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This paper defends the concept of racialization against its critics. As the concept has become increasingly popular, questions about its meaning and value have been raised, and a backlash against its use has occurred. I argue that when “racialization” is properly understood, criticisms of the concept are unsuccessful. I defend a definition of racialization and identify its companion concept, “racialized group.” Racialization is often used as a synonym for “racial formation.” I argue that this is a mistake. Racial formation theory is committed to racial ontology, but racialization is best understood as the process through which racialized – rather than racial – groups are formed. “Racialization” plays a unique role in the conceptual landscape, and it is a key concept for race eliminativists and anti-realists about race.  相似文献   


This article examines human–animal relations in animism. Ethnographies of indigenous peoples in the Americas, Asia, and Africa are compared in order to provide a basic sketch of the remarkable consistency of animism across the world. A central feature that recurs time and again is the positional quality of life and death. That is, life and death are not conceived of as inherent properties but as changeable positions. This is why indigenous hunters, shamans, and diviners temporarily “die” when they participate in the specific rites or cults associated with their respective endeavors. Such metamorphoses of the living into the dead are crucial to understand how hunters engage with their prey, shamans mobilize their animal-helpers, and honey collectors approach their bees. At the same time, these different activities involve the transformation of humans into animals. Chachi bird stalkers and Uduk antelope hunters identify themselves with their quarry, Navajo medicine men and Ainu shamans shape-change into their animallike adversaries, while Batek mourners may adopt a tiger-form. At first sight, such simultaneous metamorphoses (from the living into the dead and from humans into animals) may seem contradictory. Yet, this apparent inconsistency disappears if one realizes that the modern notion of wildlife cannot be applied to animism. I show that the monkeys, deer, whales, tigers, and elephants that indigenous hunters and shamans deal with must be understood as “wild-dead” rather than as wildlife. These various animals are palpable representatives of an expanded realm of death which—I suggest—is characteristic of all forms of animism. In this context, being animate is not sufficient to be considered “alive.”  相似文献   

Landscape archaeologies that pay attention to cultural importance of place have become increasingly common in recent years in many parts of the world. However, these approaches have largely failed to make inroads into Pleistocene European hunter-gatherer archaeology. This is partly due to a focus on economics, survival, and neo-liberal assumptions of “efficiency” in early modern human behavior. With evidence of lithic use drawn from cave sites, survey, and open-air excavation, I argue that Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherers left clues to the importance of certain places in the landscape. Lithic tools in particular have been undervalued for their symbolic meaning, which goes well beyond style and ethnicity models. Raw material has been seen as evidence of mobility and trade, but possible cultural motives behind material choices have been downplayed or ignored.  相似文献   

One of the greatest difficulties with evolutionary approaches in the study of stone tools (lithics) has been finding a mechanism for tying culture and biology in a way that preserves human agency and operates at scales that are visible in the archaeological record. The concept of niche construction, whereby organisms actively construct their environments and change the conditions for selection, could provide a solution to this problem. In this review, we evaluate the utility of niche construction theory (NCT) for stone tool archaeology. We apply NCT to lithics both as part of the “extended phenotype” and as residuals or precipitates of other niche‐constructing activities, suggesting ways in which archaeologists can employ niche construction feedbacks to generate testable hypotheses about stone tool use. Finally, we conclude that, as far as its applicability to lithic archaeology, NCT compares favorably to other prominent evolutionary approaches, such as human behavioral ecology and dual‐inheritance theory.  相似文献   

In this paper we contribute to “sociology in bioethics” and help clarify the range of ways sociological work can contribute to ethics scholarship. We do this using a case study of an innovative neurotechnology, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and its use to attempt to diagnose and communicate with severely brain-injured patients. We compare empirical data from interviews with relatives of patients who have a severe brain injury with perspectives from mainstream bioethics scholars. We use the notion of an “ethical landscape” as an analogy for the different ethical positions subjects can take—whereby a person’s position relative to the landscape makes a difference to the way they experience and interact with it. We show that, in comparison to studying abstract ethics “from above” the ethical landscape, which involves universal generalizations and global judgements, studying ethics empirically “from the ground,” within the ethical landscape foregrounds a more plural and differentiated picture. We argue it is important not to treat empirical ethics as secondary to abstract ethics, to treat on-the-ground perspectives as useful only insofar as they can inform ethics from above. Rather, empirical perspectives can illuminate the plural vantage points in ethical judgments, highlight the “lived” nature of ethical reasoning, and point to all ethical vantage points as being significant. This is of epistemic importance to normative ethics, since researchers who pay attention to the various positions in and trajectories through the ethical landscape are unlikely to think about ethics in terms of abstract agency—as can happen with top-down ethics—or to elide agency with the agency of policymakers. Moreover, empirical perspectives may have transformative implications for people on the ground, especially where focus on the potential harms and benefits they face brings their experiences and interests to the forefront of ethical and policy discussion.  相似文献   

