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The genus Hypochaeris (Asteraceae, Lactuceae) contains ten species in Europe, three in Asia, and approximately 50 in South America. Previous cytotaxonomic studies have shown two groups of taxa: (1) European species with different basic chromosome numbers and differentiated karyotypes, and (2) South American species with x=4 and uniform asymmetric and bimodal karyotypes. Karyotypic data are synthesized for South American species of Hypochaeris with new information for six Chilean species: H. acaulis, H. apargioides, H. palustris, H. spathulata, H. tenuifolia and H. thrincioides. Four main groups can be distinguished based on presence and localization of secondary constrictions – SCs (bearing Nucleolar Organizer Regions – NORs) on chromosomes 2 and 3, and 18S–25S and 5S rDNA loci number, localization, and activity. We propose karyotypic evolution of South American Hypochaeris (x=4) from H. maculata-like (x=5) European ancestors. The original South American karyotype would have possessed two SCs, one on the long arm of chromosome 2, and the other on the short arm of chromosome 3 (in terminal position). Further evolution would have involved inversion within the short arm of chromosome 3 and inactivation/loss of the SC on chromosome 2.  相似文献   

Polypteridae is a family of archaic freshwater African fish that constitute an interesting subject for the study of the karyological evolution in vertebrates, on account of their primitive morphological characters and peculiar relationships with lower Osteichthyans. In this paper, a cytogenetic analysis on twenty specimens of both sexes of Polypterus ornatipinnis the ornate "bichir", coming from the Congo River basin, was performed by using both classical and molecular techniques. The karyotypic formula (2n=36; FN=72) was composed of 26 M+10 SM. The Alu I banding, performed to characterize heterochromatin in this species, was mainly centromeric. Both the chromosome location of the ribosomal 5S and 18S rRNA genes were examined by using Ag-NOR, classical C-banding, CMA(3) staining and FISH. CMA(3) marked all centromerical regions and showed the presence of two GC rich regions on the p arm of the chromosome pair n°1 and on the q arm of the pair n°14. Staining with Ag-NOR marked the only telomeric region of the chromosome n°1 p arm. After PCR, the 5S rDNA in this species was cloned, sequenced and analyzed. In the 665bp 5S rDNA sequence of P.ornatipinnis, a conserved 120bp gene region for the 5S rDNA was identified, followed by a non-transcribed variable spacer (NTS) which included simple repeats, microsatellites and a fragment of a non-LTR retrotransposon R-TEX. FISH with 5S rDNA marked the subtelomeric region of the q arm of the chromosome pair n°14, previously marked by CMA(3). FISH with 18S rDNA marked the telomeric region of the p arm of the pair n°1, previously marked both by Ag-NOR and CMA(3). The (GATA)(7) repeats marked the telomeric regions of all chromosome pairs, with the exclusion of the n°1, n°3 and n°14; hybridization with telomeric probes (TTAGGG)(n) showed signals at the end of all chromosomes. Karyotype evolution in Polypterus genus was finally discussed, including the new data obtained.  相似文献   

In fifteen geographically isolated populations of five species of Alstroemeria L. (A. aurea, A. hookeri, A. ligtu, A. pelegrina and A. presliana) collected in Chile, karyotypes and variation of RAPD markers were investigated. Tandemly repeated DNA sequences - 5S and 18/25S rDNA genes and the sequence A001-1 (De Jeu et al. 1997) were used to characterize karyotypes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Ten somatic metaphases per population were used for measurement of chromosome length. Differences in RAPD marker bands were used for characterization of populations, creating a similarity index. FISH with all three DNA probes shows a high degree of polymorphism between and sometimes also within accessions of A. aurea, A. hookeri and A. ligtu. The number of chromosome pairs showing 5S rDNA signals is more different for the investigated species A. aurea, A. hookeri, A. ligtu, A. pelegrina and A. presliana with 5, 7, 5, 3 and 7, respectively, than the number of 18/25S rDNA signals in this succession with 7, 7, 6, 5 and 7 chromosome pairs, showing a high evolutionary dynamics within the genus. Furthermore, among the four populations of A. hookeri, accession 4181 was different in arm length of chromosome 3. RAPD markers (index of similarity) also showed a greater genetic distance of accession 4181 from the other three accessions of A. hookeri. The possible evolutionary mechanisms providing these polymorphisms were discussed.  相似文献   

