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【目的】为在室内防止捕食螨逃逸,设计一种防止逃逸行为的饲养观察装置。【方法】对比研究了传统隔水式饲养装置和改进型装置在防止逃逸行为中的效果,及改进型装置对捕食螨发育及繁殖能力有无影响。【结果】改进型装置通过添加瓶塞、棉线、盖玻片组成密闭小室,可有效防止捕食螨的逃逸,逃逸率仅为3.3%。另外,使用该装置后的捕食螨生长发育及繁殖等能力与隔水式饲养法相比未受到显著影响。【结论】本文设计的饲养观察装置可在捕食螨生物学、生态学及农药抗性等基础研究中应用。  相似文献   

不同食物对普通钝绥螨发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵志模  陈艳 《蛛形学报》1992,1(2):49-56
分别用丝瓜花粉、桔全爪螨、朱砂叶螨、丝瓜花粉+桔全爪螨、丝瓜花粉+朱砂叶螨作为食物,测定普通钝绥螨(Amblyseius vulgaris)在不同食物条件下的发育历期、繁殖力、死亡率及子代性比,并组建其实验种群生命表。结果表明,普通钝绥螨取食有丝瓜花粉存在的食物比单独取食桔全爪螨或朱砂叶螨发育快,产卵量大,子代雌性比高。在前者情况下,普通钝绥螨种群的内禀增长力(r_m)为0.209—0.259,净增率(R_0)为18.918—35.771,由于雌成螨产卵期长,其平均世代时间(T)较长,为15.295—19.529天;在后者情况下,种群内禀增长力为0.165—0.191。净增率为7.091—17.113。由于雌成螨产卵期短,其平均世代历期亦较短,为11.50—14.23天。本研究还分别用丝瓜、党参、七里香、养麦、紫云英、玉米、兰花、栎树、西瓜、油菜、向日葵和益母草等12种植物的花粉饲养普通钝绥螨。结果表明,只有兰花花粉不能使该螨发育至成螨;后5种花粉虽能使其发育至成螨,但不能产卵;其余6种花粉能使其完成发育并产卵,其中丝瓜、党参和七里香花粉饲养效果较好。  相似文献   

[目的]以螨治螨是害虫生物防治的一个重要部分,也是果园害虫生态控制的重要措施.通过在苹果园人为释放捕食螨的方法,定量分析加州新小绥螨Neoseiulus californicus(McGregor)和东方钝绥螨Amblyseius orientalis(Ehara)对苹果园2种害螨(苹果全爪螨Panony chusul...  相似文献   

在温度为25℃,相对湿度(RH)85%条件下,分别以椭圆食粉螨Aleuroglyphus ovatus、八节黄蓟马Thrips flavidulus和柑橘全爪螨Panonychus citri饲喂捕食螨,研究了猎物对捕食螨生长发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明:以椭圆食粉螨、八节黄蓟马和柑橘全爪螨为食物时,胡瓜钝绥螨Neoseiulus cucumeris完成整个世代需要的时间分别为7.1 d、7.7 d和7.4 d,产卵历期分别为22.7 d、23.2 d和25.1 d,平均每雌总产卵量分别为33.1粒、34.1粒和37.5粒,表明以八节黄蓟马为食时,胡瓜钝绥螨完成整个世代所需的时间最长,以柑橘全爪螨饲喂时胡瓜钝绥螨的产卵历期最长,产卵量最多;而巴氏钝绥螨Neoseiulus barkeri完成整个世代需要的时间分别为7.5 d、6.4 d和7.1 d,产卵历期分别为22.2 d、22.5 d和23.4 d,平均每雌总产卵量分别为30.1粒、30.7粒和31.5粒,表明以椭圆食粉螨为食时巴氏钝绥螨完成整个世代所需时间最长,以柑橘全爪螨为食时,巴氏钝绥螨的产卵历期明显延长,总产卵量显著增多。  相似文献   

