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We present a mechanical model for the elongation of the acrosomal process in Thyone sperm based upon osmotically driven hydrostatic forces.  相似文献   

In an attempt to investigate the role of water influx in the extension of the acrosomal process of Thyone sperm, we induced the acrosomal reaction in sea water whose osmolarity varied from 50 to 150% of that of sea water. (a) Video sequences of the elongation of the acrosomal processes were made; plots of the length of the acrosomal process as a function of (time)1/2 produced a straight line except at the beginning of elongation and at the end in both hypotonic and hypertonic sea water (up to 1.33 times the osmolarity of sea water), although the rate of elongation was fastest in hypotonic sea water and was progressively slower as the tonicity was raised. (b) Close examination of the video sequences revealed that regardless of the tonicity of the sea water, the morphology of the acrosomal processes were similar. (c) From thin sections of fixed sperm, the amount of actin polymerization that takes place is roughly coupled to the length of the acrosomal process formed so that sperm with short processes only polymerize a portion of the actin that must be present in those sperm. From these facts we conclude that the influx of water and the release of actin monomers from their storage form in the profilactin (so that these monomers can polymerize) are coupled. The exact role of water influx, why it occurs, and whether it could contribute to the extension of the acrosomal process by a hydrostatic pressure mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

The spectacular extension of the acrosomal process in Limulus sperm is effected by a bundle of actin-containing filaments with apparently no contribution from myosin. The bundle is coiled about the base of the sperm and, upon reaction, unwinds and extends out of the anterior end of the sperm with a screwing motion. We have analyzed the structure of the bundle in the coil and following its discharge. Optical diffraction studies of electron micrographs show a difference in the twist of the filaments in the two forms. The filaments in the coil have a twist of 0.23 ° per subunit more than that in the true discharge. As the signal to extend moves down the coil, the filaments change their twist and the bundle straightens. The coupling of these two movements produces the screwing motion. In the coil, the filaments wind around the axis of the bundle. As the filaments change their twist, the winding is undone. From freeze-fracture replicas we determined the hand of the winding of filaments in the coil and, in thin sections, we were able to determine the number of turns the filaments make for each loop of the coil. From these data we were able to predict the hand and amount of rotation during the discharge. From movie film sequences we could determine only the amount of rotation and found it to be 0.25 ° ± 0.05 ° per subunit discharged. This is in reasonable agreement with the expected value of 0.23 ° ± 0.05 ° per subunit. We propose that it is the change in twist of the actin filaments themselves that is responsible for the generation of force for the extension of the acrosomal process.  相似文献   

Thyone sperm were induced to undergo the acrosomal reaction with a calcium ionophore A23187 in sea water containing 50 mM excess CaCl2, and the extension of the acrosomal process was recorded with high- resolution, differential interference contrast video microscopy at 60 fields/sec. The length of the acrosomal process was measured at 0.25-s intervals on nine sperm. When the data were plotted as (length)2 vs. time, the points fell exactly on a straight line except for the initial and very final stages of elongation. Cytochalasin B alters the rate of elongation of the acrosomal process in a dose-dependent way, inhibiting the elongation completely at high concentrations (20 micrograms/ml). However, no inhibition was observed unless excess Ca++ was added to sea water. The concentration of actin in the periacrosomal cup of the unreacted sperm is as high as 160 mg/ml; we calculate this concentration from the number and lengths of the actin filaments in a fully reacted sperm, and the volume of the periacrosomal cup in the unreacted sperm. These results are consistent with the hypothesis proposed earlier that monomers add to the ends of the actin filaments situated at the tip of the growing acrosomal process (the preferred end for monomer addition), and that the rate of elongation of the process is limited by diffusion of monomers from the sperm head (periacrosomal cup) to the tip of the elongating process. During the extension of the acrosomal process, a few blebs distributed along its lengths move out with the process. These blebs maintain a constant distance from the tip of the growing process. At maximum length, the straight acrosomal process slackens into a bow, and numerous new blebs appear. A few seconds later, the process suddenly straightens out again and sometimes actually contracts. The behavior of the blebs indicates that membrane is inserted at the base of the growing acrosomal process, and that membrane assembly and water uptake must be coupled to actin assembly during elongation. We discuss how the dynamic balance of forces seems to determine the shape of the growing acrosomal process, and how actin assembly may be controlled during the acrosomal reaction.  相似文献   

