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Detailed field and modelling studies have been completed at different spatial scales for the endangered arboreal marsupial, Leadbeater's Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri); a species virtually confined to the ash-type eucalypt forests in the Central Highlands of Victoria, south-eastern Australia. These forests are also subject to considerable pressure to produce timber and paper products. The studies of Leadbeater's Possum highlighted the factors influencing the distribution and abundance of the species ranging from broad distribution patterns, the occupancy of habitat patches at the landscape scale, and the use of individual den sites and the quality of trees that provide food within particular stands. These scales correspond to the entire known range of the species, sub-populations within a metapopulation occupying an ensemble of patches at the landscape scale, and colonies occupying den trees in individual stands. Information on the factors influencing the distribution of Leadbeater's Possum at one spatial scale were found to be important for informing processes at another. For example, an understanding of the species habitat requirements informed the spatial distribution of habitat patches at the landscape level which, in turn, gave insights into predicted metapopulation dynamics. Each spatial scale of ecological investigation of Leadbeater's Possum had a corresponding scale of forest management, and they included: virtually the entire ash-type eucalypt resource in the region, the location of large reserves, the design of corridors and retained patches within production forest landscapes, silvicultural practices employed in individual stands, and the retention of individual trees and clusters of trees on logged sites. This range of forest management scales, and the corresponding-scaled array of ecological studies, have particular implications for the conservation of Leadbeater's Possum. The results of investigations to date have revealed that conservation efforts must focus on ash-type eucalypt forests in the Central Highlands of Victoria because populations of Leadbeater's Possum are virtually confined to these areas. Within the broadscale limits of the distribution of the species, the long-term conservation of Leadbeater's Possum will not only be dependent on large reserves, but also intermediate-scale reserves and corridors within wood production areas, as well changed silvicultural practices to better provide suitable habitat on logged sites. While each strategy will make a contribution to the persistence of Leadbeater's Possum, it also has important limitations; an outcome which highlights the need for a multi-scale approach to attempts to conserve the species. Notably, the overaching implications for the design of an array of different conservation strategies for Leadbeater's Possum could not have been derived from any single study at a particular spatial scale. Thus, the case study on Leadbeater's Possum suggests that consideration of factors at a range of scales should be an integral part of management and conservation planning, not only for this species, but for wildlife per se.  相似文献   

Abstract Patterns of co-occurrence were examined among the suite of species of arboreal marsupials that inhabit the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, southeastern Australia. The data used in our analyses were counts of different species of arboreal marsupials derived from stagwatching surveys of 152 sites throughout the Central Highlands region. Our work investigated both the number of species that tend to occur together, as well as identity of the taxa in such associations. A total of eight different species of arboreal marsupials were recorded from field surveys of montane ash forests: Leadbeater's Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri), Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps), Yellow-bellied Glider (Petaurus australis), Greater Glider (Petauroides volans), Mountain Brushtail Possum (Trichosurus caninus), Feathertail Glider (Acrobates pygmaeus), Common Ringtail Possum (Pseudocheirusperegrinus), and Eastern Pygmy Possum (Cercartetus nanus). Large assemblages of taxa were rare and no sites supported the full array of species of arboreal marsupials– the maximum number of species recorded on a given 3 ha site was five. The results of our analyses indicated that if any one species of arboreal marsupials was present at a site, then on average 1. 5 other taxa will co-inhabit that site. The exception was the Common Ringtail Possum. When this species was detected, few other arboreal marsupial taxa tended to be recorded with it. Principal Co-ordinates Analysis showed that although combinations of animals comprised of either Mountain Brushtail Possum, Leadbeater's Possum, or Greater Glider were often recorded, there were no strong patterns in the identities of co-occurring taxa. This finding, together with the result that most taxa in these forests typically co-occurred with one or two other species, indicates that none of the arboreal marsupials inhabiting the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria would be a good surrogate for (or ‘indicator’ of), the presence of the suite of other species in the assemblage.  相似文献   