为评价杀螨剂对二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae Koch的毒力和对少毛钝绥螨Proprioseiopsis asetus Chant的安全性,本文采用叶片喷雾法测定了4种田间常用杀螨剂对少毛钝绥螨和二斑叶螨的毒力,并分析比较了4种杀螨剂对少毛钝绥螨和二斑叶螨的选择毒力。试验结果表明,4种杀螨剂对少毛钝绥螨雌成螨和二斑叶螨雌成螨的毒力选择指数大小依次为:联苯肼酯(10.1261)>阿维菌素(5.4664)>哒螨灵(3.5293)>克螨特(2.3615)。联苯肼酯对少毛钝绥螨的毒力选择指数最高,具有中度正向选择性,即联苯肼酯对少毛钝绥螨的毒力明显低于其对二斑叶螨的毒力。阿维菌素、哒螨灵、克螨特对少毛钝绥螨和二斑叶螨的毒力选择指数也都大于1,但都小于10,即这3种杀螨剂对少毛钝绥螨和二斑叶螨都有较低的正向选择性。4种杀螨剂常规使用浓度下对少毛钝绥螨雌成螨的安全系数大小依次为:联苯肼酯>阿维菌素>哒螨灵>克螨特。联苯肼酯的安全系数为16.8935~24.4025,阿维菌素的安全系数为5.5782~22.3127,均大于5,表示联苯肼酯和阿维菌素在推荐使用浓度的低浓度情况下,对少毛钝绥螨的安全性高。而15%哒螨灵乳油和73%克螨特乳油的安全系数仅1.1709~1.7564和1.0523~1.5807,在推荐使用浓度的低浓度情况下,对少毛钝绥螨的安全性一般。因此建议在生产中应用少毛钝绥螨进行生物防治时,可优先选用联苯肼酯和阿维菌素配合使用,而不建议使用哒螨灵和克螨特。  相似文献   

捕食螨在我国农林害螨生物防治中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
捕食螨是农林生产中极具价值的生防作用物。文章对捕食螨在我国农林害螨生物防治中的应用作一综述,内容包括:与释放应用相关的研究(引进与风险评估,饲养、贮存与运输,食性与释放,捕食与繁殖,定殖与扩散,外界影响因子)、几种主要捕食螨(智利小植绥螨Phytoseiulus persimilis、西方盲走螨Typhlodromus occidentalis、伪钝绥螨Amblyseius fallacis、胡瓜钝绥螨A.cucumeris)的应用、释放应用前景与展望等,旨在提高我国的捕食螨研究与应用水平。  相似文献   

猎物对巴氏钝绥螨生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在(25±1)℃、90%RH以上、无光照实验条件下,以腐食酪螨和刺足根螨为猎物,研究了巴氏钝绥螨的生长发育和繁殖情况。结果表明,以腐食酪螨幼螨为猎物,巴氏钝绥螨可正常发育和繁殖,雌、雄成螨寿命分别为(34.250±1.361)和(23.950±1.606)d;以刺足根螨为猎物时,无法发育到成螨;成螨寿命明显缩短,雌、雄分别为(7.300±0.619)和(6.567±0.609)d,显著短于捕食腐食酪螨的巴氏钝绥螨,而且雌螨不能产卵。  相似文献   

观察了巴氏钝绥螨Amblyseius barkeri Hughes在5种温度(15、20、25、30和35℃)、食料为芦笋蓟马,相对湿度72%,L∶D=12∶12条件下的发育历期、存活率和繁殖力。结果表明:巴氏钝绥螨卵、幼螨、前若螨、后若螨及世代发育历期在15℃下最长,随着温度的升高而缩短,35℃下最短。产卵前期在15~30℃下,随温度的上升而缩短,35℃下稍有延长。存活率15℃下最低,随温度的上升而提高,30℃下最高。产卵量15℃下最少,其次是35℃,20~30℃下产卵量较多。根据实验结果,组建了巴氏钝绥螨以芦笋蓟马为食料在5种不同温度下的实验种群生命表。  相似文献   