Zonadhesin is the only sperm protein known to bind in a species-specific manner to the zona pellucida. The zonadhesin precursor is a mosaic protein with a predicted transmembrane segment and large extracellular region composed of cell adhesion, mucin, and tandem von Willebrand D domains. Because the precursor possesses a predicted transmembrane segment and localizes to the anterior head, the mature protein was presumed to be a sperm surface zona pellucida-binding protein. In this study of hamster spermatozoa, we demonstrate that zonadhesin does not localize to the sperm surface but is instead a constituent of the acrosomal matrix. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that distinct targeting pathways during spermiogenesis and sperm maturation in the epididymis result in trafficking of zonadhesin to the acrosomal matrix. In round spermatids, zonadhesin localized specifically to the acrosomal membrane, where it appeared to be evenly distributed between the outer and inner membrane domains. Subsequent redistribution of zonadhesin resulted in its elimination from the inner acrosomal membrane and restriction to the outer acrosomal membrane of the apical and principal segments and the contents of the posterior acrosome. During sperm maturation in the epididymis, zonadhesin dissociated from the outer acrosomal membrane and became incorporated into the forming acrosomal matrix. These data suggest an important structural role for zonadhesin in assembly of the acrosomal matrix and further support the view that the species specificity of zona pellucida adhesion is mediated by egg-binding proteins contained within the acrosome rather than on the periacrosomal plasma membrane.  相似文献   

One of the most spectacular motions is the generation of the acrosomal process in the limulus sperm. On contact with the egg, the sperm generates a 60-mum-long process that literally drills its way through the jelly surrounding the egg. This irresversible reaction takes only a few seconds. We suggested earlier that this motion is driven by a change in twist of the actin filaments comprising the acrosomal process. In this paper we analyze the so-called false discharge, a reversible reaction, in which the acrosomal filament bundle extends laterally from the base of the sperm and not anteriorly from the apex. Unlike the true discharge, which is straight, the false discharge is helical. Before extension, the filament bundle is coiled about the base of the sperm. In the coil, the bundle is not smoothly bent but consists of arms (straight segments) and elbows (corners) so that the coil looks like a 14-sided polygon. The extension of the false discharge works as follows: starting at the base of the bundle, the filaments change their twist which concomitantly changes the orientations of the elbows relative to each other; that is, in the coil, the elbows all like in a common plane, but after the change in twist, the plane of each elbow is rotated to be perpendicular to that of its neighbors. This change transforms the bundle from a compact coil into an extended left- handed helix. Because the basal end of the bundle is unconstrained, the extension is lateral. The true discharge works the same way but starts at the apical end of the bundle. The apical end, however, is constrained by its passage through the nuclear canal, which directs the extention anteriorly. Unlike the false discharge, during the true discharge the elbows are melted out, making the reaction irreversible. This study shows that rapid movement can be regenerated by actin without myosin and gives us insight into the molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

The dynamics of SNARE assembly and disassembly during membrane recognition and fusion is a central issue in intracellular trafficking and regulated secretion. Exocytosis of sperm's single vesicle—the acrosome—is a synchronized, all-or-nothing process that happens only once in the life of the cell and depends on activation of both the GTP-binding protein Rab3 and of neurotoxin-sensitive SNAREs. These characteristics make acrosomal exocytosis a unique mammalian model for the study of the different phases of the membrane fusion cascade. By using a functional assay and immunofluorescence techniques in combination with neurotoxins and a photosensitive Ca2+ chelator we show that, in unactivated sperm, SNAREs are locked in heterotrimeric cis complexes. Upon Ca2+ entry into the cytoplasm, Rab3 is activated and triggers NSF/α-SNAP-dependent disassembly of cis SNARE complexes. Monomeric SNAREs in the plasma membrane and the outer acrosomal membrane are then free to reassemble in loose trans complexes that are resistant to NSF/α-SNAP and differentially sensitive to cleavage by two vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP)–specific neurotoxins. Ca2+ must be released from inside the acrosome to trigger the final steps of membrane fusion that require fully assembled trans SNARE complexes and synaptotagmin. Our results indicate that the unidirectional and sequential disassembly and assembly of SNARE complexes drive acrosomal exocytosis.  相似文献   

