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Dynamics of carbon dioxide exchange in the Common Spruce (Picea abies L.) in relation to environmental factors was monitored during several seasons. Direct linear dependence of photosynthesis rate from the levels of air temperature and illumination was found, and correlation coefficients were 0.860 (p < 0.001) and 0.704 (p < 0.001). It was found that seasonal maximum of net photosynthesis production was attained at temperatures of 23–25°C. A decrease in temperature optimum was associated with reduction of the CO2 assimilation intensity level. The impact of environmental factors on photosynthesis intensity is discussed in terms of the developed model. Using this model, we demonstrated that temperature and illumination dynamics in toto accounts for 82% of changes in photosynthesis rate. It is the air temperature that exerts the strongest influence on the process of photosynthesis. According to our calculations, the net photosynthesis level was three times higher than the level of respiration. This is indicative of a positive carbon dioxide balance in the needles of the Common Spruce.  相似文献   

The possibility of studying the balance processes of biomass accumulation and decay in forest communities is discussed. Woody debris is considered an important consort of the forest biogeocoenosis in the processes of accumulation and decomposition of biomass in forest communities. In primary forest communities unaffected by anthropogenic impact, the stock of the current woody debris and slash are determined in absolute and relative terms as one of the structures of the overall balance of biomass in evolutionary forests. Their average values are calculated, which are assumed to be typical of primary forest communities.  相似文献   

Fluxes of carbon dioxide in the old-growth bilberry spruce forest in the European Taiga are measured by the eddy covariance technique. A carbon dioxide sink to the ecosystem was observed from April until September; the maximum net-exchange rate of carbon dioxide was recorded in July. During the cold period of the year from October to March, the biogenic flux of CO2 was directed from the forest canopy to the atmosphere. According to measurements at u* > 0.2, the total annual NEE was 219 g C m–2; the annual values of the ecosystem respiration R eco and the gross photosynthesis P gross were 483 and 966 g C m–2, respectively. The conclusion is that the old-growth bilberry spruce forest in the middle taiga subzone was the sink of carbon from the atmosphere during the year of observation.  相似文献   

The development of the composition and structure of northern taiga spruce forests on the Kola Peninsula under regeneration succession with a reduction in emissions from the metallurgical combine are described. Parameters of species diversity and ecological-coenotic structure of plant communities, including algosinusia of soils, are assessed under different technogenic impacts. Significant indices of stable transformations of plants from different layers during the regeneration succession were revealed. Strongly transformed communities in the vicinity of the combine are shown to remain in a critical state due to the preserved high level of soil pollution and demutation changes of the taiga components in the course of allogenic succession.  相似文献   

Abstract. We evaluated the balance of production and decomposition in natural ecosystems of Pinus sylvestris, Larix sibirica and Betula pendula in the southern boreal forests of central Siberia, using the Yenisei transect. We also investigated whether anthropogenic disturbances (logging, fire and recreation pressure) influence the carbon budget. Pinus and Larix stands up to age class VI act as a net sink for atmospheric carbon. Mineralization rates in young Betula forests exceed rates of uptake via photosynthesis assimilation. Old‐growth stands of all three forest types are CO2 sources to the atmosphere. The prevalence of old‐growth Larix in the southern taiga suggests that Larix stands are a net source of CO2. The CO2 flux to the atmosphere exceeds the uptake of atmospheric carbon via photosynthesis by 0.23 t C.ha‐1.yr‐1 (47%). Betula and Pinus forests are net sinks, as photosynthesis exceeds respiration by 13% and 16% respectively. The total carbon flux from Pinus, Larix and Betula ecosystems to the atmosphere is 10 387 thousand tons C.yr‐1. Net Primary Production (0.935 t‐C.ha‐1) exceeds carbon release from decomposition of labile and mobile soil organic matter (Rh) by 767 thousand tons C (0.064 t‐C.ha‐1), so that these forests are net C‐sinks. The emissions due to decomposition of slash (101 thousand tons C; 1.0%) and from fires (0.21%) are very small. The carbon balance of human‐disturbed forests is significantly different. A sharp decrease in biomass stored in Pinus and Betula ecosystems leads to decreased production. As a result, the labile organic matter pool decreased by 6–8 times; course plant residues with a low decomposition rate thus dominate this pool. Annual carbon emissions to the atmosphere from these ecosystems are determined primarily by decomposing fresh litterfall. This source comprises 40–79% of the emissions from disturbed forests compared to only 13–28% in undisturbed forests. The ratio of emissions to production (NPP) is 20–30% in disturbed and 52–76% in undisturbed forests.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring in the Russian taiga zone has shown that all known extreme destructive effects resulting in the weakening and death of tree stands (windfalls, pest attacks, drought events, etc.) can be sporadic, but significant sources of CO2 soil emission. Among them are (i) a recently found effect of the multiyear CO2 emission from soil at the bottom of deadwood of spruce trees that died due to climate warming and subsequent pest outbreaks, (ii) increased soil CO2 emissions due to to the fall of tree trunks during massive windfalls, and (iii) pulse CO2 emission as a result of the so-called Birch effect after drought events in the taiga zone. According to the modeling, while depending on the spatial and temporal scales of their manifestation, the impact of these sporadic effects on the regional and global soil respiration fluxes could be significant and should be taken into consideration. This is due to continuing Climate Change, and further increase of local, regional and Global human impacts on the atmospheric greenhouse gases balance, and land use, as well.  相似文献   

