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蛹虫草菌丝生长研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对 4种不同来源的蛹虫草菌种 ,在 5种不同配方培养基上菌丝生长情况进行了比较研究。结果表明 ,不同培养基配方对不同来源的蛹虫草菌种培养菌丝的长速和长势存在较大的差异。  相似文献   

Snetselaar, K. M., Bolker, M., and Kahmann, R. 1996. Ustilago maydis mating hyphae orient their growth toward pheromone sources. Fungal Genetics and Biology 20, 299-312. When small drops of Ustilago maydis sporidia were placed 100-200 μm apart on agar surfaces and covered with paraffin oil, sporidia from one drop formed thin hyphae that grew in a zig-zag fashion toward the other drop if it contained sporidia making the appropriate pheromone. For example, a2b2 mating hyphae grew toward a1b1 and a1b2 mating hyphae, and the filaments eventually fused tip to tip. Time-lapse photography indicated that the mating hyphae can rapidly change orientation in response to nearby compatible sporidia. When exposed to pheromone produced by cells in an adjacent drop, haploid sporidia with the a2 allele began elongating before sporidia with the a1 allele. Sporidia without functional pheromone genes responded to pheromone although they did not induce a response, and sporidia without pheromone receptors induced formation of mating hyphae although they did not form mating hyphae. Diploid sporidia heterozygous at b but not at a formed straight, rigid, aerial filaments when exposed to pheromone produced by the appropriate haploid sporidia. Again, the a2a2b1b2 strain formed filaments more quickly than the a1a1b1b2 strain. Taken together, these results suggest that the a2 pheromone diffuses less readily or is degraded more quickly than the a1 pheromone.  相似文献   

Robson, G. D., Prebble, E., Rickers, A., Hosking, S., Denning, D. W., Trinci, A. P. J., and Robertson, W. 1996. Polarized growth of fungal hyphae is defined by an alkaline pH gradient. Fungal Genetics and Biology 20, 289-298. Polarized cell growth is exhibited by a diverse range of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The events which are responsible for this growth are poorly understood. However, the existence of ion gradients may play an important role in establishing and driving cell polarity. Using a pH-sensitive, ratiometric fluorescent dye to monitor intracellular pH in growing fungal hyphae, we report a gradient at the extending hyphal tip that is up to 1.4 pH units more alkaline than more distal regions. Both the magnitude and the length of the pH gradient were strongly correlated with the rate of hyphal extension and eradication of the gradient-arrested growth. These results suggest that alkaline pH gradients may be integral to hyphal extension in fungi.  相似文献   

Robson, G. D., Prebble, E., Rickers, A., Hosking, S., Denning, D. W., Trinci, A. P. J., and Robertson, W. 1996. Polarized growth of fungal hyphae is defined by an alkaline pH gradient.Fungal Genetics and Biology20,289–298. Polarized cell growth is exhibited by a diverse range of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The events which are responsible for this growth are poorly understood. However, the existence of ion gradients may play an important role in establishing and driving cell polarity. Using a pH-sensitive, ratiometric fluorescent dye to monitor intracellular pH in growing fungal hyphae, we report a gradient at the extending hyphal tip that is up to 1.4 pH units more alkaline than more distal regions. Both the magnitude and the length of the pH gradient were strongly correlated with the rate of hyphal extension and eradication of the gradient-arrested growth. These results suggest that alkaline pH gradients may be integral to hyphal extension in fungi.  相似文献   

