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Bile acids are efficiently absorbed from the intestinal lumen via the ileal apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT). ASBT function is essential for maintenance of cholesterol homeostasis in the body. The molecular mechanisms of the direct effect of cholesterol on human ASBT function and expression are not entirely understood. The present studies were undertaken to establish a suitable in vitro experimental model to study human ASBT function and its regulation by cholesterol. Luminal membrane bile acid transport was evaluated by the measurement of sodium-dependent 3H-labeled taurocholic acid (3H-TC) uptake in human intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers. The relative abundance of human ASBT (hASBT) mRNA was determined by real-time PCR. Transient transfection and luciferase assay techniques were employed to assess hASBT promoter activity. Caco-2 cell line was found to represent a suitable model to study hASBT function and regulation. 25-Hydroxycholesterol (25-HCH; 2.5 microg/ml for 24 h) significantly inhibited Na(+)-dependent 3H-TC uptake in Caco-2 cells. This inhibition was associated with a 50% decrease in the V(max) of the transporter with no significant changes in the apparent K(m). The inhibition in hASBT activity was associated with reduction in both the level of hASBT mRNA and its promoter activity. Our data show the inhibition of hASBT function and expression by 25-HCH in Caco-2 cells. These data provide novel evidence for the direct regulation of human ASBT function by cholesterol and suggest that this phenomenon may play a central role in cholesterol homeostasis.  相似文献   

Using a luciferase reporter assay we found that human serum transactivated the ileal apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (ASBT) promoter three to fourfold. Confirming this effect, addition of human serum to both Caco-2 cells and fresh human ileal biopsies caused an approximate 2.0-fold increase in endogenous ASBT mRNA production. Alteration of non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) content and cortisol content did not affect the transactivation potential of serum. Site-directed mutagenesis of response elements for corticosteroid, peroxisome proliferation-activated alpha (PPARalpha), hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha (HNF1alpha), and retinoic acid (RAR/RXR) did not affect transactivation potential of serum. Three putative serum response elements (SRE) were identified on the promoter, but all were determined inactive using site-directed mutagenesis and electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Promoter deletion analysis demonstrated that >80% of the response to serum was located within the last 273 bp of the 5'-UTR, an area containing one of two activate protein 1 (AP-1) response elements. Site-directed mutagenesis of this downstream AP-1 response element reduced the effect of serum on the promoter by about 50% while full deletion of the response element completely eliminated the effect of serum. These studies demonstrate that one or more constituents of human stimulate ASBT gene expression largely via the down-stream AP-1 response element.  相似文献   

The disintegrin metalloproteases (or ADAMs) are membrane-anchored glycoproteins that have been implicated in cell-cell or cell-matrix interactions and in proteolysis of molecules on the cell surface. The expression and/or the pathophysiological implications of ADAMs are not known in intestinal epithelial cells. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the expression and the role of ADAMs in intestinal epithelial cells. Expression of ADAMs was assessed by RT-PCR, Western blot analysis, and immunufluorescence experiments. Wound-healing experiments were performed by using the electric cell substrate impedence sensing technology. Our results showed that ADAMs-10, -12, and -15 mRNA are expressed in the colonic human cell lines Caco2-BBE and HT29-Cl.19A. An ADAM-15 complementary DNA cloned from Caco2-BBE poly(A)+ RNA, and encompassing the entire coding region, was found to be shorter and to present a different region encoding the cytoplasmic tail compared with ADAM-15 sequence deposited in the database. In Caco2-BBE cells and colonic epithelial cells, ADAM-15 protein was found in the apical, basolateral, and intracellular compartments. We also showed that the overexpression of ADAM-15 reduced cell migration in a wound-healing assay in Caco2-BBE monolayers. Our data show that 1) ADAM-15 is expressed in human intestinal epithelia, 2) a new variant of ADAM-15 is expressed in a human intestinal epithelial cell line, and 3) ADAM-15 is involved in intestinal epithelial cells wound-healing processes. Together, these results suggest that ADAM-15 may have important pathophysiological roles in intestinal cells.  相似文献   

