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Lipase Pseudomonas cepacia (PS) catalyzed transesterification of ethyl 3-phenylpropanoate with eleven alcohols was investigated in three ionic liquids [ILs], [Bmim]BF4, [Bmim]PF6, and [Bmim]Tf2N, consisting of an identical cation and different anions. The yields were higher in hydrophobic ILs [Bmim]Tf2N (55–96%) and [Bmim]PF6 (22–95%), than in hydrophilic [Bmim]BF4 (0–19%). The incubation of lipase PS in hydrophobic ILs for a period of 20–300 days at room temperature resulted in an increased yield of 62–98% in [Bmim]Tf2N and 45–98% in [Bmim]PF6, respectively. The lipase PS-hydrophobic IL mixture was recycled five times without any decrease in the yield of the products. In another set of experiments, the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme was determined after incubation in each of the three ILs and in hexane for 20 days at room temperature. It was found to be 1.8- and 1.6-fold higher in [Bmim]Tf2N and [Bmim]PF6, respectively, remained unchanged in [Bmim]BF4 and was 1.6 times lower in hexane as compared to the non-incubated enzyme.  相似文献   



Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia infections of cystic fibrosis patients' lungs are often resistant to conventional antibiotic therapy. Protegrins are antimicrobial peptides with potent activity against many bacteria, including P. aeruginosa. The present study evaluates the correlation between protegrin-1 (PG-1) sensitivity/resistance and protegrin binding in P. aeruginosa and B. cepacia.  相似文献   

In this work, a novel approach for lipase immobilization was exploited. Lipase from Burkholderia cepacia was encapsulated into κ-carrageenan by co-extrusion method to form a liquid core capsule. The diameter of the encapsulated lipase was found to be in the range of 1.3–1.8 mm with an average membrane thickness of 200 μm and 5% coefficient of variance. The encapsulation efficiency was 42.6% and 97% moisture content respectively. The encapsulated lipase was stable between pH 6 and 9 and temperature until 50 °C. The encapsulated lipase was stable until disintegration of the carrier when stored at 27 °C and retained 72.3% of its original activity after 6 cycles of hydrolysis of p-NPP. The encapsulated lipase was stable in various organic solvents including methanol, ethanol, iso-propanol, n-hexane and n-heptane. Kinetic parameters Km and Vmax were found to be 0.22 mM and 0.06 μmol/min for free lipase and 0.25 mM and 0.05 μmol/min for encapsulated lipase respectively.  相似文献   

Modified Candida rugosa and Pseudomonas cepacia lipase (CRL and PCL) were co-lyophilized with two pairs of synthetic diastereoisomeric amphiphiles, d- and l-2-(2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxy-hexanoylamino)-propyl]-carbamoyl-propionylamino)-pentanedioic acid didodecyl ester (d- and l-BIG2C12CA); d- and l-2-(2,3,4,5,6-pentahydroxy-hexanoylamino)-pentanedioic acid didodecyl ester (d- and l-2C12GE). Enzyme activities of the modified lipase in the transesterification in organic solvent were evaluated. Both pairs of the diastereoisomeric amphiphiles showed enhanced enzyme activity in the transacetylation between racemic sulcatol and isopropenyl acetate in diisopropyl ether, catalyzed by the PCL-co-lyophilizate, by 19–48 fold when compared to the native lipase lyophilized from buffer alone independent of the stereochemistry of the amphiphiles, while in the case of the CRL-co-lyophilizate only the l-BIG2C12CA showed enhanced enzyme activity in the transbutyrylation between racemic solketal and vinyl butyrate in cyclohexane as high as 68–78 fold.  相似文献   

