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Senescence of flowers of Petunia hybrida Vilm. cv Gypsy is characterizedby colour changes, wilting and abscission. In emasculated detachedflowers the onset of these processes is hastened by any treatmentwhich reduces the vigour of the stigma. Thus pricking it, excisingsegments, or freezing with liquid nitrogen all reduce the timeto morphological changes associated with corolla senescence.Removal of the stigma has the most dramatic effect, reducinglifespan of the flower by about 50 per cent, to 3 d. This reductioncan be lessened if IAA or 2,4-D is applied to the cut surfaceof the style. In intact flowers, the style may usually be implicatedin the production of a stimulus leading to corolla abscission,but abscission will also occur in the absence of the style.Some senescence acceleration takes place not only in the completeabsence of the style, but also when the upper part of the ovaryhas been excised in addition. The speeding up of senescenceand of corolla abscission cannot be due solely to damage perse since when the corolla limb was excised, leaving only thecorolla tube, the tube abscised at about the same time as thecontrols, despite the quite extensive wounding. This also impliesthat the distal parts of the corolla do not play a major rolein the development of the abscission zone at the base of thecorolla tube. A healthy, undamaged stigma appears to be very important incorolla longevity and one of its roles may be to prevent theproduction of an abscission/wilting stimulus by some other componentof the flower. Possibly auxins in the stigma are important inthat either they are mobile and protect the abscission zoneor they create a sink for other substances which are implicatedin flower senescence. Petunia hybrida, abscission, auxins (IAA, 2,4-D), corolla, flower senescence, stigma, style, wilting  相似文献   

Flower Development in Petunia   总被引:14,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文

Dear Editor, The pathways of ethylene biosynthesis and signaling have been studied in detail (Ji and Guo, 2013). Arabidopsis REVERSION-TO-ETHYLENE SENSITIVITY1 (RTE1), interacting with ETR1, and its homologs tomato GREEN RIPE (SlGR) and SlGRL1, and rice OsRTH1 negatively regulate the ethylene signaling (Barry and Giovannoni, 2006, Resnick et al., 2006; Dong et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2012). A newly published study suggested that a cytochrome b5 and RTE1 are functional partners in promoting ETRl-mediated repression of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis (Chang et al., 2014). However, AtRTH, RTE1 homolog in Arabidopsis, and its closest homolog in the tomato, SlGRL2 (GR-like2), do not play a role in ethylene signaling (Dong et al., 2010), and the function of the homologs of these members is not well known.  相似文献   

The roles of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) and ethylene in interorgan signaling during senescence in orchid (Cymbidium) flowers were investigated. Following application of radiolabeled ACC to the stigma or the rostellum (modified lobe of the stigma), radiolabeled ethylene is produced by all flower parts. In intact flowers as well as in excised central columns, stigma- or rostellum-applied ACC or [alpha]-aminoisobutyric acid were largely immobile. Local treatment of the central column of previously aminoethoxyvinylglycine-treated flowers with either ethylene or 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethephon) rapidly induced emission of ethylene from the petals, showing that ethylene is readily translocated within the flower. Creation of alternative outlets (incisions) in the labellum or the central column significantly delayed the occurrence of senescence symptoms in ACC-treated flowers. The results do not confirm the presumed role of ACC as a signal in interorgan communication during flower senescence. In these flowers, ethylene produced in the stigmatic region following pollination or emasculation serves as a mobile factor responsible for senescence symptoms observed in other flower parts.  相似文献   

以27个上海交通大学自育矮牵牛新种质为研究材料,对花色这一重要观赏性状及其花色素进行了系统研究。用RHSCC比色和色差仪测色方法描述了矮牵牛的花色表型,通过特征显色反应初步判断了矮牵牛的花色素类型,以标准曲线法和pH示差法等方法测定了矮牵牛3类花色素的含量。研究表明:这27个矮牵牛种质的花色可归于5个色系,以紫红色和红色为主;矮牵牛花色在CIELab表色系统中分布较广,而且不同色系花色参数的区分度较大。矮牵牛花瓣中含有类黄酮和花色苷,不含或含少量类胡萝卜素。13个被测种质的花瓣类黄酮含量在2.5~12.2 mg·/g–1 ·FW之间,花色苷含量在0.08~3.88 mg·g–1 FWmg/g·FW之间,而类胡萝卜素在矮牵牛花瓣中含量很低,远远低于类黄酮含量,在7个被测种质中,最高仅为0.216 mg·g–1 FWmg/g·FW,最低为0.004 mg·g–1 FWmg/g·FW。以上结果显示,5个色系矮牵牛所含花色素种类不尽相同,含量也有明显差异,其中紫红色系和红色系花瓣大多不含或含极少量类胡萝卜素,黄色系、白色系和紫色系花瓣的类黄酮含量较高,紫色系和紫红色系花瓣花色苷含量较高。  相似文献   

