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A photoactive photosystem I complex has been purified from the filamentous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413. Cells were broken using glass beads, and the membrane fraction was solubilized with beta-dodecyl maltoside followed by two rounds of fast protein liquid chromatography on anion exchange columns. The polypeptide composition of the isolated complex was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and N-terminal amino acid sequencing of the fractionated proteins. The purified complex consists of at least 11 proteins, identified as the PsaA, PsaB, PsaC, PsaD, PsaE, PsaF, PsaI, PsaJ, PsaK, PsaL, and PsaN proteins. The spectrum of the flash-induced absorbance change measured between 670 and 830 nm shows that the purified complex contains 99 +/- 11 chlorophyll a molecules per P700, the primary donor in photosystem I. The kinetics of the rereduction of oxidized P700 following an actinic flash indicate that forward electron transfer from P700 to the FA/FB iron-sulfur center acceptors is functional in the isolated complex.  相似文献   

Heterocyst-forming filamentous cyanobacteria, such as Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413, require molybdenum as a component of two essential cofactors for the enzymes nitrate reductase and nitrogenase. A. variabilis efficiently transported (99)Mo (molybdate) at concentrations less than 10(-9) M. Competition experiments with other oxyanions suggested that the molybdate-transport system of A. variabilis also transported tungstate but not vanadate or sulfate. Although tungstate was probably transported, tungsten did not function in place of molybdenum in the Mo-nitrogenase. Transport of (99)Mo required prior starvation of the cells for molybdate, suggesting that the Mo-transport system was repressed by molybdate. Starvation, which required several generations of growth for depletion of molybdate, was enhanced by growth under conditions that required synthesis of nitrate reductase or nitrogenase. These data provide evidence for a molybdate storage system in A. variabilis. NtcA, a regulatory protein that is essential for synthesis of nitrate reductase and nitrogenase, was not required for transport of molybdate. The closely related strain Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 transported (99)Mo in a very similar way to A. variabilis.  相似文献   

The two reaction-centre proteins of the photosystem I (PSI) complex are encoded by two adjacent genes named psaA and psaB. We have performed targeted mutagenesis to insertionally inactivate each of these genes in the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413. The resulting mutant strains, termed psaA:: NmR and psaB:: NmR, were blue because of a high ratio of phycobilin to chlorophyll and were unable to grow in light. These mutant cells also lacked chemically reducible P700 (the reaction-centre chlorophylls of PSI) and as a consequence did not exhibit any PSI-mediated photochemical activity. However, their photosystem II (PSII) complexes were fully active. The loss of the PsaA and PsaB proteins and their associated chlorophyll molecules resulted in a five- to sevenfold decrease in the chlorophyll/PSII ratio in the mutant cells relative to the wild-type cells. Interestingly, the psaS:: NmR and not the psaA:: NmR mutant strain retained a small fluorescence peak (77K) at 721 nm originating from chlorophyll molecule(s) presumably bound to a small amount of the PsaA protein present in the psaB mutant. These results demonstrate that this organism is suitable for the manipulation of PSI reaction-centre proteins.  相似文献   

The psaI gene encoding the 5.2 kDa protein component (PsaI) of the photosystem I complex was cloned from the cyanobacterium Anabaena 29413. The gene is present in single copy in this cyanobacterial genome. The nucleotide sequence of a 500 bp region of the cloned DNA revealed the presence of an open reading frame encoding a 46 amino acid long polypeptide. The N-terminal 11 residues are absent in the mature polypeptide and thus represents the first identified cleavable presequence on the PsaI protein. We suggest that this presequence directs the N-terminus of the protein to the thylakoid lumen.  相似文献   

Nitrogenase of the heterocystous cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis was inactivated in vivo (S. Reich, H. Almon, and P. B?ger, FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 34:53-56, 1986). Partially purified and modified (inactivated) dinitrogenase reductase (Fe-protein) of such cells was reactivated by isolated membrane fractions of A. variabilis or of Rhodospirillum rubrum, and acetylene reduction was measured. Reactivation requires ATP, Mg2+, and Mn2+. The activating principle is localized in the heterocyst and was found effective only when prepared from cells exhibiting active nitrogenase. It also restores the activity of modified Fe-protein from R. rubrum.  相似文献   

The filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 is capable of heterotrophic growth in complete darkness. After 6 months of continuous dark growth, both the autotrophic and heterotrophic cultures were found to have the same doubling time of 14 h. On a cellular basis, the chlorophyll content remained the same and the phycobilin content showed an increase in the dark-grown cultures. Fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K of dark-grown cells indicated that the phycobilisomes are functionally associated with photosystem II (PSII). Moreover, upon transfer to light, the dark-grown cells readily evolved oxygen. Although photosystem I (PSI) and whole chain-mediated electron transfer rates were comparable in both types of cultures, the rate of PSII-mediated electron transfer was found to be 20% higher in dark-grown cells. The PSI to PSII ratio changed from 6:1 in autotrophic cultures to 4:1 in the dark-grown cells. These changes in the rate of PSII electron transfer and in the stoichiometry between the two photosystems under dark, heterotrophic growth conditions were brought about by a preferential increase in the number of PSII units while the number of PSI units remained unchanged. The advantages of using this organism in the selection of PSI-deficient mutants are discussed.  相似文献   

Heterocysts are terminally differentiated cells of some filamentous cyanobacteria that fix nitrogen for the entire filament under oxic growth conditions. Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 is unusual in that it has two Mo-dependent nitrogenases; one, called Nif1, functions in heterocysts, while the second, Nif2, functions under anoxic conditions in vegetative cells. Both nitrogenases depended on expression of the global regulatory protein NtcA. It has long been thought that a product of nitrogen fixation in heterocysts plays a role in maintenance of the spaced pattern of heterocyst differentiation. This model assumes that each cell in a filament senses its own environment in terms of nitrogen sufficiency and responds accordingly in terms of differentiation. Expression of the Nif2 nitrogenase under anoxic conditions in vegetative cells was sufficient to support long-term growth of a nif1 mutant; however, that expression did not prevent differentiation of heterocysts and expression of the nif1 nitrogenase in either the nif1 mutant or the wild-type strain. This suggested that the nitrogen sufficiency of individual cells in the filament did not affect the signal that induces heterocyst differentiation. Perhaps there is a global mechanism by which the filament senses nitrogen sufficiency or insufficiency based on the external availability of fixed nitrogen. The filament would then respond by producing heterocyst differentiation signals that affect the entire filament. This does not preclude cell-to-cell signaling in the maintenance of heterocyst pattern but suggests that overall control of the process is not controlled by nitrogen insufficiency of individual cells.  相似文献   

The affinity for NaHCO3 (CO2) in photosynthesis of Anabaenavariabilis ATCC 29413 was much higher in the cells grown underordinary air (low-CO2 cells) than in those grown in air enrichedwith 2–4% CO2 (high-CO2 cells) (pH 8.0, 25?C). Ethoxyzolamide(50 µM) increased the Km(NaHCO3 in low-CO2 cells aboutnine times (from 14.3 to 125), while the maximum rate of photosynthesisdecreased about 20%. When high-CO2 cells were transferred tolow-CO2 conditions, carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity increased,while Km(NaHCO3) in photosynthesis decreased from 140 to 30µM within about 5 h. The addition of CA to the suspensionof both high- and low-CO2 cells enhanced the rates of photosyntheticO2 evolution under CO2-limiting conditions. The rate of 14CO2fixation was much faster than that of H14CO3 fixation.The former reaction was greatly suppressed, while the latterwas enhanced by the addition of CA. These results indicate thatthe active species of inorganic carbon utilized for photosynthesiswas free CO2 irrespective of the CO2 concentration given duringgrowth. It is suggested that CA plays an active role in increasingthe affinity for CO2 in photosynthesis of low-CO2 cells of thisblue-green alga. (Received January 24, 1984; Accepted October 22, 1984)  相似文献   

The use of Triton X-100 to solubilize membrane fragments from Anabaena flos-aquae in conjunction with DEAE cellulose chromatography allows the separation of three green fractions. Fraction 1 is detergent-solubilized chlorophyll, and Fraction 2 contains one polypeptide in the 15 kdalton area. Fraction 3, which contains most of the chlorophyll and shows P-700 and photosystem I activity, shows by SDS gel electrophoresis varying polypeptide profiles which reflect the presence of four fundamental bands as well as varying amounts of other polypeptides which appear to be aggregates containing the 15 kdalton polypeptide. The four fundamental bands are designated Band I at 120, Band II at 52, Band III at 46, and Band IV at 15 kdaltons. Band I obtained using 0.1% SDS contains chlorophyll and P-700 associated with it. When this band is cut out and rerun, the 120 kdalton band is lost, but significant increases occur in the intensities of Bands II, III, and IV as well as other polypeptides in the 20-30 kdalton range. The use of 1% Triton X-100 coupled with sucrose density gradient centrifugation allows the separation of three green bands at 10, 25 and 40% sucrose. The 10% layer contains a major polypeptide which appears to be Band IV. The 25 and 40% layers show essentially similar polypeptide profiles, resembling Fraction 3 in this regard, except that the 40% layer shows a marked decrease in Band III. Treatment of the material layering at the 40% sucrose level with a higher (4%) concentration of Triton X-100 causes a loss (disaggregation) of the polypeptides occurring in the 60-80 kdalton region and in increase in the lower molecular weight polypeptides. Thus, aggregation of the lower molecular weight polypeptides accounts for the variability seen in the electrophoresis patterns. Possible relations of the principal polypeptides to the known photochemical functions in the original membrane are discussed.  相似文献   