From a set of mixed carbon sources, 5-phenylvaleric acid (PV) and octanoic acid (OA), polyhydroxyalkanoic acid (PHA) was separately accumulated in the two pseudomonads Pseudomonas putida BM01 and Pseudomonas citronellolis (ATCC 13674) to investigate any structural difference between the two PHA accumulated under a similar culture condition using one-step culture technique. The resulting polymers were isolated by chloroform solvent extraction and characterized by fractional precipitation and differential scanning calorimetry. The solvent fractionation analysis showed that the PHA synthesized by P. putida was separated into two fractions, 3-hydroxy-5-phenylvalerate (3HPV))-rich PHA fraction in the precipitate phase and 3-hydroxyoctanoate (3HO)-rich PHA fraction in the solution phase whereas the PHA produced by P. citronellolis exhibited a rather little compositional separation into the two phases. According to the thermal analysis, the P. putida PHA exhibited two glass transitions indicative of the PHA not being homogeneous whereas the P. citronellolis PHA exhibited only one glass transition. It was found that the structural heterogeneity of the P. putida PHA was caused by a significant difference in the assimilation rate between PV and OA. The structural heterogeneity present in the P. putida PHA was also confirmed by a first order degradation kinetics analysis of the PHA in the cells. The two different first-order degradation rate constants (k1), 0.087 and 0.015/h for 3HO- and 3HPV-unit, respectively, were observed in a polymer system over the first 20 h of degradation. In the later degradation period, the disappearance rate of 3HO-unit was calculated to be 0.020 h. The k1 value of 0.083/h, almost the same as for the 3HO-unit in the P. putida PHA, was obtained for the P(3HO) accumulated in P. putida BM01 grown on OA as the only carbon source. In addition, the k1 value of 0.015/h for the 3HPV-unit in the P. putida PHA, was also close to 0.019/h for the P(3HPV) homopolymer accumulated in P. putida BM01 grown on PV plus butyric acid. On the contrary, the k1 values for the P. citronellolis PHA were determined to be 0.035 and 0.029/h for 3HO- and 3HPV-unit, respectively, thus these two relatively close values implying a random copolymer nature of the P. citronellolis PHA. In addition, the faster degradation of P(3HO) than P(3HPV) by the intracellular P. putida PHA depolymerase indicates that the enzyme is more specific against the aliphatic PHA than the aromatic PHA.  相似文献   

AZI1属于脂转移蛋白家族,它在拟南芥抵抗病原菌侵染过程中可能起着传递信号物质的作用。该实验以过表达和T-DNA插入突变体及野生型拟南芥植株为材料,通过RNA印迹、蛋白质免疫印迹和原位免疫组织化学方法,研究了拟南芥壬二酸诱导基因AZI1对丁香假单胞杆菌的抗性功能。结果表明:(1)AZI1基因可以被丁香假单胞杆菌、H2O2和乙烯利诱导,它可能参与水杨酸和乙烯介导的抗菌途径。(2)蛋白质免疫印迹实验结果显示,丁香假单胞杆菌侵染叶片的叶柄渗出液中存在AZI1蛋白及其同源物EARLI1,并能够与其他蛋白质形成复合体,说明AZI1有可能通过维管组织移动到个体的其他部位,与信号分子的转移有关。(3)AZI1及其同源物EARLI1主要在花序茎的木质化部位表达,过表达AZI1基因能够促进木质素的合成,提高拟南芥对丁香假单胞杆菌的抗性。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究以铜绿假单胞菌PAO1 (Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1,菌种编号ATCC15692)为对象,研究cntRLMN在锌离子摄取中的功能。【方法】在ΔznuBC的基础上,以同源重组的方法构建了cntRLMN的各种突变菌株,通过质粒接合转移的方法构建其互补菌株及lacZ转录融合报告菌株,运用β-半乳糖苷酶酶活检测研究了Zur蛋白对cntRLMN的转录调控,凝胶阻滞实验(EMSA)检验Zur蛋白与cnt启动子及cnt启动子的突变片段的体外结合,并进一步通过生长曲线分析对cntRLMN中cntR、cntL、cntN等基因的锌离子摄取功能进行了分析和鉴定。最终,通过构建大蜡螟幼虫的侵染模型来研究cntRLMN对铜绿假单胞菌毒力发挥的影响。【结果】lacZ转录融合的酶活分析显示cntRLMN受Zur蛋白的负调控,其表达以Zur蛋白依赖的方式受锌离子饥饿的诱导;EMSA实验的结果显示cntRLMN的启动子可以与His-Zur结合形成DNA-蛋白质复合体,结合位点为GCGTTATAGTATATCAT;生长曲线和大蜡螟幼虫侵染实验的分析结果显示ZnuBC和CntRLMN的功能存在互补性,仅znuBC和cntRLMN双缺失突变时菌株在限锌培养条件下的生长和对大蜡螟幼虫的毒性才受到显著抑制,说明CntRLMN代表另一种独立的锌离子摄取系统。【结论】cntRLMN是受Zur直接负调控的另一种独立的铜绿假单胞菌锌离子摄取系统,对铜绿假单胞菌毒力的发挥起重要作用。  相似文献   