We studied the local viscoelasticity of the apical membrane of human umbilical vein endothelial cells within confluent layers by magnetic tweezers microrheometry. Magnetic beads are coupled to various integrins by coating with fibronectin or invasin. By analyzing the deflection of beads evoked by various force scenarios we demonstrate that the cell envelope behaves as a linear viscoelastic body if forces up to 2 nN are applied for short times (<20 s) but can respond in an adaptive way if stress pulses are applied longer (>30 s). The time-dependent shear relaxation modulus G(t) exhibits three time regimes: a fast response (t < 0.05 s) where the relaxation modulus G(t) obeys a power law G(t) approximately t(-0.82+/-0.02); a plateau-like behavior (at 0.05 s < t < 0.15 s); and a slow flow-like response which is, however, partially reversible. Strain field mapping experiments with colloidal probes show that local forces induce a strain field exhibiting a range of zeta = 10 +/- 1 microm, but which could only be observed if nonmagnetic beads were coupled to the cell surface by invasin. By application of the theory of elasticity of planar bodies we estimated a surface shear modulus of 2.5 x10(-4) N/m. By assuming a thickness of the actin cortex of approximately 0.5 microm we estimate a Young modulus micro approximately 400 Pa for the apical membrane. The value agrees with a plateau modulus of an entangled or weakly cross-linked actin network of an actin concentration of 100 microM (mesh size 0.2 microm). This result together with our observation of a strong reduction of the shear modulus by the actin destabilizing agent latrunculin A suggests that the shear modulus measured by our technique is determined by the actin cortex. The effect of two ligands inducing actin stress fiber formation and centripetal contraction of cells (associated with the formation of gaps in the confluent cell monolayer) on the viscoelastic responses were studied: histamine and lysophosphatidic acid (LPA). Histamine evoked a dramatic increase of the cell stiffness by >1 order of magnitude within <30 s, which is attributed to a transient rise of the intracellular Ca(2+) level, since DMSO exerted a similar effect. The stiffening is accompanied by a concomitant rounding of the cells as observed by microinterferometry and relaxes partially in the timescale of 5 min, whereas gaps between cells close after approximately 30 min. LPA did not exert a remarkable and reproducible effect other than an occasional very weak transient increase of the shear stiffness, which shows that the gap formation activated by LPA is mediated by a different mechanism than that induced by histamine.  相似文献   

Intestinal absorption of biotin is mediated via the sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (SMVT). Studies from our laboratory and others have characterized different aspects of the human SMVT (hSMVT), but nothing is currently known about protein(s) that may interact with hSMVT and affect its physiology/biology. In this study, a PDZ-containing protein PDZD11 was identified as an interacting partner with hSMVT using yeast two-hybrid screen of a human intestinal cDNA library. The interaction between hSMVT and PDZD11 was confirmed by in vitro GST-pull-down assay and in vivo in a mammalian cell environment by a two-hybrid luciferase and coimmunoprecipitation assays. Furthermore, confocal imaging of live human intestinal epithelial HuTu-80 cells expressing hSMVT-GFP and DsRed-PDZD11 demonstrated colocalization of these two proteins. We also examined the functional consequence of the interaction between hSMVT and PDZD11 in HuTu-80 cells and observed significant induction in [(3)H]biotin uptake upon coexpression of hSMVT and PDZD11. In contrast, knocking down of PDZD11 with gene-specific small interfering RNA led to a significant decrease in biotin uptake; biotinylation assay showed this to be associated with a marked decrease in level of expression of hSMVT at the cell membrane. By truncation approach, we also demonstrated that the PDZ binding domain that is located in the COOH-terminal tail of hSMVT polypeptide is involved in the interaction with PDZD11. These results demonstrate for the first time that PDZD11 is an interacting partner with hSMVT in intestinal epithelial cells and that this interaction affects hSMVT function and cell biology.  相似文献   

The sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (SMVT) plays an important role in biotin uptake in the intestine and other cell types. While significant knowledge has been gained with regard to regulation and cell biology of the SMVT system, there is little known about its structure-function relationships. Here we examined the role of each of the ten conserved (among species) cysteine residues in the function of the human SMVT (hSMVT) using site-directed mutagenesis. Our results showed a significant impairment in biotin uptake only in cells transfected with hSMVT mutated at Cys294, but not at the other conserved cysteine residues; the impairment in biotin uptake caused by mutating Cys294 was not related to the polar status of substituting amino acid. The inhibition in hSMVT function upon mutating Cys294 was mediated via a significant reduction in the Vmax, but not the apparent Km, of the biotin uptake process, suggesting a decrease in the number (and/or activity) of hSMVT but not affinity. Biotinylation assay confirmed this suggestion by showing a marked reduction in the level of expression of the mutated protein at the cell membrane, without affecting total cellular level of induced hSMVT. These results show an important role for Cys294 in the function and cell biology of hSMVT.  相似文献   

