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We have recently identified a new vertebrate gene family encoding putative hyaluronan (HA) synthases. Three highly conserved related genes have been identified, designatedHAS1, HAS2,andHAS3in humans andHas1, Has2,andHas3in the mouse. All three genes encode predicted plasma membrane proteins with multiple transmembrane domains and approximately 25% amino acid sequence identity to theStreptococcus pyogenesHA synthase, HasA. Furthermore, expression of any oneHASgene in transfected mammalian cells leads to high levels of HA biosynthesis. We now report the chromosomal localization of the threeHASgenes in human and in mouse. The genes localized to three different positions within both the human and the mouse genomes.HAS1was localized to the human chromosome 19q13.3–q13.4 boundary andHas1to mouse Chr 17.HAS2was localized to human chromosome 8q24.12 andHas2to mouse Chr 15.HAS3was localized to human chromosome 16q22.1 andHas3to mouse Chr 8. The map position forHAS1reinforces the recently reported relationship between a small region of human chromosome 19q and proximal mouse chromosome 17.HAS2mapped outside the predicted critical region delineated for the Langer–Giedion syndrome and can thus be excluded as a candidate gene for this genetic syndrome.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic DNA-dependent RNA polymerase II (or B) is composed of 10 to 14 polypeptides ranging from 220 to 10 kDa. To gain further insight into the molecular structure and function of these subunits, we have undertaken the molecular cloning of nucleotide sequences corresponding to the human enzyme. The cDNAs of five subunits (hRPB220, hRPB140, hRPB33, hRPB25, and hRPB14.5) have been isolated. Using in situ hybridization, we show that the genes of these subunits have distinct chromosomal locations (17p13, 4q12, 16q13-q21, 19p13.3, and 19q12, respectively). Thus, if assembly of active polymerase molecules requires coordinated expression from these independent genes, mechanisms that ensure tight coregulation of the corresponding promoters must exist.  相似文献   

Supervillin is a 205-kDa F-actin binding protein originally isolated from bovine neutrophils. This protein is tightly associated with both actin filaments and plasma membranes, suggesting that it forms a high-affinity link between the actin cytoskeleton and the membrane. Human supervillin cDNAs cloned from normal human kidney and from the cervical carcinoma HeLa S3 predict a bipartite structure with three potential nuclear localization signals in the NH2-terminus and three potential actin-binding sequences in the COOH-terminus. In fact, throughout its length, the COOH-terminal half of supervillin is similar to segments 2–6 plus the COOH-terminal “headpiece” of villin, an actin-binding protein in intestinal microvilli. A comparison of the bovine and human sequences indicates that supervillin is highly conserved at the amino acid level, with 79.2% identity of the NH2-terminus and conservation of three of the four nuclear localization signals found in bovine supervillin. The COOH-terminus is even more highly conserved, with 95.1% amino acid identity overall and 100% conservation of the villin-like headpiece. Supervillin mRNAs are expressed in all human tissues tested, but are most abundant in muscle, bone marrow, thyroid gland, and salivary gland; comparatively little message is found in brain. Human supervillin mRNA is ∼7.5 kb; this message is especially abundant in HeLa S3 cervical carcinoma, SW480 adenocarcinoma, and A549 lung carcinoma cell lines. The human supervillin gene (SVIL) is localized to a single chromosomal locus at 10p11.2, a region that is deleted in some prostate tumors.  相似文献   

M6 is a neuronal membrane glycoprotein that may have an important role in neural development. This molecule was initially defined by a monoclonal antibody that affected the survival of cultured cerebellar neurons and the outgrowth of neurites. The nature of the antigen was discovered by expression cDNA cloning using this monoclonal antibody. Two distinct murine M6 cDNAs (designated M6a and M6b) whose deduced amino acid sequences were remarkably similar to that of the myelin proteolipid protein were previously isolated. We have isolated partial human cDNA and genomic clones encoding M6a and M6b and have characterized them by restriction mapping, Southern hybridization with cDNA probes, and sequence analysis. We have localized these genes within the human genome by FISH (fluorescencein situhybridization). The human M6a gene is located at 4q34, and the M6b gene is located at Xp22.2. A number of human neurological disorders have been mapped to the Xp22 region, including Aicardi syndrome (MIM 304050), Rett syndrome (MIM 312750), X-linked Charcot–Marie–Tooth neuropathy (MIM 302801), and X-linked mental retardation syndromes (MRX1, MIM 309530). This raises the possibility that a defect in the M6b gene is responsible for one of these neurological disorders.  相似文献   

