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Mutants of Yeast Defective in Iso-1-Cytochrome c   总被引:25,自引:14,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
A medium containing chlorolactate has been devised to enrich for mutants that are unable to utilize lactate for growth, and therefore that may be defective in cytochrome c. Complementation tests of 6,520 chlorolactate-resistant mutants that were obtained spontaneously or induced with UV, ICR-170, or nitrosoimidazolidone resulted in the identification of 195 mutations at the cyc1 locus, which controls the primary structure of iso-1-cytochrome c. These 195 mutants, with 16 cyc1 mutants previously isolated, were examined for total cytochrome c by spectroscopic methods, growth on lactate medium, suppressibility by defined nonsense suppressors, mutational sites by x-ray-induced recombination, ability to revert, and in 86 cases, whether intragenic revertants contain altered iso-1-cytochrome c. Except for the deletion mutant cyc1-1, all of the mutants appeared to contain single-site mutations that could be assigned to at least 35 different sites within the gene. The cyc1 mutants either completely lacked iso-1-cytochrome c or contained iso-1- cytochromes c that were completely or partially nonfunctional. In spite of the fact that the cyc1 mutants obtained by the chlorolactate procedure were selected on the basis of defective function, 68% appeared to completely lack iso-1-cytochrome c. The remaining cyc1 mutants contained below normal amounts of iso-1-cytochromes c. Studies at several incubation temperatures indicated that these nonfunctional iso-1-cytochromes c were thermolabile. It is suggested that the predominant means for abolishing iso-1-cytochrome c by mutations are either through a complete loss, such as produced by chain terminating codons, or impairments through drastic changes of tertiary structure which lead to instability and thermolability.  相似文献   

The mutator gene DEL1 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae causes a high rate of formation of multisite mutations that encompass the following three adjacent genes: CYC1, which determines the structure of iso-1-cytochrome c; RAD7, which controls UV sensitivity; and OSM1, which controls osomotic sensitivity. The simplest hypothesis is that these multisite mutations are deletions, although it has not been excluded that they may involve other types of gross chromosomal aberrations. In contrast, normal strains do not produce such multisite mutations even after mutagenic treatments. The multisite mutations arise at a rate of approximately 10(-5) to 10(-6) per cell per division in DEL1 strains, which is much higher than rates observed for mutation of genes in normal strains. For example, normal strains produce all types of cyc1 mutants at a low rate of approximately 10(-8) to 10(-9). No evidence for multisite mutations was obtained upon analysis of numerous spontaneous ade1, ade2, met2 and met15 mutants isolated in a DEL1 strain. DEL1 appears to be both cis- and trans-dominant. The location of the DEL1 gene and the lack of effect on other genes suggest that the mutator acts only on a region adjacent to itself.  相似文献   

Three ochre and two amber mutants in yeast have been definitively identified by the amino acid replacements in iso-1-cytochromes c from intragenic revertants. Except for rare and sometimes unusual changes, all of the replacements were single amino acids whose codons differed from UAA or UAG by one base. These assignments, which were based on the absence of tryptophan replacements in ochre revertants, could be corroborated from the studies of two groups of suppressors that were shown to act on either the ochre or amber mutants. All five nonsense mutants are located at different sites in the cyc1 gene and all are at sites that can be occupied by amino acids having a wide range of structures. The relative frequencies of the amino acid replacements indicate that identical codons located at different sites may respond differently to a mutagenic agent. Notably glutamine replacements occurred almost exclusively in UV-induced revertants of only one ochre mutant cyc1–9, but not at all or at reduced proportions in the others. Similarly, lysine replacements occurred almost exclusively in the NA-induced revertants of only the ochre mutant cyc1–72, but not at all in the others. These and other results reveal that mutation of A·T base pairs by UV and nitrous acid are dependent upon the location of the codon within the gene as well as the location of the base pair within the codon. From these findings, it appears as if the type of base-pair changes induced by UV and nitrous acid are strongly influenced by adjacent nucleotide sequences.  相似文献   

We have investigated the order of the four genes cyc1, rad7, SUP4, and cdc8 which form a tightly linked cluster on the right arm of chromosome X in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Crossing over and coconversion data from tetrad analysis established the gene order to be centromere-cyc1-rad7-SUP4. Also cdc8 appeared to be distal to SUP4 on the basis of crossovers that were associated with conversion of SUP4. The frequencies of recombination and the occurrence of coconversions suggest that these four genes are contiguous or at least nearly so. Gene-conversion frequencies for several cyc1 alleles were studied, including cyc1-1, a deletion of the whole gene that extends into the rad7 locus. The cyc1-1 deletion was found to be capable of conversion, though at a frequency some fivefold less than the other alleles studied, and both 3:1 and 1:3 events were detected. In general 1:3 and 3:1 conversion events were equally frequent at all loci studied, and approximately 50% of conversions were accompanied by reciprocal recombination for flanking markers. The orientation of the cyc1 gene could not be clearly deduced from the behavior of the distal marker SUP4 in wild-type recombinants that arose from diploids heteroallelic for cyc1 mutations.  相似文献   