In sperm of the starfish Asterina pectinifera, the acrosomal process and the flagellum were mechanically separated from the sperm head with a disperser. The sperm head fraction was then used to examine the direct interaction between the sperm head and the egg surface. Sperm heads lacking the acrosomal process and the flagellum did not fertilize oocytes, even after removal of the vitelline coat. Transmission electron microscopy showed that each denuded oocyte engulfed the sperm head without gamete membrane fusion. The sperm-engulfing response, similar to phagocytosis, was induced without the mediation of the acrosomal process. The present results suggest that the process of sperm incorporation consists of two independent events, acrosomal process-egg surface fusion and the phagocytotic movement of the egg surface.  相似文献   

In this study, we adapted a FluoSphere bead-binding assay to study the exposure and release of guinea pig sperm acrosomal components during the course of capacitation and acrosomal exocytosis. Prior to capacitation or the initiation of exocytosis, acrosomal proteins were not accessible to FluoSpheres coated with antibodies against two acrosomal matrix (AM) proteins, AM67 and AM50; during the course of capacitation and ionophore-induced acrosomal exocytosis, however, we detected the transient exposure of the solid-phase AM proteins on the surface of guinea pig sperm using the antibody-coated fluorescent beads. Several different transitional stages leading to complete acrosomal exocytosis were classified, and we propose these represent true, functional intermediates since some of the AM proteins are orthologues of mouse proteins that bind the zona pellucida (ZP) of unfertilized eggs. In addition, we present evidence that implicates acrosin in the proteolytic processing of AM50 during AM disassembly. Thus, we propose that the transitional states of acrosomal exocytosis involve early binding of AM proteins to the ZP (by what visually appear to be "acrosome-intact" sperm), maintenance of ZP binding that coincides with the progressive exposure of AM proteins, and gradual proteolytic disassembly of the AM to allow sperm movement through the ZP. We feel this "transitional states" model provides a more refined view of acrosomal function that supports a move away from the widely held, overly simplistic, and binary "acrosome-reaction" model, and embraces a more dynamic view of acrosomal exocytosis that involves intermediate stages of the secretory process in ZP binding and penetration.  相似文献   

The acrosomal process of Limulus sperm is an 80-microns long finger of membrane supported by a crystalline bundle of actin filaments. The filaments in this bundle are crosslinked by a 102-kD protein, scruin present in a 1:1 molar ratio with actin. Recent image reconstruction of scruin decorated actin filaments at 13-A resolution shows that scruin is organized into two equally sized domains bound to separate actin subunits in the same filament. We have cloned and sequenced the gene for scruin from a Limulus testes cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence of scruin reflects the domain organization of scruin: it consists of a tandem pair of homologous domains joined by a linker region. The domain organization of scruin is confirmed by limited proteolysis of the purified acrosomal process. Three different proteases cleave the native protein in a 5-kD Protease-sensitive region in the middle of the molecule to generate an NH2-terminal 47-kD and a COOH-terminal 56-kD protease-resistant domains. Although the protein sequence of scruin has no homology to any known actin-binding protein, it has similarities to several proteins, including four open reading frames of unknown function in poxviruses, as well as kelch, a Drosophila protein localized to actin-rich ring canals. All proteins that show homologies to scruin are characterized by the presence of an approximately 50-amino acid residue motif that is repeated between two and seven times. Crystallographic studies reveal this motif represents a four beta-stranded fold that is characteristic of the "superbarrel" structural fold found in the sialidase family of proteins. These results suggest that the two domains of scruin seen in EM reconstructions are superbarrel folds, and they present the possibility that other members of this family may also bind actin.  相似文献   