The kinetics of [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine binding to human erythrocyte membranes was studied. The pseudo-first-order association was linear and consistent with a simple bimolecular reaction mechanism between nitrobenzylthioinosine and the nucleoside-transport mechanism. Dissociation of the [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine complex at 22 degrees C was also linear (apparent k-1 congruent to 0.20 min-1). Adenosine was a competitive inhibitor of equilibrium high-affinity [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine-binding activity (apparent Ki 0.1 mM). Dissociation of the [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine-membrane complex was faster in the presence of adenosine and uridine, and this effect was proportional to the nucleoside concentration. Nucleoside concentrations less than 1 mM had no significant effect on the dissociation rate constant. In contrast, dissociation was slower in the presence of high concentrations (micromolar) of dipyridamole. Low concentrations of dipyridamole (2-200 nM) and nitrobenzylthioinosine concentrations as high as 2.5 microM had no effect on the rate of [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine dissociation. These results are discussed in terms of possible distinct inhibitor and permeation sites, and are suggested to be consistent with both a single-site model for the binding of nitrobenzylthioinosine and permeant to the same site, or an allosteric-site model in which permeant and inhibitor bind to different sites.  相似文献   

Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) are of interest to researchers and clinicians due to their ability to differentiate into various tissue types and potential uses in cell-mediated therapies and tissue engineering. Currently DPSCs are cryopreserved in suspension using Me2SO. However, preservation as two and three dimensional constructs, along with the elimination of toxic Me2SO, may be required. It was shown that intracellular ice formation (IIF), lethal to cells in suspensions, may be innocuous in cell monolayers due to ice propagation between cells through gap junctions that results in improved post-thaw recovery. We hypothesized that innocuous IIF protects confluent DPSC monolayers against injury during cryopreservation. The objective was to examine the effects of IIF on post-thaw viability of both confluent monolayers and suspensions of DPSCs. Confluent DPSC monolayers were assessed for the expression of gap junction protein Connexin-43. IIF was induced on the cryostage and in the methanol bath at different subzero temperatures. Membrane integrity and colony-forming ability were assessed post-thaw. Confluent DPSC monolayers expressed Connexin-43. In cell suspensions, 85.9 ± 1.7% of cells were damaged after 100% IIF. In cell monolayers, after 100% IIF, only 25.5 ± 5.5% and 14.8 ± 3.3% of cells were damaged on the cryostage and in the methanol bath respectively. However, DPSC monolayers exposed to 100% IIF showed no colony-forming ability. We conclude that confluent monolayers of DPSCs express the gap junction-forming protein Connexin-43 and upon IIF retain membrane integrity, however lose the ability to proliferate.  相似文献   

Sodium-dependent dicarboxylate transporters (NaDC) include low-affinity NaDC1 and high-affinity NaDC3. Despite high similarities structurally and functionally, both are localized to opposite surfaces of renal tubular cells. The molecular mechanisms and localization signals leading to this polarized distribution remain unknown. In this study, distribution of NaDC3 in human kidney tissue was firstly observed by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. Then, EGFP-fused wild-type, NH2- and COOH-terminal deletion and point mutants of NaDC3, and chimera between NaDC3 and NaDC1, were generated and transfected into polarized renal cells lines, LLC-PK1 and MDCK. Their subcellular localizations were analyzed by laser confocal microscopy. Immunolocalization results revealed that NaDC3 was expressed at basolateral membrane of human renal proximal tubular epithelia. Confocal examinations showed that wild-type NaDC3 was targeted to the basolateral membrane of MDCK and LLC-PK1. Deletion mutations indicated that the basolateral targeting signal of NaDC3 located within a short sequence AKKVWSARR of its amino-terminal cytoplasmic domain. Addition of this sequence could redirect apical NaDC1 to the basolateral membrane of LLC-PK1. Point mutagenesis revealed that mutation of either of two hydrophobic amino acids V and W in this short sequence largely redirected NaDC3 to both apical and basolateral surfaces of LLC-PK, indicating that the two hydrophobic amino acids are critical for the basolateral targeting of NaDC3. Our studies provide direct evidence of the localization of NaDC3 at the basolateral membrane of human renal proximal tubule cells and identify a di-hydrophobic amino acid motif VW as basolateral localization signal in the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of NaDC3.  相似文献   

