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Synthesis of acetate from carbon dioxide and molecular hydrogen is considered to be the first carbon assimilation pathway on earth. It combines carbon dioxide fixation into acetyl-CoA with the production of ATP via an energized cell membrane. How the pathway is coupled with the net synthesis of ATP has been an enigma. The anaerobic, acetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii uses an ancient version of this pathway without cytochromes and quinones. It generates a sodium ion potential across the cell membrane by the sodium-motive ferredoxin:NAD oxidoreductase (Rnf). The genome sequence of A. woodii solves the enigma: it uncovers Rnf as the only ion-motive enzyme coupled to the pathway and unravels a metabolism designed to produce reduced ferredoxin and overcome energetic barriers by virtue of electron-bifurcating, soluble enzymes.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》1986,207(2):262-265
As with Methanococcus voltae [(1986) FEBS Lett. 200, 177–180], ATP synthesis in Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (ΔH) can be driven by the imposition of a sodium gradient, but only in the presence of a counterion. Monensin (but not SF6847) inhibits this synthesis. Methanogenic electron transfer-driven ATP synthesis, however, is insensitive to the combination of these two ionophores. In M. voltae, 117 μM diethylstilbestrol effectively inhibits both membrane potential- and sodium gradient-driven ATP synthesis, but has no effect on ATP production coupled to methanogenesis. In Mb. thermoautotrophicum (ΔH), a similar pattern of inhibition is exhibited by harmaline, an inhibitor of sodium-linked membrane transport systems. We conclude that ATP-driven sodium translocation and electron transfer-driven ATP synthesis are accomplished by separate entities, at least for these two only distantly related species of methanogen.  相似文献   

We have addressed the question, whether the reduction of caffeate in Acetobacterium woodii strain NZva16 is coupled to ATP synthesis by electron transport phosphorylation. The following results were obtained: 1. Cultures of A. woodii with H2 and CO2, grew to greater cell densities, when caffeate was also present. Caffeate was reduced to give hydrocaffeate and less acetate was formed. The cell yield based on the amount of caffeate reduced was approximately 1 g dry cells/mol. 2. Non-growing bacterial suspensions catalyzed the reduction of caffeate by H2. The specific activity (0.2–1.0 mol · min–1 · mg–1 bacterial protein) was as high as expected for a catabolic reaction. 3. The ATP content of bacteria incubated, with H2 increased from < 1 to about 7 mol per g cellular protein on the addition of caffeate. The ATP yield was calculated as 0.06 mol ATP · mol–1 caffeate from the initial velocity of ATP formation and the activity of caffeate reduction. Valinomycin together with nigericin inhibited ATP formation and caused a 2–3-fold increase of the activity of caffeate reduction. Protonophores were without, effect. 4. Caffeate in the presence of H2 caused the uptake of tetraphenylphosphonium cation by the bacteria. The uptake was abolished by valinomycin plus nigericin, and was considerably enhanced by monensin. Protonophores were without effect, even in the presence of monensin. It is concluded that caffeate reduction by H2 is coupled to ATP formation by electron transport phosphorylation. However, the failure of protonophores to prevent phosphorylation and TPP uptake cannot be explained.Abbreviations Caffeate 3,4-Dihydroxycinnamate - Hydrocaffeate 3,4-dihydroxyphenylpropionate - TPP+ tetraphenylphosphonium cation - FCCP carbonylcyanide-4-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone - TTGB 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-2-trifluoromethylbenzimidazol - TCS 3,5,3,4-tetrachlorosalicylanilide  相似文献   

The influence of the transmembrane Na+ gradient on the intracellular free calcium concentration, [Ca2+]i, was studied in Sepharose gel-filtered platelets from healthy human subjects, using the Ca-sensitive fluorescent dye, fura-2. Raising the internal Na+ concentration, [Na+]i, by Na+ pump inhibition with 0.05 mM ouabain, without changing external Na+ did not cause a significant increase in [Ca2+]i. Substitution of extracellular Na+ by iso-osmolar sucrose induced a rapid (half-time about 2 min) and significant rise in [Ca2+]i; this effect was amplified in Na-loaded platelets. Partial restitution of external Na+ in these cells with increased [Ca2+]i promoted a significant and rapid Na+ concentration-dependent fall in [Ca2+]i; little decline in [Ca2+]i was observed if K+ was used instead of Na+. These observations represent in vitro evidence for the existence of a Na/Ca exchange mechanism in human platelets that may, in vivo, participate in the control of [Ca2+]i.  相似文献   