研究不同调节剂作用下洋葱伯克霍尔德菌群(Burkholderia cepacia complex,Bcc)最低生长水分活度(water activity,Aw),及Aw对其生长曲线的影响.以氯化钠、甘油、蔗糖为调节剂,配制一系列Aw不同的胰酪大豆胨液体培养基,将3株Bcc分别接种其中32.5℃培养72 h,全自动生长曲...  相似文献   

A highly enantioselective l-menthyl acetate esterase was purified to homogeneity from Burkholderia cepacia ATCC 25416, with a recovery of 4.8% and a fold purification of 22.7. The molecular weight of the esterase was found to be 37 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The N-terminal amino acid sequence was “MGARTDA”, and there was no homology in contrast to other Burkholderia sp. esterases. This enzyme preferentially hydrolyzed short-chain fatty acid esters of menthol with high stereospecificity and high hydrolytic activity, while long-chain l-menthyl esters were poor substrates. Considered its substrate specificity and N-terminal sequence, this esterase was concluded as a new enzyme belonging to the carboxylesterase group (EC of esterase family. The optimum temperature and pH for enzyme activity using racemic menthyl acetate as substrate were 30 °C and 7.0, respectively. The esterase was more stable in the pH range of 7.0–9.0 and temperature range of 30–40 °C. Hydrolytic activity was enhanced by Ca2+, K+ and Mg2+, but completely inhibited by Hg2+, Cu2+, ionic detergents and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) at 0.01 M concentration.  相似文献   

为探讨解磷细菌Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis JW-SD2的解磷特性及条件,检测了该菌株对不同矿质磷酸盐的溶解能力,并研究了不同碳源、氮源、温度、p H、装液量及盐离子等营养、环境因素对其解磷能力的影响。结果表明,该菌株对Ca3(PO4)2的溶解能力强于Fe PO4和Al PO4,解磷量达7.43 mmol/L。以葡萄糖作为碳源,硫酸铵作为氮源该菌株具有最大的解磷能力。同时还发现,该菌株能够在温度20~35℃,p H 4~9,装液量1/5~4/5,Na Cl浓度0~3.0%保持3.0 mmol/L以上的解磷量,具有较强的环境适应能力。  相似文献   

从棉花根际分离的铁载体产生菌E1,其16SrDNA与Pseudomonas mosselii ATCCBAA-99的同源性为100%。采用三亲本杂交方法将携带转座子Tn5-1063的质粒pRL1063a导入E1中进行转座子插入诱变。利用CAS法,从1000个突变株中,筛选到一株铁载体合成缺失突变株E1-185。利用TAIL-PCR方法,扩增位于Tn5-1063两端的侧翼序列。测序结果表明,转座子插入到E1的cysI基因内。该基因与Pseudomonas entomophila L48的cysI同源性为96%,其CysI氨基酸序列相似性为97%。该基因与半胱氨酸的合成密切相关,而在加有半胱氨酸的CAS平板上,突变株恢复了铁载体产生能力,证明cysI在E1铁载体合成过程中具有重要作用。据推测,cysI可能与铁载体合成途径中关键蛋白acyl-S-PCPs的形成有关。  相似文献   

