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A thiodigalactoside binding protein is solubilized from membrane vesicles of EscherichiaColi containing the M protein by use of the detergents Triton X-100 or Emulfogen BC 720. Thiodigalactoside binding affinity of the soluble protein is the same as the membrane embedded β-galactoside permease whereas the residual particulate fraction is free of affinity for this substrate.  相似文献   

Six different temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants have been isolated which have parental beta-galactoside permease levels at low temperatures but have decreased permease levels when grown at high temperatures. These mutants were derived from Escherichia coli ML308 (lacI(-)Y(+)Z(+)A(+)). After N-methyl-N'-nitro-N'-nitro-soguanidine mutagenesis, ampicillin was used to select for cells unable to grow on low lactose concentrations at 42 C. Temperature-sensitive mutants were assayed for galactoside permease activity after growth in casein hydrolysate medium at 25 or 42 C by measuring both radioactive methylthio-beta-d-galactoside uptake and in vivo o-nitrophenyl-beta-d-galactoside hydrolysis. The six conditional isolates have decreased levels of galactoside permease which are correlated with decreased growth rates at elevated temperatures. The low permease levels are not due to a temperature labile lacY gene product but rather to a temperature labile synthesis rate of functional permease. Some of the mutants exhibit a ts increase in permeability as shown by the increased leakage of intracellular beta-galactosidase and by the increased rate of in vivo o-nitrophenyl-beta-d-galactoside hydrolysis via the nonpermease mediated entry mechanism. Preliminary evidence indicates that transport in general is decreased in these mutants, yet there is some specificity in the mutational lesion since glucoside transport is unaffected. All these observations suggest that these mutants have ts alterations in membrane synthesis which results in pleiotropic effects on various membrane functions.  相似文献   

We have isolated mutants of Escherichia coli that have an altered beta-galactoside transport system. This altered transport system is able to transport a sugar, maltose, that the wild-type beta-galactoside transport system is unable to transport. The mutation that alters the specificity of the transport system is in the lacY gene, and we refer to the allele as lacYmal. The lacYmal allele was detected originally in strains in which the lac genes were fused to the malF gene. Thus, as a result of gene fusion and isolation of the lacYmal mutation, a new transport system was evolved with regulatory properties and specificity similar to those of the original maltose transport system. Maltose transport via the lacYmal gene product is independent of all of the normal maltose transport system components. The altered transport system shows a higher affinity than the wild-type transport system for two normal substrates of the beta-galactoside transport system, thiomethyl-beta-D-galactoside and o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactoside.  相似文献   

Lactose permease mutants which transport (malto)-oligosaccharides.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Lactose permease mutants, which were previously isolated in sugar specificity studies, were screened for their abilities to transport the trisaccharide maltotriose. Six multiple mutants (e.g., five double mutants and one triple mutant) were identified as forming fermentation-positive colonies on maltotriose MacConkey plates and were also shown to grow on maltotriose minimal plates. All of these multiple mutants contained a combination of two or three amino acid substitutions at position 177, 236, 306, or 322 within the permease. In contrast, none of the corresponding single mutants at these locations were observed to exhibit an enhanced rate of maltotriose transport. In whole-cell assays, the multiple mutants were shown to transport relatively long alpha-nitrophenylglucoside (alpha NPG) molecules. In certain cases, alpha NPG molecules containing up to four glucose residues in addition to the nitrophenyl group were shown to be transported to a significant degree. Overall, the abilities of lactose permease mutants to transport maltotriose and long alpha NPGs are discussed with regard to the dimensions of the sugar and the mechanism of sugar transport.  相似文献   

Merodiploid derivatives bearing an F-linked lac operon (i(+), o(+), z(+), y(+), a(+)) from Escherichia coli were prepared from a Proteus mirabilis strain unable to utilize lactose and from a lac deletion strain of E. coli. A suitable growth medium was found in which the episomal element in the P. mirabilis derivative was sufficiently stable to allow induction of the episome-borne lac operon and thus to permit a comparison of the activities and properties of E. coli lac products in the intracellular environments of P. mirabilis and E. coli. In both derivatives the episomal lac operon was shown to be repressed in the absence of inducer. Kinetics of induction with gratuitous inducer (isopropyl-1-thio-beta-d-galactoside) were similar for both beta-galactosidase activity (beta-d-galactoside galactohydrolase, EC and beta-galactoside transport activity in both derivatives, although the ratio of galactoside transport to beta-galactosidase activity was approximately 1.6-fold higher in the E. coli derivative. Comparison of beta-galactosidase and M-protein (lac y gene product)-specific activities indicated coordinate expression of the induced lac operon in both derivatives. Quantitatively, the maximal beta-galactosidase specific activity was two or three times higher for the E. coli derivative. A significant sodium azide inhibition (65% inhibition by 10 mM sodium azide) of lactose permease-mediated transport of o-nitrophenyl-beta-galactoside from an outside region of high concentration to an inside region of very low concentration ("downhill transport") was observed for the P. mirabilis derivative. Identical conditions for the E. coli derivative yielded only about 15% inhibition. Active transport of thiomethyl-beta-galactoside was similar for both derivatives, the major difference being that active transport was more sensitive to azide poisoning in the P. mirabilis derivative. Preliminary examination of the thiomethyl-beta-galactoside derivatives following active transport did not demonstrate the accumulation of a phosphorylated product in either strain but did reveal an unidentified derivative present in the P. mirabilis merodiploid extract which was not detectable in the E. coli merodiploid.  相似文献   

