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Cortical slices from rat brain were used to study carbachol-stimulated inositol phospholipid hydrolysis. Omission of calcium during incubation of slices with [3H]inositol increased its incorporation into receptor-coupled phospholipids. Carbachol-stimulated hydrolysis of [3H]inositol phospholipids in slices was dose-dependent, was affected by the concentrations of calcium and lithium present and resulted in the accumulation of mostly [3H]inositol-l-phosphate. Incubation of slices withN-ethylmaleimide or a phorbol ester reduced the response to carbachol. Membranes prepared from cortical slices labeled with [3H]inositol retained the receptor-stimulated inositol phospholipid hydrolysis reaction. The basal rate of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis was higher than in slices and addition of carbachol further stimulated the process. Addition of GTP stimulated inositol phospholipid hydrolysis, suggesting the presence of a guanine nucleotide-binding protein coupled to phospholipase C. Carbachol and GTP-stimulated inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in membranes was detectable following a 3 min assay period. In contrast to slices, increased levels of inositol bisphosphate and inositol trisphosphate were detected following incubation of membranes with carbachol. These results demonstrate that agonist-responsive receptors are present in cortical membranes, that the receptors may be coupled to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, rather than phosphatidylinositol, hydrolysis and that a guanine nucleotide-binding protein may mediate the coupling of receptor activation to inositol phospholipid hydrolysis in brain.  相似文献   

We have previously described a technique to obtain short-term cultures of epithelial cells from Wistar rat vaginae. In order to improve the efficiency and life span of these cultures, in the present study we have cultured the vaginal cells with lethally irradiated 3T3 cell feeder layers. Under this condition, cells can grow for several weeks while retaining epithelial characteristics and can eventually be subcultured. The proliferative effect of the ovarian hormones in these cultures was studied using two different approaches, [Methyl-3H]Thymidine (3HTdr) incorporation and increase in cell number. Both assays indicated a proliferative effect of 17 beta-estradiol and progesterone at physiological concentrations. This proliferative effect was also shown in feeder layer-free cultures, ruling out an indirect effect through the mesodermal cells. The capacity of the hormones to modify terminal differentiation in the culture was also studied, using colony stratification as an indicator of differentiation. Progesterone and fetal calf serum had an inhibitory effect on terminal differentiation, whereas 17 beta-estradiol induced a stimulatory action. This culture model allowed us to show a direct effect of the ovarian hormones on vaginal cells in vitro and seems to be a useful model to study hormone-cell interactions in vitro.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine increased the in vitro uptake of 3H-estradiol by the uterus of spayed rats. This effect was observed at 15 and 30 min but not at 90 min. Norepinephrine also increased the binding of 3H-estradiol by the nuclear (p less than 0.02) and the cytosol fractions (p less than 0.01) when incubated with uterine homogenates, suggesting that norepinephrine does not require the presence of the intact tissue to exert its effects. The in vivo uptake of 3H-estradiol and the determination of the number of binding sites were performed in the uterus of rats treated with estradiol and estradiol plus norepinephrine. Norepinephrine alone increased the uptake of 3H-estradiol and the number of binding sites. The highest increment in both parameters was observed in the uterus of rats treated with estradiol plus norepinephrine. The estradiol Ka of the rat uterus cytosol treated with estradiol alone or plus norepinephrine was higher than that observed in the group without estradiol, suggesting the presence of different proteins that bind estradiol. These results indicate that norepinephrine increases the entrance of estradiol into the rat uterus both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether progesterone (P)-induced down regulation of estrogen receptors (Re) and oxytocin receptors (ROT) changes with the time of P exposure. Ovariectomized hamsters were given s.c. Silastic implants of estradiol (E2) and P for 4, 8 and 16 days. Cytosol and nuclear Re were measured at low temperature with the pyridoxal phosphate exchange assay, and ROT was assayed in the membrane fraction by [3H] oxytocin binding. Nuclear Re and ROT were down regulated throughout the 16-day P exposure period, but cytosol Re (and total Re) increased progressively from 4 to 16 days indicating that the down regulation of cytosol Re escapes P control with time. This conclusion was supported by P withdrawal studies in which P implants were removed for 6 or 12 h. P withdrawal resulted in equivalent recovery responses of nuclear Re and ROT after 4, 8 and 16 days of P exposure. Although cytosol Re recovery to P withdrawal occurred at 4 and 8 days, no response was obtained after 16 days of P exposure. Uterine weight increased during steroid treatment, and morphometric analysis of the P-dominated uterus revealed significant increases in the cross sectional area of the endometrium and myometrium with time of P exposure. Cytological examination of the uterus showed prominent secretory changes in the epithelial compartment on day 16 with accumulation of secretion in the uterine lumen. These results demonstrate that P can chronically down regulate nuclear Re and ROT. However, the control of cytosol Re varies with the time of P exposure, and cytosol Re levels become refractory to P domination by 16 days. The present observations indicate that the escape of cytosol Re from P control may be associated with the proliferation of one of more uterine cell populations such as glandular and luminal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Inhibitory effects of Celiptium on the thymidine kinase synthesis induced by oestradiol-17 beta in the rat uterus. In the rat uterus, the synthesis of thymidine kinase specifically induced by oestradiol-17 beta was inhibited by Celiptium. The synthesis was totally inhibited when the drug was administered before the oestrogen and partially when it was administered after. These facts suggested that Celiptium was competitive to the acceptor sites for oestradiol-receptors and inhibited the expression of the thymidine kinase gene.  相似文献   

