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This work analyzed the process of lipid storage in fat body of larval Manduca sexta, focusing on the role of lipid transfer particle (LTP). Incubation of fat bodies with [(3)H]diacylglycerol-labeled lipophorin resulted in a significant accumulation of diacylglycerol (DAG) and triacylglycerol (TAG) in the tissue. Transfer of DAG to fat body and its storage as TAG was significantly inhibited (60%) by preincubating the tissue with anti-LTP antibody. Lipid transfer was restored to control values by adding LTP to fat body. Incubation of fat body with dual-labeled DAG lipophorin or its treatment with ammonium chloride showed that neither a membrane-bound lipoprotein lipase nor lipophorin endocytosis is a relevant pathway to transfer or to storage lipids into fat body, respectively. Treatment of fat body with suramin caused a 50% inhibition in [(3)H]DAG transfer from lipophorin. Treatment of [(3)H]DAG-labeled fat body with lipase significantly reduced the amount of [(3)H]DAG associated with the tissue, suggesting that the lipid is still on the external surface of the membrane. Whether this lipid represents irreversibly adsorbed lipophorin or a DAG lipase-sensitive pool is unknown. Nevertheless, these results indicate that the main pathway for DAG transfer from lipophorin to fat body is via LTP and receptor-mediated processes.  相似文献   

Lipophorin binding to the midgut of Manduca sexta larvae was characterized in a midgut membrane preparation, using iodinated larval high-density lipophorin ((125)I-HDLp-L). The iodination procedure did not change the affinity of the preparation for lipophorin. In the presence of increasing concentrations of membrane protein, corresponding increases in lipophorin binding were observed. The time-course of lipophorin binding to the membranes was affected by the lipophorin concentration in the medium, and at a low lipoprotein concentration, a longer time was required for equilibrium to be reached. The specific binding of lipophorin to the midgut membrane was a saturable process with a K(d) = 1.5+/-0.2x10(-7) M and a maximal binding capacity = 127+/-17 ng lipophorin/microg of membrane protein. Binding did not depend on calcium, was maximal around pH 5.5, was strongly inhibited by an increase in the ionic strength, and abolished by suramin. However, suramin did not completely displace lipophorin that was previously bound to the membrane preparation. The lipid content of the lipophorin did not significantly affect the affinity of the membrane preparation for lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The pathway for the synthesis of diacylglycerol in larval Manduca sexta midgut was studied. Fifth instar larvae were fed with [9,10–3H]–oleic acid–labeled triolein and the incorporation of the label into lipid intermediates was analyzed as a function of time. The results showed that the triacylglycerol was hydrolyzed to fatty acids and glycerol in the midgut lumen. In midgut tissue, the labeled fatty acids were rapidly incorporated into phosphatidic acid, diacylglycerol and triacylglycerol, but no significant labeling of monoacylglycerol was observed. Dual-labeling experiments were performed in order to characterize the kinetics of diacylglycerol biosynthesis in the midgut, its incorporation into hemolymph lipophorin and its clearance from hemolymph. The results were best described by a model in which the rate-limiting step in diacylglycerol biosynthesis was the uptake of fatty acid from the lumen of the midgut. Once in the cell the fatty acid was rapidly incorporated in phosphatidic acid and diacylglycerol. Diacylglycerol was converted to triacylglycerol or exported into hemolymph. The interconversion of diacylglycerol and triacylglycerol was fairly rapid, suggesting that triacylglycerol serves as a reservoir from which diacylglycerol can be produced. This mechanism permits the cell to maintain a low steady-state concentration of diacylglycerol and yet efficiently absorb fatty acids from the lumen of the midgut.  相似文献   

