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Enhanced expression of the rbcS3A promoter was achieved by overproducing phytochrome in BY-2 tobacco cells. The transformed cells contained the oat phytochrome A gene fused the 35S promoter of Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) and the gus gene to the rbcS3A promoter. The transformed cells exhibited 1.5- to -2.8 fold enhanced the -glucuronidase (GUS) activity when subjected to light.  相似文献   

目的:探讨肺腺癌细胞中NDRG2基因启动子甲基化状态及其与基因表达的关系。方法:甲基化焦磷酸测序技术检测启动子区域甲基化状态,荧光定量PCR技术检测不同药物浓度下培养细胞中NDRG2基因mRNA的表达水平,分析启动子区域甲基化与基因表达之间的关系。结果:在体外培养细胞中检测到NDRG2基因启动子区域呈现不同程度的甲基化,甲基化频率分别为肺癌A549细胞71.8%、GLC-82细胞86.1%、人脐静脉内皮ECV-304细胞36.8%、胃上皮GES-1细胞42.9%。NDRG2基因mRNA表达与其启动子甲基化程度成反比,甲基转移酶抑制剂5-杂氮-2-脱氧胞苷(5-Aza-CdR)作用于细胞后,A549和GLC-82细胞中NDRG2基因的mRNA转录明显上调,至72 h差异显著(P0.05)。结论:肺腺癌细胞中NDRG2基因启动子CpG岛存在高甲基化,甲基化程度与该基因的表达具有负相关性,5-Aza-CdR能在一定程度上提高NDRG2的转录水平。  相似文献   

Sonobe  Seiji 《Plant & cell physiology》1990,31(8):1147-1153
An extract of tobacco BY-2 cells, prepared by rupturing protoplastsby exposure to centrifugal force, depolymerized cortical microtubuleson protoplast ghosts of BY-2 cells in an ATP-dependent manner.Depolymerization of cortical microtubules by the cell extractdid not occur in the presence of taxol. The extract failed todepolymerize microtubules of phragmoplasts and spindles isolatedfrom BY-2 cells. The activity was detected in a fraction precipitatedbetween 30–50% saturation with ammonium sulfate. Theseresults suggest the presence in the cell extract of a proteinfactor(s) that depolymerizes cortical microtubules in an ATP-dependentmanner. The importance of this factor(s) in the premitotic disappearanceof cortical microtubules is discussed. (Received April 25, 1990; Accepted September 6, 1990)  相似文献   

Autoradiographic experiments using preparations of isolatedphragmoplast obtained from tobacco cultured cells revealed thatthe radioactivity incorporated into insoluble material fromUDP-[3H]glucose was exclusively present at the cell plate ofisolated phragmoplasts. Most of the radioactivity incorporatedinto isolated phragmoplasts from UDP-[14C]glucose was solubilizedby 1,3-ß-glucanase and the solubilized radioactivitywas associated only with glucose, indicating that most of theradioactivity was incorporated into 1,3-ß-glucan.In the presence of high concentrations of unlabeled UDP-glucose,isolated phragmoplasts incorporated radioactivity from UDP-[3H]xylose.Most of the radioactivity incorporated into insoluble materialwas present at several sites distributed around the nuclei,while only little was found at the cell plate. (Received October 2, 1991; Accepted February 24, 1992)  相似文献   

As part of an extended search for auxin-regulated genes otherthan parA and parB in the cDNA library from cultured tobaccomesophyll protoplasts, we have isolated the cDNA for a genedesignated parC. This gene is expressed during the transitionfrom the G0 to S phase of the cell cycle. The nucleotide sequenceof parC cDNA was similar to that of parA. Using the parC cDNAas a probe we have isolated cDNA for a gene designated C-7 byhybridization at reduced stringency. Even though C-7 is relatedto parC, as is parA, its mode of expression was, to our surprise,completely different from that of parC. The C-7 gene is predominantlyexpressed in mature leaves and in freshly prepared protoplasts,but its level of expression did not change in response to auxintreatment. Although parC and C-7 are related to one anotherand exhibit homology to the parA gene, the two former genesdemonstrated conspicuous differences in their responses to externalstimuli, which included auxin, as well as their tissue-specificexpression. These results provide us an interesting system forthe analysis of the differential expression of closely relatedgenes. The significance of our observations is discussed withreference to the other members of the family of parA genes. (Received May 8, 1992; Accepted June 17, 1992)  相似文献   