This article revisits the development of the protoplasm concept as it originally arose from critiques of the cell theory, and examines how the term “protoplasm” transformed from a botanical term of art in the 1840s to the so-called “living substance” and “the physical basis of life” two decades later. I show that there were two major shifts in biological materialism that needed to occur before protoplasm theory could be elevated to have equal status with cell theory in the nineteenth century. First, I argue that biologists had to accept that life could inhere in matter alone, regardless of form. Second, I argue that in the 1840s, ideas of what formless, biological matter was capable of dramatically changed: going from a “coagulation paradigm” (Pickstone, 1973) that had existed since Theophrastus, to a more robust conception of matter that was itself capable of movement and self-maintenance. In addition to revisiting Schleiden and Schwann’s original writings on cell theory, this article looks especially closely at Hugo von Mohl’s definition of the protoplasm concept in 1846, how it differed from his primordial utricle theory of cell structure two years earlier. This article draws on Lakoff and Johnson’s theory of “ontological metaphors” to show that the cell, primordial utricle, and protoplasm can be understood as material container, object, and substance, and that these overlapping distinctions help explain the chaotic and confusing early history of cell theory.  相似文献   

Alison Acton 《Anthrozo?s》2014,27(1):81-94
Firstly, this paper analyzes the dynamic between horse, rider, and landscape in foxhunting culture. Secondly, it considers nonhuman animals as active elements within the research process. The methodology principally involved extensive, in-depth participation as a rider within mounted foxhound packs, as I originally participated as a rider/ethnographer in order to understand the nexus between foxhunting culture and the landscape. However, the equine focus in my research emerged unexpectedly as my fieldwork drew me into a collaboration with an unanticipated character in this network; the “made hunter,” a horse seasoned for hunting. These animals acted as my equine gatekeepers literally incorporating me into this hunting world. I relied on and respected their experience and capabilities as novice and experienced foxhunters have done for centuries. This paper presents an analysis of the quadripartite synthesis of foxhunting culture, rider, horse, and landscape and involves a corporeal and sensory exploration of the human/nonhuman inter-Hunt dynamic that defines foxhunting. Hunting cultures rely upon the capabilities of animals and have developed an ability to translate animal narratives and semiotics. Thus, they provide us with a platform for developing the multi-species perspective in social science. This paper calls for an ethnographic approach which draws upon these epistemic systems and incorporates the superhuman abilities of animals into our understanding of our relationship with space. Animals, I argue, offer more than potential subjects to study. By incorporating their knowledge, experiences, and perspectives, and by translating their engagements with the world, we have the potential to augment our perception of our shared environment.  相似文献   

Hartmann  Ernest 《Dreaming》2011,21(1):85
My paper, “Meteorite or Gemstone…” is not trying to divide dream theories into two categories as Dr. Domhoff appears to believe. Rather, it is an effort to nudge dream theory and dream work into new directions. I review many reasons why we often consider dreams “totally different” from daydreams, fantasies, etc. (the meteorite position). For each reason, I show that there is actually considerable overlap, and that the forms of mental functioning are best considered as a continuum. I point out that many dream researchers, from different perspectives, are taking the “totally different” (meteorite position) even though they may not explicitly endorse it. For instance those who insist that dreams are meaningless are taking the meteorite position since they obviously do not consider daydreams and fantasies meaningless. Very different researchers, including Dr. Domhoff's group, spend thousands of hours doing detailed analyses of dreams, counting number of words, number of characters, number of interactions, etc. I consider them too to be taking the meteorite position since they almost never analyze daydreams, fantasies, etc. in this way. I compare their efforts to spectroanalysis, which is worthwhile when studying a meteorite (but not a gemstone), since it may yield secrets about the world the meteorite came from. I am not criticizing these researchers, who have made some important discoveries, but rather trying to nudge them toward noticing the continuum, and perhaps broadening their studies to include daydreams, fantasies, and other forms of mental functioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

