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通过目测筛选出咖啡多胚豆(种子),对其进行离体胚培养获得幼小植株,观察分析了多胚及其幼苗的形态发育特征。结果表明,不同倍性咖啡种质均存在多胚现象,不同材料的双胚率不同(变幅在1.06‰ ~ 4.46‰),其中四倍体材料普遍比二倍体的高。多胚豆中胚的形态和着生位置各异。多胚再生植株生长发育特点各不相同,一般大胚再生植株生长发育正常;小胚植株长势弱,出现畸形植株及生长过程中夭亡等现象。同一咖啡豆中远离正常胚位的额外胚可能是由胚囊外的体细胞发育而形成的不定胚。  相似文献   

多胚水稻胚位与苗位的观察研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
多胚水稻是进行水稻无融合生殖研究的重要材料,通过对4个多胚水稻品系种子胚位及萌发后的苗位观察发现这些品系中存在着多种胚位及苗位类型,其中以双-13的类型最为丰富。认为不定胚在与合子胚共存的情况下难以萌发表达,而只有当合子胚败育时才有可能得以萌发,并且认为反向单苗,侧向单苗及倒序单苗可能起源于不定胚,因而可能成为进行水稻无融合生殖筛选的重要标志。  相似文献   

几种具有无融合生殖特性的植物多胚和多苗现象的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道6种具无融合生殖特性的植物种子的胚数和萌发实生苗数的观察结果。金桔、密桔、和花椒具珠心胚,含多胚种子频率分别为97.5%、100%和54.00%,多胚种子的胚数范围分别为2 ̄49、3 ̄54和2 ̄6。草地早熟禾、滨草和湖北海棠具非减数配子体无融合生殖特性,含多胚种子频率依次为43.25%、8.11%和37.50%,前两种的多胚种子中胚数范围为2 ̄3,后为2 ̄15。密桔、草地早熟禾和湖北海棠种子  相似文献   

几种具无融合生殖特性的植物多胚和多苗现象的观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
报道6种具无融合生殖特性的植物种子的胚数和萌发实生苗数的观察结果。金桔(Fortunellamargarita (Lour.)Swingle)、蜜桔(Citrus unshiu Marcoritch)和花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.)具珠心胚,含多胚种子频率分别为97.50%、100%和45.00%;多胚种子的胚数范围分别为2~49,3~54和2~6。草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis L.)、滨草(Elymus rectisetus)和湖北海棠(Malus hupehensis(pampon.)Rehd.)具非减数配子体无融合生殖特性,含多胚种子频率依次为34.25%、8.11%和37.50%;前两种的多胚种子中胚数范围为2~3,后者为2~15。蜜桔、草地早熟禾和湖北海棠种子萌发多苗的频率分别为22.00%、6.14%和2.22%。描述了多胚种子中胚的形态、位置和分布。对6种植物含单胚种子的胚的来源进行了分析。初步结论:1.具无融合生殖现象的植物种子含多胚和萌发多苗的特性可作为寻找具无融合生殖特性的植物的形态学指标;2.对其筛选的材料进行大孢子发生、胚囊形成和早期胚胎发育的研究,以期阐明多胚来源和生殖类型。  相似文献   

无融合生殖是指未经精卵融合而产生后代的特殊生殖方式,它可以分为单倍体无融合生殖和二倍体无融合生殖;对于作物改良意义更大的是二倍体无融合生殖。多胚囊和多胚现象SHI是无融合生殖的表现形式。本文运用石蜡切片法、子房整体透明法研究了雾灵山草地早熟禾〖WTBX〗(Poa pratensis〖WTBZ〗 L.)多胚囊和多胚现象。结果表明,(1)草地早熟禾多胚囊来源有两种:一是来自大孢子母细胞,二是来自珠心细胞;(2)草地早熟禾多胚来源有四个:其一是有性生殖胚,其二是孤雌生殖胚,其三是无配子生殖胚,其四是珠心胚。  相似文献   

