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Abstract In this study the fatty acid composition of Flavobacterium halmephilum CCM2831 grown at different temperatures and salt concentrations is reported. At elevated growth temperatures the amount of cellular saturated long-chain acids (C18:0 and C20:0) and the branched-chain acid br-C17:0 increased, and the concentrations of both cyclic acids and the branched chain acid br-C15:0 decreased. Increasing the salt concentration in the medium resulted in a gradual increase in cellular cyclopropanoic acids and a concomitant decrease in the monounsaturated fatty acid content.  相似文献   

In this study Enterococcus faecalis cells were grown to stationary phase in various conditions resulting in strong but similar variations in both cellular thermoresistance and permeability barrier stability (the temperature Tm that induced rapid dissipation of the ion concentration gradient during constant heating). Cells grown at 17–22°C were heat sensitive and barrier labile whilst cells grown at 10–13°C and 42–47°C were heat resistant and barrier stable. The thermal resistance and barrier stability in heat-sensitive cells, compared to the same parameters in heat-resistant cells, remained low after an additional culture at 43–47°C, indicating a persistent effect of culture at 17–22°C. In cells grown at 10–13°C, these parameters were as low as they were in the heat-sensitive cells, provided the growth media contained an ammonium salt (1%) which thus abolished the cold acclimation. Both parameters were reduced in cells growth at increased salinity (1–3% Na and K salts) and the reduction was more pronounced during growth at 17–22°C. Moreover, cells pre-cultured at 21°C with increased salinity (3% NaCl) displayed strong phenotypic effect during subsequent culturing which reflected in a 6°C decrease in both the optimal temperature and maximal temperature of growth. Compared to other bacterial strains, only a part of the change in membrane stability could be related to the variations in fatty acid composition. The index of unsaturation changed in accordance with the barrier stability and survival of cells. These findings support the conclusion that stability of permeability barrier as affected by the growth temperature, presence of ammonium and cultural conditions of progenitor cells was involved in thermal sensitivity and temperature-acclimation of E. faecalis.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of five strains ofCorallococcus coralloides and three reference species ofMyxococcus were determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Methyl esters of fatty acid containing from 12 to 22 carbon atoms were identified. The major fatty acids present were C15 and C17 saturated branched chain, and both C16 saturated and unsaturated straight chain acids. The C17 saturated branched and straight chain acids, which were in valuable concentration in species ofMyxococcus, were not, however, detected in all strains ofC. coralloides. The application of these results in the distinction ofC. coralloides from the genusMyxococcus is discussed.  相似文献   

Cellular fatty acid composition of Leuconostoc oenos   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The cellular fatty acid composition of 70 lactic acid bacteria was examined by capillary gas chromatography. Fifty-four Leuconostoc oenos strains, including three reference, type strains from the other Leuconostoc spp., nine Pediococcus spp. and two Lactobacillus spp. were studied. Eighteen fatty acids were determined, of which 10 were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The relative percentages of the 18 fatty acids of the Leuconostoc strains were analyzed numerically and grouped using the unweighted pair-group method. Results show that four clusters could be defined at r = 0.920, with five strains unassigned. The major fatty acids of the Leuc. oenos strains were found to be palmitic acid (C16:0), palmitoleic acid (C16:1–9), oleic acid (C18: 1–9), vaccenic acid (C18: 1–11), dihyrosterculic acid (C19-cyclopropane-9) and lactobacillic acid (C19-cyclopropane-11). It was mainly on the basis of the amounts of oleic acid and the C19-cyclopropane fatty acids that the strains of Leuc. oenos could be distinguished from each other. This is the first report of the occurrence of dihydrosterculic acid in lactic acid bacteria. For the majority of Leuc. oenos strains, the result obtained with the cellular fatty acid analysis confirmed the phenotypic relationships.  相似文献   

Elimination of plasmids from Thermus flavus, T. thermophilus and three wild Thermus strains caused alterations in growth temperature range, pigmentation and membrane fatty acids without affecting viability. Following plasmid elimination all Thermus strains lost their ability to grow above 70°C. In addition, the minimum growth temperature was lowered by 5–10°C. Fatty acids were reduced by an average of approximately 35%. In addition, the contribution of iso- and anteisobranched fatty acids were altered in four of the five strains. The iso C15:0/iso C17:0 ratio approached 1.0 in all strains, whereas the anteiso C15:0/anteiso C17:0 was reduced to 0.2. The iso C16:0/normal-C16:0 ratio increased in all strains due to an increase in iso C16:0 in four strains and a reduction in normal-C16:0 relative to iso C16:0 in one strain. However, it was evident that the plasmid-free strains were able to compensate for these alterations in membrane fluidity to a certain extent by reducing the average chain length of isobranched acids. Altered fatty acid metabolism at the level of precursors may have influenced membrane composition and consequently growth temperature range.  相似文献   