Aim The potential nestedness of assemblages of birds, arboreal marsupials and lizards was examined in a fragmented landscape in south‐eastern Australia. We assessed which ecological processes were related to the presence or absence of nestedness, particularly in relation to previous autoecological studies in the same study area. Location Data were collected at Buccleuch State Forest, c. 100 km to the west of the Australian Capital Territory in south‐eastern Australia. Methods Presence/absence matrices were compiled for birds (40 pine sites, 40 continuous forest sites, 43 fragments), arboreal marsupials (41 continuous forest sites, 39 fragments) and lizards (30 sites including all landscape elements) from a range of field surveys conducted since 1995. Nestedness was analysed using a standardized discrepancy measure, and statistical significance was assessed using the RANDNEST null model. For birds, species thought to be extinction‐prone were analysed separately to assess if assemblages comprising extinction‐prone species were more strongly nested than others. Also, sites with a substantial amount of Eucalyptus radiata were analysed separately to assess whether nestedness was stronger if environmental heterogeneity was minimized. Results The assemblages of lizards and arboreal marsupials were not nested, probably because of qualitative differences between species in response to environmental conditions. The assemblages of birds in fragments and pine sites were significantly nested, but nestedness was substantially stronger in fragments. For birds, nestedness appeared to be related to somewhat predictable extinction sequences, although there were many outliers in the analysis. Nestedness increased when extinction‐prone species were analysed by themselves. Nestedness decreased when environmental heterogeneity was minimized by including only sites dominated by E. radiata. Main conclusions In a given landscape, different vertebrate assemblages can respond in vastly different ways to fragmentation. Nestedness analyses can provide a useful overview of likely conservation issues in fragmented landscapes, for example by highlighting the possible roles of local extinction and immigration. However, nestedness analyses are a community‐level tool, and should be complemented by more detailed autoecological studies when applied in a conservation context.  相似文献   

Urban expansion is a major cause of land use change and presents a significant threat to biodiversity worldwide. Agricultural land is often acquired by local councils and developers to expand urban growth boundaries and establish new housing estates. However, many agricultural landscapes support high biodiversity values, especially farmlands that feature mosaics of native vegetation and keystone habitat such as hollow‐bearing trees. In south‐eastern Australia, many arboreal marsupials including the threatened Squirrel Glider (Petaurus norfolcensis) have populations within peri‐urban zones of expanding rural cities. A key challenge to planners, developers and conservation organisations is the need to maintain habitat for locally rare and threatened species as land undergoes changes in management. Critical to the sustainable development of peri‐urban landscapes is a thorough understanding of the distribution, habitat requirements and resources available to maintain and improve habitat for species dependent on limited resources such as tree cavities. In this management report, we present background information on an integrated research programme designed to evaluate potential impacts of urban development on fauna in the Albury Local Government Area, NSW. We mapped hollow‐bearing trees, erected nest boxes and monitored arboreal marsupials. Information presented in this report provides a blueprint for monitoring arboreal marsupials, including threatened species in other developing regions, and will assist the Albury‐Wodonga local governments in future planning of sustainable living environments.  相似文献   