We studied the immediate changes in pre-treatment coarse woody debris (CWD) after retention felling and mechanical site preparation (scarification) in mature Picea abies-dominated boreal forest. Retention felling and scarification were hypothetised to affect the amount of CWD. The disturbance caused to CWD was assumed to depend on species and decay class. Logs were inventoried before fellings, after fellings, and after scarification, estimating the damage percentage for each log. After felling, 7.8% of the total pre-treatment volume of CWD was destroyed in the felled area. After scarification, the decline from pre-treatment volume was 67.6% in the felled area. The amount of CWD decreased also inside the retention tree groups; in the 1st post-treatment season, 4.6% was destroyed of the pre-treatment volume and 20% in the 2nd season. Of the retained trees, 40% were uprooted by the end of the 2nd season. If the majority of the initial downed CWD is destroyed by scarification, as our results show, we can estimate that since scarification became a widely used regeneration method in the 1960s, at least from 4 to 6 million m3 of CWD has already been destroyed in Finland. The role of CWD as a key element for biodiversity in boreal forest is generally accepted, which has led to retention of trees in fellings instead of clear felling. We suggest that at least as important as leaving trees in order to maintain continuum in CWD and species diversity is to preserve existing CWD in fellings over the regeneration phase. This can be done using less destructive harvesting methods, reduced use of scarification and placing retention tree groups in patches with high amounts of CWD.  相似文献   

This paper studies the structure and dynamics of the major pools of organic matter in clearings in the lichen pine forests of the middle taiga subzone of Yenisei Siberia, in the range of measurements of the international observatory Zotto, a high-tech research platform for long-term (>30 years) monitoring of the atmosphere and climate changes. The contribution of phytocenoses at different stages of post-clearing succession in the process of deposition of atmospheric carbon is analyzed. In conjunction with the data on atmospheric measurements of a wide range of greenhouse gases carried out at the base of the observatory, the results of this work will be used for modeling the stocks and flows of carbon in forest ecosystems of Central Siberia.  相似文献   

Although mature black spruce forests are a dominant cover type in the boreal forest of North America, it is not clear how their carbon (C) budgets vary across the continent. The installation of an eddy covariance flux tower on an Old Black Spruce (OBS) site in eastern Canada (EOBS, Québec) provided a first opportunity to compare and contrast its annual (2004) and seasonal C exchange with two other pre-existing OBS flux sites from different climatic regions located in Saskatchewan [Southern OBS (SOBS)] and Manitoba [Northern OBS (NOBS)]. Although there was a relatively uniform seasonal pattern of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) among sites, EOBS had a lower total annual NEP than the other two sites. This was primarily because warmer soil under a thicker snowpack at EOBS appeared to increase winter C losses and low light suppressed both NEP and gross ecosystem productivity (GEP) in June. Across sites, greater total annual GEP and ecosystem respiration ( R ) were associated with greater mean annual air temperatures and an earlier beginning of the growing season. Also, GEP at all three sites showed a stronger relationship with air temperature in spring and early summer compared with later in the growing season, highlighting the importance of springtime conditions to the C budget of these boreal ecosystems. The three sites had different parameter estimates describing the responses of R and GEP at the half hour time scale to near surface temperature and light, respectively. On the other hand, the responses of both R and GEP to temperature at the monthly scale did not differ among sites. These results suggest that a general parameterization could be sufficient at coarse time resolutions to model the response of C exchange to environmental factors of mature black spruce forests from different climatic regions.  相似文献   