Manduca sexta hemolymph lipid transfer particle (LTP) is a very high density lipoprotein (d = 1.23 g/ml) containing 14% lipid and 5% carbohydrate. Each of three apoprotein components, apoLTP-I (Mr approximately 320,000), apoLTP-II (Mr = 85,000), and apoLTP-III (Mr = 55,000), is glycosylated. Carbohydrate analysis revealed the presence of mannose and N-acetylglucosamine in a ratio of 4.5:1. A native Mr greater than 670,000 was determined by pore limiting gradient gel electrophoresis. Lipid analysis of LTP revealed the presence of phospholipid, diacylglycerol (DAG), free fatty acid, and triacylglycerol. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies directed against LTP were obtained. Anti-LTP serum was employed in experiments which indicated the presence of LTP in larval and adult animals and confirmed that LTP was unrelated to other M. sexta hemolymph proteins and lipoproteins. A quantitative lipid transfer assay measuring facilitated DAG exchange between isolated M. sexta lipoproteins was established. The level of LTP-catalyzed exchange of DAG increased linearly with increasing time and protein during the initial phase of the reaction. Inclusion of anti-LTP serum in the assay inhibited facilitated DAG exchange. Experiments designed to determine if the LTP holoprotein is required for transfer or if a component of LTP is the active principle were performed. Incubation of [3H]DAG labeled high density lipophorin with substrate amounts of LTP resulted in incorporation of labeled DAG into LTP. Subsequent incubation of [3H]DAG-labeled LTP with unlabeled lipophorin resulted in exchange of DAG and the appearance of labeled DAG in lipophorin. Nitrocellulose-bound LTP apoproteins did not facilitate DAG exchange, and pretreatment of LTP with detergents resulted in loss of transfer activity. Extraction of LTP lipids with ethanol/ether also resulted in loss of activity. The results suggest that the lipid component of LTP may be important in the transfer reaction.  相似文献   

Insect plasma lipid transfer particle (LTP) catalyzes vectorial net transfer of diacylglycerol (DAG) from Manduca sexta larval high density lipophorin (HDLp-L) to human low density lipoprotein (LDL) producing an LDL of lower density and lipophorin subspecies of higher density. At equilibrium, a stable DAG-depleted very high density lipophorin species (density = 1.25 g/ml) is formed. Electrophoretic analysis of the substrate and product lipoproteins showed that apoprotein exchange or transfer between human LDL and lipophorin did not occur during the lipid transfer reaction. Facilitated net transfer of cholesteryl ester, free cholesterol, and phospholipid occurred to a much lower extent than DAG net transfer, indicating that under these conditions, LDL serves as a sink for lipophorin-associated DAG. This reaction, therefore, provides a method whereby the mass of lipid associated with human LDL can be modified in vitro without alteration of its apoprotein component. The DAG content of LDL increased in a linear manner with respect to LTP concentration and time during the initial phase of the reaction, demonstrating the utility of this system as a quantitative assay method for LTP-mediated net DAG transfer. When [3H]DAG-labeled LDL was prepared and employed in transfer experiments with unlabeled lipophorin, labeled DAG was recovered in the HDLp-L fraction. The amount of labeled DAG recovered in the HDLp-L fraction was dependent on the ratio of LDL to HDLp-L in the reaction. Thus, in this system, LTP-mediated DAG redistribution is bidirectional, suggesting that the final equilibrium distribution of lipid may be dictated by the properties of potential donor/acceptor lipoproteins rather than by an inherent particle substrate specificity of LTP.  相似文献   

Regulation of chitin synthesis in the larval midgut of Manduca sexta   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In insects, chitin is not only synthesized by ectodermal cells that form chitinous cuticles, but also by endodermal cells of the midgut that secrete a chitinous peritrophic matrix. Using anti-chitin synthase (CHS) antibodies, we previously demonstrated that in the midgut of Manduca sexta, CHS is expressed by two cell types, tracheal cells forming a basal tracheal network and columnar cells forming the apical brush border [Zimoch and Merzendorfer, 2002, Cell Tissue Res. 308, 287-297]. Now, we show that two different genes, MsCHS1 and MsCHS2, encode CHSs of midgut tracheae and columnar cells, respectively. To investigate MsCHS2 expression and activity in the course of the larval development, we monitored chitin synthesis, enzyme levels as well as mRNA amounts. All of the tested parameters were significantly reduced during molting and in the wandering stage when compared to the values obtained from intermolt feeding larvae. By contrast, MsCHS1 appeared to be inversely regulated because its mRNA was detectable only during the molt at the time when tracheal growth occurs at the basal site of the midgut. To further examine midgut chitin synthesis, we measured enzyme activity in crude midgut extracts and different membrane fractions. When we analysed trypsin-mediated proteolytic activation, a phenomenon previously reported for insect and fungal systems, we recognized that midgut chitin synthesis was only activated in crude extracts, but not in the 12,000 g membrane fraction. However, proteolytic activation by trypsin in the 12,000 g membrane fraction could be reconstituted by re-adding a soluble fraction, indicating that limited proteolysis affects an unknown soluble factor, a process that in turn activates chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

