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Marginalized models (Heagerty, 1999, Biometrics 55, 688-698) permit likelihood-based inference when interest lies in marginal regression models for longitudinal binary response data. Two such models are the marginalized transition and marginalized latent variable models. The former captures within-subject serial dependence among repeated measurements with transition model terms while the latter assumes exchangeable or nondiminishing response dependence using random intercepts. In this article, we extend the class of marginalized models by proposing a single unifying model that describes both serial and long-range dependence. This model will be particularly useful in longitudinal analyses with a moderate to large number of repeated measurements per subject, where both serial and exchangeable forms of response correlation can be identified. We describe maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches toward parameter estimation and inference, and we study the large sample operating characteristics under two types of dependence model misspecification. Data from the Madras Longitudinal Schizophrenia Study (Thara et al., 1994, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 90, 329-336) are analyzed.  相似文献   

We explore a Bayesian approach to selection of variables that represent fixed and random effects in modeling of longitudinal binary outcomes with missing data caused by dropouts. We show via analytic results for a simple example that nonignorable missing data lead to biased parameter estimates. This bias results in selection of wrong effects asymptotically, which we can confirm via simulations for more complex settings. By jointly modeling the longitudinal binary data with the dropout process that possibly leads to nonignorable missing data, we are able to correct the bias in estimation and selection. Mixture priors with a point mass at zero are used to facilitate variable selection. We illustrate the proposed approach using a clinical trial for acute ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

Disease mapping of a single disease has been widely studied in the public health setup. Simultaneous modeling of related diseases can also be a valuable tool both from the epidemiological and from the statistical point of view. In particular, when we have several measurements recorded at each spatial location, we need to consider multivariate models in order to handle the dependence among the multivariate components as well as the spatial dependence between locations. It is then customary to use multivariate spatial models assuming the same distribution through the entire population density. However, in many circumstances, it is a very strong assumption to have the same distribution for all the areas of population density. To overcome this issue, we propose a hierarchical multivariate mixture generalized linear model to simultaneously analyze spatial Normal and non‐Normal outcomes. As an application of our proposed approach, esophageal and lung cancer deaths in Minnesota are used to show the outperformance of assuming different distributions for different counties of Minnesota rather than assuming a single distribution for the population density. Performance of the proposed approach is also evaluated through a simulation study.  相似文献   

Huang Y  Dagne G 《Biometrics》2012,68(3):943-953
Summary It is a common practice to analyze complex longitudinal data using semiparametric nonlinear mixed-effects (SNLME) models with a normal distribution. Normality assumption of model errors may unrealistically obscure important features of subject variations. To partially explain between- and within-subject variations, covariates are usually introduced in such models, but some covariates may often be measured with substantial errors. Moreover, the responses may be missing and the missingness may be nonignorable. Inferential procedures can be complicated dramatically when data with skewness, missing values, and measurement error are observed. In the literature, there has been considerable interest in accommodating either skewness, incompleteness or covariate measurement error in such models, but there has been relatively little study concerning all three features simultaneously. In this article, our objective is to address the simultaneous impact of skewness, missingness, and covariate measurement error by jointly modeling the response and covariate processes based on a flexible Bayesian SNLME model. The method is illustrated using a real AIDS data set to compare potential models with various scenarios and different distribution specifications.  相似文献   

Tan M  Fang HB  Tian GL  Houghton PJ 《Biometrics》2002,58(3):612-620
In cancer drug development, demonstrating activity in xenograft models, where mice are grafted with human cancer cells, is an important step in bringing a promising compound to humans. A key outcome variable is the tumor volume measured in a given period of time for groups of mice given different doses of a single or combination anticancer regimen. However, a mouse may die before the end of a study or may be sacrificed when its tumor volume quadruples, and its tumor may be suppressed for some time and then grow back. Thus, incomplete repeated measurements arise. The incompleteness or missingness is also caused by drastic tumor shrinkage (<0.01 cm3) or random truncation. Because of the small sample sizes in these models, asymptotic inferences are usually not appropriate. We propose two parametric test procedures based on the EM algorithm and the Bayesian method to compare treatment effects among different groups while accounting for informative censoring. A real xenograft study on a new antitumor agent, temozolomide, combined with irinotecan is analyzed using the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel semiparametric joint model for multivariate longitudinal and survival data (SJMLS) by relaxing the normality assumption of the longitudinal outcomes, leaving the baseline hazard functions unspecified and allowing the history of the longitudinal response having an effect on the risk of dropout. Using Bayesian penalized splines to approximate the unspecified baseline hazard function and combining the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm, we propose a Bayesian Lasso (BLasso) method to simultaneously estimate unknown parameters and select important covariates in SJMLS. Simulation studies are conducted to investigate the finite sample performance of the proposed techniques. An example from the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) is used to illustrate the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   

