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Several aquaporins (a family of integral membrane proteins) have been recently identified in the mammalian gastrointestinal tract, and their involvement in the movement of fluid and small solutes has been suggested. In this direction we investigated, in some regions of the rat gastrointestinal tract, the presence and localization of aquaporin-6, given its peculiar function as an ion selective channel.  相似文献   

L-Carnitine dissimilation in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results of previous studies in this laboratory and others have suggested that L-carnitine is degraded in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat, perhaps by the action of indigenous flora. L-[methyl-14C]Carnitine was administered to rats either orally or intravenously in doses of 86 nmol or 124 mumol, and expired air, 48-h urine and fecal collections, and selected tissues at 48 h after isotope administration were examined for radiolabeled carnitine and metabolites. Urine and feces of rats receiving oral L-[methyl-14C]carnitine consistently contained two radiolabeled metabolites which were identified as trimethylamine N-oxide (primarily in urine) and gamma-butyrobetaine (primarily in feces). In these rats, these metabolites accounted for up to 23% and 31% of the administered dose, respectively. By contrast, for rats receiving intravenous L-[methyl-14C]carnitine or germ-free rats receiving the isotope orally or intravenously, virtually all of the radioactivity recovered was in the form of carnitine. Analyses for 14CO2 and [14C]trimethylamine in expired air revealed little or no (less than 0.1% of dose) conversion to these compounds, regardless of size of dose or route of administration. Results of this study demonstrate conclusively that L-carnitine is degraded in the gastrointestinal tract of the rat and that indigenous flora are responsible for these transformations.  相似文献   

The serine proteinase glandular kallikrein has been demonstrated in the gastrointestinal tract, although there is some doubt as to whether it is synthesized there or derives from exocrine-gland secretions. Using a rat pancreatic kallikrein cRNA probe we have demonstrated kallikrein-like gene expression in the corpus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, caecum and colon, and compared the pattern of expression with that of the gastrointestinal peptides somatostatin, gastrin and glucagon. In addition, using a panel of oligonucleotide probes specific for various members of the rat kallikrein-gene family, we have shown that the kallikrein-like gene expressed appears to be expressed as true kallikrein.  相似文献   

Spirochetes are structurally unique microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tracts of most mammals. In an attempt to determine the ecological status of these bacteria, enumeration and distribution of morphologically distinct spirochetes were studied in the tracts of conventional laboratory rats. Five different types were seen to colonize infant rats between 19 and 26 days of age and subsequently to form stable communities in all 15 adults examined. Two types were found predominantly in lumen contents of the large bowel. The other three were consistently seen in the mucous blanket, attached to enterocyte surfaces or deep in the glands of the cecum and proximal colon. One type inhabiting the mucosal environment was also seen to pass into and through epithelial cells with no detectable host response. We conclude that spirochetes fulfill all the criteria for autochthonicity to the rat gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The results of the immunophoretic analysis of H. pylori antigenic structure are presented. Along with H. pylori O-antigen, specific surface antigen of acidic nature, relatively thermolabile with characteristics similar to those of K-antigens, was detected. A diagnosticum based on the coagglutination test for the rapid detection of H. pylori specific antigens in the patients' biological fluids (coprofiltrate, saliva) by the noninvasive method was developed. The circulation mode of H. pylori in human body and its correlation with the clinical symptoms of the disease was shown. H. pylori antigens were very frequently detected (in 65 - 83% of cases) in patients with acute bacterial enteric infections: shigellosis, salmonellosis, yersiniosis, campylobacteriosis. The newly developed method seems to be promising for the rapid diagnosis of H. pylori associated infections, for the prolonged monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy.  相似文献   

