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Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of lime-treated biomass   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) was performed on lime-treated switchgrass and corn stover, and oxidatively lime-treated poplar wood to determine their compatibility with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cellulose-derived glucose was extensively utilized by the yeast during SSF. The ethanol yields from pretreated switchgrass, pretreated corn stover, and pretreated-and-washed poplar wood were 72%, 62% and 73% of theoretical, respectively, whereas those from -cellulose were 67 to 91% of theoretical. The lower ethanol yields from treated biomass resulted from lower cellulose digestibilities rather than inhibitors produced by the pretreatment. Oxidative lime pretreatment of poplar wood increased the ethanol yield by a factor of 5.6, from 13% (untreated) to 73% (pretreated-and-washed).  相似文献   

The simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of pretreated sugar cane leaves to produce ethanol using a cellulolytic enzyme complex from Trichoderma reesei QM 9414 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae NRRL-Y-132 was optimized. Enzymic saccharification parameters were evaluated prior to SSF studies. A 92% conversion of 2·5% substrate (alkaline hydrogen peroxide pretreated) to sugars was achieved at 50°C and pH 4·5, using T. reesei cellulase (40 FPU/g substrate), in 48 h. The pretreated substrate was then subjected to an SSF process using the cellulase complex and S. cerevisiae cells. Optimization of the SSF system is described.  相似文献   

Lantana camara, an abundantly available non-edible lignocellulosic biomass has been found to be a potential feedstock for ethanol production. The substrate was first pretreated with laccase followed by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation using cellulase and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, respectively. Laccase was produced from Pleurotus sp. and carbohydratases (cellulase and xylanase) were produced from Trichoderma reesei Rut C30. Using pretreated substrate simultaneous saccharification and fermentation was optimized through central composite design-based response surface methodology. Maximum bioethanol concentration of 5.14 % (v/v) was obtained at optimum process conditions of substrate concentration 17 % (w/v), inoculum volume 9 % (v/v), inoculum age 60 and 144 h of incubation time. To enhance ethanol yield, S. cerevisiae was treated with ethyl methane sulfonate, a chemical mutagenic agent which induced mutagenesis. A maximum bioethanol concentration of 6.01 % (v/v) was obtained using the mutated strain of S. cerevisiae (CM5).  相似文献   

A thermotolerant yeast strain named Kluyveromyces marxianus IMB4 was used in a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process using Kanlow switchgrass as a feedstock. Switchgrass was pretreated using hydrothermolysis at 200 degrees C for 10 min. After pretreatment, insoluble solids were separated from the liquid prehydrolyzate by filtration and washed with deionized water to remove soluble sugars and inhibitors. Insoluble solids were then hydrolyzed using a commercial cellulase preparation and the released glucose was fermented to ethanol by K. marxianus IMB4 in an SSF process. SSF temperature was 37, 41, or 45 degrees C and pH was 4.8 or 5.5. SSF was conducted for 7 days. Results were compared with a control of Saccharomyces cerevisiae D(5)A at 37 degrees C and pH 4.8. Fermentation by IMB4 at 45 and 41 degrees C ceased after 3 and 4 days, respectively, when a pH 4.8 citrate buffer was used. Fermentation continued for all 7 days using IMB4 at 37 degrees C and the control. When pH 5.5 citrate buffer was used, fermentation ceased after 96 h using IMB4 at 45 degrees C, and ethanol yield was greater than when pH 4.8 citrate buffer was used (78% theoretical). Ethanol yield using IMB4 at 45 degrees C, pH 5.5 was greater than the control after 48, 72, and 96 h (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Response surface methodology was used to evaluate optimal time, temperature and oxalic acid concentration for simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) of corncob particles by Pichia stipitis CBS 6054. Fifteen different conditions for pretreatment were examined in a 23 full factorial design with six axial points. Temperatures ranged from 132 to 180 °C, time from 10 to 90 min and oxalic acid loadings from 0.01 to 0.038 g/g solids. Separate maxima were found for enzymatic saccharification and hemicellulose fermentation, respectively, with the condition for maximum saccharification being significantly more severe. Ethanol production was affected by reaction temperature more than by oxalic acid and reaction time over the ranges examined. The effect of reaction temperature was significant at a 95% confidence level in its effect on ethanol production. Oxalic acid and reaction time were statistically significant at the 90% level. The highest ethanol concentration (20 g/l) was obtained after 48 h with an ethanol volumetric production rate of 0.42 g ethanol l−1 h−1. The ethanol yield after SSF with P. stipitis was significantly higher than predicted by sequential saccharification and fermentation of substrate pretreated under the same condition. This was attributed to the secretion of β-glucosidase by P. stipitis. During SSF, free extracellular β-glucosidase activity was 1.30 pNPG U/g with P. stipitis, while saccharification without the yeast was 0.66 pNPG U/g.  相似文献   

