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Several members of the 70 kDa heat shock protein group are known to be phosphorylated in vivo and have recently been found to undergo a Ca(2+)-stimulated autophosphorylation. The characteristics of the autophosphorylation reaction with Escherichia coli DnaK the mitochondrial and chloroplast homologs, and the endoplasmic reticulum Bip/Grp78 are discussed. Some common features are a requirement for Ca2+, inhibition by Mg2+ and phosphorylation solely on a threonine residue. Although the role of autophosphorylation of these proteins is not clear, it is known that the level of phosphorylation of some Hsp70 proteins in vivo is responsive to stress and other cellular conditions.  相似文献   

The in vivo synthesis of early heat-shock proteins in young leaves of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) was studied by one- and two-dimensional electrophoresis. Analysis of whole leaf protein patterns demonstrated clearly the enhanced resolution of heat-shock proteins, especially those of low molecular weight, when separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Comparison between the two cereals showed that a greater number and diversity of heat-shock proteins were induced in the subtropical C4 (sorghum) species compared to the temperate C3 (barley) species. Fractionation of whole leaf proteins into soluble and membrane fractions showed the majority of heat-shock proteins to be associated with the soluble fraction in both sorghum and barley. However, several low molecular mass (17-24 kilodalton) heat-shock proteins were clearly identified in the membrane fractions, indicating a likely association with thylakoid membranes in vivo during the early stages of a heat-shock response in both species.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein (Hsp) 72 is a cytosolic stress protein that is highly inducible by several factors including exercise. Hsp60 is primarily mitochondrial in cellular location, plays a key role in the intracellular protein translocation and cytoprotection, is increased in skeletal muscle by exercise, and is found in the peripheral circulation of healthy humans. Glucose deprivation increases Hsp72 in cultured cells, whereas reduced glycogen availability elevates Hsp72 in contracting human skeletal muscle. To determine whether maintained blood glucose during exercise attenuates the exercise-induced increase in intramuscular and circulating Hsp72 and Hsp60, 6 males performed 120 minutes of semirecumbent cycling at approximately 65% maximal oxygen uptake on 2 occasions while ingesting either a 6.4% glucose (GLU) or sweet placebo (CON) beverage throughout exercise. Muscle biopsies, obtained before and immediately after exercise, were analyzed for Hsp72 and Hsp60 protein expression. Blood samples were simultaneously obtained from a brachial artery, a femoral vein, and the hepatic vein before and during exercise for the analysis of serum Hsp72 and Hsp60. Leg and hepatosplanchnic blood flow were measured to determine Hsp72-Hsp60 flux across these tissue beds. Neither exercise nor glucose ingestion affected the Hsp72 or Hsp60 protein expression in, or their release from, contracting skeletal muscle. Arterial serum Hsp72 increased (P < 0.05) throughout exercise in both trials but was attenuated (P < 0.05) in GLU. This may have been in part because of the increased (P < 0.05) hepatosplanchnic Hsp72 release in CON, being totally abolished (P < 0.05) in GLU. Serum Hsp60 increased (P < 0.05) after 60 minutes of exercise in CON before returning to resting levels at 120 minutes. In contrast, no exercise-induced increase in serum Hsp60 was observed in GLU. We detected neither hepatosplanchnic nor contracting limb Hsp60 release in either trial. In conclusion, maintaining glucose availability during exercise attenuates the circulating Hsp response in healthy humans.  相似文献   

A highly specific and reproducible approach for the simultaneous detection of enteric pathogenic bacteria was developed using bacterial hsp60 gene and molecular biological tools. A single pair of universal primers was derived from the highly conserved sequence of hsp60 genes encompassing a 600-bp hypervariable region. PCR amplification followed by either dot blot hybridization or restriction enzyme digestion performed on 38 enteric bacteria indicated that this approach could differentiate not only different genera such as Campylobacter, Yersinia and Vibrio, but also species that are closely related genetically, such as between C. jejuni and C. coli, or between Salmonella and Shigella or Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The cold and constant water temperature of the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica provides a natural laboratory to address questions of temperature adaptation in marine organisms. In this study, endogenous levels and the number of isoforms of the 70 kDa heat shock protein multigene family (hsp70) of Antarctic and cold temperate notothenioid fishes were determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. Tissues from three Antarctic Trematomus congeners had significantly lower levels of 70 kDa Hsp isoforms than their temperate confamilial from New Zealand waters. However, these two thermally disparate sets of fish did not differ in number or pattern of 70 kDa Hsp isoforms expressed under normal physiological conditions. Additionally, levels of 70 kDa Hsp isoforms in specimens of one Antarctic species, Trematomus bernacchii, acclimated to 4 degrees C were significantly higher than non-acclimated conspecifics, indicating a direct effect of temperature on Hsp expression in this species. This study shows that constitutive expression of some members of the 70 kDa Hsp multigene family have been maintained, despite the absence of environmental heat stress for at least 2.5 million years.  相似文献   

