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Repair of UV damage in plasmid DNA by human fibroblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Plasmid DNA from Bacillus subtilis was introduced into monolayers of human fibroblasts by means of a modification of the calcium phosphate coprecipitation technique, comprising centrifugation of the coprecipitate onto the cells and treatment with polyethyleneglycol. The amount of DNA resistant to removal from the monolayers ranged from 10% to 15% of the input DNA. By determination of the biological activity of the plasmid DNA, re-extracted after various periods following entry into the fibroblasts and subsequently used as donor for B. subtilis protoplasts, it was shown that the activity of the plasmid DNA was gradually lost. When ultraviolet light-inactivated plasmid DNA was used as donor, reactivation of the plasmid was observed, which was completed within 2 h. The dose-dependent incorporation of [14C]-thymidine suggests that DNA repair processes were involved in reactivation of the plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

J A Bercovich  S Grinstein  J Zorzopulos 《BioTechniques》1992,12(2):190, 192-190, 193
We describe conditions for optimal recovery of recombinant plasmids after blunt-end ligation. It was found that one of the most critical parameters of the blunt-end ligation reaction is total DNA concentration (vector plus incoming DNA). This concentration was optimal in the range of 1-5 micrograms/ml of reaction mixture. Concentrations larger than 10 micrograms/ml result in strong inhibition. The optimal molar relationship between incoming DNA and vector was found to be 1 or less. Under these conditions, using dephosphorylated vector, recombinants are generated at a frequency of 10(6) colonies per microgram of insert, provided that transforming efficiency is about 5 x 10(7) colonies per microgram of plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

One of the major steps limiting nonviral gene transfer efficiency is the entry of plasmid DNA from the cytoplasm into the nucleus of the transfected cells. The nuclear localization signal (NLS) of the SV40 large T antigen is known to efficiently induce nuclear targeting of proteins. We have developed two chemical strategies for covalent coupling of NLS peptides to plasmid DNA. One method involves a site-specific labeling of plasmid DNA by formation of a triple helix with an oligonucleotide–NLS peptide conjugate. After such modification with one NLS peptide per plasmid molecule, plasmid DNA remained fully active in cationic lipid-mediated transfection. In the other method, we randomly coupled 5–115 p-azidotetrafluorobenzyllissamine–NLS peptide molecules per plasmid DNA by photoactivation. Oligonucleotide–NLS and plasmid–lissamine–NLS conjugates interacted specifically with the NLS-receptor importin . Plasmid–lissamine–NLS conjugates were not detected in the nucleus, after cytoplasmic microinjection. Plasmids did not diffuse from the site of injection and plasmid–lissamine–NLS conjugates appeared to be progressively degraded in the cytoplasm. The process of plasmid DNA sequestration/degradation stressed in this study might be as important in limiting the efficiency of nonviral gene transfer as the generally recognized entry step of plasmid DNA from the cytoplasm into the nucleus  相似文献   

Fibroblasts from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) complementation groups A, C, D, E, and G, as well as Bloom syndrome (BS) and Fanconi anemia (FA) have been transfected with a plasmid, pSV7, containing the early region of Simian virus 40 (SV40). All of the cultures exhibited cytologic changes characteristic of transformed cells and expressed T-antigen. They also contained integrated copies of DNA derived from the vector, and in several cases, extrachromosomally replicated DNA. Not all of the transfected cultures became immortalized. The transformed xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cultures retained their UV-sensitive phenotype in all but one case. The BS and FA cell lines retained their characteristic phenotype. All of the cultures, except the BS cells, can be readily transfected with the plasmids, pSV2neo and pSV2gpt.  相似文献   