花的衰老与切花保鲜   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李宪章 《植物学报》1994,11(4):26-32

Flower senescence is the terminal phase of developmental processes that lead to the death of flower, which include, flower wilting, shedding of flower parts and fading of blossoms. Since it is a rapid process as compared to the senescence of other parts of the plant it therefore provides excellent model system for the study of senescence. During flower senescence, developmental and environmental stimuli enhance the upregulation of catabolic processes causing breakdown and remobilization of cellular constituents. Ethylene is well known to play regulatory role in ethylene-sensitive flowers while in ethylene-insensitive flowers abscisic acid (ABA) is thought to be primary regulator. Subsequent to perception of flower senescence signal, death of petals is accompanied by the loss of membrane permeability, increase in oxidative and decreased level of protective enzymes. The last stages of senescence involve the loss of of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), proteins and organelles, which is achieved by activation of several nucleases, proteases and wall modifiers. Environmental stimuli such as pollination, drought and other stresses also affect senescence by hormonal imbalance. In this article we have covered the following: perception mechanism and specificity of flower senescence, flower senescence-associated events, like degradation of cell membranes, proteins and nucleic acids, environmental/external factors affecting senescence, like pollination and abiotic stress, hormonal and non-hormonal regulation of flower/petal senescence and finally the senescence associated genes (SAGs) have also been described.Key Words: environmental factors, ethylene, flowers, petals, plant hormones, pollination, programmed cell death, senescence, senescence-associated genes  相似文献   

乙烯受体是乙烯信号转导网络的第一个转导元件,通过调控受体基因的表达,可以调节植物对乙烯的敏感性,以调控果实的成熟及花衰老进程的响应.随着人们对乙烯受体研究的深入,乙烯受体突变体及受体抑制剂在采后果实和切花保鲜上的应用已受到广泛关注.就近年来关于乙烯受体的相关研究进展进行综述,重点介绍了乙烯受体的分子调控机制及乙烯受体在...  相似文献   

Summary The chloroplast (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs of Petunia somatic hybrid plants, which were derived from the fusion of wild-type P. parodii protoplasts with albino P. inflata protoplasts, were analyzed by endonuclease restriction and Southern blot hybridization. Using 32P-labelled probes that distinguished the two parental cpDNAs at a BamH1 site and at a HpaII site, only the P. parodii chloroplast genome was detected in the 10 somatic hybrid plants analyzed. To examine whether cytoplasmic mixing had resulted in rearrangement of the mitochondrial genome in the somatic hybrids, restriction patterns of purified somatic hybrid and parental mtDNAs were analyzed. Approximately 87% of those restriction fragments which distinguish the two parental genomes are P. inflata-specific. Restriction patterns of the somatic hybrid mtDNAs differ both from the parental patterns and from each other, suggesting that an interaction occurred between the parental mitochondrial genomes in the somatic fusion products which resulted in generation of the novel mtDNA patterns. Southern blot hybridization substantiates this conclusion. In addition, somatic hybrid lines derived from the same fusion product were observed to differ in mtDNA restriction pattern, reflecting a differential sorting-out of mitochondrial genomes at the time the plants were regenerated.  相似文献   

The initiation, progression, and natural variation of autumn senescence in European aspen (Populus tremula) was investigated by monitoring chlorophyll degradation in (1) trees growing in natural stands and (2) cloned trees growing in a greenhouse under various light regimes. The main trigger for the initiation of autumn senescence in aspen is the shortening photoperiod, but there was a large degree of variation in the onset of senescence, both within local populations and among trees originating from different populations, where it correlated with the latitude of their respective origins. The variation for onset of senescence with a population was much larger than the variation of bud set. Once started, autumn senescence was accelerated by low temperature and longer nights, and clones that started to senescence late had a faster senescence. Bud set and autumn senescence appeared to be under the control of two independent critical photoperiods, but senescence could not be initiated until a certain time after bud set, suggesting that bud set and growth arrest are important for the trees to acquire competence to respond to the photoperiodic trigger to undergo autumn senescence. A timetable of events related to bud set and autumn senescence is presented.  相似文献   