Obese Black women are at increased risk for development of gestational diabetes mellitus and have worse perinatal outcomes than do obese women of other ethnicities. Since hsp72 has been associated with the regulation of obesity-induced insulin resistance, we evaluated associations between glucose ingestion, hsp72 release and insulin production in Black pregnant women. Specifically, the effect of a 50-g glucose challenge test (GCT) on heat shock protein and insulin levels in the circulation 1 h later was evaluated. Hsp27 and hsp60 levels remained unchanged. In contrast, serum levels of hsp72 markedly increased after glucose ingestion (p = 0.0054). Further analysis revealed that this increase was limited to women who were not obese (body mass index <30). Insulin levels pre-GCT were positively correlated with body mass index (p = 0.0189). Median insulin concentrations also increased post GCT in non-obese women but remained almost unchanged in obese women. Post-GCT serum hsp72 concentrations were inversely correlated with post GCT insulin concentrations (p = 0.0111). These observations suggest that glucose intake during gestation in Black women rapidly leads to an elevation in circulating hsp72 only in non-obese Black women. The release of hsp72 may regulate the extent of insulin production in response to a glucose challenge and, thereby, protect the mother and/or fetus from development of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and/or immune system alterations.  相似文献   

In Daudi cells, a fraction of the 60 kDa heat shock protein (Hsp60), which is typically a mitochondrial protein, is located on cell membrane. This was demonstrated by the recovery of biotinylated Hsp60 in the anti-Hsp60 immunoprecipitate obtained from cells in which surface-exposed proteins were selectively labeled with biotin. In further experiments, isolated membrane proteins (obtained by two different biochemical methods) were probed in Western blot with two antibodies (N-20 and K-19) directed against different epitopes located, respectively, at the amino- and at the carboxyl-terminus of the Hsp60. Both these antibodies recognized, among the isolated membrane proteins, a unique band with an electrophoretic mobility identical to that of the cytoplasmic Hsp60, thus demonstrating that Hsp60 is present on cell surface as an intact, full-length, protein. FACS analysis, performed with the same two highly specific anti-Hsp60 antibodies, confirmed that both the N-terminus and the C-terminus of the Hsp60 are exposed outside the cell and are accessible for recognition by the corresponding antibody. Moreover, quantitative analysis of the data showed that constitutive cell surface expression of the Hsp60 is limited to a small fraction (about 10%) of the whole cell population.  相似文献   

The pattern of polypeptides synthesized in a cell-free protein synthesizing system containing polysomes isolated from heat-shocked (37 C) Drosophila embryos showed significant differences when compared with the pattern obtained when polysomes from normal embryos were used. The synthesis of normal embryonal proteins was reduced and the heat shock proteins were the major products of elongation. After short, 10 min, heat treatment mainly quantitative changes were observed suggesting that normal mRNAs were still present on polysomes, and their products could be completed in vitro in the heterologous cell-free system. The mRNAs coding for normal embryonal proteins were present in almost unchanged amounts in heat-shocked embryos as could be judged from the pattern of proteins synthesized in heterologous cell-free system supplemented with cytoplasmic RNA from normal and heat-shocked embryos. Thus the change in protein synthesis in heat-shocked embryos is not associated with degradation of normal embryonal mRNAs but with their inaccessibility for translation.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (hsp) may be involved in the initiation and perpetuation of autoimmune diseases. In order to investigate the possible role of hsp and other intracellular proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the autoantibody production in SLE, the immuno-crossreactivity of SLE autoantibodies with Mycobacterium tuberculosis sonic extract and hsp-70 kDa was investigated. These proteins showed significant binding with Protein A-Sepharose isolated SLE IgG. Western blotting of hsp-70 with SLE IgG showed strong recognition, suggesting possible involvement of hsp and other intracellular proteins of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the autoantibody induction in SLE.  相似文献   

