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波叶仙鹤藓的孢子培养及发育生物学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘保东  丛迎芝 《植物研究》2003,23(2):159-163,T005
首次成功地进行了人工条件下波叶仙鹤藓(Atrichum undulatum(Hedw.)P.Beauv)单细胞孢子的培养,并详细研究、拍摄了其植物体(配子体)形态发育的全过程。孢子无后熟或体眠期,3-4天即可萌发,萌发率可达95%以上;培养10天左右绿丝体系统、轴丝体系统及假根开始分化,约40天开始出现芽体原基,50天芽体陆续形成,80天左右植物体完成营养生长,开始性器发育。初生假根发育不良,基原细胞不分裂,由绿丝体产生轴丝体的方式复杂,轴丝体细胞分裂面有球形和斜向、横向三种,芽原基分化时,首先在轴丝体上产生光合能力很强的细胞群,其基部产生芽原基,芽原基的分化成功率仅有50%左右,芽体形成后,原丝体系统多枯萎或特化为假根。并就波叶仙鹤藓的形态发育、生理生态、生殖和进化等方面也进行了理论探讨。  相似文献   

1. After defining social wasps, an outline is given of their classification and possible evolution. The Vespidae probably arose in the Malayan region at about the beginning of the Tertiary period and spread from there all over the world. They are now highly developed in South America and it is suggested that they may have reached that country over the Behring Straits, probably in two waves, the first of an ancestral Polybiine, the second perhaps of Polistes only. 2. A biief account is given of the architecture of wasps' nests which is often specific to the genus. Nevertheless, there are examples of very similar wasps making very different nests and there does not seem any case for putting an overriding value on nest-architecture in classification. While we know sufficiently well what we have to explain, only a very small beginning has been made in describing and analysing the behaviour which produces the elaborate constructions we find. 3. In the familiar Vespinae the concepts of queen and worker are well defined and the two castes are discontinuous. In genera such as Polistes the position is much more fluid, particularly in the tropical species in which it is not necessary to have a queen specialized for hibernation. Some time after nest-production, however, a queen becomes recognizable, though often more by her behaviour than by her structure. In the Polybiini, queens and workers are sometimes well differentiated and sometimes not; but in most genera and species there is more than one queen in a nest. Other types of females not so well defined and of uncertain significance also occur. In temperate climates new colonies are founded by one or a few queens; in the tropics most colonies are founded by swarms of queens and workers. 4. The main differences between queens and workers seem to be determined in the larval stage, perhaps by some secretion administered by the adults, but clearly influenced by other factors as well. The full behavioural differences between the castes are often finally established by social interactions between the adults. 5. Males tend to be produced towards the end of the life of short-lived colonies or towards the end of the reproductive cycles of longer-lived colonies. There is need for more information about in- or out-breeding patterns, particularly in relation to specific differences in the degree of sexual dimorphism. 6. Very few pheromones are recognized with certainty and only one, the queen-substance of Vespa orientalis, has been identified chemically. However, some species produce a substance from the female sixth gastral sternite (Van der Vecht's organ) which at least in one genus is an ant-repellent. Some genera of Polybiines have a somewhat similar gland on the fifth sternite which may be connected with caste-differentiation. Some wasps (Vespula) produce a footstep pheromone concerned with the recognition of the nest entrance and there is less good evidence for the existence of significant substances in the saliva of workers and in their poison glands (alarm substance). 7. Trophallaxis, or the supply of salivary secretion by the larvae to adults more or less in exchange for the food provided from outside by the foragers, seems to be essential to the colonies of Vespa since the adults have no proteases. Trophallaxis also occurs in some Polistinae but its significance there is not known. 8. Social hierarchies of ‘peck orders’ are always established amongst the adults of Polistes and play a part in determining which of several potential queens becomes the acting one. They are also important in establishing the relations of the queen to the workers and of the latter amongst themselves. A similar hierarchy occurs in Belono-gaster. Some sort of hierarchy also exists amongst adult Vespula and is probably important in relation to trophallaxis, but the hierarchies must become less definite in large colonies with hundreds of individuals, especially if there is more than one queen. 9. The principal hurdle in the evolution of social behaviour is the establishment of genes which determine that some females lay most or effectively all of the eggs while others nurse, build and forage. This evolution may only be possible amongst females which are so closely related that their genomes are almost identical. In this connexion we need much more direct field evidence on the dispersal of queens, on mating systems and the incidence of multiple insemination. It appears that, once true social life is established, considerable diversification in nest architecture and social organization may happen relatively rapidly, probably much influenced by various ecological pressures, especially predation. 10. A number of species of Vespula, Vespa and Polistes have become social parasites, in the first and the last cases without a worker caste. This seems like a wrong turning taken in the course of the normal evolution of the queen-worker relationship. 11. A brief account is given of the attempts to provide a theoretical framework for the population dynamics of wasp-colonies. 12. An account is given of the relations of wasps, chiefly as foragers, with plants and with other animals.  相似文献   

