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Testing ecological and behavioral correlates of nest predation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variation in nest predation rates among bird species are assumed to reflect differences in risk that are specific to particular nest sites. Theoretical and empirical studies suggest that parental care behaviors can evolve in response to nest predation risk and thereby differ among ecological conditions that vary in inherent risk. However, parental care also can influence predation risk. Separating the effects of nest predation risk inherent to a nest site from the risk imposed by parental strategies is needed to understand the evolution of parental care. Here we identify correlations between risks inherent to nest sites, and risk associated with parental care behaviors, and use an artificial nest experiment to assess site-specific differences in nest predation risk across nesting guilds and between habitats that differed in nest predator abundance. We found a strong correlation between parental care behaviors and inherent differences in nest predation risk, but despite the absence of parental care at artificial nests, patterns of nest predation risk were similar for real and artificial nests both across nesting guilds and between predator treatments. Thus, we show for the first time that inherent risk of nest predation varies with nesting guild and predator abundance independent of parental care.  相似文献   

1. Predators impose costs on their prey but may also provide benefits such as protection against other (e.g. nest) predators. The optimal breeding location in relation to the distance from a nesting raptor varies so as to minimize the sum of costs of adult and nest predation. We provide a conceptual model to account for variation in the relative predation risks and derive qualitative predictions for how different prey species should respond to the distance from goshawk Accipiter gentilis nests. 2. We test the model predictions using a comprehensive collection of data from northern Finland and central Norway. First, we carried out a series of experiments with artificial bird nests to test if goshawks may provide protection against nest predation. Second, we conducted standard bird censuses and nest-box experiments to detect how the density or territory occupancy of several prey species varies with distance from the nearest goshawk nest. 3. Nest predation rate increased with distance from goshawk nest indicating that goshawks may provide protection for birds' nests against nest predation. Abundance (or probability of presence) of the main prey species of goshawks peaked at intermediate distances from goshawk nests, reflecting the trade-off. The abundance of small songbird species decreased with distance from goshawk nests. The goshawk poses little risk to small songbirds and they may benefit from goshawk proximity in protection against nest predation. Finally, no pattern with distance in pied flycatcher territory (nest box) occupation rate or the onset of egg-laying was detected. This is expected, as flycatchers neither suffer from marked nest predation risk nor are favoured goshawk prey. 4. Our results suggest that territory location in relation to the nest of a predator is a trade-off situation where adult birds weigh the risk of themselves being predated against the benefits accrued from increased nest survival. Prey species appear able to detect and measure alternative predation risks, and respond adaptively. From the prey perspective, the landscape is a mosaic of habitat patches the quality of which varies according to structural and floristic features, but also to the spatial distribution of predators.  相似文献   

KAREL WEIDINGER 《Ibis》2009,151(2):352-360
I used time-lapse videotaping to identify predators of open songbird nests in fragmented deciduous woodland (nine plots, 2–10 ha each) in the Czech Republic from 2002 to 2006. I documented 22 species of predators at 171 nests of 13 species (mainly Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla , Song Thrush Turdus philomelos , Common Blackbird Turdus merula , Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs ). The main predators were Pine Marten Martes martes (37% of 178 predation events), Jay Garrulus glandarius (29%), Buzzard Buteo buteo (7%) and Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major (7%); mammals accounted for 48% of total predation. At least 3% of nests were depredated by multiple predators. In spite of their local abundance, Hooded Crows Corvus cornix did not present a serious threat for shrub nesting songbirds (< 1% of total predation). No predation by mice was recorded, suggesting that their importance has been overestimated in artificial nest studies. The proportional species composition of predators depended on which species occupied the monitored nest and location (study plot), but not on the year or the time of season. Corvids and raptors accounted for a relatively larger percentage of total predation of small ('warblers') and large ('thrushes') prey species, respectively, whereas carnivores were important predators of all prey species. Active nests of thrushes were only rarely robbed by Jays (< 4% of 52 events), presumably due to parental nest defence. Predation by woodpeckers was spatially clumped, probably due to individual foraging specialization. Predation by the other major predators was documented on most/all study plots.  相似文献   

