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The role of type I interferon production by dendritic cells in host defense   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Type I interferons (IFN) and dendritic cells (DC) share an overlapping history, with rapidly accumulating evidence for vital roles for both production of type 1 IFN by DC and the interaction of this IFN both with DC and components of the innate and adaptive immune responses. Within the innate immune response, the plasmacytoid DC (pDC) are the "professional" IFN producing cells, expressing specialized toll-like receptors (TLR7 and -9) and high constitutive expression of IRF-7 that allow them to respond to viruses with rapid and extremely robust IFN production; following activation and production of IFN, the pDC subsequently mature into antigen presenting cells that help to shape the adaptive immune response. However, like most cells in the body, the myeloid or conventional DC (mDC or cDC) also produce type I IFNs, albeit typically at a lower level than that observed with pDC, and this IFN is also important in innate and adaptive immunity induced by these classic antigen presenting cells. These two major DC subsets and their IFN products interact both with each other as well as with NK cells, monocytes, T helper cells, T cytotoxic cells, T regulatory cells and B cells to orchestrate the early immune response. This review discusses some of the converging history of DC and IFN as well as mechanisms for IFN induction in DC and the effects of this IFN on the developing immune response.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VACV) K1L and C7L function equivalently in many mammalian cells to support VACV replication and antagonize antiviral activities induced by type I interferons (IFNs). While K1L is limited to orthopoxviruses, genes that are homologous to C7L are found in diverse mammalian poxviruses. In this study, we showed that the C7L homologues from sheeppox virus and swinepox virus could rescue the replication defect of a VACV mutant deleted of both K1L and C7L (vK1L(-)C7L(-)). Interestingly, the sheeppox virus C7L homologue could rescue the replication of vK1L(-)C7L(-) in human HeLa cells but not in murine 3T3 and LA-4 cells, in contrast to all other C7L homologues. Replacing amino acids 134 and 135 of the sheeppox virus C7L homologue, however, made it functional in the two murine cell lines, suggesting that these two residues are critical for antagonizing a putative host restriction factor which has some subtle sequence variation in human and murine cells. Furthermore, the C7L family of host range genes from diverse mammalian poxviruses were all capable of antagonizing type I IFN-induced antiviral activities against VACV. Screening of a library of more than 350 IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) identified interferon-regulated factor 1 (IRF1) as an inhibitor of vK1L(-)C7L(-) but not wild-type VACV. Expression of either K1L or C7L, however, rendered vK1L(-)C7L(-) resistant to IRF1-induced antiviral activities. Altogether, our data show that K1L and C7L antagonize IRF1-induced antiviral activities and that the host modulation function of C7L is evolutionally conserved in all poxviruses that can readily replicate in tissue-cultured mammalian cells.  相似文献   

细胞致死性膨胀毒素(cytolethal distending toxin, CDT)属于AB2毒素,由多种革兰氏阴性菌产生。CDT是第一种被描述的细菌基因毒素,编码3种多肽:CDTA、CDTB和CDTC。CdtB是活性部分,有损伤多种细胞类型的能力。CDT具有一种新的分子作用模式,会干扰真核细胞周期的进展,从而导致G2/M停滞和细胞凋亡,该作用机制针对细胞,而且现阶段对于CDT的研究更多也是细胞层面,但是CDT作为毒力因子最终作用是损伤宿主造成疾病。但目前对CDT与宿主相互作用的分子机制了解尚不清晰。本文对细胞致死性膨胀毒素作为毒力因子从损伤上皮屏障、适应性免疫以及促进炎症反应三方面来综合阐述其对宿主防御机制途径的损伤,以期了解其致病机制以及为其临床治疗提供理论依据和新思路。  相似文献   

The effects of interferon on epidermal growth factor action   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Epidermal growth factor-stimulated thymidine incorporation in human fibroblasts is inhibited more than 80% by human interferon, whereas the stimulation of α-aminoisobutyrate uptake is unaffected. Maximum inhibition of thymidine incorporation is observed after treatment of cells with interferon prior to the onset of DNA synthesis. However, even after the initiation of DNA synthesis, interferon rapidly blocks any further increase in thymidine incorporation. Despite these effects, interferon treatment causes no alterations in epidermal growth factor binding, receptor downregulation or receptor reappearance.  相似文献   

