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The import of cytochrome c into Neurospora crassa mitochondria was examined at distinct stages in vitro. The precursor protein, apocytochrome c, binds to mitochondria with high affinity and specificity but is not transported completely across the outer membrane in the absence of conversion to holocytochrome c. The bound apocytochrome c is accessible to externally added proteases but at the same time penetrates far enough through the outer membrane to interact with cytochrome c heme lyase. Formation of a complex in which apocytochrome c and cytochrome c heme lyase participate represents the rate-limiting step of cytochrome c import. Conversion from the bound state to holocytochrome c, on the other hand, occurs 10-30-fold faster. Association of apocytochrome c with cytochrome c heme lyase also takes place after solubilizing mitochondria with detergent. We conclude that the bound apocytochrome c, spanning the outer membrane, forms a complex with cytochrome c heme lyase from which it can react further to be converted to holocytochrome c and be translocated completely into the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

In spite of the extensive research using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, the therapeutic potential of iPS cells in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury is largely unknown. In this study, we repaired peripheral nerve gaps in mice using tissue-engineered bioabsorbable nerve conduits coated with iPS cell-derived neurospheres. The secondary neurospheres derived from mouse iPS cells were suspended in each conduit (4000,000 cells per conduit) and cultured in the conduit in three-dimensional (3D) culture for 14 days. We then implanted them in the mouse sciatic nerve gaps (5 mm) (iPS group; n=10). The nerve conduit alone was implanted in the control group (n=10). After 4, 8 and 12 weeks, motor and sensory functional recovery in mice were significantly better in the iPS group. At 12 weeks, all the nerve conduits remained structurally stable without any collapse and histological analysis indicated axonal regeneration in the nerve conduits of both groups. However, the iPS group showed significantly more vigorous axonal regeneration. The bioabsorbable nerve conduits created by 3D-culture of iPS cell-derived neurospheres promoted regeneration of peripheral nerves and functional recovery in vivo. The combination of iPS cell technology and bioabsorbable nerve conduits shows potential as a future tool for the treatment of peripheral nerve defects.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of cytochrome c1 involves a number of steps including: synthesis as a precursor with a bipartite signal sequence, transfer across the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes, removal of the first part of the presequence in the matrix, reexport to the outer surface of the inner membrane, covalent addition of heme, and removal of the remainder of the presequence. In this report we have focused on the steps of heme addition, catalyzed by cytochrome c1 heme lyase, and of proteolytic processing during cytochrome c1 import into mitochondria. Following translocation from the matrix side to the intermembrane-space side of the inner membrane, apocytochrome c1 forms a complex with cytochrome c1 heme lyase, and then holocytochrome c1 formation occurs. Holocytochrome c1 formation can also be observed in detergent-solubilized preparations of mitochondria, but only after apocytochrome c1 has first interacted with cytochrome c1 heme lyase to produce this complex. Heme linkage takes place on the intermembrane-space side of the inner mitochondrial membrane and is dependent on NADH plus a cytosolic cofactor that can be replaced by flavin nucleotides. NADH and FMN appear to be necessary for reduction of heme prior to its linkage to apocytochrome c1. The second proteolytic processing of cytochrome c1 does not take place unless the covalent linkage of heme to apocytochrome c1 precedes it. On the other hand, the cytochrome c1 heme lyase reaction itself does not require that processing of the cytochrome c1 precursor to intermediate size cytochrome c1 takes place first. In conclusion, cytochrome c1 heme lyase catalyzes an essential step in the import pathway of cytochrome c1, but it is not involved in the transmembrane movement of the precursor polypeptide. This is in contrast to the case for cytochrome c in which heme addition is coupled to its transport directly across the outer membrane into the intermembrane space.  相似文献   