Bumblebee populations are declining. Factors that impact the size and success of colonies act by either limiting resource availability (bottom‐up regulation) or causing mortality, for example, pesticides, disease, and possibly predation (top‐down regulation). The impact of predation has not been quantified, and so, the current study used novel artificial nests as a proxy for wild bumblebee nests to quantify the relative predation pressure from badgers in two habitats: woodland and grassland, and at two nesting depths: surface and underground. Badgers occur across most parts of the UK and are known to predate on bumblebee nests. We found that significantly more artificial nests (pots containing bumblebee nest material) were dug up compared with control pots (pots without bumblebee nest material). This shows that artificial nests have the potential to be used as a method to study the predation of bumblebee nests by badgers. In a location of high badger density, predation pressure was greater in woodland than grassland, whereas no difference was observed in relation to nest depth. Woodland and grassland are shared habitats between bumblebees and badgers, and we suggest that higher predation may relate to activity and foraging behavior of badgers in woodland compared with grassland. We discuss how badger predation in different habitats could impact different bumblebee species according to their nesting behaviors. Understanding the relative impact of badger predation on bumblebee colonies provides key information on how such top‐down regulation affects bumblebee populations.  相似文献   

Apparent competition between prey is hypothesized to occur more frequently in environments with low densities of preferred prey, where predators are forced to forage for multiple prey items. In the arctic tundra, numerical and functional responses of predators to preferred prey (lemmings) affect the predation pressure on alternative prey (goose eggs) and predators aggregate in areas of high alternative prey density. Therefore, we hypothesized that predation risk on incidental prey (shorebird eggs) would increase in patches of high goose nest density when lemmings were scarce. To test this hypothesis, we measured predation risk on artificial shorebird nests in quadrats varying in goose nest density on Bylot Island (Nunavut, Canada) across three summers with variable lemming abundance. Predation risk on artificial shorebird nests was positively related to goose nest density, and this relationship was strongest at low lemming abundance when predation risk increased by 600% as goose nest density increased from 0 to 12 nests ha?1. Camera monitoring showed that activity of arctic foxes, the most important predator, increased with goose nest density. Our data support our incidental prey hypothesis; when preferred prey decrease in abundance, predator mediated apparent competition via aggregative response occurs between the alternative and incidental prey items.  相似文献   

Joshua T. Ackerman 《Oikos》2002,99(3):469-480
Coexisting prey species interact indirectly via their shared predators when one prey type influences predation rates of the second prey type. In a temperate system where the predominant shared predator is a generalist, I studied the indirect effects of rodent populations on waterfowl nest success, both within the nesting season among sites and among years. Among six to ten upland fields (14 to 27 ha), mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ) nest success was positively correlated with rodent abundance in all three years of the study. After removing year effects, mallard nest success remained positively correlated with the relative abundance of rodents. Of the rodent species present, California voles ( Microtus californicus ) were the most important coexisting prey type influencing nest success. Among years, mallard nest success was positively correlated with vole abundance; the asymptotic relationship suggests a threshold response to vole abundance, beyond which predators become satiated and additional voles do little to affect nest success. I tested and rejected three alternative explanations for the observed positive correlation between mallard nest success and rodent abundance that do not involve an indirect effect of coexisting prey populations. The influences of dense nesting cover, nesting density, and predator activity did not explain the observed patterns of nest success. These results suggest that rodent populations buffer predation on waterfowl nests, both within and among years, via the behavioral responses of shared predators to coexisting prey.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that some specific locations of bird's nests have higher intrinsic chances of being depredated than other locations. This predicts that fates of consecutive nesting attempts at the same site should be repeatable. We used 20 pairs of old thrush nests to simulate repeated nesting attempts at the same sites, both within and between breeding seasons (n=40  sites×2  trials×2  years=160). Each nest was monitored by a camera to record multiple predation events and to identify predators. Predation by all predator species was repeatable during a 15-day trial. Predation by principal predators (jay Garrulus glandarius , marten Martes martes / foina ) and total predation (all species combined) was not correlated within pairs of simultaneously exposed nests or within samples of nests from particular study plot, and not repeatable for individual nests between-trials or between-years. These findings suggest short-term effect of predator memory causing revisitation of previously depredated nests during a current nesting trial (all predators); do not support an effect of nest site features on multiple nest discoveries and/or an effect of nest location on repeated random encounters with the same nest (principal predators). Long-term repeatability and correlation within pairs of simultaneously exposed nests was detectable only in occasional predators (great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major , possibly also squirrel Sciurus vulgaris ), which suggests effect of nest location combined with site fidelity and individual foraging specialization of these predators. We conclude that repeatability of nest predation depends on the time scale considered and the local predator community. We caution against spurious findings of repeatable nest predation resulting simply from statistical properties of correlation in binary data (nest fates).  相似文献   