Long-term population monitoring is the cornerstone of animal conservation and management. The accuracy and precision of models developed using monitoring data can be influenced by the protocols guiding data collection. The greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) is a species of concern that has been monitored over decades, primarily, by counting the number of males that attend lek (breeding) sites. These lek count data have been used to assess long-term population trends and for multiple mechanistic studies. However, some studies have questioned the efficacy of lek counts to accurately identify population trends. In response, monitoring protocols were changed to have a goal of counting lek sites multiple times within a season. We assessed the influence of this change in monitoring protocols on model accuracy and precision applying generalized additive models to describe trends over time. We found that at large spatial scales including >50 leks, the absence of repeated counts within a year did not significantly alter population trend estimates or interpretation. Increasing sample size decreased the model confidence intervals. We developed a population trend model for Wyoming greater sage-grouse from 1965 to 2008, identifying significant changes in the population indices and capturing the cyclic nature of this species. Most sage-grouse declines in Wyoming occurred between 1965 and the 1990s and lek count numbers generally increased from the mid-1990s to 2008. Our results validate the combination of monitoring data collected under different protocols in past and future studies—provided those studies are addressing large-scale questions. We suggest that a larger sample of individual leks is preferable to multiple counts of a smaller sample of leks. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Primates display high forelimb compliance (increased elbow joint yield) compared to most other mammals. Forelimb compliance, which is especially marked among arboreal primates, moderates vertical oscillations of the body and peak vertical forces and may represent a basal adaptation of primates for locomotion on thin, flexible branches. However, Larney and Larson (Am J Phys Anthropol 125 [2004] 42–50) reported that marsupials have forelimb compliance comparable to or greater than that of most primates, but did not distinguish between arboreal and terrestrial marsupials. If forelimb compliance is functionally linked to locomotion on thin branches, then elbow yield should be highest in marsupials relying on arboreal substrates more often. To test this hypothesis, we compared forelimb compliance between two didelphid marsupials, Caluromys philander (an arboreal opossum relying heavily on thin branches) and Monodelphis domestica (an opossum that spends most of its time on the ground). Animals were videorecorded while walking on a runway or a horizontal 7‐mm pole. Caluromys showed higher elbow yield (greater changes in degrees of elbow flexion) on both substrates, similar to that reported for arboreal primates. Monodelphis was characterized by lower elbow yield that was intermediate between the values reported by Larney and Larson (Am J Phys Anthropol 125 [2004] 42–50) for more terrestrial primates and rodents. This finding adds evidence to a model suggesting a functional link between arboreality—particularly locomotion on thin, flexible branches—and forelimb compliance. These data add another convergent trait between arboreal primates, Caluromys, and other arboreal marsupials and support the argument that all primates evolved from a common ancestor that was a fine‐branch arborealist. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The importance of considering spatially-correlated extinction in metapopulation viability analyses was investigated using a model of the population dynamics of Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy (Leadbeater's Possum). Fire caused local extinction of G. leadbeateri and induced changes in the suitability of the habitat over a period of decades and centuries. Spatially-correlated fires, in which the correlation between the incidence of fire declines with distance, and uniformly-correlated fires were simulated. The predicted risk of metapopulation extinction increased: (i) as the variance in the number of fires each year increased, (ii) as the mean fire interval decreased, and (iii) as the mean dispersal distance decreased. Incorporating spatial correlation in the incidence of fires between patches had little effect on the results, provided the variance in the number of fires per year remained the same and fires modified habitat quality. The predicted risk of metapopulation extinction was greater for spatially-correlated fires than for uniformly-correlated fires when fires only caused local extinction but did not change habitat suitability. Incorporating spatial correlation in the incidence of fire within patches, which allowed partial burning of patches, reduced the predicted risk of extinction. This effect was only slight when patches were smaller than about 50 ha. The results of our simulations demonstrate the importance of considering correlations in disturbance regimes in metapopulation models, especially if these models are used to assist the design of nature reserves.  相似文献   