Snetselaar, K. M., Bölker, M., and Kahmann, R. 1996.Ustilago maydismating hyphae orient their growth toward pheromone sources.Fungal Genetics and Biology20,299–312. When small drops ofUstilago maydissporidia were placed 100–200 μm apart on agar surfaces and covered with paraffin oil, sporidia from one drop formed thin hyphae that grew in a zig-zag fashion toward the other drop if it contained sporidia making the appropriate pheromone. For example,a2b2mating hyphae grew towarda1b1anda1b2mating hyphae, and the filaments eventually fused tip to tip. Time-lapse photography indicated that the mating hyphae can rapidly change orientation in response to nearby compatible sporidia. When exposed to pheromone produced by cells in an adjacent drop, haploid sporidia with thea2allele began elongating before sporidia with thea1allele. Sporidia without functional pheromone genes responded to pheromone although they did not induce a response, and sporidia without pheromone receptors induced formation of mating hyphae although they did not form mating hyphae. Diploid sporidia heterozygous atbbut not ataformed straight, rigid, aerial filaments when exposed to pheromone produced by the appropriate haploid sporidia. Again, thea2a2b1b2strain formed filaments more quickly than thea1a1b1b2strain. Taken together, these results suggest that thea2pheromone diffuses less readily or is degraded more quickly than thea1pheromone.  相似文献   

Summary Morphology and distribution of the relatively less well known organelles of plants have been studied with the electron microscope in tissues fixed in glutaraldehyde and postfixed in osmium tetroxide. An organelle comparable morphologically to the animal microbody and similar to the plant microbody isolated by Mollenhauer et al. (1966) has been encountered in a variety of plant species and tissues, and has been studied particularly in bean and radish roots, oat coleoptiles, and tobacco roots, stems and callus. The organelle has variable shape and is 0.5 to 1.5 in the greatest diameter. It has a single bounding membrane, a granular to fibrillar matrix of variable electron density, and an intimate association with one or two cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Microbodies are easily the most common and generally distributed of the less well characterized organelles of plant cells. It seems very probable that they contain the enzymes characteristic of animal lysosomes (containing hydrolases) or animal microbodies (containing catalase and certain oxidases). Spherosomes are also possible sites of enzyme activity but are not as common or as widely distributed as microbodies. For this reason it appears likely that the particles designated as plant lysosomes, spherosomes, peroxisomes, etc., in some of the cytochemical and biochemical studies on enzyme localization will prove to be microbodies.Variations in the morphology and ER associations of microbodies in tissues of bean and radish are described and discussed. Crystal-containing bodies (CCBs) are interpreted as a specialized type of microbody characteristic of metabolically less active cells. Stages in the formation of CCBs from microbodies of typical appearance are illustrated for Avena.The general occurrence of microbodies in meristematic and differentiating cells and their close association with the ER suggest that they may play active roles in cellular metabolism. The alterations in their morphology and numbers that are observed in certain differentiating cells suggest further that the enzyme complements and metabolic roles of microbodies might change during cellular differentiation. If so, microbodies could be the functional equivalent of both microbodies and lysosomes of animal cells.NASA Predoctoral Trainee.Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellow.  相似文献   

Hyphae of Saprolegnia ferax growing under normal or low-turgor conditions were exposed to 0.1-10 &mgr;g/ml latrunculin B, an actin inhibitor. In the first 10 s of addition, hyphae with normal turgor levels accelerated while those with low turgor decelerated, consistent with the suggestion that actin restrains or protrudes tips under these respective turgor conditions. Both sets of hyphae then decelerated and eventually ceased extension within 60 s. These changes were reflected in rhodamine-phalloidin staining patterns, which showed that actin caps were disrupted progressively under both conditions in a time-dependent manner. After 60 s, normal-turgored hyphae started to swell rapidly while low-turgored hyphae showed little or no swelling. Swelling was characteristically subapical, which is best explained by tip growth models which incorporate actin-mediated exocytosis.  相似文献   

Building Hyphae in the Air   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Chasan R 《The Plant cell》1991,3(10):1048-1050

Fine-structural study of leucocytes in the goldfish, Carassius auratus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An electron microscopic study was performed on leucocytes from circulating blood of the goldfish. The leucocytes were divided into eight types: neutrophil, eosinophil, large granular leucocyte (LGL), medium-sized granular leucocyte (MGL), small granular leucocyte (SGL), fine granular leucocyte (FGL), lymphocyte, and monocyte. In this report the thrombocyte was excluded from leucocytes, and LGL, MGL, SGL and FGL were tentatively classified based on the size of intracytoplasmic granules possessed by each cell. The existence of goldfish monocytes was electron microscopically demonstrated for the first time in the present report.  相似文献   

