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We report here the 2.3 A resolution structure of the hypothetical uricase regulator (HucR) from Deinococcus radiodurans R1. HucR, a member of the MarR family of DNA-binding proteins, was previously shown to repress its own expression as well as that of a uricase, a repression that is alleviated both in vivo and in vitro upon binding uric acid, the substrate for uricase. As uric acid is a potent scavenger of reactive oxygen species, and as D. radiodurans is known for its remarkable resistance to DNA-damaging agents, these observations indicate a novel oxidative stress response mechanism. The crystal structure of HucR in the absence of ligand or DNA reveals a dimer in which the DNA recognition helices are preconfigured for DNA binding. This configuration of DNA-binding domains is achieved through an apparently stable dimer interface that, in contrast to what is observed in other MarR homologs for which structures have been determined, shows little conformational heterogeneity in the absence of ligand. An additional amino-terminal segment, absent from other MarR homologs, appears to brace the principal helix of the dimerization interface. However, although HucR is preconfigured for DNA binding, the presence of a stacked pair of symmetry-related histidine residues at a central pivot point in the dimer interface suggests a mechanism for a conformational change to attenuate DNA binding.  相似文献   

Atopic eczema (AE) is a chronic inflammatory disease in which genetic predisposition and environmental factors such as microorganisms contribute to the symptoms. The yeast Malassezia Sympodialis, part of the normal human cutaneous flora, can act as an allergen eliciting specific IgE and T-cell reactivity in patients with AE. The major M. sympodialis allergen Mala s 1 is localized mainly in the yeast cell wall and exposed on the cell surface. Interestingly, Mala s 1 does not exhibit any significant sequence homology to known proteins. Here we present the crystal structure of Mala s 1 determined by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion techniques using selenomethionine-substituted Mala s 1. Mala s 1 folds into a 6-fold beta-propeller, a novel fold among allergens. The putative active site of Mala s 1 overlaps structurally to putative active sites in potential homologues, Q4P4P8 and Tri 14, from the plant parasites Ustilago maydis and Gibberella zeae, respectively. This resemblance suggests that Mala s 1 and the parasite proteins may have similar functions. In addition, we show that Mala s 1 binds to the phosphoinositides (PI) PI(3)P, PI(4)P, and PI(5)P, lipids possibly playing a role in the localization of Mala s 1 to the cell surface. The crystal structure of Mala s 1 will provide insights into the role of this major allergen in the host-microbe interactions and induction of an allergic response in AE.  相似文献   

