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Aspects of nitrogen uptake and distribution in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amount of nitrogen (N) taken up after treatment decreased by nearly 50% when either the top five or middle four leaf laminae of maize (Zea mays) plants were removed shortly after flowering, and by 70% when both the middle four and bottom six laminae were removed, but the amount of N moving from the remaining parts of the shoot to the grain did not change much. When all the laminae were removed little N was taken up and only 35% as much N as in untreated plants moved from the shoot to the grain. Removal of all the laminae increased the N content per cent of dry weight of both grain and shoot at final harvest, but the other treatments did not have much effect on the N concentration of any of the parts of the shoot. Plants bearing grain, whether intact or with alternate laminae removed (half-defoliated) at the time of flowering, took up N approximately in proportion to their increase in dry weight during the 4 wk after flowering. The N taken up went to the ear (husks, core and grain) and so did N from the stem and leaves. Intact and half-defoliated plants with no developing grains, because pollination had been prevented, took up no N during this period, though they accumulated about as much dry matter as did plants with grain; the N increment of the husks and core was supplied by the stem and leaves. At final harvest total and grain N content of plants per unit area of land increased by 20 and nearly 30%, respectively, with increase in population between 2·3 and 6·1 plants/m2, but apparently fell slightly with further increase of population to 7·4 plants/m2. Until shortly after flowering N uptake was rapid enough to maintain similar N contents per cent of dry weight of the parts of the shoot in all populations. Uptake continued at a steady rate, though a slower one than before flowering, until near the time of final harvest in the most widely spaced population. In the denser populations uptake slowed down progressively after flowering, and in the densest population it apparently ceased a few weeks before final harvest. The N concentration of the grain of maturing plants fell with increase of population, but not that of the other parts of the shoot. At final harvest N content of the grain decreased from 1·6% in the most widely spaced to 1·2% in the densest population. That of the rest of the shoot varied between 0·70 and 0·79%. Between 6 and 18 wk after sowing, N content per unit area of green parts of the leaf laminae decreased only slightly, changing from about 20 to 18 mg/dm2 with 2·3 plants/m2, 18 to 16 mg/dm2 with 3·5 plants/m2, and 16 to 13 mg/dm2 in populations between 4·8-7·4 plants/m2.  相似文献   

Smaller amounts of D–D (6–12 gal/acre) (68–135 1/ha) or ethylene dibromide (9 gal/acre) (100 1/ha) than are customarily used to disinfest field soils killed many root-parasitic nematodes (Trichodorus, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus and Longidorus attenuatus) when injected 6–8 in (15–20 cm) deep during early autumn in rows 10 in (25 cm) apart in well-drained sandy soils. They also increased the yield of sugar beet grown in fields infested with Trichodorus or Longidorus attenuatus, without affecting sugar percentage or juice purity of the roots, and in some places increased the yield of barley grown after the beet. D–D was much less effective when injected 8–12 in deep during late autumn or winter. Increasing nitrogen dressings to the seedbed from 1·5 to 3 cwt/acre (188 to 376 kg/ha) increased sugar beet yield in one field, decreased it in another and decreased juice purity in both. In two other experiments extra nitrogen did not affect sugar beet yield. Even smaller amounts of the nematicides ‘placed’ in the rows, before or after sowing sugar beet in them, killed many of the nematodes and also increased sugar yield. Phytotoxic nematicides can be placed in the rows during autumn, winter or spring but placement is simpler during spring, when the treated rows are indicated by the position of the marks of the tractor wheels left when the nematicide was applied. When applied during autumn or winter, the rows need to be indicated by drilling wheat or grass.  相似文献   

Both Trichodorus spp. and Longidorus spp. damage roots of sugar-beet seedlings in sandy soil, causing Docking disorder. Trials in infested fields between 1969 and 1972 tested the effects of fumigation along the rows with different amounts of D-D or Telone applied either two weeks before sowing or immediately before sowing, application of the systemic nematicide aldicarb (Temik) in the furrow with the seed during sowing, and top-dressing with nitrogen. Seedling establishment was often decreased by fumigation immediately before sowing, especially when followed by excessive rainfall, but only rarely by earlier fumigation or by aldicarb; differences in numbers of roots harvested were smaller because hand-singling removed excess seedlings. There was usually little difference between the yield increases given by the most effective treatments, which were aldicarb at 1·12 kg active ingredient/ha and 2·2–6·6 ml D-D or Telone/m of row at either time of application. Nitrogen top-dressing never affected sugar yield significantly. Longidorus spp. and Trichodorus spp. were both controlled well in the fumigated row but much less well at 13 cm, and not at all at 25 cm from the row (i.e. mid-way between two treated rows).  相似文献   