Zhang D  Lin X  Sowers M 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):351-362
The Daily Hormone Study, a substudy of the Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN) consisting of more than 600 pre- and perimenopausal women, includes a scalar measure of total hip bone mineral density (BMD) together with repeated measures of creatinine-adjusted follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) assayed from daily urine samples collected over one menstrual cycle. It is of scientific interest to investigate the effect of the FSH time profile during a menstrual cycle on total hip BMD, adjusting for age and body mass index. The statistical analysis is challenged by several features of the data: (1) the covariate FSH is measured longitudinally and its effect on the scalar outcome BMD may be complex; (2) due to varying menstrual cycle lengths, subjects have unbalanced longitudinal measures of FSH; and (3) the longitudinal measures of FSH are subject to considerable among- and within-subject variations and measurement errors. We propose a measurement error partial functional linear model, where repeated measures of FSH are modeled using a functional mixed effects model and the effect of the FSH time profile on BMD is modeled using a partial functional linear model by treating the unobserved true subject-specific FSH time profile as a functional covariate. We develop a two-stage nonparametric regression calibration method using period smoothing splines. Using the connection between smoothing splines and mixed models, we show that a key feature of our approach is that estimation at both stages can be conveniently cast into a unified mixed model framework. A simple testing procedure for constant functional covariate effect is also proposed. The proposed methods are evaluated using simulation studies and applied to the SWAN data.  相似文献   

A virologic marker, the number of HIV RNA copies or viral load, is currently used to evaluate antiviral therapies in AIDS clinical trials. This marker can be used to assess the antiviral potency of therapies, but is easily affected by drug exposures, drug resistance and other factors during the long-term treatment evaluation process. The study of HIV dynamics is one of the most important development in recent AIDS research for understanding the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection and antiviral treatment strategies. Although many HIV dynamic models have been proposed by AIDS researchers in the last decade, they have only been used to quantify short-term viral dynamics and do not correctly describe long-term virologic responses to antiretroviral treatment. In other words, these simple viral dynamic models can only be used to fit short-term viral load data for estimating dynamic parameters. In this paper, a mechanism-based differential equation models is introduced for characterizing the long-term viral dynamics with antiretroviral therapy. We applied this model to fit different segments of the viral load trajectory data from a simulation experiment and an AIDS clinical trial study, and found that the estimates of dynamic parameters from our modeling approach are very consistent. We may conclude that our model can not only characterize long-term viral dynamics, but can also quantify short- and middle-term viral dynamics. It suggests that if there are enough data in the early stage of the treatment, the results from our modeling based on short-term information can be used to capture the performance of long-term care with HIV-1 infected patients.  相似文献   

If the number of treatments in a network meta‐analysis is large, it may be possible and useful to model the main effect of treatment as random, that is to say as random realizations from a normal distribution of possible treatment effects. This then constitutes a third sort of random effect that may be considered in connection with such analyses. The first and most common models treatment‐by‐trial interaction as being random and the second, rather rarer, models the main effects of trial as being random and thus permits the recovery of intertrial information. Taking the example of a network meta‐analysis of 44 similar treatments in 10 trials, we illustrate how a hierarchical approach to modeling a random main effect of treatment can be used to produce shrunk (toward the overall mean) estimates of effects for individual treatments. As a related problem, we also consider the issue of using a random‐effect model for the within‐trial variances from trial to trial. We provide a number of possible graphical representations of the results and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach.  相似文献   

A note on the generalized information criterion for choice of a model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ATKINSON  A. C. 《Biometrika》1980,67(2):413-418

This paper is motivated from the analysis of neuroscience data in a study of neural and muscular mechanisms of muscle fatigue. Multidimensional outcomes of different natures were obtained simultaneously from multiple modalities, including handgrip force, electromyography (EMG), and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We first study individual modeling of the univariate response depending on its nature. A mixed‐effects beta model and a mixed‐effects simplex model are compared for modeling the force/EMG percentages. A mixed‐effects negative‐binomial model is proposed for modeling the fMRI counts. Then, I present a joint modeling approach to model the multidimensional outcomes together, which allows us to not only estimate the covariate effects but also to evaluate the strength of association among the multiple responses from different modalities. A simulation study is conducted to quantify the possible benefits by the new approaches in finite sample situations. Finally, the analysis of the fatigue data is illustrated with the use of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Many critical ecological issues require the analysis of large spatial point data sets – for example, modelling species distributions, abundance and spread from survey data. But modelling spatial relationships, especially in large point data sets, presents major computational challenges. We use a novel Bayesian hierarchical statistical approach, 'spatial predictive process' modelling, to predict the distribution of a major invasive plant species, Celastrus orbiculatus , in the northeastern USA. The model runs orders of magnitude faster than traditional geostatistical models on a large data set of c . 4000 points, and performs better than generalized linear models, generalized additive models and geographically weighted regression in cross-validation. We also use this approach to model simultaneously the distributions of a set of four major invasive species in a spatially explicit multivariate model. This multispecies analysis demonstrates that some pairs of species exhibit negative residual spatial covariation, suggesting potential competitive interaction or divergent responses to unmeasured factors.  相似文献   

