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We aimed to identify the geographical and biotic limitations of Microcebus berthae, the smallest extant primate. Furthermore we analyzed the mating system of two local populations and their habitat use in relation to microhabitat structures and to those of Microcebus murinus and Cheirogaleus medius, two potentially competing lemur species. The range of Microcebus berthae is restricted to 220 km2 in the dry deciduous forest of western Madagascar. A very optimistic estimate of the total population size is ca. 7900 individuals. During a 13-mo mark-recapture study individuals were trapped from May 1995 to May 1996 at permanent trap locations 50 m apart over 2 study areas of ca. 25 ha each. The spacing of trap locations where individuals have been retrapped indicate that males have larger home ranges than those of females, which in concert with multiple intra- and intersexual range overlap indicates a promiscuous mating system. In contrast to the other 2 species, Microcebus berthae maintained specific habitat utilization patterns at 2 sites with different vegetation structures. Their habitat use in relation to vegetation characteristics differed from that of Cheirogaleus medius but not from that of Microcebus murinus. Co-occurrence patterns of Microcebus berthae and M. murinus deviated significantly from random and resembled a checkerboard distribution possibly generated by competitive exclusion. Thus, according to the niche concept, Microcebus berthae seem to be separated from Cheirogaleus medius by differences in food composition and habitat requirements, while they avoid direct competition with M. murinus by spatial separation.  相似文献   

Habitat preferences of the tree pipit (Anthus trivialis) and the meadow pipit (A. pratensis; Passeriformes: Motacillidae) were observed during the years 1998–1999 at three localities in the Czech Republic; two with one pipit species only, and a third with both species present. We investigated one of the possible mechanisms allowing syntopic coexistence—different habitat selection. We characterised territories of each pipit pair by the habitats present in the territory (defined by dominant plant composition) and by quantitative parameters (territory size, height and density of the vegetation, number of look-outs of different height categories, and proportion of wet ground). Tree pipits preferred significantly higher vegetation of lower density than meadow pipits, and there was generally a higher number of high look-outs in their territories. However, in some of the preferred territories at the allopatric locality of the tree pipit, steep hill slopes could well substitute for higher look-outs, which were almost absent. The two pipit species at the sympatric locality occupied very different habitats, which was also reflected in quantitative parameters of their territories. The available data of pipit habitat at different European localities show that the two species can occupy a much wider range of habitats. The habitat separation in sympatry might therefore be one of the mechanisms allowing syntopic coexistence of both species.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

I compared the habitat utilization in 3 sympatric species of Cheirogaleidae (Microcebus murinus [81 g], Cheirogaleus medius [183 g] and Cheirogaleus major [362 g]) in a littoral rain forest in southeastern Madagascar during 3 rainy seasons. Females of promiscuous Microcebus murinus had small home ranges and the males had large overlapping home ranges. Home ranges of family groups of monogamous Cheirogaleus medius and C. major overlapped extensively. Home ranges of all 3 species overlapped completely in the study area but home range sizes differed among species and correlate positively with body masses. Male Microcebus murinus slept in open vegetation (79%) and alone (71%), whereas female M. murinus and family group members of Cheirogaleus spp. preferred communal sleeping in tree holes. There are significant interspecific differences in the choice of sleeping sites: smaller lemurs chose smaller trees and used more sleeping sites than larger lemurs did. Species also differed significantly in the vertical dimension of forest utilization: Cheirogaleus major used the upper part of the trees, C. medius used the middle parts, and Microcebus murinus used the understory during nocturnal activities. The 3 species differed mainly in vertical habitat utilization and showed vertical stratification.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As quality of forested habitat declines from altered fire regimes, gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) often move into ruderal areas to the detriment of the animal and land manager. We evaluated effects of a dormant-and-growing-season prescribed fire on habitat and gopher tortoise use of degraded longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forests surrounding military training areas. We burned 4 of 8 sites in winter 2001–2002 and again in April 2003. Changes in vegetation measured during 2001–2004 indicated that burn treatments did not increase herbaceous vegetation. Similarly, movement patterns, burrow usage, and home range of tortoises radiotracked from 2002–2004 did not differ between treatments. Woody cover initially was reduced in the forests postburn, and we found more new burrows in burned forest sites. Once shrub cover was reduced, tortoises started using forested habitat that had become overgrown. However, shrub reduction may be temporary, as woody stem densities increased postburn. Thus, the one-time use of fire to manage tortoise habitat may not rapidly restore the open canopy, sparse woody midstory, and abundant herbaceous vegetation that this species requires. Repeated prescribed fires or additional management techniques may be needed for complete restoration.  相似文献   

