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The complex between Saccharomyces cerevisiae flavocytochrome b2 and the sulfite anion has been analyzed by x-ray diffraction. A map of the difference in electron density between the complex and the native protein has been computed. One positive peak of electron density is visible at the active site of each of the two subunits in the asymmetric unit, very close to the N-5 of the flavin. The molecular fragment SO3(2-) can account for the shape of this difference in electron density. A third peak is visible in the subunit containing pyruvate, the reaction product. It is a peak of negative electron density localized at the position where the pyruvate usually is in the native form. These results are interpreted on the basis of the mechanism defined in solution for the reaction between flavins and sulfite.  相似文献   

Baker's yeast L-lactate dehydrogenase (flavocytochrome b2) is a typical flavodehydrogenase, in that it accepts two electrons from the substrate but has a monoelectronic acceptor. Yet it forms a red semiquinone [Capeillère Blandin et al. Eur. J. Biochem. 54, 549--566 (1975)] and it is shown in this paper that it forms a reversible covalent complex with sulfite (Kd = 1.4 muM). This complex can be observed by difference spectroscopy and provides a convenient tool for visualizing the flavin chromophore, usually hidden behind the intense heme absorbance. A number of anions (D-lactate, oxalate and pyruvate) are inhibitors of the enzymatic reaction and induce spectral perturbations of the flavin spectrum. It is concluded that probably two positive charges exist at the active site: one which stabilizes the red semiquinone and one which attracts organic anions and sulfite. It is also concluded that the correlation between reactivity with sulfite and reactivity with oxygen among flavo-proteins may not be as general as previously proposed [Massey et al. J. Biol. Chem. 244, 3999--4006 (1969)].  相似文献   

The protomeric chain of Hansenula anomala flavocytochrome b2 was previously shown to be built as the covalent association of two functional domains: an L-lactate dehydrogenase domain and a cytochrome c reductase domain, joined together by a proteolytically sensitive zone. This paper concerns the specific cleavage of this latter zone with a H. anomala proteinase(s) preparation and the purification of the resulting L-lactate dehydrogenase moiety of the molecule with at least 25% recovery, (i.e. one order of magnitude more than for the previously published method). A preliminary characterization of this dehydrogenase domain indicates that it is a tetramer (Mr = 4 x 39000) containing FMN as expected and not heme. It has high L-lactate:ferricyanide oxidoreductase activity (about 70% that of the whole flavocytochrome b2) and the same Km for L(+)-lactate as flavocytochrome b2, but it has no L-lactate:cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity. Its flavin semiquinone is stabilized in the presence of pyruvate as in flavocytochrome b2. The subcellular origin of the H. anomala proteinase in the preparation has not yet been elucidated.  相似文献   

In a previous work, we have described the tryptic cleavage of yeast flavocytochrome b2 into its two functional domains: a cytochrome b2 core and a flavodehydrogenase. The lactate dehydrogenase efficiency of the latter was, however, dramatically low, only about 1% that of intact flavocytochrome b2. Our present study concerns a new flavodehydrogenase derivative of Hansenula anomala flavocytochrome b2 which spontaneously dissociates from the cytochrome domain when the polypeptide bridge connecting them is cleaved by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease I. This flavodehydrogenase was purified and some of its functional and structural properties were studied. It presents an exceptionally high lactate dehydrogenase activity, about 80% that of flavocytochrome b2. This result clearly demonstrates that the cytochrome domain is not necessary for the lactate dehydrogenase function and suggests an autonomous folding for both domains. Our results are discussed in terms of 'gene fusion'.  相似文献   

Complete amino acid sequence of flavocytochrome b2 from baker's yeast   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Each subunit of baker's yeast flavocytochrome b2 can be selectively cleaved by proteases into two fragments, amino-terminal fragment alpha and carboxy-terminal fragment beta. The primary structure of the former has been reported before [Ghrir, B., Becam, A. M. & Lederer, F. (1984) Eur. J. Biochem. 139, 59-74]. The amino acid sequence of the 197-residue fragment beta has now been established. The fragment was cleaved with cyanogen bromide; the three peptides thus obtained were submitted to digestions with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, chymotrypsin and trypsin, sometimes after succinylation. The complete fragment was also submitted to tryptic cleavage after citraconylation. Peptides were separated by thin-layer finger-printing or high-pressure liquid chromatography. They were mostly sequenced in a liquid-phase sequenator. The 511-residue amino acid sequence of the mature protein is thus completely established. Secondary structure predictions indicate an alternation of helical and extended structure, with a higher percentage of the former. Comparisons with other flavoproteins do not detect any significant sequence similarity.  相似文献   

Phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase exhibits an absolute requirement for magnesium ion in its transfer reaction when assayed in 10 mM Tris-acetate buffer at pH 7.2. This magnesium requirement can be largely eliminated by the use of 50 mM sodium cacodylate, citrate or succinate buffers at pH 6. It is thus demonstrated that, depending upon the assay conditions which are employed, an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase can exhibit ambivalence with respect to the magnesium requirement of its transfer reaction.  相似文献   

Summary Control of oxygen concentration in the culture medium during growth of the yeast Hansenula anomala on l-lactate as sole carbon source allows induction of the synthesis of flavocytochrome b2 or l-lactate cytochrome-c oxydoreductase (E.C. This phenomenon is accompanied by an important change in the yeast doubling time.  相似文献   