The nuclear cyt-2-1 mutant of Neurospora crassa is characterized by a gross deficiency of cytochrome c (Bertrand, H., and Collins, R. A. (1978) Mol. Gen. Genet. 166, 1-13). The mutant produces mRNA that can be translated into apocytochrome c in vitro. Apocytochrome c is also synthesized in vivo in cyt-2-1, but it is rapidly degraded and thus does not accumulate in the cytosol. Mitochondria from wild-type cells bind apocytochrome c made in vitro from either wild-type or cyt-2-1 mRNA and convert it to holocytochrome c. This conversion depends on the addition of heme by cytochrome c heme lyase and is coupled to translocation of cytochrome c into the intermembrane space. Mitochondria from the cyt-2-1 strain are deficient in the ability to bind apocytochrome c. They are also completely devoid of cytochrome c heme lyase activity. These defects explain the inability of the cyt-2-1 mutant to convert apocytochrome c to the holo form and to import it into mitochondria.  相似文献   

Import of cytochrome c into mitochondria. Cytochrome c heme lyase   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The import of cytochrome c into mitochondria can be resolved into a number of discrete steps. Here we report on the covalent attachment of heme to apocytochrome c by the enzyme cytochrome c heme lyase in mitochondria from Neurospora crassa. A new method was developed to measure directly the linkage of heme to apocytochrome c. This method is independent of conformational changes in the protein accompanying heme attachment. Tryptic peptides of [35S]cysteine-labelled apocytochrome c, and of enzymatically formed holocytochrome c, were resolved by reverse-phase HPLC. The cysteine-containing peptide to which heme was attached eluted later than the corresponding peptide from apocytochrome c and could be quantified by counting 35S radioactivity as a measure of holocytochrome c formation. Using this procedure, the covalent attachment of heme to apocytochrome c, which is dependent on the enzyme cytochrome c heme lyase, could be measured. Activity required heme (as hemin) and could be reversibly inhibited by the analogue deuterohemin. Holocytochrome c formation was stimulated 5--10-fold by NADH greater than NADPH greater than glutathione and was independent of a potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane. NADH was not required for the binding of apocytochrome c to mitochondria and was not involved in the reduction of the cysteine thiols prior to heme attachment. Holocytochrome c formation was also dependent on a cytosolic factor that was necessary for the heme attaching step of cytochrome c import. The factor was a heat-stable, protease-insensitive, low-molecular-mass component of unknown function. Cytochrome c heme lyase appeared to be a soluble protein located in the mitochondrial intermembrane space and was distinct from the previously identified apocytochrome c binding protein having a similar location. A model is presented in which the covalent attachment of heme by cytochrome c heme lyase also plays an essential role in the import pathway of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Subunit VIIa of yeast cytochrome c oxidase is a small (59 amino acids) protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane that lacks a cleavable amino-terminal presequence. To identify regions within this polypeptide that are essential for its import, gene fusions were constructed using a leader peptide substitution vector (pLPS) developed in this laboratory (Glaser, S. M., Trueblood, C. E., Dircks, L. K., Poyton, R. O., and Cumsky, M. G. (1988) J. Cell. Biochem. 36, 275-287). In this vector, oligonucleotide sequences encoding all or part of subunit VIIa were fused in-frame with the coding region of mature cytochrome c oxidase subunit Va. The plasmid pLPS is ideal for assaying protein sequences for their ability to direct mitochondrial import in vivo since subunit Va's leader peptide is essential for import and because subunit V is required for cytochrome c oxidase activity and respiration. Strains containing these fusions but lacking both subunit V genes (COX5a and COX5b) were analyzed to determine whether the chimeric protein is directed to mitochondria. Our findings indicate that the amino-terminal 17 amino acids of subunit VIIa are sufficient to localize subunit Va to the mitochondrion and that a 6-amino acid-long region within the amino terminus (Gly8-Arg13) is essential. In addition, some import (approximately 10% of wild type) is observed with the highly charged carboxyl terminus of subunit VIIa, suggesting that the subunit may contain redundancy in its import information.  相似文献   