Expression and localization of aquaporins in rat gastrointestinal tract   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A family of water-selective channels, aquaporins (AQP), has beendemonstrated in various organs and tissues. However, the localizationand expression of the AQP family members in the gastrointestinal tracthave not been entirely elucidated. This study aimed to demonstrate theexpression and distribution of several types of the AQP family and tospeculate on their role in water transport in the rat gastrointestinal tract. By RNase protection assay, expression of AQP1-5 and AQP8 was examined in various portions through the gastrointestinal tract.AQP1 and AQP3 mRNAs were diffusely expressed from esophagus to colon,and their expression was relatively intense in the small intestine andcolon. In contrast, AQP4 mRNA was selectively expressed in the stomachand small intestine and AQP8 mRNA in the jejunum and colon.Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization demonstrated cellularlocalization of these AQP in these portions. AQP1 was localized onendothelial cells of lymphatic vessels in the submucosa and laminapropria throughout the gastrointestinal tract. AQP3 was detected on thecircumferential plasma membranes of stratified squamous epithelialcells in the esophagus and basolateral membranes of cardiac glandepithelia in the lower stomach and of surface columnar epithelia in thecolon. However, AQP3 was not apparently detected in the smallintestine. AQP4 was present on the basolateral membrane of the parietalcells in the lower stomach and selectively in the basolateral membranesof deep intestinal gland cells in the small intestine. AQP8 mRNAexpression was demonstrated in the absorptive columnar epithelial cellsof the jejunum and colon by in situ hybridization. These findings mayindicate that water crosses the epithelial layer through these waterchannels, suggesting a possible role of the transcellular route forwater intake or outlet in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Summary Gastrin and cholecystokinin (CCK) cells of the rat gastrointestinal tract have been studied by immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoanalysis. With antisera directed against the COOH-terminal tetrapeptide sequence, which is common to gastrin and CCK, three distinct endocrine cell types are detected. One of the cell types predominates in the antrum, is scarce in the rest of the gut and corresponds to the gastrin cell. The second cell type is virtually confined to the duodenum and jejunum and corresponds to the CCK cell. The third cell type occurs disseminated in the small intestines, predominates in the ileum, and reacts with COOH-terminus-specific antisera only following diethylpyrocarbonate and not following formaldehyde fixation. It is possible that the third cell type stores a third member of the gastrin-CCK family of gut hormones.  相似文献   

Microbial catabolic capacity in digesta from the gastrointestinal tract of pigs fed either dry feed or fermented liquid feed (FLF) was determined with the PhenePlate multisubstrate system. The in vitro technique was modified to analyze the kinetics of substrate catabolism mediated by the standing stock of enzymes (potential rates of fermentation), allowing a quantitative evaluation of the dietary effect on the catabolic capacity of the microbiota. In total, the potential rates of fermentation were significantly reduced in digesta from the large intestine (cecum, P < 0.1; colon, P < 0.01; and rectum, P < 0.0001) of pigs fed FLF compared to pigs fed dry feed. No effect of diet was observed in the stomach (P = 0.71) or the distal part of the small intestine (P = 0.97). The highest rates of fermentation and the most significant effect of diet were observed for readily fermentable carbohydrates like maltose, sucrose, and lactose. Feeding FLF to pigs also led to a reduction in the large intestine of the total counts of anaerobic bacteria in general and lactic acid bacteria specifically, as well as of microbial activity, as determined by the concentration of ATP and short-chain fatty acids. The low-molecular-weight carbohydrates were fermented mainly to lactic acid in the FLF before being fed to the animals. This may have limited microbial nutrient availability in the digesta reaching the large intestine of pigs fed FLF and may have caused the observed reduction in activity and density of the cecal and colonic microbial population. On the other hand, feeding FLF to pigs reduced the viable counts of coliform bacteria (indicator of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp.) most profoundly in the stomach and the distal part of the small intestine, probably due to the bactericidal effect of lactic acid and low pH. The results presented clearly demonstrate that feeding FLF to pigs had a great impact on the indigenous microbiota, as reflected in bacterial numbers, short-chain fatty acid concentration, and substrate utilization. However, completely different mechanisms may be involved in the proximal and the distal parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The present study illustrates the utility of the PhenePlate system for quantifying the catabolic capacity of the indigenous gastrointestinal tract microbiota.  相似文献   