利用gateway技术从拟南芥中克隆了3个蛋白磷酸酶2C基因At5G66080、At1G68410和At5G06750,3个基因的ORF全长分别为1 158 bp、1 311 bp和1 182 bp,分别编码一条385、376和393个氨基酸残基的多肽.构建了3个基因的植物表达载体35S:GFP:At5G66080、35S:GFP:At1G68410和35S:GFP:At5G06750,采用基因枪法进行的洋葱表皮细胞GFP瞬时表达实验表明,荧光信号主要分布在细胞核上,显示这3个基因的产物可能在细胞核上发挥作用.利用实时荧光定量PCR研究At5G66080、At1G68410和At5G06750基因在不同组织中的表达特性,结果表明:3个基因在各个器官均有表达,但表达量不同;At5G66080、At1G68410和At5G06750基因在花中表达量最大;At5G66080和At5G06750基因在根、叶和叶柄中的表达量次之,在茎中的表达量最低;At1G68410基因在根中的表达量次之,在茎、叶和叶柄中的表达量较低.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized several MUC7 genomic clones encoding the human low-molecular-weight salivary mucin, MG2. The MUC7 gene spans ∼10.0 kb and comprises of three exons and two introns. Intron 1 is ∼1.7 kb long and is located in the 5′-untranslated region of the corresponding MUC7 cDNA. Intron 2 spans ∼6.0 kb and is located close to the boundary of the putative leader peptide and secreted protein. The entire region encoding the secreted peptide is located on exon 3, spanning ∼2.2 kb. The nucleotide sequence of sections of the MUC7 gene, including 1500 bp of the 5′-flanking region, was determined and analyzed for motifs identical or homologous to other known response elements. A modified RACE procedure was used to determine the 5′-end of the MUC7 mRNA. PCR, the human–hamster somatic cell hybrid panel PCRable DNAs kit, and anin situhybridization analysis on the complete metaphase chromosome spreads were used for the chromosomal localization of the MUC7 gene. It was mapped to chromosome 4q13–q21.  相似文献   