Chimaera carophila (n = 45) and Hydrolagus homonycteris (n = 11), two deep‐sea chimaerids rarely caught in the waters off New Zealand, were collected from research trawl catches and commercial fishery catches around New Zealand at depths between 400 and 1300 m, between 2014 and 2016. Additional preserved specimens of both species (n = 58) from museum collections were analysed for size, sex and maturity. External assessment of male claspers and a combination of internal assessments of female gonad mass and oviducal gland width, were used to determine maturity. For both species, length at first maturity was 0·70–0·82 of their maximum observed chimaera length (LC), with females maturing at a larger size. Length at maturity for C. carophila (LC range: 28·7–103·9 cm) was estimated at 72·5 cm LC for males (n = 163) and 82·5 LC for females (n = 58). In H. homonycteris, length at maturity (length range: 78·6–99·8 cm LC) was estimated at 79·1 cm LC for males (n = 51) and 80·1 cm LC for females (n = 17). Ovarian fecundity was up to 31 for C. carophila and sperm storage was confirmed in the oviducal gland of this species. Both species preyed on benthic invertebrates. Some C. carophila and H. homonycteris inhabit depths beyond most current fisheries, but both species appear to be relatively rare and have reproductive parameters characteristic of low productivity, which may make these species vulnerable to population decline if mortality was to increase in the future.  相似文献   

Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus aggregate to feed from May to October in Minas Basin (45° N; 64° W), a large, cul‐de‐sac embayment of the inner Bay of Fundy. The aggregation consists mainly of migrants from the Saint John, NB and Kennebec Rivers, ME (99%). During 2004–2015, 4393 A. oxyrinchus were taken as by‐catch by commercial fish trawlers or at intertidal fishing weirs, and 1453 were marked and/or sampled and released. Fork length (LF) ranged from 458 to 2670 mm, but 72·5% were <1500 mm. Mass (M) ranged from 0·5 to 58·0 kg. The mass‐length relationship for fish ≤50 kg was log10M = 3·32log10LF ? 5·71. Observed growth of unsexed A. oxyrinchus recaptured after 1–8 years indicated fish of 90–179 cm LF grew c. 2–4 cm a year. Ages obtained from pectoral spines were from 4 to 54 years. The Von Bertalanffy growth model predicted K = 0·01 and L = 5209 mm LF. Estimated annual mortality was 9·5–10·9%. Aggregation sizes in 2008 and 2013 were 8804 and 9244 individuals, respectively. Fish exhibited high fidelity for yearly return to Minas Basin and population estimates indicated the total at‐sea number utilizing the Basin increased from c. 10 700 in 2010 to c. 37 500 in 2015. Abundance in the Basin was greatest along the north shore in spring and along the south shore in summer, suggesting clockwise movement following the residual current structure. Marked individuals were recaptured in other bays of the inner Bay of Fundy, north to Gaspé, Quebec, and south to New Jersey, U.S.A., with 26 recoveries from the Saint John River, NB, spawning run. Fish marked at other Canadian and U.S. sites were also recovered in Minas Basin. Since all A. oxyrinchus migrate into and out of the Basin annually they will be at risk of mortality if planned tidal power turbines are installed in Minas Passage.  相似文献   