Extracellular NAD is degraded to pyridine and purine metabolites by different types of surface-located enzymes which are expressed differently on the plasmamembrane of various human cells and tissues. In a previous report, we demonstrated that NAD-glycohydrolase, nucleotide pyrophosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase are located on the outer surface of human skin fibroblasts. Nucleotide pyrophosphatase cleaves NAD to nicotinamide mononucleotide and AMP, and 5'-nucleotidase hydrolyses AMP to adenosine. Cells incubated with NAD, produce nicotinamide, nicotinamide mononucleotide, hypoxanthine and adenine. The absence of ADPribose and adenosine in the extracellular compartment could be due to further catabolism and/or uptake of these products. To clarify the fate of the purine moiety of exogenous NAD, we investigated uptake of the products of NAD hydrolysis using U-[(14)C]-adenine-NAD. ATP was found to be the main labeled intracellular product of exogenous NAD catabolism; ADP, AMP, inosine and adenosine were also detected but in small quantities. Addition of ADPribose or adenosine to the incubation medium decreased uptake of radioactive purine, which, on the contrary, was unaffected by addition of inosine. ADPribose strongly inhibited the activity of ecto-NAD-hydrolyzing enzymes, whereas adenosine did not. Radioactive uptake by purine drastically dropped in fibroblasts incubated with (14)C-NAD and dipyridamole, an inhibitor of adenosine transport. Partial inhibition of [(14)C]-NAD uptake observed in fibroblasts depleted of ATP showed that the transport system requires ATP to some extent. All these findings suggest that adenosine is the purine form taken up by cells, and this hypothesis was confirmed incubating cultured fibroblasts with (14)C-adenosine and analyzing nucleoside uptake and intracellular metabolism under different experimental conditions. Fibroblasts incubated with [(14)C]-adenosine yield the same radioactive products as with [(14)C]-NAD; the absence of inhibition of [(14)C]-adenosine uptake by ADPribose in the presence of alpha-beta methyleneADP, an inhibitor of 5' nucleotidase, demonstrates that ADPribose coming from NAD via NAD-glycohydrolase is finally catabolised to adenosine. These results confirm that adenosine is the NAD hydrolysis product incorporated by cells and further metabolized to ATP, and that adenosine transport is partially ATP dependent.  相似文献   

Park JY  Ahn B 《FEBS letters》2000,476(3):174-178
Escherichia coli nucleotide excision repair (NER) is responsible for removing bulky DNA adducts by dual incisions of the UvrABC endonuclease. Although the activity of the UvrAB complex which can induce DNA conformational change is employed in NER, the involvement of DNA topology and DNA topoisomerases remains unclear. We examined the effect of topoisomerase inhibitions on a NER in vivo system. The repair analysis of intracellular plasmid revealed that the DNA damage on positive supercoils generated by gyrase inhibition remained unrepaired, whereas the DNA damage was repaired in topoisomerase I mutants. These results suggest that DNA topology affects the NER process and the removal of positive supercoils by gyrase is vital for the efficiency of the E. coli NER system.  相似文献   

Effect of shear on plasmid DNA in solution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of shear on the supercoiled circular (SC) form of plasmid DNA. The conditions chosen are representative of those occurring during the processing of plasmid-based genes for gene therapy and DNA vaccination. Controlled shear was generated using a capillary rheometer and a rotating disk shear device. Plasmid DNA was tested in a clarified alkaline lysate solution. This chemical environment is characteristic of the early stages of plasmid purification. Quantitative data is reported on shear degradation of three homologous recombinant plasmids of 13, 20 and 29 kb in size. Shear sensitivity increased dramatically with plasmid molecular weight. Ultrapure plasmid DNA redissolved in 10 mM Tris/HCl, 1 mM EDTA pH 8 (TE buffer) was subjected to shear using the capillary rheometer. The shear sensitivity of the three plasmids was similar to that observed for the same plasmids in the clarified alkaline lysate. Further experiments were carried out using the 20 kb plasmid and the rotating disk shear device. In contrast with the capillary rheometer data, ultrapure DNA redissolved in TE buffer was up to eight times more sensitive to shear compared to plasmid DNA in the clarified alkaline lysate. However, this enhanced sensitivity decreased when the ionic strength of the solution was raised by the addition of NaCl to 150 mM. In addition, shear damage was found to be independent of plasmid DNA concentration in the range from 0.2 7g/ml to 20 7g/ml. The combination of shear and air-liquid interfaces caused extensive degradation of the plasmid DNA. The damage was more evident at low ionic strength and low DNA concentration. These findings show that the tertiary structure of plasmid DNA can be severely affected by shear forces. The extent of damage was found to be critically dependent on plasmid size and the ionic strength of the environment. The interaction of shear with air-liquid interfaces shows the highest potential for damaging SC plasmid DNA during bioprocesses.  相似文献   

