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Histone pre-mRNA 3' processing is controlled by a hairpin element preceding the processing site that interacts with a hairpin-binding protein (HBP) and a downstream spacer element that serves as anchoring site for the U7 snRNP. In addition, the nucleotides following the hairpin and surrounding the processing site (ACCCA'CA) are conserved among vertebrate histone genes. Single to triple nucleotide mutations of this sequence were tested for their ability to be processed in nuclear extract from animal cells. Changing the first four nucleotides had no qualitative and little if any quantitative effects on histone RNA 3' processing in mouse K21 cell extract, where processing of this gene is virtually independent of the HBP. A gel mobility shift assay revealing HBP interactions and a processing assay in HeLa cell extract (where the contribution of HBP to efficient processing is more important) showed that only one of these mutations, predicted to extend the hairpin by one base pair, affected the interaction with HBP. Mutations in the next three nucleotides affected both the cleavage efficiency and the choice of processing sites. Analysis of these novel sites indicated a preference for the nucleotide 5' of the cleavage site in the order A > C > U > G. Moreover, a guanosine in the 3' position inhibited cleavage. The preference for an A is shared with the cleavage/polyadenylation reaction, but the preference order for the other nucleotides is different [Chen F, MacDonald CC, Wilusz J, 1995, Nucleic Acids Res 23:2614-2620]. 相似文献
Variable effects of the conserved RNA hairpin element upon 3' end processing of histone pre-mRNA in vitro. 总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4

We have studied the requirements for efficient histone-specific RNA 3' processing in nuclear extract from mammalian tissue culture cells. Processing is strongly impaired by mutations in the pre-mRNA spacer element that reduce the base-pairing potential with U7 RNA. Moreover, by exchanging the hairpin and spacer elements of two differently processed H4 genes, we find that this difference is exclusively due to the spacer element. Finally, processing is inhibited by the addition of competitor RNAs, if these contain a wild-type spacer sequence, but not if their spacer element is mutated. Conversely, the importance of the hairpin for histone RNA 3' processing is highly variable: A hairpin mutant of the H4-12 gene is processed with almost wild-type efficiency in extract from K21 mouse mastocytoma cells but is strongly affected in HeLa cell extract, whereas an identical hairpin mutant of the H4-1 gene is affected in both extracts. The hairpin defect of H4-12-specific RNA in HeLa cells can be overcome by a compensatory mutation that increases the base complementarity to U7 snRNA. Very similar results were also obtained in RNA competition experiments: processing of H4-12-specific RNA can be competed by RNA carrying a wild-type hairpin element in extract from HeLa, but not K21 cells, whereas processing of H4-1-specific RNA can be competed in both extracts. With two additional histone genes we obtained results that were in one case intermediate and in the other similar to those obtained with H4-1. These results suggest that hairpin binding factor(s) can cooperatively support the ability of U7 snRNPs to form an active processing complex, but is(are) not directly involved in the processing mechanism. 相似文献
Chicken histone H5 mRNA: the polyadenylated RNA lacks the conserved histone 3'' terminator sequence. 总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7

Using 3 overlapping cDNA clones we have determined the nucleotide sequence of chicken histone H5 mRNA. The mRNA does not contain the 23 base conserved sequence element that is present at the 3' end of cell-cycle regulated histone mRNAs. Although the RNA is polyadenylated it lacks the 3' AAUAAA sequence. 相似文献
A 5'-3' exonuclease activity involved in forming the 3' products of histone pre-mRNA processing in vitro.

Histone RNA 3' processing in vitro produces one or more 5' cleavage products corresponding to the mature histone mRNA 3' end, and a group of 3' cleavage products whose 5' ends are mostly located several nucleotides downstream of the mRNA 3' end. The formation of these 3' products is coupled to the formation of 5' products and dependent on the U7 snRNP and a heat-labile processing factor. These short 3' products therefore are a true and general feature of the processing reaction. Identical 3' products are also formed from a model RNA containing all spacer nucleotides downstream of the mature mRNA 3' end, but no sequences from the mature mRNA. Again, this reaction is dependent on both the U7 snRNP and a heat-labile factor. Unlike the processing with a full-length histone pre-mRNA, this reaction produces only 3' but no 5' fragments. In addition, product formation is inhibited by addition of cap structures at the model RNA 5' end, indicating that product formation occurs by 5'-3' exonucleolytic degradation. This degradation of a model 3' product by a 5'-3' exonuclease suggests a mechanism for the release of the U7 snRNP after processing by shortening the cut-off histone spacer sequences base paired to U7 RNA. 相似文献
Each of the conserved sequence elements flanking the cleavage site of mammalian histone pre-mRNAs has a distinct role in the 3''-end processing reaction. 总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14