Phaseolotoxin [(N delta-phosphosulfamyl)ornithylalanylhomoarginine], a phytotoxic tripeptide produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola that inhibits ornithine carbamoyltransferase, is transported into Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium via the oligopeptide transport system (Opp). Mutants defective in oligopeptide permease (Opp-) were resistant to phaseolotoxin. Spontaneous phaseolotoxin-resistant mutants (Toxr) lacked the Opp function as evidenced by their cross-resistance to triornithine and failure to utilize glycylhistidylglycine as a source of histidine. Growth inhibition by phaseolotoxin was prevented by peptides known to be transported via the Opp system and by treatment of the toxin with L-aminopeptidase. In both E. coli and S. typhimurium, Toxr mutations were cotransducible with trp, suggesting that the opp locus occupies similar positions in genetic maps of these bacteria.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic membrane vesicles with either normal or inverted orientation were prepared from Escherichia coli. The lactose transport activity of these vesicle preparations was compared. The parameters measured were net efflux, counterflux, and K+/valinomycin-induced active uptake of lactose. With membrane vesicles derived from both wild-type and cytochrome-deficient strains the right-side-out and inverted membrane preparations showed similar rates of lactose flux in all assays. According to these criteria, the activity of the beta-galactoside transport protein is inherently symmetrical. One major difference was observed between the native and inverted vesicle preparations: the inverted vesicles had approximately twice the specific activity of native vesicles in the counterflux and K+/valinomycin-induced uptake assays. This difference can be largely ascribed to the presence in the normal vesicle preparation of vesicles with a high passive permeability to lactose. Such vesicles are apparently absent from the inverted vesicle preparations.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented that lactose uptake into whole cells of Escherichia coli occurs by symport with a single proton over the range of external pH 6.5--7.7. The proton/lactose stoicheiometry has been measured directly over this pH range by comparison of the initial rates of proton and lactose uptake into anaerobic resting cell suspensions of E. coli ML308. Further, the relationship between the protonmotive force and lactose accumulation has been studied in E. coli ML308-225 over the range of external pH 5.9--8.7. At no point was the accumulation of the beta-galactoside in thermodynamic equilibrium with the protonmotive force. It is concluded that the concentration of lactose within the cell is governed by kinetic factors rather than pH-dependent changes in the proton/substrate stoicheiometry. The relevance of these findings to the model of pH-dependent proton/substrate stoicheiometries derived from studies with E. coli membrane vesicles is discussed.  相似文献   

Energization of active transport by Escherichia coli   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  

Some properties of the sulphate transport system and the isolation of sulphate permease mutants in E. coli K12 are described. The gene coding for sulphate permease is located in the same region as the cysA gene in Salmonella typhimurium.  相似文献   

Our structural knowledge of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) has dramatically increased in the past year with three structures of proteins from the MFS (oxalate/formate antiporter; lactose/proton symporter and the Pi/glycerol-3-phosphate antiporter). All three structures revealed 12 transmembrane helices forming two distinct domains and could imply that members of the MFS have preserved both secondary as well as tertiary structural elements during evolution. Lactose permease, a particularly well-studied member of the MFS, has been extensively explored by a number of molecular biological, biochemical and biophysical approaches. In this review, we take a closer look at the structure of LacY and incorporate a wealth of biochemical and biophysical data in order to propose a possible mechanism for lactose/proton symport. In addition, we make some brief comparisons between the structures of LacY and GlpT.  相似文献   

Our structural knowledge of the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) has dramatically increased in the past year with three structures of proteins from the MFS (oxalate/formate antiporter; lactose/proton symporter and the P(i)/glycerol-3-phosphate antiporter). All three structures revealed 12 transmembrane helices forming two distinct domains and could imply that members of the MFS have preserved both secondary as well as tertiary structural elements during evolution. Lactose permease, a particularly well-studied member of the MFS, has been extensively explored by a number of molecular biological, biochemical and biophysical approaches. In this review, we take a closer look at the structure of LacY and incorporate a wealth of biochemical and biophysical data in order to propose a possible mechanism for lactose/proton symport. In addition, we make some brief comparisons between the structures of LacY and GlpT.  相似文献   

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