Hemes c are characterized by their covalent attachment to a polypeptide via a widely conserved CXXCH motif. There are multiple biological systems that facilitate heme c biogenesis. System I, the cytochrome c maturation (CCM) system, is found in many bacteria and is commonly employed in the maturation of bacterial cytochromes c in Escherichia coli-based expression systems. System III, cytochrome c heme lyase (CCHL), is an enzyme found in the mitochondria of many eukaryotes and is used for heterologous expression of mitochondrial holocytochromes c. To test CCM specificity, a series of Hydrogenobacter thermophilus cytochrome c(552) variants was successfully expressed and matured by the CCM system with CX(n)CH motifs where n = 1-4, further extending the known substrate flexibility of the CCM system by successful maturation of a bacterial cytochrome c with a novel CXCH motif. Horse cytochrome c variants with both expanded and contracted attachment motifs (n = 1-3) were also tested for expression and maturation by both CCM and CCHL, allowing direct comparison of CCM and CCHL substrate specificities. Successful maturation of horse cytochrome c by CCHL with an extended CXXXCH motif was observed, demonstrating that CCHL shares the ability of CCM to mature hemes c with extended heme attachment motifs. In contrast, two single amino acid mutants were found in horse cytochrome c that severely limit maturation by CCHL, yet were efficiently matured with CCM. These results identify potentially important residues for the substrate recognition of CCHL.  相似文献   

The presence of cytochrome c oxidase subunits and the association of these subunits with each other was studied in a heme-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant. This mutant had been isolated by Gollub et al. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 2846-2854) and had been shown lack delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase. When grown in the absence of heme or heme precursors, the mutant is respiration-deficient, devoid of cytochrome absorption bands and auxotrophic for all those components whose biosynthesis is dependent on hemoproteins; when grown in the presence of heme or heme precursors, the mutant is phenotypically wild type. Upon growth of the mutant in the absence of heme synthesis, the mitochondria still contained two of the three mitochondrially made cytochrome c oxidase subunits (i.e. II and III) and at least one of the cytoplasmically made cytochrome c subunits (VI). The other subunits were either barely detectable (I, IV) or undetectable (V, VII). The residual subunits were apparently not assembled with each other since an antiserum directed mainly against Subunit VI failed to co-precipitate Subunits II and III which were still present. In contrast, growth of the mutant in the presence of delta-aminolevulinic acid led to the accumulation of active, fully assembled cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondria. Heme a (or one of its precursors) thus controls the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase from its individual subunits.  相似文献   

Heme attachment to the apoforms of fungal mitochondrial cytochrome c and c1 requires the activity of cytochrome c and c1 heme lyases (CCHL and CC1HL), which are enzymes with distinct substrate specificity. However, the presence of a single heme lyase in higher eukaryotes is suggestive of broader substrate specificity. Here, we demonstrate that yeast CCHL is active toward the non-cognate substrate apocytochrome c1, i.e. CCHL promotes low levels of apocytochrome c1 conversion to its holoform in the absence of CC1HL. Moreover, that the single human heme lyase also displays a broader cytochrome specificity is evident from its ability to substitute for both yeast CCHL and CC1HL. Multicopy and genetic suppressors of the absence of CC1HL were isolated and their analysis revealed that the activity of CCHL toward cytochrome c1 can be enhanced by: 1) reducing the abundance of the cognate substrate apocytochrome c, 2) increasing the accumulation of CCHL, 3) modifying the substrate-enzyme interaction through point mutations in CCHL or cytochrome c1, or 4) overexpressing Cyc2p, a protein known previously only as a mitochondrial biogenesis factor. Based on the functional interaction of Cyc2p with CCHL and the presence of a putative FAD-binding site in the protein, we hypothesize that Cyc2p controls the redox chemistry of the heme lyase reaction.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c is synthesized in the cytoplasm as apocytochrome c, lacking heme, and then imported into mitochondria. The relationship between attachment of heme to the apoprotein and its import into mitochondria was examined using an in vitro system. Apocytochrome c transcribed and translated in vitro could be imported with high efficiency into mitochondria isolated from normal yeast strains. However, no import of apocytochrome c occurred with mitochondria isolated from cyc3- strains, which lack cytochrome c heme lyase, the enzyme catalyzing covalent attachment of heme to apocytochrome c. In addition, amino acid substitutions in apocytochrome c at either of the 2 cysteine residues that are the sites of the thioether linkages to heme, or at an immediately adjacent histidine that serves as a ligand of the heme iron, resulted in a substantial reduction in the ability of the precursor to be translocated into mitochondria. Replacement of the methionine serving as the other iron ligand, on the other hand, had no detectable effect on import of apocytochrome c in this system. Thus, covalent heme attachment is a required step for import of cytochrome c into mitochondria. Heme attachment, however, can occur in the absence of mitochondrial import since we have detected CYC3-encoded heme lyase activity in solubilized yeast extracts and in an Escherichia coli expression system. These results suggest that protein folding triggered by heme attachment to apocytochrome c is required for import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

