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李聪  孙东晓  姜力  刘剑锋  张勤  张沅  张胜利 《遗传》2012,34(5):545-550
产奶性状是奶牛最重要的生产性状, 随着平衡育种理念的提出和发展, 繁殖性状、体型性状、健康性状和长寿性等功能性状也逐渐被重视并纳入育种规划中。鉴定产奶性状和功能性状主效基因或遗传标记并将之应用于奶牛标记辅助选择可望加快遗传进展。随着高密度SNP标记的高通量检测技术的发展, 全基因组关联分析已成为鉴定畜禽重要经济性状基因的重要途径。文章对奶牛产奶性状和功能性状全基因组关联分析研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

张统雨  朱才业  杜立新  赵福平 《遗传》2017,39(6):491-500
全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association study, GWAS)是一种复杂性状功能基因鉴定的分析策略,已成为挖掘畜禽重要经济性状候选基因的重要手段。随着绵羊和山羊基因组完成和公布,以及不同密度的SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)芯片的推出并进行商业化推广,不仅大大丰富了羊标记辅助选择可利用的分子标记,而且还为开展重要性状的分子机理的探索提供了重要技术支撑。本文主要针对羊角、羊毛、羊奶、生长发育、肉质、繁殖和疾病等重要性状的GWAS研究所用的群体、主要研究方法和研究结果进行了综述,并对GWAS方法研究现状进行了归纳,以期为进一步利用GWAS进行羊的各种性状的遗传基础研究提供参考。  相似文献   

张涛  王文浩  张跟喜  王金玉  薛倩  顾玉萍 《遗传》2015,37(8):811-820
体重性状是肉鸡重要的经济性状。为了寻找可用于京海黄鸡体重性状遗传改良的分子标记及候选基因,本文以400只京海黄鸡核心群母鸡为基础,测定了0~14周龄体重,利用简化基因组测序技术(Specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing, SLAF-seq)对京海黄鸡体重性状进行全基因组关联研究(Genome-wide association stndy, GWAS),筛选与京海黄鸡体重性状相关的SNPs位点。结果共检测到100个与京海黄鸡体重相关的SNPs位点,其中15个位点效应达到全基因组显著水平(P<1.87E-06),85个位点效应达到全基因组潜在显著水平(P<3.73E-05)。通过筛选每个显著SNP周围1 Mb区域内的基因,共找到9个可能的候选基因,其中FAM124A(Family with sequence similarity 124A)、QDPR(Quinoid dihydropteridine reductase)、WDR1(WD repeat domain 1)和SLC2A9(Solute carrier family 2 (facilitated glucose transporter), member 9) 4个基因可能是影响体重性状的重要候选基因。同时还发现,4号染色体75.6~80.7 Mb区域集中了大部分与京海黄鸡中后期体重性状显著相关的SNPs位点,该区域可能是影响京海黄鸡中后期生长体重的重要候选区域。  相似文献   

研究小麦根系在干旱逆境下的形态特征和遗传机制是提升小麦抗旱能力并获得稳产的基础。本研究以300份国内外小麦品种(系)为材料,苗期采用PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫对小麦根系的最长根长、根总长、根表面积、根体积、根平均直径、根尖数、根鲜重和根干重等8个性状进行表型鉴定,结合90K SNP芯片对8个性状的抗旱系数进行全基因组关联分析,并对稳定遗传的显著关联位点进行候选基因的挖掘。研究结果表明,干旱胁迫下小麦品种(系)的根系性状表现出丰富的表型变异,变异系数为0.17~0.58,全基因组多态信息量变异范围为0.01~0.38,LD衰减距离为7 Mb。群体结构分析表明,供试材料分为3个亚群。GWAS分析显示,共检测到与8个根系性状显著关联的41个SNP位点,单个遗传位点可解释3.91%~8.04%的表型变异。同时在两个及两个以上的性状中发现显著关联位点13个,其中Tdurum_contig71499_211(5A)、GENE-1743_858(3B)、Tdurum_contig28552_211(5B)3个位点与4~5个性状显著关联,分别能解释遗传变异的4.12%~5.37%、5.77%~6.7...  相似文献   