Fitch and Markowitz' theory of concomitantly variable codons (covarions) in evolution predicted the existence of functional correlation in amino acid residue mutations among present-day cytochromes c. Mutational analysis was carried out on yeast iso-2-cytochrome c, where hydrophobic core residues I20, M64, L85, and M98 and surface residue L9 were mutated, in selected combinations, to those found in mammalian and bird cytochromes c. The functionality assay is based upon the ability of yeast cells to grow in YPGE medium. Furthermore, experiments on the single M64L and M98L mutations as well as the double M64L/M98L mutation using NMR showed that the effects of these mutations are to perturb the structural integrity of the protein. We identified functional correlation in two cases of a pair of residue mutations, the I20 V and M98 L pair and the L9 I and L85 I pair. In both cases, only one of the two alternative, putative evolutionary pathways leads to a functional protein and the corresponding pairs of residue mutations are among those found in present-day cytochromes c. Since valine is predicted to be at position 20 in the ancestral form of cytochrome c, the present data provide an explanation for the ancient requirement of leucine rather than methionine in position 98. The present data provide further evidence for the role of those specific atom–atom interactions in directing a pathway in the evolutionary changes of the amino acid sequence that have taken place in cytochrome c, in accordance with Fitch and Markowitz.  相似文献   

Arjun Singh  Fred Sherman 《Genetics》1978,89(4):653-665
Some of the deletions in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that encompass the CYC1 gene, which determines iso-1-cytochrome c, extend into the OSM1 gene, causing inhibition of growth on hypertonic media, and into the RAD7 gene, causing sensitivity to UV light. Two deletions (cyc1--363 and cyc1--367) encompass only the CYC1 gene, two deletions (cyc1--366 and cyc1--368) encompass the CYC1 and OSM1 genes, three deletions (cyc1--1, cyc1--364 and cyc1--365) encompass the CYC1, OSM1 and RAD7 genes, while none of the deletions extend into the closely linked SUP4 gene.  相似文献   

Recombination rates have been examined in two-point crosses of various defined cyc1 mutants using five mapping methods. Nucleotide sequences of mutant codons were identified in previous studies from alterations in functional iso-1-cytochromes c produced by intragenic revertants. Heteroallelic diploids were analyzed for rates of mitotic recombination that occurred spontaneously and that were induced with x-rays, ultraviolet light and the near-ultraviolet light emitted by sunlamps, as well as rates of meiotic recombination that occur after sporulation. Frequencies of both mitotic and meiotic recombination do not necessarily correspond with physical distances separating altered nucleotides. The most extreme discrepancy involved two adjacent intervals of thirteen basepairs which differed approximately thirty-fold in their spontaneous and X-ray-induced recombination rates. Marked disproportions between genetic and physical distances appear to be due to the interaction of the two nucleotide sequences in the heteroallelic combination and not to the sequences of the mutant codons alone. Recombination values that were obtained by all five methods could not be used to establish to correct order of mutant sitesmrelationships of the recombination rates for the various pairwise crosses are different after mitosis from those after meiosis, suggesting that these two recombinational processes are to some extent different in their dependence on particular nucleotide configurations. On the other hand, the relationships of the rates induced by UV-, sunlamp- and X-irradiation were identical or very similar. In addition to the intrinsic properties of the alleles affecting frequencies of mitotic and meiotic recombination rates, two- to threefold variations in recombination rates could be attributed to genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

X-ray-induced mitotic recombination rates and spontaneous meiotic recombination rates have been determined in two-point crosses of various defined cyc1 mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. All but one of the 17 cyc1 mutants chosen for this study contained either the addition, deletion or substitution of single base-pairs located within a defined segment of the gene that corresponds to the 11 amino acid residues at the amino terminus of iso-1-cytochrome c; approximately half of these mutants had alterations of the AUG initiation codon, some at the same base pair. Up to 66-fold differences in X-ray-induced recombination rates were observed when the same cyc1 mutant was crossed to cyc1 mutants having different alterations in the AUG initiation codon; over a ten-fold difference was observed in series of homologous crosses involving mutants with different changes at the same base-pair. Recombination rates that were associated with specific cyc1 mutants co-segregated with the particular alleles following meiosis, and comparable recombination patterns were also observed for independently isolated, identical mutations. With the mutants used in this study, the frequencies of meiotic recombination did not differ as markedly, suggesting a dissimilar dependence on specific DNA sequences for these two modes of recombination. These disproportionalities of recombination rates suggest that the nature of the mismatched bases influences the recombination process, but not in a way that can be simply interpreted.  相似文献   