Orcein staining, differential staining with CMA and DAPI, and FISH with an rDNA probe were used to compare somatic chromosomes ofCeratozamia mexicana andMicrocycas calocoma. CMA-positive dots and hybridization signals appeared on chromosomes at early interphase and mitotic prophase, but in significantly different number in the two species. InCeratozamia mexicana, the CMA-positive and DAPI-negative bands and the hybridization signal were located at the terminal region of the long arm of three median-centromeric chromosomes, the terminal region of the short arm of two median-centromeric chromosomes and the terminal region of the long arm of two subterminal-centromeric chromosomes. InMicrocycas calocoma, they were located at the pericentric region of two median-centromeric chromosomes. These chromosome data suggested thatMicrocycas has no simple Robertsonian relationship toCeratozamia.  相似文献   

A digoxigenin-labelled 5S rDNA probe (pTa-794) and a rhodamine-labelled 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA probe (pTa71) were used for double-target in-situ hybridization to root-tip metaphase, prophase and interphase chromosomes of cultivated beet,Beta vulgaris L. After in-situ hybridization with the 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA probe, one major pair of sites was detected which corresponded to the secondary constriction at the end of the short arm of chromosome 1. The two rDNA chromosomes were often associated and the loci only contracted in late metaphase. In the majority of the metaphase plates analyzed, we found a single additional minor hybridization site with pTa71. One pair of 5S rRNA gene clusters was localized near the centromere on the short arm of one of the three largest chromosomes which does not carry the 18S-5.8S-25S genes. Because of the difficulties in distinguishing the very similarly-sizedB. vulgaris chromosomes in metaphase preparations, the 5S and the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes can be used as markers for chromosome identification. TwoXbaI fragments (pXV1 and pXV2), comprising the 5S ribosomal RNA gene and the adjacent intergenic spacer, were isolated. The two 5S rDNA repeats were 349 bp and 351 bp long, showing considerable sequence variation in the intergenic spacer. The use of fluorescent in-situ hybridization, complemented by molecular data, for gene mapping and for integrating genetic and physical maps of beet species is discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同地理来源的Acidithiobacillus spp.种群是否表现出显著的地域性和异域物种形成;为了解微生物谱系地理、多样性维持机制和微生物分子地理学提供基础数据。【方法】采用16S r RNA基因、核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubis CO)功能基因序列同源性分析构建相应的系统发育树,分析Acidithiobacillus spp.种群的遗传多样性。【结果】从3个不同的地域分离到35株菌聚为5大类群,其中菌株YNTR4-15可能是铁氧化细菌(Leptspirillum ferrooxidans),菌株HBDY3-3被鉴定为另一铁氧化细菌(Leptospirillum ferrodiazotrophum);有4株可能是Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans;6株是Acidithiobacillus ferridurans,其余菌株均被鉴定为Acidithiobacilus ferrooxidan。对26株代表性菌株的Rubis CO I型cbb L基因和II型cbb M基因的分析,发现19株菌具有双拷贝cbb L基因,分别为cbb L1和cbb L2基因;7株菌只检测到了cbb L1。cbb L1和cbb L2基因都有3个序列型;而cbb M基因是单拷贝。Rubis CO基因的密码子偏爱性不强。【结论】分离自3个地域的菌株16S r RNA/Rubis CO基因存在序列差异,Acidithiobacillus spp.种群存在显著的遗传多样性。嗜酸硫杆菌分离菌株基于16S r RNA基因的系统发育树和Rubis CO基因的发育树不一致。  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA基因高通量测序研究狞猫肠道微生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈磊  刘咪  沙未来  高迎  陈佳欣  朱静 《微生物学报》2019,59(9):1685-1694
[目的]研究狞猫肠道微生物多样性特征。[方法]对7只健康成年野生狞猫(2只雄性,5只雌性;2只来自济南野生动物园,5只来自威海野生动物园)粪便微生物16S rRNA基因V3-V4区进行高通量测序,对狞猫肠道微生物多样性进行研究。[结果] 7只狞猫共获得肠道微生物16S rRNA基因V3-V4区有效序列1458741条,平均208392条,序列平均长度433 bp。通过以97%的序列相似性进行分类,获得操作分类单元(OTU)平均 233个。经序列比对和分类鉴定,这些OTU都属于细菌域,包括13个门,26个纲,43个目,75个科,119个属。其中,丰度最高的细菌门是厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,平均占61.7%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,12.42%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,7.79%)、梭杆菌门(Fusobacteroidetes,7.79%)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria,7.53%)。丰度最高的科依次是消化链球菌科(Peptostreptococcaceae,平均占16.15%),梭菌科I(Clostridiaceae_I,14.78%),毛螺菌科(Lachnospiraceae,13.13%),红蝽杆菌科(Coriobacteriaceae,12.31%)等。丰度最高的属是柯林斯氏菌属(Collinsella,11.44%),艰难梭菌属(Peptoclostridium,10.91%),狭窄梭菌属1(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1,10.3%),拟杆菌属(Bacteroides,7.41%),消化链球菌属(Peptostreptococcus,5.21%)等。7只狞猫的肠道微生物中有平均15.35%的OTU没有归类到属。样本间聚类分析结果表明,来自同一动物园的样本聚为一支。[结论]本文通过高通量测序技术研究了狞猫肠道微生物的组成和多样性特征,为狞猫的救护饲养和消化生理学研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