Unprecedented rates of climate warming over the past century have resulted in increased forest stress and mortality worldwide. Decreased tree growth in association with increasing temperatures is generally accepted as a signal of temperature‐induced drought stress. However, variations in tree growth alone do not reveal the physiological mechanisms behind recent changes in tree growth. Examining stable carbon isotope composition of tree rings in addition to tree growth can provide a secondary line of evidence for physiological drought stress. In this study, we examined patterns of black spruce growth and carbon isotopic composition in tree rings in response to climate warming and drying in the boreal forest of interior Alaska. We examined trees at three nested scales: landscape, toposequence, and a subsample of trees within the toposequence. At each scale, we studied the potential effects of differences in microclimate and moisture availability by sampling on northern and southern aspects. We found that black spruce radial growth responded negatively to monthly metrics of temperature at all examined scales, and we examined ?13C responses on a subsample of trees as representative of the wider region. The negative ?13C responses to temperature reveal that black spruce trees are experiencing moisture stress on both northern and southern aspects. Contrary to our expectations, ?13C from trees on the northern aspect exhibited the strongest drought signal. Our results highlight the prominence of drought stress in the boreal forest of interior Alaska. We conclude that if temperatures continue to warm, we can expect drought‐induced productivity declines across large regions of the boreal forest, even for trees located in cool and moist landscape positions.  相似文献   

We compared above-ground allocation patterns in mature shrubs of Banksia hookeriana from three 13-year-old populations, growing on nutrient-impoverished sands to determine whether C (dry mass) could be a substitute for mineral nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and NA). The percentage of reproductive structures to total above-ground growth (reproductive effort; RE) was integrated over nine successive reproductive cycles. Only 0.5% of above-ground dry mass was allocated to seeds compared with 31% to total RE. Allocations of N (24%) and P (48%) to seeds, and N (44%) and P (65%) to RE were much higher. Allocations of K, Ca, Mg and Na to seeds (<1–3%), and RE (21–35%) were closer to that of dry mass. Relative allocation (RA) is defined as the proportion of a nutrient element allocated to a structure relative to its dry mass. RA of P to seeds was 91 and N was 44, but for K, Ca, Mg and Na ranged from only 6 for K to<1 for Na. Thus P, and to a lesser extent N, provide a much more sensitive measure of the relative cost of reproduction than C in this nutrient-limited system.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens was grown in a chemostat in a chemically-defined medium which had α-methyl d-glucoside, magnesium, manganese, phosphate or urea as the growth-limiting nutrient. Steady-state biomass concentrations were dependent on the specific growth rate of the organism when α-methyl d-glucoside, manganese or phosphate were growth-limiting nutrients. During magnesium-limited growth, large undamped oscillations in biomass concentration occurred. In all chemostat cultures a variant organism was selected which had lost the ability to grow in the medium supplied, but survived on products of carbon metabolism derived from the wild-type.  相似文献   

  • Species vary in seed size and content of stored reserves, which can be related to dispersal strategies and type of habitat in which they are found. We compare seed carbon and nutrient reserves of anemochorous and zoochorous trees from the Cerrado of central Brazil.
  • We measured seed dry mass, lipids, non‐structural carbohydrates (starch and total soluble sugars), carbon and mineral nutrients in ten forest and 13 savanna species, each classified as having wind‐ or animal‐dispersed seeds. We used phylogenetically independent contrasts to test for correlations among these traits.
  • Seeds of anemochorous species were lighter, with higher concentrations of C, N, P, Ca and Mg. Lipids were the dominant carbon reserve for most anemochorous species, underpinning the importance of allocation to compact carbon reserves. Starch, lipids or soluble sugars were the major carbon reserve in zoochorous seeds. Savanna and forest species did not differ in seed mass or in total carbon reserves. However, seeds of forest species had higher concentrations of starch than seeds of savanna species. Lipid and starch negatively correlated across species, suggesting a trade‐off between starch and lipids as major seed carbon reserves. Calcium was positively correlated with Mn and B, while Mg was positively correlated with C, N, P, K, S, Zn and B. Potassium, S and Cl were positively correlated, while P was positively correlated with Mg and Zn.
  • Dispersal mode rather than vegetation type constrained seed mass and seed storage allocation patterns in forest and savanna trees. We provide evidence that similar mechanisms are involved in seed storage of carbon and mineral nutrients across species.