YOUNG  T. W. K. 《Annals of botany》1969,33(2):211-216
Ultrathin sections of the aerial hyphae of Linderina pennispora,fixed in glutaraldehyde, show the wall to be composed of anouter electron-dense layer and an inner less-dense one. Thefully developed septum is plugged by electrondense material.A similar septum exists at the base of the pseudophialide. Cytoplasmiccontinuity on both sides of the septum is maintained by theplasmalemma which passes through the septal pore around theperiphery of the plug. Membrane-lined vesicles may occur inthe wall, between the wall and the plasmalemma and internalto the plasmalemma. Ribosome-like particles are numerous inthe cytoplasm and endoplasmic reticulum is virtually absent.  相似文献   

Formation of Aerial Hyphae in Candida albicans   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Each of 22 isolates of Candida albicans was induced to produce aerial hyphae by culturing on a solid medium containing a peptone, acid-hydrolyzed casein, soluble starch, and agar in an atmosphere of 10% CO(2) at 37 C and room temperatures. Production of aerial hyphae is not diagnostic for C. albicans. Some of the other species of Candida may also produce such structures.  相似文献   

Cellulase Localization in Hyphae of Achlya ambisexualis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cellulase (EC; beta-1, 4-glucan glucanohydrolase) was localized at the ultrastructural level and found to occur in dictyosomes and vesicles, around the periphery of unidentified storage bodies, between the plasmalemma and the cell wall, and on the outer surface of the cell wall in the male strain (E87) of Achlya ambisexualis after treatment with the sex hormone antheridiol.  相似文献   

水霉菌丝内细胞颗粒的运动有布朗运动和跳跃运动两种形式,跳跃运动的速度在0.09至4μm/s之间。细胞颗粒运动的速度时制改变.不是匀速运动。在同一根菌丝内细胞颗粒运动的速度与颗粒大小无明显相关性;在不同的菌丝内细胞颗粒运动的速度差异明显。细胞颗粒有共同的运动轨道,运动轨道弯曲,并与细胞长轴基本平行。在同一运动轨道上,不同细胞颗粒的运动速度不同。  相似文献   

WILSON  IRENE M. 《Annals of botany》1952,16(3):321-339
The ascogenous hyphae arise from the oogonium, opposite groupsof nuclei, as minute, enucleate papillae. Nuclei pass into themsingly, rarely two at a time, and a knob-like swelling is formed,containing several nuclei and later growing out into one ormore branches. The nuclei are in single file in the branchesand irregularly arranged in the bulbous base. There are frequentlytwo nuclei in a leading position at the tip of the young branch,but the nuclei may become more evenly spaced as the hypha elongates.The nuclei undergo a simultaneous mitosis. The spindles of thedividing nuclei in the branches are not parallel and this is,therefore, not a conjugate division. Walls are formed as ingrowingrings across the spindles so that the ascogenous hypha, whenseptate, has a uninucleate end cell followed by one, or usuallymore, binucleate cells and a basal bulb containing a variablenumber of nuclei. Croziers are formed as lateral, hooked outgrowths from the binucleatecells. After a simultaneous mitosis of the two nuclei a uninucleateend cell, a binucleate penultimate cell, and a uninucleate stalkcell are formed. Thus, the division in the crozier and thatin the ascogenous hypha are alike. The binucleate cell of the crozier may proliferate to form anothercrozier, or it may form an ascus after the fusion of its twonuclei. The stalk and terminal cell of the crozier may anastomoseand grow out to form a lateral crozier. The chromosome number in the mitosis in the ascogenous hyphais twelve and there are twelve bivalents at the first divisionof meiosis in the ascus. The effect of increasing the illumination of the cultures withan electric lamp in addition to diffuse daylight is to ensurethe further development of all early formed sexual organs, tomake the ascogenous hyphae develop rapidly, to make the lattershort and curved in form with few binucleate cells, and to increasethe tendency towards a period of erect proliferation beforethe formation of the asci and lateral proliferation begin. The bearing of the results on current theories of sexualityin the Ascomycetes is discussed.  相似文献   

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