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In this study, on the basis of empirical data, we have simulated the foraging tunnel patterns of two subterranean termites, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), using a two-dimensional model. We have defined a territory as a convex polygon containing a tunnel pattern and explored the effects of competition among termite territory colonies on the territory size distribution in the steady state that was attained after a sufficient simulation time. In the model, territorial competition was characterized by a blocking probability Pblock that quantitatively describes the ease with which a tunnel stops its advancement when it meets another tunnel; higher Pblock values imply easier termination. In the beginning of the simulation run, N=10, 20,…,100 territory seeds, representing the founding pair, were randomly distributed on a square area. When the territory density was less (N=20), the differences in the territory size distributions for different Pblock values were small because the territories had sufficient space to grow without strong competitions. Further, when the territory density was higher (N>20), the territory sizes increased in accordance with the combinational effect of Pblock and N. In order to understand these effects better, we introduced an interference coefficient γ. We mathematically derived γ as a function of Pblock and N: γ(N,Pblock)=a(N)Pblock/(Pblock+b(N)). a(N) and b(N) are functions of N/(N+c) and d/(N+c), respectively, and c and d are constants characterizing territorial competition. The γ function is applicable to characterize the territoriality of various species and increases with both the Pblock values and N; higher γ values imply higher limitations of the network growth. We used the γ function, fitted the simulation results, and determined the c and d values. In addition, we have briefly discussed the predictability of the present model by comparing it with our previous lattice model that had been used to explain the territory size distributions of mangrove termites on the Atlantic coast of Panama.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Su NY  Bardunias P 《Bio Systems》2007,90(3):890-896
The foraging territory of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, was simulated by using a lattice model in order to study how landscape structure affects the foraging territory. Three kinds of landscape were generated on lattice space: ideal, random and fractal landscape. Each lattice cell had a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0, interpreted as transition probability, Ptrans, which represents spatially distributed property of the landscapes. The heterogeneity of the fractal landscape was characterized by a parameter, H, controlling aggregation of lattice cells with higher value of Ptrans. Higher H values corresponded to higher aggregation levels. The model made use of minimized local rules based on empirical data that determines the development of the foraging territory. Additionally, seasonal cycle (summer and winter season), and obstacles which hinder the growth of the territory were incorporated in the model as environmental variables. Territory size was largest in the ideal landscape while it was larger in the random landscape than in the fractal landscape. As obstacle density increased, the territory size decreased. In the fractal landscape, the territory size increased, decreased, and increased again as H increased.  相似文献   

Subterranean termites excavate tunnels in a search pattern to encounter food in soil. To investigate the effect of food size, food distribution and the branch length of tunnels on food encounter rate we used a lattice gas model to simulate tunnels of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. The model made use of minimized local rules derived from empirical data to simulate termite tunnel patterns in featureless soil. Food distributions with three types (uniform, random, and clumped) were defined by using an I-index proposed by Zimmer and Johnson (1985). The food encounter rate was higher in a clumped than in non-clumped (uniform and random) distribution of food particles. When food particle size was varied in random distributions of food particles a maximum encounter rate was found, with particles of larger or smaller size being encountered less frequently. We also discussed the relationship between the branch tunnel length and the tunnel search pattern in minimizing the redundancy of overlapping branches.  相似文献   

Disruptions to an ecological system can have profound effects on the use of that system by various species. Such effects are often studied in terrestrial or aquatic species, but subterranean species are equally affected. To investigate how environmental perturbation affects the territory size of subterranean termites, a lattice model was designed based using seasonal and behavioral data to simulate the foraging behavior of the Formosan subterranean termite Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. This computer model was then used to subject a given number of founding pairs (N = 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 at t = 0) to several levels of environmental perturbations (H = 0.0–1.0) once initial territory growth had reached saturation for a fixed area (t = 5). At lower values of H, territories were reduced to localized holdings randomly distributed over the entire model area. As H increased, the size of surviving territories increased while the total number of territories decreased. Analysis of territory size post-disruption (t = 10) indicated a trend towards larger overall territorial size when both N and H were high, whereas no such increase was seen when N was low. These results can be used to improve modeling systems to determine survival of subterranean populations in environmental disasters.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined how landmarks affect territories'' fundamental characteristics. In this field study, we investigated effects of landmarks on territory size, shape and location in a cichlid fish (Amatitlania siquia). We provided cans as breeding sites and used plastic plants as landmarks. During 10 min trials, we recorded locations where residents chased intruders and used those locations to outline and measure the territory. In two experiments, we observed pairs without landmarks and with either a point landmark (one plant) or linear landmark (four plants) placed near the nest can. We alternated which trial occurred first and performed the second trial 24 h after the first. Territories were approximately round without landmarks or with a point landmark but were significantly more elongated when we added a linear landmark. Without landmarks, nests were centrally located; however, with any landmark, pairs set territory boundaries closer to the landmark and thus the nest. Territory size was significantly reduced in the presence of any landmark. This reduction suggests that a smaller territory with well-defined boundaries has greater benefits than a larger territory with less well-defined borders.  相似文献   