Interaction of cirazoline, an imidazoline derivative, with alpha 1-adrenoceptor coupled inositol phospholipid hydrolysis was characterized in rat brain cortical slices. Norepinephrine, a full alpha 1-agonist, and phenylephrine, a partial alpha 1-agonist, on inositol phospholipid hydrolysis were included for comparison. Norepinephrine produced a fourfold stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis, whereas cirazoline and phenylephrine caused only submaximal responses (40-60%) when compared with norepinephrine. The stimulation of inositol phospholipid hydrolysis by cirazoline was completely blocked by the alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin, but not by selective alpha 2- or beta-adrenoceptor antagonists. Furthermore, the norepinephrine dose-response curve was shifted to the right in the presence of cirazoline, without affecting the maximal response. These results suggest that cirazoline behaves as a partial agonist at brain alpha 1-adrenoceptors linked to inositol phospholipid hydrolysis.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the uterus achieves maximum contractile capabilities before the onset of labor. Basal and agonist-stimulated contractions were assessed in uterine strips on Day 15 or 18 of pregnancy, the day of parturition, or 1 day postpartum (n = 4-13 per group). Spontaneous contractions were evident in all groups (n = 4-13 per gestational group); contraction frequency was greater in peripartum groups than in virgin controls ( approximately 4.6 versus 2.8/200 sec). Peak amplitude was nearly 9-fold higher on Days 15 and 18 and over 30-fold higher in the postpartum and 1 day postpartum groups than in nonpregnant mice. Maximum frequency and peak amplitude were achieved in response to 10(-6) to 10(-8) M oxytocin or arginine vasopressin (OT(max) or AVP(max)). Frequency of contractions in response to OT(max) peaked on Day 18 and then declined. Contraction amplitude increased 5-fold on Day 15, declined on the day of birth (equivalent to nonpregnant level), then rebounded to peak on postpartum Day 1. AVP(max) similarly increased frequency and amplitude of contractions, except that maximum contraction amplitude occurred postpartum. Thus, an endogenous oscillator, residing in the uterus, sustains high basal and agonist-induced contraction frequency during pregnancy. Although acceleration of this pacemaker occurred before term, the data suggest that peripartum increases in contraction amplitude characterize the transition to the powerful synchronous contractions of parturition.  相似文献   

Interference of Cu++ with the initial events in estrogen action was tested by determining Cu++ effects on estradiol-receptor interactions. When immature rat uteri were incubated in vitro with [3H] estradiol ([3H]E2), steroid was bound in cytoplasmic fractions and rapidly accumulated in the nuclear fraction in a manner which was dependent upon time and hormone concentration. Uteri which were preincubated with 2 X 10(-4) M CuCl2 for 40-60 min and then exposed to [3H]E2 were found to have a 30-50% decrease in the amount of steroid bound in the cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions. When copper-treated uteri were exposed to [3H]E2 for variable times, the quantity of steroid bound in the cytoplasmic fraction was markedly depressed and the rate of nuclear accumulation of [3H]E2 was significantly decreased. These results show that Cu++ can inhibit [3H]E2 binding to tissue cytoplasmic receptors in vitro and thereby interfere with hormone delivery to target cell nuclei.  相似文献   

