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ObjectivesTo investigate the association between suicide and area based measures of deprivation and social fragmentation.DesignEcological study.Setting633 parliamentary constituencies of Great Britain as defined in 1991.ResultsMortality from suicide and all other causes increased with increasing Townsend deprivation score, social fragmentation score, and abstention from voting in all age and sex groups. Suicide mortality was most strongly related to social fragmentation, whereas deaths from other causes were more closely associated with Townsend score. Constituencies with absolute increases in social fragmentation and Townsend scores between 1981 and 1991 tended to have greater increases in suicide rates over the same period. The relation between change in social fragmentation and suicide was largely independent of Townsend score, whereas the association with Townsend score was generally reduced after adjustment for social fragmentation.ConclusionsSuicide rates are more strongly associated with measures of social fragmentation than with poverty at a constituency level.

Key messages

  • Place of residence may affect health, and mortality from most common diseases tends to be higher in areas characterised by low socioeconomic position
  • Research dating back over 100 years suggests that social fragmentation may influencesuicide
  • In the 1980s and 1990s, parliamentary constituencies with high levels of social fragmentation had high rates of suicide, independent of deprivation
  • Constituencies with the greatest increases in social fragmentation between 1981 and 1991 also had the greatest increases in suicide rates over the same period
  • Any targeting of suicide prevention may be more effective if aimed at socially fragmented rather than deprived areas

Many infants in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) begin to receive cereal-based supplemental feeds well before the age (6 months) recommended for the introduction of 'safe and nutritionally adequate' complementary foods, or in rarer instances, do not receive these until the second year. The diets offered are monotonous and bulky, and rarely cover the shortfall left by breast milk in providing the energy and nutrients required to support rapid growth, build nutrient stores and assure resistance to infection. The pattern of growth and prevalence of malnutrition observed from birth through the first 5 years in SSA are suggestive of the nutrient inadequacies of the diet and the experience of infection. However, it is difficult to link poor growth and specific nutrient deficiencies in epidemiological studies because multiple nutrients are required for growth and deficiencies usually involve several nutrients. Moreover, accurate measurement of nutrient intakes is no small challenge. In this regard, qualitative and easier-to-measure characteristics of diet which are associated with nutrient adequacy could serve as alternative determinant factors in studies looking at causes of malnutrition. Dietary diversity is proposed as a candidate indicator of food security and predictor of nutritional status, but there is need for further research to standardize definitions and methodology before it can be applied widely.  相似文献   

Milk has been integral to pastoralist nutrition for thousands of years, but as communities move toward settled livelihoods, milk consumption is dropping with only minimal evidence for the health and nutrition implications. This longitudinal study aimed to first test whether increased dependency on agriculture reduced household milk production and consumption, and ultimately, nutrient adequacy among the Samburu pastoralists. Second, we investigated whether household milk availability affected child milk intakes and anthropometry. Socioeconomic and dietary intake data were collected from households (n = 200) in 2000, 2005, and 2010, and anthropometric measures and individual child milk intakes in 2012. Nutrient intakes were assessed by the probability of nutrient adequacy method, and generalized least‐squared regression modeling with mixed effects was applied to identify predictors of milk consumption. Milk contributed 10% of energy intakes, below maize (52%) and sugar (11%), but over one‐half of critical micronutrients, vitamins A, B12, and C. Livestock holdings and income increased the likelihood of higher milk intakes (overall adj R2 = 0.88, P < 0.001). Undernutrition was widely prevalent among young children: stunting (30.6%); underweight (23.9%); and wasting (8.6%). There was evidence for a previously described Nilotic body type in the youth, who were taller and thinner than the international reference. Milk consumption at the household level was positively associated with higher body mass index z scores among youth (P < 0.001). Programming for livestock development may better ensure micronutrient nutrition in Samburu, while deeper investigation into the diet and growth patterns of pastoralists could provide insight into leaner and taller anthropometrics for other populations globally. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:66–76, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The problem of micronutrient deficiencies in the diet of indigenous people of Imo State can be solved not only by improving the diet, but also by identifying nutritious foods as well as making such foods available both in quantities and qualities that needed to improve health. Plantain is widely consumed in many ways such as baked, fried, boiled, steamed, dried or eaten raw and the management demand for plantain make production expensive and out of the reach of resource for poor indigenes. Plantain production must cope with numerous environmental challenges particularly with fungal, bacteria, viral and nematode pathogens as well as pests and non-pathogenic diseases which reduce plantain production. Plantain is highly rich in iron, zinc and β-carotene whose deficiencies are commonly reported in children and women of reproductive age. The most serious disease of plantain is the black Sigatoka caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis. Others include Fusarium wilt, anthracnose, bacteria wilt, fruit rot, burrowing nematode Radopholus similis and bract mosaic. There had been scientific approaches to combat these diseases such as use of chemicals, biological enhancement, crop sanitation, use of alternative and collateral hosts as well as genetic manipulations.  相似文献   


