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禄丰古猿牙齿釉质生长线与个体发育问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
运用扫描电子显微镜,对4枚禄丰古猿牙齿(恒齿)釉质结构进行了观察研究,发现:禄丰古猿牙齿釉质表面有明显的釉面横纹结构;釉面横纹的密度向牙颈方向逐渐增大;观察记数了4枚牙齿的釉面横纹数,进而推算出牙冠的形成时间和年龄。与化石人科成员,现代人及现生大猿比较,禄丰古猿牙冠发育模式及时间,与南方古猿纤细种比较接近或相似,明显长于南方古猿粗壮种,有别于现生大猿。  相似文献   

釉面横纹的数目可用于推断个体牙齿的牙冠形成时间,在生长发育研究中具有重要的意义。本研究运用数码体视显微镜和扫描电镜观察了云南石灰坝禄丰禄丰古猿(简称禄丰古猿)30枚齿冠完整的前部牙齿,包括上下颌中门齿6枚、侧门齿10枚和犬齿14枚。根据唇侧面釉面横纹计数的观察结果,分别以7天和9天芮氏线生长周期,估算各齿型的牙冠形成时间,结果显示:以生长周期7天计算,中门齿牙冠形成时间约为3.6-4.1年,侧门齿牙冠形成时间约为2.7-3.7年,犬齿牙冠形成时间约为4.2-7.0;以生长周期9天计算,中门齿牙冠形成时间约为4.4-5.2年,侧门齿牙冠形成时间约为3.4-4.7年,犬齿牙冠形成时间约为5.2-8.8年。为更深入地了解禄丰古猿牙冠形成时间在不同齿型及性别间足否存在明显差异,本文用SPSS软件对其进行显著性差异检验。采用小样本平均值的t值假设检验(置信区间为95%),结果如下:禄丰古猿前部牙齿的牙冠形成时间在各类牙齿的上下颌中不存在显著性差异;犬齿牙冠形成时间存在非常显著的性别差异,雄性牙冠形成时间明显长于雌性,侧门齿也存在显著的性别差异,而中门齿性别间则无显著性差异。此外对禄丰古猿中门齿,侧门齿和犬齿的牙冠形成时间进行单因素方差分析并两两对比,结果显示中门齿与侧门齿的牙冠形成时间不存在显著性差异,而犬齿与中门齿和侧门齿均存在显著性差异,犬齿牙冠形成时间明显长于门齿。同时也对禄丰古猿前部牙齿的牙冠形成时间与齿冠高进行相关性分析,其结果表明两者有显著的正相关性。将禄丰古猿与其他古猿和现生大猿、南方古猿以及人属成员进行对比,结果显示其前部牙齿牙冠形成时间长于原修康尔猿、南方古猿、傍人、人属成员,接近于蝴蝶禄丰古猿和大猩猩,而明显小于黑猩猩、华南化石猩猩及现生猩猩。  相似文献   

赵凌霞 《人类学学报》2004,23(2):111-118
对出自禄丰石灰坝的26个禄丰古猿下颌齿列的246枚恒齿进行了观察研究,发现禄丰古猿具有普遍的带状釉质发育不全(LEH)现象,个体LEH比例为100%,恒齿LEH比例为85%。乳齿几乎没有LEH现象,第一恒臼齿的LEH比例也很低仅57%。根据牙齿萌出顺序及现代大猿的牙齿发育年龄特征,作者推断2—3岁之前的幼儿古猿很少出现釉质发育不全现象,这可能与母体的营养关照有关。禄丰古猿的LEH的发生频率具有明显的季节性,结合中新世晚期气候变化特征、古猿的生态环境、生活习性及食性特征分析,作者推测:季节性营养不良可能是造成禄丰古猿釉质发育不全的主要原因。  相似文献   

牙釉质发育不全是反映牙齿发育过程中遭遇生理性刺激的有效指标。本文对来自云南禄丰石灰坝的禄丰古猿(Lufengpithecus lufengensis)261枚单颗恒齿进行观察分析,发现223枚牙齿普遍罹患带状牙釉质发育不全(LEH),比例为85.4%,高于其它已报道过的中新世古猿、化石人科成员及现生大猿。另一方面,用扫描电镜和数码显微镜着重分析了12枚犬齿,均有多条LEH,且雄性犬齿的LEH条数多于雌性;相邻LEH间的釉面横纹数在14-25条之间。结合禄丰古猿釉面横纹的生长周期(9天),估算相邻LEH之间的时间间隔为4.8-6.6月,季节性营养不良可能是禄丰古猿釉质发育不全的主要原因。  相似文献   

陆庆五 《人类学学报》1995,14(2):93-100
本文记述了1980年在云南省禄丰县石灰坝村禄丰古猿地点发现的最晚中新世禄丰古猿的幼年下颌骨PA869。作者将此标本与西瓦古猿的,南方古猿的和现生大猿的幼年下颌进行了对比,记述了禄丰古猿幼下年颌的若干特征,这些特征表明禄丰古猿幼年下颌体各部主要尺寸的比例关系本种成年的十分相似。  相似文献   

本文叙述了制作禄丰古猿雌性复原头像的根据和过程。复原像以宽阔的眶间宽和中面部,以及低平的鼻根和鼻梁硬骨部为其显著的特点。它的“鼻—前颌部”侧面轮廓和软鼻形态与猩猩的较相似。它的鼻属猿型鼻,有类似大猩猩的和人形化的性状。  相似文献   