观察了巴氏钝绥螨Amblyseius barkeri Hughes在5种温度(15、20、25、30和35℃)、食料为芦笋蓟马,相对湿度72%,L:D=12:12条件下的发育历期、存活率和繁殖力.结果表明:巴氏钝绥螨卵、幼螨、前若螨、后若螨及世代发育历期在15℃下最长,随着温度的升高而缩短,35℃.下最短.产卵前期在15~30℃下,随温度的上升而缩短,35℃下稍有延长.存活率15℃下最低,随温度的上升而提高,30℃下最高.产卵量15℃下最少,其次是35℃,20~30℃下产卵量较多.根据实验结果,组建了巴氏钝绥螨以芦笋蓟马为食料在5种不同温度下的实验种群生命表.  相似文献   

在害虫生物防治研究中,选择适合的天敌种类或类型是能否有效控制害虫的关键.虽然传统的功能反应试验能够为评价天敌的捕食行为与猎物(或寄主)密度的关系提供有益的依据,但不能根据这些结果对天敌捕食能力进行统计比较.本文在Michaelis-Menten模型的基础上,提出多级层次结构的功能反应模型,使试验习子(如天敌类型、猎物种类等)对捕食行为的影响,表达为模型参数的改变.并根据Ibralim和Rahman(1997)发表的12组功能反应试验结果,应用这一多层次结构模型统计比较不同天敌类型的捕食行为、及猎物种类、猎物生长期对试验结果的影响.取得如下结论:1.根据模型预测值与试验观测结果的吻合程度及模型误差的分布,说明以Michaelis-Menton为基础的多层次结构的功能反应模型能够用于统计比较捕食螨种类间的捕食行为,以及猎物类型、猎物生长阶段和其它环境因子对天敌捕食行为的影响作用.2.这一模型的分析结果不仅从统计角度证实了Ibahim和Rahman(1997)的推测,即红色叶螨是更适于这种捕食螨的猎物.同时为捕食螨种类的选择及田间释放技术提供统计依据.  相似文献   

In a vineyard having three varieties of grape (Merlot, Trebbiano and Garganega) differently colonized by two phytoseiid species,Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten andAmblyseius andersoni (Chant), the dynamics of mite populations were monitored over 5 years (1989–1993) in order to study their colonization, interspecific competition and the control of spider mites, i.e.Panonychus ulmi (Koch). These aspects were also investigated by releasingT. pyri, A. andersoni andAmblyseius aberrans (Oudemans) on some of the above varieties. In most of the experimental years (1989–1992), selective pesticides were used in order to allow a successful release of phytoseiids, in particularA. aberrans. The use of non-selective insecticides was re-established during 1993 in order to test its effect on the new mite communities originating from 1989 onwards. In the first years of the experiments an apparent relationship between grape variety and phytoseiid species was observed: in the control plots,A. andersoni occurred on Merlot whereT. pyri was rare, while the latter species was largely dominant overA. andersoni on Trebbiano and Garganega.Panonychus ulmi populations reached moderate levels only on Merlot and in the first part of experiments. The variety-phytoseiid species relationship was temporary as, at the end of experiments,T. pyri was completely dominant on all varieties. This new situation started when prey occurrence and interspecific competition decreased in importance. The moderate success of theT. pyri release on Merlot contrasts with the results of previous experiments. Two factors could be involved in this phenomenon: low interspecific competition by phytoseiids and predation by macropredators.Amblyseius aberrans was able to displaceA. andersoni andT. pyri on grape varieties where the two species were more abundant and reached higher population densities on varieties with pubescent leaf undersurfaces. In the first experimental year, spider mite densities were reduced more effectively inA. aberrans release plots than in the control or inT. pyri release plots. One year later,P. ulmi reached lower levels in the release treatments than in the control.Typhlodromus pyri andA. aberrans persisted in conditions of prey scarcity. The high competitivity ofA. aberrans over the remaining two phytoseiid species constitutes a major factor in selecting predatory species for inoculative releases in vineyards.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle and population dynamics of Schizotetranychus nanjingensis Ma and Yuan, Aponychus corpuzae Rimando (Tetranychidae), Aculus bambusae Kuang (Eriophyidae) and their natural enemy Typhlodromus bambusae Ehara (Phytoseiidae) were studied during 1996–1998 in moso bamboo forests in Nanping, Fujian, China. Damage to bamboo leaves was often caused by mixed populations of the three phytophagous species, which displayed different seasonal dynamics: S. nanjingensis fed actively and reproduced in May and from late July to late October (aestivating from June to mid July), Ap. corpuzae was active and reproduced from mid July to late November, and Ac. bambusae from July to next February. During Spring S. nanjingensis was the dominant species with the greatest niche width, but in Summer Ac. bambusae and Ap. corpuzae became dominant and had greater niche widths. In Autumn, Ac. bambusae decreased but both S. nanjingensis and Ap. corpuzae mites increased and the latter became dominant. In winter all species decreased sharply in number. The two spider mite species (S. nanjingensis and Ap. corpuzae) had high niche overlaps in all four seasons. Niche overlaps between the eriophyid Ac. bambusae and the two spider mites were similarly high except during the spring when Ac. bambusae was absent. The predatory mite (T. bambusae) had higher niche overlap with Ap. corpuzae than with others during Autumn and Winter, but during Spring and Summer niche overlap was higher with S. nanjingensis.  相似文献   