This study concerns the fertility of Sherpa and Tibetan women living at altitudes over 3,400 meters in Nepal. The average completed fertility (4.77 live births) and estimated crude birth rate (31 to 33 per 1,000) are low relative to low altitude peasant populations as well as to high altitude Andean peasants. Environmental phenomena (hypoxia, iodine deficiency) may be associated with retarded menarchial age and high infant mortality; but the major factors causing the low fertility appear to be cultural rather than environmental. Traditional ceremonial requirements delay the age at marriage until the mid or late twenties. Religious practices promote male and female celibacy. Migrant females and women married to migrant males report reduced fertility, probably because of poor nutrition and health care. Nonmigrant women living in villages that participate extensively in the cash economy have greater access to the growing market economy, health care, and education and report higher numbers of live births and fewer child deaths.  相似文献   

This article documents the agency of indigenous women in negotiations surrounding major resource projects on indigenous lands. The dominant view in the academic and activist literature is that indigenous women are excluded from negotiations, which helps explain their failure to share in project benefits. The author's experience as a negotiator for indigenous communities in Australia and his research in Canada reveals a different picture, indicating that indigenous women often play a central role in negotiations. The article seeks to explain the inconsistency between the findings reported here and much of the literature, in terms of a broader tendency in the latter to downplay the agency of women in relation to mining; and its failure to adequately recognize the multiple and complex ways in which indigenous women can influence negotiations, and the role of specific cultural, institutional and political contexts in shaping women's participation.  相似文献   

We present a multivariate regression model of nutritional indicators, including interactions between education levels and overall community development, as well as estimates of community fixed effects, for two data sets: the first one is from a 2001 nationwide household survey in Nicaragua while the second set was collected in the Western regions of Honduras in 2002, as part of an evaluation process for a family entitlement program. Maternal stature, age difference with an older sibling, household size and income are seen as the main determinants of anthropometric development. Within the more homogeneous communities of Western Honduras, woman's education is also related to the child's nutritional status. The importance of individual community variables is much lower and the inclusion of community fixed effects does not alter the other parameters. However, in the Honduran sample, overall community development (assessed through the community fixed effects) has a small but significant and synergistic effect on the impact of child and household variables. The characteristics of this study and the complex design of entitlement programs prevent an adequate evaluation of those interventions within the poverty reduction strategies. The improvement of intra-community targeting seems to be a key orientation for redesign. An improved socio-economic situation, sound population and family policies, and an appropriate preventive public health care still are safe investments towards improvement of child health and nutrition.  相似文献   

Research in bioarchaeology and among living people provides insight into the biological and biocultural consequences of subsistence, political, and economic transitions. Central to this effort is examining infectious disease, such as diarrheal disease, respiratory infections, and parasitic infections because they are an important source of nutritional and energetic stress in both past and current groups. Although infection may not always result in overt disease, frequent exposure results in biological stress with a negative effect on child growth and, by extension, health. The goal of this article is to examine the association between a common class of infectious disease, soil-transmitted helminth worms, and nutritional status among youth living in communities that vary with respect to their distance from a commercial center. In 2007, anthropometric measurements and parasitological surveys were collected for 338 2–14-year-old children and adolescents living in lowland Bolivia as part of the Tsimane' Amazonian Panel Study. Associations between the presence of helminth infections and markers of both short- and long-term nutritional status were overall weak. Youth living in communities distant from the commercial center were more likely to be positive for multiple parasite species than youth in near communities, but youth in mid-distance communities had lower infection rates. This article demonstrates the challenge of identifying associations between nutritional and disease stress when individual and household factors are nested in a larger context of socioeconomic and environmental change. Increased collaboration between bioarchaeology and human biology should continue to examine the connections between stress and disease across time. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:221–228, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Economists, demographers and other social scientists have long debated the relationship between demographic change and economic outcomes. In recent years, general agreement has emerged to the effect that improving economic conditions for individuals generally lead to lower birth rates. But, there is much less agreement about the proposition that lower birth rates contribute to economic development and help individuals and families to escape from poverty. The paper examines recent evidence on this aspect of the debate, concludes that the burden of evidence now increasingly supports a positive conclusion, examines recent trends in demographic change and economic development and argues that the countries representing the last development frontier, those of Sub-Saharan Africa, would be well advised to incorporate policies and programmes to reduce high fertility in their economic development strategies.  相似文献   

Data from three separate studies conducted in Maputo, Mozambique, in 1993 are used to analyse the relationship between the type of social environment in which women work and their fertility and contraceptive use. The analysis finds that women who work in more collectivized environments have fewer children and are more likely to use modern contraception than women who work in more individualized milieus and those who do not work outside the home. Most of these differences persist in multivariate tests. It is argued that collectivized work environments are most conducive to diffusion and legitimation of reproductive innovations. In contrast, individualized environments tend to isolate women and therefore may retard their acceptance of innovative fertility-related behaviour.  相似文献   

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