The karyotype of individuals of the species Rhinolophus hipposideros from Spain present a chromosome number of 2n = 54 (NFa = 62). The described karyotype for these specimens is very similar to another previously described in individual from Bulgaria. However, the presence of one additional pair of autosomal acrocentric chromosomes in the Bulgarian karyotype and the differences in X chromosome morphology indicated that we have described a new karyotype variant in this species. In addition, we have analyzed several clones of 1.4 and 1 kb of a PstI repeated DNA sequence from the genome of R. hipposideros. The repeated sequence included a region with high identity with the 5S rDNA genes and flanking regions, with no homology with GenBank sequences. Search for polymerase III regulatory elements demonstrated the presence of type I promoter elements (A-box, Intermediate Element and C-box) in the 5S rDNA region. In addition, upstream regulatory elements, as a D-box and Sp1 binding sequences, were present in flanking regions. All data indicated that the cloned repeated sequences are the functional rDNA genes from this species. Finally, FISH demonstrated the presence of rDNA in nine chromosome pairs, which is surprising as most mammals have only one carrier chromosome pair.  相似文献   

Hatanaka T  Galetti PM 《Genetica》2004,122(3):239-244
A single NOR-bearing chromosome pair was identified by silver nitrate staining in a previous study of the fish Prochilodus argenteus from the S ã o Francisco River (MG, Brazil), with a third metacentric chromosome sporadically bearing active NOR. The present study focused on an analysis of the chromosomal localization of both the major (45S) and the minor (5S) rRNA genes using FISH. The use of the 18S rDNA probe confirmed the previous Ag-NOR sites interstitially located in a large metacentric pair and also identified up to three other sites located in the telomeric regions of distinct chromosomes, characterizing an interindividual variation of these sites. In addition, the 5S rDNA site was revealed adjacent to the major NOR site, identified at the end of the large Ag-NOR bearing metacentric chromosome. In a few metaphases, an additional weak hybridization signal was observed in a third chromosome, possibly indicating the presence of another 5S rDNA cluster. Despite a lower karyotype diversification (2n=54 and FN=108) often observed among species of Prochilodontidae, variations involving both 45S and 5S rRNA genes could play an important role in their chromosome diversification.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of four South American species of Cestrum (C. capsulare,C. corymbosum,C. laevigatum and C. megalophylum) were studied using conventional staining, C-CMA/DAPI chromosome banding and FISH with 45S and 5S rDNA probes. The karyotypes showed a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 16, with metacentric chromosomes, except for the eighth submeta- to acrocentric pair. Several types of heterochromatin were detected, which varied in size, number, distribution and base composition. The C-CMA(+) bands and 45S rDNA were located predominantly in terminal regions. The C-CMA (+) /DAPI (+) bands appeared in interstitial and terminal regions, and the C-DAPI (+) bands were found in all chromosome regions. The 5S rDNA sites were observed on the long arm of pair 8 in all species except C. capsulare, where they were found in the paracentromeric region of the long arm of pair 4. The differences in band patterns among the species studied here, along with data from other nine species reported in the literature, suggest that the bands are dispersed in an equilocal and non-equilocal manner and that structural rearrangements can be responsible for internal karyotype diversification. However, it is important to point out that the structural changes involving repetitive segments did not culminate in substantial changes in the general karyotype structure concerning chromosome size and morphology.  相似文献   

A 5S rRNA gene (5S DNA) from the coniferPinus radiata D. Don has been cloned and characterized at the nucleotide, genomic and chromosomal levels. Sequencing revealed a repeat unit of 524 base pairs which is present in approximately 3000 copies per diploid genome. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicated that these copies are organized in tandem arrays of various length. Using in situ hybridization techniques, the tandem arrays appear to be present on all of the chromosomes. This complexity of chromosomal organization contrasts markedly with the few sites of uniform length found in angiosperm plants such as wheat, pea, and maize.  相似文献   