Elashoff RM  Li G  Li N 《Biometrics》2008,64(3):762-771
Summary .   In this article we study a joint model for longitudinal measurements and competing risks survival data. Our joint model provides a flexible approach to handle possible nonignorable missing data in the longitudinal measurements due to dropout. It is also an extension of previous joint models with a single failure type, offering a possible way to model informatively censored events as a competing risk. Our model consists of a linear mixed effects submodel for the longitudinal outcome and a proportional cause-specific hazards frailty submodel ( Prentice et al., 1978 , Biometrics 34, 541–554) for the competing risks survival data, linked together by some latent random effects. We propose to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters by an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm and estimate their standard errors using a profile likelihood method. The developed method works well in our simulation studies and is applied to a clinical trial for the scleroderma lung disease.  相似文献   

Combining data from different studies has a long tradition within the scientific community. It requires that the same information is collected from each study to be able to pool individual data. When studies have implemented different methods or used different instruments (e.g., questionnaires) for measuring the same characteristics or constructs, the observed variables need to be harmonized in some way to obtain equivalent content information across studies. This paper formulates the main concepts for harmonizing test scores from different observational studies in terms of latent variable models. The concepts are formulated in terms of calibration, invariance, and exchangeability. Although similar ideas are present in measurement reliability and test equating, harmonization is different from measurement invariance and generalizes test equating. In addition, if a test score needs to be transformed to another test score, harmonization of variables is only possible under specific conditions. Observed test scores that connect all of the different studies, are necessary to be able to test the underlying assumptions of harmonization. The concepts of harmonization are illustrated on multiple memory test scores from three different Canadian studies.  相似文献   

The development of clinical prediction models requires the selection of suitable predictor variables. Techniques to perform objective Bayesian variable selection in the linear model are well developed and have been extended to the generalized linear model setting as well as to the Cox proportional hazards model. Here, we consider discrete time‐to‐event data with competing risks and propose methodology to develop a clinical prediction model for the daily risk of acquiring a ventilator‐associated pneumonia (VAP) attributed to P. aeruginosa (PA) in intensive care units. The competing events for a PA VAP are extubation, death, and VAP due to other bacteria. Baseline variables are potentially important to predict the outcome at the start of ventilation, but may lose some of their predictive power after a certain time. Therefore, we use a landmark approach for dynamic Bayesian variable selection where the set of relevant predictors depends on the time already spent at risk. We finally determine the direct impact of a variable on each competing event through cause‐specific variable selection.  相似文献   

Aging-related changes in a human organism follow dynamic regularities, which contribute to the observed age patterns of incidence and mortality curves. An organism's 'optimal' (normal) physiological state changes with age, affecting the values of risks of disease and death. The resistance to stresses, as well as adaptive capacity, declines with age. An exposure to improper environment results in persisting deviation of individuals' physiological (and biological) indices from their normal state (due to allostatic adaptation), which, in turn, increases chances of disease and death. Despite numerous studies investigating these effects, there is no conceptual framework, which would allow for putting all these findings together, and analyze longitudinal data taking all these dynamic connections into account. In this paper we suggest such a framework, using a new version of stochastic process model of aging and mortality. Using this model, we elaborated a statistical method for analyses of longitudinal data on aging, health and longevity and tested it using different simulated data sets. The results show that the model may characterize complicated interplay among different components of aging-related changes in humans and that the model parameters are identifiable from the data.  相似文献   

Summary .   Many longitudinal studies generate both the time to some event of interest and repeated measures data. This article is motivated by a study on patients with a renal allograft, in which interest lies in the association between longitudinal proteinuria (a dichotomous variable) measurements and the time to renal graft failure. An interesting feature of the sample at hand is that nearly half of the patients were never tested positive for proteinuria (≥1g/day) during follow-up, which introduces a degenerate part in the random-effects density for the longitudinal process. In this article we propose a two-part shared parameter model framework that effectively takes this feature into account, and we investigate sensitivity to the various dependence structures used to describe the association between the longitudinal measurements of proteinuria and the time to renal graft failure.  相似文献   

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