A novel reaction, catalyzed by Manduca sexta lipid transfer particle (LTP), transforms low density lipophorin (LDLp) into two distinct lipoprotein species. A population of LDLp particles serves as lipid donor or acceptor in LTP-catalyzed production of a very low density lipophorin (VLDLp) and a high density lipophorin (HDLp) product. The products result from facilitated net transfer of lipid mass from donor LDLp particles to acceptor LDLp particles. Transfer of apolipophorin III (apoLp-III) from donor to acceptor lipoprotein occurs during the reaction to produce a lipid- and apoLp-III-enriched VLDLp species and lipid- and apoLp-III-depleted HDLp species. The VLDLp produced in this in vitro reaction contains more lipid and apoLp-III than any previous lipophorin species reported and further demonstrates the scope of the lipid binding capacity of lipophorin. Lipid analysis and radiolabeling studies confirmed that unidirectional net transfer of lipid mass and apoLp-III from donor to acceptor occurs. When 3H-lipid-LDLp was used as substrate in the LTP-catalyzed disproportionation reaction the density distribution of radioactivity and protein provided evidence of vectorial transfer of diacylglycerol, phospholipid, and free fatty acids. Electron micrographs of the original LDLp population and of the LTP-induced product lipoprotein population provided further support for the interpretation derived from biochemical studies. This LTP-catalyzed disproportionation was observed only with apoLp-III-rich LDLp suggesting that the presence of increased amounts of this apoprotein dramatically affects the properties of the particle and appears to be directly related to the capacity of the lipoprotein to bind lipid.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the transfer of cholesterol from Manduca sexta larvae fat body to high-density lipophorin. [3H]-Cholesterol-labeled fat body was incubated with lipophorin under different conditions and cholesterol transfer was determined. Transfer rate exhibited a hyperbolic dependency on lipophorin concentration with an apparent Km of 3.6 mg/ml, which is consistent with either an aqueous diffusion mechanism of cholesterol transfer or a receptor-mediated process. Several results, including the high Km, the high activation energy, and the lack of Ca2+ dependence favor aqueous diffusion model. In addition, anti-lipid transfer particle antibodies had only a small inhibitory effect, suggesting it is not involved in cholesterol transfer. However, the transfer was inhibited in the presence of suramin, which would be consistent with a receptor-mediated process. The effects of suramin may be complex because it can change membrane properties when bound to the lipophorin receptor and affect the rate of cholesterol desorption. The preponderance of data suggests that the export of cholesterol from fat body to lipophorin follows a simple aqueous diffusion pathway. Although we cannot completely exclude some contribution from a receptor-mediated pathway, it seems that if such a pathway were present, it represents a minor route.  相似文献   

The ability of 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) and methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) to promote cholesterol efflux from [3H]cholesterol-labeled larval Manduca sexta fat body and midgut was tested. In fat body, both β-cyclodextrins induced a two-phase efflux of cholesterol. The first rapid phase depended on cyclodextrin concentration and was more rapid for MβCD than for HPβCD. The second, slower, phase was independent of cyclodextrin concentration and type. In midgut, only the concentration-dependent phase was observed; the rate constants are approximately 85% slower than for fat body. In both cases, a low activation energy for transfer was observed, consistent with a collision mechanism where cyclodextrin interacts directly with cholesterol in plasma membrane to affect transfer. In fat body, the second slower phase is suggestive of a second pool of exchangeable cholesterol and most likely represents transfer of cholesterol from internal membranes or different lateral domains of the plasma membrane. The lack of this second phase in midgut suggests that midgut has only a single pool of exchangeable cholesterol. Although the rates are somewhat different, the overall kinetic pattern for cyclodextrin-mediated cholesterol transfer in insect fat body closely resembles that for vertebrate cells, while the single pool behavior of the midgut is not found in vertebrate cells.  相似文献   

