast inference, and incorporate spatio-temporal random effects using Gaussian processes (GPs), for which we consider two efficient approximations: subset of regressors and nearest neighbor GPs. We apply our model to data on two UK butterfly species, one common and widespread and one rare, using records from the Butterflies for the New Millennium database, producing occupancy indices spanning 45 years. Our framework can be applied to a wide range of taxa, providing measures of variation in species' occurrence, which are used to assess biodiversity change.  相似文献   

Bayesian inference for a bivariate binomial distribution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The K function is a summary of spatial dependence in spatial point processes. In practice one observes a realization of the spatial point process, called a spatial point pattern. Although the K function of a spatial point process is typically unknown, several estimators of the process K function have been put forth. These estimators, however, are based upon empirical averages; the complicated distributional properties of the estimators unfortunately complicates interval estimation. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian inferential framework, allowing inference for the K function of the spatial point process (including interval estimation). Of particular interest is the unique use of the posterior predictive distribution to (efficiently) enable such inferences. To demonstrate our technique, the well known Swedish pine sapling data (Strand, 1972) is analyzed, including a discussion on evaluating model fit.  相似文献   

Basu S  Banerjee M  Sen A 《Biometrics》2000,56(2):577-582
Cohen's kappa coefficient is a widely popular measure for chance-corrected nominal scale agreement between two raters. This article describes Bayesian analysis for kappa that can be routinely implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology. We consider the case of m > or = 2 independent samples of measured agreement, where in each sample a given subject is rated by two rating protocols on a binary scale. A major focus here is on testing the homogeneity of the kappa coefficient across the different samples. The existing frequentist tests for this case assume exchangeability of rating protocols, whereas our proposed Bayesian test does not make any such assumption. Extensive simulation is carried out to compare the performances of the Bayesian and the frequentist tests. The developed methodology is illustrated using data from a clinical trial in ophthalmology.  相似文献   

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