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Synovigenic insects resorb oocytes when food is scarce and mature oocytes when food is plentiful. These two antagonistic processes allow an optimal allocation of resources to reproduction and somatic functions. Unlike hymenopteran parasitoids, ladybirds cannot resorb mature oocytes present in the oviducts. Is the energy contained in these oocytes lost or is there a mechanism for recovering it when needed? Females of two species of ladybird beetles Adalia bipunctata (L.) and Adalia decempunctata (L.) that are starved for >24 h lay single infertile eggs, which they immediately eat, and these eggs comprise the mature oocytes in the oviducts at the onset of starvation. This behaviour has some similarities to egg dumping reported in herbivorous insects and is part, in ladybird beetles, of a process to retrieve energy invested in reproduction. Such behaviour may exist in other predatory synovigenic insects species that do not invest in maternal care.  相似文献   

1. The cereal field carabid beetle Amara similata was selected to elucidate the role of seeds and insects as food sources. Three experiments were performed to rank different weed seeds and insects in terms of food value: (i) fecundity in relation to adult diet, (ii) larval survival in relation to diet and (iii) larval survival in relation to parental diet.
2. Seeds were found to be of high value and insects of low value both for adults and larvae. Adding insects to a seed diet gave no significant improvement. The value of single species of seeds varied within adults and larvae, but also between adults and larvae. This is the first report that Amara larvae are granivorous.
3. The value of different insects varied by species. Cereal aphid species were of the lowest value both for adult and larval beetles. On a diet of mixed insects, the adults were able to produce a low number of eggs but the larvae all died before pupation.
4. There was no simple relation between survival of the larvae and the quality of the parents' diet.  相似文献   

Aphidophagous insects all exploit aphids as food, but there appears to be no association between the size of the aphidophagous predator and that of the species or the age structure of the aphid colonies they exploit. Aphid colonies generally increase, peak and decline in abundance, and are exploited by a sequence of predators, which is consistent from year to year. The objective of this study was to determine the rules underlying this temporal pattern. For example, in the field, aphid colonies are often first attacked by a small and then a larger species of ladybird. Theory based on the geometry and physiology of ladybirds predicts that the quantity of food required for oviposition and the area searched per unit time should scale with body weight, with exponents of 1 and 0.66, respectively. An analysis of empirical data supports these predictions. Thus, in relative terms a 35 mg ladybird requires 1.5 times more aphids per unit area for oviposition than a 10 mg ladybird. That is, the temporal pattern in oviposition is possibly mainly determined by geometrical and physiological constraints associated with body size, with small species of ladybird able to lay eggs at lower aphid population densities than large species. Cannibalism is thought to be the mechanism by which these predators are able to coexist.  相似文献   

Optimal number of matings in two aphidophagous ladybirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract.  1. The present study was designed to identify the optimal number of matings required for maximum fecundity and egg viability in two aphidophagous ladybirds, Cheilomenes sexmaculata and Propylea dissecta .
2. For this purpose, ladybirds were subjected to different numbers of matings and the reproductive responses were recorded thereafter.
3. The Gompertz model was used to draw asymptotic graphs for fecundity and per cent egg viability in both ladybird species. Ninety-five per cent and 50% of maximum theoretical fecundity and per cent egg viability were predicted from the model.
4. Ninety-five per cent maximum theoretical fecundity was obtained after 13.25 and 12.95 matings in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively; and 8.95 and 11.25 matings were required for 95% maximum theoretical per cent egg viability in C. sexmaculata and P. dissecta , respectively.
5. The results of these experiments clearly support the existence of an optimal number of matings in these two ladybird species leading to maximum adult fitness.  相似文献   

1. In many organisms, males provide nutrients to females via ejaculates that can influence female fecundity, longevity and mating behaviour. The effect of male mating history on male ejaculate size, female fecundity, female longevity and female remating behaviour in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus was determined.
2. The quantity of ejaculate passed to females declined dramatically with successive matings. Despite the decline, a male's ability to fertilize a female fully did not appear to decline substantially until his fourth mating.
3. When females multiply mated with males of a particular mated status, the pattern of egg production was cyclic, with egg production increasing after mating. Females multiply mated to virgins had higher fecundity than females mated to non-virgins, and females mated to twice-mated males had disproportionately increased egg production late in their life.
4. Females that mated to multiple virgins, and consequently laid more eggs, experienced greater mortality than females mated only once or mated to non-virgins, suggesting that egg production is costly, and rather than ameliorating these costs, male ejaculates may increase them by allowing or stimulating females to lay more eggs.
5. Females mating with non-virgin males remated more readily than did females mated to virgins. Females given food supplements were less likely to remate than females that were nutritionally stressed, suggesting that females remate in part to obtain additional nutrients.  相似文献   