Aims:  To evaluate the antioxidant effect of carotenoids from Deinococcus radiodurans on protein.
Methods and Results:  Deinococcus radiodurans strain R1 (ATCC 13939) and its mutant strain R1ΔcrtB were used for this study. The total carotenoids (R1ex) from D. radiodurans were obtained by extraction with acetone/methanol (7 : 2, by vol), and their antioxidant activity was measured using the DPPH˙ (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) system. The protein oxidation level, in vitro and in the cell, was measured using the DNPH (2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine) method. The carotenoid extract R1ex scavenged 40·2% DPPH˙ radicals compared to β-carotene (31·7%) at a concentration of 0·5 mg ml−1. The intracellular level of protein oxidation in mutant R1ΔcrtB, which does not contain carotenoid, was 0·0212 mmol mg−1 protein which is significantly greater than that in the wild type (0·0169 mmol mg−1 protein) following the treatment with H2O2. The purified major carotenoid product (deinoxanthin) from the wild type showed a greater inhibition of oxidative damage in bovine serum albumin than lycopene or lutein.
Conclusions:  Carotenoids prevent protein oxidation and contribute to the resistance to cell damage in D. radiodurans .
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Our results provide the evidence that carotenoids can protect proteins in D. radiodurans against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The RecFOR pathway has been shown to be essential for DNA repair through the process of homologous recombination in bacteria and, recently, to be important in the recovery of stalled replication forks following UV irradiation. RecO, along with RecR, RecF, RecQ and RecJ, is a principal actor in this fundamental DNA repair pathway. Here we present the three-dimensional structure of a member of the RecO family. The crystal structure of Deinococcus radiodurans RecO (drRecO) reveals possible binding sites for DNA and for the RecO-binding proteins within its three discrete structural regions: an N-terminal oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding domain, a helical bundle and a zinc-finger motif. Furthermore, drRecO was found to form a stable complex with RecR and to bind both single- and double-stranded DNA. Mutational analysis confirmed the existence of multiple DNA-binding sites within the protein.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of the plant cell wall is of increasing industrial significance, exemplified by the interest in generating biofuels from plant cell walls. The majority of plant cell-wall polysaccharides are acetylated, and removal of the acetyl groups through the action of carbohydrate esterases greatly increases the efficiency of polysaccharide saccharification. Enzymes in carbohydrate esterase family 3 (CE3) are common in plant cell wall-degrading microorganisms but there is a paucity of structural and biochemical information on these biocatalysts. Clostridium thermocellum contains a single CE3 enzyme, CtCes3, which comprises two highly homologous (97% sequence identity) catalytic modules appended to a C-terminal type I dockerin that targets the esterase into the cellulosome, a large protein complex that catalyses plant cell wall degradation. Here, we report the crystal structure and biochemical properties of the N-terminal catalytic module (CtCes3-1) of CtCes3. The enzyme is a thermostable acetyl-specific esterase that exhibits a strong preference for acetylated xylan. CtCes3-1 displays an α/β hydrolase fold that contains a central five-stranded parallel twisted β-sheet flanked by six α-helices. In addition, the enzyme contains a canonical catalytic triad in which Ser44 is the nucleophile, His208 is the acid-base and Asp205 modulates the basic nature of the histidine. The acetate moiety is accommodated in a hydrophobic pocket and the negative charge of the tetrahedral transition state is stabilized through hydrogen bonds with the backbone N of Ser44 and Gly95 and the side-chain amide of Asn124.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidases (GPXs) are a group of enzymes that regulate the levels of reactive oxygen species in cells and tissues, and protect them against oxidative damage. Contrary to most of their counterparts in animal cells, the higher plant GPX homologues identified so far possess cysteine instead of selenocysteine in their active site. Interestingly, the plant GPXs are not dependent on glutathione but rather on thioredoxin as their in vitro electron donor. We have determined the crystal structures of the reduced and oxidized form of Populus trichocarpaxdeltoides GPX5 (PtGPX5), using a selenomethionine derivative. PtGPX5 exhibits an overall structure similar to that of the known animal GPXs. PtGPX5 crystallized in the assumed physiological dimeric form, displaying a pseudo ten-stranded beta sheet core. Comparison of both redox structures indicates that a drastic conformational change is necessary to bring the two distant cysteine residues together to form an intramolecular disulfide bond. In addition, a computer model of a complex of PtGPX5 and its in vitro recycling partner thioredoxin h1 is proposed on the basis of the crystal packing of the oxidized form enzyme. A possible role of PtGPX5 as a heavy-metal sink is also discussed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of recombinant Dps2 (DRB0092, DNA protecting protein under starved conditions) from the Gram-positive, radiation-resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans has been determined in its apo and iron loaded states. Like other members of the Dps family, the bacterial DrDps2 assembles as a spherical dodecamer with an outer shell diameter of 90 A and an interior diameter of 40 A. A total of five iron sites were located in the iron loaded structure, representing the first stages of iron biomineralisation. Each subunit contains a mononuclear iron ferroxidase centre coordinated by residues highly conserved amongst the Dps family of proteins. In the structures presented, a distinct iron site is observed 6.1 A from the ferroxidase centre with a unique ligand configuration of mono coordination by the protein and no bridging ligand to the ferroxidase centre. A non-specific metallic binding site, suspected to play a regulative role in iron uptake/release from the cage, was found in a pocket located near to the external edge of the C-terminal 3-fold channel.  相似文献   

DNA glycosylases safeguard the genome by locating and excising chemically modified bases from DNA. AlkD is a recently discovered bacterial DNA glycosylase that removes positively charged methylpurines from DNA, and was predicted to adopt a protein fold distinct from from those of other DNA repair proteins. The crystal structure of Bacillus cereus AlkD presented here shows that the protein is composed exclusively of helical HEAT-like repeats, which form a solenoid perfectly shaped to accommodate a DNA duplex on the concave surface. Structural analysis of the variant HEAT repeats in AlkD provides a rationale for how this protein scaffolding motif has been modified to bind DNA. We report 7mG excision and DNA binding activities of AlkD mutants, along with a comparison of alkylpurine DNA glycosylase structures. Together, these data provide important insight into the requirements for alkylation repair within DNA and suggest that AlkD utilizes a novel strategy to manipulate DNA in its search for alkylpurine bases.  相似文献   

The evolution of oxygen transport hemoglobins occurred on at least two independent occasions. The earliest event led to myoglobin and red blood cell hemoglobin in animals. In plants, oxygen transport "leghemoglobins" evolved much more recently. In both events, pentacoordinate heme sites capable of inert oxygen transfer evolved from hexacoordinate hemoglobins that have unrelated functions. High sequence homology between hexacoordinate and pentacoordinate hemoglobins in plants has poised them for potential structural analysis leading to a molecular understanding of this important evolutionary event. However, the lack of a plant hexacoordinate hemoglobin structure in the exogenously ligand-bound form has prevented such comparison. Here we report the crystal structure of the cyanide-bound hexacoordinate hemoglobin from barley. This presents the first opportunity to examine conformational changes in plant hexacoordinate hemoglobins upon exogenous ligand binding, and reveals structural mechanisms for stabilizing the high-energy pentacoordinate heme conformation critical to the evolution of reversible oxygen binding hemoglobins.  相似文献   