[背景]磷是植物生长所必需的大量元素,但绝大多数不能被植物吸收利用。然而溶磷微生物能够分泌有机酸来溶解土壤中难溶性磷,提高土壤中磷的利用率,促进植物生长,提高作物的产量和品质。[目的]探究高效解磷荧光假单胞菌CLW17菌株的pqqE和GDH基因的生理学功能。[方法]利用生物在线软件对2个基因编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析。利用同源重组技术分别获得pqqE和GDH基因缺失突变株(CLW17ΔpqqE,CLW17ΔGDH),并使用接合转移的方式获得回补菌株(ΔpqqE/pqqE,ΔGDH/GDH)。分别采用NBRIP培养基、钼锑抗比色法及高压液相色谱法(HPLC)对野生型、突变株及互补株的溶磷及产有机酸能力进行检测。[结果]pqqE和GDH基因编码氨基酸数目分别为390和803,均无信号肽。pqqE无跨膜结构域,而GDH预测有5个跨膜结构域。pqqE和GDH基因是CLW17菌株的溶磷相关基因,2个基因的缺失均使该菌株的溶磷能力显著下降,而回补株可以恢复溶磷能力。CLW17野生株能分泌多种有机酸,其中葡萄糖酸(gluconic acid,GA)含量最多,其次是乙酸;但敲除株产有机酸的能力明显降低...  相似文献   

【目的】对从2020–2022年不同日化产品中分离的29株洋葱伯克霍尔德氏菌复合群(Burkholderia cepacia complex,Bcc)进行分类和分型,另将2020年前来源于日化产品中6株被鉴定为Burkholderia lata的菌株进行分类更正。探究神秘伯克霍尔德氏菌(Burkholderia aenigmatica)的耐药性。【方法】本文主要应用多位点分型研究方法(multilocus sequence typing,MLST),PCR扩增atpD、gltB、gyrB、recA、lepA、phaC和trp B 7个管家基因片段,将测序结果与MLST数据库中的数据比对分析,获得菌株各管家基因的编号和ST型(sequence type),对本检测中心分离自日化产品的Bcc进行分型;利用多位点序列分析(multilocus sequence analysis,MLSA),结合MLST中等位基因的核苷酸序列构建进化树,从而对Bcc进行系统发育分析和鉴定。利用最小抑菌浓度法(minimum inhibitory concentration,MIC)测定Bcc对常见防腐剂(1,...  相似文献   

锌作为一种结构、催化和信号的成分,在许多生理过程中起着关键的作用.它也是病原微生物生长所必需的,不但参与病原微生物代谢和各种毒力因子的调控,而且是病原微生物在宿主中感染和定殖所必需的.铜绿假单胞菌侵染宿主发挥毒力时,宿主会采取营养免疫的策略来限制体内环境中游离的锌离子浓度而抑制该病原菌的感染和定殖.反过来,铜绿假单胞菌...  相似文献   

An extracellular Pseudomonas cepacia lipase, LipA, is inactive when expressed in the absence of the product of the limA gene. Evidence has been presented that LimA is a molecular chaperone. The lipA and limA genes have been cloned in separate and independently inducible expression systems in Escherichia coli. These systems were used to test the molecular chaperone hypothesis by investigating whether LimA could activate presynthesized prelipase and whether presynthesized LimA could activate newly synthesized prelipase. The results show that LimA cannot activate presynthesized prelipase and that presynthesized LimA can activate only a limited number of de novo synthesized prelipase molecules. Co-immunoprecipitation of prelipase/lipase with LimA generated a 1:1 complex of prelipase/lipase and LimA. The results suggest that a 1:1 complex of LipA and LimA is required for prelipase processing and secretion of active lipase.  相似文献   

类产碱假单胞菌杀虫蛋白的激光拉曼光谱研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
类产碱假单胞菌是一种新发现的昆虫病原微生物,其代谢产生的杀虫蛋白对蝗虫具有较强的毒杀作用,经由杀虫蛋白的水和重水溶液的拉曼光谱,按照Lippert的方法计算它的二级结构含量,β折叠含量为58%,无规卷曲为34%,侧链C—C—S—S—C—C构型为反式-扭曲-反式.它的酪氨酸残基大部分暴露在分子表面,小部分埋藏在疏水环境中.并讨论了杀虫蛋白结构有可能导致的杀虫机理.  相似文献   