Xenopus follicle-enclosed oocytes are endowed with purinergic receptors located in the follicular cell membrane; their stimulation by ATP elicits an electrical response that includes generation of a fast inward current (F(Cl)) carried by Cl(-). Here, it was found that mechanical stimulation of the follicle provoked a native electrical response named I(mec). This was dependent on coupling between oocyte and follicular cells, because I(mec) was eliminated by enzymatic defolliculation or application of uncoupling drugs, such as heptanol or carbenoxolone. Moreover, the characteristics of I(mec) suggested that it corresponded with opening of the Cl(-) channel involved in F(Cl). For example, I(mec) showed cross-talk with the membrane mechanism that activates the F(Cl) response and anionic selectivity similar to that displayed by F(Cl). Also like F(Cl), I(mec) was independent of extracellular or intracellular Ca(2+). Furthermore, I(mec) was inhibited by superfusion with a purinergic antagonist, suramin, or by an enzyme that rapidly hydrolyzes ATP, apyrase. The response to mechanical stimulation was reconstituted in defolliculated oocytes expressing P2X channels as an ATP sensor. Recently, it has been shown that ATP release from the Xenopus oocyte is triggered by mechanical stimulation. Together, these observations seemed to indicate that I(mec) is activated through a mechanism that involves oocyte release of ATP that diffuses and activates purinergic receptors in follicular cells, with subsequent opening of F(Cl) channels. Thus, I(mec) generation disclosed a paracrine communication system via ATP between the oocyte and its companion follicular cells that might be of physiological importance during the growth and development of the gamete.  相似文献   

ATP synthase is the key player of Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory, converting the energy of transmembrane proton flow into the high energy bond between ADP and phosphate. The proton motive force that drives this reaction consists of two components, the pH difference (ΔpH) across the membrane and transmembrane electrical potential (Δψ). The two are considered thermodynamically equivalent, but kinetic equivalence in the actual ATP synthesis is not warranted, and previous experimental results vary. Here, we show that with the thermophilic Bacillus PS3 ATP synthase that lacks an inhibitory domain of the ε subunit, ΔpH imposed by acid-base transition and Δψ produced by valinomycin-mediated K(+) diffusion potential contribute equally to the rate of ATP synthesis within the experimental range examined (ΔpH -0.3 to 2.2, Δψ -30 to 140 mV, pH around the catalytic domain 8.0). Either ΔpH or Δψ alone can drive synthesis, even when the other slightly opposes. Δψ was estimated from the Nernst equation, which appeared valid down to 1 mm K(+) inside the proteoliposomes, due to careful removal of K(+) from the lipid.  相似文献   

Hepatoma Tissue Culture (HTC) cell nuclei were isolated from untreated cells and from cells treated with sodium butyrate to increase the levels of acetylated histone. Nuclei from sodium butyrate treated cells exhibited a dramatic increased rate of digestion with DNase I as compared to control cell nuclei. Micrococcal nuclease showed no preference for chromatin containing hyperacetylated histones.  相似文献   

D O Mak  W W Webb 《Biophysical journal》1997,72(3):1153-1164
A Green's function approach is developed from first principles to evaluate the power spectral density of conductance fluctuations caused by ion concentration fluctuations via diffusion in an electrolyte system. This is applied to simple geometric models of transmembrane ion channels to obtain an estimate of the magnitude of ion concentration fluctuation noise in the channel current. Pure polypeptide alamethicin forms stable ion channels with multiple conductance states in artificial phospholipid bilayers isolated onto tips of micropipettes with gigaohm seals. In the single-channel current recorded by voltage-clamp techniques, excess noise was found after the background instrumental noise and the intrinsic Johnson and shot noises were removed. The noise que to ion concentration fluctuations via diffusion was isolated by the dependence of the excess current noise on buffer ion concentration. The magnitude of the concentration fluctuation noise derived from experimental data lies within limits estimated using our simple geometric channel models. Variation of the noise magnitude for alamethicin channels in various conductance states agrees with theoretical prediction.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited mutations in the mtDNA-encoded ATPase 6 subunit of complex V (ATP synthase) of the respiratory chain/oxidative phosphorylation system are responsible for a subgroup of severe and often-fatal disorders characterized predominantly by lesions in the brain, particularly in the striatum. These include NARP (neuropathy, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa), MILS (maternally inherited Leigh syndrome), and FBSN (familial bilateral striatal necrosis). Of the five known pathogenic mutations causing these disorders, four are located at two codons (156 and 217), each of which can suffer mutations converting a conserved leucine to either an arginine or a proline. Based on the accumulating data on both the structure of ATP synthase and the mechanism by which rotary catalysis couples proton flow to ATP synthesis, we propose a model that may help explain why mutations at codons 156 and 217 are pathogenic.  相似文献   