Both components of nitrogenase, dinitrogenase and dinitrogenase reductase, are rapidly inactivated by oxygen. To investigate the proteolytic degradation of dinitrogenase reductase irreversibly destroyed by high oxygen concentrations, we carried out in vitro experiments with heterocyst extracts from Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413. The results indicate a direct dependence of degradation on the applied oxygen concentration. Although the degrees of degradation were similar for both the modified and unmodified subunits of dinitrogenase reductase, there was a significant difference with respect to the cleavage products observed. The pattern of effective protease inhibitors suggests the involvement of serine proteases with chymotrypsin- and trypsin-like specificity. A protective effect was obtained by saturation of the nucleotide binding sites of dinitrogenase reductase with either ATP or ADP. As shown by gel filtration experiments, the adenylates prevented the nitrogenase subunits from extensive noncovalent aggregation, which is usually considered evidence for a denaturing process. The in vitro degradation of dinitrogenase reductase is discussed in connection with previous reports on degradation of nitrogenase in cyanobacteria under oxygen stress and/or starvation.  相似文献   

Ferredoxins are small iron sulfur proteins necessary for electron donation. FdxH1 and FdxH2 are associated with two different nif gene clusters where they transfer electrons for the reduction of nitrogenase complex. FdxH1 was observed to be stable towards oxygen, whereas, FdxH2 was relatively unstable. We had identified the amino acid involved in oxygen sensitivity of ferredoxin protein using protein modeling. The exchange of valine to leucine at position 77 was critical for ferredoxin proteins in relation to its oxygen sensitivity. This exchange leads to a longer side chain, which inhibits the accessibility of oxygen to the iron sulfur cluster. Site directed mutagenesis and in vitro experiments confirms that valine indeed is involved in the oxygen sensitivity. The exchange of leucine to valine in FdxH1 makes it oxygen unstable. Thus, from the above results we can conclude that the position of leucine at position 77 is critical for oxygen sensitivity of ferredoxin and protein modeling can be used to identify specific amino acids in other oxygen-sensitive proteins.  相似文献   

Hydrogen production by Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 and of its mutant PK84, grown in batch cultures, was studied in a photobioreactor. The highest volumetric H(2) production rates of native and mutant strains were found in cultures grown at gradually increased irradiation. The native strain evolved H(2) only under an argon atmosphere with the actual rate as high as the potential rate (measured in small vials under optimal conditions). In this case 61% of oxygenic photosynthesis was used for H(2) production. In contrast the mutant PK84 produced H(2) during growth under CO(2)-enriched air. Under these conditions at the maximum rate of H(2) production (10 mL h(-1) L(-1)), 13% of oxygenic photosynthesis was used for H(2) production and the actual H(2) production was only 33% of the potential. Under an atmosphere of 98% argon + 2% CO(2) actual H(2) production by mutant PK84 was 85% of the potential rate and 66% of oxygenic photosynthesis was used for H(2) production. Hydrogen production under argon + CO(2) by the mutant was strictly light-dependent with saturation at about 300 microE m(-2) s(-1). However, the rate of photosynthesis was not saturated at this irradiation. At limiting light intensities (below 250 microE m(-2) s(-1)) 33-58% of photosynthesis was used for H(2) production. Hydrogen evolution by PK84 under air + 2% CO(2) was also stimulated by light; but was not saturated at 332 microE m(-2) s(-1) and did not cease completely in darkness. The rate of oxygen photoevolution was also not saturated. A mechanism for increasing cyanobacterial hydrogen production is proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract An Aspergillus niger multicopy pki-pel B fusion transformant was used to overexpress pectin lyase B. Under the control of this glycolytic promoter no other contaminating extracellular pectinolytic enzymes appeared in the culture fluid. PL B could thus be purified easily. It has a molecular mass of 40 kDa and has been characterizd as an endo-acting enzyme. The iso-electric point of PL B (5.9) is much higher than the pI-values of two other A. niger pectin lyases viz. pI 3.65 for PL I and pI 3.75 for PL II). Other differences between this enzyme and the two other well characterized pectin lyases are the much higher pH optimum and the higher turnover number on highly esterified pectin for PL B.  相似文献   

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