Type I interferon (IFN), which includes the IFN-alpha and -beta subtypes, plays an essential role in host defense against influenza A virus. However, the relative contribution of IFN-beta remains unresolved. In mice, type I IFN is effective against influenza viruses only if the IFN-induced resistance factor Mx1 is present, though most inbred mouse strains, including the recently developed IFN-beta-deficient mice, bear only defective Mx1 alleles. We therefore generated IFN-beta-deficient mice carrying functional Mx1 alleles (designated Mx-BKO) and compared them to either wild-type mice bearing functional copies of both IFN-beta and Mx1 (designated Mx-wt) or mice carrying functional Mx1 alleles but lacking functional type I IFN receptors (designated Mx-IFNAR). Influenza A virus strain SC35M (H7N7) grew to high titers and readily formed plaques in monolayers of Mx-BKO and Mx-IFNAR embryo fibroblasts which showed no spontaneous expression of Mx1. In contrast, Mx-wt embryo fibroblasts were found to constitutively express Mx1, most likely explaining why SC35M did not grow to high titers and formed no visible plaques in such cells. In vivo challenge experiments in which SC35M was applied via the intranasal route showed that the 50% lethal dose was about 20-fold lower in Mx-BKO mice than in Mx-wt mice and that virus titers in the lungs were increased in Mx-BKO mice. The resistance of Mx-BKO mice to influenza A virus strain PR/8/34 (H1N1) was also substantially reduced, demonstrating that IFN-beta plays an important role in the defense against influenza A virus that cannot be compensated for by IFN-alpha.  相似文献   

As the immune response is activated during infection, multiple changes in lipid metabolism, especially increased production of VLDL, occur. Many of the cytokines that mediate the immune response are able to produce such changes in lipid metabolism in vivo. The induction of hypertriglyceridemia or other changes in lipid metabolism during infection do not directly cause the wasting syndrome. It appears that such changes in lipid metabolism may be beneficial to the host, as lipoproteins inactivate a variety of infectious agents. Cytokine-driven hepatic VLDL production during infection most likely represents a part of the acute phase response. The body is thus able to increase serum lipids during infection, or at least maintain triglyceride-rich lipoproteins despite the anorexia of infection. In this manner, the anti-infective, protective effects of lipoproteins are maintained.  相似文献   

The Nox family of NAD(P)H oxidases: host defense and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

HIV has evolved sophisticated mechanisms to avoid restriction by intracellular innate immune defenses that otherwise serve to control acute viral infection and virus dissemination. Innate defenses are triggered when pattern recognition receptor (PRR) proteins of the host cell engage pathogen-associated molecule patterns (PAMPs) present in viral products. Interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) plays a central role in PRR signaling of innate immunity to drive the expression of type I interferon (IFN) and interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), including a variety of HIV restriction factors, that serve to limit viral replication directly and/or program adaptive immunity. Productive infection of T cells by HIV is dependent upon the targeted proteolysis of IRF3 that occurs through a virus-directed mechanism that results in suppression of innate immune defenses. However, the mechanisms by which HIV controls innate immune signaling and IRF3 function are not defined. Here, we examined the innate immune response induced by HIV strains identified through their differential control of PRR signaling. We identified viruses that, unlike typical circulating HIV strains, lack the ability to degrade IRF3. Our studies show that IRF3 regulation maps specifically to the HIV accessory protein Vpu. We define a molecular interaction between Vpu and IRF3 that redirects IRF3 to the endolysosome for proteolytic degradation, thus allowing HIV to avoid the innate antiviral immune response. Our studies reveal that Vpu is an important IRF3 regulator that supports acute HIV infection through innate immune suppression. These observations define the Vpu-IRF3 interface as a novel target for therapeutic strategies aimed at enhancing the immune response to HIV.  相似文献   

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