胡荣  赵凌霞 《人类学学报》2012,31(4):371-380
釉面横纹的分布与数目可以反映牙齿生长发育的时间和速率变化, 在化石研究中能为复原个体生活史提供重要依据。本研究运用扫描电子显微镜观察华南化石猩猩门齿、犬齿釉面横纹分布与数目, 并估算门齿和犬齿牙冠形成时间, 结果如下: 牙冠从牙尖至牙颈方向釉面横纹分布密度有疏密变化, 牙尖釉面横纹密度小于10条/mm, 中间至牙颈釉面横纹密度较尖部增大, 大约10-15条/mm; 犬齿釉面横纹数目多于门齿, 雄性犬齿釉面横纹数目多于雌性; 根据釉面横纹计数及其生长周期的组织切片观察结果, 估算门齿牙冠形成时间大约为2.97-6.66年, 犬齿雄性长于雌性, 分别为6.25-11.31年和4.28-7.29年。与一些古猿、早期人类、现代人以及现生大猿比较, 华南化石猩猩釉面横纹整体密度稍大于南方古猿和傍人, 小于黑猩猩、大猩猩、现代人和禄丰古猿; 除侧门齿外, 华南化石猩猩釉面横纹数目明显多于南方古猿、傍人和现代人, 与大猩猩接近; 华南猩猩前部牙齿牙冠形成时间与现生大猿、禄丰古猿差别不大, 与现生猩猩最相近, 长于南方古猿和傍人。  相似文献   

The nature and periodicity of incremental markings in pig enamel is currently debated. To broaden the basis for a correct interpretation of growth marks in pig enamel, we analyzed their periodicity in teeth of wild boars and domestic pigs. For that, the numbers of enamel incremental markings were recorded in ground sections and compared with crown formation times for the respective teeth derived from literature data on tooth development and eruption in Sus scrofa. Our study revealed that laminations with a daily periodicity are the dominant incremental feature of pig enamel. In wild boar M3s, daily enamel secretion (apposition) rates ranged between a minimum of 6.1?µm in the inner and a maximum of 30.6?µm in the outer enamel.Long-period (supra-daily) incremental markings were present as perikymata at the outer enamel surface (OES). Contrary to the situation in primate enamel, in pig enamel the long-period incremental lines terminating in perikyma grooves were mostly structurally indistinguishable from the daily laminations. Typically, five sub-daily increments were present between successive laminations. The incremental pattern in pig enamel can be misinterpreted if the laminations are mistaken for long-period markings (striae of Retzius) and the sub-daily growth marks for daily prism cross-striations. The findings of the present study demonstrate the critical importance of correctly characterizing the incremental markings and their periodicity in enamel, and caution against an uncritical transfer of the interpretation of the nature of incremental markings in primate enamel to other mammalian taxa.  相似文献   

Imbricational crown formation times (ICFTs) estimated from the number of perikymata on tooth surfaces are error-prone because the number of days between adjacent perikymata varies across individuals and species, and is only visible within tooth microstructure. We investigated striae of Retzius (SR) numbers (analogous to perikymata numbers), SR periodicities (days between SR or perikymata), and ICFTs for a mandibular canine sample (n=49) from medieval Denmark. We tested the relationship between SR number and periodicity to determine whether regression formulae could be produced that would allow periodicity (and ICFTs) to be determined from surface perikymata numbers. Periodicities (range=7-11 days, mode=8) and SR numbers (range=142-257, mean=190.3, s.d.=27.5) were normally distributed; ICFTs were non-normal (mean=1,594 days, s.d.=65.7). We tested periodicity as a quadratic, linear, and log-log transform linear function of SR number and found an inverse relationship (quadratic: R2=0.9504; linear: R2=0.9138; log-log transform: R2=0.9418; all p<0.001) that allowed estimation of periodicity from SR or perikymata numbers in this population and tooth type. If periodicity and SR number are inversely related in other hominin taxa, studies that have estimated ICFT by multiplying perikymata number by a human modal periodicity value or made inferences about development based only on perikymata numbers may have introduced substantial error into their ICFT estimates and life history inferences. The inverse relationship is similar to that predicted by a model of SR formation in which the ICFT for a given tooth type and population is held constant and all combinations of periodicity and SR number result in the same ICFT. However, we found that lower periodicities had longer ICFTs and higher periodicities had shorter ICFTs than the model predicted, suggesting that the model may not reflect the real process, or that there are other factors (e.g., sample size, misclassification, sexual dimorphism) also affecting the relationship between periodicity and SR number.  相似文献   

捻翅目昆虫是胎生的,胚胎发育和孵化均在母体血腔内进行。稻虱跗Elenchinus japonicus属捻翅目,跗科,寄生于白背稻虱、褐稻虱和灰稻虱。本文报道稻虱跗 卵的形成各阶段:1)雌虫体内无典型的卵巢,所有卵在母体体腔内同步发育和成熟。最早发现的原卵是包囊干细胞,在雌幼虫血腔内。2)每个包囊细胞内含256个姐妹细胞,其中有一个细胞分化成卵母细胞,其余的成为营养细胞。3)成熟卵为椭圆形,大小为75-100×40-50μm。其胚胎发育过程按顺序包括:卵裂、胎盘形成、胚带分节、附肢形成和胚胎背合等阶段。稻虱跗 行单胚生殖。  相似文献   

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