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Summary Previous recordings from single afferent neurons in the walking legs of the crayfish demonstrated the presence of amino acid sensitivity; several characteristics of this extracellularly recorded impulse discharge, such as responses to mixtures of effective amino acids and cross adaptation experiments, indicate that all such units represent a single type of receptor. Here the effectiveness of more than 100 systematically varying amino acids and analog substances were tested in eliciting a response of the cell. Molecules lacking the amino or carboxyl group were found to be ineffective. The amino group must be unsubstituted and bear an ionic charge; modifications of the carboxyl group, including removal of charge, are tolerated with some loss of effectiveness. Replacement of the-hydrogen by a methyl group reduced effectiveness by about 1 decade. Amino acids not in the L configuration, or the amino group of which was not in the position, were still less effective. The affinity of the amino acids for the receptor was related to the number of C atoms in the side chain, with a maximum at 3. Molecules with voluminous, hydrophobic or negatively charged side chains had little effect. For high effectiveness, the side chain should be short and bear a hydrophilic group, but there is relatively little restriction on its chemical properties. These findings suggest the presence of three subunits in the receptive area. One of the proposed subunits would be involved in ionic binding to the amino group and the two others, in the formation of hydrogen bridges to the carboxyl group and the side chain. Their orientation with respect to one another would be expected to meet certain steric requirements.  相似文献   

Summary Pyridine-sensitive units located on the walking legs of the crayfishAustropotamobius torrentium were studied by extracellular recording of the action potentials of single afferent fibers. To characterize the sensitivity and specificity of the pyridine receptor, 79 pyridine analogs and other related substances were tested on 70 neurons. The maximum impulse frequency of the response was used to construct dose-response curves. The effectiveness of stimulatory substances was characterized at the half-maximal-response frequency, KM. The effectiveness rank order of the substances was found to be the same for all units tested. The most effective substances were: pyrazinecarboxamide > 3-acetylpyridine > nicotinamide > pyridine-3-aldoxime, with KM values of 1.5×10–6, 4× 10–6, 10–5 and 4 x 10–5 mol/1, respectively. The inferred structural requirements for an optimal stimulatory molecule are that it have a N-containing aromatic ring system with a specific substituent in them position.  相似文献   

The effect of substituted pyridines on the response of singlepyridine-sensitive cells from crayfish walking legs was investigatedelectrophysiologically. Seven p-substituted pyridines, actingreversibly, were identified as specific antagonists at the pyridinereceptor. The maximum saturation frequency of the response toagonists was reached in the presence of antagonists but thedose–response curves of the agonists were shifted in parallelto the right along the concentration axis. Schild plots of threehighly effective antagonists with six agonists were linear witha slope close to one, indicating competitive antagonism. Theinhibition constants yielded a K1 value of {small tilde}4–8µmol for the most effective antagonist, 4-(4-nitrobenzyl)pyridine,which had only one order of magnitude lower affinity than themost effective agonist 2,3'-bipyridyl. The antagonists 2,4'-bipyridyland 4-benzylpyridine had K1 values of 6–10 µmol,followed by 4-acetylpyridine with a K1 value of 30–70µmol. The rank order of inhibitory potency of the differentantagonists was found to be the same for all units tested. Comparingelectronic effects (Hammett values and pKa values) of the substitutentsin p- and m-position showed that inhibitory effectiveness decreasedwith a decrease in pKa and an increase in Partition coefficientswere determined for 10 agonists and the antagonists which weregenerally more lipophilic than the agonists. A hypotheticalreceptor site is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary The responses of single pyridine-sensitive neurons ofAustropotamobius torrentium (formerlyOrconectes limosus) to pyridine were recorded extracellularly at different temperatures of the bath solution (between 6–30 °C). There was marked temperature dependence of the receptor response with a Q10 of about 4, which was independent of the stimulus concentrations. With prolonged exposure to temperatures >22 °C the initially uniform discharge gives way to rhythmical bursts of action potentials. A characteristic hysteresis loop was obtained with an up-and-down temperature step program. In conformity with previous studies, an effect of ambient temperature on the time course and amplitude of action potentials was found. The results show that the spontaneous activity of the pyridine-sensitive neurons was not influenced by temperature changes. Evidently the temperature dependence of the response of pyridine receptors is based on a mechanism quite different from that underlying the properties of thermoreceptors of other arthropods.Abbreviations H van Harreveld solution - 4-AP 4-aminopyridine - TTX tetrodotoxin - TEA tetraetylammonium  相似文献   