In Mycobacterium phlei, fatty acid unsaturation increased with decreasing temperature. The 10-hexadecenoic acid content increased as the temperature was reduced from 35°C to 26–20°C. At lower temperatures tuberculostearic acid decreased while oleic and linoleic acids increased, the latter being found in M. phlei for the first time. Concomitantly palmitic acid content decreased, and the 6- and 9-hexadecenoic acids increased slightly on reducing the temperature from 35 to 10°C. Thus, down to 26–20°C palmitic acid was mainly replaced by 10-hexadecenoic acid. From this range down to 10°C, palmitic and tuberculostearic acids were replaced by oleic and linoleic acids. Consequently, fatty acid branching decreased and mean chain length increased, as the temperature was reduced. These observations support the view that regulation of membrane fatty acid composition is part of microbial temperature adaptation, and that themechanism behind the responses might be more complex than generally believed.Abbreviations ACP acyl carrier protein - FAS I (Type I) fatty acid synthetase I - FAS II (Type II) fatty acid synthetase II - MGLP methylglucose containing lipopolysaccharide - MMP methylmannose containning polysaccharide  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions for 40 strains of moderately halophilic Gram-negative rods were determined by gas-liquid chromatography. The strains studied were included in the genera: Vibrio, Deleya, Alteromonas, Chromobacterium, Flavobac-terium and Pseudomonas. Although there were quantitative differences all strains showed more or less similar spectra of fatty acids ranging from C12 to C20 chain. The major fatty acid species were C16:0, C16:1 and C18:1. Most striking was the predominance of the C18:1 component, the major fatty acid in extracts of 29 of the 40 strains.  相似文献   

Anabaena doliolum grown under molybdenum deficiency produced less biomass (on a dry wt basis) and the cells had lower protein content but higher carbohydrate content than Mo-grown material. Molybdenum deficiency led to a slight decrease in chlorophyll a, a 1.5-fold increase in carotenoids and a 1.4-fold increase in total lipid but there was no difference in the lipid profiles of Mo-enriched and Mo-deficient cells. Molybdenum deficiency caused increases in the cell contents of digalactosyl diacylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol and decreases in monogalactosyl diacylglycerol and sulphoquinovosyl diacylglycerol lipids. The concentration of unsaturated C18 fatty acids was lower in the Mo-deficient cells.  相似文献   

The influence of growth temperature, media composition and cell age on the chemical composition of Bacillus stearothermophilus strain AN 002 has been determined. The total cellular protein decreased and the free amino acid content increased with growth temperature, in both exponential and stationary growth phase. The protein and free amino acid contents of cells were higher in the stationary phase than in the exponential phase, irrespective of growth temperature and media composition. The RNA content was only reduced in cells grown at 55° C. No significant variations were observed in the DNA and carbohydrate contents with respect to growth temperature and cell age. The total lipid and fatty acid compositions on the other hand varied as a function of growth temperature, cell age and media composition. Differences in the relative concentrations of even, odd and branched chain fatty acids were noticed. Novariation was observed in the antiiso and unsaturated fatty acids with respect to growth temperature. The unique variations in the fatty acid composition and total lipids at the growth temperature of 50° C and their variations in the stationary growth phase seem to be characteristic for B. stearothermophilus AN 002.  相似文献   

The total nitrogen and amino acid composition of seven Azolla strains were compared at four different growth phases. Total nitrogen content of the individual strains ranged from 2.6% to 5.7% of dry matter and was not significantly influenced by growth phase or population density. The concentration of the sixteen amino acids determined was maximal during the linear growth stage and specific differences occurred among Azolla strains. AnAzolla microphylla strain was the best source of amino acids and anA. filiculoides strain the poorest under the cultural conditions used. The chemical index score demonstrated the potential of some species, such as theA. microphylla strain, as contributor of protein for animals. Strains of other species, such asA. filiculoides, had several limiting amino acids and appear more suited for use solely as a green manure. All Azolla strains contained a similar proportion of essential (55%) and non-essential (45%) amino acids. Leucine, lysine, arginine and phenylanine+tyrosine were the predominant essential amino acids whereas the sulfur containing amino acids (methionine and cystine) were present in smaller amounts.  相似文献   