P. Marler  P. C. Mundinger 《Ibis》1975,117(1):1-17
A seven-week study of breeding Twites at the mouth of the Trondheim fjord revealed that they are double brooded. The second clutch is started while the first nestlings are still dependent on both parents. Males defend a moving area around the female which becomes focused on the nest during incubation. Adult vocalizations recorded and analysed fall into seven basic categories. We believe this represents the entire repertoire, which is rather small, and may correlate with the visually open habitat. Nine measures of the tup-up-up flight call reveal that calls of a male and female that are paired match closely and differ from those of other birds in the area. This is taken as evidence that the Twite flight call is modifiable by learning, as in some other cardueline finches.  相似文献   

本文对鲮鱼的食性、年龄、生长和繁殖进行了研究,并对渔业生产提出了建议。鲮鱼以浮游植物为主要食料。在水温14.6—29.4℃时食欲旺盛。当水中溶氧量0.24—0.65毫克/升时,绝大部分个体停止摄食,而溶氧量在0.99毫克/升以上时,摄食强度很大。见到的最大个体:雌鱼体长595毫米,体重4,100克,10龄;雄鱼体长580毫米,体重3,850克,9龄。鲮鱼能在大王滩水库中自然繁殖。鲮鱼人工繁殖季节以5月初至6月中旬较适宜;催产时水温以22—29℃为好,注射催产剂的效应时间一般为4.5—6小时。见到的性成熟最小个体:郁江鲮鱼雌体长273毫米,体重525克,雄体长275毫米,体重415克;池养鲮鱼雌体长247毫米,体重366克,雄体长235毫米,体重291克。根据群众经验,一般池塘中鲮鱼每亩放养1,000尾,鲮与鲢的放养比例以3∶1较好,以鲮鱼为主体的池塘则每亩放养1,500—2,000尾较好。    相似文献   

采用岩棉和营养土方作育苗基质,观测了基质对番茄幼苗各时期生长的影响。其试验结果是:以岩棉作基质培育功苗能增加番茄幼苗全株的干重,其中幼苗根系的干重增加较为显著。在播种24d内,岩棉育苗的幼苗高度、茎干重、叶面积和干重的增长略低于营养土方育苗,24d以后,岩棉育苗则增长迅速,说明岩棉育苗具有增加幼苗干物质累积、培育壮苗的特点,证实岩棉是一种良好的育苗基质。  相似文献   

The marine brown alga Fucus spiralis L. and the red alga Goniotrichum alsidii (Zanard) increase their growth upon the, addition of SeO32- or SeO42- when cultivated axenically in the artificial seawater ASP6 F2. In the concentration range 1 · 10?10-1 · 10?7 M there are two optima, one at 3.3 · 10?10 M and another at 3.3 · 10?8 M. α-To-copherol, often administered together with selenium to mammals suffering from selenium deficiency, gives no additive effect with selenium, but α-tocopherol in the concentration range 1 × 10?7-1 × 10?6 M does influence the morphology of the Fucus plants. Organically bound selenium has no effect.  相似文献   

人参寡糖素对三七悬浮培养细胞生长的效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
甘烦远  郑光植   《广西植物》1994,14(1):70-73
从人参培养细胞的细胞壁中分离纯化到不同分子量的单体人参寡糖素。试验结果表明命名为人参寡糖素Ⅶ和人参寡糖素Ⅷ的两种寡糖素对三七悬浮培养细胞的生长具有明显的促进作用,其增长率分别为19.34%和10.58%,人参寡糖素Ⅶ的适宜浓度为5—10mg/l。在高浓度下(大于25mg/l)稍抑制培养细胞生长。在细胞培养22天(指数生长期)后.加入10mg/l的人参寡糖素Ⅶ.然后再培养2天。其生长速率即提高,加入人参寡糖素Ⅷ后.缩短了三七细胞悬浮培养生长的延缓期.提前进入对数生长期和指数生长期,并在对数生长期和指数生长期作用最明显,因而最终收获时培养细胞的产率增加。  相似文献   