The relative impact of cannibalism and predation on the development and survival of fourth instar larvae was assessed in two species of aphidophagous ladybird beetles, Coccinella septempunctata and Harmonia axyridis. The effect of eating aphids, conspecific larvae or heterospecific larvae on larval performance differed in the two species: aphids were the best food for C. septempunctata and survival of C. septempunctata larvae was significantly lower when offered heterospecific larvae rather than conspecific larvae or aphids as food, indicating that H. axyridis larvae were not suitable food for C. septempunctata. However, as the different foods did not affect the larval performance of H. axyridis, this species appears to be more polyphagous. Both intraguild predation by the aggressive larvae of H. axyridis and the polyphagous food habit of this species may account for its dominance in ladybird assemblages and its displacing other ladybird beetles in several places in the world.  相似文献   

1. Viviparous insects such as tsetse ( Glossina spp.) provide unusual opportunities to compare age-related changes in the proportion of maternal resources transferred to offspring.
2. In laboratory populations of Glossina morsitans morsitans the survival of females was high for the first 60 days of adult life but declined rapidly thereafter.
3. Average longevity did not differ significantly between mated and unmated females (93·6 and 90 days, respectively).
4. Nutritional state in terms of fat content and residual dry mass did not decline with adult female age.
5. The fecundity of mated females was constant for the first 60 days of adult life and declined only slightly thereafter.
6. Offspring size did not change towards the end of the adult female lifespan and there was no evidence of an increase in the allocation of resources to reproduction in older females.
7. Results contrast with those obtained recently for vertebrates and may indicate that age-related changes in offspring size in Glossina are not adaptive, or that so few females reach old age under natural conditions that there is no selection for a strategy of terminal investment.  相似文献   

昆虫性选择行为一直是行为生物学家和进化生物学家所关注的热点。早期对瓢虫性选择行为研究主要集中在非随机性交配模式,随着研究的深入,近些年对瓢虫性选择行为研究取得了许多新成果,包括多次交配的行为机制、性选择的识别机制、精子传送及竞争等。为全面地了解瓢虫性选择行为研究现状,本文总结了瓢虫非随机性交配模式,综述了近十余年对瓢虫性行为及进化的研究成果,同时对瓢虫性选择行为未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In the present study the influence of maternal and paternal ages on reproductive performance of an aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) were investigated. Maternal age strongly influenced fecundity and pre-oviposition period while paternal age strongly influenced the egg viability. Maternal age also influenced percent egg viability, however, at lower levels of significance. The results revealed that the fecundity and percent egg viability increased up to the respective maternal and paternal ages of 30 days and thereafter declined, indicating the onset of senescence. The results of the present study can help in better mass multiplication of the ladybird concerned and in laying foundation for further age-related studies.  相似文献   

Fitness advantage from nuptial gifts in female fireflies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract 1. In many insects, males provide nuptial gifts to females in the form of spermatophores, sperm-containing structures produced by male accessory glands.
2. The work reported here examined the influence of both spermatophore number and spermatophore size on female reproductive output in two related firefly beetles, Photinus ignitus and Ellychnia corrusca (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Based on differences in adult diet, male spermatophores were predicted to increase female reproductive output to a greater extent in P. ignitus than in E. corrusca .
3. Female fecundity was significantly higher in triply mated females than in singly mated females in both species, with no difference between mating treatments in female lifespan or egg hatching success. No effects of second male spermatophore size on fecundity, lifespan, or egg hatching success were detected in either species.
4. These results suggest a direct fitness advantage from multiple mating for females in both species, although enhanced fecundity may be due either to allocation of spermatophore nutrients to eggs or to other substances transferred within the spermatophore acting as oviposition stimulants.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Although predatory insects often feed on diverse prey, their reproductive activity may be linked most strongly to a more restricted range of prey. The propensity of adult females of the ladybird beetle, Coccinella septempunctata L., to attack two natural prey species, pea aphids [ Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)] and alfalfa weevil larvae [ Hypera postica (Gyllenhal)], was compared, and the degree to which ladybird egg production depends on consumption of aphids vs. weevils was assessed.
2. Coccinella septempunctata females more readily attacked aphids than weevil larvae. This was true regardless of whether females had fed previously on aphids or on weevil larvae.
3. When females were provided with few to many aphids daily, or few aphids plus an excess number of weevil larvae, their rates of egg production depended primarily on the number of aphids consumed.
4. Addition of weevil larvae to diets of limited numbers of aphids increased egg production, but only modestly. Thus, consumption of weevil larvae may have served mostly for self-maintenance, thereby enabling females to use for egg production more of the nutrients and energy obtained from limited consumption of aphids.
5. The females' linkage of egg production primarily to aphid rather than weevil consumption may be adaptive, as their offspring are much less able as larvae to survive and mature on a diet of weevils rather than aphids.  相似文献   