Didelphid marsupials differ in their use of the forest strata, with corresponding differences in morphology and arboreal walking performances. Similar performances may be reached by different combinations of stride length and frequency, but it has been suggested that arboreal walkers increase velocity by longer strides. Our objective was to determine how stride length and frequency contribute to the velocity in the arboreal walking of seven species of didelphid marsupials of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Animals were stimulated to cross five 3-m long horizontal supports of different diameters. The cycle of maximum velocity was chosen to measure relative stride length, frequency, and relative velocity. Except forCaluromys philander, the more arboreal species were faster than the terrestrial species, but maximum velocity of arboreal species was reached by two strategies, increasing stride frequency (Gracilinanus microtarsus, Micoureus demerarae, andDidelphis aurita), or reducing frequency and increasing stride length (Marmosops incanus andC. philander). Increasing velocity in arboreal walking by more frequent strides may reduce oscillations of the body, whereas longer strides may reduce branch swaying. Among the terrestrial species,Philander frenatus performed similarly to more arboreal species, suggesting a potential ability to use the canopy, undetected in field observations.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread recognition of the importance of monitoring, only a few studies have explored how estimates of vital rates and predictions of population dynamics change with additional data collected along the monitoring program. We investigate how estimates of survival and individual growth, along with predictions about future population size, change with additional years of monitoring and data collected, using as a model system freshwater populations of marble (Salmo marmoratus), rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) living in Western Slovenian streams. Fish were sampled twice a year between 2004 and 2015. We found that in 3 out of 4 populations, a few years of data (3 or 4 sampling occasions, between 300 and 500 tagged individuals for survival, 100–200 for growth) provided the same estimates of average survival and growth as those obtained with data from more than 15 sampling occasions, while the estimation of the range of survival (i.e., the difference, over all sampling occasions considered, between maximum and minimum survival estimated in a sampling occasion) required more sampling occasions (up to 22 for marble trout), with little reduction of uncertainty around the point estimates. Predictions of mean density and variation in density over time did not change with more data collected after the first 5 years (i.e., 10 sampling occasions) and overall were within 10% of the observed mean and variation in density over the whole monitoring program.  相似文献   

Abstract Intense cyclones might be expected to adversely affect populations of arboreal mammals, either directly or as a consequence of the destruction of food resources and other key habitat elements. However, such impacts have rarely been quantified. The present study examined the response of five species of arboreal folivorous marsupials to Severe Cyclone Larry at nine sites in upland rainforests of the Atherton Tableland, north‐east Australia. Sites were originally surveyed for folivores in 1995–1997, and then resurveyed in 2006, 6–8 months after Cyclone Larry had traversed the region. All sites showed evidence of structural damage to vegetation, but overall damage levels (assessed in terms of canopy cover, damage to trees, basal area of dead trees and volume of woody debris) decreased from east to west across the study region. The detectability of rainforest possums increased after the cyclone. For the most commonly observed species, the proportion of individuals observed >5 m from survey transects was correlated with the amount of structural damage to vegetation. To avoid confounding changes in detectability with changes in abundance, only observations close (<5 m) to transects were used to estimate folivore abundance before and after the cyclone. On this basis, there were no significant differences between pre‐ and post‐cyclone abundance estimates for any folivore species. Further, changes in folivore abundance after the cyclone were not correlated with damage to vegetation across sites. Cyclone Larry does not appear to have caused a catastrophic loss of key habitat resources for marsupial folivores at the sites surveyed. The high degree of folivory practiced by marsupial folivores may help make them resilient to cyclone impacts. These conclusions are more robust for three commonly observed folivore species (Hemibelideus lemuroides, Pseudochirulus herbertensis and Trichosurus vulpecula johnstonii) than for two less frequently encountered species (Pseudochirops archeri and Dendrolagus lumholtzi).  相似文献   

The significance of the apple blossom weevil, Anthonomus pomorum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), as a potential threat to apple, Malus domestica Borkh., has increased over the past two decades in many regions of Europe. The apple blossom weevil immigrates into orchards and colonises apple trees in early spring. Females deposit single eggs into closed blossom buds, which leads to capped blossoms. This study was designed to test the suitability of transparent shelter traps for the surveillance of colonisation under different population pressures, and to assess the quantitative relationship between number of weevils caught and: (1) absolute injury, expressed as number of infested buds, as well as (2) relative injury, expressed as a percentage of infested buds relative to all buds on the tree. The findings with the new shelter traps were contrasted to results from limb jarring. Numbers of weevils caught with the transparent shelter trap were positively correlated with absolute injury, as well as with relative injury across the five study sites, whereas weevil counts with limb jarring were not correlated with absolute injury, but only with relative injury. Our data validate the transparent shelter trap as a method for accurately monitoring the course of spring colonisation of A. pomorum and demonstrate its potential for predicting injury by the weevils to blossom buds. In contrast, the significance of limb jarring for monitoring both the time course of colonisation and subsequent injury is limited. The significant linear relationship between the number of weevils caught in shelter traps and the relative injury allows for predictions of potential damage before oviposition takes place, i.e., early enough for an insecticide application where necessary.  相似文献   