普通菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris)具有丰富的营养价值, 菜豆象(Acanthoscelides obtectus)是危害菜豆的主要害虫, 利用抗虫种质资源防治菜豆象是最安全且经济有效的方法。该研究利用改良的室内人工接虫方法, 对625份普通菜豆种质资源进行2次菜豆象抗性重复鉴定, 筛选出2份抗性稳定且种子受害率均在10%以下的高抗种质。利用种子受害率和蛀孔总数的表型数据, 基于3 767 432个SNP标记进行全基因组关联分析, 鉴定出15个与种子受害率相关的显著关联遗传位点, 8个与蛀孔总数相关的显著关联位点, 解释了4.54%-5.56%的表型变异。在候选位点筛选出包括编码蛋白酶抑制剂、凝集素和过氧化物酶等在内的20个与抗虫防御相关的候选基因。  相似文献   

通过对小麦耐低磷相关性状进行全基因组关联分析(GWAS,genome-wide association study),挖掘与小麦耐低磷性显著相关的单核苷酸多态性标记(SNP,single nucleotide polymorphism)位点及候选基因,为小麦耐低磷性状的遗传基础和分子机制研究提供理论参考。本试验以198份黄淮麦区小麦品种(系)为试验材料,设置低磷和正常磷营养液水培试验,利用小麦35K芯片对分布于小麦全基因组的11896个SNP,采用Q+K关联模型对小麦耐低磷性相关性状进行关联分析。结果表明,小麦耐低磷性状表现出广泛的表型变异,变异系数为15.65%~26.59%,多态性信息含量(PIC,polymorphic information content)为0.095~0.500。群体结构分析表明,试验所用自然群体可分为2个亚群,GWAS共检测到67个与小麦耐低磷相关性状显著关联的SNP位点(P≤0.001),这些位点分布在除3A、3B和3D以外的18条染色体上,单个SNP位点可解释5.826%~9.552%的表型变异。在这些显著位点中有4个SNP位点同时关联到了2个不同的耐低磷性状。对67个SNP位点进行发掘,筛选到7个可能与小麦耐低磷性有关的候选基因。TraesCS6A02G001000和TraesCS6A02G001100在锌指合成中有重要作用;TraesCS6A02G118100可能为低磷胁迫诱导基因;TraesCS5D02G536400、TraesCS1B02G154200和TraesCS5D02G536500与低磷胁迫相关酶类基因家族有关;TraesCS1D02G231200与植物DUF 538结构域蛋白有关,是植物胁迫相关调控蛋白候选基因。  相似文献   

含抗性基因的水稻品种易被病原菌克服,因此为进一步发掘新的稻瘟病抗性基因,利用水稻多样性群体II(RDP-II)中的470份种质资源,在湖南省桃江县稻瘟病高发区的自然病圃中进行水稻苗期的抗病性鉴定,并通过全基因组关联分析(GWAS)鉴定稻瘟病的抗性相关位点,最终鉴定出25份苗期抗性较好的品种,可作为抗性育种材料.采用混合...  相似文献   

利用Illumina HiSeqTM 2500测序平台, 对通过高温胁迫实验筛选得到的20尾耐高温和20尾不耐高温的大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)进行了简化基因组测序(SLAF-seq), 每个样本的平均测序深度达到10.26×, 共获得419211个高质量的群体单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点 。利用TASSEL软件的混合线性模型(MLM)进行全基因组关联分析(GWAS), 共筛选到38个与大黄鱼耐高温性状显著相关的SNP位点(P<2.39E–08)。利用BLAST程序定位每个SNP位点在大黄鱼基因组中的位置, 并分析其周围的功能基因。结果在38个SNPs附近共找到26个已知的功能基因, 这些基因主要与细胞转录、代谢、免疫等功能相关。研究结果可为下一步大黄鱼耐高温分子机制解析及耐高温品种的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

全基因组关联分析的进展与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tu X  Shi LS  Wang F  Wang Q 《生理科学进展》2010,41(2):87-94
全基因组关联分析(genomewide association study,GWAS)是应用人类基因组中数以百万计的单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)为标记进行病例-对照关联分析,以期发现影响复杂性疾病发生的遗传特征的一种新策略。近年来,随着人类基因组计划和基因组单倍体图谱计划的实施,人们已通过GWAS方法发现并鉴定了大量与人类性状或复杂性疾病关联的遗传变异,为进一步了解控制人类复杂性疾病发生的遗传特征提供了重要的线索。然而,由于造成复杂性疾病/性状的因素较多,而且GWAS研究系统较为复杂,因此目前GWAS本身亦存在诸多的问题。本文将从研究方式、研究对象、遗传标记,以及统计分析等方面,探讨GWAS的研究现状以及存在的潜在问题,并展望GWAS今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

