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F Bourre  G Renault  A Gentil 《Mutation research》1989,220(2-3):107-113
Exogenous DNA probes are frequently used to study mutagenesis in mammalian cells. Experimental protocols utilizing simian virus 40 (SV40) and transient shuttle vectors able to replicate in mammalian cells as well as in bacteria are described. The main interests and the limits of the 2 genetic assays are discussed from results obtained with both systems. Despite some minor discrepancies, results obtained are very similar using either method. The complementarity of the 2 assays will allow a better comprehension of the mechanisms by which mutations may arise in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Efficient transfection and expression of cDNA libraries in human cells has been achieved with an Epstein-Barr virus-based subcloning vector (EBO-pcD). The plasmid vector contains a resistance marker for hygromycin B to permit selection for transformed cells. The Epstein-Barr virus origin for plasmid replication (oriP) and the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen gene have also been incorporated into the vector to ensure that the plasmids are maintained stably and extrachromosomally. Human lymphoblastoid cells can be stably transformed at high efficiency (10 to 15%) by such plasmids, thereby permitting the ready isolation of 10(6) to 10(7) independent transformants. Consequently, entire high-complexity EBO-pcD expression libraries can be introduced into these cells. Furthermore, since EBO-pcD plasmids are maintained as episomes at two to eight copies per cell, intact cDNA clones can be readily isolated from transformants and recovered by propagation in Escherichia coli. By using such vectors, human cells have been stably transformed with EBO-pcD-hprt to express hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase and with EBO-pcD-Leu-2 to express the human T-cell surface marker Leu-2 (CD8). Reconstruction experiments with mixtures of EBO-pcD plasmids demonstrated that one clone of EBO-pcD-hprt per 10(6) total clones or one clone of EBO-pcD-Leu-2 per 2 x 10(4) total clones can be recovered intact from the transformed cells. The ability to directly select for expression of very rare EBO-pcD clones and to then recover these episomes should make it possible to clone certain genes where hybridization and immunological screening methods are not applicable but where a phenotype can be scored or selected in human cell lines.  相似文献   

When monkey cells were treated with mitomycin C 24 h before transfection with UV-irradiated pZ189 (a simian virus 40-based shuttle vector), there was a twofold increase in the frequency of mutations in the supF gene of the vector. These results suggest the existence of an enhancible mutagenesis pathway in mammalian cells. However, DNA sequence analysis of the SupF- mutants suggested no dramatic changes in the mechanisms of mutagenesis due to mitomycin C treatment of the cells.  相似文献   

A Stary  A Sarasin 《Biochimie》1991,73(4):509-514
In order to approach the mechanism of gene amplification, we have developed a model system in human cells based on the use of episomally-replicating shuttle vectors. Shuttle vectors carrying the replication origin of the Epstein-Barr virus can be stably maintained in human cells. These vectors replicate as an episome with a low copy number. We also constructed hybrid plasmids containing both the EBV and the SV40 replication origins. These molecules are able to replicate episomally either like an EBV vector or like SV40 if the SV40 large T antigen is provided at the same time. UV irradiation of both human adenovirus transformed 293 or SV40-transformed MRC5 host cells leads to vector amplification whatever the type of replication origin used for the episomal maintenance. Our result clearly shows that the EBV latent replication origin (OriP), in the presence of the Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA-1) and the SV40 large T antigen, is sensitive to over-replication in UV-irradiated human cells. Since the UV doses were small enough to induce very little damage, if any, on the plasmid sequences, this amplification should be mediated through a cellular factor acting in trans. The interest in using shuttle vectors for this kind of study lays in the easy analysis of the amplified vectors in rescued bacterial colonies. The accuracy of the amplification process can be monitored by studying restriction maps of individual plasmid molecules or more precisely the integrity of a target gene, such as the lacZ' sequence, carried by our vectors.  相似文献   