Abstract The possums and gliders of Australia and the lemurs of Madagascar are ideally suited for investigation of radiation and convergence in arboreal mammal communities because of their long history of independent radiation in similar biophysical environments. Possum and glider communities at 22 sites in Australia and lemur communities at 18 sites in Madagascar were compared to evaluate patterns of community and species convergence in two shared habitats (evergreen and deciduous monsoon rainforests) and three derived habitats (Australian eucalypt forests and heaths, and Malagasy thorn scrubs). Arboreal mammals were classified into five dietary guilds for comparison of community structure and species adaptation. There is little evidence of convergence in trophic structure at the community level, but strong evidence of convergence in dietary adaptation at the species and niche level. Malagasy rainforest communities were characterized by a higher proportion of frugivore-folivores, and Australian rainforest and moist eucalypt communities by a higher proportion of folivores and folivore-frugivores. Possum and glider communities in temperate eucalypt forests and heaths supported a higher proportion of nectarivores and exudivores. Overall species richness was significantly higher in Madagascar. Four hypotheses are erected to account for these differences. The relative scarcity of frugivores in Australian evergreen rainforests is accounted for by the predominance of bird-dispersed fruits, and fruiting phenologies unsuitable for mammal exploitation and dispersal. Higher folivore diversity in Australian evergreen rainforests is associated with a more pronounced seasonal shortage of edible fruits and new leaf, which has increased dependence on mature leaf. Folivore species richness is greatest in Australian moist eucalypt forests where structural complexity, sustained by serai responses to wildfire, permits a high level of vertical segregation. Increased nectarivory and exudivory in Australian temperate eucalypt forests and heaths is associated with Mediterranean winter rainfall regimes, which permit year round exudate production, and not with the absence of nectar feeding bats as previously supposed. A lower overall species richness in Australian rainforests is attributed to a longer history of contraction and fragmentation by anthropogenic fires (monsoon rainforests) and Pleistocene climatic change (tropical evergreen rainforests). A high degree of convergence is apparent between genera occupying folivore and wood gouging niches, in terms of gastrointestinal morphology (e.g. Pseudocheirus-Lepilemur) and dental morphology (e.g. Dactylopsila-Daubentonia). Divergences are most apparent in adaptations associated with frugivory, including larger body size, diurnality, and bipedal suspension and leaping modes of locomotion (in Eulemur spp.). This study highlights the importance of founding effects, competition from other vertebrate taxa, coevolution between animals and their food plants, and differences in biophysical environments, as determinants of mammalian radiation and convergence.  相似文献   