T. Ohgawara  H. Uchimiya  H. Harada 《Protoplasma》1983,116(2-3):145-148
Summary Conditions faborable for the uptake of artificial lipid vesicles (liposomes) encapsulating plasmid DNA byDaucus carota protoplasts were investigated. Incubation period necessary for the maximum uptake of liposome-DNA was in the neighborhood of 10 minutes under the circumstances where liposomes (approximately 1.28 moles lecithin/ml) were mixed with 5 × 106 protoplasts/ml. Results obtained by Southern hybridization indicated that the recombinant DNA vector, pBR325 was found in protoplasts after 20 hours incubation in the open circular, linear and some complexed forms. There were some variations in DNA-uptake among protoplasts from different plant species. The gradual disappearance of plasmid molecules was confirmed after 1 week culture, suggesting instability of pBR325 in prolonged cell culture.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the ability of immortalized human fibroblasts to recombine transfected plasmid DNA. A number of cell lines from normal individuals and from patients with DNA damage-processing defects were examined. Two plasmid recombination substrates were derived from pSV2neo and contained nonoverlapping deletions in the aminoglycoside phosphotransferase II gene. Intermolecular recombination was assessed by two methods after cotransfection. In a short-term, extrachromosomal recombination assay, low molecular weight DNA was extracted from the human cells 48 h after transfection, and recombinant plasmids were detected by transformation into appropriate indicator bacteria. In a long-term stable recombination assay the fibroblasts were cotransfected and G418-resistant colonies allowed to form. By the former assay all but two cultures were recombination-proficient, whereas all were recombination-proficient by the latter assay. The efficiency of transfection of human cells with plasmids appears to be a major variable affecting recombination. Recombination can be stimulated by uv irradiation of plasmid DNA prior to transfection. Cells from patients with Fanconi anemia, ataxia telangiectasia, and xeroderma pigmentosum complementation groups A, C, D, E, and G are not defective at intermolecular plasmid recombination.  相似文献   

The major cell surface protein of a strain of human fetal lung fibroblasts is a 220,000 dalton glycoprotein termed fibronectin. Fibronectin is released from fibroblasts into the culture medium with a half-time of about 25 hours. The release occurs with an initial (0–3 hours) rapid phase followed by a second (3–48 hours) slower phase. Release of fibronectin occurs in a stoichiometric fashion. All of the fibronectin released from the cells is quantitatively recovered from the culture media as a similar sized soluble glycoprotein. Thus, release of fibronectin from normal human fibroblasts results from mechanisms other than extensive degradation of the protein.  相似文献   

DNA ligase activity in carcinogen-treated human fibroblasts   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
M Mezzina  S Nocentini  A Sarasin 《Biochimie》1982,64(8-9):743-748
In an enzymological approach to study DNA repair mechanisms induced by carcinogen-treatment of mammalian cells, we have investigated how DNA ligase activity is affected by the treatment with several compounds producing different DNA lesions. Stationary cultures of human fibroblasts were exposed to various doses of carcinogens (UV-light at 254 nm, N-acetoxy-acetyl-aminofluorene, ethyl-methane sulfonate, N-methylnitro-nitrosoguanidine, mitomycin C and 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide) at different time-intervals before preparing crude cellular extracts and assaying for ligase activity. Results have shown that: 1. UV-irradiation, AAAF, 4NQO or MMC treatment of cells induces a two-fold increase in the ligase activity compared to control cells within 48 hours following the treatment. 2. A partial purification of the enzyme from these cellular crude extracts by sedimentation through sucrose gradients has shown: a. DNA ligase activity from control cells presents a profile composed of two distinct peaks sedimenting respectively at about 4S and 7S; b. the carcinogen treatment of either repair-proficient human fibroblasts or repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum cells (complementation group A) seems to induce a specific increase of the 4S-form of DNA ligase.  相似文献   

A series of novel cationic detergents that contain cleavable hydrophilic isothiuronium headgroups was synthesized, and their utility in controlled assembly of plasmid DNA into small stable particles with high DNA concentration investigated. The detergents have alkyl chains of C(8)-C(12) and contain hydrophilic isothiuronium headgroups that give relatively high critical micelle concentration (CMC) to the detergents (>10 mM). The isothiuronium group masks a sulfhydryl group on the detergent and can be cleaved in a controlled manner under basic conditions to generate a reactive thiol group. The thiol group can undergo a further reaction after the detergents have accumulated on a DNA template to form a disulfide-linked lipid containing two alkyl chains. The pH-dependent kinetics of cleavage of the isothiuronium group, the CMC of the surfactants, the formation of the complexes, and the transfection efficiency of the DNA complexes have been investigated. Using the C(12) detergent, a approximately 6 kilo-basepair plasmid DNA was compacted into a small particle with an average diameter of around 40 nm with a approximately -13 mV zeta-potential at high DNA concentration (up to 0.3 mg/mL). The compounds were well tolerated in cell culture and showed no cytotoxicity under their CMCs. Under appropriate conditions, the small particle retained transfection activity.  相似文献   