Large nests may incur fitness cost in terms of conspicuousness to predators, but the effect of nest size on predation risk can be confounded by effects of nest site and parental characteristics. I examined relative effects of nest size and placement by experimentally exchanging subsets of inactive nests baited with artificial clutches, among three open-cup nesting passerine species characterized by different nest size, placement and predation rate. The prediction that increasing nest size (original nest replaced by nest of the larger species) would increase predation, while decreasing nest size (replacement by nest of the smaller species) would decrease predation, relative to control (replacement by conspecific nest) was not supported in any species. The prediction that predation should be higher for large nests compared to small ones, even after exchanging nests among species-specific sites, was not supported. Predation rate differed among species (combined site/nest effect) before manipulation, whereas only the effect of nest site was significant after manipulation. This means that predation differed between species-specific nest sites, irrespective of the nest placed at these sites, but not between large (thrush) and small (warbler) nests, irrespective of their placement. Results do not suggest that nest predation selects directionally for smaller nest size. This conclusion could be specific to the study system characterized by high nest densities and high predation rate.  相似文献   

Antarctic terns have to co‐exist in a limited space with their major nest predator, the skuas. We conducted artificial nest experiments to evaluate the roles of parental activity, nest location and nest and egg crypsis in this simple predator–prey system. Predation on artificial (inactive) nests was higher in traditional nesting sites than in sites previously not occupied by terns, which suggests that skuas memorized past tern breeding sites. Predation on artificial nests in inactive colonies was higher than in active (defended) colonies. Parental defense reduced predation in colonies to the level observed in artificial nests placed away from colonies. This suggests that communal defense can balance the costs of attracting predators to active colonies. Within colonies, predation was marginally higher on experimental eggs put in real nests than on bare ground. Although it seems that the presence of a nest is costly in terms of increased predation, reductions in nest size might be constrained by the need for protective nest structures and/or balanced by opposing selection on nest size. Predation did not differ markedly between artificial (quail) and real tern eggs. A simultaneous prey choice experiment showed that the observed predation rates reflected egg/nest detectability, rather than discrimination of egg types. In summary, nesting terns probably cannot avoid being detected, and they cannot defend their nest by attending them. Yet, by temporarily leaving the nest, they can defend it through communal predator mobbing, and at the same time, they can benefit from crypsis of unattended nest and eggs.  相似文献   

Nest predation is the leading cause of nesting failure. Thus it is a crucial area of research needed to inform conservation management and to understand the life history of birds. I surveyed the literature to review the identity of nest predators and the factors affecting nest predation, in Australia using 177 studies. Overall, 94 nest predators were identified when incorporating artificial nests, 69 without. Using only natural nests, the Pied Currawong Strepera graculina was the most frequently reported nest predator. Five nest predators, including Pied Currawong, depredated 40% of the prey measured by the number of prey species taken. Yet, 60% of predation was carried out by the other 64 species, which included by the order of importance birds, mammals, reptiles, frogs and ants. Predation at cup and dome nests was more frequently reported than at burrow, ground and hollow nests. Only 28% of predators were observed at both artificial and natural nests suggesting artificial nests have limited, but not negligible, ability as tools for identifying predators. There was a highly significant and positive correlation between predator and prey masses. The predator prey mass ratio was calculated with a mean 0.25 and a median 0.22, a result closely matching with the proportional size of prey taken by raptors. The finding that predator size is proportional to prey opens a pathway for more life history and conservation research.  相似文献   