In order to examine the spatial distribution of forest resources on local territories and to understand the factors controlling such distributions, we studied the spatial patterns of a group of 23 useful plant species on the territory of a Kuna community in the province of Darien, Panama. A stratified random sampling scheme was used to survey the distribution and abundance of the species across a 3500 ha area around the village. Data on the physical environment as well as the geographic coordinates of the sample plots were also obtained. A series of canonical analyses was conducted to evaluate the species–environment relationships and to identify spatial structures in the species distributions left unexplained by the environmental variables. Four distinct distribution patterns were identified among the species; these were most strongly explained by land-use, the degree of canopy closure and topography. Significant spatial structures, independent of the measured environmental variables, were related to anthropogenic pressure and an edaphic gradient, and the habitat associations of the individual species were described. The results obtained from this case study suggest that land-use dynamics may play a predominant role in structuring inhabited landscapes, and that diversity in distribution patterns and habitat associations will require a combination of spatially explicit management strategies to ensure the local resource base.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Nonbreeding shorebirds often alternate social structure between anonymous flocks and territorial behavior in response to different environmental factors. To evaluate specific drivers for one species, we studied the spacing behavior of wintering Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) at Bahía Santa María, northwestern Mexico, using behavioral observations. The density, population structure, and territorial behavior of Western Sandpipers differed among three habitat types. Cattail marshes supported 110 birds per ha, 49% males, and no territorial birds. Mangrove flats supported 288 birds per ha, 58% males, and 5% territorial birds. Brackish flats supported 365 birds per ha, 76% males, and 7% territorial birds. Territories consisted of rectangular strips (5–9 m long, N= 77). Territory length was not related to either bird density or number of territorial birds by plot, but was positively related to nearest bird distance. Aggression rate was inversely related to territory length, suggesting that territory length is set by the costs of defense. Foraging rate was independent of territory length, and prey densities in territories did not differ from those in areas used by nonterritorial birds. Males were more likely to be territorial and had a higher aggression rate than females, suggesting that males, which forage more on surface prey, were more affected by foraging interference. Our results suggest that the territorial behavior of Western Sandpipers in our study was an opportunistic strategy to reduce foraging interference. The variation in spacing behavior we documented provides evidence that interference competition affects the social structure of Western Sandpipers during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

Koh  C. H.  Shin  H. C. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,204(1):225-231
About fifty individuals of four dominant large brown algae were collected by random sampling at monthly intervals using SCUBA. Size frequencies of Sargassum confusum and S. horneri were concentrated mainly in the small size classes during the initial growth phase, but were more or less evenly distributed in most size classes during the fast growing phase. Undaria pinnatifida and Costaria costata showed the same tendency as Sargassum spp., that frequency distribution became even when the plants reached their maximum growth. The kelp species recorded their maximum lengths in March, whereas Sargassum spp. showed their peaks in early summer. The relationships between the length and weight in different growth phases appeared to be dependent on the phenology of each species.  相似文献   