It has been shown that reduced flavocytochrome b2 not only catalyzes reduction of bromopyruvate [P. Urban, P.M. Alliel and F. Lederer (1983) Eur. J. Biochem. 134, 275-281] but also transforms it into pyruvate in a reductive elimination process. The dehydrohalogenation reaction also takes place when oxidized enzyme acts on bromolactate, but the reaction is more difficult to observe under these conditions because of its low efficiency compared to the normal oxidative process. The maximal rates of pyruvate production from bromopyruvate and chloropyruvate differ by a factor of less than 10, whereas elimination from fluoropyruvate cannot be detected. These results support a mechanism in which the dehydrohalogenation reaction takes place from a carbanion intermediate of the normal reductive-oxidative pathway.  相似文献   

Wild-type flavocytochrome b2 (L-lactate dehydrogenase) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and three singly substituted mutant forms (F254, R349 and K376) have been expressed in the bacterium Escherichia coli. The enzyme expressed in E. coli contains the protohaem IX and flavin mononucleotide (FMN) prosthetic groups found in the enzyme isolated from yeast, has an electronic absorption spectrum identical with that of the yeast protein and an identical Mr value of 57,500 estimated by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. N-Terminal amino-acid-sequence data indicate that the flavocytochrome b2 isolated from E. coli begins at position 6 (methionine) when compared with mature flavocytochrome b2 from yeast. The absence of the first five amino acid residues appears to have no effect on the enzyme-catalysed oxidation of L-lactate, since Km values for the yeast- and E. coli-expressed wild-type enzymes were identical within experimental error. The F254 mutant enzyme expressed in E. coli also showed kinetic parameters essentially the same as those found for the enzyme from yeast. The R349 and K376 mutant enzymes had no activity when expressed in either yeast or E. coli. The yield of flavocytochrome b2 from E. coli is estimated to be between 500- and 1000-fold more than from a similar wet weight of yeast (this high level of expression results in E. coli cells which are pink in colour). The increased yield has allowed us to verify the presence of FMN in the R349 mutant enzyme. The advantages of E. coli as an expression system for flavocytochrome b2 are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel amperometric biosensor highly selective to L-lactate has been developed using L-lactate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (flavocytochrome b2) isolated for the first time from thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha as biorecognition element. Different immobilization methods and low-molecular free-diffusing redox mediators have been tested for optimising the electrochemical communication between the immobilized enzyme and the electrode surface. Moreover, the possibility of direct electron transfer from the reduced form of FCb2 to carbon electrodes has been evaluated. The bioanalytical properties of FCb2-based biosensors, such as signal rise time, dynamic range, dependence of the sensor output on the pH value, the temperature and the storage stability were investigated, and the proposed biosensor demonstrated a very fast response and a high sensitivity and selectivity for L-lactate determination.  相似文献   

1. Flavin-free cytochrome b2 has been prepared by rapid Sephadex filtration at acid pH. The method, which yields an apo-enzyme with high reconstitution potential and has several advantages over previously used procedures, is described in detail. 2. Flavin-free cytochrome b2 thus prepared is retained by blue-dextran-bound Sepharose. It can be eluted by an increase in ionic strength, by dilute ethylene glycol and specifically by low concentrations of FMN. The holoenzyme is not retarded at all. 3. Both flavin-free and holocytochrome b2 bind Cibacron blue F3GA with appearance of distinct difference spectra. Cibacron blue is an inhibitor for the holoenzyme, it shows mixed type inhibition with respect to lactate. 4. It is concluded that there are two types of binding sites for Cibacron blue F3GA on flavocytochrome b2. Both possess ionic and hydrophobic character; one of them, which is the flavin binding site, is only available in the absence of the cofactor. Taken together these results may mean that the enzyme possesses a local flavin-binding structure similar to the 'dinucleotide fold'.  相似文献   

The nature of the proton donor to the C-3 of the enolate of pyruvate, the intermediate in the reaction catalyzed by yeast pyruvate kinase, was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and physical and kinetic analyses. Thr-298 is correctly located to function as the proton donor. T298S and T298A were constructed and purified. Both mutants are catalytically active with a decrease in k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m)(,PEP). Mn(2+)-activated T298S and T298A do not exhibit homotropic kinetic cooperativity with phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) in the absence of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, although PEP binding to enzyme-Mn(2+) is cooperative. The pH dependence of k(cat) for T298A indicates the loss of pK(a)(,2) = 6.4-6.9. Thr-298 affects the ionization (pK(a) approximately 6.5) responsible for modulation of k(cat). Fluorescence studies show altered dissociation constants of ligands to each enzyme complex upon Thr-298 mutations. The rates of the phosphoryl transfer and proton transfer steps in the pyruvate kinase-catalyzed reaction are altered; pyruvate enolization is affected to a greater extent. Proton inventory studies demonstrate solvent isotope effects on k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m)(,PEP). Fractionation factors are metal-dependent and significantly <1. The data suggest that a water molecule in a water channel is the direct proton donor to enolpyruvate and that Thr-298 affects a late step in catalysis.  相似文献   

Summary 2-Hydroxyheptanoic esters could be optically resolved up to 99% ee by bakers' yeast mediated enantioselective hydrolysis. Of various esters tested, ethyl ester was proved to be the best substrate. The esteratic activity was completely inhibited by butylsulfonyl-fluoride.  相似文献   

E.P.R. experiments and spin-lattice relaxation time measurements have been performed on Flavocytochrome b 2in the range 10 K to 100 K, to obtain information on the distance between the two prosthetic groups of the protein, flavin and heme. We have used the stabilization effect of pyruvate on the semiquinone form of the flavin, to compare the E.P.R. spectral shape and the relaxation properties of the radical when the heme is either in the ferrous form or in the ferric form. When the heme is ferric, no significant increase of the line broadening or enhancement of the relaxation rate of the radical can be detected in the range 10 K to 100 K. From these results, a minimum intercentre distance of 18 to 20 Å can be estimated.  相似文献   

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