Worldwide, many areas of agricultural land which were once covered with native vegetation have been converted to tree plantations. Such landscape transformation can influence the dynamics of wildlife populations through, for example, altering rates of predation (e.g. predation of nests of birds). Nest predation can influence reproductive success and, in turn, may alter populations by affecting juvenile recruitment. We quantified predation of bird nests in woodland remnants surrounded by two types of land use, grazing farmland and exotic Radiata pine (Pinus radiata) plantation. We also examined differences in predation rates between artificial and natural nests. We found both artificial and natural nests were more susceptible to nest predation in woodland remnants surrounded by a pine plantation than in woodland remnants located within farmland. Our study suggests that higher levels of nest predation may reduce occupancy of woodland remnants by small‐bodied birds over time, including species of conservation concern. This may have been occurred as a result of the conversion of semi‐cleared grazing land to exotic pine plantation.  相似文献   


Several alien predator species have spread widely in Europe during the last five decades and pose a potential enhanced risk to native nesting ducks and their eggs. Because predation is an important factor limiting Northern Hemisphere duck nest survival, we ask the question, do alien species increase the nest loss risk to ground nesting ducks? We created 418 artificial duck nests in low densities around inland waters in Finland and Denmark during 2017–2019 and monitored them for seven days after construction using wildlife cameras to record whether alien species visit and prey on the nests more often than native species. We sampled various duck breeding habitats from eutrophic agricultural lakes and wetlands to oligotrophic lakes and urban environments. The results differed between habitats and the two countries, which likely reflect the local population densities of the predator species. The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), an alien species, was the most common mammalian nest visitor in all habitats and its occurrence reduced nest survival. Only in wetland habitats was the native red fox (Vulpes vulpes) an equally common nest visitor, where another alien species, the American mink (Neovison vison), also occurred among nest visitors. Although cautious about concluding too much from visitations to artificial nests, these results imply that duck breeding habitats in Northern Europe already support abundant and effective alien nest predators, whose relative frequency of visitation to artificial nests suggest that they potentially add to the nest predation risk to ducks over native predators.


Predation on eggs is an important source of mortality for many long-lived organisms, but causes of egg mortality from specific predators remain poorly known in most cases. Understanding the identity of predators, and the rates and determinants of their effects on a cohort of recruits, can provide a valuable background for attempts to exploit, control or conserve populations. We used remotely triggered cameras to study predation on the nests of freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) inhabiting Lake Argyle, in tropical Australia. We also supplemented our work on natural crocodile nests with artificial nests. Overall, 80 of 111 natural nests were opened by predators, and predation occurred throughout the study period (7 weeks). Unlike in other parts of the species’ range, most nest-robbers were dingoes (Canis lupus dingo, responsible for 98% of all predator visits in the northern sites, and 54% in the Ord River site), with minimal additional predation by reptiles and birds. Contrary to expectation, rates of nest predation were not influenced by spatial clumping of nests: the probability of predation per nest did not change with total numbers of nests laid in an area, and artificially aggregated versus dispersed nests experienced similar levels of predation. Nest vulnerability was linked to abiotic features including slope of surrounding banks, compactness of nesting substrate, and distance from the nearest forest. Abundant aquatic food resources support a large crocodile population, but a lack of suitable nest-sites forces the crocodiles to concentrate nesting in small areas readily accessible to wide-ranging nest predators. Collectively, our results suggest that distinctive attributes of the lakeside landscape alter predator guilds and fashion unique predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

G. Matessi  G. Bogliani 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):184-194
Artificial nest predation experiments were carried out in northern Italy in woods which varied in size, isolation and surrounding landscape structure. Multivariate analyses, including logistic regression, showed that: (1) size and isolation of woods did not significantly affect predation rates; (2) nests on the edge of woods did not suffer higher predation rates than nests inside the wood; (3) nest camouflage greatly influenced predation rates, suggesting that predators were mainly using visual clues to identify nests; (4) the type of habitat that surrounded the woods emerged as a crucial factor in nest survival and the amount of human settlements in the vicinity of the wood was inversely correlated with nest survival, probably due to predators associated with humans; (5) other habitat variables, which were apparently individually unimportant, were found to have an effect on nesting success, if combined in a single ‘suitability index’. It is impossible to generalize about the influence of landscape fragmentation on nest predation because local landscape history and predator guilds, together with the scale of fragmentation, probably interact to determine the suitability of nest sites and their vulnerability to predators.  相似文献   