本文以不含叶绿体的烟草BY-2悬浮细胞系为实验材料,研究了CuCl2胁迫对BY-2细胞呼吸速率、呼吸途径以及细胞内H2O2和ATP含量的影响。结果表明:0.5mmol·L-1CuCl2胁迫明显导致了烟草BY-2细胞的死亡,引起了胞内H2O2爆发和ATP含量下降,严重抑制了BY-2细胞的总呼吸和交替氧化酶途径(alternative oxidase pathway,AOX)。此外,CuCl2对BY-2细胞的线粒体电子传递具有即时的抑制作用。加入外源腺苷(ATP合成的底物)显著抑制了CuCl2胁迫引起的ATP损耗,并阻止了细胞死亡。上述结果表明CuCl2胁迫导致的ATP损耗在CuCl2诱导烟草BY-2细胞死亡过程中起重要的作用。  相似文献   

During the course of cell-wall regeneration in protoplasts isolatedfrom tobacco BY-2 cells, the nucleus changed its position fromthe central region to the cell periphery. This nuclear migrationwas inhibited by 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile (DBN), suggestingthe involvement of cell walls in nuclear migration in tobaccoBY-2 cells. In spherical cells formed by culturing protoplasts in the presenceof DBN or propyzamide, the nucleus was located in the centralregion of the cells and was tethered by transvacuolar cytoplasmicstrands. Nuclei in the spherical cells were displaced by disruptingthe actin filaments in the cytoplasmic strands by treating thecells with cytochalasin B (CB), suggesting that the positionof the nucleus in the spherical cells is maintained by actinfilaments. As the nuclei were located in the central regionof the cells even in the presence of propyzamide, microtubulesseem not to be involved in nuclear positioning in the sphericalcells. Actin filaments, but not microtubules, also seem to play animportant role in nuclear positioning in elongated cells. Inthese cells, CB greatly enhanced the displacement of the nucleusby centrifugation, while propyzamide showed little effect. (Received July 22, 1987; Accepted January 15, 1988)  相似文献   

Analysis of the Promoter of the Auxin-Inducible Gene, parC, of Tobacco   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The auxin-responsive region (AuxRR) in the promoter of the parCgene was analyzed in transgenic tobacco plants in which the5' flanking region of the parC promoter was placed upstreamof the gene for rß-glucuronidase (GUS). The AuxRRwas located between nucleotides (nt) –226 and –54.Detailed dissection of this segment revealed that the presenceof the non-contiguous sequences from nt –226 to –151and from nt –84 to –54 was required for the expressionof the auxin responsiveness of the parC promoter. The sequencefrom nt –226 to –151 was found to contain a sequencewhich resembles the as-1 element in the 35S promoter of cauliflowermosaic virus (CaMV). Although it has been reported that theas-1 element is involved in auxin responsiveness [Liu and Lam(1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269: 668], we showed that introductionof a point mutation into the as-1-like sequence completely eliminatedauxin responsiveness, a result that suggests that the sequenceis indispensable for auxin responsiveness. However, the presenceof the as-1-like sequence alone was not sufficient for auxinresponsiveness, since the segment (nt –226 to –84)that included the as-1-like sequence failed to confer auxinresponsiveness on the core promoter. It is possible that thetwo separately located sequences play specific roles in interactionswith trans-factors that are required for the expression of theauxin responsiveness of the parC promoter. (Received March 11, 1996; Accepted July 9, 1996)  相似文献   

When tobacco BY-2 cells that had been treated with aphidicolinfor 24 h were cultured in the absence of aphidicolin, DNA synthesiswas initiated within 1 h. DNA synthesis was completed within4 h and then the preprophase band of microtubules (PPB) developed.However, when cells that had been treated with aphidicolin werecultured in the absence of aphidicolin for 1 h and then againin its presence, DNA synthesis, which was initiated during thehour in the absence of aphidicolin, was not completed withina further 10 h in the presence of aphidicolin. Moreover, thePPB did not develop even after the PPB had appeared and disappearedin cells that were cultured contemporaneously in the continuedabsence of aphidicolin. The development of the PPB seems to be causally associated withthe nuclear cycle of cell division in tobacco BY-2 cells. Thisprocess seems to require the completion of the replication ofall, or almost all, of the nuclear DNA. (Received July 25, 1992; Accepted November 24, 1992)  相似文献   