Maize was grown in two densities, 2–47 or 4–94 plants m-2, and the following treatments imposed: untreated, plants partly defoliated 51 days after sowing, and alternate plants in a row partly defoliated 44 days after sowing. Plants flowered about 82 days after sowing. Leaf area was decreased by 60–64% by defoliation on day 51. Defoliation resulted in decreases in grain yield and grain number of 6–17%, though when alternate plants were defoliated in the higher density there was a substantial decrease in yield and number of grains in defoliated plants, which was largely offset by an increase in adjacent intact plants. When plants were defoliated on day 51 subsequent growth in leaf area was similar to, and that in leaf weight nearly as large as that in untreated plants, while increase in stem weight was substantially less than in untreated plants. By the time of flowering untreated and defoliated plots differed by c. 30% in leaf area. Increments of dry matter after flowering differed by c. 15% between untreated and defoliated plots. The fraction of these increments which entered the grain was c. 90% in both untreated and defoliated plots. When alternate plants in the row were partly defoliated on day 44 their subsequent increase in leaf area was probably 5–16% less than that of the adjacent intact plants. Increments of dry matter after flowering of plots with alternate plants defoliated were 93–95 % of those of untreated plots; leaf efficiency after flowering was slightly greater than in untreated plots. The fraction of the dry matter increment after flowering which entered the grain was c. 88 % in both intact and defoliated plants of the small density, but was 94% in intact plants and 86% in defoliated plants of the large density.  相似文献   

A crop growth model developed in Canterbury, New Zealand was used to assess the potential of lentil (Lens culinaris) as a grain legume crop in the UK. The model was validated using five sowing dates at Durham (54.77°N, 1.58°W) in 1999. Predicted time to flowering was within 7 days of actual time to flowering and predicted seed yields were within 9% of actual yields. Actual yields ranged from 1.40 to 1.65 t ha‐1. Seed was of high quality. The model was used to predict rate of development and yields of spring and autumn sown lentils at eight sites along a transect from NW Scotland (Stornoway, 58.22°N, 6.32°W) to SE England (East Mailing, 51.28°N, 0.45°E) chosen to encompass important environmental gradients in the UK. In general, for a 1 May sowing with 150 or 250 mm plant available water (PAW) and a 1 October sowing with 150 mm PAW, predicted mean values over the period 1987–95 for maximum crop growth rate, maximum leaf area index, radiation intercepted, total dry matter produced and seed yield were closely positively related to monthly mean values for mean daily air temperature and increased along the transect from NW to SE UK. Time to flowering generally decreased along the transect from NW to SE UK ranging from 28 June to 9 July and from 20 May to 14 June with the May and October sowings respectively. For the 1 May sowing with 250 mm PAW, predicted mean seed yield ranged from 1.00 to 1.90 t ha‐1. For all sites, yield was very stable over the 9 yr period. For the 1 May sowing with 150 mm PAW, predicted mean seed yield ranged from 0.97–1.23 t ha‐1. Yields for the four more southerly sites were more variable at the lower PAW and, in exceptionally dry years, were substantially lower than average. For these sites, autumn sowing increased seed yields in exceptionally dry years and gave similar or greater mean seed yields to spring sowing with 250 mm PAW. For East Mailing, predicted yields for autumn sowing were on average 2.78 t ha‐1. Also, for Stornoway, because of its relatively high overwinter temperatures, the model predicted substantial increases in yield with autumn sowing. It is concluded that lentil has considerable potential as a grain legume crop in the UK.  相似文献   

Effects of Sphaerotheca fuliginea were deduced from experiments in which cucumber foliage, exposed to naturally occurring inocula, was fungicidally sprayed. Yields increased as the incidence of mildew decreased but the relation was sometimes affected by differing amounts of phytotoxicity. The fungitoxicity and phytotoxicity of a range of chemicals applied as high-volume sprays, fumigants or soil drenches, were tested. Non-phytotoxic concentrations of some fungicides adequately protected cucumber foliage from subsequent attack but were often insufficient to eradicate established infections, the increased amounts needed for this being phytotoxic. Powdery mildew was controlled more effectively when drazoxolon and quinomethionate were applied as sprays with 0·1 and 0·02% a.i. respectively, than when used as fumigants at 2–4 and 1·3 g/28·3 m3(= 1000 ft3). Sprays of drazoxolon (0·1% a.i.) increased yields from 7·0 to 11·2 kg/ plant during 8 weeks picking and in another experiment weights of fruit were increased by applying quinomethionate (0·02% a.i.) from 10·8 to 52·2 kg/plot of four plants. In the former experiment appreciable amounts of phytotoxicity and infection were tolerated before yields decreased but, in the latter, yields were inversely proportional to numbers of dead leaves which were directly related to the incidence of mildew. Spraying with quinomethionate, or drazoxolon plus tetradifon (0·012% a.i.) increased numbers of female flowers from 59·5 in the mildewed controls to 93·0 and 142·8 per plant respectively, and of these 17·6, 32·8 and 16·2 % subsequently produced marketable cucumbers. In addition to decreasing yields, severe S. fuliginea infestations were associated with increased numbers of misshapen cucumbers. Increasing sulphur concentrations from 0·5 to 1·0g/28·3m3during nightly fumigations significantly decreased mildew incidence and increased (a) yields from 35·8 to 52·9 kg during 5 weeks picking, and (b) the proportion of high-quality cucumbers from 49 to 63 %. Similar trends occurred in another trial where sulphur concentrations were increased from 0·75 to 1·0 g/28·3 m3, but comparisons with fortnightly sprays of 0·1% drazoxolon suggest that these sulphur concentrations caused some damage.  相似文献   