Calcineurin (CaN) is a Ca++/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase with two subunits: a catalytic subunit (CaNA) and a regulatory subunit (CaNB). With four Ca(++)-binding sites and a sequence homology to calmodulin, CaNB has been defined as the regulatory subunit for CaNA. However, we have shown that mitochondrial expression of CaNB far exceeds that of CaNA. To investigate the role of this excess CaNB, we have generated glutathione-S-transferase-CaNB (GST-CaNB) fusion protein and demonstrated that the fusion protein predominantly bound to alpha-tubulin, a 57 kDa protein in bovine brain extracts, and heat shock protein 60 (Hsp60) in bovine kidney extracts. Their Ca(++)-dependent interactions with CaNB were verified by immunoprecipitation. The binding of CaNB could be demonstrated with purified alpha/beta tubulins and Hsp60, but not GroEL, a bacterial Hsp60 analog. The interaction of CaNB and Hsp60 was not disrupted by the incubation with Hsp10, ATP and Mg++, suggesting that CaNB was not associated with Hsp60 as a misfolded substrate, and may serve as a regulatory protein. Thus, CaNB may play other regulatory roles in Ca(++)-dependent events in addition to its interaction with CaNA, and may be important for Ca(++)-dependent processes in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Abstract Bovine lactoferrin binds to a 60 kDa heat shock protein of Helicobacter pylori . Binding ability was related to human immunoglobulin G because bovine lactoferrin binding proteins were isolated by extraction of cell surface associated proteins with distilled water, applied on IgG-Sepharose and nickel sulphate chelate affinity chromatography. Binding was demonstrated by Western blot after purified protein was digested with α-chymotrypsin and incubated with peroxidase-labeled bovine lactoferrin. Binding was inhibited by bovine lactoferrin, lactose, rhamnose, galactose, and two iron-containing proteins, ferritin and haptoglobin. Helicobacter pylori binds ferritin and haptoglobin via charge or hydrophobic interactions because this binding was not inhibited by specific and various glycoproteins or carbohydrates. Carbohydrate moieties of bovine lactoferrin molecules seem to be involved in binding because glycoproteins with similar carbohydrate structures strongly inhibited binding. Scatchard plot analysis of the binding of peroxidase-labeled bovine lactoferrin to H. pylori cells yielded a k d 2.88 × 10−6 M. In addition, binding of H. pylori cells to bovine lactoferrin was enhanced when bacteria treated with pepsin or α-chymotrypsin after isolation from iron-restricted and iron-containing media.  相似文献   

Summary The compartmentalization of essential hsp70 proteins indicates that hsp70s carry out crucial functions in several compartments of the cell. The use of conditional mutants has allowed study of the cellular processes that require hsp70 function. For efficient translocation of proteins across membranes hsp70s are required in the cytoplasm, as well as in the matrix of mitochondria and in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

1. Immunological and ATP-binding properties of 70 kDa heat shock proteins (hsp 70) from HeLa and sea bivalve mollusc cells were investigated. 2. Hsp 70 have similar antigenic and ATP-binding domains despite the taxonomic difference between the species.  相似文献   

When murine mastocytoma cells (FMA 1) were heat shocked (42 degrees C for 4 h), nine heat shock proteins (HSPs) were detected by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Their apparent molecular weights were 100, 85, 69, 68, 32, 30, and 23 kDa (3 of 23 kDa). The structural homology of 4, 69, 68, 32, and 30 kDa, was demonstrated by two-dimensional tryptic peptide mapping. The 69- and 68-kDa HSPs were purified and rabbit antisera against these HSPs were prepared. A small fraction (less than 10%) of the 69- and 68-kDa HSPs were copurified with the microtubules and were present in the Triton X-100/KCl cytoskeletal fraction as shown by immunoblotting with the antiserum and by peptide mapping. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis of a cytoskeletal role for HSPs.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the low molecular weight heat shock proteins in plants   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Mansfield MA  Key JL 《Plant physiology》1987,84(4):1007-1017
Heat shock of living tissue induces the synthesis of a unique group of proteins, the heat shock proteins. In plants, the major group of heat shock proteins has a molecular mass of 15 to 25 kilodaltons. Accumulation of these proteins to stainable levels has been reported in only a few species. To examine accumulation of the low molecular weight heat shock proteins in a broader range of species, two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to resolve total protein from the following species: soybean (Glycine max L. Merr., var Wayne), pea (Pisum sativum L., var Early Alaska), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa L., cv IR-36), maize (Zea mays L.), pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum L. Leeke, line 23DB), and Panicum miliaceum L. When identified by both silver staining and incorporation of radiolabel, a diverse array of low molecular weight heat shock proteins was synthesized in each of these species. These proteins accumulated to significant levels after three hours of heat shock but exhibited considerable heterogeneity in isoelectric point, molecular weight, stainability, and radiolabel incorporation. Although most appeared to be synthesized only during heat shock, some were detectable at low levels in control tissue. Compared to the monocots, a higher proportion of low molecular weight heat shock proteins was detectable in control tissues from dicots.  相似文献   

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