胚性愈伤组织的培养是水稻(Oryza sativa)遗传转化和功能基因组学研究的关键。为了评价不同类型的水稻种质资源的胚性愈伤组织诱导能力的差异,鉴定水稻胚性愈伤诱导性状调控相关基因,本研究以6个亚群的191份水稻种质为材料,分析了不同类型种质的胚性愈伤诱导力变异,利用全基因组关联分析(genome-wide association analysis,GWAS)定位了与胚性愈伤诱导率相关的数量性状位点(quantitative trait locus,QTL)。结果表明,6个亚群内不同品种间愈伤诱导率变异大,变异系数在17.86%~42.91%。平均胚性愈伤诱导率为籼稻(IND)>热带粳稻(TRJ)>温带粳稻(TEJ)>秋稻(AUS)>香稻(AROMATIC)>中间型(ADMIX),但是不同亚群品种间平均愈伤诱导率差异不显著。全基因组关联分析鉴定30个与愈伤诱导率显著关联的QTL,预测获得其中15个QTL位点是与胚性愈伤诱导率相关的候选基因,编码生长素信号调控相关蛋白、驱动蛋白、AP2结构域包含蛋白、磷酸酰肌醇-4-磷酸5-激酶蛋白、受体类蛋白激酶和同源异...  相似文献   

We genotyped 58 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 25 candidate genes in about 800 Italian Holstein sires. Fifty‐six (minor allele frequency >0.02) were used to evaluate their association with single traits: milk yield (MY), milk fat yield (FY), milk protein yield (PY), milk fat percentage (FP), milk protein percentage (PP), milk somatic cell count (MSCC); and complex indexes: longevity, fertility and productivity–functionality type (PFT), using deregressed proofs, after adjustment for familial relatedness. Thirty‐two SNPs were significantly associated (proportion of false positives <0.05) with different traits: 16 with MSCC, 15 with PY, 14 with MY, 12 with PFT, eight with longevity, eight with FY, eight with PP, five with FP and two with fertility. In particular, a SNP in the promoter region of the PRLR gene was associated with eight of nine traits. DGAT1 polymorphisms were highly associated with FP and FY. Casein gene markers were associated with several traits, confirming the role of the casein gene cluster in affecting milk yield, milk quality and health traits. Other SNPs in genes located on chromosome 6 were associated with PY, PP, PFT, MY (PPARGC1A) and MSCC (KIT). This latter association may suggest a biological link between the degree of piebaldism in Holstein and immunological functions affecting somatic cell count and mastitis resistance. Other significant SNPs were in the ACACA, CRH, CXCR1, FASN, GH1, LEP, LGB (also known as PAEP), MFGE8, SRC, TG, THRSP and TPH1 genes. These results provide information that can complement QTL mapping and genome‐wide association studies in Holstein.  相似文献   

Milk production is one of the most important characteristics of dairy sheep, and the identification of genes affecting milk production traits is critical to understanding the genetics and improve milk production in future generations. Three statistical techniques, namely GWAS, ridge-regression BLUP and BayesC , were used to identify SNPs in significant association with three milk production traits (milk yield, fat yield and protein yield) in a crossbred dairy sheep population. The results suggested that chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 11 were likely to harbor genes important to milk production because these chromosomes had the greatest top-100-SNP variance contributions on the three milk production traits. The GWAS analysis identified between 74 and 288 genome-wide significant SNP (P < 0.05) whereas the BayesCπ model revealed between six and 63 SNPs, each with >95% posterior probability of inclusion as having a non-zero association effect on at least one of the three milk production traits. Positional candidate genes for milk production in sheep were searched, based on the sheep genomic assembly OAR version 3.1, such as those which map position coincided with or was located within 0.1 Mbp of a genome-wide suggestive or significant SNP. These identified SNPs and candidate genes supported some previous findings and also added new information about genetic markers for genetic improvement of lactation in dairy sheep, but keeping in mind that the majority of these positional candidate genes are not necessarily true causative loci for these traits and future validations are thus necessary.  相似文献   