Chicory plants (Cichorium intybus L. var foliosum cv Flash) were tested with and without a 4-week-long cold treatment for in vivo and in vitro flowering potential every 2 weeks during the growing season. One hundred percent of the plants harvested 112 days or later after sowing and then vernalized flowered in vivo. In vitro, no vernalization was needed to initiate flowering-stems on chicory explants taken from roots of 100 days old and older. 5-Azacytidine, a DNA demethylation agent, increased the flowering percentage on explants from young, vernalized roots but could not induce more than 15% flowering on young, nonvernalized roots. The greater flowering potential of chicory root explants in vitro when compared to plants of the same age tested in vivo was clearly established. This result suggests that some negative control on flowering was removed when root explants were excised and the main plant body discarded. Received: 31 August 1998 / Revision received: 27 October 1998 / Accepted: 10 November 1998  相似文献   

Preservation in 30% ethanol and freezing to a temperature of ?20 ± 2° C is an appropriate method for measurement of fish eggs, larvae and juveniles. Egg diameter of the common carp Cyprinus carpio increased insignificantly by 1·32% after preservation compared with live size. The total length (LT) of 1 day post‐hatching (dph) larvae as well as the standard length (LS) of 16 dph larvae of C. carpio increased significantly (2·95 and 1·50%, respectively) after preservation. Egg diameter as well as the LT of 1 dph larvae of barbel Barbus barbus increased significantly after preservation, by 1·74 and 1·96%, respectively over their original size. The standard length (LS) of 14 dph larvae of B. barbus as well as juveniles of B. barbus, crucian carp Carassius carassius, common nase Chondrostoma nasus and tench Tinca tinca decreased significantly after preservation (?0·56 to ?5·54%), whereas their body mass increased significantly (11·46–18·57%). Preserved eggs of C. carpio and B. barbus were hard, round and transparent. The larvae and juveniles of examined fishes, preserved in frozen ethanol, were straight, flexible and easily measurable after 60 days. Integrity of body surface and fins, as well as preservation of colours were much better in larvae or juveniles frozen and thawed only once than in specimens frozen and thawed thrice. Cooling in 30% ethanol to a temperature of 6 ± 2° C and freezing in water to a temperature of ?20 ± 2° C are not appropriate preservation methods for eggs and larvae of C. carpio (1 and 16 dph).  相似文献   

Seed tubers of the varieties King Edward, Majestic and Pentland Crown selected as ‘clean’ (lesion-free), moderately, or severely affected by gangrene lesions were planted in field experiments. Infection delayed plant emergence, increased the number of stems/plant, sometimes caused gaps in crops and was associated with increased blackleg. On average severely affected seed yielded 20% less than ‘clean’ seed. Seed infection also increased the proportion of tubers in smaller size grades so that crops from severely infected King Edward seed averaged 1·4 ton/acre (3·5 t/ha) less small ware and 2·5 ton/acre (6·3 t/ha) less large ware than ‘clean’ seed. With Majestic, small ware was increased (0·7 ton/acre (1·8 t/ha)) and large ware decreased (4·4 ton/acre(11·0 t/ha)); Pentland Crown was similarly affected (small ware increased 0·8 ton/acre (2·0 t/ha); large ware decreased 3·9 ton/acre (9·8 t/ha)). In eight of twelve experiments unselected diseased stocks yielded significantly less than ‘clean’ tubers. Other experiments compared seed stocks with different proportions of gangrene-infected seed tubers. Yields decreased as the proportion of diseased seed tubers increased, but differences were significant only when more than 60% were affected. Surprisingly, yields from ‘clean’ tubers also decreased as the proportion of diseased tubers increased in the stocks from which they were selected. Gangrene on progeny tubers after storage was not always related to the amount of gangrene visible on the seed. It was increased by riddling or wounding and decreased by dipping tubers in organo-mercury fungicide before or soon after wounding.  相似文献   