Lactate is utilized in many biological processes, and its transport across biological membranes is mediated with various types of transporters. Here, we report the crystal structures of a lactate-binding protein of a TRAP (tripartite ATP-independent periplasmic) secondary transporter from Thermus thermophilus HB8. The folding of the protein is typical for a type II periplasmic solute-binding protein and forms a dimer in a back-to-back manner. One molecule of l-lactate is clearly identified in a cleft of the protein as a complex with a calcium ion. Detailed crystallographic and biochemical analyses revealed that the calcium ion can be removed from the protein and replaced with other divalent cations. This characterization of the structure of a protein binding with calcium lactate makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the mechanisms by which calcium and lactate are accommodated in cells.  相似文献   

The nutrient germinant receptors (nGRs) of spores of Bacillus species are clusters of three proteins that play a critical role in triggering the germination of dormant spores in response to specific nutrient molecules. Here, we report the crystal structure of the C protein of the GerB germinant receptor, so-called GerBC, of Bacillus subtilis spores at 2.3 Å resolution. The GerBC protein adopts a previously uncharacterized type of protein fold consisting of three distinct domains, each of which is centered by a β sheet surrounded by multiple α helices. Secondary-structure prediction and structure-based sequence alignment suggest that the GerBC structure represents the prototype for C subunits of nGRs from spores of all Bacillales and Clostridiales species and defines two highly conserved structural regions in this family of proteins. GerBC forms an interlocked dimer in the crystalline state but is predominantly monomeric in solution, pointing to the possibility that GerBC oligomerizes as a result of either high local protein concentrations or interaction with other nGR proteins in spores. Our findings provide the first structural view of the nGR subunits and a molecular framework for understanding the architecture, conservation, and function of nGRs.  相似文献   

The universal secondary messenger cAMP is produced by adenylyl cyclases (ACs). Most bacterial and all eukaryotic ACs belong to class III of six divergent classes. A class III characteristic is formation of the catalytic pocket at a dimer interface and the presence of additional regulatory domains. Mycobacterium tuberculosis possesses 15 class III ACs, including Rv1264, which is activated at acidic pH due to pH-dependent structural transitions of the Rv1264 dimer. It has been shown by X-ray crystallography that the N-terminal regulatory and C-terminal catalytic domains of Rv1264 interact in completely different ways in the active and inhibited states. Here, we report an in-depth structural and functional analysis of the regulatory domain of Rv1264. The 1.6 A resolution crystal structure shows the protein in a tight, disk-shaped dimer, formed around a helical bundle, and involving a protein chain crossover. To understand pH regulation, we determined structures at acidic and basic pH values and employed structure-based mutagenesis in the holoenzyme to elucidate regulation using an AC activity assay. It has been shown that regulatory and catalytic domains must be linked in a single protein chain. The new studies demonstrate that the length of the linker segment is decisive for regulation. Several amino acids on the surface of the regulatory domain, when exchanged, altered the pH-dependence of AC activity. However, these residues are not conserved amongst a number of related ACs. The closely related mycobacterial Rv2212, but not Rv1264, is strongly activated by the addition of fatty acids. The structure resolved the presence of a deeply embedded fatty acid, characterised as oleic acid by mass spectrometry, which may serve as a hinge. From these data, we conclude that the regulatory domain is a structural scaffold used for distinct regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

We recently found that longsnout poacher (Brachyosis rostratus) produces a Ca2+-independent type II antifreeze protein (lpAFP) and succeeded in expressing recombinant lpAFP using Phichia pastoris. Here, we report, for the first time, the X-ray crystal structure of lpAFP at 1.34 Å resolution. The lpAFP structure displayed a relatively planar surface, which encompasses two loop regions (Cys86-Lys89 and Asn91-Cys97) and a short β-strand (Trp109-Leu112) with three unstructured segments (Gly57-Ile58, Ala103-Ala104, and Pro113-His118). Electrostatic calculation of the protein surface showed that the relatively planar surface was divided roughly into a hydrophobic area (composed of the three unstructured segments lacking secondary structure) and a hydrophilic area (composed of the loops and β-strand). Site-directed mutation of Ile58 with Phe at the center of the hydrophobic area decreased activity significantly, whereas mutation of Leu112 with Phe at an intermediate area between the hydrophobic and hydrophilic areas retained complete activity. In the hydrophilic area, a peptide-swap mutant in the loops retained 60% activity despite simultaneous mutations of eight residues. We conclude that the epicenter of the ice-binding site of lpAFP is the hydrophobic region, which is centered by Ile58, in the relatively planar surface. We built an ice-binding model for lpAFP on the basis of a lattice match of ice and constrained water oxygen atoms surrounding the hydrophobic area in the lpAFP structure. The model in which lpAFP has been docked to a secondary prism (2-1-10) plane, which is different from the one determined for Ca2+-independent type II AFP from sea raven (11-21), appears to explain the results of the mutagenesis analysis.  相似文献   