A critical step during fertilization is the sperm acrosome reaction in which the acrosome releases its contents allowing the spermatozoa to penetrate the egg investments. The sperm acrosomal contents are composed of both soluble material and an insoluble material called the acrosomal matrix (AM). The AM is thought to provide a stable structure from which associated proteins are differentially released during fertilization. Because of its important role during fertilization, efforts have been put toward isolating the AM for biochemical study and to date AM have been isolated from hamster, guinea pig, and bull spermatozoa. However, attempts to isolate AM from mouse spermatozoa, the species in which fertilization is well-studied, have been unsuccessful possibly because of the small size of the mouse sperm acrosome and/or its fusiform shape. Herein we describe a procedure for the isolation of the AM from caput and cauda mouse epididymal spermatozoa. We further carried out a proteomic analysis of the isolated AM from both sperm populations and identified 501 new proteins previously not detected by proteomics in mouse spermatozoa. A comparison of the AM proteome from caput and cauda spermatozoa showed that the AM undergoes maturational changes during epididymal transit similar to other sperm domains. Together, our studies suggest the AM to be a dynamic and functional structure carrying out a variety of biological processes as implied by the presence of a diverse group of proteins including proteases, chaperones, hydrolases, transporters, enzyme modulators, transferases, cytoskeletal proteins, and others.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how trypsin inhibitors affect the guinea pig sperm acrosome reaction in vitro. Using spermatozoa pretreated with lysophosphatidyl choline, we found that both naturally occurring high molecular weight and the smaller synthetic trypsin inhibitor p-aminobenzamidine (PAB) delayed the onset of the acrosome reaction as monitored by light microscopy. Examination with electron microscopy revealed that acrosomal matrix dispersal rather than membrane fusion was affected. Despite the morphologic delay in acrosomal content release, PAB unexpectedly permitted 96% of soluble acrosomal antigen to be released into the supernatant. In addition, total acrosin release in the presence of PAB was 74% of control, with the vast majority as latent rather than active enzyme. A morphologically intact but membrane-free target of acrosomal matrix (AM), which is sensitive to trypsin inhibitor, was partially purified using Triton-x-100 at pH 5.2. AM remained morphologically stable at pH 5.2; however, shift up to pH 7 resulted in rapid dissolution within several minutes as monitored by light and electron microscopy and light scattering. Trypsin inhibitor prevented dispersion of AM at pH 7. The results suggest that, during the acrosome reaction, one distinct region of the acrosomal contents disperses after membrane vesiculation in a pH and trypsin inhibitor-insensitive fashion while a pH sensitive trypsin-like activity (acrosin?) disperses another discrete region of acrosomal matrix.  相似文献   

All proteins undergo a dramatic change in their dynamical properties at approximately 200 K. Above this temperature, their dynamic behavior is dominated by large-scale collective motions of bonded and nonbonded groups of atoms. At lower temperatures, simple harmonic vibrations predominate. The transition has been described as a 'glass transition' to emphasize certain similarities between the change in dynamic behavior of individual protein molecules and the changes in viscosity and other properties of liquids when they form a glass. The glass transition may reflect the intrinsic temperature dependence of the motions of atoms in the protein itself, in the bound solvent on the surface of the protein, or it may reflect contributions from both. Protein function is significantly altered below this transition temperature; a fact that can be exploited to trap normally unstable intermediates in enzyme-catalyzed reactions and stabilize them for periods long enough to permit their characterization by high-resolution protein crystallography.  相似文献   

Bull sperm plasma and outer acrosomal membranes have been isolated by discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation and Ca2+-ATPase activity has been determined for both the membranes. Pyrene excimer fluorescence and diphenylhexatriene fluorescence polarization studies show that the lipid phase of the sperm plasma membranes is more fluid than the lipids of the outer acrosomal membranes. Approximately, a three fold increase in the cholesterol content has been found in the outer acrosomal membranes as compared to that in the plasma membranes.  相似文献   

Oscillatory processes in biological signal transduction have come under progressively increasing scrutiny in terms of their functional significance and mechanisms of emergence and regulation. Since oscillatory processes can be a by-product of rapid adaptation and can also easily emerge if the feedback underlying adaptive processes is inadvertently artificially enhanced, one needs to exercise caution in both claiming the existence of in vivo oscillations and seeking to assign to them a specific functional significance. Nevertheless, oscillations can be a powerful means of encoding and transferring information both in time and in space, thus possessing important potential advantages for evolutionary selection and stabilization. Thus periodicity in the cell responses to diverse persistent external stimuli might become a more recognized and even expected feature of signaling processes.  相似文献   