Mutants arising spontaneously from sporulated cultures of certain strains of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, contained deletions of the CYC1 gene which controls the primary structure of iso-1-cytochrome c. At least 60 different kinds of deletions were uncovered among the 104 deletions examined and these ranged in length from those encompassing only two adjacent point mutants to those encompassing at least the entire CYC1 gene. X-ray-induced recombination rates of crosses involving these deletions and cyc1 point mutants resulted in the assignment of 211 point mutants to 47 mutational sites and made it possible to unambiguously order 40 of these 47 sites. Except for one mutant, cyc1-15, there was a strict colinear relationship between the deletion map and the positions of 13 sites that were previously determined by amino acid alterations in iso-1-cytochromes c from intragenic revertants.  相似文献   

The structures of ubiquitin conjugates of yeast Iso-2-cytochrome c.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ubiquitin (Ub) conjugates to Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-2-cytochrome c were formed in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte extract (Fraction II). In the presence of ubiquitin-aldehyde, used to inhibit ubiquitin-protein isopeptidases in Fraction II, mono-, di-, and triubiquitinated cytochrome c conjugates accumulated in a 1.2:1.0:0.2 molar ratio. CNBr digestions showed that, in all three conjugates, Ub attachment was within the first 73 amino acids of the cytochrome c. For the two most abundant conjugates, this region was further narrowed to the first 30 residues by peptide mapping with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. N-terminal protein sequencing identified Lys-13 as the major ubiquitination site in each conjugate. For di- and triubiquitinated iso-2-cytochrome c, this suggested that Ub2 and Ub3 multiubiquitin chains extend from Lys-13. This conclusion was supported by a variation of protein sequencing in which polypeptides recovered after Edman degradation were analyzed to determine at which cycle(s) radiolabeled Ub or Ubn was cleaved from the conjugate. Because of the sensitivity afforded by the use of 125I-Ub in this "stutter-step" sequencing method, minor ubiquitination at Lys-8 also was detected. Thus, Ub2-iso-2-cytochrome c conjugates contain mostly Ub2 at Lys-13 with a small fraction of conjugates having single Ubs on 2 residues, Lys-8 and Lys-13. Similarly, Ub3-iso-2-cytochrome c predominantly has a Ub3 chain on Lys-13, although minor species with combinations of Ub1 and Ub2 distributed on Lys-8 and Lys-13 also may be present. This specificity is discussed in the context of iso-2-cytochrome c structure.  相似文献   

复杂易位遗传效应的探讨—附一例罕见复杂易位核型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
刘京  杜可明  宗传龙  李效良  郭淼 《遗传》2001,23(6):515-517
本报道一例罕见复杂易位核型:46,XX,t(1;14;10)。并到往资料,探讨和分析复杂易位和一般平衡易位对表型及生育的遗传效应。结果显示,一般易位导致智能低下和多发畸形的频率各为3.57%,复杂易位所致智能低下频率为21.73%, 多发畸形的频率为17.39%。提示复杂2易位所致智能低下和畸形频率明显高于一般易位。  相似文献   

本文报道一例罕见复杂易位核型:46,XX,t(1;14;10).并结合以往资料,探讨和分析复杂易位和一般平衡易位对表型及生育的遗传效应.结果显示,一般易位导致智能低下和多发畸形的频率各为3.57%;复杂易位所致智能低下频率为21.73%,多发畸形的频率为17.39%.提示复杂易位所致智能低下和畸形频率明显高于一般易位。 Abstract:In this paper,we report a rare karyotype of complex translocation:46,XX,t(1;14;10).Based on sufficient published data,we discussed and analyzed the genetic effect of complex translocation and general balanced translocation on phenotype and fertilization.The results show that general balanced translocation caused 3.57% low intelligence and multi-deformation while complex translocation caused 21.73% low intelligence and 17.39% multi-deformation respectively.These results sugget that there is a higher incedence of low intelligence and multi-deformation caused by complex translocation than that caused by general balanced translocation.  相似文献   