Remote sensing provides a complementary approach to field sampling to assess whether restored wetland areas provide suitable habitat for the Light-footed Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris levipes). Habitat requirements for the clapper rail are specified by the composition of vegetation species and their spatial extent in its nesting home range. A major salt marsh construction project has been completed at the Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge (“the refuge”), San Diego County. In this paper we describe the application of image classification techniques to high-spatial-resolution digital video imagery (0.8-m pixels) to delimit patches of different marsh vegetation at the refuge. Using maps of vegetation types derived from multi spectral imagery, we estimated the area occupied by each vegetation type in potential clapper rail home ranges. Preliminary field-checking results indicate that this approach is an accurate, noninvasive and cost-efficient means of providing ecological information for restoration monitoring in southern California's remnant wetlands.  相似文献   

Conservation of rare and endangered species requires assessment of factors that influence the current habitat associations of a species and the role of past habitat degradation in limiting occupancy or abundance. The objective of our 2011–2014 study was to determine how habitat characteristics and wetland history can predict occupancy and abundance patterns of bog turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) at the fringe of their range in the southeastern United States. We used a hurdle model to examine occupancy and abundance patterns while addressing problems associated with zero-inflated data. Occupancy patterns were weakly related to percent of the wetland containing emergent vegetation, whereas abundance patterns were predicted by the percent silt in the wetland substrate, percent forest cover, amount of habitat degradation, and recovery time since past habitat degradation. The effect of historical habitat degradation on abundance rather than occupancy patterns has rarely been documented and its effect is rarely studied in vertebrate populations. Identification of predictors of occupancy and abundance patterns will aid discovery of new populations of bog turtles and improve management of occupied wetlands. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We examined the patterns of habitat use of six radio-tagged booted eagles (Hieraaetus pennatus) in a Special Protection Area (SPA) in southeastern Spain. Variable percentages of radio locations (20.8–72.0 %) and home range areas (45.2–81.3 %) lay outside the SPA limits. A model selection procedure showed that habitat use was mainly influenced by habitat type and the distance to the nest. Edges and open lands were the most selected habitat types at long distances, while the probability of forest use strongly decreased with the distance. We conclude that effective conservation strategies for this species should encourage not only the protection of the forest nesting habitats, but also the traditional agricultural practices of the surrounding agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Identification of habitat features that are strongly associated with the occurrence of threatened species is important in terms of predicting impacts of habitat change and identifying key habitats for conservation. In this paper, we apply habitat‐based statistical models to predict occupancy patterns of the endangered southern bell frog (Litoria raniformis) across inland New South Wales (Australia). Litoria raniformis previously occupied a wide range of natural and man‐made waterbodies across a large geographic range, including flood plain wetlands, oxbow lagoons, irrigation canals and rice bays. Alteration of natural flooding regimes has affected a large proportion of habitats within the historical range of Litoria raniformis, but it is not clear how these changes have influenced habitat occupancy patterns. Fifty‐two waterbodies were surveyed for presence/absence of Litoria raniformis in 2001 and 2004. Stepwise logistic regression models were generated to select a subset of variables that best predicted occupancy. Using three predictor variables, vacant and occupied habitats could be predicted with an accuracy of 90% and 70%, respectively. The predictor variables were: the interaction between wetland hydrology and complexity of aquatic vegetation, complexity of fringing vegetation and water temperature. While this study demonstrated that a range of waterbody types were occupied by Litoria raniformis, these habitats shared common hydrological conditions and vegetation characteristics. Altered flooding regimes and reductions in the complexity of aquatic and fringing vegetation are likely to increase the probability of localized extinctions of Litoria raniformis populations.  相似文献   