The uptake of glutamine was studied in Bacillus pasteurii DSM 33. Only one uptake system was detected in the concentration range studied (between 1 and 100 M glutamine) which exhibited Michaelis-Menten saturation kinetics, with an apparent K t of 10.7 (±3.5) M glutamine. The uptake was sodium-dependent (apparent K t=0.2 mM Na+); none of several monovalent cations tested was able to replace sodium in the uptake reaction. Ionophores interfering with proton, sodium or potassium gradients across membranes strongly inhibited uptake of glutamine. Low uptake rates correlating with low potassium content and an acidic cytoplasm were measured in cells grown at high ammonium1 concentrations. Ammonium and other permeant amines as well as potassium stimulated the uptake reaction in these cells, leading to an increase of up to 100-fold in V max without affecting the affinity of the uptake system. In cells grown at low concentrations of ammonium, an alkaline cytoplasm and both high glutamine uptake activities and potassium content were measured; the uptake reaction was not further stimulated by permeant amines or potassium in such cells. Growth of the strain was inhibited by Tris at high concentrations; this inhibition was relieved by the addition of increasing amounts of ammonium.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide-m-chlorphenylhydrazone - DCCD dicyclohexylcarbodiimide This work is dedicated to Prof. Dr. H. Kaltwasser on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

The intestinal permeability of low-molecular-weight hyaluronan (LMW-HA) was investigated by using cultured monolayers of Caco-2 cells. The amount of LMW-HA that permeated the Caco-2 monolayers was measured by a carbazole assay. The permeability of LMW-HA increased inversely with the molecular size and was dose-dependent. The transport was observed to be energy-independent, and was correlated with the tight junction (TJ) permeability. These results suggest that LMW-HA permeated the Caco-2 cell monolayers via the paracellular pathway.  相似文献   

The intestinal oligopeptide transporter (cloned as Pept-1) hasmajor roles in protein nutrition and drug therapy. A key unstudied question is whether expression of Pept-1 is hormonally regulated. Inthis experiment, we investigated whether insulin has such a role. Weused a human intestinal cell monolayer (Caco-2) as the in vitro modelof human small intestine and glycylglutamine (Gly-Gln) as the modelsubstrate for Pept-1. Results showed that addition of insulin at aphysiological concentration (5 nM) to incubation medium greatlystimulates Gly-Gln uptake by Caco-2 cells. This stimulation was blockedwhen genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase, was added toincubation medium. Studies of the mechanism of insulin stimulationshowed the following. 1) Stimulationoccurred promptly (30-60 min) after exposure to insulin.2) There was no significant changein the Michaelis-Menten constant of Gly-Gln transport, but there was anearly twofold increase in its maximal velocity.3) Insulin effect persisted evenwhen Golgi apparatus, which is involved in trafficking of newlysynthesized Pept-1, was dismantled.4) However, there was completeelimination of insulin effect by disruption of microtubules involved intrafficking of preformed Pept-1. 5)Finally, with insulin treatment, there was no change in Pept-1 geneexpression, but the amount of Pept-1 protein in the apical membrane wasincreased. In conclusion, the results show that insulin, when it bindsto its receptor, stimulates Gly-Gln uptake by Caco-2 cells byincreasing the membrane population of Pept-1. The mechanism appears tobe increased translocation of this transporter from a preformedcytoplasmic pool.  相似文献   

Some of the food-derived tripeptides with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity have been reported to be hypotensive after being orally administered. The mechanism for the intestinal transport of these tripeptides was studied by using monolayer-cultured human intestinal Caco-2 cells which express many enterocyte-like functions including the peptide transporter (PepT1)-mediated transport system. Val-Pro-Pro, an ACE-inhibitory peptide from fermented milk, was used as a model tripeptide. A significant amount of intact Val-Pro-Pro was transported across the Caco-2 cell monolayer. This transport was hardly inhibited by a competitive substrate for PepT1. Since no intact Val-Pro-Pro was detected in the cells, Val-Pro-Pro apically taken by Caco-2 cells via PepT1 was likely to have been quickly hydrolyzed by intracellular peptidases, producing free Val and Pro. These findings suggest that PepT1-mediated transport was not involved in the transepithelial transport of intact Val-Pro-Pro. Paracellular diffusion is suggested to have been the main mechanism for the transport of intact Val-Pro-Pro across the Caco-2 cell monolayer.  相似文献   

Six diploid human fibroblast strains were grown in confluent monolayers. Holes were scraped in these monolayers and the number of cells proliferating into these “wounds” with time were determined. The migration and mitotic aspects of the proliferation of fibroblasts into these wounds were analyzed separately. Small amounts of undialysed or dialysed serum were essential for cell division but not migration. Saline extracts of skin could not substitute for serum in the medium. Neither zinc nor cupric ion at tolerable concentrations (10?5M) increased the rate of cell proliferation. Normal human fibroblasts did not immediately start to divide from confluency into the “wound” space. Their generation time was about 32–39 hours. Fibroblasts from patients with cystic fibrosis began to divide almost immediately into the “wounded” area. Their generation time was about 48 to 56 hours.  相似文献   

The sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter (SMVT) plays an important role in biotin uptake in the intestine and other cell types. While significant knowledge has been gained with regard to regulation and cell biology of the SMVT system, there is little known about its structure-function relationships. Here we examined the role of each of the ten conserved (among species) cysteine residues in the function of the human SMVT (hSMVT) using site-directed mutagenesis. Our results showed a significant impairment in biotin uptake only in cells transfected with hSMVT mutated at Cys(294), but not at the other conserved cysteine residues; the impairment in biotin uptake caused by mutating Cys(294) was not related to the polar status of substituting amino acid. The inhibition in hSMVT function upon mutating Cys(294) was mediated via a significant reduction in the V(max), but not the apparent K(m), of the biotin uptake process, suggesting a decrease in the number (and/or activity) of hSMVT but not affinity. Biotinylation assay confirmed this suggestion by showing a marked reduction in the level of expression of the mutated protein at the cell membrane, without affecting total cellular level of induced hSMVT. These results show an important role for Cys(294) in the function and cell biology of hSMVT.  相似文献   

Binding of either low density lipoprotein (LDL) or Concanavalin A (ConA) to actively growing vascular endothelial cells is associated with a redistrubution of the appropriate cell surface receptor sites which form patches and caps. This receptor lateral mobility is greatly restricted when endothelial cells reach confluence and adopt the configuration of a cell monolayer composed of closely apposed and non-overlapping cells. In this case, although the cells still exhibit specific LDL binding to the appropriate cell surface receptor sites, neither the binding of LDL nor of ConA induces a receptor redistribution. The lack of LDL receptor redistribution correlates with a marked decrease in the rate of LDL internalization. In contrast, no such density-dependent changes are observed in cell types which grow on top of each other and form multiple cell layers at confluence. Thus, neither LDL nor ConA induced cap formation in either sparse or confluent smooth muscle cell cultures and the same rate of LDL internalization is observed at both cell densities. Similarly, adsorptive endocytosis of cationized LDL (which enters the cells independently of the LDL receptor sites) was not correlated with a detectable receptor redistribution, nor was it significantly affected by changes in cell density and spatial organization. The formation of a confluent cell monolayer resting on an underlying basement membrane might therefore provide, via a change in membrane dynamics, a mechanism whereby the endothelium of large blood vessels can function as a protective barrier against the high circulating levels of LDL in plasma.  相似文献   

Sodium glucose cotransporters (SGLT) actively catalyse carbohydrate transport across cellular membranes. Six of the 12 known SGLT family members have the capacity to bind and/or transport monosaccharides (SGLT-1 to 6); of these, all but SGLT-5 have been characterised. Here we demonstrate that human SGLT-5 is exclusively expressed in the kidney. Four splice variants were detected and the most abundant SGLT-5-mRNA was functionally characterised. SGLT-5 mediates sodium-dependent [(14)C]-α-methyl-D-glucose (AMG) transport that can be inhibited by mannose, fructose, glucose, and galactose. Uptake studies using demonstrated high capacity transport for mannose and fructose and, to a lesser extent, glucose, AMG, and galactose. SGLT-5 mediated mannose, fructose and AMG transport was weakly (μM potency) inhibited by SGLT-2 inhibitors. In summary, we have characterised SGLT-5 as a kidney mannose transporter. Further studies are warranted to explore the physiological role of SGLT-5.  相似文献   

Bradykinin-evoked rises in [Ca2+]i were measured in fura-2-loaded bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cell monolayers by dual wavelength excitation fluorimetry. In monolayers seeded thinly and grown to confluence, bradykinin, in the presence of external Ca2+, evoked a rise in [Ca2+]i composed of an initial peak and subsequent oscillating plateau. In the absence of external Ca2+, bradykinin evoked a rise in [Ca2+]i which then returned to the basal value without oscillating. In monolayers seeded near confluent density, the bradykinin-evoked peak in [Ca2+]i was followed by a steady plateau which showed no oscillation. The addition of the phorbol ester, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, to a monolayer during bradykinin-evoked oscillations abolished the oscillations and lowered [Ca2+]i partway back toward the basal level. The addition of the protein kinase C inhibitor, H7, did not abolish oscillatory activity, although the frequency of oscillation was reduced. These results indicate that synchronized oscillatory activity can occur in endothelial cell monolayers. It is suggested that these oscillations are dependent on intercellular coupling developed when the cells are grown to confluence and that the mechanism responsible for generating oscillations in [Ca2+]i requires extracellular Ca2+ and involves protein kinase C.  相似文献   

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