Several previous studies have shown that glycolipids isolated from plasma membranes of cultured cells and added to cells in culture inhibit the growth rate in a concentration-dependent fashion. In order to investigate the possible involvement of glycolipids in the growth regulation of normal cells by cell-cell contacts, we tested the effect of immobilized glycolipids, isolated from human fibroblasts, on the DNA synthesis of freshly seeded fibroblasts. Gangliosides inhibited DNA synthesis to a great extent, whereas neutral glycolipids had only a minor effect. The degree of inhibition of DNA synthesis by immobilized gangliosides depended both on the cell density of the cultures from which the gangliosides were isolated and on the pretreatment of the immobilized gangliosides: Preincubation with DMEM without FCS of immobilized gangliosides, isolated from confluent cultures, resulted in a 75% inhibition of growth rate of embryonal human lung fibroblasts (FH109) cultured on immobilized gangliosides. Under the same conditions, gangliosides from sparse cultures reduced the growth rate by about 30%. On the other hand, the degree of inhibition exerted by immobilized gangliosides isolated from confluent cultures was found to be greatly reduced by preincubation with DMEM with FCS, whereas the slight inhibition of growth rate, exerted by gangliosides from sparse cultures, was found to be reversed into a slight stimulation of growth rate after preincubation with complete medium. Concomitantly with the reduction of the inhibition of DNA synthesis, it was found that the complete medium, used for preincubation of the gangliosides, was no longer able to support DNA synthesis to the same extent as untreated complete medium. The data suggest that gangliosides bind growth-supporting factors of the serum, gangliosides isolated from sparse cultures being more potent in the binding of these molecules than gangliosides isolated from dense cultures.  相似文献   

Palmitic acid conjugates of poly-L-lysine (PLL-PA) were prepared, and their ability to deliver plasmid DNA into human skin fibroblasts was evaluated in vitro. The conjugates were capable of condensing a 4.7 kb plasmid DNA into 50-200 nm particles (mean +/- SD = 112 +/- 34 nm), which were slightly smaller than the particles formed by PLL (mean +/- SD = 126 +/- 51 nm). Both PLL and PLL-PA were readily taken up by the cells, but PLL-PA delivered the plasmid DNA into a higher proportion of cells. DNA delivery was found to be reduced by endocytosis inhibitor Brefeldin A, suggesting an active mechanism of particle uptake. Using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a reporter gene, PLL-PA was found to give the highest number of EGFP-positive cells among several carriers tested, including polyethyleneimine, Lipofectamine-2000, and an adenovirus. Although some carriers gave a higher percentage of EGFP-positive cells than PLL-PA, they were also associated with higher toxicities. We conclude that PLL-PA is a promising gene carrier for non-viral modification of human fibroblasts.  相似文献   

DNA repair synthesis in human fibroblasts requires DNA polymerase delta   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
When UV-irradiated cultured diploid human fibroblasts were permeabilized with Brij-58 then separated from soluble material by centrifugation, conservative DNA repair synthesis could be restored by a soluble factor obtained from the supernatant of similarly treated HeLa cells. Extensive purification of this factor yielded a 10.2 S, 220,000-dalton polypeptide with the DNA polymerase and 3'- to 5'-exonuclease activities reported for DNA polymerase delta II (Crute, J. J., Wahl, A. F., and Bambara, R. A. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 26-36). Monoclonal antibody to KB cell DNA polymerase alpha, while binding to HeLa DNA polymerase alpha, did not bind to the HeLa DNA polymerase delta. Moreover, at micromolar concentrations N2-(p-n-butylphenyl)-2'-deoxyguanosine 5'-triphosphate (BuPdGTP) and 2-(p-n-butylanilino)-2'-deoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate (BuAdATP) were potent inhibitors of DNA polymerase alpha, but did not inhibit the DNA polymerase delta. Neither purified DNA polymerase alpha nor beta could promote repair DNA synthesis in the permeabilized cells. Furthermore, under conditions which inhibited purified DNA polymerase alpha by greater than 90%, neither monoclonal antibodies to DNA polymerase alpha, BuPdGTP, nor BuAdATP was able to inhibit significantly the DNA repair synthesis mediated by the DNA polymerase delta. Thus, it appears that a major portion of DNA repair synthesis induced by UV irradiation might be catalyzed by DNA polymerase delta. When xeroderma pigmentosum human diploid fibroblasts were utilized, DNA repair synthesis dependent upon ultraviolet light could be restored by addition of both T4 endonuclease V and DNA polymerase delta, but not by addition of either one alone. This result suggests that cytosol-depleted permeabilized DNA repair-defective human fibroblasts and HeLa DNA polymerase delta might be exploited to provide a functional assay for purifying active DNA repair factors from DNA repair-proficient cells without a preknowledge of their function.  相似文献   