The stability of an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-simian virus 40 (SV40) hybrid shuttle vector, the p205-GTI plasmid, was analyzed in human cells during EBV- or SV40-type replication mode. When the p205-GTI plasmid was maintained as an episomal EBV vector in the human 293 cell line, no rearrangement was detected. To induce the SV40 replication mode, cells containing the episomal p205-GTI plasmid were either transfected with vectors carrying the T antigen gene or infected with SV40. Surprisingly, we observed both production and amplification of different classes of recombinant molecules. Particular types of modifications were found in most of the recombinants. The most striking rearrangement was a duplication of the promoter and enhancer regions of SV40 which was inserted in the thymidine kinase (TK) promoter. This recombination process involved a few bases of homology, and one of the recombination junctions implicated the GC boxes which constitute the essential components of the TK and SV40 early promoters. Our results suggest that a combination of a low level of base homology and a specific DNA sequence function (promoter and enhancer sites) leads to a very high level of recombinational activity during T-antigen-dependent plasmid replication.  相似文献   

Mouse 3T3 fibroblasts were found to complement, in simian cell variants semipermissive to simian virus 40, a cold-sensitive defect of an early function, but not a nonconditional defect of viral uncoating. The variant simian cells could rescue simian virus 40 from 3T3 transformants, and this capacity was not temperature dependent.  相似文献   

Non-specific termination of simian virus 40 DNA replication.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Axial X-ray diffraction patterns have been studied from relaxed, contracted and rigor vertebrate striated muscles at different sarcomere lengths to determine which features of the patterns depend on the interaction of actin and myosin. The intensity of the myosin layer lines in a live, relaxed muscle is sometimes less in a stretched muscle than in the muscle at rest-length; the intensity depends not only on the sarcomere length but on the time that has elapsed since dissection of the muscle. The movement of cross-bridges giving rise to these intensity changes are not caused solely by the withdrawal of actin from the A-band.When a muscle contracts or passes into rigor many changes occur that are independent of the sarcomere length: the myosin layer lines decrease in intensity to about 30% of their initial value when the muscle contracts, and disappear completely when the muscle passes into rigor. Both in contracting and rigor muscles at all sarcomere lengths the spacings of the meridional reflections at 143 Å and 72 Å are 1% greater than from a live relaxed muscle at rest-length. It is deduced that the initial movement of cross-bridges from their positions in resting muscle does not depend on the interaction of each cross-bridge with actin, but on a conformational change in the backbone of the myosin filament: occurring as a result of activation. The possibility is discussed that the conformational change occurs because the myosin filament, like the actin filament, has an activation control mechanism. Finally, all the X-ray diffraction patterns are interpreted on a model in which the myosin filament can exist in one of two possible states: a relaxed state which gives a diffraction pattern with strong myosin layer lines and an axial spacing of 143.4 Å, and an activated state which gives no layer lines but a meridional spacing of 144.8 Å.  相似文献   

Structural topography of simian virus 40 DNA replication.   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Applying an in situ cell fractionation procedure, we analyzed structural systems of the cell nucleus for the presence of mature and replicating simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA. Replicating SV40 DNA intermediates were tightly and quantitatively associated with the nuclear matrix, indicating that elongation processes of SV40 DNA replication proceed at this structure. Isolated nuclei as well as nuclear matrices were able to continue SV40 DNA elongation under replication conditions in situ, arguing for a coordinated and functional association of SV40 DNA and large T molecules at nuclear structures. SV40 DNA replication also was terminated at the nuclear matrix. While the bulk of newly synthesized, mature SV40 DNA molecules then remained at this structure, some left the nuclear matrix and accumulated at the chromatin.  相似文献   