景观结构和空间格局一直是景观生态学的核心问题,图论的应用为景观格局的分析提供了一种研究框架,基于图论的景观图逐渐被应用于生物多样性保护的连通性建模和景观规划的决策支持研究,景观图的表达、分析和应用已成为保护生物学和景观生态学研究的热点。本文首先介绍了景观图的图论基础,在Scopus数据库的基础上,检索了1993—2019年在标题、摘要和关键词中出现 “landscape graph”、“connectivity”和“network”词汇的257篇已发表的期刊论文。从年发文量、来源期刊、研究区域、研究机构、景观类型等方面分析了该领域的研究进展和发展趋势。分析发现,2017年之前,发表的期刊论文数量整体呈上升趋势,2017年之后年发文量逐年下降;主要研究力量集中在美国、西班牙、法国、加拿大和中国,发文量占到86.8%。大部分研究成果发表在“Landscape Ecology”、“Landscape and Urban Planning”和“Biological Conservation”期刊上。在研究内容上,景观图表达主要包括点的定义、边的度量和景观的模拟3方面,景观图分析研究包括分析指数、景观图划分两方面。我们重点关注了景观图在生物多样性保护、景观(生态网络)规划和管理、景观影响评价等科学与实践中的应用。基于图论的景观图通过帮助理解景观连通性变化、动物行为和栖息地保护,影响着保护科学和规划实践者。图论对保护科学和规划的影响来自于丰富的理论基础和成熟的研究方法,基于图论的景观图为景观结构和格局的生态学理解提供了跳板,并将继续成为全球研究人员和实践者的重要工具。  相似文献   

陈虹  沈辰 《人类学学报》2009,28(2):201-214
作为旧石器研究中十分重要的研究概念之一, 本文对"操作链"的发展史、理论内涵、实践方法等方面进行讨论, 认为"操作链"概念是一种动态的、综合的理论视角和研究体系, 强调了石器技术系统的两个行为过程(技术表现与思维运作)和一个互动关系(操作序列)。实践应用和术语对比, 为更好地运用"操作链"研究石器并复原史前技术体系提供了参考。文章还提出了"操作链"概念本身存在的问题, 希望能在今后的工作中得到完善。  相似文献   

In caricature, the equilibrium paradigm of community ecology states that plant communities are stable entities consisting of competing species - and that such species coexist because each has its “niche”. This paradigm, in its extreme, has been dead for some time. Nevertheless, it has yet to be replaced by a credible “non” — equilibrium paradigm. The quasi-neutral concept of plant communities, proposed by Kristjan Zobel,Folia Geobot. 36: 3–8, 2001, possesses some of the key ingredients of a nonequilibrium theory of diversity. It recognizes that there are inescapable relationships between diversity at different scales, that similarity can influence the rate of competitive exclusion, that successional change is typically associated with changes in life form, and that rarefaction (i.e. “sampling artifacts”) can have strong effects on fine-scale diversity. However, the current formulation of the quasi-neutral concept is incomplete in that it relies on an unrealistic definition of community, it assumes that random sampling means that species richness at one scale will be linearly related to richness at finer scales, it ignores the possibility of fine-scale processes producing broader-scale patterns, and it avoids the subject of fine-scale environmental heterogeneity. But the most serious limitation of the quasi-neutral concept is that similarity of species alone is not sufficient to allow indefinite coexistence. I present the results of a simple simulation to demonstrate that: (1) identical species will eventually be lost from communities due to stochastic “drift”, (2) slight variations in reproductive rates accelerate this loss, but (3) adding a miniscule “cost of commonness” to the model allows the indefinite coexistence of species. I conclude that the quasi-neutral model cannot work without some kind of trade-off.  相似文献   

The Anthropology in American Historical Archaeology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since its infancy, American historical archaeology has maintained a relationship, albeit often a tenuous one, with its anthropological parentage. Given both the history of the field and its practitioners' often-tortured efforts to define their intentions, goals, and perspectives, it is not surprising, perhaps, that many anthropologists may not recognize the important contributions historical archaeology can make to the anthropological project. A multifaceted and wide-ranging examination of the post-Columbian world gives historical archaeology a special ability to investigate modern history and to provide insights into the historical circumstances of today's world, [historical archaeology, post-Columbian archaeology, history of American archaeology]  相似文献   