The black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) is a threatened species due to past destruction of its natural habitat, thus knowledge of its home range size and use is essential in planning for its conservation. I studied one group for 4 months in the Morro do Diabo State Park, in São Paulo State, Brazil. I estimated the home range of the group to be 64 and 127 ha via the quadrat and convex polygon methods, respectively, while a composite method yielded an estimate of 106 ha. They ate insects most frequently (38% of scans), a resource which was distributed throughout their home range. Fruit was the second major resource, but when it was not available, they ate more gum. The exploitation of fruits was associated with dryland forest, while gum-feeding occurred mainly in swamp forest. The study group used a transition zone between dryland and swamp forest most frequently, and all of their sleeping trees were located there. Although the vegetation reached 15–20 m, the group spent most of the time (55%) in the upper understory, between 4 and 8 m high. The study group revealed more specific habitat needs than thought previously, suggesting that the current population may be smaller than estimated.  相似文献   

Wildlife agencies are generally tasked with managing and conserving species at state and local levels simultaneously. Thus, it is necessary for wildlife agencies to understand basic ecological processes of a given species at multiple scales to aid decision making at commensurately varied spatial and behavioral scales. Mountain lions (Puma concolor) occur throughout California, USA, and are at the center of a variety of management and conservation issues. For example, they are genetically and demographically at risk in 1 region yet apparently stable and negatively affecting endangered species in another. Currently, no formal plan exists for mountain lions in California to deal with these diverse scenarios involving issues of local mountain lion population viability and problems related to predation of endangered species. To facilitate development of a state-wide management and conservation plan, we quantified habitat selection by mountain lions at 2 spatial scales across the range of environmental conditions in which the species is found in California. Our analyses used location data from individuals (n = 263) collared across the state from 2001–2019. At the home range scale, mountain lions selected habitat to prioritize meeting energetic demands. At the within home range scale, mountain lions avoided areas of human activity. Further, our analyses revealed 165,350–170,085 km2, depending on season, of suitable mountain lion habitat in California. Fifty percent of the suitable habitat was on unprotected lands and thus vulnerable to development. These habitat selection models will help in the development of a state-wide conservation and management plan for mountain lions in California by guiding mountain lion population monitoring through time, prioritization of habitat to be conserved for maintaining demographic connectivity and gene flow, and efforts to mediate mountain lion-prey interactions. Our work and application area will help with wildlife policy and management decisions related to depredation problems at the local scale and issues of habitat connectivity at the statewide scale. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Movement is essential for understanding the distribution and abundance of animals. While it has been suggested that invasion success can be facilitated by species’ ability to adapt to novel environments, direct comparisons of movement patterns between native and invaded ranges of animals in their natural habitat are rare. The rivulated rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus was introduced from the Red Sea into the Mediterranean, where it is now found in extremely high abundances, and has overgrazed the coastal marine ecosystem in many locations. Through a continuous acoustic tracking system, we found that the movement of S. rivulatus individuals at a Mediterranean site differed substantially from those at a Red Sea site, with individuals in the Mediterranean having larger overall home ranges and lower site fidelity. However, no variation between sites was found in daily home range sizes. Results show that at the Mediterranean site S. rivulatus individuals have a larger spatial footprint, which may contribute to their impact and ability to expand their distribution. This study demonstrates a potential shift in individual movement of a marine invasive species between its native and invaded range, and highlights the role of movement in understanding biological invasions.  相似文献   