李宗军 《微生物学报》2005,45(3):426-430
通过对大肠杆菌生长温度、膜脂肪酸组成和压力抗性之间关系研究发现,10℃培养,对数期细胞有最大的压力抗性,随着培养温度的升高直到4 5℃,压力抗性呈下降的趋势;相反,10℃培养,稳定期的细胞对压力最敏感,随着培养温度的升高,压力抗性呈增加趋势,30~37℃时达到最大,之后到4 5℃有下降。对数期和稳定期细胞膜脂中不饱和脂肪酸的组成随温度的上升而下降,这与从全细胞中抽提的磷脂的熔点密切相关。因此,对数期细胞压力抗性随着膜流动性的增大而升高;但稳定期细胞,膜流动性与压力抗性之间不存在简单的对应变化关系  相似文献   

Influences of the salt concentration on the fatty acid composition of Ectothiorhodospira species and other phototrophic purple bacteria have been analysed. Major fatty acids in bacteria of the genera Rhodobacter, Rhodopseudomonas, Chromatium, and Ectothiorhodospira were straight chain saturated and monounsaturated C-16 and C-18 fatty acids. Salt-dependent responses of all investigated bacteria revealed relations to their salt optima. Minimum values of C-16 and saturated fatty acids and maximum values of C-18 and unsaturated fatty acids were found at or close to the salt optima. Responses of Ectothiorhodospira mobilis upon changes in salinity were nearly identical, whether cells were grown in batch culture or in continuous culture with identical dilution rates at all salt concentrations. With increasing temperature, the fatty acid composition of Ectothiorhodospira mobilis and Ectothiorhodospira halophila strains showed decreasing portions of C-18 and of unsaturated fatty acids, while the contents of C-16 and saturated fatty acids increased. The results are discussed with respect to bilayer stabilisation and membrane fluidity.Abbreviations PC phosphatidylcholine - PG phosphatidylglycerol - CL cardiolipin - PE phosphatidylethanolamine  相似文献   

Alteration of the fatty acid composition of monolayer cultures of LM cells grown in chemically defined medium was achieved by supplementation with fatty acids complexed to bovine serum albumin. Phospholipids containing up to 40% linoleate were found in cells grown in medium containing 20 mu g of linoleate/ml. Incorporation of linoleate into phospholipids reached a plateau after 12-24 hr, and cells remained viable for at least 3-4 days. Although linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids were incorporated into LM cells equally well, only the latter was elongated by these cells under these experimental conditions. Nonadecanoic acid was incorporated to a lesser extent than the polyunsaturated fatty acids. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine of LM cells had different fatty acid compositions; phosphatidylethanolamine contained more longer chain and unsaturated fatty acids. Cells were also grown in the absence of choline and presence of choline analogs such as N,N-dimethylethanolamine, N-methylethanolamine, 3-amino-1-propanol, and 1-2-amino-1-butanol. The analog phospholipids in these cells had fatty acid compositions which were intermediate between those of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine of control cells grown in the presence of choline. Linoleate was found in both phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine of cells supplemented with linoleate. The sphingolipid fraction of these cells, however, did not contain significant amounts of linoleate. When linoleate was present in the phospholipids, compensatory decreases in the oleate and palmitoleate content of phospholipids were observed. Lowering of the growth temperature to 28 degrees produced an increase in unsaturate fatty acid content of the phospholipids. When linoleate was supplied to cells grown at 28 degrees, there was no further increase in the unsaturated fatty acid composition of the phospholipids. Using both fatty acid supplementation and lowered growth temperature, LM cell membranes can be produced which have phospholipids with vastly different fatty acid compositions.  相似文献   