Several related cytochrome P450 cDNAs belonging to the CYP9 family have been cloned from the midgut of larval tobacco hornworms, Manduca sexta. The first P450, CYP9A2, was obtained by RT-PCR using degenerate primers. Northern blot analysis of expression in the midgut using the CYP9A2 probe revealed a significant induction by a variety of chemicals. Diets supplemented with the wild tomato compound 2-undecanone caused a dose-dependent induction which peaked after 48 h. Induction was also observed after addition to the diet of indole-3-carbinol, phenobarbital, 2-tridecanone and xanthotoxin. Neither alpha-pinene, clofibrate nor nicotine were effective inducers. The CYP9A2 probe hybridized to two mRNA species, one of 2. 0 kb and another of 4.2 kb, suggesting cross-hybridization to other P450 mRNAs. Additional P450 clones of the CYP9 family were then obtained and sequenced. Northern hybridization revealed that the 4.2 kb band also hybridized to CYP9A4 whereas the 2.0 kb hybridized to CYP9A5. Despite being 91% identical, CYP9A4 and CYP9A5 were induced differentially by clofibrate and xanthotoxin. Multiple P450 genes from various families are therefore induced in Lepidoptera in response to plant allelochemicals or xenobiotics.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the transfer of diacylglycerol (DAG) and cholesterol from larval Bombyx mori lipophorin to ovarioles. Transfer studies were carried out by incubating pupal ovarioles (5-day) with [(3)H]-cholesterol and [(3)H]-DAG-labeled lipophorin under different conditions. Transfer of both cholesterol and DAG exhibited hyperbolic dependency on lipophorin concentration with apparent Km values of 0.83 +/- 0.17 mg/ml and 0.74 +/- 0.16 mg/ml, respectively. Pretreatment of ovarioles with anti-lipid transfer particle (LTP) IgG significantly inhibited transfer of labeled DAG to ovarioles (75%) and not cholesterol. Injection of B. mori pupae (day 4) with anti-LTP IgG significantly affected the weight (65%), number of eggs (49%), amount of lipid (74%), and protein (65%) of the adult ovaries. Matured eggs had a very faint yellow color and deformed shape compared to controls. The inhibitory effect demonstrates the active role LTP plays in growth of ovaries, development, and oogenesis. The effect on vitellogenin shortage on egg development and maturation was determined by implanting ovaries in male recipients that lack vitellogenin. An 80% decline in egg production was observed. However, the mature eggs were normal in shape, color, and lipid content. Thus, restricting lipid or protein delivery to developing ovaries would dramatically affect choriogenesis.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(4):337-342
Brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) were prepared from freshly isolated posterior larval Manduca sexta midguts by differential calcium precipitation, differential magnesium precipitation and differential ultrasonication. BBMV were also prepared from frozen posterior larval M. sexta midguts by differential calcium precipitaion and differential magnesium precipitation. The yield of BBMV by both differential precipitation methods was 5–6 times greater than that by the differential ultrasonification method. Enrichments of the brush border membrane marker enzymes alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyl transferase, and aminopeptidase were similar in all preparations. The polypeptide composition of all preparations was also similar. The specific activity of mitochondrial and microsomal marker enzymes was higher in BBMV prepared from freshly isolated midguts by the differential precipitation methods than in BBMV prepared by the ultrasonication method. The specific activity of cytochrome-c oxidase was 2.5–7 times higher in BBMV prepared from frozen midguts than in BBMV prepared from fresh tissue.  相似文献   