To study the substrate requirements for the histone 3'-end processing reaction of mammalian histone pre-mRNAs, we created a set of mutations in the sequences flanking the processing site of a mouse H3 gene. We found that deletion of the downstream purine-rich element hypothesized to interact with U7 small nuclear RNA abolishes in vitro 3'-end processing. Somewhat surprisingly, however, mutations in the hairpin loop element which destabilize or destroy the secondary structure reduce but do not abolish 3'-end processing. This is in apparent contrast to results obtained for the sea urchin system, where both sequence elements appear to be absolutely required for 3'-end formation. 相似文献
Specific contacts between mammalian U7 snRNA and histone precursor RNA are indispensable for the in vitro 3'' RNA processing reaction. 总被引:19,自引:6,他引:19

We have made a detailed molecular analysis of the reactions leading to the formation of mature 3' ends in mammalian histone mRNAs. Using two analytical protocols we have identified an essential sequence motif in the downstream spacer which is consistently present, albeit in diffuse form, mammalian histone genes. Tampering with this sequence element completely abolishes 3' processing. However, 3' cleavage in vitro, although at a very much reduced rate, can be detected when the conserved hairpin is deleted from histone precursor mRNAs. U7 snRNA, previously shown to be essential for the maturation of sea urchin histone messages, was isolated from murine cells and the sequence was determined. The approximately 63-nucleotide, trimethyl-G-capped, murine U7 snRNA possesses a sequence shown in the sea urchin U7 to be required for Sm-precipitability, and like the sea urchin U7, the 3' end of murine U7 is encased in a hairpin structure. The 5' sequence of murine U7 exhibits extensive sequence complementarity to the conserved downstream motif of the histone precursor. As expected, oligo-nucleotide-directed RNase H cleavage of this portion of murine U7 inhibits the in vitro processing reaction. These experiments identify a set of specific contacts between mammalian U7 and histone precursor RNA which is indispensable for the maturation reaction. 相似文献
The intervening sequence of the ribosomal RNA gene is highly conserved between two Tetrahymena species. 总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4
The entire intervening sequence of Tetrahymena thermophila ribosomal DNA has been determined. It is 413 nucleotides long and has the same splice junctions as those in T. pigmentosa. There is 93% homology between the intervening sequences in the two species, and 100% homology between their adjacent 26S RNA coding regions. 相似文献
Characterization of conserved sequence elements in eukaryotic RNase P RNA reveals roles in holoenzyme assembly and tRNA processing

RNase P is a ubiquitous endoribonuclease responsible for cleavage of the 5' leader of precursor tRNAs (pre-tRNAs). Although the protein composition of RNase P holoenzymes varies significantly among Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, the holoenzymes have essential RNA subunits with several sequences and structural features that are common to all three kingdoms of life. Additional structural elements of the RNA subunits have been found that are conserved in eukaryotes, but not in bacteria, and might have functions specifically required by the more complex eukaryotic holoenzymes. In this study, we have mutated four eukaryotic-specific conserved regions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear RNase P RNA and characterized the effects of the mutations on cell growth, enzyme function, and biogenesis of RNase P. RNase P with mutations in each of the four regions tested is sufficiently functional to support life although growth of the resulting yeast strains was compromised to varying extents. Further analysis revealed that mutations in three different regions cause differential defects in holoenzyme assembly, localization, and pre-tRNA processing in vivo and in vitro. These data suggest that most, but not all, eukaryotic-specific conserved regions of RNase P RNA are important for the maturation and function of the holoenzyme. 相似文献
Secondary structure determination of the conserved 98-base sequence at the 3' terminus of hepatitis C virus genome RNA.