Cloning and analysis of the Neurospora crassa gene for cytochrome c heme lyase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The cyt-2-1 mutant of Neurospora crassa is deficient in cytochromes aa3 and c and in cytochrome c heme lyase activity (Mitchell, M.B., Mitchell, H.K., and Tissieres, A. (1953) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 39, 606-613; Nargang, F.E., Drygas, M.E., Kwong, P.L., Nicholson, D.W., and Neupert, W. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 9388-9394). By rescue of the slow growth character of the cyt-2-1 mutant, we have cloned the cyt-2+ gene from a N. crassa genomic library using sib selection. Analysis of the DNA sequence of the cyt-2+ gene revealed an open reading frame of 346 amino acids that has homology to the yeast cytochrome c heme lyase. The open reading frame is interrupted by two short introns. Codon usage and Northern hybridization analysis suggest that the cyt-2 gene is expressed at low levels. The cyt-2-1 mutant allele was cloned from a partial cyt-2-1 gene bank using the wild-type gene as a probe. Sequence analysis of the mutant gene revealed a 2-base (CT) deletion that alters the reading frame for 21 codons before generating an early stop codon in the protein-coding sequence. It was previously suggested that the cyt-2-1 mutation inactivates one of two regulatory circuits controlling the production of cytochrome aa3. The finding that the cyt-2-1 mutation affects the coding sequence for cytochrome c heme lyase provides a direct explanation for the deficiency of cytochrome c in the mutant and suggests that the lack of cytochrome aa3 is a regulatory response to the deficiency of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Summary Using purified yeast mitochondrial DNA as a template forE. coli RNA polymerase (holoenzyme) complementary mitochondrial RNA has been synthesized in vitro. This RNA has been used to direct a low backgroundE. coli S-30 protein-synthesizing system. The synthesis of mitochondrial polypeptides has been detected by using antiserum raised against purified cytochromec oxidase holoenzyme and shown to be specific for this antigen. The antiserum-antigen complex was dissociated and subject to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the presence of 3 polypeptides of 39, 31, and 26×103 daltons molecular weight demonstrated, which correspond to the subunits synthesized by mitochondria in whole cells which are inhibited with cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Cystathionine accumulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A cysteine-dependent strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its prototrophic revertants accumulated cystathionine in cells. The cystathionine accumulation was caused by a single mutation having a high incidence of gene conversion. The mutation was designated cys3 and was shown to cause loss of gamma-cystathionase activity. Cysteine dependence of the initial strain was determined by two linked and interacting mutations, cys3 and cys1 . Since cys1 mutations cause a loss of serine acetyltransferase activity, our observation led to the conclusion that S. cerevisiae synthesizes cysteine by sulfhydrylation of serine with hydrogen sulfide and by cleavage of cystathionine which is synthesized from serine and homocysteine.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of c-type cytochromes in Escherichia coli involves a number of membrane proteins (CcmA-H), which are required for the transfer of heme to the periplasmically located apocytochrome c. The pathway includes (i) covalent, transient binding of heme to the periplasmic domain of the heme chaperone CcmE; (ii) the subsequent release of heme; and (iii) transfer and covalent attachment of heme to apocytochrome c. Here, we report that CcmF is a key player in the late steps of cytochrome c maturation. We demonstrate that the conserved histidines His-173, His-261, His-303, and His-491 and the tryptophan-rich signature motif of the CcmF protein family are functionally required. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that CcmF interacts directly with the heme donor CcmE and with CcmH but not with apocytochrome c. We propose that CcmFH forms a bacterial heme lyase complex for the transfer of heme from CcmE to apocytochrome c.  相似文献   