In natural forest, disturbance changes tree species composition which in turn affects soil properties. Two areas in the Central Forest State Biosphere Reserve, in the Russian Southern Taiga Zone, differed in the intensity of disturbance: Norway spruce was the dominant species at one site, while at the other spruce was mixed with broadleaves. The presence of broadleaves was due to large gaps in the canopy having been formed, which have triggered vegetation succession. At both sites, five plots were selected to evaluate how the presence of broadleaves influences the properties of the soils under spruce. Soil samples were taken close to spruce trees and the O, A and E horizons were analysed. A difference in the distribution of organic matter in the soil horizons was evident, with a higher concentration in the O and A horizons at the spruce dominated site, while a more homogeneous distribution was found under spruce at the site where broadleaves were abundant. The organic matter did not only differ in quantity, but also in quality as estimated by the C/N ratio, and therefore affected the CEC and element relative availability. No differences at the two sites were found for water-extractable and exchangeable elements, but the ratio between the exchangeable and the acid-extractable forms were different, suggesting a higher relative availability of the elements at the spruce dominated site, and thus potentially higher leaching. Both theoretical and empirical studies have suggested that podzolisation and accumulation of organic matter in the O horizon are related to stagnation of ecosystem processes and ecosystem decline. Our data suggest that the presence to windthrow sites and the inclusion of broadleaf species acts to slow or even reverse podzolisation even in spruce dominated sites.  相似文献   

祁连山青海云杉林生物量和碳储量空间分布特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据野外调查资料、祁连山地区青海云杉林相图和气象资料,在GIS技术的支持下估算了祁连山地区青海云杉林的生物量和碳储量及其空间分布.结果表明:2008年,研究区青海云杉林平均生物量为209.24 t·hm-2,总生物量为3.4×107 t;研究区水热条件的差异使青海云杉生物量在地理空间上存在较大的差异性;经度每增加1°,青海云杉生物量增加3.12t·hm-2;纬度每增加1°,生物量减少3.8 t·hm-2;海拔每升高100 m,生物量减少0.05 t·hm-2;2008年,研究区青海云杉林碳密度在70.4~131.1 t·hm-2,平均碳密度为109.8 t·hm-2,幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林和过熟林的平均碳密度分别为83.8、109.6、122、124.2和117.1 t·hm-2,研究区青海云杉林总碳储量为1.8×107 t.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens was grown in a chemostat in a chemically-defined medium which hs alpha-methyl D-glucoside, magnesium, manganese, phosphate or urea as the growth-limiting nutrient. Steady-state biomass concentrations were dependent on the specific growth rate of the organism when alpha-methyl D-glucoside, manganese or phosphate were growth-limiting nutrients. During magnesium-limited growth, large undamped oscillations in biomass concentration occurred. In all chemostat cultures a variant organism was selected which had lost the ability to grow in the medium supplied, bur survived on products of carbon metabolism derived from the wild-type.  相似文献   

The green algal communities in podzolic soils under coniferous forest in N.E. European Russia were studied in areas that were subjected to different technogenic pollution intensities. Sixty-five green algal species belonging to 4 classes, 12 orders, 20 families and 27 genera were recorded. The algal communities in the investigated soils of the different type spruce phytocoenoses included from 15 to 38 taxa on one site. Indicator species were identified for background spruce forests (Chalmydomonas gelatinosa, Tetracystis aggregata, T. dissociata, Pseudopleurococcus botryoides, Myrmecia bisecta) and for aerotechnogenically polluted spruce forests (Actinochloris sphaerica). The results may be used for the monitoring of the ecological state of biota in soils under boreal forests of protected areas and spruce forests exposed to intense aerial technogenic pollution. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

Central and semiarid north-eastern Asia was subject to twentieth century warming far above the global average. Since forests of this region occur at their drought limit, they are particularly vulnerable to climate change. We studied the regional variations of temperature and precipitation trends and their effects on tree growth and forest regeneration in Mongolia. Tree-ring series from more than 2,300 trees of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) collected in four regions of Mongolia’s forest zone were analyzed and related to available weather data. Climate trends underlie a remarkable regional variation leading to contrasting responses of tree growth in taiga forests even within the same mountain system. Within a distance of a few hundred kilometers (140–490 km), areas with recently reduced growth and regeneration of larch alternated with regions where these parameters remained constant or even increased. Reduced productivity could be correlated with increasing summer temperatures and decreasing precipitation; improved growth conditions were found at increasing precipitation, but constant summer temperatures. An effect of increasing winter temperatures on tree-ring width or forest regeneration was not detectable. Since declines of productivity and regeneration are more widespread in the Mongolian taiga than the opposite trend, a net loss of forests is likely to occur in the future, as strong increases in temperature and regionally differing changes in precipitation are predicted for the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

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