Chicken liver mitochondria consumed O2 at an accelerated rate when supplied with low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. Maximum respiration occurred in 10 microM sulfide, and continued more slowly up to concentrations as high as 60 microM. Sulfide oxidation was coupled to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis, as shown by firefly luciferase luminescence and by measurement of the mitochondrial membrane electrochemical gradient. Synthesis of ATP required low, steady-state concentrations of sulfide (< 5 microM), which were maintained by use of a syringe pump. The ratio of consumed O2 to sulfide changed at low sulfide and O2 concentrations, indicating alternative metabolic reactions and products. In low concentrations of sulfide, presumably most similar to physiological, the O2/sulfide ratio was 0.75. This is the first report of sulfide oxidation linked to ATP synthesis in any organism not specifically adapted to a sulfide-rich environment. We suggest that this may be a widespread mitochondrial trait, and that it is consistent with the hypothesis that mitochondria originated from sulfide-oxidizing symbionts.  相似文献   

An electrochemical potential difference for protons (delta mu H+) across the membrane of bacterial chromatophores was induced by an artificially generated pH difference (delta pH) and a K+/valinomycin diffusion potential, delta phi. The initial rate of ATP synthesis was measured with a rapid-mixing quenched-flow apparatus in the time range between 70 ms and 30 s after the acid-base transition. The rate of ATP synthesis depends exponentially on delta pH. Increasing diffusion potentials shift the delta pH dependency to lower delta pH values. Diffusion potentials were calculated from the Goldman equation. Using estimated permeability coefficients, the rate of ATP synthesis depends only on the electrochemical potential difference of protons irrespective of the relative contribution of delta pH and delta phi.  相似文献   

When urea is added to Ureaplasma urealyticum, it is hydrolysed internally by a cytosolic urease. Under our measuring conditions, and at an external pH of 6.0, urea hydrolysis caused an ammonia chemical potential equivalent to almost 80 mV and, simultaneously, an increase in proton electrochemical potential (delta p) of about 24 mV with resultant de novo ATP synthesis. Inhibition of the urease with the potent inhibitor flurofamide abolished both the chemical potential and the increase of delta p such that ATP synthesis was reduced to approximately 5% of normally obtained levels. Uncouplers of electrochemical gradients had little or no effect on these systems. The electrochemical parameters and ATP synthesis were measured similarly at three other external pH values. Any change in delta p was primarily via membrane potential (delta psi), and the level of de novo ATP synthesis was related to the increase in delta p generated upon addition of urea and more closely to the ammonia chemical potential. Although the organisms lack an effective mechanism for internal pH homeostasis, they maintained a constant delta pH. The data reported are consistent with, and give evidence for, the direct involvement of a chemiosmotic mechanism in the generation of around 95% of the ATP by this organism. Furthermore, the data suggest that the ATP-generating system is coupled to urea hydrolysis by the cytosolic urease via an ammonia chemical potential.  相似文献   

Light-induced sodium extrusion from H halobium cell envelope vesicles proceeds largely through an uncoupler-sensitive pathway involving bacteriorhodopsin and a proton/sodium antiporter. Vesicles from bacteriorhodopsin-negative strains also extrude sodium ions during illumination, but this transport is not sensitive to uncouplers and has been proposed to involve a light-energized primary sodium pump. Proton uptake in such vesicles is passive, and under steady-state illumination the large electrical potential (negative inside) is just balanced by a pH difference (acid inside), so that the protonmotive force is near zero. Action spectra indicated that this effect of illumination is attributable to a pigment absorbing near 585 nm (of 568 for bacteriorhodopsin). Bleaching of the vesicles by prolonged illumination with hydroxylamine results in inactivation of the transport; retinal addition causes partial return of the activity. Retinal addition also causes the appearance of an absorption peak at 588 nm, while the absorption of free retinal decreases. The 588 nm pigment is present in very small quantities (0.13 nmole/mg protein), and behaves differently from bacteriorhodopsin in a number of respects. Vesicles can be prepared from bacteriorhodopsin-containing H halobium strains in which primary transport for both protons and sodium can be observed. Both pumps appear to cause the outward transport of the cations. The observations indicate the existence of a second retinal protein, in addition to bacteriorhodopsin, in H halobium, which is associated with primary sodium translocation. The initial proton uptake normally observed during illumination of whole H halobium cells may therefore be a passive flux in response to the primary sodium extrusion.  相似文献   