Distribution of bombesin binding sites in the rat gastrointestinal tract   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In an attempt to identify potential target sites for the satiety action of bombesin (BN), the distribution and pharmacological specificity of bombesin binding sites were examined in the rat gastrointestinal tract by in vitro autoradiography utilizing (125I-Tyr4) bombesin. Specific BN binding was localized to the circular muscle level of the gastric fundus and antrum, submucosal layer of the small intestine and longitudinal and circular muscle and submucosal layers of the colon. Pharmacological studies indicated that gastrin releasing peptide (GRP), Ac-GRP20-27 and BN-like compounds, litorin and ranatensin, inhibited the binding of (125I-Tyr4)BN with high affinity while compounds which lacked COOH-terminal homology with BN demonstrated a low affinity for BN binding sites. The wide distribution of BN binding sites in the gastrointestinal tract provides a number of potential sites for the mediation of the satiety action of BN.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal injury usually starts in the superficial mucosa. We investigated whether leukocyte-endothelial interactions were greater in the gastrointestinal mucosa than the submucosa and muscularis in control tissue and after upregulation of adhesion molecules with endotoxin and after chemical insult with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Inactin-anesthetized rats were given either endotoxin, flurbiprofen, or nitric oxide (NO)-flurbiprofen, after which ICAM-1 and P-selectin expression was measured with the dual-label antibody technique. Leukocyte-endothelial interactions in the different gastric layers were assessed after endotoxin using intravital microscopy. Endotoxin caused a two- to threefold increase in ICAM-1 expression in the stomach and duodenum. There was, however, a gradient in expression across the gut wall with the level of expression in the superficial mucosa (per g) being only 10-25% of that in the deeper layers in both control and endotoxin-treated animals. Constituitive expression of P-selectin in control animals was barely detectable. Endotoxin caused a modest increase in mucosal P-selectin but a very significant increase in the deeper layers. Flurbiprofen caused a slight upregulation of ICAM-1 in the gastric mucosa and duodenum, whereas NO-flurbiprofen had no affect on expression. Intravital microscopy revealed no adhesion and virtually no leukocyte rolling in the vessels of the gastric mucosa despite endotoxin treatment. There was, however, some adhesion and significant leukocyte rolling in the submucosa and muscularis. Thus the superficial gastric and duodenal mucosal microcirculations have a much lower density of ICAM-1 and P-selectin and less leukocyte-endothelial interactions than occurs in the deeper layers of the gut wall even during stimulated upregulation with endotoxin.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of GABAB-receptors was demonstrated in the rat gastrointestinal tract using a monoclonal antibody (GB-1) raised against the purified GABAB-receptor. Immunoreactive staining for GABAB-receptors was found in some populations of endocrine, muscular and neuronal components in the stomach and gut wall. Positive mucosal epithelial, probably endocrine, cells were distributed throughout the stomach and intestine. Double immunostaining indicated that such positive cells for GABAB-receptors often co-possessed serotonin in the small intestine but not in the gastric body. In the muscular layer of the digestive canal, positive staining was seen as dotty granules punctuated on the surface of muscle fibers. In the enteric nervous system, positive neuronal somata were found in both submucosal and myenteric ganglia throught the entire canal extending from the stomach to the rectum. This is the first report to visualize the cellular localization of GABAB-receptors in the gastrointestinal system of the rat, and should provide a fundamental basis for future studies on gastrointestinal functions regulated by GABAB-receptors. Special issue dedicated to Dr. Kinya Kuriyama.  相似文献   

: In order to study the role of prostaglandin in the regulation of the gastrointestinal functions, gene expression of prostaglandin receptors along the rat gastrointestinal tracts were investigated.

: Rats were used for the study. The combination of counterflow elutriation separation of mucosal cells and Northern blot analysis was used to detect the gene expression of prostaglandin receptors in gastrointestinal tracts.

: In small intestine and colon, prostaglandin E2 EP1 and EP3 receptor mRNAs were mainly localized in the deeper intestinal wall containing muscle layers. EP4 receptor gene expression, on the other hand, was detected in the intestinal mucosal layer.

In the stomach, EP1 mRNA was detected in gastric muscle layers, whereas EP3 and EN receptor gene expression was mainly present in the gastric mucosal layer containing epithelial cells. In gastric epithelial cells, parietal cells were found to have both EP3 and EP4 receptors. At lower concentrations, prostaglandin E2 inhibited gastric acid secretion by parietal cells probably through EP4 receptors. At higher concentrations, however, it stimulated it. On the other hand, mucous cells possessed only EP4 receptor mRNA.

: Thus, it is suggested that prostaglandin E2 modulates gastrointestinal functions through at least three different prostaglandin receptors (EP1, EP3, and EP4), each of which has a distinct distribution in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a specialized sensory system that detects and responds to constant changes in nutrient- and bacterial-derived intestinal signals, thus contributing to controls of food intake. Chronic exposure to dietary fat causes morphological, physiological and metabolic changes leading to disruptions in the regulatory feeding pathways promoting more efficient fat absorption and utilization, blunted satiation signals and excess adiposity. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that impaired gastrointestinal signals following long-term high fat consumption are, at least partially, responsible for increased caloric intake. This review focuses on the role of dietary fat in modulating oral and post-oral chemosensory signaling elements responsible for lipid detection and responses, including changes in sensitivity to satiation signals, such as GLP-1, PYY and CCK and their impact on food intake and weight gain. Furthermore, the influence of the gut microbiota on mechanisms controlling energy regulation in the face of excessive fat exposure will be explored. The profound influence of dietary fats on altering complex regulatory feeding pathways can result in dysregulation of body weight and development of obesity, while restoration or manipulation of satiation signaling may prove an effective tool in prevention and treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemistry reveals ACTH-like immunoreactivity to reside not only in the pituitary but also in central nerves and in antral gastrin cells. In all probability, the central nerves store a peptide identical with or closely resembling true ACTH. Their pattern of distribution is, in some regions, similar to that of enkephalin-immunoreactive nerves. The antiserum demonstrating ACTH-like immunoreactivity in central nerves and in antral gastrin cells is directed towards the COOH-terminal part of the hormone. A peptide corresponding to this part, the corticotrophin-like intermediate peptide (CLIP) is manufactured by the pars intermedia of the pituitary. CLIP is devoid of adrenocortical activity but has recently been shown to possess insulin-releasing activity. The occurrence of CLIP-like peptides in antral gastrin cells may indicate a role for such peptides in the gastrointestinal regulation of insulin release. The simultaneous occurrence of enkephalin-like and ACTH-like immunoreactivity in the antral gastrin cells is of particular interest since a large precursor molecule, containing both the enkephalin and the ACTH sequence has recently been identified.  相似文献   

