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CFA/I antigen was isolated and purified from E. coli, mutant 279 B-1-14, serotype 0128:H12, and had the following biochemical and biological features: a) amino-acid content was similar to that of purified antigen prepared from strain H10407; b) latex particles sensitization with purified CFA/I antigen produced bovine and human erythrocytes group A/II hemagglutination in carbohydrates presence; c) purified anti-CFA/I specific antibodies agglutinated CFA/I-positive enterotoxigenic E. coli strains; d) 3H-leucine-labelled CFA/I antigen adhered to rabbits intestinal mucosa at significant values; e) intestinal mucosa pretreating with purified CFA/I antigen, followed by 3H-leucine labelled enterotoxigenic bacteria infection, had a least 3 local effects: 1) intestinal mucosa protection against parental enterotoxigenic bacteria; 2) inhibition of CFA/I-positive bacteria adherence to intestinal mucosa; 3) release of approximately 96% intraluminally inoculated bacteria.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli fimbriae are immunogenic and play a key role in intestinal colonization. Native colonization factor antigen I, coli surface antigen 1, and coli surface antigen 3 fimbriae were purified by a common method involving shearing, differential centrifugation, gel filtration, and density gradient ultracentrifugation. The compositions and N-terminal sequences were determined. Coli surface antigen 3 possesses two N-terminal isoforms, one of which matches the published DNA sequence, except for the previously proposed signal sequence cleavage point.  相似文献   

The colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) is one of the most epidemiologically relevant enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) fimbrial adhesins, which mediates the binding to human small intestine epithelium. A recombinant eukaryotic expression plasmid, pRECFA, encoding the CFA/I protein fused to the glycoprotein D of herpes simplex type 1 virus, was used to generate an antibody response in a murine model following intramuscular inoculation of purified DNA. Eukaryotic cells (BHK-21) transfected with pRECFA expressed the CFA/I protein in vitro, as revealed by Western blot and immunofluorescence microscopy. Administration of a single pRECFA 100-microg dose induced a long-term CFA/I-specific antibody response in BALB/c mice composed mainly of IgG and, to a lesser extent, IgA isotypes. The major CFA/I-specific IgG subclass was IgG2a, suggesting a Th-1-type immune response. A second dose with the same amount of purified DNA, given 2 weeks later, caused a booster effect on the immunoglobulin levels, but did not qualitatively alter the isotypes and subclasses of the induced antibody response. Immunization with different amounts of purified DNA and/or number of doses showed that maximal transient CFA/I-specific antibody levels could be obtained after two 100-microg doses of pRECFA given 2 weeks apart, but long-term antibody levels were similar.  相似文献   

A conjugative plasmid, ESF0041 was isolated from an enterotoxigenic strain of Escherichia coli from calves. ESF0041 was found to be 65 x 10(6) daltons in mass of a member of the F incompatibility complex. Acquisition of ESF0041 by E. coli K-12 was invariably associated with the capacity to produce heat-stable (ST) enterotoxin. ESF0041 and pSC101 deoxyribonucleic acids were cleaved with EcoRI, and the fragments were ligated with polynucleotide ligase. Transformation of E. coli K-12 with the ligation mixture led to the isolation of an ST+ clone. Further analysis of the plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid from this clone showed that a structural gene(s) associated with ST biosynthesis had been isolated as a 5.7 x 10(6)-dalton ESF0041 fragment in pSC101. In turn, 5.7 x 10(6)-dalton fragment was ligated to a multicopy COLE1 derivative, RSF2124, so that toxin synthesis was amplified about threefold.  相似文献   

Two plasmids transferred from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) of serotype O6. H16 and biotypes A and C coded for mannose-resistant haemagglutination (MRHA) and production of heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) and heat-labile enterotoxin (LT). Both plasmids were nonautotransferring being mobilized most efficiently by the R plasmid R100-1. They were similar in their genetic properties being incompatible with each other and plasmids of the Inc group FI. The wild-type strains produced the colonization factor antigen II (CFA/II) which was made up of different coli surface antigens (CS). The biotype A strains produced CS1 and CS3 while the biotype C strains produced CS2 and CS3. These three antigens have the ability to cause MRHA. When plasmids coding for MRHA were transferred to K12 strains, the degree of haemagglutination was markedly reduced and only CS3 was produced. When both plasmids were transferred back into biotype A strains, good MRHA was restored and the strains produced CS1 and CS3. In a biotype C strain CS2 and CS3 were formed. The production of the antigens was compared by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The strains were also examined by electron microscopy where it was found that CS1 and CS2 were fimbrial antigens while CS3 was not.  相似文献   