Tobias Norlind 《Ethnos》2013,78(3-4):143-154
One way of conceiving of the anthropological task is that of countering the degradations and “dehumanizations” of the “other” to which the species is prone by promoting “transcendent humanization.” However efficiently and professionally anthropologists gather their materials and form them into their ethnographic and ethnologic analyses, may not this “ethical impulse” be postulated as the “final cause” of our efforts? But what could such a sonorous phrase mean ? And what is its relationship to the systematic study of the “differences that make or do not make a difference” in culture to which anthropology has long been devoted? I will argue that it involves a dynamic of categories and that this dynamic is itself an object of systematic study. Recently, for example, some anthropologists have been writing “against culture,” seeing the culture concept and associated theory more as barriers than as benefits to pan‐human understanding. I will argue that this is an instance of “transcendent humanization.” One cannot but be sympathetic to the thrust and merits of this argument. But at the same time one wants to ask what implications it holds for the systematic study and understanding of the other. This article, then, examines some elementary vectors in the “dynamic of the categorical” involved in these and related recent debates which also may be seen in terms of transcendence and humanization: the debate over relativism and the recently emergent debate over “enlightenment mythmaking” in anthropology.  相似文献   

Genetic interventions, which include transgenic engineering, gene editing, and other forms of genome modification aimed at altering the information “in” the genetic code, are rapidly increasing in power and scale. Biosemiotics offers unique tools for understanding the nature, risks, scope, and prospects of such technologies, though few in the community have turned their attention specifically in this direction. Bruni (2003, 2008) is an important exception. In this paper, I examine how we frame the concept of “side effects” that result from genetic interventions and how the concept stands up to current perspectives of the role of organism activity in development. I propose that once the role of living systems in constructing and modifying the informational value of their various developmental resources is taken into account, the concept of a “side effect” will need to be significantly revised. Far from merely a disturbance brought about in a senseless albeit complex system, a biosemiotic view would take “side effects” as at least sometimes the organism’s active re-organization in order to accommodate or make use of novelty. This insight is nascent in the work of developmental plasticity and niche construction theory (West-Eberhard 2003; Odling-Smee et al. 2003), but it is brought into sharper focus by the explicitly interpretive perspective offered by biosemiotics. Understanding the “side effects” of genetic interventions depends in part on being able to articulate when and where unexpected consequences are a result of semiotic activity at various levels within the system. While a semiotic interpretation of “side effects” puts into question the naive attitude that would see all unintended side effects as indications of disturbance in system functionality, it certainly does not imply that such side effects are of no concern for the viability of the organisms in the system. As we shall see, the fact that such interventions do not respect the translation of information that occurs in multi-level biological systems ensures that disruption is still likely. But it does unprivilege the human agent as the sole generator of meaning and information in the products of biotechnology, with important consequences on how we understand our relationship with other species.  相似文献   

de Vienne  Dominique 《Genetica》2022,150(3-4):153-158

Even though the word “phenotype”, as well as the expression “genotype–phenotype relationship”, are a part of the everyday language of biologists, they remain abstract notions that are sometimes misunderstood or misused. In this article, I begin with a review of  the genesis of the concept of phenotype and of the meaning of the genotype-phenotype “relationship" from a historical perspective. I then illustrate how the development of new approaches for exploring the living world has enabled us to phenotype organisms at multiple levels, with traits that can either be measures or parameters of functions, leading to a virtually unlimited amount of phenotypic data. Thus, pleiotropy becomes a central issue in the study of the genotype–phenotype relationship. Finally, I provide a few examples showing that important genetic and evolutionary features clearly differ with the phenotypic level considered. The way genotypic variation propagates across the phenotypic levels to shape fitness variation is an essential research program in biology.