The progeny of somatic hybrid Petunia plants derived from the fusion of a male-fertile line and a cytoplasmic male-sterile (cms) line were examined. Male-fertile progeny derived from three different male-sterile somatic hybrid plants did not exhibit the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) arrangement which has previously been correlated with cms in Petunia. The cms-associated mtDNA arrangement was present in the male-sterile predecessors of these fertile revertants. Thus, it is concluded that the loss of this mtDNA arrangement is associated with reversion to fertility in the progeny of the unstable somatic hybrid petunia plants.  相似文献   

Ethylene production and floral senescence following compatible and incompatible pollinations were studied in a self-incompatible species, Petunia inflata. Both compatible and incompatible pollinations resulted in a burst of ethylene synthesis that peaked 3 hours after pollination. P. inflata pollen was found to carry large amounts of the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). The amount of pollen-held ACC varied in different genetic backgrounds, and the magnitude of the peak correlated with the amount of ACC borne by the pollen. Aminooxyacetic acid (AOA), an inhibitor of ACC synthesis, had no inhibitory effect on this ethylene response, indicating that pollen-borne ACC was largely responsible for the early synthesis of ethylene. After compatible pollination, a second increase in ethylene synthesis began at 18 hours, and the first sign of senescence appeared at 36 hours. Upon treatment with AOA, the second phase of ethylene production was reduced by 95%, indicating that endogenous ACC synthesis was required for this phase of ethylene synthesis. AOA treatment also delayed senescence to 6 days after anthesis. After incompatible pollination, a second increase in ethylene production did not occur until 3 days, and the first sign of senescence occurred 12 hours later. Unpollinated flowers showed an increase in ethylene production 3 to 4 days after anthesis and displayed signs of senescence 1 day later. The significance of the early and late phases of pollination-induced ethylene synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

花衰老相关的乙烯信号转导基因研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乙烯在许多切花衰老过程中起着重要的调节作用,不同的植物乙烯信号转导组分在花衰老过程中有不同的转录调节特性。根据乙烯信号转导标准模式,通过调节乙烯信号转导基因表达能够调控花对乙烯的敏感性,深入研究乙烯信号转导机制;可能有多条途径可延缓切花衰老。综述了香石竹和月季等几种观赏植物在花衰老过程中乙烯受体和乙烯信号转导基因表达及特性。  相似文献   

An excised tissue system consisting of corolla rib segments was developed to study the relationship between senescence and ethylene production in morning-glory flowers (Ipomoea tricolor). Such segments, isolated 1 or 2 days (day −1 or day −2) before flower opening (day 0) passed through the same developmental phases as did the corresponding tissues of the intact organ. When excised on day −1 and incubated overnight, the rib segments turned from purple to blue and changed from a slightly curled to a flat configuration. On day 0, these segments rolled up during the afternoon and turned purple again, as did the ribs of an intact corolla; the rolling up coincided with an increased rate of ethylene production. Premature rolling up and associated ethylene evolution were induced by ethylene or propylene treatment. When segments were excised on day −2 and incubated overnight, there were no changes in color or shape; during day −1, no spontaneous rolling up and little ethylene evolution occurred. Application of ethylene or propylene to these immature segments elicited rolling up but did not stimulate endogenous ethylene production.  相似文献   

芍药花开放与衰老过程中生理指标的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以芍药品种‘红峰’为材料,对芍药花开放与衰老过程中不同发育时期的膜脂过氧化水平和内源激素(IAA、GA3、iPA、ZR、ABA、Eth)含量的动态变化进行了比较研究。结果显示,芍药花开放过程花瓣SOD活性先升高后下降,而丙二醛含量和细胞膜透性显著增加;随着花开放和衰老花瓣中IAA、iPA含量迅速下降而后小幅回升出现一峰值,开放后又下降;GA3、ZR含量迅速下降维持在较低水平,而衰老后ABA含量和Eth释放量显著增加。结果表明,芍药花开放与衰老过程受内源激素平衡的调节,ABA的积累促进了内源Eth的增加,ABA和Eth与IAA/ABA比率在芍药花的衰老过程中起着关键作用,细胞膜脂过氧化损伤可能是芍药花衰老的重要生理原因。  相似文献   

表油菜素内酯对月季切花衰老的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
0.5mg·L~(-1)表油菜素内酯明显缓解水分对月季切花的胁迫,促进切花体内水分平衡的改善和还原糖含量的增加,抑制花瓣溶质外渗,从而延缓切花衰老。  相似文献   

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