The RNA genome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) terminates with a highly conserved 98-base sequence. Enzymatic and chemical approaches were used to define the secondary structure of this 3'-terminal element in RNA transcribed in vitro from cloned cDNA. Both approaches yielded data consistent with a stable stem-loop structure within the 3'-terminal 46 bases. In contrast, the 5' 52 nucleotides of this 98-base element appear to be less ordered and may exist in multiple conformations. Under the experimental conditions tested, interaction between the 3' 98 bases and upstream HCV sequences was not detected. These data provide valuable information for future experiments aimed at identifying host and/or viral proteins which interact with this highly conserved RNA element. 相似文献
Differences and similarities between Drosophila and mammalian 3' end processing of histone pre-mRNAs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We used nuclear extracts from Drosophila Kc cells to characterize 3' end processing of Drosophila histone pre-mRNAs. Drosophila SLBP plays a critical role in recruiting the U 7 snRNP to the pre-mRNA and is essential for processing all five Drosophila histone pre-mRNAs. The Drosophila processing machinery strongly prefers cleavage after a fourth nucleotide following the stem-loop and favors an adenosine over pyrimidines in this position. Increasing the distance between the stem-loop and the HDE does not result in a corresponding shift of the cleavage site, suggesting that in Drosophila processing the U 7 snRNP does not function as a molecular ruler. Instead, SLBP directs the cleavage site close to the stem-loop. The upstream cleavage product generated in Drosophila nuclear extracts contains a 3' OH, and the downstream cleavage product is degraded by a nuclease dependent on the U 7 snRNP, suggesting that the cleavage factor has been conserved between Drosophila and mammalian processing. A 2'O-methyl oligonucleotide complementary to the first 17 nt of the Drosophila U 7 snRNA was not able to deplete the U 7 snRNP from Drosophila nuclear extracts, suggesting that the 5' end of the Drosophila U 7 snRNA is inaccessible. This oligonucleotide selectively inhibited processing of only two Drosophila pre-mRNAs and had no effect on processing of the other three pre-mRNAs. Together, these studies demonstrate that although Drosophila and mammalian histone pre-mRNA processing share common features, there are also significant differences, likely reflecting divergence in the mechanism of 3' end processing between vertebrates and invertebrates. 相似文献
Inhibition of oligonucleotide-directed cleavage of pre-mRNA using exogenously added E. coli RNase H has been utilized as a probe for mRNA-protein interaction. We now show that such an RNase H-like activity is present in splicing competent Hela cell nuclear extract. Using this extract and in vitro transcribed beta-globin pre-mRNA, we have demonstrated that synthetic oligonucleotides, complementary to the splice site sequences, direct preferential cleavage of the 5' splice site. Thus, these experiments using complementary oligonucleotide-directed, endogenous RNase H-like cleavage of pre-mRNA, suggest a useful probe for studying the mRNA-protein complex in vitro. 相似文献
In animals, replication-dependent histone genes are expressed in dividing somatic cells during S phase to maintain chromatin condensation. Histone mRNA 3'-end formation is an essential regulatory step producing an mRNA with a hairpin structure at the 3'-end. This requires the interaction of the U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) with a purine-rich spacer element and of the hairpin-binding protein with the hairpin element, respectively, in the 3'-untranslated region of histone RNA. Here, we demonstrate that bona fide histone RNA 3' processing takes place in Xenopus egg extracts in a reaction dependent on the addition of synthetic U7 RNA that is assembled into a ribonucleoprotein particle by protein components available in the extract. In addition to reconstituted U7 snRNP, Xenopus hairpin-binding protein SLBP1 is necessary for efficient processing. Histone RNA 3' processing is not affected by addition of non-destructible cyclin B, which drives the egg extract into M phase, but SLBP1 is phosphorylated in this extract. SPH-1, the Xenopus homologue of human p80-coilin found in coiled bodies, is associated with U7 snRNPs. However, this does not depend on the U7 RNA being able to process histone RNA and also occurs with U1 snRNPs; therefore, association of SPH1 cannot be considered as a hallmark of a functional U7 snRNP. 相似文献
Conserved sequence features in Saccharomyces cerevisiae CEN DNA are confined to a region of approximately 120 bp. The highly conserved 8 bp at the left (PuTCACPuTG) constitute the left boundary of a functional CEN DNA as shown by the analysis of a series of Bal31 deletions. The right boundary of a functional CEN DNA lies within the conserved 25 bp at the right (TGT-T-TG--TTCCGAA-----AAA) or a few base pairs further outside of the 120-bp region. One mutant which just lacks the left conserved DNA element PuTCACPuTG can still assemble into a partially functional mitotic centromere and it assembles into a well functioning meiotic centromere. The sequences between the two conserved terminal DNA elements can be increased in length (+50%) or in GC content (from 6% to 12%) without measurable changes in mitotic and meiotic segregations of plasmids carrying such CEN mutations. The naturally occurring length and GC content of this centromere DNA sequence element is, therefore, not essential for centromere function. We discuss the possibility that it partly acts as a hinge region between two domains. Finally, we tested integrations of CEN DNA into the genome and found a toleration of wild-type CEN6 DNA when present 3' of the LYS2 gene. 相似文献
Automatic detection of conserved RNA structure elements in complete RNA virus genomes. 总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6

I L Hofacker M Fekete C Flamm M A Huynen S Rauscher P E Stolorz P F Stadler 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(16):3825-3836
We propose a new method for detecting conserved RNA secondary structures in a family of related RNA sequences. Our method is based on a combination of thermodynamic structure prediction and phylogenetic comparison. In contrast to purely phylogenetic methods, our algorithm can be used for small data sets of approximately 10 sequences, efficiently exploiting the information contained in the sequence variability. The procedure constructs a prediction only for those parts of sequences that are consistent with a single conserved structure. Our implementation produces reasonable consensus structures without user interference. As an example we have analysed the complete HIV-1 and hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomes as well as the small segment of hantavirus. Our method confirms the known structures in HIV-1 and predicts previously unknown conserved RNA secondary structures in HCV. 相似文献