The tortoise Testudo hermanni is endangered by habitat fragmentation and loss in western Europe, where its high public profile and specific conservation projects make this a flagship species. Studies of movement in the peak reproductive season (June) showed that home ranges were substantially larger in France than in Greece. This difference was due to the intensity of use of the home range, not to the distance moved which was remarkably similar in the two areas. There was no sexual difference in home range area. The home range was therefore not large in France because of movement to nesting sites, but rather for utilization of the greater habitat complexity there. The need for reserves to include different vegetation types makes conservation of T. hermanni in France more difficult. Conversely, the need for large reserves increases its value as an umbrella species for conservation of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The bank voleMyodes glareolus Schreber, 1780 is a widely distributed rodent in Europe, being numerically dominant in small mammal communities living in temperate woodlands. However, it becomes scarce in southern Europe (Mediterranean area) where it reaches the southernmost limit of its distribution range. We studied the habitat preferences of bank voles in 9 plots in a transitional area between Mediterranean and Eurosiberian regions within a Mediterranean mountain. During the study period we captured 1919 small mammals of 9 species, including 287 bank voles (14.95%). Mean density ranged from zero individuals per plot (1.1 ha) at the boreo-subalpine scrubland to 10.27 ± 2.84 (SE) at a Mediterranean river woodland. Statistical path analysis was used to investigate relationships between mean bank vole density and climate and vegetation structure measured within plots. The variables selected by the structural equation model were those related to forest structure, like tree cover and height, dead vegetation, moss, and rock cover. Habitat moisture was also important (microclimatic conditions). Mean climate conditions (and elevation) did not have any significant effect on mean bank vole density, and no significant association with understorey vegetation (eg shrub and herbaceous cover) was observed. Our results pointed out that bank voles were habitat specialists in our study area, being more abundant and frequent in moist woodlands, and rare or absent in shrublands and grasslands.  相似文献   

In the last century, bottomland hardwood (BLH) forests throughout the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley in the United States declined >80% and have been degraded because of habitat loss, fragmentation, and altered hydrology. To better understand how current conditions in BLH forest systems influence wildlife and to better manage land use and vegetation, we characterized winter (Dec–Mar) multi-scale habitat selection of 75 radio-marked swamp rabbits (Sylvilagus aquaticus) based on 850 locations in southern Illinois, USA, during 2010–2016. We investigated habitat selection by fitting resource selection functions with generalized linear mixed models based on Euclidean distances (km) to 8 cover types that described hydrogeomorphic conditions. At the second-order scale of selection (home range selection), swamp rabbits were closer to deciduous forest and low-elevation BLH and farther from agriculture, permanent water, shallow BLH, and woody wetland. At the third-order scale of selection (habitat selection within the home range), swamp rabbits selected areas closer to deciduous forest, low BLH, and shallow BLH, and farther from woody wetlands. For the swamp rabbit in Illinois, a BLH specialist at the northern extent of their range, habitat selection is limited to available terrestrial habitat that provides vegetation for food and hiding cover within linear and flood-prone BLH corridors surrounded by agricultural cover types that are largely unsuitable as habitat. Because hydrologic conditions are spatially and temporally dynamic, wildlife managers should focus on providing diverse habitat conditions across elevations that ensure the continuous availability of terrestrial habitat regardless of water level and flooding extent across the BLH landscape. Further reforestation efforts in BLH ecosystems should target current agricultural land on higher elevations adjacent to characteristically flood-prone forest remnants that escaped agricultural clearing due to frequent flooding. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Foraging behaviour and habitat selection occur as hierarchical processes. Understanding the factors that govern foraging and habitat selection thus requires investigation of those processes over the scales at which they occur. We investigated patterns of habitat use by African elephants (Loxodonta africana) in relation to vegetation greenness to investigate the scale at which that landscape attribute was most closely related to distribution of elephant locations. We analysed Global Positioning System radio-collar locations for 15 individuals, using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index as a representation of vegetation greenness in a Geographic Information Systems framework. We compared the importance of vegetation greenness at three spatial scales: the total home range, the seasonal home range and the 16-day home range. During the wet season, seasonal home ranges for both sexes were associated with intermediate greenness within the total home range; there was no evidence of selection based on greenness at finer scales. During the dry season, the strongest associations were within the 16-day home range: individual locations for males tended to be in areas of intermediate greenness, and those for females were in areas of intermediate and high greenness. Our findings suggest that the role of vegetation greenness varies with the scale of analysis, likely reflecting the hierarchical processes involved in habitat selection by elephants.  相似文献   