Initiation of simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro.   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
Exogenously added simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA can be replicated semiconservatively in vitro by a mixture of a soluble extract of HeLa cell nuclei and the cytoplasm from SV40-infected CosI cells. When cloned DNA was used as a template, the clone containing the SV40 origin of DNA replication was active, but a clone lacking the SV40 origin was inactive. The major products of the in vitro reaction were form I and form II SV40 DNAs and a small amount of form III. DNA synthesis in extracts began at or near the in vivo origin of SV40 DNA synthesis and proceeded bidirectionally. The reaction was inhibited by the addition of anti-large T hamster serum, aphidicolin, or RNase but not by ddNTP. Furthermore, this system was partially reconstituted between HeLa nuclear extract and the semipurified SV40 T antigen instead of the CosI cytoplasm. It is clear from these two systems that the proteins containing SV40 T antigen change the nonspecific repair reaction performed by HeLa nuclear extract alone to the specific semiconservative DNA replication reaction. These results show that these in vitro systems closely resemble SV40 DNA replication in vivo and provide an assay that should be useful for the purification and subsequent characterization of viral and cellular proteins involved in DNA replication.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine dimers block simian virus 40 replication forks.   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
UV light produces lesions, predominantly pyrimidine dimers, which inhibit DNA replication in mammalian cells. The mechanism of inhibition is controversial: is synthesis of a daughter strand halted at a lesion while the replication fork moves on and reinitiates downstream, or is fork progression itself blocked for some time at the site of a lesion? We directly addressed this question by using electron microscopy to examine the distances of replication forks from the origin in unirradiated and UV-irradiated simian virus 40 chromosomes. If UV lesions block replication fork progression, the forks should be asymmetrically located in a large fraction of the irradiated molecules; if replication forks move rapidly past lesions, the forks should be symmetrically located. A large fraction of the simian virus 40 replication forks in irradiated molecules were asymmetrically located, demonstrating that UV lesions present at the frequency of pyrimidine dimers block replication forks. As a mechanism for this fork blockage, we propose that polymerization of the leading strand makes a significant contribution to the energetics of fork movement, so any lesion in the template for the leading strand which blocks polymerization should also block fork movement.  相似文献   

The initiation of simian virus 40 (SV40) replication requires recognition of the viral origin of replication (ori) by SV40 T antigen, followed by denaturation of ori in a reaction dependent upon human replication protein A (hRPA). To understand how origin denaturation is achieved, we constructed a 48-bp SV40 "pseudo-origin" with a central 8-nucleotide (nt) bubble flanked by viral sequences, mimicking a DNA structure found within the SV40 T antigen-ori complex. hRPA bound the pseudo-origin with similar stoichiometry and an approximately fivefold reduced affinity compared to the binding of a 48-nt single-stranded DNA molecule. The presence of hRPA not only distorted the duplex DNA flanking the bubble but also resulted in denaturation of the pseudo-origin substrate in an ATP-independent reaction. Pseudo-origin denaturation occurred in 7 mM MgCl2, distinguishing this reaction from Mg2+-independent DNA-unwinding activities previously reported for hRPA. Tests of other single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) revealed that pseudo-origin binding correlates with the known ability of these SSBs to support the T-antigen-dependent origin unwinding activity. Our results suggest that hRPA binding to the T antigen-ori complex induces the denaturation of ori including T-antigen recognition sequences, thus releasing T antigen from ori to unwind the viral DNA. The denaturation activity of hRPA has the potential to play a significant role in other aspects of DNA metabolism, including DNA repair.  相似文献   

We developed highly sensitive shuttle vector systems for detection of mutations formed in human cells using autonomously replicating derivatives of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV vectors carrying the bacterial lacI gene as the target for mutation were established in human cells and later returned to Escherichia coli for rapid detection and analysis of lacI mutations. The majority of the clonal cell lines created by establishment of the lacI-EBV vector show spontaneous LacI- frequencies of less than 10(-5) and are suitable for studies of induced mutation. The ability to isolate clonal lines represents a major advantage of the EBV vectors over transiently replicating shuttle vectors (such as those derived from simian virus 40) for the study of mutation. The DNA sequence changes were determined for 61 lacI mutations induced by exposure of one of the cell lines to N-nitroso-N-methylurea. A total of 33 of 34 lacI nonsense mutations and 26 of 27 missense mutations involve G X C to A X T transitions. These data provide support for the mutational theory of cancer.  相似文献   

Treatment of African green monkey kidney CV-1 cells with human alpha interferons before infection with simian virus 40 (SV40) inhibited the accumulation of SV40 mRNAs and SV40 T-antigen (Tag). This inhibition persisted as long as the interferons were present in the medium. SV40-transformed human SV80 cells and mouse SV3T3-38 cells express Tag, and interferon treatment of these cells did not affect this expression. SV80 and SV3T3-38 cells which had been exposed to interferons were infected with a viable SV40 deletion mutant (SV40 dl1263) that codes for a truncated Tag. Exposure to interferons inhibited the accumulation of the truncated Tag (specified by the infecting virus) but had no significant effect on the accumulation of the endogenous Tag (specified by the SV40 DNA integrated into the cellular genome). The level of Tag in SV40-transformed mouse SV101 cells was not significantly decreased by interferon treatment. SV40 was rescued from SV101 cells and used to infect interferon-treated and control African green monkey kidney Vero cells. Tag accumulation was inhibited in the cells which had been treated with interferons before infection. Our data demonstrate that even within the same cell the interferon system can discriminate between expression of a gene in the SV40 viral genome and expression of the same gene integrated into a host chromosome.  相似文献   