After capacitation of guinea pig spermatozoa in vitro, the plasma membrane was mechanically separated from the spermatozoa in the presence or absence of HgCl2 and subsequently isolated by density gradient centrifugation. Examination of the spermatozoa by electron microscopy after homogenization in the presence of HgCl2 revealed that plasma membrane was removed only from the acrosomal region and remained predominately intact posterior to the equatorial segment of the sperm head, as well as the midpiece and tail. In comparison, spermatozoa homogenized under similar buffer conditions but in the absence of HgCl2 lose the large apical segment of the acrosome and the plasma membrane is removed essentially from the entire cell. If spermatozoa were homogenized in the absence of Hg2+, analysis of plasma membrane phospholipid composition revealed a complete loss of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) from the plasma membrane after incubation of spermatozoa in minimal capacitating medium (MCM-PL) for 2 hours. Under these culture conditions the addition of Ca2+ (5 mM) to the capacitated spermatozoa induced approximately 78 ± 5% (n = 3) of the motile spermatozoa to undergo acrosome reactions while still maintaining sperm motility (80 ± 5%) (n = 3). If the spermatozoa were homogenized in the presence of Hg2+, a time course study revealed that plasma membrane LPC loss occurred between 60 and 90 minutes of incubation. This complete loss of LPC was evident when approximately half of the capacitated spermatozoa had undergone acrosome reactions. Incubation of the spermatozoa with the metabolic and acrosome reaction inhibitor, 2-deoxyglucose (10 mM) for 2 hours, maintained the plasma membrane phospholipid composition similar to that in the noncapacitated state. These data provide evidence that changes in the plasma membrane phospholipid composition may be associated with guinea pig sperm capacitation.  相似文献   

The sperm acrosome reaction (AR) is a physiological secretory course of membrane fusion and hydrolytic enzymes, as well as matrix protein release, enabling spermatozoa to penetrate the egg surroundings. An instable acrosomal status before a specific stimulus, insufficient acrosomal responsiveness, or inadequate enzymatic activity of acrosomal content can be detrimental to male fertility. This prospective cohort study was designed to determine whether three human sperm acrosome evaluation parameters—including spontaneous AR rate, AR after calcium ionophore A23187 challenge (ARIC) rate, and modified Kennedy acrosin activity—can predict fertilization outcomes in vitro and are correlated with male characteristics. A total of 485 eligible couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) therapy were included in two phases of this study. In a ‘construction phase’, three acrosome evaluation parameters were determined simultaneously in 132 cases, whereas in a ‘validation phase’, the spontaneous AR rate was determined in 353 cases. The results of the ‘construction phase’ revealed that the spontaneous AR rate was the only significant predictor of fertilization outcome (unadjusted odds ratio [OR]?=?0.68, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.53–0.88, P?=? 0.003; adjusted OR = 0.64, 95% CI: 0.43–0.95, P?=? 0.03), and the cut-off value for total fertilization failure (TFF) prediction, determined by ROC curve analysis, was 9.91%; higher acrosin activity was shown to predict a higher fertilization rate only when patients were divided into groups (≥25 μIU/106 spermatozoa, 14–25 μIU/106 spermatozoa, <14 μIU/106 spermatozoa). The spontaneous AR rate was negatively correlated with sperm motility, forward progression motility, and normal morphology; modified Kennedy acrosin activity was positively correlated with normal morphology; and the ARIC rate was not correlated with any of the male characteristics. A similar result was obtained for the spontaneous AR rate in the ‘validation phase’, and the cut-off value in predicting TFF was calibrated for 9.52%. Clinically, patients can voluntarily choose spontaneous AR rate alone or in combination with modified Kennedy acrosin activity to predict TFF, and early rescue intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), half ICSI, or full ICSI should be considered in advance for men with spontaneous AR rates ≥9.52% or spontaneous AR rates ≥9.52% and AE activities <25 μIU/106 spermatozoa.  相似文献   

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