Abstract The eucalypt forests of temperate eastern Australia contrast with many forests in tropical Australia, Asia, Africa and Central America in terms of degrees of sclerophylly, concentrations of nutrients in foliage, types and amounts of chemical challenges posed for herbivores, and the range of alternatives to foliage as food. Comparisons between digestive strategies employed by arboreal herbivorous marsupials and primates inhabiting these forests reveal several trends: (i) foregut-fermenters occur only in tropical and sub-tropical forests, whereas caecum and caecum-colon fermenters occur in both temperate eucalypt and the tropical forests; (ii) the arboreal marsupials and primates (koalas, greater gliders, ringtail possums and sportive lemurs) that are the most folivorous are caecum or caecum-colon fermenters with colonic specializations for selective retention of small panicles of digesta; (iii) no caecum or caecum- colon fermenters lacking colonic separation mechanisms achieve consistently high degrees of folivory; (iv) even the most folivorous foregut-fermenting arboreal marsupials (tree kangaroos) or primates (colobus monkeys) include a substantial proportion of high-quality components (fruits or seeds) in their diet. Caecum or caecum-colon fermentation with colonic separation is postulated to be essential for a high degree of folivory in small mammals because it offsets potential limits on intake of high-fibre food and minimizes losses of faecal nitrogen that otherwise would be prohibitive. This digestive strategy is common among folivores in eucalypt forests because the low abundance of large seeds and fleshy fruits limits folivory-frugivory and folivory-granivory. Foregut fermentation employing a sacciform/ tubiform forestomach (as in tree kangaroos and colobus monkeys) is postulated to be optimal for mixed leaf/fruit and leaf/seed diets that are available in many tropical forests, assuming it allows high-fibre meals to be retained for microbial fermentation while permitting low-fibre meals to pass rapidly to the hindstomach for acid/enzymic digestion. However, foregut fermentation appears innappropriate for either primary frugivory or exclusive folivory due to the inefficiency of microbial digestion of simple sugars and constraints on microbial fermentation as a primary energy source for small mammals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Laysan ducks (Anas laysanensis) are restricted to approximately 9 km2 in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, USA. To evaluate the importance of density dependence for Laysan ducks, we conducted a Bayesian analysis to estimate the parameters of a Gompertz model and the magnitude of process variation and observation error based on the fluctuations in Laysan duck abundance on Laysan Island from 1994 to 2007. This model described a stationary distribution for the population at carrying capacity that fluctuates around a long-term mean of 456 ducks and is between 316 to 636 ducks 95% of the time. This range of expected variability can be used to identify changes in population size that warn of catastrophic events. Density-dependent population dynamics may explain the recovery of Laysan duck from catastrophic declines and allow managers to identify population monitoring thresholds.  相似文献   

In recent years, as a result of the process analytical technology initiative of the US Food and Drug Administration, many different works have been carried out on direct and in situ monitoring of critical parameters for mammalian cell cultures by Raman spectroscopy and multivariate regression techniques. However, despite interesting results, it cannot be said that the proposed monitoring strategies, which will reduce errors of the regression models and thus confidence limits of the predictions, are really optimized. Hence, the aim of this article is to optimize some critical steps of spectroscopic acquisition and data treatment in order to reach a higher level of accuracy and robustness of bioprocess monitoring. In this way, we propose first an original strategy to assess the most suited Raman acquisition time for the processes involved. In a second part, we demonstrate the importance of the interbatch variability on the accuracy of the predictive models with a particular focus on the optical probes adjustment. Finally, we propose a methodology for the optimization of the spectral variables selection in order to decrease prediction errors of multivariate regressions. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:308–316, 2017  相似文献   

Despite most neotropical marsupials have arboreal habits, methodological and analytical difficulties usually hamper the study of vertical movements of individuals. We used the spool-and-line technique to record height and incline of movements, escape behaviour and use of refuges by the opossum Micoureus paraguayanus (Tate, 1931) (Didelphimorphia, Didelphidae) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. A new index for measuring intensity of vertical use of space by individuals is introduced and applied to compare movements of males and females of M. paraguayanus. Activity on the ground was scarce and refuges were located exclusively above-ground. The lower stratum was the most used by individuals. Females had greater intensity of vertical use than males, exploring more the vertical axis of the forest. The results confirm arboreal habits of M. paraguayanus and demonstrate that males and females use differently the vertical dimension of habitat. The new index presented can be a valuable tool for studying use of space by arboreal small mammals.  相似文献   