利用我们自己分离的甘露碱含成酶基因启动子与萤光素酶结构基因、胭脂碱合成酶基因’3末端结构相拼构成一融合基因,并在带有此融合基因的中间载体PBZ7610插入Ti质粒T区的tmr基因,构成中间载体pBZ7621。利用改建的Ti质粒载体PGV3850,将萤光素酶融合基因引入了烟草植株,结果表明,萤光素酶融合基因在转化烟草中能表达。中间载体pBZ7610还带有PstⅠ,HindⅢ,XbaⅠ等多个单一的酶切位点,外源基因极易插入。利用中间载体pBZ7621,还可研究启动子在高等植物不同发育阶段中的功能特征。  相似文献   

Membrane ghosts prepared from tobacco BY-2 cells bound microtubules(MTs) that had been assembled in an extract of evacuolated protoplastsof the same cells and, as a result, the number of MTs on theghosts increased. MTs that had formed on the ghosts after incubationwith the extract were more sensitive to cold-treatment thanthe preexisting MTs. Binding of MTs was also observed on ghoststhat had been treated with a cold solution of Ca2+ to removepreexisting MTs. This result suggests that a system that mediatedthe binding of MTs to the plasma membrane remained on the ghosts.No binding of MTs was observed to ghosts that had been treatedwith trypsin. Preexisting MTs were removed by treatment with0.6 M KCl or 0.1 M Na2CO3. Membrane ghosts treated with KClor Na2CO3 did not bind MTs that had been assembled in the extractin the absence of taxol. However, ghosts prepared in the sameway did bind MTs that had been assembled in the extract in thepresence of taxol. It seems that treatment with KCl or Na2CO3removes a component(s) from the system that mediates the bindingof MTs to the plasma membrane and that a factor(s), associatedwith MTs assembled in the extract in the presence of taxol,compensates for the loss of this component(s) from the system. (Received August 12, 1993; Accepted January 26, 1994)  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(24):4999-5006.e3
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APETALA2(AP2)转录因子亚家族普遍存在于植物中,参与植株的生长发育、胁迫应答和多种生理生化反应的信号传导。本研究从白桦(Betula platyphylla Suk.)基因组中克隆了AP2基因2 308 bp的启动子序列,生物信息学分析发现,该序列除具有TATA-box和CAAT box等高等植物普遍具有的保守元件外,还具有大量光响应元件和激素响应元件,如响应赤霉素、脱落酸、茉莉酸甲酯等的元件。将白桦AP2基因启动子克隆至pBI121-35S::GUS植物表达载体中,命名为pBI121-proAP2::GUS,用农杆菌介导法侵染白桦和拟南芥,并进行GUS染色分析,结果表明AP2基因启动子驱动下的GUS报告基因在整个拟南芥中都表达,在白桦的营养器官和雌花种翅及花柄中也有表达,说明其具有启动活性,可能参与该器官的发育。  相似文献   

A tightly-focused ultrashort pulsed laser beam incident upon a cell membrane has previously been shown to transiently increase cell membrane permeability while maintaining the viability of the cell, a technique known as photoporation. This permeability can be used to aid the passage of membrane-impermeable biologically-relevant substances such as dyes, proteins and nucleic acids into the cell. Ultrashort-pulsed lasers have proven to be indispensable for photoporating mammalian cells but they have rarely been applied to plant cells due to their larger sizes and rigid and thick cell walls, which significantly hinders the intracellular delivery of exogenous substances. Here we demonstrate and quantify femtosecond optical injection of membrane impermeable dyes into intact BY-2 tobacco plant cells growing in culture, investigating both optical and biological parameters. Specifically, we show that the long axial extent of a propagation invariant (“diffraction-free”) Bessel beam, which relaxes the requirements for tight focusing on the cell membrane, outperforms a standard Gaussian photoporation beam, achieving up to 70% optoinjection efficiency. Studies on the osmotic effects of culture media show that a hypertonic extracellular medium was found to be necessary to reduce turgor pressure and facilitate molecular entry into the cells.  相似文献   