W Laubinger  P Dimroth 《Biochemistry》1988,27(19):7531-7537
The ATP synthase (F1F0) of Propionigenium modestum has been purified to a specific ATPase activity of 5.5 units/mg of protein, which is about 6 times higher than that of the bacterial membranes. Analysis by SDS gel electrophoresis indicated that in addition to the five subunits of the F1 ATPase, subunits of Mr 26,000 (a), 23,000 (b), and 7500 (c) have been purified. The ATPase activity of F1F0 was specifically activated about 10-fold by Na+ions. The enzyme was strongly inhibited by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, venturicidin, tributyltin chloride, and azide. After incubation with [14C]dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, about 3-4 mol of the inhibitor was bound per 500,000 g of the enzyme. The radioactive label was specifically bound to submit c. These subunits form stable aggregates which resist dissociation by SDS at 100 degrees C. The monomer is formed upon heating with SDS to 121 degrees C or by extraction of the membranes with chloroform/methanol. The ATP synthase was incorporated into liposomes by a freeze-thaw-sonication procedure. The reconstituted proteoliposomes catalyzed the transport of Na+ions upon ATP hydrolysis. The transport was completely abolished by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. Whereas monensin prevented the accumulation of Na+ions, the uptake rate was stimulated 4-5-fold in the presence of valinomycin or carbonyl cyanide m=chlorophenylhydrazone. These results indicate an electrogenic Na+ transport and also that it is a primary event and not accomplished by a H+-translocating ATP synthase in combination with a Na+/H+ antiporter.  相似文献   

Decreasing extracellular sodium concentration was found to produce a contractile response of rabbit ileal smooth muscle. As the concentration decreases, the amplitude of contraction increases, thus producing a dose-dependent curve. Harmaline, a competitor for sodium, was found to inhibit the sodium gradient-dependent contractions in a dose-dependent manner. The results are interpreted as harmaline inhibiting a Na–Ca exchange mechanism present in ileal smooth muscle.  相似文献   

The dynamics of ATP synthesis in Staphylococcus aureus cells was studied during membrane potential induction and K+ gradient generation in the presence of valinomycin. The starting level of intracellular ATP was 0.05 mM. Valinomycin (30 micrograms/ml) caused an increment of the intracellular ATP level up to 0.25 mM. The protonophore uncoupler, m-chlorinecarbonylcyanidephenylhydrazonium, and the H+-ATPase inhibitor, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, effectively suppress ATP synthesis induced by valinomycin. No ATP synthesis occurs at K+ concentration of 200 mM. The transmembrane gradient formation results in the synthesis of a smaller amount of ATP (0.10 mM).  相似文献   

Abstract ATP synthesis driven by a potassium diffusion potential was studied in cell suspensions of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum (Marburg). This transient increase in the intracellular ATP content was stimulated five-fold by the addition of sodium ions, from about 2 nmol ATP/min × mg cells (dry weight) at 0.07 mM Na+ to about 10 nmol ATP/min × mg cells at 25 mM Na+.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of electron and proton transport in chloroplasts of higher plants was developed, which takes into account the lateral heterogeneity of the lamellar system. Based on the results of numerical experiments, lateral profiles of pH in the thylakoid lumen and in the narrow gap between grana thylakoids under different metabolic conditions (in the state of photosynthetic control and under photophosphorylation conditions) were simulated. Lateral profiles of pH in the thylakoid lumen and in the intrathylakoid gap were simulated for different values of the proton diffusion coefficient and stroma pH. The model demonstrated that there might be two mechanisms of regulation of electron and proton transport in chloroplasts: (1) the slowing down of noncyclic electron transport due to a decrease in the intrathylakoid pH, and (2) the retardation of plastoquinone reduction due to slow diffusion of protons inside the narrow gap between the thylakoids of grana.  相似文献   

The H+/ATP synthase from yeast mitochondria, MF0F1, was purified and reconstituted into liposomes prepared from phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidic acid. Analysis by mass spectrometry revealed the presence of all subunits of the yeast enzyme with the exception of the K-subunit. The MF0F1 liposomes were energized by acid-base transitions (ΔpH) and a K+/valinomycin diffusion potential (Δφ). ATP synthesis was completely abolished by the addition of uncouplers as well as by the inhibitor oligomycin. The rate of ATP synthesis was optimized as a function of various parameters and reached a maximum value (turnover number) of 120 s− 1 at a transmembrane pH difference of 3.2 units (at pHin = 4.8 and pHout = 8.0) and a Δφ of 133 mV (Nernst potential). Functional studies showed that the monomeric MF0F1 was fully active in ATP synthesis. The turnover increased in a sigmoidal way with increasing internal and decreasing external proton concentration. The dependence of the turnover on the phosphate concentration and the dependence of KM on pHout indicated that the substrate for ATP synthesis is the monoanionic phosphate species H2PO4.  相似文献   

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