T Chittenden  A Frey    A J Levine 《Journal of virology》1991,65(11):5944-5951
The replication of a simian virus 40 (SV40) origin-containing plasmid, pSLneo, stably transfected COS7 cells has been studied. pSLneo contains the SV40 origin of replication and encodes the positive selectable marker for G418 resistance. In transient replication assays, pSLneo replicates to a high copy number in COS7 cells. Uncontrolled SV40 plasmid replication has been reported to be lethal to such transfected cells. Thus, it was anticipated that extensive plasmid replication would preclude isolation of permanent cell lines containing pSLneo. However, significant number of G418-resistant colonies arose after transfection of COS7 cells with pSLneo. Cell lines established from these drug-resistant colonies contained between 100 and 1,000 extrachromosomal pSLneo copies per cell. Episomal plasmid DNA in pSLneo/COS7 lines was stably maintained after 2 months of continuous culture in selective medium. Bromodeoxyuridine labeling and density shift experiments demonstrated that replication of pSLneo closely paralleled that of cellular DNA. On average, plasmid DNA did not replicate more than once during a single cell generation period. Regulation of pSLneo replication appeared to be negatively controlled by a cis-acting mechanism. Endogenous copies of episomal pSLneo remained at a stable low copy number during the simultaneous, high-level replication of a newly transfected plasmid encoding SV40 large T antigen in the same cells. These results indicate that regulated replication of an SV40 origin plasmid can be acquired in a cell and does not require the presence of additional genetic elements. The molecular mechanism by which cells enforce this regulation on extrachromosomal SV40 plasmids remains to be defined.  相似文献   

Studies of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA replication in vitro have identified a small (approximately 30-nucleotide) RNA-DNA hybrid species termed primer-DNA. Initial experiments indicated that T antigen and the polymerase alpha-primase complex are required to form primer-DNA. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen, and presumably proliferating cell nuclear antigen-dependent polymerases, is not needed to form this species. Herein, we present an investigation of the stages at which primer-DNA functions during SV40 DNA replication in vitro. Hybridization studies indicate that primer-DNA is initially formed in the origin region and is subsequently synthesized in regions distal to the origin. At all time points, primer-DNA is synthesized from templates for lagging-strand DNA replication. These studies indicate that primer-DNA functions during both initiation and elongation stages of SV40 DNA synthesis. Results of additional experiments suggesting a precursor-product relationship between formation of primer-DNA and Okazaki fragments are presented.  相似文献   

We cloned a 12.3-kilobase (kb) endogenous plasmid, Ddp1, found in several wild-type and laboratory strains of Dictyostelium discoideum into pBR322. The cloned plasmids have been used to cotransform D. discoideum cells with B10S, a transformation vector carrying a gene fusion conferring resistance to G418. Whereas B10S DNA alone appears to integrate in a tandem array, the cloned Ddp1 plasmids replicate extrachromosomally and are stably maintained in the absence of selection with an average copy number of 50 to 100 copies per cell. The Ddp1-derived plasmids can be directly recovered by transforming Escherichia coli with bulk nuclear DNA from these cells. Preliminary deletion analysis indicates that not all regions of Ddp1 are necessary for stable replication in D. discoideum. Several recombinant vectors which replicate extrachromosomally in D. discoideum were also isolated. One contains the Act6-neor gene fusion from B10S recombined into one of the cloned derivatives of Ddp1 and can be used to directly transform D. discoideum amoebae, selecting for G418 resistance. Another recombinant is only 5.6 kb and resulted from a deletion of a 16.6-kb cloned Ddp1 hybrid plasmid. An analysis of the vector DNAs present in clones derived from single D. discoideum transformants is also described.  相似文献   