Effects of sample size on the performance of species distribution models   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A wide range of modelling algorithms is used by ecologists, conservation practitioners, and others to predict species ranges from point locality data. Unfortunately, the amount of data available is limited for many taxa and regions, making it essential to quantify the sensitivity of these algorithms to sample size. This is the first study to address this need by rigorously evaluating a broad suite of algorithms with independent presence–absence data from multiple species and regions. We evaluated predictions from 12 algorithms for 46 species (from six different regions of the world) at three sample sizes (100, 30, and 10 records). We used data from natural history collections to run the models, and evaluated the quality of model predictions with area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). With decreasing sample size, model accuracy decreased and variability increased across species and between models. Novel modelling methods that incorporate both interactions between predictor variables and complex response shapes (i.e. GBM, MARS-INT, BRUTO) performed better than most methods at large sample sizes but not at the smallest sample sizes. Other algorithms were much less sensitive to sample size, including an algorithm based on maximum entropy (MAXENT) that had among the best predictive power across all sample sizes. Relative to other algorithms, a distance metric algorithm (DOMAIN) and a genetic algorithm (OM-GARP) had intermediate performance at the largest sample size and among the best performance at the lowest sample size. No algorithm predicted consistently well with small sample size ( n  < 30) and this should encourage highly conservative use of predictions based on small sample size and restrict their use to exploratory modelling.  相似文献   

Cell culture media used in CHO-based biologic processes are typically sterile filtered to prevent microbial contamination prior to inoculation. In this study, the impact of common sterile filter throughput on a different, commercially available cell culture media was evaluated from the intermediate-adsorption fouling model of the filtration model. The key particle size range for optimum filter performance was discussed and identified by measuring the submicron order particle size distribution. It may be possible to predict the performance of filter capacity with size-exclusive separation by understanding the media particle counts and size distribution.  相似文献   

A novel multiscale model and simulation has been developed by combining the algorithms from a course grained 2D lattice model with Brownian dynamics (BD). The lattice model incorporates Lennard-Jones and coulombic interactions between particles, as well as nearest-neighbor interactions. The BD simulation allows the particles to move in solution before they adsorb to the surface. This hybrid simulation is used to study the behavior of nanoparticles in the presence of a surface and evaporation of solvent. The simulation is able to produce amorphous topologies of nanoparticles on the surface.  相似文献   

MaxEnt模型是过去几年最为流行的物种分布预测模型之一。针对一些濒危物种、入侵种和模拟数据的研究表明,MaxEnt模型均能在小样本的分布数据下得到较准确的预测结果。此外,研究范围的变化也会影响MaxEnt模型的构建。 然而,基于动物的实际分布数据来评估MaxEnt模型的研究甚少。 我们以黑白仰鼻猴 (Rhinopithecus bieti)为例,以11个猴群的分布数据为训练数据(样本量从1到10个猴群),在不同研究范围内构建MaxEnt模型,通过其它5个的猴群分布数据验证,分析样本量和研究范围变化对模型准确度产生的影响。 结果表明,随样本量和研究范围增大,MaxEnt模型准确度及稳定性都有增加。 此外,研究范围变化对模型准确度有一定影响。 应用Maxent进行物种分布预测时,训练数据应尽可能涵盖该物种可能出现的全部环境梯度。构建模型所需的背景数据点选择,应与建模使用的物种出现点形成有效对照。  相似文献   

黄韵姗  张静宇  蒋明星 《生态学报》2017,37(7):2158-2168
个体大小是昆虫种群最直观的表型之一。很多研究发现,个体大小可对昆虫的许多生物学特性产生影响,由此影响昆虫种群的发展以及所在群落的结构和功能。根据最近20多年的相关文献,综述了个体大小对种群以下几方面的影响:成虫求偶、交配、生殖力及后代适合度,飞行及与飞行相关的其他行为如觅食、空中求偶和交配,摄食能力和食料种类,竞争和防御能力,抗逆性,以及社会性昆虫的劳动分工等。通常情况下,与同种内较小个体相比,较大的昆虫在生殖、飞行、抗逆性等方面往往具有优势,有助于种群适合度的提高。最后提出了几点可供此领域研究参考的建议和应用启示。  相似文献   

Probabilistic models of the cell cycle maintain that cell generation time is a random variable given by some distribution function, and that the probability of cell division per unit time is a function only of cell age (and not, for instance, of cell size). Given the probability density, f(t), for time spent in the random compartment of the cell cycle, we derive a recursion relation for n(x), the probability density for cell size at birth in a sample of cells in generation n. For the case of exponential growth of cells, the recursion relation has no steady-state solution. For the case of linear cell growth, we show that there exists a unique, globally asymptotically stable, steady-state birth size distribution, *(x). For the special case of the transition probability model, we display *(x) explicitly.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grants MCS8301104 (to J.J.T.) and MCS8300559 (to K.B.H.), and by the National Institutes of Health under grant GM27629 (to J.J.T.).  相似文献   