The "eukaryotic-like" receptor Ser/Thr protein kinases (STPKs) are candidates for the sensors that mediate environmental adaptations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). To define the mechanisms of regulation and substrate recognition, we determined the crystal structure of the ligand-free, activated kinase domain (KD) of the Mtb STPK, PknE. Remarkably, the PknE KD formed a dimer similar to that first observed in the structure of the ATPgammaS complex of the Mtb paralog, PknB. This structural similarity, which occurs despite little sequence conservation between the PknB and PknE dimer interfaces, supports the idea that dimerization regulates the Mtb receptor STPKs. Insertion of the DFG motif into the ATP-binding site and other conformational differences compared the ATPgammaS:PknB complex suggest that apo-PknE is not pre-organized to bind nucleotides. This structure may represent an inactive conformation stabilized by dimerization or, alternatively, an active conformation that reveals shifts that mediate nucleotide exchange and order substrate binding.  相似文献   

Streptococcus gordonii is a primary colonizer and is involved in the formation of dental plaque. This bacterium expresses several surface proteins. One of them is the adhesin SspB, which is a member of the Antigen I/II family of proteins. SspB is a large multi-domain protein that has interactions with surface molecules on other bacteria and on host cells, and is thus a key factor in the formation of biofilms. Here, we report the crystal structure of a truncated form of the SspB C-terminal domain, solved by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion to 1.5 Å resolution. The structure represents the first of a C-terminal domain from a streptococcal Antigen I/II protein and is comprised of two structurally related β-sandwich domains, C2 and C3, both with a Ca2+ bound in equivalent positions. In each of the domains, a covalent isopeptide bond is observed between a lysine and an asparagine, a feature that is believed to be a common stabilization mechanism in Gram-positive surface proteins. S. gordonii biofilms contain attachment sites for the periodontal pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis and the SspB C-terminal domain has been shown to have one such recognition motif, the SspB adherence region. The motif protrudes from the protein, and serves as a handle for attachment. The structure suggests several additional putative binding surfaces, and other binding clefts may be created when the full-length protein is folded.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-like (Ubl) system has been shown to be ubiquitous in all three kingdoms of life following the very recent characterization of ubiquitin-like small archaeal modifier proteins (SAMP1 and 2) from Haloferax volcanii. The ubiquitin (Ub) and Ubl molecules in eukaryotes have been studied extensively and their cellular functions are well established. Biochemical and structural data pertaining to prokaryotic Ubl protein (Pup) continue to be reported. In contrast to eukaryotes and prokaryotes, no structural information on the archaeal Ubl molecule is available. Here we determined the crystal structure of SAMP1 at 1.55 Å resolution and generated a model of SAMP2. These were then compared with other Ubl molecules from eukaryotes as well as prokaryotes. The structure of SAMP1 shows a β-grasp fold of Ub, suggesting that the archaeal Ubl molecule is more closely related to eukaryotic Ub and Ubls than to its prokaryotic counterpart. The current structure identifies the location of critical elements such a single lysine residue (Lys4), C-terminal di-glycine motif, hydrophobic patches near leucine 60, and uniquely inserted α-helical segments (α1 and α3) in SAMP1. Based on the structure of SAMP1, several Ub-like features of SAMPs such as poly-SAMPylation and non-covalent interactions have been proposed, which should provide the basis for further investigations concerning the molecular function of archaeal Ubls and the large super-family of β-grasp fold proteins in the archaeal kingdom.  相似文献   

The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) triggers production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in guard cells via the AtrbohD and AtrbohF NADPH oxidases, leading to stomatal closure. The ABA-activated SnRK2 protein kinase open stomata 1 (OST1) (SRK2E/SnRK2.6) acts upstream of ROS in guard cell ABA signaling. Here, we report that OST1 phosphorylates Ser13 and Ser174 on AtrbohF. In addition, substitution of Ser174 to Ala results in a ∼40% reduction in the phosphorylation of AtrbohF by OST1. We also show that OST1 physically interacts with AtrbohF. These results provide biochemical evidence suggesting that OST1 regulates AtrbohF activity.

Structured summary

MINT-7260179, MINT-7260147, MINT-7260165: OST1 (uniprotkb:Q940H6) phosphorylates (MI:0217) ATRBOHF (uniprotkb:O48538) by protein kinase assay (MI:0424)MINT-7260208: OST1 (uniprotkb:Q940H6) and ATRBOHF (uniprotkb:O48538) physically interact (MI:0915) by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (MI:0809)  相似文献   

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