Metabolism of Okazaki fragments during simian virus 40 DNA replication.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Essentially all of the Okazaki fragments on replicating Simian virus 40 (SV40)DNA could be grouped into one of three classes. Class I Okazaki fragments (about 20%) were separated from longer nascent DNA chains by a single phosphodiester bond interruption (nick) and were quantitatively identified by treating purified replicating DNA with Escherichia coli DNA ligase and then measuring the fraction of Okazaki fragments joined to longer nascent DNA chains. Similarly, class II Okazaki fragments (about 30%) were separated by a region of single-stranded DNA template (gap) that could be filled and sealed by T4 DNA polymerase plus E. coli DNA ligase, and class III fragments (about 50%) were separated by RNA primers that could be removed with E. coli DNA olymerase I, allowing the fragments to be joined with E. coli DNA ligase. These results were obtained with replicating SV40 DNA that had been briefly labeled with radioactive precursors in either intact cells or isolated nuclei. When isolated nuclei were further incubated in the presence of cytosol, all of the Okazaki fragments were converted into longer DNA strands as expected for intermediates in DNA synthesis. However, when washed nuclei were incubated in the abscence of cytosol, both class I and class II Okazaki fragments accumulated despite the excision of RNA primers: class III Okazaki fragments and RNA-DNA covalent linkages both disappeared at similar rates. These data demonstrate the existence of RNA primers in whole cells as well as in isolated nuclei, and identify a unique gap-filling step that is not simply an extension of the DNA chain elongation process concomitant with the excision of RNA primers. One or more factos found in cytosol, in addition to DNA polymerase alpha, are specifically involved in the gap-filling and ligation steps. The sizes of mature Okazaki fragments (class I) and Okazaki fragments whose synthesis was completed by T4 DNA polymerase were measured by gel electrophoresis and found to be broadly distributed between 40 and 290 nucleotides with an average length of 135 nucleotides. Since 80% and 90% of the Okazaments does not occur at uniformly spaced intervals along the DNA template. During the excision of RNA primers, nascent DNA chains with a single ribonucleotide covalently attached to the 5' terminus were identified as transient intermediates. These intermediates accumulated during excision of RNA primers in the presence of adenine 9-beta-D-arabinoside 5'-triphosphate, and those Okazaki fragments blocked by RNA primers (class III) were found to have originated the farthest from the 5' ends of long nascent DNA strands. Thus, RNA primers appear to be excised in two steps with the second step, removal of the final ribonucleotide, being stimulated by concomitant DNA synthesis. These and other data were used to construct a comprehensive metabolic pathway for the initiation, elongation, and maturation of Okazaki fragments at mammalian DNA replication forks.  相似文献   

Irradiation of simian virus 40 (SV40)-infected cells with low fluences of UV light (20 to 60 J/m2, inducing one to three pyrimidine dimers per SV40 genome) causes a dramatic inhibition of viral DNA replication. However, treatment of cells with UV radiation (20 J/m2) before infection with SV40 virus enhances the replication of UV-damaged viral DNA. To investigate the mechanism of this enhancement of replication, we analyzed the kinetics of synthesis and interconversion of viral replicative intermediates synthesized after UV irradiation of SV40-infected cells that had been pretreated with UV radiation. This enhancement did not appear to be due to an expansion of the size of the pool of replicative intermediates after irradiation of pretreated infected cells; the kinetics of incorporation of labeled thymidine into replicative intermediates were very similar after irradiation of infected control and pretreated cells. The major products of replication of SV40 DNA after UV irradiation at the low UV fluences used here were form II molecules with single-stranded gaps (relaxed circular intermediates). There did not appear to be a change in the proportion of these molecules synthesized when cells were pretreated with UV radiation. Thus, it is unlikely that a substantial amount of DNA synthesis occurs past pyrimidine dimers without leaving gaps. This conclusion is supported by the observation that the proportion of newly synthesized SV40 form I molecules that contain pyrimidine dimers was not increased in pretreated cells. Pulse-chase experiments suggested that there is a more efficient conversion of replicative intermediates into form I molecules in pretreated cells. This could be due to more efficient gap filling in relaxed circular intermediate molecules or to the release of blocked replication forks. Alternatively, the enhanced replication observed here may be due to an increase in the excision repair capacity of the pretreated cells.  相似文献   

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