雾灵山草地早熟禾多胚囊和多胚的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
无融合生殖是指未经炷卵事例而产生后代的特殊生殖方式,它可以分为单倍体无融合生殖和二倍体无融合生殖;对于作物意义更大的是二倍体无融合生殖。多胚囊和多胚现象SHI是无融合生殖的表现形式。本文运用石蜡切片法、子房整体透明法研究了雾灵山草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis L.)多胚囊和多胚现象。结果表明,(1)草地早熟禾多胚囊来源有两种:一是自大孢子母细胞,二是来自珠心细胞;(2)草地早熟禾多 来源有  相似文献   

多胚苗水稻APIV不同颖花的多卵和多胚苗频率研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
APIV的多卵和多胚苗频率与其颖花和种子的发育季节以及颖花的着生部位有一定关系。在夏季条件下抽穗开花,其多卵频率和多胚苗频率均比较低,而在秋季条件下抽穗开花则比较高。在同一稻穗中的多卵和多胚苗频率,强势颖花要明显地高于弱势颖花。在同一季节抽穗开花的主穗和分蘖穗之间,其颖花内的多卵频率不存在明显差异,多胚苗频率的差异也不明显。  相似文献   

黄群策  孙敬三 《植物学报》1999,16(3):280-283
APIV的多卵和多胚苗频率与其颖花和种子的发育季节以及颖花的着生部位有一定关系。在夏季条件下抽穗开花,其多卵频率和多胚苗频率均比较低,而在秋季条件下抽穗开花则比较高。在同一稻穗中的多卵和多胚苗频率,强势颖花要明显地高于弱势颖花。在同—季节抽穗开花的主穗和分蘖穗之间,其颖花内的多卵频率不存在明显差异,多胚苗频率的差异也不明显。  相似文献   

水稻双胚苗无融合生殖胚胎学研究初报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
将子房整体染色透明观察后,通过筛选材料石蜡切片的方法,研究发现水稻双胚苗品系APⅣ中,存在低频率的无融合生殖。开花前珠心细胞特化并分裂发育形成不定胚。随着珠心组织的退化,不定胚长八胚囊腔中,以球形胚形式存在。开花后4天,球形胚开始分化。球形胚在胚囊中可以和合子胚并存,也可以单独存在。但双胚主要来自受精的助细胞或合子胚纵裂。开花后3—4天,在胚乳腔中着色深的球状结构是胚乳部份脱落形成的,不是不定胚。珠孔端反足细胞团不能形成胚。  相似文献   

几个芒果品种的胚性及多胚苗遗传分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
通过目测,筛选出芒果多胚种子,观察其多胚形态;将多胚种子培育成多胚苗,观察其生长发育状况;取多胚苗和母树叶片进行体细胞染色体数目鉴定及同工酶的分析.结果表明,多胚类群的品种中有单胚现象出现,土芒、吕宋、象牙单胚出现的频率分别为1.04%、3.85%和5.44%;土芒和象牙胚数出现的范围分别为2-6和2-8.多胚种子子叶形态和胚轴的着生位置各异.种子多胚的萌发率、成活率及多胚苗的生长状况均与多胚种子的胚数、子叶发育大小等因素相关.多胚苗体细胞染色体数目是2n=40,未发现染色体的数目变异.POD同工酶分析表明,同一种子的多胚苗间酶谱上存在着差异.  相似文献   

Polyembryony and twin seedlings are noted in Borassus flabellifer L. Both seedlings arising from a seed have an independent hatistorium, cotyledonary sheath, scale leaf and root system. There are instances where twin seedlings are identical in structure and activity; independent plants develop in the same way as normal seedlings. The haustoria of these seedlings are equal in size and activity. Cases are also recorded with disparity in size and activity between twin seedlings. While the haustorium of the bigger seedling is normal, that of the smaller seedling is reduced.  相似文献   