1. The paper summarizes the published evidence on the relation between mating frequency and fecundity in insects. There is experimental evidence of varying quality for 63 species and non-experimental evidence for about 60.
2. Repeated mating may be universally necessary for full fecundity and fertility in female insects (in species in which the females normally mate more than once).
3. The evidence is remarkably poor. We need more properly designed experiments (and not just observations of natural variation), with sufficient sample sizes and statistics, and measurements of the fecundities and fertilities of singly and multiply mated females, when the multiple matings are separated by many days or weeks. Most of the existing experiments of this sort are defective in some way.
4. In species with greater total fecundity and longevity, multiple mating may be more likely to enhance fertility than in species with small fecundity and short life span.
5. Females in naturally monandrous species do not show increased fecundity or fertility with repeated mating, whereas females of polyandrous species do.
6. There is no obvious connexion between paternal investment, in so far as we know about it, and the increase of fecundity by repeated mating.
7. There is a small tendency for females to breed more quickly and be shorter lived if they mate repeatedly.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. We test the hypothesis that defoliation has short-term and long-term negative effects on performance of winter moth Operophtera brumata L. on two species of food plants: Garry oak ( Quercus garryana Dougl.) and apple ( Malus domesticus L.).
2. Pupal weight (and hence potential fecundity of females) decreased with increased defoliation in the current year on both tree species.
3. Pupal weight increased, however, with increased level of defoliation in the previous year.
4. Increased weight of pupae from larvae which had fed on previously defoliated trees may buffer population decline by increasing fecundity of moths in the next generation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Life history parameters tend to differ between aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird beetles. It seems that the nature of prey, in particular the abundance, number and size of the colonies and their spatial distribution, may have been selected for the evolution of the life histories in these two groups of coccinellids, leading the aphidophagous ladybird beetles to develop at a fast pace and the coccidophagous beetles at a slower pace. To study the abundance, number and size of the colonies and the spatial distribution of aphid and coccid species, 100 sampling plots regularly spaced along four parallel transects were surveyed in the summer of 2004. At each sampling plot, species abundance, and the number and size of colonies of aphid and coccid species were recorded. Iwao's patchiness regression was used to assess the spatial distribution of aphids and coccids. From this study, it was found that coccids are much rarer than aphids but formed more colonies. Whereas aphids display a stonger tendency to crowding, aphid colonies are randomly distributed in space while coccid groups are aggregated. So, it seems that the abundance and spatial distribution of prey distribution may be factors selecting for the evolution of different life histories among aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybird beetles.  相似文献   

This study reports genome size (C‐value) estimates for seven species of ladybird beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Japan using flow cytometry. The results demonstrated genome sizes of 1.0–1.4 Gb in four closely related phytophagous ladybird beetles belonging to the Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata species complex. These values were approximately two times larger than that of a congeneric phytophagous ladybird beetle H. vigintioctopunctata (0.66 Gb), and of two very distantly related common carnivorous ladybird beetles, Harmonia axyridis (0.46 Gb) and Coccinella septempunctata (0.42 Gb). These lines of evidence suggest that rapid and large genome size increase occurred just after the branching of the common ancestor of the H. vigintioctomaculata species complex from other ladybird species.  相似文献   



Insects are of interest not only as the most numerous and diverse group of animals but also as highly efficient bio-machines varying greatly in size. They are the main human competitors for crop, can transmit various diseases, etc. However, little study of insects with modern nanotechnology tools has been done.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we applied an atomic force microscopy (AFM) method to study stimulation of ladybird beetles with light. This method allows for measuring of the internal physiological responses of insects by recording surface oscillations in different parts of the insect at sub-nanometer amplitude level and sub-millisecond time. Specifically, we studied the sensitivity of ladybird beetles to light of different wavelengths. We demonstrated previously unknown blindness of ladybird beetles to emerald color (∼500nm) light, while being able to see UV-blue and green light. Furthermore, we showed how one could study the speed of the beetle adaptation to repetitive flashing light and its relaxation back to the initial stage.


