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Although females of numerous species possess genetically-basedpreferences for certain male trails and male preferentiallywith males possessing these traits, recent theoretical and experimentalevidence indicates that they may also copy (imitate) the matechoices of other females under certain circumstances. Such mate-choicecopying is expected to be most prevalent when females have theopportunity to observe the mate choices of others and when matechoice is costly to females. One potential direct fitness costof mate choice is increased individual risk of mortality dueto predation. Here, we investigate for the first time the effectof increasing the apparent risk of predation on the tendencyof females to copy the experimentally staged mate choice ofanother female. Using adult female guppies (Poecilia reticulata)originating from a Trinidadian population that experiences arelatively high fish predation pressure, we first establishthat they possess a preference for the more brighdy coloredof two simultaneously presented males in the absence of bothmate-copying opportunity and an immediate threat of predation.However, most females reversed their initial mate preferencewhen given an opportunity to copy the mate preference of anotherfemale in the absence of predation threat The proportion offemales reversing their preference when given the opportunityto do so was not affected by increasing the apparent risk of(fish) predation. This result may be owing either to femaleguppies tending to copy the mate choice of others whenever theopportunity arises because the benefits of doing so accrue irrespectiveof the ambient risk of predation or to females choosing randomlybetween males with respect to their color pattern in the presenceof the predator irrespective of mate-copying opportunity. Thesetwo explanations for the apparent lack of an effect of predationrisk on mate-choice copying per se are both plausible but unfortunatelycould not be easily distinguished here. It may thus be possible,and interesting, that individual female guppies chose randomlybetween the available males in the presence of the predatorbut otherwise copied the choice of others when given the opportunityto do so.  相似文献   

Virtually all studies of mate choice to date have assumed thatfemales choose mates independent of one another. Social cues,however, such as the mate choice of conspecifics, may also playan important role in such decisions. Previous work has shownthat female guppies of similar age copy each other's choiceof mates. Here we examine the effect of relative age on matechoice copying in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata, and examinewhether younger individuals are more likely to copy the matechoice of older conspecifics than vice versa. Results indicatethat younger females copy the mate choice of older females,but older individuals do not appear to be influenced by themate choice of younger individuals.  相似文献   

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is widely used to control termites and protect wood from fungal-rot and wood-boring insects, and is often detected in the aquatic environment. Few studies have evaluated PCP as an environmental endocrine disruptor. In the present work, Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) was exposed to PCP for 28 days (F0 generation) with subsequent measurements of vitellogenin (VTG), hepatic 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD), and reproductive endpoints. Plasma VTG significantly increased in male fish treated with PCP concentrations lower than 200 microg/l and decreased in male and female animals exposed to 200 microg/l. Hepatic EROD from female fish increased when PCP exposure concentrations exceeded 20 microg/l, but decreased in the 200 microg/l PCP treatment group. Fecundity and mean fertility of female medaka decreased significantly in the second and third week following exposure concentrations greater than 100 microg/l, and testis-ova of male medaka was observed at PCP concentrations greater than 50 microg/l. Histological lesions of liver and kidney occurred when exposure concentrations exceeded 50 microg/l. In F1 generations, the hatching rates and time to hatch of offspring were significantly affected in fish exposed to 200 microg/l. These results indicated that PCP exposure caused responses consistent with estrogen and aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation as well as reproductive impairment at environmentally relevant concentrations.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of egg presence on female mate choicein a fish with paternal care. Females who were allowed a freechoice between two males mated within a shorter time than femaleswho were randomly assigned to a particular male. When a secondfemale was allowed to choose among the males, she preferredthe same male as the previous female. This result shows thatfemales are concordant in their mate choice. When the initialfemale was randomly assigned to mate with one of two males (forcedchoice), the second female mated randomly with respect to thefirst one. Thus females do not prefer males with eggs. If theinitial female was given a free choice, but the eggs were removedfrom the chosen male, the test female mated randomly. When boththe males initially had mated but one randomly determined male'seggs were removed, the test female preferred the male who wasstill guarding eggs. These experiments show that females avoidspawning in unsuccessful nests. When the females in the freechoice/egg removal experiment mated with the unsuccessful malethere was a considerably bigger size difference in favor ofthis male than when the females mated with the other male. Weconclude that female sand gobies show clear mate preferences,but that they do not prefer males with eggs over males withouteggs. They do, however, avoid mating with males guarding unsuccessfulnests. We therefore suggest that egg loss could be an importantfactor selecting for egg preference.  相似文献   

The outermost tail feathers in male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)are the target of a strong directional female mate preference.The tail ornament is also expressed in females, since femaleshave considerably longer tails than juveniles, either due to(1) a strong genetic correlation between the characters in thetwo sexes, or (2) direct sexual selection on females. To discriminatebetween these two hypotheses, we manipulated the length of theoutermost tail feathers in female barn swallows shortly afterarrival by either shortening or elongating the outermost tailfeathers, or maintaining their length among control individuals.Start of laying of the first clutch, reproductive performance,or provisioning of offspring did not show any significant differencesamong treatments. Original female tail length before manipulationwas unrelated to reproductive performance, while male tail lengthexplained some variation in the number of clutches and, to someextent, the total number of eggs laid per year. Females withlonger tails arrived earlier at the breeding grounds. Manipulatedfemale tail length was positively correlated to the tail lengthof their mates. Our results support the correlated responsehypothesis but do not support the sexual selection explanationfor the existence of exaggerated tail feathers in female barnswallows.  相似文献   