丛枝菌根真菌的垂直平板定时转动培养及菌丝生长观察*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设计了垂直平板定时转动培养方法暗培养丛枝菌根真菌(Gigaspora margarita Becker & Hall)孢子,发现培养基上生长的营养菌丝较少分枝,培养基转动前后生长的菌丝之间有一明显的折点,定时转动所形成的众多折点将延伸菌丝分成若干个节段,使形成的菌丝面局限在易观察的小范围内。此法是诱导菌丝定向生长、测量菌丝长度和生长速度的好方法,为菌丝理化特性和生物学特性的研究提供了实验依据。活跃生长的菌丝,每天生长7.7±0.9mm。试验证明:丛枝菌根真菌菌丝延伸生长部位是菌丝尖端,其生长的向地性是对地心引力的感应,感应的敏感部位也在生长菌丝的尖端。  相似文献   

Fuller , Melvin S. (Brown U., Providence, R. I.) Growth and development of the water mold Rhizidiomyces in pure culture. Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(1): 64–71. Illus. 1962.—A method for growing pure cultures of many of the single or few-celled phycomycetous fungi such as Rhizidiomyces is described. This method facilitates both qualitative and quantitative study of such fungi during their growth and development. Zoospores of Rhizidiomyces start to grow within 3 hr after being placed in a liquid medium, and are ready to discharge new zoospores after about 40 hr growth at 25 C. The single nucleus of the zoospore goes through many synchronous mitotic divisions during the development of the mature multinucleate cell. Under carefully controlled environmental conditions, sporangium discharge occurs in a definite and predictable manner. Observations suggesting a possible mechanism of sporangium discharge are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

西蒙得木茎段组织培养中腋芽生长和增殖的激素调节   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
6-苄基嘌呤(6-BA);赤霉素(GA_3)和吲哚乙酸(IAA)对西蒙得木茎段的腋芽生长和增殖都可起促进作用,三种激素间有复杂的相互关系。6-BA的作用尤为明显和重要,适宜浓度为1—2mg/L。GA_3浓度为1mg/L时对腋芽生长和增殖有促进进作用,但浓度再增加,长出的腋芽数减少,且芽条生长不良。6-BA与GA_3组合使用,能明显促进腋芽生长,最好组合为6-BA_1—2mg/L GA_3 0.5mg/L:若6-BA浓度升高时,出芽量虽增多,但芽条生长不良。IAA1mg/L或2mg/L时添加不同浓度的6-BA,长出的腋芽数均比单独使用IAA要多;在加低浓度的6-BA(1—2mg/L)时抽出的腋芽数比单独使用6-BA(1—2mg)的少,但芽条生长健壮;在加入较高温度的6-BA(3—5mg/L)时抽出的腋芽数比单独使用6-BA(3—5mg/L)时多。  相似文献   

The addition of small proportions (0.5-2.0 %) of activated charcoal to the rooting medium of inoculated peas in nitrogen-free sand culture resulted in marked increases in dry weight of the plants and in nitrogen fixation. Wood charcoal in larger proportions had a similar effect, while animal charcoal severely inhibited growth. The number of nodules was greatly reduced in the presence of activated charcoal, but such nodules as formed were much larger and the nodule tissues per unit weight were more active in nitrogen fixation. Activated charcoal also led to an increase in dry weight of non-inoculated peas supplied with inorganic combined nitrogen. It is tentatively suggested that these favourable effects arise from the adsorption by the charcoal of harmful excretions from roots or micro-organisms or of excess nutrients, and from the maintenance of a more favourable pH in the rooting medium. The examination of barley intersown with the peas, and the results of Kjeldahl analyses on the rooting media, provided no evidence that the enhanced fixation in the presence of activated charcoal was attended by any considerable excretion of fixed nitrogen.  相似文献   

Zygotes of the fucalean alga Hormosira banksii initiate rhizoidal outgrowths in stationary culture 15 hr after fertilization and are then recognizably polar. By 24 hr most embryos are two-celled, and a few are four-celled. In a dark-grown population orientation of the developmental axis, as indicated by the direction of the rhizoidal outgrowth, was random around the vertical axis. In a unilaterally illuminated population the rhizoid usually emerged on the shaded side. Zygotes grown in light or darkness in shake culture, where they were continuously reoriented, usually developed as polar embryos, indicating that gradients of environmental factors are not required for initiation of polar growth. Some apolar embryos developed in stationary and shake cultures, but they were most frequent in dark shake cultures.  相似文献   

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