The effects of several different types of antidepressant drugs on phosphoinositide hydrolysis by slices of rat cerebral cortex was investigated by prelabeling inositol phospholipids with [3H]inositol and then measuring the formation of [3H]inositol phosphates (a total fraction consisting of the mono-and poly-phosphates was collected) in the presence of 10 mM LiCl. All of the drugs tested (amitriptyline, trimipramine, mianserin, desipramine, tranylcypromine, and citalopram) inhibited NE-stimulated [3H]inositol phosphate formation. This inhibition appeared to be due to antagonism of 1-receptors. In addition to inhibiting the effects of NE, the tricyclic antidepressants themselves were able to stimulate [3H]inositol phosphate formation. This stimulation occurred at drug concentrations higher than that needed to inhibit stimulation by NE. Stimulatory effects of the antidepressants themselves were not blocked by the 1-antagonist, prazosin. An examination of the types of inositol phosphates formed revealed that formation of inositol monophosphate was stimulated, but that inostiol biphosphate production was decreased by tricyclic antidepressants compared to control.  相似文献   

We report here results of a study of the effect of sequential administration of 1 microgram 17 beta-estradiol in vivo on the incorporation of L-[35S]methionine into specific proteins in vitro in the immature rat uterus. One-dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis of labeled secreted uterine proteins and cellular proteins extracted from the luminal epithelial and from the stroma plus myometrial uterine fractions revealed that estradiol preferentially stimulated the synthesis of 110 K, 74 K and 66 K secreted proteins, 180 K and 110 K epithelial proteins and a 175 K stroma-myometrial protein among others, while it decreased the relative rate of synthesis of a 32.5 K secreted protein and a 70 K stroma-myometrial protein. The 110 K protein, a secreted luminal epithelial protein whose labeling in vitro dramatically increased greater than 60-fold per mg endometrial DNA after in vivo estrogen stimulation, may be a useful marker for studying estrogen action in the luminal epithelium of the immature rat uterus. Comparison of the secreted proteins labeled at 28 h (4 h after a second injection) and at 54 h (6 h after a third injection) revealed that estradiol effected a sequential change in the pattern of synthesis of secreted uterine proteins in vitro. Comparison of the number and magnitude of changes in the synthesis of specific proteins in the luminal epithelium and the stroma plus myometrium revealed that protein synthesis in the luminal epithelium is clearly more responsive to estradiol and readily distinguishable from the responsiveness of the stroma plus myometrium.  相似文献   

Following active immunization of female rats against estradiol-17 beta, the amount of specific binding sites for estrogen decreased in uterine cytosol as a function of antiserum titres. They were undetected when antibodies titres were higher than 1/2000. Moreover, a binding protein specific for estradiol-17 beta appeared. Estradiol binding was not displaced with an excess of unlabeled DES nor precipitated with protamine sulfate. The sedimentation coefficient of the hormone-protein complex (7-8 S) was not modified in medium of high ionic strength (0.4 M KCl). That protein represented antibodies to Estradiol-17 beta which could be precipitated with antiserum to rat IgG.  相似文献   

Progesterone has been shown to decrease occupied pituitary and uterine nuclear estradiol receptor (E2R) binding in mature and immature estrogen-primed rats. Progesterone has also been shown to stimulate pituitary but not uterine 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17 beta-HSD) in the rat. The conversion of estradiol to its less active metabolite estrone by 17 beta-HSD and activation of phosphatase are among mechanisms considered to be involved in the reduction of E2R. To determine if 17 beta-HSD stimulation was a mechanism by which progesterone induced nuclear E2R decrease, the synthetic estrogen ethinylestradiol, which is not oxidized by 17 beta-HSD, was used instead of estradiol to prime adult ovariectomized rats. When ethinylestradiol-primed rats received 0.8, 2.0 or 4.0 mg/kg body wt of progesterone 2 h before sacrifice, the total and occupied nuclear E2R accumulation in the anterior pituitary by a subsequent ethinylestradiol injection 1 h later did not show any decrease. This response was different from that observed previously in estradiol-primed animals in which progesterone showed a multiphasic decrease of occupied form of nuclear E2R. However, in the uterus of ethinylestradiol-primed rats, a partial decrease of total and occupied nuclear E2R accumulation was observed in the presence of the three doses of progesterone used. The decrease of uterine nuclear E2R with the three progesterone doses was different from the dose-dependent effect of progesterone observed in the uterus of estradiol-primed rats. Affinity constants of the interaction between [3H]estradiol and the nuclear E2R were similar among groups treated with ethinylestradiol, estradiol and progesterone. These results demonstrate the involvement of 17 beta-HSD in the reduction of anterior pituitary gland E2R by progesterone in the estradiol-treated animals. Furthermore, the mechanism of decrease of E2R by progesterone in the uterus appears to be different from the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