A heat-stable enterotoxin produced by a human strain of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was extensively purified by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The minimum effective dose of the purified toxin to cause fluid accumulation in suckling mice was 2.5 ng. The amino acid sequence of the purified toxin was determined by Edman degradation and a combination of fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and carboxypeptidase digestion to be Asn-Ser-Ser-Asn-Tyr-Cys-Cys-Glu-Leu-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys-Tyr. This sequence was identical to that deduced from the nucleotide sequence encoding a human heat-stable enterotoxin, reported by Moseley et al., except for the C-terminal Tyr residue.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) cause diarrhea in infants and in travelers to developing countries. The bacteria utilize colonization factors (CF) for adherence to intestinal epithelia, then release toxins causing diarrhea. CF are strong immunogens as well as protective antigens. While 20 ETEC CF have been described in the literature, 11 CF are prominent enough to be considered for vaccine targeting. Of this group, six of the members fall into the CFA/I family of CF. Geysen pin (peptide) linear epitope analysis demonstrated that three regions containing linear epitopes exist in CFA/I, and that both B- and T-cell linear epitopes of CFA/I were concentrated at the N-terminus of the protein. We have determined N-terminal sequence of the CFA/I family members not previously sequenced. Comparison of the protein sequence of the six members of the family showed a strong homology up to residue 36. A peptide of 36 amino acids representing a consensus of the six sequences was synthesized and used to immunize animals. The antibody induced to the peptide was reactive to the peptide as well as cross-reactive to each member of the CFA/I family in Western blots. In addition, this antibody agglutinated three of the six members of the CFA/I family when added to whole cells expressing the native CF. We are currently evaluating different carriers and conjugation methods to maximize production of high titer, agglutinating antibody. It is hoped that this and related research will result in an effective and inexpensive cross-reactive and cross-protective ETEC vaccine. Received 04 October 1996/ Accepted in revised form 14 April 1997  相似文献   

We present an improved protocol for expression and purification of heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). In this protocol, controlled growth conditions at different pHs (7.4, 8.0, and 8.6) were adopted using a bioreactor. In addition, specific adsorbent resins, methacrylate, were used for STa purification. The bioreactor provided optimal ETEC growth at pH 7.4 with high STa production. Furthermore, methacrylate bounded specifically to STa and dramatically enhanced the purification process of STa. The STa-specific activity was high (8.9 × 10(6) units/mg protein), and the minimal effective dose of STa required for production of gut weight to remaining body weight ratio ≥ 0.083 was recorded as less than 0.2 ng in 2-3 days old suckling mice. The protocol presented, produces highly purified STa as documented by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectroscopy/. Also, as compared with the traditional methods, this procedure is trouble-free and practical for scale-up production and purification of STa peptides.  相似文献   

Abstract The heat-labile enterotoxin (LTc) isolated from chicken enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was purified to homogeneity and its molecular and antigenic properties were compared with those of purified LTs from porcine and human enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (LTp, LTh). The A subunit of LTc was identical to that of LTp and the B subunit of LTc was identical to that of LTh but not that of LTp, in mobility on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Ouchterlony tests demonstrated that LTc is antigenically identical to LTh but not with LTp. The p I point and amino acid composition of LTc were also compared and the results suggest that chicken enterotoxigenic E. coli produced an LT similar to LTh.  相似文献   

Nineteen enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O78, isolated in different geographical areas from humans with diarrheal diseases, were tested for their ability to transfer enterotoxin production. All of the strains originally produced heat-labile enterotoxin, and 16 also produced heat-stable enterotoxin and colonization factor antigen I. Plasmids coding for the production of heat-labile enterotoxin only were transferred from 13 strains. Some properties of these plasmids were compared. All were fi+, but they could be divided into three groups on the basis of their incompatibility reactions, ability to restrict E. coli K-12 phages, and size. The three heat-labile enterotoxin plasmids isolated from African strains all belonged to one enterotoxin plasmid group. The heat-labile enterotoxin plasmids from the Asian strains were divided into two groups, those from serotype O78.H11 differing from those from serotype O78.H12.  相似文献   