Sexual selection may be reduced by costs of mate choice suchas predation risk and energetic expense. Despite their theoreticalimportance, such costs have rarely been quantified or relatedto the quality of mate obtained. We performed such a study witha wild population of redlip blennies in Barbados. In this coralreef fish, females traveled 0.2–12 m from their feedingterritories to the territories of nesting males, where theyspawned and left their eggs in the males' care. Previous studieshave shown that larger and older males are better parents andare preferred by females. Here, we found that long-distancetrips by females were made primarily toward larger males, andthe extra distance traveled beyond the nearest male was correlatedwith the improvement in size of male obtained. Comparisons withfeeding budgets while the females remained on their home territoriessuggested that costs from lost time and energy were minor, andno predation attempts on females were observed. However, onlonger trips the females faced more aggressive attacks fromdamselfishes, whose territories they crossed. In contrast, noattacks were observed from damselfish when the blennies remainedon their own territories. These attacks appeared to be responsiblefor a greater incidence of scars on females than on males. Thisdifference between the sexes became more pronounced as spawningprogressed, and then decreased as females healed during thenonspawning interval. Thus, female blennies endure a cost ofinterspecific harassment which is correlated with the qualityof mate obtained. This cost may restrain sexual selection inthis species.  相似文献   

We investigated paternal exclusion rate (the percentage of youngreared by a male that were not his genetic offspring), and behavioraland reproductive variables influencing this rate, in a freelybreeding laboratory population of zebra finches (Tae-niopygiaguttala castanotis), a socially monogamous grassfinch. Priorto the experiment, each male founder was fitted with eithertwo red bands (creating a phenotype previously demonstratedto be attractive to females) or two green bands (unattractiveto females) as part of a unique combination of four leg bands.The overall paternal exclusion rate was 28%, as determined bymultilocus, minisatellite DNA fingerprinting of 278 offspringreared by 26 males and their mates. Mean exclusion rates were16% and 40% for red- and green-banded males, respectively. Exclusionrates were directly proportional to rates of female participationin unforced extrapair copulations (UEPCs) with red-banded malesthat occurred when females were fertile. Rates of fertile, forcedextrapair copulations (FEPCs) and fertile UEPCs involving green-bandedmales either failed to influence exclusion rate or varied inverselywith exclusion rate, indicating that extrapair fertilization(EPF) is under female control. Effort devoted by males to seekingEPFs increased exclusion rate. Results suggest that males placegreater effort into seeking fertile versus infertile EPCs andthat unattractive males accrue fitness gains through high parentalinvestment (PI), whereas attractive males benefit through decreasedPI and increased allocation to EPF.  相似文献   

Flight is energetically very costly. For birds the mechanicalpower in relation to airspeed is characterized by a U-shapedfunction. From this function we can derive optimal flight speedsassociated with minimum power (Vmp), minimum cost of transport(Vmr) and minimum overall time of migration (Vmt). Since flightis energetically so costly, aerial displays and song flightcan potentially serve as signals reliably indicating the individualquality or resource potential of the signaler. In order to maximizethe amount of song flight produced, we expect Vmp during songflight, while during migration we rather expect Vmr or Vmv Wecompared flight speeds of skylarks (Alauda arvensis) duringsong flight and migration flight, respectively. In this speciespredicted Vmp = 5.5 m/s, Vmr = 10.5 m/s, and Vmt = 12.1 m/s.The preferred airspeed during song flight did not differ significantlyfrom the predicted Vmp, while airspeed during migration wassignificantly higher than Vmr and Vmp indicating that flightspeed is a flexible trait that birds adjust to different situations.Why the skylarks speed up so much on migration is still unclear,but it may be that due to the shape of the predicted power curve,variation in cost of transport at high speeds is relativelysmall.  相似文献   

The degree and direction of sexual dimorphism varies widely,but in several taxa of orb-weaving spiders, including Nephila,males may be less than one-tenth the size of females. This differenceis commonly attributed to selection through precopulation sexualcannibalism: females may either fail to detect very small males,or ignore them as potential prey items. However, there is oftenthe potential for male-male competition in these species becauseseveral males can be found on the web of a single female. Weinvestigated experimentally the effects of sexual cannibalismand male-male competition on male body size and hence sexualdimorphism in the Australian golden orb-weaver (Nephila plumipes).Small males were less likely to be detected and cannibalizedthan larger males. However, larger males excluded small malesfrom the central hub of the web, where mating takes place. Theconflicting effects of sexual cannibalism and male-male competitionmay be responsible for the relatively large variation in malebody size in this species.  相似文献   

Forage quality and patch choice by wapiti (Cervus elaphus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent models suggest that herbivores might optimize energygain by selecting patches of intermediate vegetation biomass.We tested this hypothesis in wapiti (Cervus elaphus) by estimatingdaily rates of energy gain in relation to grass biomass andby measuring patch choice in experimental pastures in whichgrass biomass was manipulated by mowing. The digestible energycontent of grasses declined with increasing biomass due to maturationalchanges in fiber and lignin content. Daily rates of dry matterintake by wapiti increased with grass biomass at a deceleratingrate, implying a Type II functional response. Linking thesevalues to published ad libitum energy intake and energy expenditureparameters, Fryxell's (1991) model predicted that the dailyrate of energy gain should be highest when wapiti feed in grasslandswith 1000–1100 kg/ha. In trials in which grass biomasswithin a mosaic of patches was manipulated experimentally between800–2900 kg/ha, wapiti preferred patches of 1200 kg/ha,close to the value predicted by the energy gain model. Our resultssuggest that the rate of energy gain by wapiti is constrainedby both grass biomass and grass fiber content, the latter ofwhich varies inversely with grass biomass. Behavioral preferencefor grass patches of intermediate biomass and fiber contentcould help explain patterns of aggregation and seasonal migrationreported previously for wapiti.  相似文献   

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