郑伟  季林丹  邢文华  涂巍巍  徐进 《遗传》2013,35(7):823-829
肺结核是由结核分枝杆菌感染引起的一类古老但仍对人类造成巨大影响的传染性疾病。到目前为止, 肺结核依然是由单一病原菌导致死亡人数最多的疾病, 并且随着耐药菌株的出现而呈现死灰复燃之势。近几年, 肺结核全基因组关联研究在世界范围内取得了阶段性成果, 发现了与肺结核相关联的遗传易感位点和区域, 使肺结核的遗传学研究进入了一个崭新的阶段, 为后续肺结核的早期和综合防治提供了重要线索。然而, 由于人群遗传结构差异和宿主/病原体相互作用, 与其他复杂疾病相比, 肺结核全基因组关联研究依旧面临重重困难, 进展缓慢。文章对不同人群肺结核全基因组关联研究及其验证进行综述, 并系统阐述了目前研究中存在的困难及可能的应对策略。  相似文献   

冠心病全基因组关联研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨英  鲁向锋 《遗传》2010,32(2):97-104
近年来全基因组关联研究在世界范围内发展迅猛,研究者应用全基因组关联研究策略发现了一系列疾病的相关基因或变异,将疾病的基因组研究推向一个新的阶段。冠心病是一种由环境因素和遗传因素共同作用导致的复杂疾病,且是世界范围内死亡和致残的首要原因之一,世界各地的研究者应用此策略发现了候选基因关联研究未曾发现的多个冠心病相关易感区域。文章对近年来世界范围内针对冠心病的全基因组关联研究取得的重要进展进行简要总结,然后就现阶段全基因组关联研究所面临的挑战以及对未来研究的发展趋势进行分析阐述,为进一步探究冠心病的遗传机制提供指导。  相似文献   



Breeding for enhanced immune response (IR) has been suggested as a tool to improve inherent animal health. Dairy cows with superior antibody-mediated (AMIR) and cell-mediated immune responses (CMIR) have been demonstrated to have a lower occurrence of many diseases including mastitis. Adaptive immune response traits are heritable, and it is, therefore, possible to breed for improved IR, decreasing the occurrence of disease. The objective of this study was to perform genome-wide association studies to determine differences in genetic profiles among Holstein cows classified as High or Low for AMIR and CMIR. From a total of 680 cows with immune response phenotypes, 163 cows for AMIR (81 High and 82 Low) and 140 for CMIR (75 High and 65 Low) were selectively genotyped using the Illumina Bovine SNP50 BeadChip. Results were validated using an unrelated population of 164 Holstein bulls IR phenotyped for AMIR and 146 for CMIR.


A generalized quasi likelihood score method was used to determine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and chromosomal regions associated with immune response. After applying a 5% chromosomal false discovery rate, 186 SNPs were significantly associated with AMIR. The majority (93%) of significant markers were on chromosome 23, with a similar peak found in the bull population. For CMIR, 21 SNP markers remained significant. Candidate genes within 250,000 base pairs of significant SNPs were identified to determine biological pathways associated with AMIR and CMIR. Various pathways were identified, including the antigen processing and presentation pathway, important in host defense. Candidate genes included those within the bovine Major Histocompatability Complex such as BoLA-DQ, BoLA-DR and the non-classical BoLA-NC1 for AMIR and BoLA-DQ for CMIR, the complement system including C2 and C4 for AMIR and C1q for CMIR, and cytokines including IL-17A, IL17F for AMIR and IL-17RA for CMIR and tumor necrosis factor for both AMIR and CMIR. Additional genes associated with CMIR included galectins 1, 2 and 3, BCL2 and β-defensin.