Predation risk influences prey use of space. However, little is known about how predation risk influences breeding habitat selection and the fitness consequences of these decisions. The nest sites of central-place foraging predators may spatially anchor predation risk in the landscape. We explored how the spatial dispersion of avian predator nests influenced prey territory location and fitness related measures. We placed 249 nest boxes for migrant pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca , at distances between 10 and 630 m, around seven different sparrowhawk nests Accipiter nisus . After closely monitoring flycatcher nests we found that flycatcher arrival dates, nest box occupation rates and clutch size showed a unimodal relationship with distance from sparrowhawk nests. This relationship suggested an optimal territory location at intermediate distances between 330 and 430 m from sparrowhawk nests. Furthermore, pied flycatcher nestling quantity and quality increased linearly with distance from sparrowhawk nests. These fitness related measures were between 4 and 26% larger in flycatcher nestlings raised far from, relative to those raised nearby, sparrowhawk nests. Our results suggest that breeding sparrowhawk affected both flycatcher habitat selection and reproductive success. We propose that nesting predators create predictable spatial variation in predation risk for both adult prey and possibly their nests, to which prey individuals are able to adaptively respond. Recognising predictable spatial variation in perceived predation risk may be fundamental for a proper understanding of predator-prey interactions and indeed prey species interactions.  相似文献   

Many passerine bird populations, particularly those that have open‐cup nests, are in decline in agricultural landscapes. Current theory suggests that an increase in habitat generalist predators in response to landscape change is partially responsible for these declines. However, empirical tests have failed to reach a consensus on how and through what mechanisms landscape change affects nest predation. We tested one hypothesis, the Additive Predation Model, with an artificial nest experiment in fragmented landscapes in southern Queensland, Australia. We employed structural equation modelling of the influence of the relative density of woodland and habitat generalist predators and landscape features at the nest, site, patch and landscape scales on the probability of nest predation. We found little support for the Additive Predation Model, with no significant influence of the density of woodland predators on the probability of nest predation, although landscape features at different spatial scales were important. Within woodlands fragmented by agriculture in eastern Australia, the presence of noisy miner colonies appears to influence ecological processes important for nest predation such that the Additive Predation Model does not hold. In the absence of colonies of the aggressive native bird, the noisy miner, the influence of woodland predators on the risk of artificial nest predation was low compared with that of habitat generalist predators. Outside noisy miner colonies, we found significant edge effects with greater predation rates for artificial nests within woodland patches located closer to the agricultural matrix. Furthermore, the density of habitat generalist predators increased with the extent of irrigated land‐use, suggesting that in the absence of noisy miner colonies, nest predation increases with land‐use intensity at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Nest predation is widely regarded as a major driver underlying the population dynamics of small forest birds. Following forest fragmentation and the subsequent invasion by species from non-forested landscape matrices, shifts in predator communities may increase nest predation near forest edges. However, effects of human-driven habitat change on nest predation have mainly been inferred from studies with artificial nests, despite being regarded as poor surrogates for natural ones. We studied variation in predation rates, and relationships with timing of breeding and characteristics of microhabitats and fragments, on natural white-starred robin Pogonocichla stellata nests during three consecutive breeding seasons (2004–2007) in a Kenyan fragmented cloud forest. More than 70% of all initiated nests were predated during each breeding season. Predation rates nearly quadrupled between the earliest and the latest nests within a single breeding season, increased with distance to the forest edge, and decreased with the edge-to-area ratio of forest fragments. These spatial relationships oppose the traditional perception of edge and fragmentation effects on nest predation, but are in line with results from artificial nest experiments in other East African forests. In case of inverse edge and fragmentation effects on nest predation, such as shown in this study, species that tolerate edges for breeding may be affected positively, rather than negatively, by forest fragmentation, while the opposite can be expected for species restricted to the forest interior. The possibility of inverse edge effects, and its conservation implications, should therefore be taken into account when drafting habitat restoration plans.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although nest predation is often the single largest source of mortality in avian populations, manipulative studies to determine predator impacts on nest survival are rare, particularly studies that examine impacts of mid-size mammalian predators (hereafter, mesopredators) on nest survival of shrub-nesting birds. We quantified nest survival and identified nest predators of shrub-nesting songbirds within 4 large (approx. 40-ha) exclosures and 4 control sites within a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) ecosystem. During 2003–2006, we located and monitored 535 shrub nests (222 with videography) for 4,804 nest-days to quantify daily nest survival and document predation events. We found no support for a treatment effect, suggesting mesopredators had little impact on daily nest survival (0.9303 in controls and 0.9260 in exclosures) of shrub-nesting songbirds. For the 5 most commonly monitored species, daily nest survival within species was constant. Our analysis suggested that shrub nests were most vulnerable during the nestling stage and presence of cameras on nests increased survival with the increase in survival being more pronounced during the incubation stage. We filmed 107 nest predation events, identifying predators at 88 nests. Of these 88 nests, snakes caused 33%, red imported fire ants (hereafter fire ants, Solenopsis invicta) 28%, raptors 17%, corvids 8%, mesopredators 6%, and small mammals 8% of nest predations. Cause-specific nest predation in controls and exclosures did not differ from expectation, providing evidence that compensatory predation did not occur. Nest predators differed from expectation with regard to nest stage; fire ants and raptors only depredated nests during the nestling stage. Presence of cameras had no effect on nest abandonment. Fire ants were the most prevalent nest predator, and nest predation by fire ants was only observed on nestlings, potentially reducing likelihood of renesting. Magnitude and timing of fire ant predation suggests that fire ants may be the most influential nest predator of shrub-nesting birds within the longleaf pine ecosystem. Our data suggest that controlling mesopredators will have no effect on nest success of shrub-nesting birds within longleaf pine forests.  相似文献   