The nearshore (less than 20m depth) demersal fish community in Prince William Sound, Alaska, is dominated by Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, pricklebacks (mostly Arctic shanny Stichaeus punctatus), gunnels (mostly crescent gunnels Pholis laeta), a variety of greenlings (Hexagrammidae) and sculpins (Cottidae). During summer, the spatial distribution of fishes, over scales of 100's of m to 10's of km, varied by habitats characterized by different vegetation types. Juvenile Pacific cod and greenlings were numerically dominant in eelgrass, Zostera marina, beds. Pricklebacks and sculpins were dominant in areas with an understory of the kelps Agarum cribrosum and Laminaria saccharina. Greenlings and sculpins were the most abundant demersal fishes in more exposed sites with a canopy of Nereocystis luetkeana and an understory of L. bongardiana. Measured habitat variables, including vegetation type, slope, vegetation biomass, and substratum type, explained a significant proportion of the variation in the presence or absence of most fishes. The relative importance of different habitat characteristics varied between taxonomic groups of fishes. Vegetation type explained a significant proportion of variation for cod, rockfishes, and ronquils. Juvenile cod were closely associated with eelgrass, while rockfish and ronquils were associated with kelps. Pricklebacks and rockfishes were more frequently observed on steeply sloped shorelines, while ronquils were more often found at sites with higher biomass of vegetation. Within A. cribrosum habitats, more greenlings and sculpins were present at sites where algal biomass was higher. Also, sculpins were more abundant in deeper water and gunnels were more abundant in shallow water within this habitat. These associations may not have been causative. However, evidence suggests that some differences between fish communities in eelgrass and Agarum beds may have been causally related to vegetation characteristics. The possible roles of different vegetation types as refugia from predators or as sources of prey are discussed.  相似文献   

Species distributions are influenced by climate and topography in alpine ecosystems, yet resource selection studies of alpine species are uncommon. Basic characteristics of habitats used by alpine-endemic white-tailed ptarmigan (Lagopus leucura) have been described to explain foraging behavior, morphology, and survival in many alpine regions; however, there is a lack of information about fine-scale habitat selection for nesting and brood-rearing, particularly in the southern extent of the species’ range. Few studies have tested whether nest and brood-site selection by white-tailed ptarmigan are influenced by fine-scale components such as vegetation and arthropod communities. We assessed these fine-scale habitat characteristics analyzing paired use-available resource selection for nest (n = 61) and brood (n = 54) sites. We used conditional logistic regression for data collected in 2 alpine areas along the Front Range of Colorado, USA, during 2014 and 2015. We evaluated resource selection at larger (patch) and finer (nest site) scales. Nest-site selection at the patch scale was best predicted by cover (%) of forage forbs, rock and gravel, and shrubs. Forage forb cover explained more variation in our top nest model at the patch scale when compared to models with specific vegetation species. Females placed their nests along elevational gradients but more so at lower elevations and selected for less graminoid cover at the nest-site scale. Brood habitat selection at the patch level was influenced by cover (%) of rock and gravel and proximity to shrubs (m). Analysis of a subset of our brood data (n = 34) revealed females selected brood habitat that contained high arthropod abundance (e.g., Cicadellidae) over high vegetation cover, likely as a response to meet dietary requirements of chicks. Our results demonstrate how and where white-tailed ptarmigan are currently selecting these different breeding sites in Colorado's alpine, giving us insight into consequences this alpine-endemic bird may face if their breeding habitat is altered. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