M. Hampsey 《Genetics》1991,128(1):59-67
A collection of isogenic yeast strains that is specifically diagnostic for the six possible base-pair substitutions is described. Each strain contains a single, unique base-pair substitution at the Cys-22 codon of the CYC1 gene, which codes for iso-1-cytochrome c. These mutations encode replacements of the functionally critical Cys-22 and render each strain unable to grow on media containing nonfermentable carbon sources (Cyc-). Specific base-pair substitutions, which restore the Cys-22 codon, can be monitored simply by scoring for reversion to the Cyc+ phenotype. These strains revert spontaneously at very low frequencies and exhibit specific patterns of reversion in response to different mutagens. Only true (CYC1+) revertants were recovered after 7 days on selection medium. The following mutagen specificities were observed: ethyl methanesulfonate and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, G.C----A.T; 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, G.C----T.A and G.C----A.T; diepoxybutane, A.T----T.A, A.T----G.C and G.C----T.A; 5-azacytidine, G.C----C.G. Methyl methanesulfonate induced all six mutations, albeit at relatively low frequencies, with preference for A.T----T.A and A.T----G.C. Ultraviolet light was the most inefficient mutagen used in this study, consistent with its preference for transition mutations at dipyrimidine sequences reported in other systems. This tester system is valuable as a simple and reliable assay for specific mutations without DNA sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Yeast iso-1 cytochrome c is a naturally occurring protein that possesses an unusually reactive Cysl02 that imbues iso-1 with a complicated solution chemistry which includes spontaneous dimerization and poorly characterized redox reactions. For this reason previous studies of this typical member of the c-type cytochromes have been relegated to variant proteins in which the 102 position has been mutated, with most common changes involving serine and threonine. However, we have determined sequential 1H resonance assignments for the wild-type native protein because it is the actual participant in yeast mitochondrial electron transfer processes and because the wild-type native protein should be the fundamental assignment basis. In addition to 1H resonance assignments for 97 of 106 amino acids, we have also provided an extensive database of long-range NOEs. Comparison of these NOEs and a chemical shift index based upon α-H resonances has lead to identification of solution secondary structural elements that are consistent with the solid-state crystal structure. Although there is currently no efficient expression system that would facilitate isotope labeling of iso-1 cytochrome c, we tried to assess the usefulness of future heteronuclear experiments by using natural-abundance 1H/13C HMQC experiments to unambiguously assign 35 α-C resonances.  相似文献   

The structural gene CYC7 for yeast iso-2-cytochrome c was previously identified by isolating a mutant, cyc7-1-1, totally lacking iso-2-cytochrome c and demonstrating that revertants of this mutant contained iso-2-cytochrome c with an altered primary structure (Downie et al., 1977). In this paper we describe a variety of different types of mutants that completely or partially lack iso-2-cytochrome c due to mutations in either the structural gene, CYC7, or unlinked “regulatory” genes. The iso-2-cytochrome c-deficient mutants were isolated by benzidine staining of over 3 × 105 colonies from ?? strains (cytoplasmic petites) that lacked iso-1-cytochrome c due to the deletion cyc1-1 and that contain abnormally high levels of iso-2-cytochrome c due to a chromosomal translocation, CYC7-1, adjacent to the normal structural gene CYC7 +. The cytochrome c content of mutants not staining with the benzidine reagents was estimated by low temperature spectroscopy, and 139 mutants containing significantly decreased levels of iso-2-cytochrome c were analyzed genetically by complementation with previously identified cyc mutants. In this way 50 mutants at the cyc2 and cyc3 loci were identified along with a group of 62 mutants of the structural gene cyc7. The different types of mutants of the structural gene which were uncovered and which were more or less anticipated included those that completely lacked iso-2-cytochrome c, those that were suppressible by UAA or UAG suppressors, those that lacked iso-2-cytochrome c but had increased levels after growth at lower temperatures, and those that exhibited visibly altered ca absorption bands of iso-2-cytochrome c. Iso-2-cytochrome c mutants with altered primary structures were obtained from intragenic revertants of several of these mutants, confirming our earlier conclusion that cyc7 is the structural gene. In addition we observed an unexpected class of mutants that lacked iso-2-cytochrome c when in the ?? state but contained approximately the CYC7-1 parental level when in the ?+ state. Two of these mutants, cyc7-1-47 and cyc7-1-49, were shown to contain altered iso-2-cytochromes c. The different contents of the abnormal iso-2cytochromes c suggest that cytochrome c has different environments in ?+ and ?? mitochondria and that the ?+ condition may stabilize certain altered proteins.  相似文献   

Amber mutant amB86 of bacteriophage Qbeta is capable of causing the production of five to eight times more viral replicase than wild-type phage. Su(-) bacteria infected with the mutant can carry the viral RNA in a plasmid-like state for many bacterial generations.  相似文献   

Yeast mutants resistant to a toxic lysine analog, thialysine were obtained by a method described in the literature [1]. A strain excreting the maximum amount of lysine (0.45 g/l) was selected from these mutants. The intracellular content of lysine was also increased by 30%. The genetic nature of lysine overproduction was studied in this strain. An increase in the amount of excreted lysine was shown to be determined by at least two genes, one of which carries a mutation of thialysine resistance manifesting the pleiotropic effect of lysine overproduction (Th1 R) and the other is involved in the regulation of lysine production (PRL). Linkage groups of these genes were determined: the first gene was mapped to the IV chromosome and the second, to the XV chromosome. Both genetic characters were introduced into industrial baker's yeast strains via a series of backcrosses. The stabilization of the genome in the newly derived strains was confirmed by electrokaryotyping.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2014,28(2):161-173
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