Herbert Hoi  Hans Winkler 《Oecologia》1994,98(3-4):436-440
We describe a field experiment designed to evaluate indirect effects in a prey community sharing common predators. A simple prey community was mimicked with two types of artificial nests. Firstly, it was shown that predation rate increased with nest density when only a single prey was present. Secondly, it was shown that an increase in the density of one nest type increased the predation rate on another type. This is the first experimental evidence for indirect effects in vertebrate communities, which also may help to explain the strong interspecific aggression observed in some communities. In a previous treatment we had shown that there is no observer effect on nest predation in the form of density-dependent scent marking while laying out the artificial nests.  相似文献   

Artificial nests are frequently used to assess factors affecting survival of natural bird nests. We tested the potential for artificial nests to be used in a novel application, the prediction of nest predation rates at potential reintroduction sites where exotic predators are being controlled. We collected artificial nest data from nine sites with different predator control regimes around the North Island of New Zealand, and compared the nest survival rates with those of North Island robin (Petroica longipes) nests at the same sites. Most of the robin populations had been reintroduced in the last 10 years, and were known to vary in nest survival and status (increasing/stable or declining). We derived estimates of robin nest survival for each site based on Stanley estimates of daily survival probabilities and the known incubation and brooding periods of robins. Estimates of artificial nest survival for each site were derived using the known fate model in MARK. We identified the imprints on the clay eggs in the artificial nests, and obtained different estimates of artificial nest survival based on imprints made by different potential predators. We then compared the value of these estimates for predicting natural nest survival, assuming a relationship of the form s = αpβ, where s is natural nest survival and p is artificial nest survival. Artificial nest survival estimates based on imprints made by rats (Rattus spp.) and brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) were clearly the best predictors (based on AICc), and explained 64% of the variation in robin nest survival among sites. Inclusion of bird imprints in the artificial nest survival estimates substantially reduced their predictive value. We suggest that artificial nests may provide a useful tool for predicting the suitability of potential reintroduction sites for New Zealand forest birds as long as imprints on clay eggs are correctly identified.  相似文献   

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