Although germination sensu stricto and germination–dormancy balance are essential to each other, few reports demonstrate the effects of their relationship on patterns of seed–seedling transition. We studied this relationship by using diaspores of Paepalanthus chiquitensis, a threatened everlasting flowering species. We assessed three aspects: (a) water dynamics in germinating diaspores, (b) thermal stimulation (35, 40, 50, 60 and 70°C for 30 min) and (c) imbibition (4 hr) in growth stimulators (100, 200 or 300 mg · L−1 GA3; 0.1% KNO3). Our findings demonstrate that there are no barriers in the diaspore for diffusion. Additionally, there is high variability in diaspore permeability, and the germination of the species has two steps divided into five stages. These stages were defined by inflections on velocity in water dynamics, which ranged from −0.05 to 0.05 g · hr−1, where only the last stage (Phase V) is associated with the second step of germination sensu stricto. The imbibition phase was the shortest germination phase (1.3 hr), whereas the predominantly biochemical phase was the longest (5 days after sowing [DAS]). Germinability was high (77.5–86.5%), with high daily embryo protrusion (2.46–3.03 diaspores · day−1). Protocorm emergence marked the end of the first step of germination sensu stricto (9 DAS), and first protocorm rupture (11 DAS) marked the end of the second step. The growth stimulus only concentrated the germination process, showing that the diaspores do not have primary dormancy. Knowing these diaspores’ peculiarities during germination sensu stricto avoids a false positive statement on the existence of diaspore dormancy.  相似文献   

Bullheads Cottus gobio, first found in the River Utsjoki, an Arctic river in Finland, in 1979, were sampled at six sites in August 1991 (two of these sites were also sampled previously in June and July 1991). Mean total length (LT) of C. gobio was 45 mm (n= 1080 fish). Overall, there were slightly more females than males, with males larger than females (mean LT males 52·1 and females 47·6 mm). Prevalence of infection with plerocercoids of Schistocephalus cotti varied from 20·0 to 43·0% over the six sites in August. Juvenile C. gobio had a prevalence of infection of 3·5% whereas in mature fish prevalence was consistently higher in females than in males (38·8 v. 20·1%). There was one plerocercoid per infected juvenile C. gobio. In mature fish the mean number varied between 1·3 and 1·8: 49% had one worm per fish, 38% two or three worms and 13% had four to eight plerocercoids. In juvenile C. gobio, S. cotti were randomly distributed (overdispersion index 1·10), whereas occurrence was slightly aggregated in the LT groups 40–59 and ≥60 mm (overdispersion indices both 1·90). Mean mass of infected fish was higher in all LT groups compared to uninfected C. gobio. After removal of plerocercoids, mean mass of fish tissue remaining was lower compared with uninfected fish for the two LT groups 40–59 and ≥ 60 mm, but higher in C. gobio <40 mm LT. Prevalence and mean intensity of infection over the 3 months did not differ either for the two sites individually or the pooled data. Mean mass of both uninfected and infected fish increased over this period, and were both highest in August as was the mean worm burden. There was, however, no difference in Fulton’s condition factor at any time. Mean mass of plerocercoids in C. gobio of ≥40 mm LT increased significantly comparing June and July with August. Comparison of backcalculated LT of infected and non‐infected bullheads of different age‐groups did not show any significant differences in growth at any age. In each parasite infrapopulation as the number of worms increased so their mean mass decreased significantly but at the same time the total mass of worms in the fish host remained more or less constant in relation to length. Aggregation of parasites in the fish population was low, as the majority were infected by one S. cotti plerocercoid. Gonad development was suppressed in infected C. gobio.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model for juvenile age‐0 year walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma was applied to a spatially distinct grid of samples in the western Gulf of Alaska to investigate the influence of temperature and prey quality on size‐specific growth. Daily growth estimates for 50, 70 and 90 mm standard length (LS) walleye pollock during September 2000 were generated using the bioenergetics model with a fixed ration size. Similarities in independent estimates of prey consumption generated from the bioenergetics model and a gastric evacuation model corroborated the performance of the bioenergetics model, concordance correlation (rc) = 0·945, lower 95% CL (transformed) (L1) = 0·834, upper 95% CL (transformed) (L2) = 0·982, P < 0·001. A mean squared error analysis (MSE) was also used to partition the sources of error between both model estimates of consumption into a mean component (MC), slope component (SC), and random component (RC). Differences between estimates of daily consumption were largely due to differences in the means of estimates (MC= 0·45) and random sources (RC= 0·49) of error, and not differences in slopes (SC= 0·06). Similarly, daily growth estimates of 0·031–0·167 g day?1 generated from the bioenergetics model was within the range of growth estimates of 0·026–0·190 g day?1 obtained from otolith analysis of juvenile walleye pollock. Temperature and prey quality alone accounted for 66% of the observed variation between bioenergetics and otolith growth estimates across all sizes of juvenile walleye pollock. These results suggest that the bioenergetics model for juvenile walleye pollock is a useful tool for evaluating the influence of spatially variable habitat conditions on the growth potential of juvenile walleye pollock.  相似文献   