Lipid transfer particle (LTP) is present in hemolymph of the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta. Biosynthesis of LTP, occurrence in hemolymph, and the role of LTP-apoproteins in the lipid transfer reaction were investigated using antibodies specific for LTP or for each of the apoproteins. In vitro protein synthesis followed by immunoprecipitation demonstrated that LTP is synthesized by the fat body and secreted into the medium. In contrast to apolipophorin III, an exchangeable apoprotein of lipophorin (the major lipid transport protein in hemolymph), apoLTP-III could not be detected free in hemolymph. LTP concentrations in the hemolymph were measured by a sandwich ELISA using a mouse monoclonal antibody against apoLTP-III as capturing antibody and rabbit polyclonal antibody against apoLTP-I as detecting antibody. LTP concentration increased during the late fifth instar larval stage, followed by a decrease in the wandering stage. Subsequently, LTP concentrations were strongly increased in hemolymph of adult moths. The role of the three apoproteins of LTP in the lipid transfer reaction was analyzed using apoprotein-specific antibodies. All three, apoLTP-I, -II, and -III, appeared to be important for lipid transfer activity, as shown by inhibition of lipid transfer by antibodies specific for each of the three apoproteins. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The 80,000g supernatant o larval midgut homogenates of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, was fractionated by affinity chromatography on Blue Sepharose CL-6B and by anion exchange chromatography on Q Sepharose. Both methods resolved one major 3-oxoecdysteroid 3α-reductase and three major 3-oxoecdysteroid 3β-reductases. The 3β-reducates reacted only with BADPH as cosubstrate. The 3α-reductase was active with both NADPH and NADH, and the NADPH/NADH activity ratio increased with the NaCl concentration (0–0.5 M) in the incubation mixtures. The 3-α-reductase and one of the 3-β-reductases showed very similar chromatographic properties, and their isoelectric points were 5.2 and 5.8, respectively. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

R O Ryan  L D Hicks  C M Kay 《FEBS letters》1990,267(2):305-310
Hydrodynamic studies conducted in the analytical ultracentrifuge provided evidence for two populations of lipid transfer particle (LTP) when centrifuged in a buffer solution containing 10 mM Tris, pH 8.0/100 mM KCl. The apparent sedimentation coefficients of the two species was 23.3 S and 15.3 S. Upon changing the buffer pH to 7.0 or 5.7, two species of LTP were still present but the ratio of their relative abundance was altered. When the KCl concentration in the buffer was lowered to 50 mM the sample sedimented as a single species with an apparent S20,w of 22.9 S. In higher ionic strength buffers (10 mM succinate, pH 5.7/500 mM KCl) LTP sedimented with an apparent S20,w of 14.8 S. Further experiments revealed that these two forms are interconvertable as a function of buffer ionic strength. Given previous estimates of the molecular size of LTP we concluded that the slower sedimenting peak observed at high ionic strength represents monomeric LTP while the faster sedimenting material observed at low ionic strength is likely to be an aggregated state of LTP. This interpretation is supported by molecular weight determinations made by sedimentation equilibrium experiments conducted in 10 mM succinate, pH 5.7/500 mM KCl which yielded a particle Mr = 887,000. Circular dichroism spectra of monomeric LTP sample revealed 6% alpha-helix, 49% beta-sheet, 7% beta-turn and 35% random coil while aggregated LTP contained 13% alpha-helix, 66% beta-sheet and 21% random coil. The transfer activity of the two LTP forms was assayed and found to be the same indicating that either the state of LTP aggregation did not affect transfer activity or that upon exposure to a large excess of lipoprotein substrate disaggregation, without loss of activity, occurs.  相似文献   

The microvillar proteome of Manduca sexta larval midguts was analyzed by subjecting brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) to two different two-dimensional approaches: (i) Anion exchange chromatography followed by SDS-PAGE and (ii) Blue Native-PAGE followed by SDS-PAGE. The first technique was superior to conventional 2-D gel electrophoresis in resolving the most abundant proteins associated with the midgut microvilli. Twenty of them were successfully identified as digestive enzymes, binding targets of the insecticidal Cry1A toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), and signal transduction proteins. A homolog of the chlorophyllide A binding protein from the silkworm and several aminopeptidases N represent the most abundant proteins associated with the BBMV. The second technique revealed protein oligomeric complexes associated with midgut microvilli in vivo. Two such complexes contained subunits of the vacuolar ATP synthase complex, and one was an oligomer of the chlorophyllide A binding protein. An additional complex consisted of homo- or hetero-tetramers of three different aminopeptidases N (APNs). As APNs are well-known binding partners of Cry1A toxins, their quaternary structure has implications for Bt toxin mode of action. Both techniques provide a useful complement to conventional 2-D gel electrophoresis in analyzing the complex proteome of the microvillar membrane fraction.  相似文献   