The results show the potential of the method in studying insects. We see this research as a part of what might be a new emerging area of “nanophysiology” of insects.  相似文献   

Abstract. (1) Heteronyx obesus swarmed about twice annually on evenings when relative humidity was > 80% and temperature was at or above 20°C at 19.30 hours local time.
(2) Swarms were characterized by the frenzied, random flight of their component insects, and the clustering of males about females on vertical structures.
(3) Early the following morning beetles searched for pasture containing favoured food plants, and then burrowed into the soil near them.
(4) Adults did not ingest food before, during or for several days after swarming; the oesophagus and crop of all insects dissected was distended with gas, probably air. This condition appeared to be associated with pre-flight behaviour of individuals.
(5) The post-swarm activity was concerned with feeding, dispersal, maturation of eggs and oviposition.
(6) The distribution of individuals of the next generation was strongly influenced by presence in the sward of favoured food (sorrel, Rumex species) of the adults.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Adults of rolled-leaf hispine beetles (Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera) spend their lives in the scrolls formed by immature leaves of Heliconia (Heli-coniaceae, Monocotyledonae) in Tropical America. As many as eight hispine species can intermingle in the host scrolls at a single site. Scrolls of single host species are invariably occupied by adults of more than one hispine species, and as many as five species can simultaneously occupy one scroll.
2. I made virgin scrolls, which had never contained any insects, by growing leaves under the cover of plastic bags.
3. Thirty-seven combinations of single hispine and Heliconia species were experimentally created in the virgin scrolls, at two sites and in two seasons, in Costa Rica. Combinations included all abundant host species at the sites.
4. All beetles left all leaves of the twenty-eight unnatural beetle—host combinations, within 24 h. On the other hand, none of the nine natural combinations was completely abandoned within the experimental period.
5. Thus, host specificity is not broader in the absence of similar hispine species that might be competitors, and interspecies competition does not affect this obvious aspect of resource utilization for these phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

1 Studies on aphidophagous coccinellids have indicated that patch quality, and, in particular, the age structure of the prey or the phenological age of the plant, may play an important role in stimulating oviposition behaviour. However, little is known about the egg‐laying tactics of coccidophagous species. 2 When restricted to a single, large colony of overlapping generations of their diaspid host Abgrallaspis cyanophylli (Signoret), adult females of the coccidophagous ladybird Chilocorus nigritus F. varied their egg production rate in a cyclic pattern that lasted for approximately 22 days. This information was used to generate hypotheses relating to eliciting cues for oviposition. 3 Two experiments were carried out in the absence of conspecific larvae to assess: (i) whether changes in host density at levels above those needed to sustain egg production in the females affected egg output and (ii) the effect of restricting beetles to various homogeneous prey population structures on daily egg production. 4 Changes in host density caused a significant but transient decline in egg production whereas a heterogeneous prey population elicited significantly higher levels of oviposition than homogeneous ones with similar host densities, irrespective of the growth stage of the prey. 5 Beetles were fed to satiation throughout the experiments but the data obtained suggest that cues for eliciting oviposition operated in a density‐dependent fashion. The results of the study are used to discuss the possibility that visual and chemical cues are quantitatively used by ovipositing beetles to assess patch suitability.  相似文献   

Species of predatory Coleoptera have become abundant in new geographic regions recently, raising concerns for invaded ecosystems. We address this topic by focusing on invasive alien ladybird beetles (Coccinellidae; known also as ladybugs). Humans appear directly or indirectly responsible for all or most ladybird invasions. Factors hypothesized to have promoted ladybird invasions include genetic diversity (e.g., for polymorphism), phenotypic plasticity, adaptation and genetic shift, generalized diet and habitat preferences, flexible life history and reproduction, large body size, and release from enemies. Factors such as climate, habitat and prey availability, and biotic resistance may sometimes prevent or slow ladybird invasions. Indigenous species (e.g., herbivores) may suffer from invasions, and biological control programs may be affected. Species of indigenous ladybirds throughout the world are reported to have declined in abundance following ladybird invasions, with increased competition and/or intraguild predation most often hypothesized or inferred. Similar recent studies especially of ground beetles (Carabidae) also make clear the potential of invasive alien predatory Coleoptera to disrupt invaded natural and agricultural ecosystems.  相似文献   

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