Starting from 66 days post hatching (dph), European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax were graded successively to create a fast growing (L‐extreme) and a slow growing (S‐extreme) population. The L‐extreme population grew significantly larger (ANOVA, n = 89–101, P < 0·01) attaining twice the wet mass of the S‐extreme population at 300 dph (130·9 ± 1·8 v. 66·7 ± 0·9 g, mean ± s .e .). When the two populations were sexed, the L‐extreme consisted of 96·5% and the S‐extreme of 30·2% females, while the ungraded control had 59·2% females. Sex differentiation began first in females at a total length (LT) of 97 ± 4 mm and wet mass of 9·4 ± 1·2 g (150 dph), and was completed when fish reached 166 ± 6 mm and 53·4 ± 6·4 g (250 dph) in both sexes. Precocious maturation in males was positively correlated to growth. Gonad oestradiol (E2) was significantly higher in the female‐dominant population at the onset of ovarian differentiation (ANOVA, n = 10, P < 0·05) and in the plasma after the appearance of the first primary oocytes (P < 0·01). Gonad testosterone (T) increased in both populations after sex differentiation (ANOVA, n = 10, P < 0·05), while plasma levels were significantly higher in the male‐dominant population (P < 0·001). Both gonad and plasma 11‐keto testosterone (11‐KT) were significantly higher in the male‐dominant population (ANOVA, n = 10, P < 0·01) reaching maximal values at spermiation. The results suggest that E2 is closely related with ovarian differentiation and the onset of oogenesis, while T and 11‐KT is more related to spermatogenesis and precocious maturation.  相似文献   

A new species of Dysalotus (family Chiasmodontidae) known only from off the Hawaiian archipelago is described here as Dysalotus pouliulii sp. nov. It differs from all other species of Dysalotus in having a greater number of teeth on the premaxilla (151–198 v. 60–138) and dentary (136–199 v. 76–132) and in a shorter upper jaw [51·9–54·9% of head length (LH) v. 62·4–74·4% LH] and lower jaw (64·8–67·4% in LH v. 75·3–88·1% in LH). A key for the species of Dysalotus and an updated distribution map are provided. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E9B5F1DC‐52E0‐4F53‐9109‐2A8E252AE8CE .  相似文献   

In soil inoculated with Pythium ultimum or Pythium irregulare, seed treatment with either Apron 70 (=1 g metalaxyl and 1 g captan/kg seed) or thiram gave control of pre-emergence damping-off of Brussels sprout and cabbage seedlings. On cauliflower, Apron 70 was significantly more effective than thiram. No post-emergence damping-off occurred in either of these crops or in oil-seed rape following seed treatment with Apron 70 whilst post-emergence losses from untreated seed ranged from 10·2–19·4% and from thiram treated seed from 5·7-7·4%. Apron 70 gave complete control of Peronospora parasitica on cauliflower inoculated 10 days after sowing; thiram was ineffective. Following seed treatment with Apron 70, metalaxyl was detected in the cotyledons, true leaves and roots of cabbage seedlings up to 4 wk from sowing.  相似文献   