A comparative study on the saccharification of pretreated rice straw was brought about by using cellulase enzyme produced by Aspergillus terreus ATCC 52430 and its mutant strain UNGI-40. The effect of enzyme and substrate concentrations on the saccharification rate at 24 and 48 were studied. A syrup with 7% sugar concentration was obtained with a 10% substrate concentration for the mutant case, whereas a syrup with 6.8% sugar concentration was obtained with 3.5 times concentrated enzyme from the wild strain. A high saccharification value was obtained with low substrate concentration; the higher the substrate concentration used, the lower the percent saccharification. The glucose content in the hydrolysate comprised 80-82% of total reducing sugars; the remainder was cellobiose and xylose together. The hydrolysate supported the growth of yeasts Candida utilis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 52431. A biomass with a 48% protein content was obtained. The essential amino acid composition of yeast biomass was determined.  相似文献   

Bermudagrass, reed and rapeseed were pretreated with phosphoric acid–acetone and used for ethanol production by means of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) with a batch and fed-batch mode. When the batch SSF experiments were conducted in a 3% low effective cellulose, about 16 g/L of ethanol were obtained after 96 h of fermentation. When batch SSF experiments were conducted with a higher cellulose content (10% effective cellulose for reed and bermudagrass and 5% for rapeseed), higher ethanol concentrations and yields (of more than 93%) were obtained. The fed-batch SSF strategy was adopted to increase the ethanol concentration further. When a higher water-insoluble solid (up to 36%) was applied, the ethanol concentration reached 56 g/L of an inhibitory concentration of the yeast strain used in this study at 38 °C. The results show that the pretreated materials can be used as good feedstocks for bioethanol production, and that the phosphoric acid–acetone pretreatment can effectively yield a higher ethanol concentration.  相似文献   

In this study, efforts were taken to compare solubilization of Avicel and AFEX pretreated corn stover (AFEX CS) by SSF and Clostridium thermocellum fermentation, with an aim to gain insights into microbial conversion of pretreated cellulosic biomass. Solubilization rates for AFEX CS are comparable for the two systems while solubilization of Avicel is much faster by C. thermocellum. Initial catalyst loading impacts final cellulose conversion for SSF but not for C. thermocellum. Hydrolysis of the two substrates using cell-free C. thermocellum fermentation broth revealed much smaller difference in cellulose conversion than the difference observed for growing cultures. Tests on hemicellulose removal and particle size reduction for AFEX CS indicated that substrate accessibility is very important for enhanced solubilization by C. thermocellum.  相似文献   

Alcohol fermentation has traditionally been carried out in aqueous environments because of the ready solubility of reactant (sugar) and product (ethanol). However, extraction of the product ethanol into a nonmiscible phase can result in kinetic benefits due to reduced inhibition of the fermentation reactions. In this study, we report the development of a novel simultaneous saccharification and extractive fermentation (SSEF) process. Ethanol productivity was increased by up to 65% over conventional (nonextractive) fed-batch simultaneous saccharification systems when calculated on the basis of aqueous phase volume. The amount of water required for SSEF reactions was dramatically reduced from that required for conventional SSF. In batch SSEF reactors with 2.5% aqueous phase, 50% conversion of 25% (aqueous phase concentration) Solka Floc could be achieved in 48 h using 2 FPU/g cellulase. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties of native and dilute acid pretreated (0.6% H2SO4, 10 min, and either 170°C or 180°C) poplar were investigated before and during simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). SSF duration was 5 days and employed Trichoderma reesei cellulases and Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation. Chemical composition (glucan, xylan, lignin), enzyme-accessible surface area (based on solute exclusion), crystallinity index, particle size distribution, particle shape, and enzyme adsorption (cellulase, β-glucosidase) were compared to cellulose conversion. Cellulose conversion varied from 8% for native poplar to 78% for the 180°C-pretreated poplar. The physicochemical properties of native poplar changed little during SSF. In contrast, the physicochemical properties of the 180°C-pretreated feedstock changed markedly. Enzyme-accessible surface area and β-glucosidase adsorption increased by 83% and 65%, respectively, as cellulose was removed from the feedstock. Crystallinity index and particle size (large fraction) decreased by 65% and 93%, respectively. Cellulase adsorption per unit weight increased initially (+45%) followed by a slight decrease (−13%). The same trends were observed, although to a lesser extent, for 170°C-pretreated feedstock.  相似文献   