The Chemical Origin of Free Radicals in Coffee and Other Beverages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sugars or carbohydrates are identified as the source of free radicals in coffees, ersatz coffees, a number of other food flavouring and colouring agents formed by processes involving heating, and in beers and stouts. The radicals are not derived from phenolic constituents, in contrast to those in wine, and are unlikely to be due solely to the occurrence of Maillard reactions.  相似文献   

Polyembryony has been commonly associated with apomixis in the angiosperms and seems to be more common than expected, even in biomes where sexual reproduction processes are predominant. Recent studies in Cerrado, the Neotropical savannas of Central Brazil, showed high frequencies of apomixis and polyembryony and indicated these processes as reproductive and evolutionary alternatives for plants in these areas. In this sense, we investigated the occurrence of polyembryony and its relationships with ecological (season and type of dispersal, ploidy, species distribution and breeding system) and taxonomic (tribe) factors in the Melastomataceae, a mostly tropical family already known for its high frequency of apomixis and very common in Cerrado. We collected seeds from 69 populations of 53 species, which were sown in germination chambers. After seed germination, the presence and number of seedlings per seed were evaluated as a method to estimate polyembryony. We encountered 18 species (33.96%) with polyembryony (more than one seedling, or gemellar seedlings, originated per seed) concentrated in species of the tribe Miconieae (64%) and Microlicieae (16.67%), but absent in Melastomeae. Monoembryony was present only in sexual species, while all apomictic species were polyembryonic. In Miconia, the polyembryony was correlated with polyploidy, and monoembryony with diploid species. Polyembryony was more common among species with wide distribution in the Cerrado region, which indicates that the presence of gemellar seedlings is important for establishment and survival of the group in the Cerrado biome.  相似文献   

咖啡为茜草科(Rubiaceae)咖啡属(Coffea)植物,位居世界三大饮品之首,具有降低血糖、保护肝脏和神经保护等作用.咖啡化学成分类别较多,包括生物碱、酚酸类、黄酮类、萜类等.咖啡中的化学成分是发挥其生物学功能和形成特色风味的基础,对其化学成分来源和生物活性进行综述,为进一步发展咖啡产业提供依据和理论支撑.  相似文献   

In the current climate, many countries are in dire need of effective preventive methods to curb the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Type 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic. The purpose of this research is to screen and explore natural plant extracts that have the potential to against SARS-CoV-2 and provide alternative options for SARS-CoV-2 prevention and hand sanitizer or spray-like disinfectants. We first used Spike-ACE2 ELISA and TMPRSS2 fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays to screen extracts from agricultural by-products from Taiwan with the potential to impede SARS-CoV-2 infection. Next, the SARS-CoV-2 pseudo-particles (Vpp) infection assay was tested to validate the effectiveness. We identified an extract from coffee leaf (Coffea Arabica), a natural plant that effectively inhibited wild-type SARS-CoV-2, and five Variants of Concern (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Omicron strain) from entering host cells. In an attempt to apply coffee leaf extract for hand sanitizer or spray-like disinfectants, we designed a skin-like gelatin membrane experiment. We showed that the high concentration of coffee leaf extract on the skin surface could block SARS-CoV-2 into cells more potently than 75% Ethanol, a standard disinfectant to inactivate SARS-CoV-2. Finally, LC-HRMS analysis was used to identify compounds such as caffeine, chlorogenic acid (CGA), quinic acid, and mangiferin that are associated with an anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity. Our results demonstrated that coffee leaf extract, an agricultural by-product effectively inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Vpp infection through an ACE2-dependent mechanism and may be utilized to develop products against SARS-CoV-2 infection.  相似文献   

咖啡数百年来一直作为功能饮料因而被称作第一饮品。咖啡的化学成分及其生物活性备受人们关注,本文仅对咖啡化学成分的特点及其一些主要成分的结构类型和生物活性、咖啡化学成分研究的新方法等进行了简要评论。  相似文献   

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