The gene CYC2 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was previously shown to affect levels of mitochondrial cytochrome c by acting at a posttranslational step in cytochrome c biosynthesis. We report here the cloning and identification of the CYC2 gene product as a protein involved in import of cytochrome c into mitochondria. CYC2 encodes a 168-amino-acid open reading frame with at least two potential transmembrane segments. Antibodies against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the predicted sequence were raised. These antibodies recognize multiple bands on immunoblots of mitochondrial extracts. The intensities of these bands vary according to the gene dosage of CYC2 in various isogenic strains. Immunoblotting of subcellular fractions suggests that the CYC2 gene product is a mitochondrial protein. Deletion of CYC2 leads to accumulation of apocytochrome c in the cytoplasm. However, strains with deletions of this gene still import low levels of cytochrome c into mitochondria. The effects of cyc2 mutations are more pronounced in rho- strains than in rho+ strains, even though rho- strains that are CYC2+ contain normal levels of holocytochrome c. cyc2 mutations affect levels of iso-1-cytochrome c more than they do levels of iso-2-cytochrome c, apparently because of the greater susceptibility of apo-iso-1-cytochrome c to degradation in the cytoplasm. We propose that CYC2 encodes a factor that increases the efficiency of cytochrome c import into mitochondria.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are essential organelles of eukaryotic cells. Inheritance and maintenance of mitochondrial structure depend on cytoskeleton-mediated organelle transport and continuous membrane fusion and fission events. However, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae most of the known components involved in these processes are encoded by genes that are not essential for viability. Here we asked which essential genes are required for mitochondrial distribution and morphology. To address this question, we performed a systematic screen of a yeast strain collection harboring essential genes under control of a regulatable promoter. This library contains 768 yeast mutants and covers approximately two thirds of all essential yeast genes. A total of 119 essential genes were found to be required for maintenance of mitochondrial morphology. Among these, genes were highly enriched that encode proteins involved in ergosterol biosynthesis, mitochondrial protein import, actin-dependent transport processes, vesicular trafficking, and ubiquitin/26S proteasome-dependent protein degradation. We conclude that these cellular pathways play an important role in mitochondrial morphogenesis and inheritance.  相似文献   

Unlike pathogenic fungi, the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is not efficient at using heme as a nutritional source of iron. Here we report that for this yeast, heme uptake is induced under conditions of heme starvation. Heme synthesis requires oxygen, and yeast grown anaerobically exhibited an increased uptake of hemin. Similarly, a strain lacking aminolevulinate synthase exhibited a sixfold increase in hemin uptake when grown without 2-aminolevulinic acid. We used microarray analysis of cells grown under reduced oxygen tension or reduced intracellular heme conditions to identify candidate genes involved in heme uptake. Surprisingly, overexpression of PUG1 (protoporphyrin uptake gene 1) resulted in reduced utilization of exogenous heme by a heme-deficient strain and, conversely, increased the utilization of protoporphyrin IX. Pug1p was localized to the plasma membrane by indirect immunofluorescence and subcellular fractionation. Strains overexpressing PUG1 exhibited decreased accumulation of [(55)Fe]hemin but increased accumulation of protoporphyrin IX compared to the wild-type strain. To measure the effect of PUG1 overexpression on intracellular heme pools, we used a CYC1-lacZ reporter, which is activated in the presence of heme, and we monitored the activity of a heme-containing metalloreductase, Fre1p, expressed from a constitutive promoter. The data from these experiments were consistent with a role for Pug1p in inducible protoporphyrin IX influx and heme efflux.  相似文献   

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