Yin H  Cao L  Qiu G  Wang D  Kellogg L  Zhou J  Liu X  Dai Z  Ding J  Liu X 《Archives of microbiology》2008,189(2):101-110
The molecular diversities of the microbial communities from four sites impacted by acid mine drainage (AMD) at Dexing Copper Mine in Jiangxi province of China were studied using 16S rRNA sequences and gyrB sequences. Of the four sampled sites, each habitat exhibited distinct geochemical characteristics and the sites were linked geographically allowing us to correlate microbial community structure to geochemical characteristics. In the present study, we examined the molecular diversity of 16S rRNA and gyrB genes from water at these sites using a PCR-based cloning approach. We found that the microbial community appears to be composed primarily of Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Nitrospira, Firmicutes, Chlorella and unknown phylotypes. Of clones affiliated with Nitrospira, Leptospirillum ferrooxidans, Leptospirillum ferriphilum and Leptospirillum group III were all detected. Principal-component analysis (PCA) revealed that the distribution of the microbial communities was influenced greatly by geochemical characteristics. The overall PCA profiles showed that the sites with similar geochemical characteristics had more similar microbial community structures. Moreover, our results also indicated that gyrB sequence analysis may be very useful for differentiating very closely related species in the study of microbial communities. H. Yin and L. Cao contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were employed to examine the genetic relationship between Guizotia taxa, to suggest the taxonomic status of some of these taxa, and to identify their diagnostic markers. Results from AFLPs and RAPDs share some features in common, both revealing G. scabra ssp. schimperi as the most closely related taxon to G. abyssinica, and indicating that G. arborescens and G. zavattarii are the most divergent taxa. Most of the diagnostic markers revealed in this study were specific to G. arborescens and G. zavattarii. Our analysis suggests that G. scabra ssp. scabra, G. scabra ssp. schimperi, Chelelu and Ketcha are separate species. In this study, AFLP was found to be superior to RAPD in detecting genetic variation, in internal consistency of the data and in the fitness of its clusters to genetic similarity data. AFLPs revealed genetic relationship between Guizotia taxa that is more inline with the cytogenetic and hybridization studies than that revealed by RAPDs.  相似文献   

18S ribosomal DNA and internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) full-length sequences, each of which was sequenced three times, were used to construct phylogenetic trees with alignments based on secondary structures, in order to elucidate genealogical relationships within the Aplysinidae (Verongida). The first poriferan ITS-2 secondary structures are reported. Altogether 11 Aplysina sponges and 3 additional sponges (Verongula gigantea, Aiolochroia crassa, Smenospongia aurea) from tropical and subtropical oceans were analyzed. Based on these molecular studies, S. aurea, which is currently affiliated with the Dictyoceratida, should be reclassified to the Verongida. Aplysina appears as monophyletic. A soft form of Aplysina lacunosa was separated from other Aplysina and stands at a basal position in both 18S and ITS-2 trees. Based on ITS-2 sequence information, the Aplysina sponges could be distinguished into a single Caribbean–Eastern Pacific cluster and a Mediterranean cluster. The species concept for Aplysina sponges as well as a phylogenetic history with a possibly Tethyan origin is discussed.Reviewing Editor: Dr. Martin Kreitman  相似文献   

Summary We have employed a combination of techniques to examine the organization of pea 5S rRNA genes. These include the analysis of length variant interspersion patterns in cosmid clones, sequence analysis, Southern analysis of both conventional gels and field inversion gels and in situ hybridization. From these analyses we conclude that the 5S rRNA genes of pea are arranged in three major tandem arrays which are represented by three large EcoRI fragments and that these correspond to the three sites of in situ hybridization in the haploid pea complement  相似文献   