It was confirmed that simultaneous saccharification and fermentation are effective for accelerating enzymatic saccharification of cellulose. In this work, the effects of ethanol on the saccharification of tissue paper by Trichoderma cellulase (Meicelase CEPB) have been investigated. The following results were obtained. (1) Saccharification was inhibited by at least 0.2M ethanol. (2) Less than 4M ethanol did not affect the enzymatic activities of beta-glucosidase and endoglucanase (C(x)) at all. The thermal stability of endoglucanase was not also varied by ethanol. (3) It is suggested that ethanol depresses the adsorption of exoglucanase on cellulose. (4) The rate expression of saccharification of cellulose in the presense of ethanol is proposed. (5) The inhibititory effect of ethanol was found to become more significant in the later stages of the reaction than just the initial stage.  相似文献   



Non-productive binding of enzymes to lignin is thought to impede the saccharification efficiency of pretreated lignocellulosic biomass to fermentable sugars. Due to a lack of suitable analytical techniques that track binding of individual enzymes within complex protein mixtures and the difficulty in distinguishing the contribution of productive (binding to specific glycans) versus non-productive (binding to lignin) binding of cellulases to lignocellulose, there is currently a poor understanding of individual enzyme adsorption to lignin during the time course of pretreated biomass saccharification.


In this study, we have utilized an FPLC (fast protein liquid chromatography)-based methodology to quantify free Trichoderma reesei cellulases (namely CBH I, CBH II, and EG I) concentration within a complex hydrolyzate mixture during the varying time course of biomass saccharification. Three pretreated corn stover (CS) samples were included in this study: Ammonia Fiber Expansiona (AFEX?-CS), dilute acid (DA-CS), and ionic liquid (IL-CS) pretreatments. The relative fraction of bound individual cellulases varied depending not only on the pretreated biomass type (and lignin abundance) but also on the type of cellulase. Acid pretreated biomass had the highest levels of non-recoverable cellulases, while ionic liquid pretreated biomass had the highest overall cellulase recovery. CBH II has the lowest thermal stability among the three T. reesei cellulases tested. By preparing recombinant family 1 carbohydrate binding module (CBM) fusion proteins, we have shown that family 1 CBMs are highly implicated in the non-productive binding of full-length T. reesei cellulases to lignin.


Our findings aid in further understanding the complex mechanisms of non-productive binding of cellulases to pretreated lignocellulosic biomass. Developing optimized pretreatment processes with reduced or modified lignin content to minimize non-productive enzyme binding or engineering pretreatment-specific, low-lignin binding cellulases will improve enzyme specific activity, facilitate enzyme recycling, and thereby permit production of cheaper biofuels.

The objective of this research was to measure the effects of different cellulase and hemicellulase mixtures on fermentable sugar production from two different perennial biomasses--switchgrass and a low-impact, high-diversity prairie biomass mixture (LIHD). Each was subjected to NaOH pretreatment, followed by hydrolysis with a commercial cellulase and β-glucosidase mixture [CB] supplemented with either of two hemicellulases. For both biomasses, there was little gain in sugar yield when using CB alone beyond 20-25 mg/g TS; further gain in yield was possible only through hemicellulase supplementation. An equation that modeled CB and hemicellulase effects as occurring independently fit the data reasonably well, except at the lowest of cellulase loadings with hemicellulase, where synergistic interactions were evident. Examination of the marginal effectiveness of enzyme loadings (incremental grams sugar per incremental mg enzyme) over a broad range of loadings suggests that there is no need to customize enzymatic hydrolysis for NaOH-pretreated switchgrass and LIHD.  相似文献   