Using in vitro methods, we investigated the transfer of cholesterol from larval Manduca sexta midgut to the hemolymph lipoprotein, lipophorin, and the transfer of cholesterol from lipophorin to larval fat body. In the midgut, transfer of free cholesterol shows saturation kinetics, but the apparent Km is higher than the measured Kd for the midgut lipophorin-receptor complex. In addition, the transfer is unaffected by suramin, which binds to the receptor and inhibits lipophorin binding, and by antibodies to the lipid transfer particle, which is required for export of diacylglycerol from the midgut to lipophorin. In the fat body, transfer of free cholesterol also shows saturation kinetics, and the apparent Km is higher than the measured Kd for the fat body lipophorin-receptor complex. Suramin and anti-lipid transfer particle antibodies exert only a small (20%) inhibitory effect. In both tissues it seems that the most likely mode of cholesterol transfer is via aqueous diffusion, which is also an important mechanism in vertebrate cells. Based on these results, we propose that cholesterol homeostasis in larval M. sexta is maintained by a mass action mechanism in which cholesterol is freely transferred between lipophorin and tissues depending on the needs of the tissues. This simple mechanism is ideally suited to insects, which can neither make cholesterol nor internalize lipophorin, the two mechanisms that vertebrate cells use to control their cholesterol content.  相似文献   

Baldwin KM  Hakim RS 《Tissue & cell》1991,23(3):411-422
The number of epithelial cells comprising larval midgut of the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta increases 200-fold in development from the first to the fifth instar. We have examined larvae periodically before and during molting to follow epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation. The midgut epithelium in Manduca sexta consists predominantly of columnar and goblet cells. These are arranged in a characteristic pattern with each goblet cell surrounded by a single layer of 4-6 columnar cells (Hakim et al., (1988)). While undifferentiated basal stem cells are infrequently seen in intermolt larvae, just prior to the period when external signs of molting are visible, their number increases and mitotic figures become common. Proliferation continues for several hours and then these stem cells differentiate following a pattern similar to that seen during embryogenesis (Hakim et al., (1988)). Here, however, the newly differentiating cells become intercalated among the mature differentiated cells already present in the epithelium. Since the pattern of individual goblet cells surrounded by a reticulum of columnar cells is maintained after the addition of new cells, the midgut epithelium of molting larvae appears to be a useful model for studying pattern formation in development.  相似文献   

A hemolymph lipid transfer protein (LTP) was isolated from the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. LTP catalyzes net lipid transfer between isolated hemolymph lipoproteins in vitro. An isolation procedure employing density gradient ultracentrifugation and gel permeation chromatography produced a purified protein. LTP is a very high density lipoprotein with a particle Mr greater than 500,000. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that LTP is comprised of two apoproteins: apoLTP-I (Mr approximately 320,000) and apoLTP-II (Mr approximately 85,000). LTP may have a physiological role in altering the lipid content and composition of the major hemolymph lipoprotein, lipophorin.  相似文献   

Morphological features of Manduca sexta plasma lipid transfer particle (LTP) have been investigated by electron microscopy. LTP was found to be an asymmetric particle with two major structural features: a roughly spherical head and an elongated, hinged tail. The hinge occurs approximately at the midpoint of the tail section with the two halves forming angles ranging from 30 degrees to 180 degrees. A molecular mass estimate of 1.4 x 10(6) daltons based on the dimensions of LTP suggests that multiple copies (two or three) of each of the three LTP apoproteins exist in the native complex. Limited digestion studies of LTP suggest that apoLTP-III is less susceptible to trypsin cleavage than apoLTP-I or -II, and therefore may be less exposed to the aqueous environment. Digestion for 1 h at a 1:50 trypsin-LTP protein ratio did not alter the flotation properties of LTP or its morphological features; thus, although significant proteolysis occurred, the particle retained its overall structure. Transfer activity, on the other hand, was affected by trypsin digestion with 30 +/- 14% inhibition of LTP activity occurring upon proteolysis at a 1:50 trypsin-LTP protein ratio. Treatment of LTP with phospholipase A2 resulted in the conversion of LTP-associated phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine to their corresponding lyso forms. Phospholipase A2 treatment did not, however, alter the SDS-PAGE profile, transfer activity, flotation pattern, or the microscopic features of LTP. These results suggest that the products of the phospholipase reaction remain associated with the particle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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