《Ecological monographs》2011,81(4):557-580
How different are insights based on cross-sectional studies from those of longitudinal investigations? We addressed this question using a detailed case study encompassing a rare suite of inter-connected cross-sectional and longitudinal investigations that have spanned the past two decades and included work on: (1) the decay and collapse of large-cavity forest trees (termed “trees with hollows”), (2) populations of a suite of species of arboreal marsupials that are reliant on trees with hollows as nesting and denning sites, and (3) relationships between the abundance, type, and condition of trees with hollows and the presence, abundance, and species richness of these animals. Our case study was from the montane ash eucalypt forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, southeastern Australia. Our longitudinal studies led to new insights that either would not have been possible from a cross-sectional study, or which were unexpected because they did not conform, or only partially conformed, to postulated responses made at the outset based on the results of earlier research. These new insights included: (1) a substantial slowing in rates of tree fall between 1997 and 2006, which were significantly lower than predicted from earlier data gathered between 1983 and 1993, (2) no evidence for a decline in populations of almost all species of arboreal marsupials between 1997 and 2007, despite the loss of nearly 14% of the measured population of trees with hollows during that time, (3) changes in nest tree selection by some species of arboreal marsupials in response to these changes in hollow availability, (4) concentration effects, in which populations of animals used the declining tree hollow resource more intensively, and (5) evidence for significant rainfall effects on temporal changes in animal abundance. Our case study underscored the additional ecological insights that can be generated from longitudinal studies, including how relationships between biota and their habitat can change over time. Understanding these temporal changes is essential for informed forest management and biodiversity conservation, and points toward the need for greater use of longitudinal data sets in ecology.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the effects of tropical forest fragmentation indicate that fragmented landscapes are complex and heterogeneous systems influenced by factors other than the size or degree of isolation of forest remnants: of particular importance are the quality of the matrix and the edge-induced habitat changes. In order to investigate the influence of these factors, small mammals were surveyed in 36 sites in the landscape of Una, a region that encompasses some of the last and largest Atlantic Forest remnants in northeastern Brazil. Six sites were distributed on each of six landscape components – the interiors and edges of small remnants, the interiors and edges of large remnants, and the most common forested habitats found in the matrix. The survey comprised 46,656 trap-nights and yielded 1725 individuals of 20 species of rodents and marsupials. Results revealed: an increase in beta-diversity caused by fragmentation; the contrasting effects of the altered forested habitats of the matrix, which harbor both forest and disturbance-adapted species; a greater importance of edge effect than of patch size to the observed changes in small mammal community in remnants; an association among terrestrial forest species and among arboreal forest species in terms of the distribution and abundance in the Una mosaic; and a distinctive vulnerability of these two groups of species to fragmentation. Results emphasize the biological importance and conservation value of both fragmented landscapes and small remnants in the Atlantic Forest, as well as the importance of management techniques to control and attenuate edge effects.  相似文献   

Tree leaves are important food sources for arboreal herbivores, such as primates, rodents, and marsupials. These animals do not eat leaves randomly in habitats with many tree species but rather choose based on the chemical components of leaves, such as sugars, fibers, proteins, and toxins. However, the effects of the microscale distribution of these chemicals within each leaf have not been examined for these animals. The giant flying squirrels Petaurista leucogenys are entirely arboreal, nocturnal herbivores, usually feeding on leaves and dropping leaf debris on the ground after partially consuming them. Therefore, we could easily assess which species of trees and which parts of the individual leaves they preferred to eat. We also examined microscale distributions of phenolics, sugar, and water within individual leaves. Of the two dominant food tree species, the deciduous Quercus acutissima was preferred over the evergreen Q. sessilifolia. The latter tree is only used during winter to early spring when the former had no leaves. Our chemical analyses revealed that Q. acutissima contained much more glucose than Q. sessilifolia in all seasons. Three types of leaf debris, eaten apically, basally, or centrally with a hole, were found. In Q. sessilifolia, which had low phenolic concentrations, apical eating was most common, whereas central eating was rare. In Q. acutissima, which had high phenolics, basal or central eating was common. Central feeding may be caused by avoiding the periphery because of a higher phenolic concentration in the leaf margin. Thus, microscale distributions of phenolics within individual leaves affect which parts P. leucogenys eats, whereas leaf sugar concentration is an important factor affecting which species of leaves they eat.  相似文献   

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