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黑叉尾海燕是海洋性鸟类,青岛沿海岛屿是其主要繁殖地之一。本文着重记述了其迁徙、分布、活动规律、繁殖习性、雏鸟生长等。1986、1987年共环志黑叉尾海燕2802只,1987年共回收环志鸟395只,其中春季247只,秋季148只;1986年环志的258只中回收到123只。两年的观察,该鸟5月17 ̄30日先后迁来,7月开始产卵,8月出雏。  相似文献   

白额鹱Puffinus leucomelas和黑叉尾海燕Oceanodroma monorhis是青岛两种常见海洋性鸟类。大公岛、潮连岛、千里岩是它们的栖息繁殖地。我们于1986年春秋两季和1987年春季对其繁殖地之一——大公岛进行了环志,所得结果如下。1 生境与方法大公岛(35°57'N,120°29'E)位于青岛市东南方20km处。面积0.14 km~2,  相似文献   

2019年11月23日,在浙江省丽水市莲都区白云山森林公园1废弃矿洞内(28°29′51″N,119°54′34″E,海拔306 m)采集到蝙蝠标本1号。此蝙蝠主要特征为,前臂长35.4 mm;耳壳半透明,呈圆形漏斗;无尾,股间膜内凹呈“∧”形;背毛基部黑褐色,毛尖赤褐色;翼膜黑褐色。基于形态及分子数据(Cyt b)鉴定为无尾蹄蝠(Coelops frithii),为浙江省兽类分布新记录种。本研究应用CT扫描和计算机辅助三维图像重建技术,在保证标本完整性的前提下,对其头骨进行CT扫描与三维(3D)图像复原,高清显示了其头部骨骼形态,该技术的应用,是在小型兽类骨骼形态学研究与描述上的有益探索和尝试。  相似文献   

2008年5月,在杭州师范大学百年校庆的庆典上,杭州市主要领导提出要将杭州师范大学建设成为省内乃至国内一流综合性大学的宏伟目标。明确指出,要做好"大楼大师"两篇文章,投巨资在杭州城西的仓前建设新校区,投巨资引进海内外高端人才、  相似文献   

Chemical signals in birds have rarely been considered as recognition cues. Nevertheless, recent experiments showed that several petrel species are able to recognize their nest by smell, and in at least one species even their mate. But the use of smell may be different across the petrel species and olfactory nest recognition appears to be dependent on species’ breeding biology. To increase our knowledge of individual olfactory recognition in petrels and the relationships between breeding biology and use of smell, we tested Wilson’s storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus in Antarctica. In previous experiments, these birds failed to home if rendered anosmic, but the method employed to obtain anosmia (potentially stressing birds) and the fact that they breed in 24‐h daylight suggest that they might use visual, rather than olfactory, cues to recognize their nest. Our birds were tested in T‐maze experiments where nest odours or partner odours were presented. Wilson’s storm petrels preferred odours of their own nest and mate. Results on olfactory nest recognition confirm and complete previous results, viz. anosmic Wilson’s storm petrels do not home. Storm petrels olfactory mate recognition suggests that this ability may be widespread in burrowing petrels and implements olfactory nest recognition.  相似文献   

We present data on chick growth and chick feeding in Wilson's storm-petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) in a colony on King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Chicks were repeatedly weighed and the weight differences over 24 h were corrected for metabolic loss in order to obtain an estimation of meal sizes. Chicks were fed on 93% of the nights (n=688 nights). The average meal size for a single feeding was 8.5 g. Chicks received on average 1.2 feedings per night. These results are compared with data for this species from other locations. There was a trend for increased meal sizes from northern to southern populations, parallel to an increase in the adult mass, indicating that Wilson's storm-petrels carry optimal meal sizes according to their body size and may take advantage of increased food abundance by increasing feeding frequencies. We describe chick growth and discuss the influence of egg size, hatching date and feeding frequency on chick growth. The egg size had a positive influence on tarsus growth and body mass of chicks. Later-hatched chicks started wing growth and finished mass growth at a younger age and reached lower peak masses, indicating that late chicks may adapt to the restricted breeding season in their Antarctic breeding grounds by a more rapid development, but will fledge with a lower degree of development and less resources. Accepted: 22 May 2000  相似文献   