N-p-Methoxybenzyloxycarbonyl and N-tert.-butyloxycarbonyl amino acid amides related to a series of natural amino acids were dehydrated to the corresponding Meoz- and Boc-alpha-aminonitriles. Deprotection of the latter derivatives afforded alpha-aminonitriles related to alanine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, dihydrophenylalanine, histidine, Dopa, ornithine, asparagine and glutamine. Thioamidation with H2S/NH3 or H2S/NEt3 in general converted the protected amino nitriles to Meoz- and Boc-alpha-aminothioamides. When deprotected these furnished the alpha-aminothioamides corresponding to alanine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, dihydrophenylalanine and histidine. For dehydration and thioamidation of histidine and Dopa, N alpha-Boc-im trityl-histidine and N-Boc-O, O'-diacetyldihydroxyphenylalanine were useful. Dopa was obtained as the free and Boc-thiohydrazide. Also prepared were N alpha,omega-diMeoz-ornithine DCHA, Meoz-2,5-dihydrophenylalanine DCHA and N,O-diMeoz-tyrosine as starting materials and N,O-dicarbobenzyloxycarbonyltyrosinamide, N,O-diZ-tyrosine nitrile and Z-beta-cyano-beta-alaninamide as model compounds. During deprotection of Meoz-alanine thioamide, transfer of an anisyl group from the N-Meoz protecting group to sulfur took place as a side reaction that yielded alanine p-methoxybenzyl beta-imidothiolic ester. This study provides two new series of amino acid analogs with potential antimetabolite activity. Also suitable for incorporation into peptide analogs, these afford approaches to relating structure and conformation to activity in biologically active peptides.  相似文献   

The first three essential amino acids (EAA) for broilers including methionine (Met), lysine (Lys) and threonine (Thr) may greatly influence the growth of chick muscles at early stages of life. In order to survey the potential effects of those EAA on growth muscles, a rotatable three-variable central composite design (CCD) was conducted to track the interrelationships of dietary digestible Met (dMet), Lys (dLys) and Thr (dThr) for optimization of processing yields in broiler chicks using response surface methodology. A total of 60 floor pens of six birds each were assigned to 15 dietary treatments based on CCD containing five levels of dMet (0.416% to 0.584% of diet), dLys (0.881% to 1.319% of diet) and dThr (0.532% to 0.868% of diet) from 3 to 16 days of age. Experimental treatments significantly affected breast mass (BM) and leg mass (LM) of the birds (P<0.05) in which the main effect of dLys on BM was threefold higher than the main effect of dThr, and interaction effect between dMet and dLys was observed on BM (P<0.05). However, in the case of LM, the main effect of dThr was higher than the main effects of dMet and dLys and highest interaction effect exist between dThr and dMet (P<0.05). The second-order models for BM and LM were fitted by least squares regression. Canonical analysis revealed that the stationary points for carcass components were saddle points, thus ridge analysis was performed for getting optimal values of each EAA. Ridge analyses of BM and LM models showed that the maximum BM point may be obtained with 0.58%, 1.05% and 0.76% of dMet, dLys and dThr, respectively, in diet, and maximum LM point may be achieved with 0.58%, 1.09% and 0.70% of dMet, dLys and dThr, respectively, in diet. The resultant ideal ratios of dMet and dThr to dLys were 55% and 72% for BM; 53% and 64% for LM. Moreover, sensitivity analysis showed that the most important amino acids in BM and LM models were Lys and Thr, respectively. In conclusion, providing these three amino acid for BM optimization may warrant LM optimization and higher ideal ratios of dMet and dThr for breast muscle may indicate the higher importance of these EAA in this muscle than those in thigh muscle.  相似文献   

Katz et al. [Katz, J., Golden, S. & Wals, P.A. (1976) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 73, 3433-3437] were the first to report that in hepatocytes isolated from fasted rats and incubated with either dihydroxyacetone, glucose or other sugars, glycogen synthesis was greatly accelerated by addition of amino acids. We have looked for possible mediators responsible for this effect and have tested the effect of alanine, proline, asparagine, glutamine or a combination of ammonia with either pyruvate or lactate in activating glycogen synthesis from dihydroxyacetone. The following observations were made. 1. Stimulation of glycogen synthesis by alanine, proline or asparagine does not require production of glutamine since the effect also occurs in periportal hepatocytes which lack glutamine synthetase. 2. Under various conditions, stimulation of glycogen synthesis by added amino acids directly correlated with increases in the intracellular content of amino acids, expressed in osmotic equivalents. 3. 3-Mercaptopicolinic acid, the inhibitor of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, further enhances stimulation of glycogen synthesis by amino acids because it increases the intracellular accumulation of aspartate and glutamate. 4. The previously reported enhancement by leucine of the stimulation of glycogen synthesis by glutamine [Chen. K. S. & Lardy, H. A. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 14683-14688] can be ascribed to inhibition of urea synthesis by leucine which results in accumulation of glutamate and of ammonia, the essential activator of glutaminase. It is concluded that activation of glycogen synthesis by added amino acids is due to an increase in intracellular osmolarity following their uptake and the accumulation of intracellular catabolites. This results in an increase in hepatic volume which stimulates glycogen synthesis [Baquet, A., Hue, L., Meijer, A. J., van Woerkom, G. M. & Plomp, P. J. A. M. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 955-959].  相似文献   