Protein farnesylation and geranylgeranylation are important posttranslational modifications in eukaryotic cells. We visualized in transformed Nicotiana tabacum Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells the geranylgeranylation and plasma membrane localization of GFP-BD-CVIL, which consists of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to the C-terminal polybasic domain (BD) and CVIL isoprenylation motif from the Oryza sativa calmodulin, CaM61. Treatment with fosmidomycin (Fos) or oxoclomazone (OC), inhibitors of the plastidial 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway, caused mislocalization of the protein to the nucleus, whereas treatment with mevinolin, an inhibitor of the cytosolic mevalonate pathway, did not. The nuclear localization of GFP-BD-CVIL in the presence of MEP pathway inhibitors was completely reversed by all-trans-geranylgeraniol (GGol). Furthermore, 1-deoxy-d-xylulose (DX) reversed the effects of OC, but not Fos, consistent with the hypothesis that OC blocks 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate synthesis, whereas Fos inhibits its conversion to 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol 4-phosphate. By contrast, GGol and DX did not rescue the nuclear mislocalization of GFP-BD-CVIL in the presence of a protein geranylgeranyltransferase type 1 inhibitor. Thus, the MEP pathway has an essential role in geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) biosynthesis and protein geranylgeranylation in BY-2 cells. GFP-BD-CVIL is a versatile tool for identifying pharmaceuticals and herbicides that interfere either with GGPP biosynthesis or with protein geranylgeranylation.  相似文献   

本文以不含叶绿体的烟草BY-2悬浮细胞系为实验材料,研究了CuCl2胁迫对BY-2细胞呼吸速率、呼吸途径以及细胞内H2O2和ATP含量的影响。结果表明:0.5mmol·L-1CuCl2胁迫明显导致了烟草BY-2细胞的死亡,引起了胞内H2O2爆发和ATP含量下降,严重抑制了BY-2细胞的总呼吸和交替氧化酶途径(alternative oxidase pathway,AOX)。此外,CuCl2对BY-2细胞的线粒体电子传递具有即时的抑制作用。加入外源腺苷(ATP合成的底物)显著抑制了CuCl2胁迫引起的ATP损耗,并阻止了细胞死亡。上述结果表明CuCl2胁迫导致的ATP损耗在CuCl2诱导烟草BY-2细胞死亡过程中起重要的作用。  相似文献   

T7启动子在哺乳类动物细胞中启动外源基因表达的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人低密度脂蛋白(LDL)受体基因cDNA和氯霉素已酞转移酶基因(CAT)及PolyA信号序列被克隆进pGEM4载体的T7噬茵体启动子下游,构建成质粒pT7LDLR和pT7CAT.两个重组质粒转化CHO细胞.PCR和CAT酶实验显示:两个基因被T7噬菌体启动子所启动.结果证实真核生物RNA聚合酶能够识别T7启动子,转录外源基因.常用的含有T7启动子的质粒可同时作为原核生物和真核生物的表达载体.  相似文献   

研究survivin启动子驱动的小发夹RNA(shRNA)在宫颈癌SiHa细胞中的特异性表达.PCR扩增survivin启动子,构建以survivin启动子驱动增强绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)表达的真核表达载体pEGFP-C1/Surv,并检测survivin启动子的活性;构建针对EGFP的shRNA真核表达载体pGenesil-1-EGFP-shRNA/U6,并检测shRNA在U6启动子驱动下的干扰效果;用有活性的survivin启动子取代pGenesil-1-EGFP-shRNA/U6载体中的U6启动子,从而获得新的shRNA真核表达载体pGenesil-1-EGFP-shRNA/Surv;将pGenesil-1-EGFP-shRNA/Surv转染到宫颈癌SiHa细胞及正常人脐静脉内皮HuVEC细胞,观察EGFP在两种细胞中的表达变化.结果表明,成功扩增survivin启动子并验证该启动子具有活性;成功构建EGFP shRNA真核表达载体pGenesil-1-EGFP-shRNA/U6,并验证shRNA在U6启动子驱动下具有较好的干扰效果;成功构建pGenesil-1-EGFP-shRNA/Surv载体,分别转染SiHa及HuVEC细胞,在SiHa 细胞中观察到较少的绿色荧光蛋白表达,而在HuVEC细胞中观察到较多的绿色荧光蛋白表达.survivin启动子能驱动shRNA在宫颈癌SiHa细胞中特异性表达,而在正常HuVEC细胞中不表达.  相似文献   

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