The solvent effects of cyclopentyl methyl ether (CPME) on the reaction rates and enzyme enantioselectivity in the enantioselective transesterifications of racemic 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-ol (racemic sulcatol: SUL) and racemic 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolane-4-methanol (racemic solketal: SOL) with a series of enol esters catalyzed by Pseudomonas cepacia lipase co-lyophilized with cyclodextrins (-, -, -, partially methylated -,and 2,3,6-tri-O-methyl--cyclodextrin: CyD; CyD; CyD; Me1.78 CyD; Me3CyD) were investigated and compared with those in diisopropyl ether (IPE). In the case of SUL, enzyme activities of the co-lyophilizate with Me1.78 CyD in CPME were lower than those in IPE with every acyl source, however, the absolute enantiopreference was shown in the transesterification with vinyl butyrate (VBR) in IPME. When the substrates were SOL and VBR, the enzyme activities in CPME were greatly enhanced as high as 1.6–9.8-fold, while the enantioselectivities in CPME were comparable to those in IPE.Revisions requested 16 December 2004; Revisions received 17 January 2005  相似文献   

考察维拉帕米对铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA)群体感应(Quorum sensing, QS)的抑制作用。测定维拉帕米最小抑菌浓度(Minimal inhibit concentration,MIC) ;构建培养环境,考察维拉帕米对PA生长的影响,绘制生长曲线;毒力因子表达实验中,分别考察维拉帕米对PA弹性蛋白酶表达、蛋白水解酶表达和绿脓毒素表达的影响。结果表明,维拉帕米MIC50为128 μg/mL,MIC90为512 μg/mL,最低抑菌质量浓度范围为128~512 μg/mL时,具有较好抑菌活性;生长曲线表明,维拉帕米质量浓度为16 μg/mL时,开始抑制PA的生长,随着浓度的增加,抑制作用逐渐增大;当维拉帕米质量浓度为512、256、128、64、32、16 μg/mL时,明显抑制弹性蛋白酶表达(P<0.01),质量浓度为8 μg/mL时,对弹性蛋白酶有一定抑制作用(P<0.05),维拉帕米质量浓度为512、256、128、64、32 μg/mL时,明显抑制蛋白水解酶的活性和绿脓毒素的表达(P<0.01),当质量浓度为16 μg/mL时,对蛋白水解酶活性和绿脓毒素的表达有一定抑制作用(P<0.05);维拉帕米对QS的抑制有浓度依赖。维拉帕米对PA的QS有明显抑制作用,体外可明显抑制PA生长,可作为抗菌增效的潜在开发药物。  相似文献   

【目的】铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)是常见于医院感染的条件致病革兰氏阴性细菌,其群体感应信号3-氧代十二烷酰基高丝氨酸内酯(3-oxo-dodecanoyl-homoserine lactone,3OC12-HSL)可作为铜绿假单胞菌感染的生物标志物。本研究期望开发针对3OC12-HSL的冻干无细胞生物传感器,以实现临床铜绿假单胞菌感染的快速诊断。【方法】首先构建报告质粒以重建3OC12-HSL的应答过程,而后将该质粒加入冻干无细胞表达系统中以实现生物传感器的制备;接着利用梯度浓度的3OC12-HSL表征该传感器的灵敏度与动力学特征,并测试其底物特异性;最后通过临床样本测试验证其效果,并优化临床样本的预处理方法。【结果】本研究构建的冻干无细胞生物传感器能够在60 min内实现对临床呼吸道样本中铜绿假单胞菌感染的诊断,具有高灵敏度和高特异性。【结论】本研究构建了针对3OC12-HSL的冻干无细胞生物传感器,并借助RNase抑制蛋白预表达的策略提升了其对体液样本的耐受性,最终证明其具备开发成临床铜绿假单胞菌感染的快速检测方法的潜力。  相似文献   

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