YVH1 was one of the first eukaryotic dual specificity phosphatases cloned, and orthologues posses a unique C-terminal zinc-coordinating domain in addition to a cysteine-based phosphatase domain. Our recent results revealed that human YVH1 (hYVH1) protects cells from oxidative stress. This function requires phosphatase activity and the zinc binding domain. This current study provides evidence that the thiol-rich zinc-coordinating domain may act as a redox sensor to impede the active site cysteine from inactivating oxidation. Furthermore, using differential thiol labeling and mass spectrometry, it was determined that hYVH1 forms intramolecular disulfide bonds at the catalytic cleft as well as within the zinc binding domain to avoid irreversible inactivation during severe oxidative stress. Importantly, zinc ejection is readily reversible and required for hYVH1 activity upon returning to favorable conditions. This inimitable mechanism provides a means for hYVH1 to remain functionally responsive for protecting cells during oxidative stimuli.Human YVH1 (hYVH12; also known as DUSP12) is a member of the dual specificity phosphatase (DUSP) subfamily of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) (1, 2). It is constructed of an N-terminal DUSP catalytic domain and a unique C-terminal zinc coordinating domain (3). Poor characterization and lack of mitogen-activated protein kinase targeting motifs further classify this enzyme as an atypical DUSP (1). YVH1 orthologues exhibit high evolutionary conservation and similar domain organization (3). Deletion of the yvh1 gene in yeast disrupts normal growth processes (4), whereas insertion and expression of the hyvh1 gene is capable of restoring a normal yeast growth phenotype (3). Amplification of the dusp12/hyvh1 gene has been reported in multiple sarcomas, implicating a role for hYVH1 in human disease (57).Recently, deletion studies from our laboratory have shown that the C-terminal zinc binding domain of hYVH1 is not essential for intrinsic phosphatase activity in vitro; however, it is required for interaction with the ATPase domain of heat shock protein 70 (8). Similarly, overexpression of wild type hYVH1 but not catalytically dead or zinc coordinating domain deletion mutants prevents cell death induced by Fas receptor activation, heat shock, and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (8). Despite these findings, current information on hYVH1 enzymatic and physiological functions remains limited.PTPs and DUSPs share similar active site architecture and catalytic mechanism, characterized by the conserved HCX5R(S/T) motif (9, 10). The unique microenvironment within the HCX5R(S/T) motif reduces the pKa value of the active site cysteine, enhancing both nucleophilicity and oxidation susceptibility (11, 12). Stimulated or constituent generation of ROS can result in oxidative second messenger signaling responses capable of transient and reversible post-translational inactivation of both PTPs and DUSPs through oxidation of the catalytic cysteine (1315).This oxidative susceptibility and modification varies among PTPs and DUSPs, a likely consequence of slight variations in active site conformations or mediated through unique regulatory domains (1618). Accumulating evidence suggests that redox-mediated oxidation of PTPs is a dynamic modification that can differentially regulate PTPs (13, 19). Sulfenic acid, cyclic sulfenamide, and disulfide bond formation have all been shown to facilitate stable, reversible active site modifications among various PTPs and DUSPs (12, 14, 20). Furthermore, evidence suggests that oxidation predominantly and rapidly targets the active site cysteine, whereas other cysteinyl residues remain in the reduced state (15, 20).This study investigated the relationship between the zinc-coordinating C-terminal domain and the catalytic domain of hYVH1 during oxidative conditions. We provide data suggesting that the zinc binding domain can serve as a reducing agent during oxidative stress to impede the oxidation of the active site cysteine. Increased exposure to oxidative conditions readily induces disulfide bond formation within the zinc-coordinating and catalytic domains, resulting in concomitant zinc ejection and enzymatic inactivation. Zinc ejection is readily reversible and required for hYVH1 activity upon returning to reducing conditions. Thus, we propose a mechanism for phosphatase active site protection through the intrinsic redox buffering capacity of this unique zinc binding domain.  相似文献   

Vaccinia VH1-related (VHR) is a dual specificity phosphatase that consists of only a single catalytic domain. Although several protein substrates have been identified for VHR, the elements that control the in vivo substrate specificity of this enzyme remain unclear. In this work, the in vitro substrate specificity of VHR was systematically profiled by screening combinatorial peptide libraries. VHR exhibits more stringent substrate specificity than classical protein-tyrosine phosphatases and recognizes two distinct classes of Tyr(P) peptides. The class I substrates are similar to the Tyr(P) motifs derived from the VHR protein substrates, having sequences of (D/E/φ)(D/S/N/T/E)(P/I/M/S/A/V)pY(G/A/S/Q) or (D/E/φ)(T/S)(D/E)pY(G/A/S/Q) (where φ is a hydrophobic amino acid and pY is phosphotyrosine). The class II substrates have the consensus sequence of (V/A)P(I/L/M/V/F)X1–6pY (where X is any amino acid) with V/A preferably at the N terminus of the peptide. Site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modeling studies suggest that the class II peptides bind to VHR in an opposite orientation relative to the canonical binding mode of the class I substrates. In this alternative binding mode, the Tyr(P) side chain binds to the active site pocket, but the N terminus of the peptide interacts with the carboxylate side chain of Asp164, which normally interacts with the Tyr(P) + 3 residue of a class I substrate. Proteins containing the class II motifs are efficient VHR substrates in vitro, suggesting that VHR may act on a novel class of yet unidentified Tyr(P) proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the human Id4 protein has been isolated froman astrocytoma library. The predicted protein product shares98% identity with the mouse Id4 protein and is markedly differentfrom that already reported. By FISH analysis, the human ID4gene was more precisely mapped to chromosome 6p22.3-p23. Northernblot analysis showed that ID4 is mainly expressed in thyroid,brain and fetal tissue and in some nervous system tumor celllines.  相似文献   