 The distribution of serotonin-immunoreactive (5HT-IR) nerve cells and fibers was thoroughly investigated immunohistochemically in the rat stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and colon. The immunoreactivity of the 5HT neurons was compared between non-treated controls and animals treated with colchicine, colchicine plus 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP), colchicine plus pargyline, and reserpine. The intensity of immunoreactivity in nerve fibers as well as nerve cell bodies was enhanced mostly in colchicine plus pargyline treated animals, therefore these animals were used for an observation of precise localization of 5HT in the rat gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Immunoreactivity in the nerve cell bodies and fibers was completely abolished in the GI tract of reserpine treated animals. The pattern of localization and projection of 5HT-IR neurons was similar in all segments of the rat GI tract. 5HT-IR nerve cell bodies were located in the myenteric plexus and showed the distinctive features of Dogiel type I neurons. Prominent bundles of varicose fibers traversed the myenteric ganglia and some of them surrounded the cell bodies of immunopositive and immunonegative neurons. 5HT-IR nerve fibers were located in the submucous plexus, densely entwined about the submucosal blood vessels. Most characteristically, 5HT-IR nerve fibers invaded the lamina propria of mucosa where they underlay the crypt epithelium. In conclusion, the present study showed that 5HT-IR neurons located in the myenteric plexus projected fibers widely in the rat GI tract. The localization of fibers in the lamina propria of mucosa implies that this neuron may exert an important role in the epithelial function of the GI tract. Accepted: 8 October 1996  相似文献   

Polyamines (PAs) are ubiquitous polycationic metabolites in the eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells and are believed to be intimately involved in the regulation of DNA, RNA, and protein biosynthesis. However, the subcellular localization of PAs has not yet been fully elucidated in a variety of cell types. In the present study, a pre-embedding indirect immunoperoxidase approach was used to define the fine structural localization of PAs in the gastrointestinal tract of rat, which was fixed with glutaraldehyde and the monoclonal antibody ASPM-29 specific for spermine (Spm) and spermidine (Spd). Examination by a transmission electron microscopy showed that the peroxidase end products were commonly and predominantly localized in the free and attached ribosomes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) in the active protein- or peptide-secreting cells, and in rapidly proliferating cells including the gastric chief cells, mucous neck cells, and intestinal crypt cells. The nuclei, mitochondria, and secretory vesicles were devoid of PAs. Of note is the new finding that PAs are also located even on the small number of ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the parietal cells and of the villus-tip cells, because these were the cell types that were found to be almost PA-negative at the light microscopic level. These results seem to be completely consistent with those recently obtained for rat neurons. Thus, the present study generalized the subcellular localization of PAs on the ribosomes, and demonstrated that PAs are one of the components of biologically active ribosomes, possibly in any type of cell, that are closely involved in the translation processes of protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Selective immunohistochemical demonstration of enterochromaffin (EC) cells in the rat gastrointestinal tract has been carried out, using a highly specific rabbit antiserotonin (5-HT) serum and the unlabeled peroxidase-antiperoxidase complex (PAP), technique. The daily profile of the EC cell density was also studied using this method. No significant change was recorded.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of gastrin immunoreactivity in the rat gut was examined by immunochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. Gastrin occurs predominantly in the antrum proper, but gastrin is found also in the adjacent part of the oxyntic mucosa and in the duodenum. In the remainder of the gut the gastrin concentration is very low. No gastrin cells and very low gastrin concentrations are observed in the antrum at birth. The gastrin concentration as well as the number of gastrin cells increases progressively with age. The antral gastrin concentration reaches adult or near-adult values 30–40 days after birth.This study was supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council (04 X-1007), by Riksföreningen mot Cancer (660-0 IX), Landsforeningen till Kraeftens Bekampelse, Danish Medical Research Council (512-6) and Fonden for Storkobenhavn, Faeroerne og Gronland.  相似文献   

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