Freshwater crayfish contained smaller amounts of total free amino acids in the muscle than marine prawns and lobsters. In the muscle of seawater acclimated crayfish, however, total amino acids were elevated by 3.7-fold and reached almost equivalent values to those commonly found in marine species. Glycine, alanine, proline, asparagine, and glutamine were the major amino acids elevated during seawater acclimation. Changes in alanine were most pronounced with its concentration increasing by 112 mmol/kg water (15.2-fold approx.). Crayfish muscle contains significant amounts of D-amino acids (mostly D-alanine) and these rose from 1.85 to 58.5mmol/kg water during seawater acclimation. D-Alanine in the seawater crayfish corresponds to almost one half of the total (D + L) alanine pool.  相似文献   

By measuring the freezing-point depression for dilute, aqueous solutions of all water-soluble amino acids, we test the hypothesis that nonideality in aqueous solutions is due to solute-induced water structuring near hydrophobic surfaces and solute-induced water destructuring in the dipolar electric fields generated by the solute. Nonideality is expressed with a single solute/solvent interaction parameter I, calculated from experimental measure of delta T. A related parameter, I(n), gives a method of directly relating solute characteristics to solute-induced water structuring or destructuring. I(n)-values correlate directly with hydrophobic surface area and inversely with dipolar strength. By comparing the nonideality of amino acids with progressively larger hydrophobic side chains, structuring is shown to increase with hydrophobic surface area at a rate of one perturbed water molecule per 8.8 square angstroms, implying monolayer coverage. Destructuring is attributed to dielectric realignment as described by the Debye-Hückel theory, but with a constant separation of charges in the amino-carboxyl dipole. By using dimers and trimers of glycine and alanine, this destructuring is shown to increase with increasing dipole strength using increased separation of fixed dipolar charges. The capacity to predict nonideal solution behavior on the basis of amino acid characteristics will permit prediction of free energy of transfer to water, which may help predict the energetics of folding and unfolding of proteins based on the characteristics of constituent amino acids.  相似文献   

Glutamate and related amino acids were determined in 53 discrete brain areas of 3-and 29-month-old male Fischer 344 rats microdissected with the punch technique. The levels of amino acids showed high regional variation-the ratio of the highest to lowest level was 9 for aspartate, 5 for glutamate, 6 for glutamine, and 21 for GABA. Several areas were found to have all four amino acids at very high or at very low level, but also some areas had some amino acids at high, others at low level. With age, in more than half of the areas, significant changes could be observed, decrease occurred 5 times more frequently than increase. Changes occurred more often in levels of aspartate and GABA than in those of glutamate or glutamine. The regional levels of glutamate and its related amino acids show severalfold variations, with the levels tending to decrease in the aged brain.  相似文献   

(5'R)-5'-Isobutyl-5'-[methyl (4R)-2,3-O-isopropylidene-beta-L-erythrofuranosid-4-C-yl]-imidazolidin-2',4'-dione was synthesised starting from methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-alpha-D-lyxo-pentodialdo-1,4-furanoside via methyl 6-deoxy-6-isopropyl-2,3-O-isopropylidene-alpha-D-lyxo-hexofuranosid-5-ulose applying the Bucherer-Bergs reaction. Its 5'-R configuration was confirmed by X-ray crystallography. Corresponding alpha-amino acid-methyl (5R)-5-amino-5-C-carboxy-5,6-dideoxy-6-isopropyl-alpha-D-lyxo-hexofuranoside (alternative name: 2-[methyl (4R)-beta-L-erythrofuranosid-4-C-yl]-D-leucine) was obtained from the above hydantoin by acid hydrolysis of the isopropylidene group followed by basic hydrolysis of the hydantoin ring. Analogous derivatives with 5S configuration, formed in a minority, were also isolated and characterised.  相似文献   

Wu G  Yan S 《Peptides》2003,24(12):1837-1845
In this study, we analyzed the amino acid pairs affected by mutations in two spike proteins from human coronavirus strains 229E and OC43 by means of random analysis in order to gain some insight into the possible mutations in the spike protein from SARS-CoV. The results demonstrate that the randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs are more sensitive to the mutations. The larger is the difference between actual and predicted frequencies, the higher is the chance of mutation occurring. The effect induced by mutations is to reduce the difference between actual and predicted frequencies. The amino acid pairs whose actual frequencies are larger than their predicted frequencies are more likely to be targeted by mutations, whereas the amino acid pairs whose actual frequencies are smaller than their predicted frequencies are more likely to be formed after mutations. These findings are identical to our several recent studies, i.e. the mutations represent a process of degeneration inducing human diseases.  相似文献   

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