Tang H  Sadaoka T  Mori Y 《Uirusu》2010,60(2):221-235
human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is the major causative agent of exanthem subitum which is one of popular diseases in infant, and establishes latent infections in adults of more than 90%. Recently, the encephalitis caused by reactivated- HHV-6 has been shown in patients after transplantation. In addition, the relationship HHV-6 and drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome has also been reported. human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7) was isolated from the stimulated-peripheral blood lymphocytes of a healthy individual, and also causes exanthema subitum. Both viruses are related viruses which belong to betaherpesvirus subfamily, and replicate and produce progeny viruses in T cells.  相似文献   

李玉京  李继云 《遗传学报》1998,25(5):449-453
以一套中国春-长穗偃麦草二体异附加系与二体异代换系为材料,用等电聚焦(IEF)研究长穗偃麦草基因组中酸性磷酸酶(AcPh)与碱性磷酸酶(APH)编码基因的染色体定位。结果表明,AcPh大多聚焦于pH5~7范围内,其编码基因位于3E染色体,而APH编码基因则位于4E染色体。由于5E染色体的附加,AcPh活性带强度显著减弱。  相似文献   

瞿祥虎  翟云  魏汉东  鱼咏涛  贺福初 《遗传》2001,23(6):503-510
从人胎肝cDNA库分离出一长度为5248bp的cDNA克隆,该基因包含26个外显子和25个内含子,染色体定位于在某些肿瘤细胞中易缺失的3p21.1-21.33。其可读框编码1636个氨基酸,该蛋白属于蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶(PTP)家族,其C端有一个典型的PTP结构域,N端含有约800氨基酸残基的BRO1样结构域及随后2个可能的SH3结构域结合位点,在这两个结构域之间及C末端还各有一个脯氨酸富集区。Northern杂交和点杂交分析显示,该基因以大约5.4kb的单一转录物广泛表达于人体各种组织,而且在人部分肿瘤细胞中高表达。结果提示,人源PTP-TD14是一个新的蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶。  相似文献   

从人胎肝cDNA文库分离出一长度为5248bp的cDNA克隆,该基因包含26个外显子和25个内含子,染色体定位于在某些肿瘤细胞中易缺失的3p21.1-21.33.其可读框编码1636个氨基酸,该蛋白属于蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶(PTP)家族,其C端有一个典型的PTP结构域,N端含有约800氨基酸残基的BRO1样结构域及随后2个可能的SH3结构域结合位点,在这两个结构域之间及C末端还各有一个脯氨酸富集区.Northern杂交和点杂交分析显示,该基因以大约5.4kb的单一转录物广泛表达于人体各种组织,而且在人部分肿瘤细胞中高表达.结果提示,人源PTP-TD14是一个新的蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶。 Abstract:A human cDNA of 5248bp encoding a novel protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP-TD14(1636aa) has been isolated from fetal liver.The gene is located at chromosome 3p21.3,an area frequently deleted in many types of cancer,and composed of at least 26 exons and 25 introns.The phosphatase has unique features in its domain structure:a tyrosine phosphatase domain,a C-terminal PEST motif,two SH3-binding motifs,two proline-rich region and an N-terminal domain similar to yeast BRO1 (a yeast protein that is involved in the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway).Northern blot and dot blot hybridizations indicate that it is expressed ubiquitously in human 50 tissues and 7 cancer cell lines.Thus,it is a novel protein tyrosine phosphatase gene located on 3p21.3.  相似文献   

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