The ability of human fibroblasts to repair bleomycin-damaged DNA was examined in vivo. Repair of the specific lesions caused by bleomycin (BLM) was investigated in normal cell strains as well as those isolated from patients with apparent DNA repair defects. The diseases ataxia telangiectasia (AT), Bloom syndrome (BS), Cockayne syndrome (CS), Fanconi anemia (FA), and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) were those selected for study. The method used for studying the repair of DNA after BLM exposure was alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation. After exposure to BLM, a fall in the molecular weight of DNA was observed, and after drug removal the DNA reformed rapidly to high molecular weight. The fall in molecular weight upon exposure to BLM was observed in all cells examined with the exception of some XP strains. Prelabeled cells from some XP complementation groups were found to have a higher percentage of low molecular weight DNA on alkaline gradients than did normal cells. This prelabeled low molecular weight DNA disappeared upon exposure to BLM.  相似文献   

Plasmid DNA purification development has been driven by the increased need for large quantities of highly purified, sterile plasmid DNA for clinical studies. Detailed characterization and development of the terminal sterile filtration process step is often limited due to time constraints and the scarcity of sufficient quantities of purified plasmid. However, the large size of the plasmid molecule and variations in conformation can lead to significant yield losses if this process step is not optimized. In this work, the gradual pore-plugging model of flow decay was found to be valid for plasmid DNA by using an ultra scaledown apparatus (1-4 cm(2) filter area). Filtration capacity was found to be insensitive to pressure. Multiple filter types were screened and both source and composition of materials were found to affect filter capacity dramatically. The filter capacity for plasmid was improved by increasing plasmid concentrations as well as by modifying buffer conditions to reduce the apparent size of the plasmid. Filtration capacities varied over a greater than 2 log range when plasmids with sizes ranging from 5.5 to 11 kb and supercoiled plasmid content of 55-95% were explored. Larger plasmids and feeds with lower supercoiled contents led to reduced capacities. These results can be used to define conditions for scale-up of plasmid sterile filtration, as evidenced by processing a 30 g lot using a filtration area of 1,000 cm(2), with a 96% yield, based on filtration capacity data from 4 cm(2) test filters.  相似文献   

Effect of temperature on the longevity of human fibroblasts in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The longevity of parallel cultures of the human diploid fibroblast strain MRC-5 was measured at various incubation temperatures. At 37°C the mean life-span was 57.2 passages, at 34°C it was 58.7 passages and at 40°C it was 29.2 passages. There was greater variation in longevity among cultures grown at 40°C than in the control population and least among those grown at 34°C. The decreased life-span at 40°C was probably due to accelerated ageing, as the transfer of senescent cultures back to 37°C did not lead to their recovery. Cultures grown at 32°C also had reduced life-span compared to the control, but this was probably not the result of ageing, as the transfer of cultures which had almost ceased growth back to 37°C allowed them to reach the normal life-span for this temperature. The results imply that clonal ageing is at least in part due to random events—possibly errors in protein synthesis—which occur more frequently with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

The effects of a mixture of oligo‐ and polydeoxyribonucleotides (PDRN) on the growth and protein secretion of cultured human skin fibroblasts were investigated. Both intact and DNAase‐digested PDRN stimulated cell proliferation to a similar extent. When cultured fibroblasts were incubated with radioactive amino acids in the presence of intact or digested PDRN the incorporation of the tracer into secreted proteins increased significantly. This stimulation appears to be specific for certain protein components, including fibronectin. These results are interpreted assuming that PDRN and the nucleotides and nucleosides resulting from its degradation, can act as signal transducers or, alternatively, can be internalized and utilized to provide purine and pyrimidine rings for the salvage pathways. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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