The involvement of protein phosphorylation in isoproterenol (ISO)-mediated proliferation in the rat parotid gland was investigated by labeling the cells with [32P] orthophosphate. An increased (4–6 fold) incorporation of the radiolabel was noted in the total parotid gland homogenates of ISO-treated animals when compared to controls. Plasma membrane, nuclear membrane and cytoplasm were isolated, the proteins separated by SDS/PAGE and the phosphoproteins detected by autoradiography. Two phosphoproteins with apparent Mr of 45 and 170 kDa were identified in the cytoplasm while the 170 kDa phosphoprotein also appeared as part of plasma membrane. Transfer of these proteins to nitrocellulose followed by Western blot detection with an antiphosphotyrosine monoclonal antibody showed reactivity with the 170 kDa region of the plasma membrane and cytoplasm. Separate in vitro studies involving incubations of rat parotid slices with 0.2 mM ISO and [3H] myo-inositol for 1 min induced inositol phosphate hydrolysis resulting in a significant increase in inositol-bis and -tris phosphate production. Inositol phosphate production can be blocked by pre-incubation with a mixed -adrenergic receptor antagonist but not with physiological concentrations of - or 1-specific adrenergic receptor antagonists, indicating the ISO effects are mediated through the 2-adrenergic receptors. The inclusion of calmodulin antagonists along with ISO prevented the expression of cell-surface galactosyltransferase and retarded gland hypertrophy and hyperplasia. These results suggest that ISO treatment leads to the phosphorylation of target proteins which may be involved in signal transduction pathways leading to cell proliferation.Abbreviations InsP1, InsP2, InSP3 inositol mono-, bis-, and tris-phosphates - UDP Uridine diphosphate - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - TFP Trifluoperazine - P-tyr phosphotyrosine - Gal Tase galactosyltransferase  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectra have been determined for chromatin fractions obtained by ECTHAM-cellulose chromatography. The molecular ellipticity at the positive long wavelength maximum is about 3000 deg cm2/dmol for early-eluted chromatin fractions, thought to be relatively repressed in vivo, and 5000–6000 deg cm2/dmol for late-eluted chromatin fractions, those thought to be preferentially transcribable in vivo. CD bands in the peptide bond spectral region also differ for the two chromatin fractions, early-eluted chromatin having a more helical conformation for proteins. In addition to previously known differences in protein content, the biological activity of a native chromatin fraction can now be correlated with the conformation of its DNA.  相似文献   

Positive and negative effects of estradiol-17 beta in the rat uterus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estrogens could act as effectors or inhibitors of protein synthesis in the rat uterus, depending on the doses given to animals. A single injection of estradiol-17 beta to immature female rats led to the increase in protein synthesis and in enzyme activities involved in DNA synthesis. Four injections, given once daily, resulted in the inhibition of enzyme activity and synthesis of all proteins but one. The 105 kD protein which showed a gradual increase with the duration of estrogen treatment could be responsible for the negative action of estrogens on uterine growth.  相似文献   

The role of 17beta-estradiol in the early steps of insulin action is only partially known, although its effect on glucose homeostasis has been reported. In this paper, we attempt to prove the influence of 17beta-estradiol on the insulin receptor of ovariectomized rats treated with different hormonal doses. Our results show that high doses of estradiol impair insulin sensitivity while low doses improve it. We think that these results are the consequence of changes at a molecular level, because high doses of estradiol produced lower expression of the insulin receptor gene, lower content of this receptor in target tissues, and lower phosphorylation of insulin receptor in these tissues. However, low doses of estradiol seem to produce just the opposite. The possible existence of consensus response elements in the insulin receptor gene promoter to estradiol could be controlling the expression of this gene, this control being dose and timing dependent. Moreover, we cannot discard a possible effect of estradiol on the activity of protein tyrosine phosphatases, and therefore, on the activity of the insulin receptor. These new findings improve knowledge about the possible risk for insulin resistance in women taking oral contraceptives or receiving hormonal replacement therapy around the menopause, but could also open the door towards the possible utilization of 17beta-estradiol in some diabetes cases.  相似文献   

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