The hormonal regulation of phosphoinositide levels in isolated hepatocytes was studied using chemical means. Extracted inositol phospholipids were adsorbed to neomycin-coated glass beads and then eluted and quantitated by charring after separation by thin layer chromatography on silica gel. The amounts (in nanograms/mg wet weight) of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), and phosphatidylinositol (PI) were 20 +/- 1, 16 +/- 1, and 1790 +/- 140, respectively). Incubation of the cells with 100 nM vasopressin decreased the value for PIP2 to 10 +/- 0.2 at 15 s, 12 +/- 1.5 at 1 min, and 14 +/- 2.1 at 5 and 30 min. In contrast, the hormone increased 1,2-diacylglycerol plus phosphatidate by over 200 ng/mg wet weight at 5 min under similar conditions (Bocckino, S. B., Blackmore, P. F., Wilson, P. B., and Exton, J. H. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 15309-15315). PIP2 was also significantly decreased at 15 s by angiotensin II (100 nM), ATP (100 microM), and epinephrine (1 microM). In contrast, PIP was not significantly changed, and PI was significantly decreased (by approximately 15%) at later times (15 and 30 min). The changes in phosphoinositide mass were well correlated with changes in labeled phosphoinositides in hepatocytes previously incubated with [3H]inositol for 90 min. The amounts of inositol phospholipids in liver plasma membranes (in micrograms/mg protein) were 2.1 +/- 0.2 for PIP2, 0.24 +/- 0.03 for PIP, and 23 +/- 4 for PI. Comparison of these values with those for whole cells suggests that PIP2 is enriched in the plasma membrane, whereas PIP is present elsewhere in the cell. The fatty acid composition of whole cell PIP2 showed significant differences from that of PI. The percentages of palmitic, stearic, linoleic, and arachidonic acids were, respectively, 14, 41, 10, and 25 for PIP2 and 10, 34, 7, and 37 for PI. Vasopressin treatment for 15 s did not alter the fatty acid composition of PIP2. The corresponding fatty acid percentages for liver plasma membranes were 13, 41, 11, and 21 for PIP2 and 8, 34, 0, and 40 for PI. The fatty acid composition of PIP in whole cells and plasma membranes resembled that of PIP2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Unsuitable temperatures are frequently encountered by soybean(Glycine max L. Merr.) plants grown in the field. Certain polyolshave been reported to protect plants from high temperature orfrost damage. Controlled environment studies were conductedto investigate the effect of stressful temperature regimes onthe content of pinitol (3-O-methyl-D-chiro-inositol) in soybeanplants. Hydroponically-grown soybean plants were subjected tohigh (35/30 C) or low (15/10 C) day/night temperature stresses,and pinitol content in different plant parts was determinedusing high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). A syntheticplant growth regulator, PGR-IV, was foliarly applied to theplants to evaluate its effect on pinitol content in differentplant components. Uniformly-labelled 14C-glucose was fed intothe leaves via the transpiration stream, and the effects ofhigh temperature and EXP-S1089, another synthetic plant growthregulator, on the incorporation of 14C-glucose into pinitolwas evaluated using HPLC separation and scintillation spectrometry.High-temperature stress significantly increased plant pinitolcontent and the incorporation of 14C-glucose into pinitol, butdecreased the content of sucrose, glucose and fructose. Underlow-temperature stress, there was hardly any change in pinitolcontent, but a drastic increase in soluble sugars. PGR-IV enhancedpinitol translocation from leaves to stems and roots, whileEXP-S1089 increased pinitol/sucrose ratio. Accumulation of pinitolmay be an adjustment mechanism of the plant to reduce high-temperaturedamage, but not low-temperature injuries. Key words: Pinitol, soybean, temperature, plant growth regulator  相似文献   

The interactive effects of NaCl concentration and growth temperature on the growth and lipid composition of the moderately halophilic eubacterium Vibrio costicola have been investigated. Vibrio costicola was shown to be capable of growth over the temperature range 4-37 degrees C. Maximum growth yields were obtained at 30 degrees C when the optimum NaCl concentration was 1.0 M NaCl. In contrast with some previous studies, at higher or lower growth temperatures both the optimum and lower limit of NaCl concentration were higher, but there was no change in the upper limit of NaCl concentration for growth. There were no differences between the lipid compositions of cultures grown in 1 M NaCl at 30 or 37 degrees C, but as the growth temperature was lowered from 30 to 10 or 4 degrees C, the ratio of phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylglycerol increased significantly as a result of the conversion of phosphatidylglycerol to diphosphatidylglycerol; in addition, at the lower growth temperatures the phospholipid fatty acyl composition became more unsaturated and the mean acyl chain length was shorter. It is suggested that the altered salt dependence of V. costicola at temperatures below the optimum for growth is due to a modification in membrane lipid phase behavior and stability brought about by changes in lipid composition, whereas a different mechanism operates above the growth temperature optimum.  相似文献   

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