For conservation of Auchenorrhyncha species, knowledge of their habitat requirements is essential. However, for most species there is no ‘quantitative’ knowledge that would allow e.g. spatially explicit predictions. Such predictions can be made by habitat models, which quantify the relationship between the environment and the occurrence of species. In two plot-based case studies – the endangered leafhopper Verdanus bensoni in mountainous grasslands and four endangered Auchenorrhyncha in urban brownfields – we used habitat models to quantify the habitat requirements of these five species and to exemplify their use for creating habitat suitability maps. In the first case study, the multivariate model showed that occurrence probabilities of the leafhopper V. bensoni increase with both decreasing nitrogen indicator values and decreasing tree cover. On urban brownfields, successional age was a driving factor for species’ occurrence. Site age largely determines a range of vegetation characteristics, which, in multivariate models, often replaced the variable age. Internal validation showed the robustness of all models. The models allow predictions of habitat quality under different management regimes (e.g. response to fertilization or abandonment for V. bensoni or to different turnover rates on brownfield sites). We discuss the application of habitat models in the conservation of Auchenorrhyncha, especially the use of habitat suitability maps.  相似文献   

Nobuhiko Suzuki 《Oecologia》1985,66(2):187-193
Summary Habitat selection of three chrysomelid beetles feeding on the Rumex plants was studied in relation to the ecological requirements of the three species and the habitat characteristics arising in their unstable and often unpredictable environment. The different ecological requirements and bionomic characteristics of the three chrysomelids were associated not only with their differing degrees of feeding specialization; they also influenced habitat selection. For example, the small body size and lower food demands of Mantura clavareaui, which is a feeding specialist, allowed it to exploit any habitat, irrespective of habitat size and duration. The other specialist, Gastrophysa atrocyanea, selected larger habitats because of the relatively brief lifespan of its adults after overwintering, its reduced mortality, and greater food demand. On the other hand, Galerucella vittaticollis, which is a multivoltine, general feeder, selected the habitat that lasted longer, rather than one that was larger. This species' life cycle is not synchronized with Rumex phenology, but its adults are long-lived and it has a flexible life cycle. The different patterns in habitat selection among these three chrysomelids prevented serious overlapping of their habitats; thus, the habitat overlapping of 2 or 3 species was 34.62%, that of all 3 species 3.85%. Most of the habitats utilized by Gastrophysa, however, overlapped those of the other two species, because Gastrophysa's habitat utilization range was the narrowest of the three. In Mantura, the degree of overlap with the other two species was lowest because this beetle had the broadest range of habitat utilization. On the other hand, Galerucella adjusted the temporal, rather than the spatial coordinates of its habitat usage when it occupied habitats where the other two specialists were also present. Galerucella, unlike the other two species, is multivoltine. Consequently, it was able to coexist in habitats occupied by the others by exploiting the host plants at times when the other species were numerically few, or even absent. No direct interspecific competition among adults of the three species was observed. Their different patterns of habitat selection created by their different responses to available food allowed them to coexist on Rumex without direct competition.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although numerous studies have examined habitat use by raccoons (Procyon lotor), information regarding seasonal habitat selection related to resource availability in agricultural landscapes is lacking for this species. Additionally, few studies using radiotelemetry have investigated habitat selection at multiple spatial scales or core-use areas by raccoons. We examined seasonal habitat selection of 55 (31 M, 24 F) adult raccoons at 3 hierarchical orders defined by the movement behavior of this species (second-order home range, second-order core-use area, and third-order home range) in northern Indiana, USA, from May 2003 to June 2005. Using compositional analysis, we assessed whether habitat selection differed from random and ranked habitat types in order of selection during the crop growing period (season 1) and corn maturation period (season 2), which represented substantial shifts in resource availability to raccoons. Habitat rankings differed across hierarchical orders, between seasons within hierarchical orders, and between sexes within seasons; however, seasonal and intersexual patterns of habitat selection were not consistent across hierarchical orders of spatial scale. When nonrandom utilization was detected, both sexes consistently selected forest cover over other available habitats. Seasonal differences in habitat selection were most evident at the core-area scale, where raccoon selection of agricultural lands was highest during the maturation season when corn was available as a direct food source. Habitat use did not differ from availability for either sex in either season at the third-order scale. The selection of forest cover across both seasons and all spatial orders suggested that raccoon distribution and abundance in fragmented landscapes is likely dependent on the availability and distribution of forest cover, or habitats associated with forest (i.e., water), within the landscape. The lack of consistency in habitat selection across hierarchical scales further exemplifies the need to examine multiple biological scales in habitat-selection studies.  相似文献   

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