  1. Several animal species are known to distinguish between their own eggs and eggs of unrelated conspecifics. However, the cues involved in this discrimination are often unknown. These cues were studied using the predatory mite Gynaeseius liturivorus Ehara.
  2. Adult females of these predatory mites oviposit in clusters and avoid oviposition close to eggs laid by other females, resulting in reduced cannibalism between offspring. Because predatory mites are blind, it was tested whether volatiles of eggs were used as a cue for egg recognition.
  3. Adult female predatory mites were offered volatile cues of their own eggs and of unrelated conspecific eggs, and females were prevented from contacting the eggs. Predatory mites oviposited closer to their own eggs than to unrelated eggs. This preference was observed even when one own and one unrelated egg were offered as a volatile source.
  4. These results suggest that adult female predatory mites can determine kinship using volatiles released from the eggs.

The predatory miteTyphlodromus talbii Athias-Henriot occurs in European vineyards and is often associated with economically important species. Neither its role in vineyards nor the factors affecting its population dynamics and relationships with other phytoseiid species are well known. The development and the reproduction ofT. talbii were studied in the laboratory by rearing the predator on different kinds of food (Panonychus ulmi, Eotetranychus carpini, Colomerus vitis, Tydeus caudatus, Mesembryanthemum criniflorum pollen). Overwintered females reared on tydeids survived for long periods and laid eggs, but they died after a few days when spider mites or pollen were provided. Development occurred on all mite species but not on pollen. Developmental times on tydeids were shorter than on the other prey. Oviposition was recorded on tydeids and, to a lesser extent, on eriophyids but not on spider mites or pollen. Experiments on tydeids, which resulted as being the best food, were conducted at two temperatures (20° and 27°C). The highest temperature affected the duration of development and oviposition rates positively, but total fecundity was similar. Predators reared at 27°C consumed more prey than those reared at 20°C. The life table parameters of the species were evaluated onT. caudatus (at 20° and 27°C) and onC. vitis. The highest rm ofT. talbii was found for individuals reared onT. caudatus at 27°C (0.165). Lower values were obtained on the same prey at 20°C (0.089) or onC. vitis (0.030). The feeding habits ofT. talbii may explain why the species coexists with the generalistAmblyseius aberrans orTyphlodromus pyri.  相似文献   