The significant genetic variation associated with AMIR and CMIR in this study may imply feasibility to include immune response in genomic breeding indices as an approach to improve inherent animal health.  相似文献   

原发性高血压全基因组关联研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Xu RW  Yan WL 《遗传》2012,34(7):793-809
原发性高血压是一种由遗传与环境因素共同导致的复杂疾病,具有高度的遗传异质性。自2007年首个高血压全基因组关联研究(Genome-wide association studies,GWAS)报道以来,许多GWAS相继开展。文章首先对2007年1月至2011年9月期间报道的24篇血压/高血压易感基因的GWAS按人种与染色体位置对其结果进行汇总,经统计位点rs17249754、rs1378942和rs11191548报道频数最多。其次介绍了GWAS方法学的研究进展,包括选择高质量的数量表型和选择多阶段研究设计来增加研究发现阳性关联的机会。统计分析方面,除强调了已经报道过的多重比较和重复(验证)研究等问题外,文章还介绍了通过Meta分析对GWAS数据进行深度发掘,并应用基因型填补法对缺失数据进行填补可以提高全基因组遗传标记的覆盖率的方法。尽管GWAS发现了许多我们未知的基因与疾病表型的关联,为了解高血压的发病机制提供了更多线索,但是目前GWAS发现的血压/高血压相关变异多为对人群血压的影响极其微弱的常见变异。因此今后的研究中可加强深度功能学研究对易感基因精细定位和外显子组测序技术的应用,结合GWAS的成果进行生物信息学通路分析和表观遗传学机制研究等,逐步揭示高血压的遗传机制。  相似文献   

Mathematical ability is moderately heritable, and it is a complex trait which can be evaluated in several different categories. A few genetic studies have been published on general mathematical ability. However, no genetic study focused on specific mathematical ability categories. In this study, we separately performed genome-wide association studies on 11 mathematical ability categories in 1146 students from Chinese elementary schools. We identified seven genome-wide significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with strong linkage disequilibrium among each other (all r2 > 0.8) associated with mathematical reasoning ability (top SNP: rs34034296, p = 2.01 × 10−8, nearest gene: CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3, CSMD3). We replicated one SNP (rs133885) from 585 SNPs previously reported to be associated with general mathematical ability associated with division ability in our data (p = 1.053 × 10−5). In the gene- and gene-set enrichment analysis by MAGMA, we found three significant enrichments of associations with three mathematical ability categories for three genes (LINGO2, OAS1 and HECTD1). We also observed four significant enrichments of associations with four mathematical ability categories for three gene sets. Our results suggest new candidate genetic loci for the genetics of mathematical ability.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation in milk production traits has been described over the course of a lactation as well as between different parities. The objective of this study was to investigate whether variation in production is affected by different loci across lactations. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) using a 50-k SNP chip was conducted in 152 divergent German Holstein Friesian cows to test for association with milk production traits over different lactations. The first four lactations were analysed regarding milk yield, fat, protein, lactose, milk urea nitrogen yield and content as well as somatic cell score. Two approaches were used: (i) Wilmink curve parameters were used to assess the genetic effects over the course of a lactation and (ii) test-day yield deviations (YD) were used as a normative approach for a GWAS. The significant effects were largest for markers affecting curve parameters for which there was a statistical power <0.8 of detection even in this small design. While significant markers for YDs were detected in this study, the power to detect effects of a similar magnitude was only 0.11, suggesting that many loci may have been missed with this approach in the present design. Furthermore, all significant effects were specific for a single lactation, leading to the conclusion that the variance explained by a certain locus changes from lactation to lactation. We confirm the common evidence that most production traits vary in the degree of persistency after the peak as a result of genetic influence.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of casein genes was studied in half-sib families of artificial insemination bulls of the Finnish Ayrshire dairy breed. Ten grandsires and 300 of their sons were genotyped for the following polymorphisms: αS1-casein (B, C), β-casein (A1, A2), the microsatellite within the K-casein gene (ms5, ms4) and K-casein (A, B, E). Nine different combinations of these alleles, casein haplotypes, were found. Associations between casein haplotypes and milk production traits (milk and protein yield, fat and protein percentage and milking speed) were studied with ordinary least-squares analysis to find a direct effect of the haplotypes or an association within individual grandsire families using the granddaughter design. Estimated breeding values of sons were obtained from cow evaluation by animal model. No direct effect of the casein haplotypes on the traits was found. Within grandsire families, in one out of four families the chromosomal segment characterized by haplotype 3 (B-A2-ms4-A) was associated with an increase in milk yield ( P <0.01) and a decrease in fat percentage ( P < 0.01) when contrasted with haplotype 8 (B-A1-ms4-E). The results provide evidence that in the Finnish Ayrshire breed at least one quantitative trait locus affecting the genetic variation in yields traits is segregating linked to either haplotype 3 (B-A2-ms4-A) or 8 (B-A1-ms4-E).  相似文献   

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