The effects of surfactants addition on enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent fermentation of steam exploded lodgepole pine (SELP) and ethanol pretreated lodgepole pine (EPLP) were investigated in this study. Supplementing Tween 80 during cellulase hydrolysis of SELP resulted in a 32% increase in the cellulose‐to‐glucose yield. However, little improvement was obtained from hydrolyzing EPLP in the presence of the same amount of surfactant. The positive effect of surfactants on SELP hydrolysis led to an increase in final ethanol yield after the fermentation. It was found that the addition of surfactant led to a substantial increase in the amount of free enzymes in the 48 h hydrolysates derived from both substrates. The effect of surfactant addition on final ethanol yield of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) was also investigated by using SELP in the presence of additional furfural and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). The results showed that the surfactants slightly increased the conversion rates of furfural and HMF during SSF process by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The presence of furfural and HMF at the experimental concentrations did not affect the final ethanol concentration either. The strategy of applying surfactants in cellulase recycling to reduce enzyme cost is presented. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of cellulose to lactic acid   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Recent interest in the industrial manufacture of ethanol and other organic chemicals from biomass has led to the utilization of surplus grain and cane juice as a fermentation feedstock. Since those starting materials are also foods, they are expensive. As an alternative, cellulosic substances-the most abundant renewable resources on earth(1)-have long been considered for conversion to readily utilizable hydrolyzates.(2, 3)For the production of ethanol from cellulose, we have proposed the simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process.(4) In SSF, enzymatic cellulose hydrolysis and glucose fermentation to ethanol by yeast proceed simultaneously within one vessel. The process advantages-reduced reactor volume and faster saccharification rates-have been confirmed by many researchers.(5-8) During SSF, the faster saccharification rates result because the glucose product is immediately removed, considerably diminishing its inhibitory effect on the cellulase system.(9)To effectively apply the SSF method to produce substances fermented from glucose, several conditions should be satisfied. One is coincident enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation conditions, such as pH and temperature. The other is that cellulase inhibition by the final product is less than that by glucose and/or cellobiose. One of us has reported that acetic acid, citric acid, itaconic acid, alpha-ketoglutaric acid, lactic acid, and succinic acid scarcely inhibit cellulase.(10) This suggests that if the microorganisms which produce these organic acids were compatible with cellulase reaction conditions, the organic acids could be produced efficiently from cellulosic substrates by SSF.In this article, the successful application of SSF to lactic acid production from cellulose is reported. Though there have been several reports of direct cellulose conversion to organic acids by anaerobes such as Clostridium, only trace amounts of lactic acid were detected in the fermentation medium among the low-molecular-weight fatty acid components.(11-13) Lactic acid is one of the most important organic acids and has a wide range of food-related and industrial applications.  相似文献   

Lactic acid production from α-cellulose by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) was studied. The cellulose was converted in a batch SSF using cellulase enzyme Cytolase CL to produce glucose sugar andLactobacillus delbrueckii to ferment the glucose to lactic acid. The effects of temperature, pH, yeast extract loading, and lactic acid inhibition were studied to determine the optimum conditions for the batch processing. Cellulose was converted efficiently to lactic acid, and enzymatic hydrolysis was the rate controlling step in the SSF. The highest conversion rate was obtained at 46°C and pH 5.0. The observed yield of lactic acid from α-cellulose was 0.90 at 72 hours. The optimum pH of the SSF was coincident with that of enzymatic hydrolysis. The optimum temperature of the SSF was chosen as the highest temperature the microorganism could withstand. The optimum yeast extract loading was found to be 2.5 g/L. Lactic acid was observed to be inhibitory to the microorganisms’ activity.  相似文献   

Summary A product with 40 % protein content was obtained from sugar beet pulp (1.25–2.0 mm) in 48 h one stage (simultaneous) saccharification/fermentation process under optimized conditions using a specific enzyme mixture andCandida tropicalis strain, also saving about 40 % enzymes in comparison to a 2-stage process.  相似文献   

A simpler approach to produce biodiesel from cassava starch was established, which successfully integrates the simultaneous saccharification and heterotrophic algal fermentation in an identical system. Batch experiments were investigated to verify the feasibility of raw starchy substrates fermentation for microalgal oil. The highest cell density (49.34 g L−1) and oil content (54.60%) were obtained in 5-L fed-batch cultivation via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). It is demonstrated that the previous multistep hydrolysis and fermentation for feedstock oil could be replaced by SSF with higher energy efficiency and lower facility costs.  相似文献   

The effects of ethanol and Trichoderma reesei cellulase on the saccharification and fermentation processes as well as the tolerance of the cellulase complex for ethanol have been investigated. The studies were conducted with respect to their usefulness in the process of simulataneous saccharification and fermentation of cellulose to ethanol. The following results were obtained. (1) Fermentative activity of Kluyveromyces fragilis yeasts was gradually depressed with increasing intial ethanol concentrations and temperature of fermentation between 35–46°C. (2) Crude cellulase preparation introduced to the culture broth to a final enzyme activity of 0.5 to 2.0 FPU/ml had not distinct effect on the biomass production, ethanol yield, and glucose uptake by yeasts in 48 h fermentation at 43°C. On the other hand, only a negligible decrease in the cellulase complex activity was observed during fermentation process. (3) Saccharification of wheat straw was inhibited by at least 1% w/v ethanol. (4) The enzymes of the cellulase system showed a high stability to exposure to ethanol for 48 h at 43°C.  相似文献   

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