以模式昆虫黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)及捕食性天敌异色瓢虫(Harmonia axyridis)为研究系统,通过把异色瓢虫接入到有黑腹果蝇的指形管中,研究了黑腹果蝇雌、雄成虫单独或共同被异色瓢虫捕食胁迫后,其自身寿命、子代的生长发育、繁殖和适合度的变化。结果表明:当雄性黑腹果蝇受到异色瓢虫成虫胁迫时,其寿命明显延长,但胁迫与否对雌性黑腹果蝇的寿命无明显影响;当黑腹果蝇的雌雄成虫同时受到胁迫时,其子代幼虫的发育历期延长,雄性后代寿命也增加,而雌性或雄性黑腹果蝇单独受到胁迫,其子代幼虫发育进度没有明显改变;当初孵黑腹果蝇幼虫受到异色瓢虫成虫直接或间接捕食胁迫后,其后续幼虫的发育历期都会受到影响,其中1龄期受到的间接捕食胁迫作用的影响大于直接捕食胁迫作用,直接捕食胁迫1龄幼虫比间接捕食胁迫更能延长其将来雌性成虫的寿命。  相似文献   

We developed a simple mass‐rearing technique for a soil‐dwelling predatory mite Gaeolaelaps aculeifer. The rearing container consists of two (inner and outer) plastic boxes. The inner box contains rice husks, and is placed inside the outer box which contains a small amount of water. This system is useful to keep high humidity within the inner box and to prevent mites escaping from the box. The prey mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae was also reared in a similar way using rice bran and provided to G. aculeifer once a week. Rearing condition within the inner box were maintained at 25 ± 1°C, 95 ± 5% relative humidity. In this double box system, G. aculeifer was rapidly grown and overpopulated within two weeks while another predatory mite Stratiolaelaps scimitus require four weeks rearing period. This technique help farmers improve biological control efficacy of soil pests in greenhouse as well as open field cultivation.  相似文献   

捕食螨化学生态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董文霞  王国昌  孙晓玲  陈宗懋 《生态学报》2010,30(15):4206-4212
捕食螨是重要的生物防治因子。早在20世纪70年代就发现了捕食螨的性信息素,许多研究证明植物挥发物在捕食螨向猎物定位过程中发挥着至关重要的作用,影响捕食螨寻找猎物的植物挥发物来源于未受害植物、机械损伤植物、猎物危害植物、非猎物危害植物。人工合成的植物挥发物组分对捕食螨具有引诱作用,但引诱活性低于虫害诱导植物释放的挥发性混合物。捕食螨的饲养条件、饥饿程度、学习与经验行为等会影响捕食螨对植物挥发物的反应。介绍了信息素与植物挥发物对捕食螨的作用,并讨论了目前存在的问题和研究前景。  相似文献   

Emission rates of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from Pirus malus L. subsp. mitis (Wallr.) var. Golden Delicious and var. Starking attacked by the phytophagous mite Panonychus ulmi Koch, and their attractiveness to the predatory mites Amblyseius andersoni Chant and Amblyseius californicus McGregor, were studied during three years. A large variability was found in the emission of individual VOCs depending on the infestation, the apple tree variety and the date. There were larger total VOC emission rates and larger total VOC leaf concentrations in apple trees attacked by phytophagous mites, especially in the var. Starking. In infested trees of this variety, there were also more predatory mites. An olfactometer assay showed that predatory mites preferentially chose branches infested by Panonychus ulmi (85% went to infested branches vs 15% to uninfested control branches) indicating that volatiles may be used as cues to find their prey.  相似文献   

Phytoseiids are possibly the most important mites used in biological control and are usually produced using a tritrophic system that, although efficient, is expensive and laborious. Mites of the cohort Astigmatina (Sarcoptiformes) have been used as factitious prey in the mass rearing of phytoseiids and may allow a much simpler production system. This research evaluated the potential of ten Astigmatina species to serve as factitious food sources for Euseius concordis (Chant), Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark and Muma, Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes and Neoseiulus californicus McGregor, all phytoseiid species commonly found in different countries. The high fecundity and survival rates obtained suggest that Thyreophagus n. sp. is a suitable prey for rearing N. barkeri and that Austroglycyphagus lukoschusi (Fain) and Blomia tropicalis is suitable for rearing N. californicus. Oviposition by E. concordis was negligible, but survivorship was high on most prey species, suggesting that these species may be useful for maintenance of the predator. I. zuluagai had low fecundity and survival on all the astigmatid species evaluated and none were suitable for its rearing.  相似文献   

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