At South Georgia, the diet of Wilson's storm petrel was studied using the regurgitates of adults arriving to feed chicks. Feeding frequency and meal size were estimated by weighing chicks twice daily, or in some cases every 3 h during daytime. Crustaceans contributed 98% of the total number of individual items and 68% of the total weight consumed; fish, 1% of the number of items and 28% of the weight. The most abundant crustacean was the amphipod Themisto gaudichaudii, which accounted for 90% of the total number but only 44% of the total weight of crustaceans eaten. Most (79%) of the Themisto were juveniles. Euphausiids were much less numerous in the diet (5% by number) but were the main group by weight (55%); most (52%) were Antarctic krill, with juveniles and sub-adults (25–50 mm long) predominating. Mysids, copepods and barnacle larvae were also present. Fish were all myctophids (lanternfish), Protomyctophum normani and P. bolini being identified; specimens were 50–85 mm long and weighed 1–4 g. Meal sizes averaged 6-5-7-5 g (14–22% adult body mass); about 75% of chicks were fed each day (mainly at night), about 10% probably receiving meals from both parents. A review of storm petrel diets emphasizes the importance of fish to Oceanodroma species and of crustaceans to Oceanites, Garrodia and Pelagodroma. Euphausiids and amphipods (chiefly Themisto and Hyperia) are the main crustacean prey and range from 5–50 mm and 0-005-0-7 g. Myctophids are the main fish prey and range from 20–100 mm and 1–5 g. Meal size ranges from 15–25% adult body mass and chicks are fed on 50–85% of days. This low delivery rate is mainly responsible for the disproportionately slow growth and long fledging period of storm petrel chicks.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a method to estimate the proportion of prebreeders in Wilson's storm-petrels (Oceanites oceanicus) in mist-net catches. A comparison of morphological parameters between birds captured on the nest and by mist-net revealed significant differences in two seasonally changeable parameters, body mass and brood patch size, as well as in a parameter independent of the time of the season, the presence of black spots in the yellow areas of the webbed feet. The difference in the occurrence of black markings between birds caught by mist-net and at the nest was highly statistically significant and was used to estimate the proportion of prebreeders, which was 86.6% in a sample of 336 mist-netted birds, compared with 85.3% for the same sample using cloacal measurements. The latter method is only applicable during the time window of the days after egg laying, while the absence of black pigment patches serves as an indicator for the classification of prebreeders throughout the season. This provides the basis for further studies on the behaviour of prebreeding petrels. Accepted: 3 June 2000  相似文献   

正2019年4月13日下午,在浙江省宁波市杭州湾新区靠近三北浅滩的内塘(121°16′05″E,30°23′07″N,海拔约10 m)发现在小群活动的红颈滨鹬(Calidris ruficollis)和环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)中混有2只小型鸻(图1),这2只鸻的体型较红颈滨鹬和环颈鸻略大,体色似金眶鸻(C.dubius),但无金黄色眼圈,喙较短粗且具黑黄二色,黑色额斑上无白色细纹,经辨认为繁殖羽的剑鸻(C.hiaticula)。经查阅相关文献(诸葛阳1990,Chen etal.2012,郑光美2017),未见浙江省内有该鸟种分布报道,确认此次发现的剑鸻为浙江省鸟类分布新记  相似文献   

Summary Many stormpetrel species breed in habitats where their populations cannot be estimated by direct counts of burrows or birds; mark-recapture experiments have been confounded by the presence of many wandering non-breeders. With a population of Wilson's Stormpetrel Oceanites oceanicus at Bird Island, South Georgia, we tried to estimate the proportion of breeding females in samples obtained during a mark-recapture experiment. These were identified by measurements of the cloaca, which greatly enlarges at egg-laying. A concurrent experiment with individually marked birds determined that breeding females could be discriminated from males and non-breeders for c 30 days after laying. The technique is probably applicable to other petrels, though it will work best with those that lay most synchronously. The overall population estimate was 4841–5515 birds (SE 856–1417); estimates of breeding females gave a population of 2300 paris early in the incubation period and 1400 pairs near hatching.  相似文献   


Three Storm Petrels were observed on the coast near Ka? on the Turkish Mediterranean Sea, on 29.4.1988. This is the first Turkish record.  相似文献   

<正>2016年6月28日,笔者与宁波市镇海区农林局工作人员在镇海区兴丰村渔塘(121°37′45″N,29°58′24″E)救助大型鸟类1只,经鉴定为红脚鲣鸟(Sula sula),通过查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(郑光美2011)和"浙江鸟类名录更新"(Chen et al.2012),确认为浙江首次发现。该鸟为红脚鲣鸟亚成近成鸟,初级飞羽和覆羽呈暗褐  相似文献   

Mass loss of breeding birds might be due to the physiological stress of breeding or it could be an adaptation to lower the costs of flight to the feeding areas. We examined the natural variation in the adult body mass of Wilson’s storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus on King George Island, South Shetland Islands over four breeding seasons. During two seasons, the prey abundance was high, while it was poor during the other two seasons. Only breeding birds were sampled; the fluctuations in mass were similar among males and females. During incubation, the mass of the adults was high in good seasons and low in poor seasons. Thus, body mass during incubation was determined by energetic constraints. However, during chick feeding, adults lost mass in the good seasons but gained mass in the poor seasons, suggesting that mass loss during chick rearing is not primarily caused by stress, but is regulated adaptively. Adults in poor conditions may buffer against unpredictable food supply by increasing their own body mass, even at the expense of the chick. Reduced body condition at the beginning of the breeding season was associated with reduced egg volumes and late laying, suggesting that the initial body condition influenced the level of investment in the current breeding attempt.  相似文献   

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