Abstract The hemagglutinating activity of the heat-labile enterotoxin (LTp) isolated from porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli was studied by hemagglutination inhibition. The hemagglutinating activity of LTp was enhanced 64–512-fold with pronase- and neuraminidase-treated human erythrocytes although both intact human and sheep erythrocytes were not agglutinated by LTp at the highest concentration used. No enhancement was found in hemagglutination of neuraminidase-treated sheep erythrocytes by LTp. Hemagglutination of pronase-treated human type A erythrocytes induced by LTp was inhibited by melibiose and galactose among mono-, di-, and polysaccharides used as inhibitors. Galactose was a slightly better inhibitor than melibiose. These findings suggest that LTp is a bacterial lectin specific for galactose.  相似文献   

We developed a technique for detecting the heat-labile I (LTI) and heat-stable I (STI) genes of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) using a novel DNA amplification procedure designated Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP). The detection limit of accelerated LAMP utilizing loop primers was 4 CFU/test for LTI and was 40 CFU/test for STI, which are 10-fold higher than those of conventional PCR assay (detection limit, 40 CFU/test and 400 CFU/test, respectively). No DNA amplification was observed in LT and ST non-producing E. coli or other bacterial strains; thus, high specificity was verified. The specificity of LAMP assay was also confirmed by digestion of LAMP products using restriction enzymes and DNA sequence analysis. In the accelerated LAMP assay, DNA amplification was detected within 35 min, and thus LAMP is superior to conventional PCR in terms of rapidity. It was confirmed that increased concentrations of primers and Bst DNA polymerase could further facilitate the reaction. Furthermore, with the high amplification efficiency of the LAMP assay, amplification can be visually observed by the turbidity caused by magnesium pyrophosphate, a byproduct of the reaction. Detection of LTI and STI in ETEC by LAMP is thus an extremely rapid procedure with high sensitivity and specificity that requires no specialized equipment. This assay is expected to become a valuable tool for rapid diagnosis in ETEC infection.  相似文献   

To determine the modes of three disulfide linkages in the heat-stable enterotoxin (STh) produced by a human strain of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, we synthesized STh(6-18), which consists of 13 amino acid residues and has the same intramolecular disulfide linkages as native STh [(1985) FEBS Lett. 181, 138-142], by stepwise and selective formation of disulfide bonds using different types of removable protecting groups for the Cys residues. Synthesis of the peptide with different modes of disulfide bond formation provided three peptides consistent with standard STh(6-18) in their physicochemical and biological properties, thereby indicating that the disulfide bonds in STh(6-18) are Cys-Cys-Glu-Leu-Cys-Cys-Asn-Pro-Ala-Cys-Thr-Gly-Cys.  相似文献   

Strains of Escherichia coli that host a plasmid that codes for the heat-stable (ST) enterotoxin showed 160 times more extracellular enterotoxin than intracellular activity. However, when washed bacteria were sonicated and incubated at between 50 and 85 degrees C, an activity similar to that of the ST enterotoxin was detected. No such effect was present in strains lacking the plasmid, in a plasmid ST- mutant, or in chromosomal mutants that lack a cyclic AMP-linked positive regulatory system which previously were shown to yield an ST- phenotype. The thermoactivation was inhibited by iodoacetamide and N-ethylmaleimide; chloramphenicol did not affect the phenomenon. The heat-activated ST-like enterotoxin was localized in the periplasmic space. The results are discussed in relation to the export of the toxin from the periplasm to the outside of the cell.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning from a plasmid encoding colonization factor antigen I (CFA/I) and heat-stable enterotoxin isolated two regions, 1 and 2, that are required for the production of CFA/I fimbriae. The level of CFA/I synthesis measured by ELISA was similar in an Escherichia coli K12 strain carrying regions 1 and 2 cloned separately on compatible plasmid vectors to that in the same strain containing the parental plasmid. The structural gene for the CFA/I fimbrial subunit was within region 1. This region directed production in E. coli minicells of at least six independent polypeptides, of which the fimbrial subunit and at least three others appeared to be synthesized as precursor molecules that underwent processing. Cloned DNA containing CFA/I region 2 specified three polypeptides in minicells. Attempts to reduce the size of the cloned region 1 resulted in a derivative plasmid that carried the CFA/I structural gene but did not complement a region-2 recombinant plasmid to restore production of CFA/I fimbriae.  相似文献   

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