This is a biological approach to the philosophy of mind that feeds an investigation of the phenomena of “social” and “emotional”, both of which are widespread in nature. I scrutinize the non-dualistic Darwinian concept of the continuity of mind. For practical reasons, I address mind at different levels of organization: The systemic mind are the properties of which a common, coherent evolution works upon. Separated from this is “language-mind”: the crystallization of thought in words, which is a strictly human phenomenon. As the phenomenology of the body is a theory of philosophy that lie beyond language it can—to a certain extent—be extrapolated across a species boundary. In the process the phenomenology of the body comes to resemble biosemiotics and with this tool, I investigate a field study of social play behavior in canids. This leads to a possibility to study the non-human experience of emotion as “locally meaningful phenomena”.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal constitutes a pivotal process in an increasingly fragmented world, promoting population connectivity, colonization and range shifts in plants. Unveiling how multiple frugivore species disperse seeds through fragmented landscapes, operating as mobile links, has remained elusive owing to methodological constraints for monitoring seed dispersal events. We combine for the first time DNA barcoding and DNA microsatellites to identify, respectively, the frugivore species and the source trees of animal‐dispersed seeds in forest and matrix of a fragmented landscape. We found a high functional complementarity among frugivores in terms of seed deposition at different habitats (forest vs. matrix), perches (isolated trees vs. electricity pylons) and matrix sectors (close vs. far from the forest edge), cross‐habitat seed fluxes, dispersal distances and canopy‐cover dependency. Seed rain at the landscape‐scale, from forest to distant matrix sectors, was characterized by turnovers in the contribution of frugivores and source‐tree habitats: open‐habitat frugivores replaced forest‐dependent frugivores, whereas matrix trees replaced forest trees. As a result of such turnovers, the magnitude of seed rain was evenly distributed between habitats and landscape sectors. We thus uncover key mechanisms behind “biodiversity–ecosystem function” relationships, in this case, the relationship between frugivore diversity and landscape‐scale seed dispersal. Our results reveal the importance of open‐habitat frugivores, isolated fruiting trees and anthropogenic perching sites (infrastructures) in generating seed dispersal events far from the remnant forest, highlighting their potential to drive regeneration dynamics through the matrix. This study helps to broaden the “mobile‐link” concept in seed dispersal studies by providing a comprehensive and integrative view of the way in which multiple frugivore species disseminate seeds through real‐world landscapes.  相似文献   

麋鹿行为谱及PAE编码系统   总被引:39,自引:10,他引:39  
蒋志刚 《兽类学报》2000,20(1):1-12
以麋鹿为实例,通过辨识行为的基本单元,区别了“姿势”、“动作”和“环境”,分解了动物行为的层次,然后根据行为的适应和社群机能归类,建立了以“姿势—动作—环境”为轴心的,以生态功能为分类依据的动物行为分类编码系统(PAE编码分类系统)。PAE编码分类系统以集合论为基础,明确了动物行为的三要素:姿势、动作和生态环境之间的关系,避免了笼统地将动物的姿势、动作和行为混为一谈的做法,区分了动物行为的组成要素和结构层次。行为要素编码方法为动物行为学研究提供了一个新的生长点。在继承前人工作的基础上,记录了有关麋鹿的姿势、动作和行为达200多种,还区别了各种行为在雄性、雌性和幼体之间的相对发生频次以及发生季节。  相似文献   

Capturing information means for every organism acquiring knowledge about the living and not living objects that exist in its surroundings. In this way, the “historical” concept of Umwelt, as a subjective surrounding has been recently integrated in the theory of landscape ecology where a landscape is not only a geographical entity but also a cognitive medium. The landscape may be considered a semiotic context used by the organisms to locate resources heterogeneously distributed in space and time. In particular, inside a landscape there are different eco-fields defined as spatial arrangements of objects carrier of meaning that organisms utilize to track resources. Along this epistemic path the sonic component of the landscape is an important carrier of information commonly used by the majority of animal species to managing many vital functions. In particular birds, which are animals with a complex system of acoustic communication, seem to organize acoustic centers for public information. These sonic patterns (soundtopes) are characterized by a great variability in space and time and function like a special eco-field that allows species to share information about the status of resources and the dynamics of populations. The availability of such public information avoids a deeper and more expensive exploration of the environment to assess its quality.  相似文献   

The genetic and linguistic peculiarity of the Basque population is well known. Analysis of the studies published to date on the Basque population reveals that these studies refer basically to the provinces of Vizcaya and Labourd, both in the Northern part of the Basque Country. Multidisciplinary information indicates that the landscape differences of the Basque Country could have conditioned differential population biodynamics in the Atlantic and Mediterranean parts of the Basque area. In order to evaluate this possibility, this study focuses on the genetic constitution of the Basque population of Alava (in the South of the Basque Country) through the analysis of several red-cell systems. The data obtained in this genetic study and those from archaeology, linguistics, ethnography, and skeletal biology suggest that within the “Basque population” there may be at least two distinct groups: an “Atlantic” group and a “Mediterranean” one, divided mainly by the watershed. This geographical feature could have led to a greater genetic isolation of the Northern slopes, with the South more open to population contact. This is reflected nowadays in the different cline distribution detected for most systems in the Alava Basques in comparison with other Basque and Iberian Peninsula series studied to date. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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