1. Communities of different species are often structured according to niche differentiation associated with competitive interactions. We show that similar principles may apply on an ecological time-scale when individuals of a species having a wide size variation compete for resources, using the Lake Tanganyika cichlid Lobochilotes labiatus (5-30 cm). This species has a mouth especially adapted to suck up invertebrates from rock crevices. 2. Individuals defended feeding territories against similar-sized conspecifics, but not against different-sized ones. Thus, territories of similar-sized fish rarely overlapped, but up to a total of seven individuals (of seven size-ranks) had broadly overlapping territories with dissimilar-sized individuals. Comparison with expectation from the null model demonstrated clearly that observed size ratios between adjacent size rank were determined non-randomly regardless of sexual combinations. 3. Larger individuals took larger prey types of larger average size, but more importantly used wider rock crevices from which to suck food than smaller individuals. We calculated pairwise values of Schoener's index of diet overlap C(d) and the values of Levin's index of diet breadth B(d) (prey type and prey size) and the same for the width of the rock crevices used for foraging (C(r) and B(r)). C(d) remained high among all combinations of the seven ranks. In contrast, C(r) declined strongly in combinations of adjacent ranks (to 0.27), and was low or zero among further different size ranks. This shows that fish with overlapping territories divided the food resources largely through foraging site partitioning. Accordingly, B(d) did not depend on the size difference to the nearest two coinhabiting fish, whereas B(r) did. 4. We conclude that this L. labiatus community is structured non-randomly: body size-dependent effects on foraging site usage result in competition with, and territorial exclusion of, similar-sized individuals, but not of dissimilar-sized individuals that were accepted as coinhabitants. Accordingly, mean body size ratios (large/small) between two adjacent ranks were consistently approximately 1.28 [standard deviation (SD) = 0.07, n = 104], while approximately 1.34 from the null model (SD = 0.34, n = 10 400 simulations). We discuss our results as an example of Hutchinson's rule, applied originally to size ratios of different species.  相似文献   

For some groups of organisms, DNA barcoding can provide a useful tool in taxonomy, evolutionary biology, and biodiversity assessment. However, the efficacy of DNA barcoding depends on the degree of sampling per species, because a large enough sample size is needed to provide a reliable estimate of genetic polymorphism and for delimiting species. We used a simulation approach to examine the effects of sample size on four estimators of genetic polymorphism related to DNA barcoding: mismatch distribution, nucleotide diversity, the number of haplotypes, and maximum pairwise distance. Our results showed that mismatch distributions derived from subsamples of ≥20 individuals usually bore a close resemblance to that of the full dataset. Estimates of nucleotide diversity from subsamples of ≥20 individuals tended to be bell‐shaped around that of the full dataset, whereas estimates from smaller subsamples were not. As expected, greater sampling generally led to an increase in the number of haplotypes. We also found that subsamples of ≥20 individuals allowed a good estimate of the maximum pairwise distance of the full dataset, while smaller ones were associated with a high probability of underestimation. Overall, our study confirms the expectation that larger samples are beneficial for the efficacy of DNA barcoding and suggests that a minimum sample size of 20 individuals is needed in practice for each population.  相似文献   

The asymptotic final size distribution of a multitype Reed-Frost process, a chain-binomial model for the spread of infection in a finite, closed multitype population, is derived in the case of reducible contact pattern between types. The results are obtained using techniques developed for the irreducible case.  相似文献   

Lysosomal accumulation of drugs with their specific physicochemical properties is of key importance to drug distribution in the body. Several attempts have been made to treat various human diseases by employing the accumulation of lysosomal drugs, and many methods to identify lysosomal accumulation of drugs have been proposed. Among those, the use of high-content screening has increased tremendously because of improved efficiency and accuracy as well as the development of automatic image acquisition and analytical techniques. Conventional methods to identify lysosomal accumulation of drugs by evaluating changes in the lysosomal area are unable to maximize the advantages of phenotypic high-content screening. Lysosomal distribution and the size of lysosomes are affected by lysosomal accumulating drugs. Therefore, we present image acquisition conditions and analytical methods to utilize lysosomal distribution and size as parameters for identifying lysosomal accumulating drugs. These two parameters will help to improve the reliability of the screening methods for identifying lysosomal accumulation of drugs by maximizing usage of information from image-based screening.  相似文献   

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