Acoustic telemetry was used to monitor the movements and landscape scale habitat use of age 2–3 year juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in Newman Sound, a coastal fjord of Newfoundland, during late autumn and early winter (24 October 1999 to 22 January 2000). Substratum, bathymetric relief and depth use were studied to determine if it differed from the pattern expected given an absence of selectivity (habitat use proportional to habitat availability). Prior to winter migrations, most Atlantic cod maintained small home ranges (0·5–33·4 ha, median = 2·1 ha) although a few individuals moved more widely. No relationship between total length (LT) and home range size was detected. In Inner Newman Sound, Atlantic cod occupied depths of 10–29 m more than expected given availability, while depths of 0–9 and 40–59 m were underutilized. No significant relationship between depth and LT was detected. Areas of medium (5–10%) or high (>10%) bathymetric relief and boulder or kelp habitats were used significantly more than expected given the availability of these habitats. Sand and eelgrass substrata were underutilized given availability, although many Atlantic cod used sandy‐bottomed areas to some degree. Flexibility in habitat use by the individuals that were studied suggested reduced predation risk relative to younger conspecifics. Winter migrations to deeper water beyond Newman Sound began in mid‐November, coinciding with the disappearance of the thermocline, and continued until 27 December. Approximately 30% of monitored individuals did not migrate and maintained their home ranges into the winter season. No significant differences in LT between migrating and resident groups were detected, however, the condition of migrating fish was significantly higher than in resident fish. This finding supports the theory that feeding history plays a role in the decision to undertake migration.  相似文献   

Seeds or fruits of 10 weed species were collected in each of 3 years and mixed with the top 7·5 cm of sterilised soil which was confined in cylinders sunk in the ground outdoors and cultivated three times yearly. The numbers of seedlings emerging were recorded for 5 yr and the numbers of viable seeds remaining then determined. Few, if any, seedlings of Atriplex, Chenopodium or Polygonum spp. emerged in the autumn of sowing; the main emergence was consistently in March–May (A. hastata, A. patula), April–May (P. lapathifolium, P. persicaria), April–June (C. polyspermum), May–June (C. rubrum) or June–August (C. hybridum). When sown before November, some seedlings of Rumex crispus, R. obtusifolius and R. sanguineus appeared immediately. Most emerged in April in subsequent years. Seedling emergence was usually greatest in the first year; thereafter, with all species, seedling numbers decreased approximately exponentially from year to year. The mean numbers of seeds found to be viable after 5 yr ranged from 2·5% (R. sanguineus) to 16·6% (C. rubrum) of those sown.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were made to test whether natural enemies would take over control of brussels sprouts aphids at the time when protection from a selectively acting, soil-applied systemic insecticide, menazon, began to fail. The natural enemies, notably Syrphidae, proved ineffective against Brevicoryne brassicae L. despite advantages given by the insecticide and by close planting, which greatly increased the ratio of numbers of syrphid eggs and larvae to aphids. Thus, development of the aphid population was little altered when infested plants were kept free of most natural enemies by hand removal. I lb/acre (1–12 kg/ha) of menazon applied as spot treatments to the soil at planting-out time decreased the number of overwintering parasite mummies by 70 % but such ‘mortality’ was compensated for by decreased mortality from hyperparasites and other causes, so the numbers of adults of the primary parasite Diaretiella rapae (McIntosh) which emerged in the spring were similar to those from untreated plots. Soil cultivation in winter drastically decreased the numbers of emerging adult primary parasites, hyperparasites and syrphids. The menazon treatment designed for integrated control (1 lb/acre) seemed too unpredictable in action, e.g. less effective in dry than in damp conditions, to provide the hoped-for chemical control needed until natural enemies became abundant. Menazon at 4 lb/acre (4·48 kg/ha) protected the crop throughout the growing season and bioassays showed that menazon or its toxic derivatives continued to occur in leaves during cool periods in winter and also in the following April-May nearly 1 year after application. The same amount of menazon per unit area of crop was less effective on 1 ft 6 in (45·6 cm) spaced than on 3 ft (91·2 cm) spaced brussels sprouts plants.  相似文献   

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