The sequence differences within the 16S rRNA genes of Lactobacillus casei/paracasei and related species, Lactobacillus zeae and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, were investigated. Thirty-seven strains of mostly human or cheese origin were grouped by restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) of the total chromosomal DNA and by temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TTGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments. REA verified that all strains were genomically unique and singled out three major clusters, one L. rhamnosus-cluster and two clusters containing L. paracasei strains. The groups obtained by TTGE corresponded with one exception to the REA-clusters. In the TTGE clustering all L. paracasei strains formed one general group with one TTGE-band in common, and this group was sub-divided into five subgroups due to the presence of more than one TTGE-band in four of the subgroups. The occurrence of multiple TTGE-bands was investigated by amplifying and cloning of the 16S rRNA genes from the strains showing this phenomenon, thereby 12 clones from each strain were sequenced, demonstrating polymorphisms in almost all the cases. Subjecting the clones displaying sequence variations to TTGE as well as sequencing of 16S rDNA revealed by ribotyping of the strains, verified the presence of polymorphisms within the 16S rRNA genes. The migration characteristic of amplified DNA from a single clone corresponded to a specific band in the TTGE-pattern of the strain from which the clone originated. Southern blot hybridisation with a 16S rDNA probe demonstrated the presence of at least five 16S rRNA genes in L. casei/paracasei. A higher degree of variable positions than previously reported was observed in the 16S rRNA gene fragments of the members in the complex. Sequence comparison between the 16S rRNA gene copies of L. casei (CCUG 21451T) and L. zeae (CCUG 35515T) demonstrated that the two species shared almost the same sequence in some copies while the others were more different. Our results provide one explanation for the difficulties in reaching clear-cut taxa within the L. casei/paracasei complex.  相似文献   

A cytogenetic analysis of the sole Solea senegalensis was carried out using silver staining for the nucleolus organizer region (Ag-NOR) identification, one-color FISH for chromosomal mapping of 45S and 5S ribosomal DNAs (rDNAs), (GATA) n , and (TTAGGG) n , and two-color FISH for co-localization of both rDNAs. The Ag-NORs and the 45S rDNA were mapped to a medium-sized submetacentric chromosomal pair. Hybridization with the 5S rDNA showed a major signal on the short arm of a medium-sized submetacentric chromosome pair and a minor signal on a centromeric site of a small acrocentric chromosome pair. Differences in the Ag-NOR and 45S and 5S rDNAs FISH signal sizes were observed between homologous chromosomes and among individuals. A two-color FISH co-localized 45S and 5S rDNAs to a medium-sized submetacentric chromosomal pair. The hybridization with the telomeric (TTAGGG) n repeat displayed small signals at all chromosomal telomeres. Finally, the (GATA) n probe produced dispersed and small hybridization signals on all chromosome spreads, showing its ubiquitous existence in the genome. These results were compared with those from other Pleuronectiformes and discussed in terms of karyotype evolution.  相似文献   

We explored the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and the tRNASer(UCN) genes in 100 Tunisian families affected with NSHL and in 100 control individuals. We identified the mitochondrial A1555G mutation in one out of these 100 families and not in the 100 control individuals. Members of this family harbouring the A1555G mutation showed phenotypic heterogeneity which could be explained by an eventual nuclear-mitochondrial interaction. So, we have screened three nuclear genes: GJB2, GJB3, and GJB6 but we have not found correlation between the phenotypic heterogeneity and variants detected in these genes. We explored also the entire mitochondrial 12S rRNA and the tRNASer(UCN) genes. We detected five novel polymorphisms: T742C, T794A, A813G, C868T, and C954T, and 12 known polymorphisms in the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene. None of the 100 families or the 100 controls were found to carry mutations in the tRNASer(UCN) gene. We report here the first mutational screening of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA and the tRNASer(UCN) genes in the Tunisian population which describes the second family harbouring the A1555G mutation in Africa and reveals novel polymorphisms in the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene.  相似文献   

Rábová M  Ráb P  Ozouf-Costaz C 《Genetica》2001,111(1-3):413-422
When surveying the karyotype diversity of European loaches of the genus Cobitis to identify species involved in hybrid polyploid complexes, an extensive polymorphism in number and location of NORs was discovered in C. vardarensis using Ag-staining, C-banding, CMA3-fluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). This species had 2n=50, the karyotype contained 13 pairs of metacentric, 10 pairs of submetacentric and two pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes. The NOR-bearing chromosomes included one medium-sized metacentric pair with a large CMA3-positive heterochromatic pericentromeric block, one small metacentric as well as one large submetacentric pairs. Ribosomal sites were always located in telomeres of these chromosomes. Each of the pair of NOR-bearing chromosomes occurred in three variants – (1) presence and/or (2) absence of NORs on both homologues and (3) heterozygous combination where only one of the homologues bears NORs. Altogether, 10 different NOR cytotypes from 27 theoretically possible ones were discovered among 20 indviduals examined. The number of NORs ranged from two to five per specimen. The results regarding the number and locations of NORs as revealed by banding techniques were confirmed using FISH with rDNA probe. NOR sites were of CMA3-positive, suggesting that ribosomal sites are associated with GC-rich DNA. Very similar structural polymorphism with multiple NORs is expressed in the Danubian loach C. elongatoides indicating a close relationship between both species.  相似文献   

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